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Smoking Gun Reveals: Arnold's Goal Is To F*** Over The State

by anld
I hear all kind of lines, including 'Oh, you're hurting me; you're so big.' But it means nothing.
Schwarzenegger's Sex Talk
In 1977 interview, actor spoke of orgies, drugs, and homosexuality

AUGUST 27--Arnold Schwarzenegger once told a magazine interviewer about participating in an orgy with other bodybuilders, noting that "everybody jumped on" the woman involved and "took her upstairs where we all got together." The California Republican added that not every muscleman participated in the gang bang, "just the guys who can fuck in front of other guys. Not everybody can do that. Some think that they don't have a big-enough cock, so they can't get a hard-on."

Schwarzenegger's lewd talk appeared in the August 1977 issue of Oui, a now-defunct adult magazine published by Playboy. The six-page Schwarzenegger interview was conducted by author Peter Manso and flagged on the magazine's cover with the headline, "Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Sex Secrets of Bodybuilders."

At the time of the Oui story, Schwarzenegger, then 29, was appearing in "Pumping Iron," a documentary on the bodybuilding circuit. In the Q&A with Manso, today's gubernatorial wannabe spoke about his sex life, drug usage, and belief that men "shouldn't feel like fags just because they want to have nice-looking bodies."

[Click here to read the entire Schwarzenegger interview.]

Schwarzenegger even entertained a question about his penis size. When Manso asked, "Is your cock disproportionate to the rest of you?" Schwarzenegger replied, "Well, that depends on what you mean by disproportionate. The cock isn't a muscle, so it doesn't grow in relation to the shoulders, say, or the pectorals. You can't make it bigger through exercise, that's for sure." He added that "women have told me they're curious about its size--you know, outgoing chicks who're just trying to be outrageous or horny. I hear all kind of lines, including 'Oh, you're hurting me; you're so big.' But it means nothing. Bodybuilders' cocks are the same size as everyone else's."

Asked if he felt "exploited" by women who pursued him because of his physique, Schwarzenegger said, "No, I'd feel used only if I didn't get something out of it. If a girl comes on strong and says, 'I really dig your body and I want to fuck the shit out of you,' I just decide whether or not I like her. If I do take her home, I try to make sure I get just as much out of it as she does. The word exploited therefore wouldn't apply." Schwarzenegger later noted that once outside the gym, he forgets about bodybuilding: "I can look at a chick who's a little out of shape and if she turns me on, I won't hesitate to date her. If she's a good fuck, she can weigh 150 pounds, I don't care."

On the practice of abstaining from sex prior to a competition, Schwarzenegger rejected that approach: "I get laid on purpose. I can't sleep before a competition and I'm up all night, anyway, so instead of staring at the ceiling I figure I might as well find somebody and fuck." In fact, at the 1972 Mr. Olympia contest, "we had girls backstage giving head, then all of us went out and I won. It didn't bother me at all; in fact, I went out there feeling like King Kong," added Schwarzenegger.

When Manso asked whether he used "dope," Schwarzenegger replied, "Yes, grass and hash--no hard drugs. But the point is that I do what I feel like doing. I'm not on a health kick."

Asked whether he was "freaked out" by being in such close contact with guys at the gym, Schwarzenegger said, "Men shouldn't feel like fags just because they want to have nice-looking bodies...Gay people are fighting the same kind of stereotyping that bodybuilders are: People have certain misconceptions about them just as they do about us. Well, I have absolutely no hang-ups about the fag business..."

Other topics addressed by Schwarzenegger included:

* His dad Gustav, who was later revealed to have been a Nazi Party member: "My father was the local police chief and he led a very regular life."

* His early days training in Germany: "I was living in Munich at the time, hanging out with night people--entertainers, hookers, and bar owners--and I had a girlfriend who was a stripper. I was an innocent boy from a farm town, but I grew up fast in Munich."

* Southern California hijinks: "Bodybuilders party a lot, and once, in Gold's--the gym in Venice, California, where all the top guys train--there was a black girl who came out naked. Everybody jumped on her and took her upstairs, where we all got together." Asked by Manso if he was talking about a "gang bang," Schwarzenegger answered, "Yes, but not everybody, just the guys who can fuck in front of other guys. Not everybody can do that. Some think that they don't have a big-enough cock, so they can't get a hard-on. Having chicks around is the kind of thing that breaks up the intense training. It gives you relief, and then afterward you go back to the serious stuff."
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by come on
Having Arnold in Sacramento will be kinda like having Bill Clinton back in Washington. And unlike Bill, Arnold really is a Kennedy so ....

Imagine the fun when Arnold tries to impress some foreign dignitary by stripping and flexing, it will be great...
by "gray" davis is just so boring.
California, time to PARTY!
by A Morris (Reverb49 [at]
That's exactly what Austria said about Hitler.
by yeah
You can make a lot of comparisons between Hitler and Arnold but most are superficial.

I mean, would Hitler have looked good in a thong??

Did Hitler get blowjobs backstage before he made speeches?

For all their political differences, my vote comes down to one thing. Who would I rather fantasize having group sex in the governors mansion, David, Bustamante or Arnold? The choice seems pretty clear.
by Mike
Where's the thread condemning Bustamante's dropping of "N-Bombs" at dinner?
by ?

Whatcha talking about?

If you dont see something here you can post it

by to take a woman, grab her upside down and bu
"How many times do you get away with this -- to take a woman, grab her upside down and bury her face in a toilet bowl?"

The Terminator or the Terminated?
by Derrick Z. Jackson

SCHWARZENEGGER. A candidate for our times. A family man who glorifies misogyny. In after-school programs, he wants a chalkboard for every child. On movie screens, he erases everyone in sight. Yesterday's penniless immigrant. Today's penny pincher on services to illegal immigrants. He promises unity for California. He pummels people with urinals in his films.

Schwarzenegger. He wants your vote at the recall. Do you have Total Recall about him?

Democratic strategists all over California are trying to figure out how to knock a few inches off the chest of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the action actor who is casting for the lead role of "Kindergarten Governor: Reagan's Revenge."

Assuming the Democrats can survive their own Collateral Damage, which is increasingly doubtful for the Oct. 7 recall vote of Governor Gray Davis, it ought to be as easy as saying, "hasta la vista, baby."

All you have to do is use Schwarzenegger's films and his hype of his films against himself. A man who has dedicated so much celluloid to pulverizing people leaves a whole lot of questions in his wake. Have his doctors checked him out for anger management? Never has a politician promised such a bright future with a film resume so grim, nightmarish, and deluded.

Schwarzenegger is running as a Republican, but he stunned conservatives by contributing $1 million of his own money to the victorious state ballot initiative that calls for the California legislature to fund after-school programs.

Two weeks ago, Schwarzenegger said, "It is very important that our children have the first access to our state treasury and get the money so they can have great schools and great education."

That sounds moderate enough. Schwarzenegger has even done a couple of child-friendly movies. Schwarzenegger is also for abortion rights. He says homosexuality is "legitimate." He has said, "You're going to lose until you become a party of inclusion, that you love the foreigner that comes in with no money as much as a gay person, as a lesbian person, as anyone else -- someone that is uneducated, someone who's from the inner city."

The problem is that for most of his cinematic career, Schwarzenegger has hardly been a role model for kids. Hundreds of people have died in gratuitous cinematic violence. Where most athletes face bans for use of steroids, he used them to build his body.

He makes a big deal out of being "received by Californians with open arms in 1968 when I came here as an immigrant, when I had no money." He said "Californians reached out and helped me to be where I am today." When it was his turn to reach out and help the next generation of immigrants, Schwarzenegger supported Proposition 187, the 1994 measure that blocked undocumented immigrants from receiving social services -- even though everyone knows our cheap prices for California produce come from their cheap labor. A cochairman of Schwarzenegger's campaign is Pete Wilson, the former California governor who fought for Prop. 187. Wilson also stumped in 1996 for Prop. 209, which eliminated state-sponsored affirmative action in California.

The immigrant Schwarzenegger contributed mightily to the laundry list of stereotypes in his movies. In the film "True Lies," Arabs were depicted as crazed animals with fanaticism bulging out of their eyeballs.

Schwarzenegger says, "We want to make sure the mothers have affordable day care." In his movies, Schwarzenegger took care of women all right. In "Total Recall," he ends a death-duel with his wife by shooting her between the eyes and saying, "Consider that a divorce." In "True Lies," he makes his wife do a humiliating strip tease.

In his current movie, "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines," Schwarzenegger bashes a female terminator in the head with a urinal. "How many times do you get away with this -- to take a woman, grab her upside down and bury her face in a toilet bowl?" Schwarzenegger said last month. "The thing is, you can do it because in the end, I didn't do it to a woman -- she's a machine! We could get away with it without being crucified by who knows what group."

What's up with Schwarzenegger and urinals anyway? In "True Lies," he bashes another villain's head into a urinal. It's pretty hard to help children when your own work is so infantile. He wants the governor's office, but he so often seems to need a governess. He has said when he sees a blond with large breasts, "You say to yourself, `Hey, she must be stupid or must have nothing else to offer, which maybe is the case many times.

"But then again there is the one that is as smart as her breasts look, great as her face looks, beautiful as her whole body looks -- gorgeous, you know, so people are shocked."

Now the voters get to decide if this man with a steroid chest has anything to offer.

Schwarzenegger. Recall or Total Recall? Terminator or Terminated? Truth or True Lies? Opening Oct. 7. At voting booths everywhere in California.
by Oops
He gave a speech in honour of Black History Month to the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists and carelessly referred to the Negro Labor Council as the ‘Nigger Labor Council’. He carried on speaking, apparently oblivious, until it occurred to him rather a lot of people seemed to be walking out.

But then again, he supports MEChA -- a group fighting to have California handed back to Mexico. Just what you want in a governor...

by confused
So the religious right supports Schwarzenegger despite his having had orgies with men, his being pro-choice and had support for legalization of pot?

Schwarzenegger is a strange candidate. You cant call him a social moderate when he supported 187 and has harsh views on immigration (despite holding dual citizenship himself) He says hes for familly values and children but is unapologetic about his sexist comments about women and his past promotion of "gang bangs". He has had group sex with men but opposes marriage (he think its ok as long as its nonmonogamous?) On social issues hes a mess (a mix between Bill Clinton and Pete Wilson). He pushs enough buttons you think it would have destroyed his campaign but it hasnt.

On economic issues he is swerving to the right but wont make any real statements about his plans. The budget cant get cut anymore, so unless he wants to borrow more there will have to be tax hikes.

Really its hard to tell why anyone would support him. He seems to be against what most Republicans claim they stand for. It seems like liberals hate him since hes a "Republican" and conservatives love him since hes a "Republican", but its unclear what that really means. All he really stands for is self promotion and making staemnets based off the poll results hes just starting to get in (hence the sudden switch on Pro 13 and then the statement on legalizing pot while at the same time saying hes for gay rights but against gay marriages).
by pretty straight forward
Don't be confused, just remember Ron and Nancy (and their coke parties to support the War on Drugs) Come on he's an actor. Someone wants him elected and he's just learning his script. With politicians like Reagan, Arne or Dubya I don't know why anyone takes anything they say seriously. I'm sure they don't -- of course Reagan could never remember what he said anyway. People would have to be very stupid to vote for him or go to his films -- but there is the catch.

As for gay marriage, I'm sure Arne and I would disagree on why, but I'm not for it either. Respect all domestic relationships -- get the state and church out of the bedroom and kitchen. Marriage is a patriarchal concept -- gay marriage a stupid concept. Why should couples be privileged just coz they fuck? Dump marriage and respect all domestic relationships.
by Mike
Who should moral people support?

Arnold the playboy, or Bustamonte the N-bomb dropper?
by typ
Hey - this 1979 interview that Matt Drudge scanned onto the internet now is in East coast papers and the Chronicle etc., but it seems like everyone is always mentioning to me that Schwarzenegger was in gay porn, which is great, but he's part of the republican party - the majority of whom have extremely regressive views on homosexuality. The party doesn't merely oppose gay marriage but many of them wish great harm. But so, how come the porn video hasn't surfaced on someone's website. Does it exist?

In newspapers and radio you constantly hear people harping about the 'liberal media', and it's so difficult to find any media that is liberal or that liberals are happy with and would say roughly represents their views. So I've always assumed that many people are actually seeing Jerry Springer, or noting Larry King devoting entire hours to Laci Peterson and Kobe Bryant, and deciding that hollywood trash on TV is what constitutes the 'liberal media'. But with Schwarzenegger, it just demonstrates that hollywood junk and 'liberal' are separate concepts.
by Schwarzenegger was in gay porn?
" Schwarzenegger was in gay porn"

Damn, I want to see that. I dont know if it will really hurt his chances for office, but I bet its hot...
by typ
well, it's great that arnold has these 'liberal' social views - the republican party needs more of that. Surely, Bustamante has 100X as much knowledge about government in his head, but hopefully it wouldn't be as much of a disaster of Schwarzenegger wins than if he were like Ronald Reagan. The thing is though, often people seem to decide between the two political parties based on 5 social issues (guns, abortion, drugs, homosexuality) which politicians spend about 2% of their time dealing with. There are so many people in the middle who seem to say "I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative", and by fiscally conservative they mean they favor balancing the budget and that they don't like to pay a lot of taxes - but quizzing them further, they still favor money for schools and not getting rid of social security or medicaid etc. And fiscal 'liberals' apparently favor big debts. So, in no way do the republicans or the democrats at the federal level resemble this 'fiscal conservative' image, and the public is given almost zero information by newspapers about what really is going on in Sacramento - like how deals get made for road projects and money for each prison guard to live in a mansion and so forth.
by !!!!!
Was Bustamante Part of 'Mexican KKK'?

SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) -- In 1975, a young Cruz Bustamante joined a student group at Fresno State College that advocated bold moves to empower Mexican-Americans.


State Sen. Tom McClintock, a conservative Republican rival, recently likened the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan, also known as MEChA, to the Ku Klux Klan.

"It's like saying, `Oh, I was a moderate member of the Klan,"' McClintock said last month on the San Diego radio station KOGO. "It's incumbent on Cruz Bustamante to clearly and completely renounce the organization and its tactics and its views."

The article does then go on to say that MECHA was nonvioent and worked with Cesar Chavez and the farm and "its founding members received support from then presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy".

But the title and lead in from the front page of the KRON's website is a pretty horrible slur
by KK-Kruz Bustamante
to be a little reckless in your youth is one thing but KK-Kruz Bustamante
has been a member since 1975, this is not a passing fad on his part
by Frankengovernor
by ignious
who really knows Arnold? he's used to being in front of the cameras and is fooling everyone. Being a latina in LA, I personally think that hes a racist. Having aprooved the 187 bill in 1994. Most latinos are dumb founded by his actions of trying to become Californias gov., seeing as latinos make up 1/3 of the population in california. The only thing that he's good for is acting, and lately not even that, he's getting too old for that aswell. You just have to see his latest moveie to know that.
by Peter
Why Californians should vote for me: Only my budget plan will reverse the cutbacks. I will institute a fair tax so that the poor do not pay more taxes than the wealthy. I support a living wage, electoral reform, universal health care, and renewable energy.
by Tax Payer
Sorry Peter but generally speaking – the wealthy do pay more taxes than the poor both on a % of income and on a strict dollar point. Unless of course you are Arianna Huffington.
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