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40+ arrested protesting Israel's Apartheid Wall

by Direct Action Palestine
As of early this morning the IDF illegally arrested over 40 internationals, Palestinians and Israelis that were gathered at the Mas'ha peace camp trying to peaceably block the building of the Apartheid Wall
report 1) 2:30AM 5min 13sec
report 2) 6:54AM 6min 8sec
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Early this morning the IDF illegally arrested 47 Internationals as well as Palestinians that were gathered at the Mas'ha peace camp trying to peaceably block the building of the Apartheid Wall. One of the Internationals has cracked ribs. Israeli peace activists went to the site and 8 of them have now been detained. Near the camp, the house of one family will be trapped between the wall, if built, and the fence surrounding the neighboring settlement. The international detainees are being threatened with deportation, and three arrestees (including one Palestinian) have been formally charged with "violent assault." All detainees are being held at Ariel police station. Please call the numbers below to demand their immediate release.


Ariel Police station:

Police officers Hyam and Barem:

Israel Contact Israeli Minister of Interior:
Tel: 011-972-2-670-1648 or 011-972-2-629-4701;
Fax: 011-972-2-629-4750

In the US: Contact your congressperson, the State
Department and the White House using this link. or

Also call the State Department and demand action.
STATE DEPARTMENT (202)647-5150

Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom:
Fax: 011-972-2-5303704

Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz:
Fax: 011-972-3-6916940, 6976990

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: Fax: (011-972-2) 566-4838
or 651-3955 or 651-2631

Israeli Embassy in DC: (202) 364-5527

The mayor of Qalqilya explains the impact of Israel's apartheid wall

Other Resources:

Recent reportbacks from Palestine at

The Meaning of Rachel Corrie - Of Dignity and Solidarity, Edward Said

Hic Road Map. Quo Vadis?, Gabriel Ash

Under Cover of Righteousness, Shulamit Aloni

Threats of Forced Mass Expulsion, Amira Hass

Five-part series advocating ethnic cleansing in the name of a homogenous religious state with the usual, lies, distortions, euphemisms. 'Transfer' of Palestinians has become a common topic in Israeli political and academic discourse.

Native American radio show comparing the struggles of Palestinians and Native Americans posted at (February 11 past shows)

For news and analysis from Palestine:

To get involved in Palestine solidarity in the US:

Torture and illegal detention of Palestinian political prisoners:

Weekly report on Israeli human rights violations in Palestine:
§file #2
by Direct Action Palestine
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After over thirty years of Brutal Occupation and Oppression of an entire Palestinian Population the Time has come for a Palestinian State, so the above atrocity along with all the other atrocities can end...
The Road Map is flawed because it does not Start with a Palestinian State with Reasonable Borders where the Palestinian People can live in Peace and with Freedom...
The World is slowly learning the truth...

To end the resistance to the Occupation you have to end the Occupation that allows for the resistance….

As we have seen in the Conference in Egypt and in Jordan many Arab Nation will recognize Israels Right to exist if Israel will allow the Palestinian People to have their Small Country free from Israeli Occupation and Oppression..

For Possible Solution:

For more details on Possible Solution:
by Critical Thinker to ANGEL
>>>One of the Internationals has cracked ribs...<<<
Is it possible that ISM-er had violently resisted his/her arrest or had done something to provoke the violence?

I agree, the world is slowly - too slowly - learning the "Palestinians" cannot be given a state before they completely halt all incitement against Jews, Zionism and Israel, dismantle their terrorist infrastructure, arrest and bring to justice all of their terrorists (or kill them whenever impossible to arrest them) and recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.

Well well well, Angel. You haven't gotten rid of me...
I too have decided to try my luck on another IMC. I salute the hacker/cracker who brought Pal-Indy down.

To whomever is taking Angel's vision seriously: the vision or plan put forth by Angel doesn't bear scrutiny. Two seperate territories connected by a slim corridor aren't a Palestinian state with reasonable borders.
Angle showed me the map of Oman in a futile attempt to prove otherwise, but that can't do.
She then claimed that since many nations and people are involved with the Roadmap he/she can't be totally wrong (childish logic).
I then urged Angel to think about another territory scenario with GENUINELY reasonable borders and Pal-Indy was knocked off the net shortly afterwards.

Angel, have you already come up with another land scenario for a Palestinian state with TRULY reasonable borders?
If Israel could have its Border where they were prior 1967....
Then there is not Reason why they cannot have their borders there now....

It would be much easier to Guard and Control the Borders if they were set back to pre 1967..

The Palestinians could have their State and Freedom thereby ending the Reason for the Intifada....

The Majority of the Palestinian People along with many Israelis would be very happy if the Brutal Occupation ended....I read somewhere that 40% to 50% of the Israelis would like to see the Occupation end and the Palestinians allowed their freedom..after over thirty years it is definitely about time..The era of colonization is over...

The Majority of the Palestinian People would no longer support or put up with the so called terrorist if they had their own state and government...

Even some of the so called terrorist would no longer be terrorist if they had their own Country where they could live in Peace and Freedom...
Well if there is not hope for peace why are the U.S., U.N., E.U., and Russia wasting time and effort on this Wonderful Road Map???
And if Israel wants a Wall or Fence or whatever they call it why don't they build it on the green line, Is the settlers don't like it where they are without a fence they can move back to Israel Proper...The Palestinian deserve better then a State that is carved up to look like Swiss Cheese....
For Peace......Tear down that Wall Mr. Sharon.....
Mahmoud Abbas has said at two conferences along with other Arab Leader that they will Recognize Israel as a State if they allow the Palestinian People to also have a State where they can live in Peace and Freedom, I heard it with my own two ears, replayed more then five times on several different T.V. Stations...
The U.S. believes in freedom for all...That includes the Palestinian People therefore the Road Map...
by dinkey
Why cant they just get out of that place once called Palestine, stop using religon as a justification for occupation, and go and live in heartland America where there is plenty of room. The Germans also built a "fence" to divide itself, and that was considered an act of freedom wasnt it??
by your logic
"Israel's Apartheid Wall"

??? Are them Jew bastards illegally occupying the west bank, or are they building an apartheid wall, cause they can't be doing both. In order to be apartheid it would have to be built inside the same country. So now you’re changing your tune, and admitting the Israel also includes the west bank
I love the lefts logic, like Saddam is bad, Iraq is better off without him. Yet the US was wrong to remove him, because they shook hands with him once.
Hitler was bad, the world is better off without him, yet the brits were wrong to get rid of him because they "supported" him in the past.
Or like in Britain, no one was ready to bomb Iraq to get rid of Saddam, like most Iraqis wanted. Yet these same people were "fooled" in bombing because they though that it was in their own interests and safely. Real humanitarians here.

Bush -Are you willing to attack Iraq to get rid of Saddam?
(or feel free to suggest another way)
Lefty -NO NEVER.

Bush -I heard from the brits, them Arabs are trying to get Uranium
Lefty- Kill those fuckers!

Don't you just love the blame game; you will never lose as long as you don't run out of people to blame. Thank god for the Jews! LOL
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