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Indybay Feature

Demonstration at Tom Lantos' office in memory of Rachel Corrie

by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
Some photos from the demonstration to demand justice for Rachel Corrie's death in front of US Rep Tom Lantos' office 7/16/03
Many positive responses from people driving by, even some folks in SUVs. Even in San Mateo.

The San Mateo cops showed up for a while but made no moves to try to shut down the demo.

We were told that we were not welcome to take pictures on the steps of the building if we were part of the demonstration.
by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
§the man who told us we were unwelcome
by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
§shot from accross the street
by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
§excellent banners
by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
§another view of banners
by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
Even mean people have to go to the bathroom. Who woulda thunk?
§just because I could take this one, I did
by justicescholar (justicescholar [at]
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by Abraham
Thanks for posting the photos.

Lantos, get shaped up or get shipped out.
by more details about the rally
About 15 to 20 people showed up today to protest US support of apartheid
Israel and also to call for a trial of the unnamed, unpunished Israeli
soldier who killed Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer deliberately on Mar. 16,

Even some media showed up: Daily Review (South Bay), who talked with me
extensively as well as others, one who is a stringer for many
leftie nationwide newspapers, and a reporter from Indymedia who also
videotaped me going into Lantos' office and talking to their senior staff
person Evelyn, a very diplomatic woman in her 60's, I'd guess. She listened
to my entire shpeel with a patient smile and really seemed to be listening.
Later she brought out cookies for everyone, which some people
unceremoniously threw to the ground when they found out she was from Lantos'
office! I told them she was nice to have listened to me and shouldn't throw
them, but oh well! Jack said the tape will be on Indymedia tomorrow. It
was like right out of Michael Moore's movie, "Bowling for Columbine".

We got alot of honks of support and just a few negative reactions.

The next rally is on Aug. 16th which is a Saturday, so we will have it in
Union Square, San Francisco, where many shoppers will be and hand out
literature with a list of the companies such as Victoria's Secret, The Gap
and Estee Lauder that are on the list.

One funny thing: the cops came by, out of their car with flashing lights,
and came over to me and said "everyone is pointing to you as the ...." I
interjected "organizer" since it seemed like they couldn't think of a word
(except for possibly, "Terrorist"?) They continued,"Someone called and said
you went into the building earlier". I said "Yes, and I had a very nice
conversation with a representative in Congressman Lantos' office." Then
they laughed and said "And now you are just planning to demonstate on this
sidewalk?" And I said "Yes". They seemed very amused. And that was it!
But the funny thing is this: imagine someone calling the police because an
American citizen went into Lantos' office building to talk to one of her
governmental representatives? How terrifying! It must have been my
checkered red and white kaffiyeh! Only "terrorists" wear those, doncha
know? FUNNY.

P.S. We made it into the San Mateo Daily Review, but would you believe, guess who got the spotlight on her in the photo? The Lantos aide Eveylyn who came out to give us cookies (the ones some threw into the street or stepped on) ! Honest to goodness, politicians know how to work it! The caption, I heard, was something like "Got Milk?" Ha ha ha. Isn't that the media for you!? Trivializing news and failing to give readers the whole story behind the event. Media blackout of the truth. So what else is new? I guess they did include some info, with a referral to Rachel Corrie, thank goodness. Got crumbs of truth at least.
by gehrig
Windy Wendy: "She listened to my entire shpeel with a patient smile and really seemed to be listening. "

They practice that -- seeming to listen politely, no matter what kind of crackpot they're talking to. Although I'll bet you were a challenge.

Windy Wendy: "Ha ha ha. Isn't that the media for you!? "

Sounds to me like they're taking you about as seriously as you deserve. Especially when you're simultaneously calling for a fair trial for the bulldozer operator _and_ declaring that you don't need a trial to know he's guilty.

by Abraham
Did the nice cookie lady mentione if and when Lantos will respond on Rachael's death? Will or has Lantos comment on the Israeli Army's decision?
by Leave him be
is still grieving the six million Jews that perished in the war.

Let him complete his mourning so he can someday focus on lesser tragedies.

He is only a human
by chilled
Grieving for the six million Jews, Communists, Gypsys, and various other hapless folk is appropriate. Is he grieving for everyone, or just the folks who can deliver him votes? Mr. Lantos is a United States Representative. When you are a United States Representative you have an obligation to deal with the present. You also have an obligation to look squarely at facts and represent your DISTRICT based on those facts, not just a faction of your district. If you don't you cheat your constituents.
by Don
Mr. Lantos is an American traitor. He puts Israel's interests before America's. All Zionists do. They are a 5th column in this country . They need to be imprisoned. They take our tax money and use it to pay for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians (they have been doing that for over a century). They use our armed forces for Israel's disgusting purposes - Americans are dying today under Wolfowitz, Perles, and other's direction. They have ruined out international reputation by putting us on the side of injustice. They have taken away from us social programs that we need by taking $20 billion a year out of our treasury. They brought 9/11 down on us. America wake up. Learn what Zionism is and destroy it.
by Adolf Hitler
Go Don! Great points. Seig heil!

- Don's friend Adolf
by Don
Thank you sir. I learned everything I know from your brilliant work, Mein Kampf. It's an honor to see you here, sir.
by sorry
too bad you have no life, trolls who impersonate on here
by Conspiracy junkie
I knew Hitler must still be alive.

I read it on the Internet. It must be true.
by paranoid
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by Abraham
How many more bombs to drop before we all agree dropping bombs ain't gonna win peace?
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