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Indybay Feature

Chron coverage of Gay Shame Action

by AC
Give me a break! They are doing their best to ignore Gay Shame. They know EXACTLY who "attacked" Newscum. They are afraid of giving the group any publicity for fear their message might catch on.
GO GAY SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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by pissed off queer
fuck that. the sfgate makes it sound like some big conspiracy to assassinate newsom or something. of course they know who "attacked" him, they're just afraid of what we have to say! and possession of a deadly weapon? it was part of a fucking banner. give me a break.
by damn
Considering that Gay Shame had stuff written about it on the front page of the Bay Times and there was coevrage of the Gay Shame awards in the Guardian, this type of reporting by the Chronicle is beyond unacceptable. People should call them and ask why they openly lied in this story; having "No known motive" for the Gay Shame protest and then only interviewing Newsom is beyond a half truth.

SF Gate's email is feedback [at]
by old news never dies it just smells like it
this story is tired, it was never interesting in any way.
just drop it and get on with life! the idea of the awards was lame!!
by pissed off queer
six of our friends are in jail, facing felony charges for peacefully protesting. you get on with your fucking life and we'll continue to fight for justice.
by we will take responsablilty
six of our friends are in jail, facing felony charges for protesting, and resisting arrest

we'll continue to fight for justice.? what justice? this was a childish tantrum? you have yet to state any reason for all of this that is credable.
by since you asked . . .
No, it was not. It was a political statement that really should have been made by the Pride Committee itself. It's high time that Pride get back to its roots and stand up for progress again, instead of bending over for the corporations.
by Albert L.
you have no right to disrupt "our" parade, what makes you think this will be supported by anyone? I for one will not support this action in any way. you may wish to think about what you have done
by Josh
a political statement that really should have been made by the Pride Committee itself. It's high time that Pride get back to its roots and stand up for progress again,


you have no official standing in the gay political
movement (especially after this episode)
by ?
Why is chanting "down with Newsom" and "shame on you" now considered such a militant action that people are held in jail without bail?
Then the Gay political movement has become morally bankrupt and financially corrupt.
by iuto
How can a movement "sell out" when it never was anti-capitalist to begin with?

Folks, this is the pathetic aspect of identity politics.

I mean I respect gay shame, a lot, but if they think they can put the entire gay movement on a path of anti-captialism or proletarian liberation they are simply dreaming.

No more class collaboration.

by well
Gay shame may be anti-capitalist but linking attacks by Gavin Newsom on the homeless to attacks on gays makes sense even to those who are not anti-capitalist.

Newsom demonizes the homeless as a whole class of people. He promotes laws (like those against panhandling, sitting on the sidewalk etc..) that effectively make a whole class of people illegal. And this isnt just a liberal conservative issue; other cities like Berkeley have had laws criminalizing the homeless declared unconstitutional by courts that are probably to the right of the Berkeley electorate.

Newsom's use of the homeless as a scapegoat for the cities problems should be familiar to anyone in any demonized minority group. Its exactly the same tact used by Republicans when they rally hatred against gays into votes at the polls.

No group deserves to be demonized and criminalized; linking homeless struggles and LGBT struggles makes perefect sense.

(of course the high percentage of the homeless who are gay also should play a factor in rallying protests against Newsom; gay teens spurned by they parents for their very being, end up in SF only to receive further attacks by Newsom and his ilk)
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