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The Christian Lord's Resistance Army, which uses civilians as its main target in its war against the government of President Yoweri Museveni, seeks to establish a government ruled according to the Biblical Ten Commandments. That's why they blew up a bus, immediately killing 4 people, with more fatalities expected from among the remaining 22 critically and seriously wounded. SIDE-NOTE: Observe how the western media have suppressed this news while harping about the bus bombing in Jerusalem on the same day!
UGANDA: Landmine blows up bus, kills four

NAIROBI, 11 Jun 2003 (IRIN) - At least four people were killed on Tuesday and 25 others injured in Pader district of northern Uganda, when a landmine blew up the bus they were travelling in, news agencies reported.

The anti-tank mine had been planted on the road by rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), an insurgent group in northern Uganda, moments before the bus, which was travelling southwards to the capital, Kampala, passed by, the agencies reported.

LRA fighters who were hiding in the bush reportedly shot at passengers who attempted to flee after the bus overturned, the agencies said. The injured were reported to have been taken to hospital in neighbouring Kitgum district.

Deus Mutakirida, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner for Kitgum, told IRIN it was the first time a landmine had exploded in northern Uganda in at least 10 years. He said the army had been deployed to detect any more mines in the area.

Mutakirida, however, noted that such an operation was too expensive and the army was short of mine-sweeping equipment. "This issue of mines is a bit complicated. Unless we deal with the right vehicles, we can't detect the mines. But we are doing what we can," he said.

Pader is one of the districts worst affected by the LRA insurgency. The group, which uses civilians as its main target in its war against the government of President Yoweri Museveni, seeks to establish a government ruled according to the Biblical Ten Commandments. The insurgency, which began in the late 1980s, has displaced an estimated 800,000 people who live in several protected camps in northern Uganda.

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by Angie
Ah, but the US media thinks that the only conflict in the world today is the one involving their precious Israel. I can't imagine why anyone would bother watching US mainstream television.
by angie
If you check the thread here re Zimbabwe, I have been doing my level best to keep abreast of the current protests, and I have been diligently posting the latest news items from the crisis that resulted in the arrest of the Movement for Democratic Change, Morgan Tsvangiari, on a charge of treason.

However, you will notice that for the past few days, no one has attempted to enlighten us with further news items.

I don't know about anyone else, actually, but I'd be much happier if not only this board but the entire media world wide devoted less to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. If so, it might give these peoples a chance to move towards peace on their own, without the constant bias of media interference.

As well we have the unbelievable atrocities being committed in the Congo area right now, an ongoing battle that has seen approximately 4,000,000 people murdered since 1999. That ,too, should be a major news item. Here in Canada we have been getting a lot more coverage about that than perhaps you do in the US.

I hate to repeat myself yet again but my view is simple. Every person on this earth is as important as the next. Until the world accepts that the Palestinians are as important to the scheme of things as the Israelis, that the oppressed everywhere else in the world is as important as anyone else, then there will continue to be death and destruction.

Human life it appears means nothing any more, and that is the real tragedy.
by Brian
These freedom fighters may strive to live or fight under the ten commandments, but they are still murderers. Nobody on this earth can justify killing anyone. Please don't tell me these people are Christians either. They are like GW Bush, with blood on their hands. As Sharon is filled with the blood of thousands, so is Bush. The ten commandments are nothing more than natural laws. They are meant for natural people and they are in no way associated with Christianity. The son of man was beyond this.
by Scottie
the return of christian extremists. Hmm oh well its bound to happen if we have all of these muslim extremists running around. I hear that muslim extremists beat up a mulla in australia who do not agree to preach radical islam.
by Brian
What do jewish extremists do?
by Angie
Join the IDF, perhaps.
by Angie
Not unless you're prepared to live for a year in a Palestinian hovel day after day under curfew, check points, gunboat helicopters, etc., with no job, no hope, no freedom.
by Scottie
keep your head down in palestine (get out of your house when the buldozers come etc) and you would would be reasonably safe. but for the israelis anywhere might be dangerous.

However I am a bit frustrated by the assasinations now. sure you can try to assasinate Hamas I guess but dont do it in the middle of the road map.
by Angie
I beg to differ.

One can never be safe in Palestine unless, perhaps, one has one's own helicopter gun ship, a cache of missiles, or an underground bunker underneath each hovel.

by Time for gloves to come off
Time to let loose the dogs of war- the Palestinians have shown themselves incapable of good faith negotiations. If they do not root out the terrorist among them, then Israel should move in and take them out.
If there is no real Peace Party in Palestine, then let the battle begin for real. Gloves are off- lets see how many terrorists are left in 90 days.
by Angie
Hi, there.

I thought you were on your way to Palestine for a year to partake in -- ooops!

Actually, RC (may I call you that?) if there is any victim mentaliity here, it would be Israel. A "seige mentality" Gwynne Dyer once called it. And they use it well. You must have heard the "poor us" wail continuously over the years? I know I have.

Whatever weapons (or lack thereof) the Palestinians have, it hardly begins to compare with that of the fourth largest army in the world (or has it moved up to No. 3 on the list -- I wonder who keeps those stats?)

And speaking of multimillionaires (is Arafat REALLY one, she asks appropos of nil, and in all seriousness???) I daresay the folk supplying arms to Israel are making a few dollars as well in the manufacture and sale of those weapons, wouldn't you think?

If there must be a "war" in this hell hole, RC, and nobody I know wants anything but a just and lasting peace, both should be equally armed. Or both peoples should not be armed at all.

How about a hand-to-hand combat, Sharon against Abbas, an IDF against a Hamas, and so on. Wouldn't that be at least interesting? No guns, no bombs, no helicoptere gunboats, no missiles, no dying.

A few guns here and there, homemade "rockets" , homemade bombs just don't jive with, shall we say, "real" bombs, missles, helicopter gunships, all that lovely weaponry designed to slaughter those who are on the receiving end of it.

Oh, and, no, I am not an Arab. Why would you think I was, pray tell? It never occurred to me to think you were anything but another person, RC. However, I expect I'll hear more from you (and no doubt others). Sigh.
by Ted

A few months ago, Forbes magazine (in their annual list of the world's wealthiest people) estimated Arafat's wealth to be at least $300 million. Here is the listing:


Yaser Arafat
Country/Title: Palestinian Authority/President
Estimated Worth: $300 million
Age: 73

The president of the Palestinian Authority clings to power despite Israeli and U.S. hostility to his regime. Arafat has feasted on all sorts of funds flowing into the P.A., including aid money, Israeli tax transfers, and revenue from a casino and Coca-Cola bottler. Much of the money appears to have gone to pay off others. New Finance Minister Salam Fayyad is cleaning up the P.A.'s finances, cutting off much of Arafat's cash flow.

Fidel Castro
Country/Title: Cuba/President
Estimated Worth: $110 million
Age: 76

Cuba's 76-year-old revolutionary doesn't advertise his opulent life. In public, at least, he dons fatigues and black combat boots. But he can afford better. We estimate that Castro has at least $110 million (roughly 10% of Cuba's GDP) at his disposal.

by Angie
I have never denied that Palestinians did not possess arms, so how can I admit I was wrong. When I think of armed and unarmed I don't think of one side having everything and the other nothing. I think of both being equal. As if that would ever happen here!

Sorry, you found the trek to this hell hole not to your satisfaction. I have no desire to be shot in the head by the IDF were I to try and grab a Palestinian youngster from a firing path.or attempt to film a documentary about house demolitions and end up in the morgue.

If I remember correctly, the PLO infrastructure was nicely demolished by war criminal, Sharon, and his killing machine in 2002. We remember seeing the destruction on CBC News World and BBC, two reliable news stations you probably haven't watched.

Yes, and, of course, the only reason Israel has so much money to purchase arms etc., to "defend itself" is because of US yearly funding. That means very little in the sense that the US has been known to support other terrorist regimes as well and still does..

If Israel wants peace (ye'ah, sure, and the sky is falling), why did it (and still does) continue to ignore the terms of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Oslo Agreement of 1993, and all the UN resolutions calling on it to abide by international law?

Like, why are settlements still being built on land that does not belong to Israel (oh, I'm sure you have a different take on this dispossession), and why is Sharon standing around stating he is going to remove "settlements" which, in reality, is the removal of one trailer or two from a hill top which, I might add, he encouraged the fanatic settlers to place there in the first place.

We will continue to disagree, RC, but I have to move on. Perhaps later we'll chat, or, maybe not. Who knows?

by one of the editors
This thread is not about Israel and Palestine. There are plenty of threads about Israel and Palestine. Talk about them in appropriate threads or I will remove you.

There will be no second warning.
by Angie
Wow! Can you believe it?

And here I am trying to save enough cash to head to my beloved Scotland and live in one of the Orkney Islands! Bet these two would never dream of that, hmm?

Ted, what about Sharon? He can't be a pauper, surely?

Incidentally, wasn't there a big uproar (or as much of an uproar as here can be in Israel with respect to one of its leaders) around December past about some impropriety on his part with respect to donations or whatever from someone in Africa?

Can't remember much about it now, and I haven't got time to check it out. Maybe you can help. If I remember correctly, a news reporter from Ha'aretz OR the prosecuting attorney (or both) ended up in prison. Maybe someone out there can be civil enough to respond to this (unlike last night's question on another thread).

In the meantime, Ted, thanks for the info. Imagine! Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my! I should have become the leader of my own country when I grew up!
by Angie
Sorry. Your post beat me to it when I went to respond to RC.

It won't happen again.
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