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Study: SF Chronicle Hides Palestinian Genocide, Exaggerates Impact on Israeli's

What a surprise -- the corporation-state propaganda ministry for the San Francisco economic region lies through its teeth. Fight the US death machine and its propagandists.
Which deaths matter?
Study shows Chronicle downplays Palestinian fatalities

THE SAN FRANCISCO Chronicle is 20 times more likely to report on the deaths of Israeli children killed in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than it is to cover Palestinian children's deaths, a new study shows.

Read the full story at the San Francisco Bay Guardian:
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by Scottie
Is this the same UN that allowed the
"jews eat christian children" (I am paraphrasing) amongst other lines to go into its records?
Oh no maybe its the UN that stood by as the african "holocaust" occured in rwanda.
Is this the same UN that gives one vote to a tiny nation with a population of 90,000 and one vote to a country with a population of around 1 billion (ie india).

Is this the same UN that is a huge waste of money and space?
by Mike (stepbystepfarm [at]
That's NOT what the "data" of the report said. Please read it for yourself. I didn't see in there anything about the deaths of <18 Palestinains not being covered but that those of Israelis receiving more prominence -- bing in the headline of the article, bing in the first paragraph rather than subsequent paragraphs, etc.

A better description of the "conclusion" of the study would be something like this.....
"Death of Israeli children 20 times more likely receive prominant coverage than death of Palestinian children"

That still might not be correct but we need to allow "partisans" to play with statistics as they will. We all know how easy it is to "lie" with statistics. Thus....

Anybody who has passed Stat 101 knows that you can't use this data to draw the 20 times conclusion (there aren't at least five cases in the Israeli children partition).

Probably far better to do this "by date" rather than "by child" since whether one or ten are killed on the same date you get only one story.
by JewNotZionist
Then there's the zionists that, like a broken c.d. keep bleating "you're anti-Semitic" if you oppose anything Israel does. It's old, worn out and PATHETIC! We must support Jews around the world who oppose the terrorist Sharon regime!
by Incitement against Arabs
Can this be considered incitement against Palestinians?

By showing Israeli deaths over and over and at the same time downplaying the far more Palestinian deaths, the SF Chronicle (as well as practically every other media outlet in the US) is inciting hatred against Palestinians in order to keep people supporting Israel's bloated aid (which is typically 4-6 Billion dollars a year --40% of our entire foreign aid package-- and this year they got 10 Billion dollars in loan guarantees which don't have to be repaid so this is a gift from the US taxpayer).

The US media talked about Arab media inciting hatred whenever they showed Iraqis killed or injured saying it was unrepresentative (when actually something like 5000 to 10000 Iraqis were gunned down in their cars or bombed -- and ).
by Abraham
Make it a cohesive and concerted effort. Join Forces and Boycott Chronicle!
by Freedom
Izzy Asper and family owns a huge amount of the media in Canada. It is interesting to note that he issued a dictum to his newspapers that Israel is not to be portrayed in an unfavourable light. Those who ignored that direction, especially columnists, were removed from the newspapers.

by Riobard

Zionists say the Chronicle is anti-Israel

Published on Thursday, May 2, 2002 in the San Francisco Chronicle
Jewish Groups Battle Media Over Perceived Bias
The Chronicle, Other Papers Lose Subscribers

by Dan Fost

Pro-Israel groups, angry at how the media are portraying their country in the Mideast conflict, are battling back with boycotts and e-mail campaigns.

In the past few weeks, subscriptions have been canceled or suspended at several of the country's largest newspapers -- including The Chronicle, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times -- in protest of what some readers perceive as an anti-Israel bias.

A ratio of 20 to 1 is just not good enough.

Since the intifada started till mid April 2003:
724 Israelis were killed (This includes innocent children).
2382 Palestinians were killed (This includes innocent children).
In the mid 1800s there were fewer than 6000 Jewish People living in the area now known as Israel, West Bank and Gaza, this was not an empty land but a land with hundreds of thousand Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim.
The reason there are refugees is because their land and homes that were in what now is Israel were confiscated and taken from them. The least that can be done is to help them settle into a Palestinian State.
Have you heard about the So called Road Map that is supposedly being worked on??
Is it a Road Map or a Dead End:
AND SO... HERE WE GO AGAIN, the Palestinians will pretend to negotiate in good faith, and then when progress looks possible...... another group of bombers strikes and we are back to square one..(this scenario has been going on for almost "fifty" years) when will we learn there is NO negotiating with terrorists.
by Scottie

- That logic is rubbish - by your logic: If a suicide bomber was shot trying to blow up he would count against the israelis even if his shooting saved both jews and arabs alike. Infact he would count against them anyway.

What you want to say is who has killed the most innocent people... now almost everyone killed by the palistinians was either A) a totally innocent civiliand or B) a soldier who posed no direct threat to the people who killed him. both groups were going about daily business.
I am not sure about the palistinian statistics but I expect lere is a large number of people killed in combat zones (so to speak) some of whom were combatants (even if some were young combatants) or people who failed to leave an area that they knew was a combat zone.

In the mid 1800s there were fewer than 6000 Jewish People living in the area now known as Israel

-- It was part of turkey.. give it back to turkey if you want. but dont give it to some egyptian who thinks he has a right to palestine because he happens to be a muslim.
The U.S. Gives Billions of Dollars to Israel...
U.S. you are Powerful, Use your power for GOOD for once...
If we really want Peace the U.S., European Union, the UN, and Russia have to do something definite now.
Otherwise for one reason or another the Road Map will fail.
Set the Borders back to 1967...
In return the Refugees have no Right of Return..
The Refugees can be helped to settle somewhere in the new Palestinian State..
The Settlements are now part of Palestine...
If the some 400,000 Israeli Settlers living in Palestine do not like living there they can move to Israel...
If the 1,000,000 or so Palestinians who now live in Israel do not like living in Israel they can move to Palestine...
If 1,000,000 or so Palestinians can live in Israel, then some 400,000 Israeli Settlers can live in Palestine if they choose to stay..
If you take Israel, West Bank and Gaza, West Bank and Gaza is only 22% of the total area in Question, This small amount is not to much to ask for millions of Palestinians who must have their freedom to have a peaceful life.
If this solution was implemented there is a good chance the so called terrorist (really freedom fighters) would stop their fight, if not they would be very foolish because then Israel would have a just cause to fight back and the U.S. would have a just cause to help Israel fight back.
The point is something definite has to be done otherwise we will continue to have:
Israel: We have to confiscate Palestinian land and demolish Palestinian homes because there are suicide bombers???
Palestine: We have to defend ourselves because Israel is slowly confiscating all our land and demolishing our homes. We have no military to defend ourselves and our land. If we do nothing, we will soon have nothing at all???
In which case there will never be Peace......
by Scottie
Hmm yes I agree somthing like that is acceptible.
I would be flexible on where the final boarders were negotiated and there may need to be guarantees for the rights of palistinians in israel and jews in palestine. the jews, in particular, have seen their rights compromised at times.
by yeah whatever
>>Since the intifada started till mid April 2003:
>>724 Israelis were killed (This includes innocent children).
>>2382 Palestinians were killed (This includes innocent children).

>That logic is rubbish - by your logic: If a suicide bomber was shot trying to blow up he would count
>against the israelis even if his shooting saved both jews and arabs alike. Infact he would count against
>them anyway.
>What you want to say is who has killed the most innocent people... now almost everyone killed by the
>palistinians was either A) a totally innocent civiliand or B) a soldier who posed no direct threat to the
>people who killed him. both groups were going about daily business.
>I am not sure about the palistinian statistics but I expect lere is a large number of people killed in
>combat zones (so to speak) some of whom were combatants (even if some were young combatants) or
>people who failed to leave an area that they knew was a combat zone.

So killing armed soldiers is killing "innocents," but killing civilians in "combat zones" that include their homes is legit? If a suicide bomber decides a shopping mall is a combat zone, does that make the bombing okay?

Even if all 724 dead Israelis were innocent civilian bystanders, that would mean that 70% of the dead Arabs would have to have been violent criminals killed in self-defense, for the numbers to come out so Israel wasn't more in the wrong.

If Israel wants more sympathy, it's going to have to stop killing so goddamned many people. Deal with it.
by Scottie
So killing armed soldiers is killing "innocents,"

YES. I bet their is a military base somwhere near you. just because they are soldiers doesnt mean you can go down there and kill them as "fair targets".

Even if all 724 dead Israelis were innocent civilian bystanders,

-- You have assumed that the "arabs" were not responsible for any of those deaths. I would say that is a flawed asumption.

this is a simplification of what happens
one man puts on bomb goes to shop and kills one jew and himself. (maybe injures some palistinians also, i dont care what that jews job was) then soldiers go to his house to find the people who sent him (he didnt do it all by himself) the father at his house gets a gun and shoots at the soilders - the soldiers, being well trained, do not get killed - they shoot back and kill that man and his other son who was in the room with the father (maybe he was helping the father or maybe he was just watching "innocently" providing moral support.
there we have it.... 700 of those events happen and there are 2100 palistinians and 700 jews are dead.
1 jew is murdered one palistinian killed in self defense 1 commited suicide and 1 killed in crossfire laregly because of being in the wrong place AND the other man who was killed recklessly endangering his life.

Of course if you have more accurate statistics on how everyone died please enlighten me
by Justice
Excuse me, if I might interject here?

Is Scottie reporting from the West Bank, or??? Is he an eye witness here? What gives?
by the gift horse
I am told,sometimes justice is blind.
Well I can read and research anyway..

OK here are some statistics you can look up the names ages etc of all of these people on the web site (so I seriously doubt if it is a complete list)

at least 6 palistinians died in PLO custody (as part of intifada)
at least 72 palistinians killed in the street by palistinians (as part of intifada)
at least 17 sentanced to death (as part of intifada)
at least 121 palistinians killed as suicide bombers
at least 107 assasinated terrorists (specifically assasinated - this is rather like a death penalty) (a credible site because it has all the names even if it is basically "here are your terrorist heros")

from the MUFAH (or mufti whatever) site

Number of Palestinians killed as a result of occupation restrictions:111 (this means that the israelis didnt kill them but they include them in the statistics because the israelis "could have prevented them dying.. maybe"
Number of Palestinians assassinated by the Israelis:154 (hamas members etc)
Number of Palestinians killed in combat by Israeli troops:314 (hmm. dont attack the army if u want to live)
Number of Palestinian suicide bombers dead:125 (ahh they ARE included in the total.. interesting)

MUFAH's statistics dont add up to the total unfortunatly

Female:117 Male:1325
what could possibly explain that ration..except maybe... the men are the ones who actually attack soldiers etc etc?


7 Palestinian reporters killed, 1 Italian journalist killed.

as to deaths of children..
"CBS News' "Sixty Minutes" reported on October 24 that 40 Palestinian children had been killed; 5 an Amnesty International report dated October 19 stated that 27 children had lost their lives.6 A Physicians for Human Rights team concluded that 23 Palestinian minors under the age of 17 had been killed through October 29.7 Looking only at children under the age of 13, Ha'aretz columnist Ze'ev Schiff concluded that 6 to 8 children had died.8 The Palestine Red Crescent Society asserted that prior to October 27, 43 Palestinians below the age of 20 had been killed; within that group 13 were below the age of 16.9 The loss of a single child is a terrible tragedy, but clearly the divergent claims over the numbers of child casualties is indicative of the politically explosive nature of this aspect of the Al-Aqsa intifada. "

etc etc.. hope that is of some interest.

by Funny
Funny how the UN doesn't criticize anything saddam ever did, has never said anything about the 50 year chinese takeover of tibet, doesn't mind that muslims syria has illegally occupied christian lebanon for decades, doesn't condemn arab terror attacks, has not done jack shit about the various massacres in africa over the years, hasn't said or done anything about the various british and french takeovers/occupations that took place in the 60's-90's, but every year manages to name 5,000 alleged things israel is doing wrong.

Also, to the crackpot above who said "you can't say anything about israel without being called anti-semitic," NO, that's bullshit, you can say whatever you want about any country you want, but people who exaggerate about israel, single israel out excessively, demonize every aspect of what zionism means and what israel does, and INTENTIONALLY NOT APPLY THE SAME STANDARDS towards other nations around this planet, usually turn out to be closet anti-semites who just don't have the guts to admit it.

by Alex
UN doesnt give a damn about the genital mutilation in Nigeria, gender aparteid in Saudi arabia, officially sanctioned gang rapes in pakistan, human abuses in Chechnya, slavery of black christians in sudan, beheadings of bahai's and zoroastrians in Iran, massacres of assyrians and kurds under saddam, occupations by syria in lebanon, russia in chechnya, china in tibet, wars of genocide in congo and rwanda, political execution in Libya. Cmon people, time to face the real problems in this world.....
We all know that bad things occur in some part of the world all the time, but the reason we should be concerned with Israel confiscationg Palestinian land and demolishing Palestinian homes leaving countless innocent people homeless and in Poverty is because Israel is given billions of dollars of the taxpayers money which is partly used to fund these atrocitied. It is one thing to know that atrocities are occuring and not be able to do much about them, it is another thing to fund the people that are committing these atrocities. In any case we would not have to have this problem if the Palestinian People had their state with reasonable borders that the Israeli Military could not cross over.
For Possible solution where both side win:
by all right?
alex, one wrong does not justify another.
yes, female mutilation like circumcision is a barbaric ritual which must be stopped for the sake of these minors.

Having said that, you can campaign day & noght on behalf of Women's Clitoris, & I of all people will commend you for that, but We shall stick to defending the rights of Palestinians and Israeli civilians caught in this cat & mouse game from being even more statistics.

Israel is in violation of international conduct of human rights.
We believe they should not be above the law anymore than any of the countries you mentioned should ever be above the law.
The problem is global but none of us can multi task as affectively as others so we choose to focus on this matter and alleviate the cause inorder to reignite the hope in these civilian hearts once more/
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