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Indybay Feature

pies for your lies

by crazy jeff .net
video of Jennifer Jolly being pied ... shows her style of reporting, hasty generalizations and misinformation as well
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
watch it the video ... may take a few moments to download ... but it is tasty, crazy

... runs about 6 minutes, 20meg quicktime file
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by john
when i click it and download it, i can hear what's going on, but can't watch it. What the fuck should i do?
by Jennifer Jolly's Penis
This women is a disgrace to journalism.
KTVU, formerly a pretty impressive operation for local TV has been turned into a pathetic FOX jr. as well as showing two really disgusting FOX NEWS shows. "the Pulse"(of bigoted propaganda) and "fox news sunday"
Jennifer Jolly has been actively working to discredit the antiwar movement and the "off-air" segments of this video show her thinly veiled racism and elitism.
by Helga
I just looked at a bit of cable news today, and MSNBC had further alarming developments. They seemed to have an outline of 5 o'clock news in the form of an countdown of the top five news events, like Casey Casem's top 40 countdown or mtv video countdown. They kept reviewing what #5 had been, and what story #4 had been, and then announced 'and next, the top 3rd news story of the day'. This is pretty crappy journalism.
by home skillet
to John (doesn't work) above,

hey, I just downloaded it and watched it ... it did take a'while to download ... but it did work ... I suggest maybe looking into your quicktime settings (there may be a preference set that tells it to play everything as an audio file only or something like that ...)

In Quicktime (when you have this open and are navigating through quicktime's menu options) look into "file" ... "open new movie" ... or something like that ... in other words, try to tell it to open the sucker as a movie and not an audio file ...

Or, it may be that your operating system just can't handle it, because it is simply too much data for it to process ... so, it does the best it can and just plays the audio ... this might be fixed by quitting all other applications, or by restarting the computer and trying again ...

Also, if you are on a computer that is connected to the internet via a rather small size modem type of connection - then, wait until the whole quicktime movie is downloaded, and then, try playing it again - also, remembering to not really have the computer executing anything else ...

OK, good luck ... I know that guy that tried to compress it and he was limmited to quicktime because he is on Mac OSX , and for some reason, there are no real player options on the version of media cleaner that is available to him.
by requested authorithy (usaly [at] profumed.doris)
yeah, it is me again. Your truly spamer. This time it is time to tell thath all you people have been sucked. Or perhaphs very deluted.

To watch the thing thath is and will come on internettyou nedd, Broadband - BROADBAND not dls, dsl is like using an small device called isdn. Forget dls, USE BROADBAND.

What is broadband, at maximum it is 100 MGB UP AND DOWN. Imagine so much heaven - In Oslo were i live(in Norway) som people have BROADBAND, and yes it is so good.

But it is delivered by our godd hostile naboers THE SWEDISH (and perhaps the swedish gouverment), so at this moment they are not willing to let more people in Norway have BROADBAND. Why, we do not know. They have an difficult explanation wich everbody understand, and nobody do struggle against. WHY, norwegian people are not vikings enymore.

BUT still we have You.

So here is the link to the swedish company

by Mike Willis (maw64 [at]
Does any one have a few frames of this in JPEG?
by work
I have a broadband connection and was able to watch the video just fine. All I can say is YES! YES! YES!
by l.e.s.
wow, that was one of the funniest things i've seen in a while. hypocrisy at its best. encore!
by Mother Nug
hey there Mike Willis (the writer requesting JPEGs) ...

I know that some were posted on this site before and there is also a series of them here:

"peace comes within when pies find the faces of the proud." (anonomous proverb)
by P Bryson
I am a close personal friend of Ms. Jolly. I take offense to the comments on this page and the insensitivity of groupthink. It is easy to point fingers, throw pies, and jeer from the sidelines. Life is more complex than black and white us vs. them comparisons. Jennifer Jolly is an amazing person, with strong beliefs and the ability to think critically. You might be surprised that she shares many of the so-called "indy" sensibilities if you took a second to try and communicate. Pranks are pranks and practical jokes can be fun, but when a person is hurt for the enjoyment of others it is simply bullying. Wake up, take a deep breath, and treat your fellow humans with respect.
by Val Karie
Well the writer who is a close personal friend of Ms. Jolly's is sure adept at breaking the ice ... at opening new horizons for dialogue and at expressing "respect" for those he disagrees with.

I wonder if "idiots" is always such an effective ice-breaker for him. Maybe calling people petty names, characterizing american dissenters as troublemakers and levelling huge, sweeping generalities is how one tries to make friends in our brave, new post-literate culture. If I see Ms. Jolly sipping Mojitos in the Marina, should I eagerly approach her with a desire for reasonable exchange, extend my hand and say, "greetings idiot?"

Maybe I will try this. In the meantime, she could advance some good will by not being such a lying dupe for the corporate-owned media - Fox at that. Their brand of swill that passes for information would make Joseph Goebbels blush. And, we can see the aims behind the claims - control the dissenters, silence the opposition, long live the (father ... oops I mean, the homeland.)
by She is anti-war!
You are so misinformed if you think Jennifer Jolly is the problem. I worked with her for six months during the first gulf war -- she led the anti-war movement at USF!!!!! (Right here in San Francisco) You stupid idiots! I kept in contact with her the entire time of the last protests -- she was great! She only reported what she actually SAW -- not rumors (which is a lot more than you all can say!) She tried to track down video proof of "bad" cops -- but couldn't find anyone who had any. She's the best journalist around here. Too bad you won't ever know that. You could have had someone really powerful on your side. You lose. Try doing your homework next time -- talk about racism/biggotry! Just because she's cute/blond and a reporter you sure are quick to judge her..... wow.... get your head out of your ass next time.
by made jolly good
I think the video made her look pretty good. I know from talking with other reporters -- their job wasn't to talk about Iraq like the commentary in your video said. Several other reporters did that for several minutes in that newscast. Her job was just to say what happened in the streets -- I think she did good. I think this is weird and slanted and mean. Peace All. Educate Yourselves! Like her friend said -- don't get sucked in to group think! That's more dangerous than Saddam!
by Abraham
I'm very disappointed at KTVU after Fox took it over. Don't know Jennifer Jolly track record much, but do remember watching her once reporting the anti-war movement. Watched and listened to her briefly, then switched to something else or turned off my TV. I remember she was commenting and not reporting.
by media literacy required
wow, the jennifer supporters on this thread are either lieing or they are just idiot dupes - the same ilk that think Clinton was an environmentalist or that Bush was elected president. ... Anyway, watch the video damn it! She says, "these people just want to have something to be mad about ..." Does that sound like someone who is sympathetic or even journalistic by today's sad standards? That is what is called a "hasty generalization" ... please look it up you subliterate dupes. ... Another one that I love from this peace is the commentary, "chaos in the streets tonight" ... this sounds like a good title for a Slayer album, but when you see her camera person panning around trying to find the chaos, and he then has to zoom way down the street into camara oblivion land - it is obvious something is askew. His camera finds no chaos. Did you once hear about the US plans to attack Iraq (before 9/11) on Fox? Did Jennifer mention that Rumsfeld met with Saddam in the 1980's and that the pipeline deal he was trying to shove down the dictator's throat was rejected? Did she mention that Bechtel wanted that contract then and that in the end (after two massive bombing campaigns) they got the contract to "rebuild" Iraq with barely any competivitve bidding? Does anyone care? Why don't you all go eat some soylent green, download some porn and kiss your butts goodbye. If this is all the information that is need to say we have a functioning democracy ... if there is no place for reporters like Robert Fisk on the American TV scene, then we have entered Logan's Run already ... and just like the zombyized automatons of futurist movies ... we marched there ourselves ... and all the while praising our own superiority and freedom. Wake up idiots and watch some foreign produced media. Whatever Jennifer's past at the liberal college - she sure doesn't fact check or report now. She merely stands on the corner and speculates about what the mayor thinks of the current protest ... "worst than anything he's seen since Vietnam ... " really now. I guess she and the mayor can't remember when Dan White wasn't convicted of murder after shooting Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk point blank. This city went off. She could have reported on some "chaos in the streets" on that night. But since the mayor has amnesia and she herself was probably too young to remember ... she simply speculates and offers endless hype on March 20, 2003 - the worst day the Mayor has scene since Vietnam ... what a bunch of drivel. Here are some facts to check:

Rumsfeld's roomy in college? ... a Carlyle senior perhaps? ... maybe Frank Carluci? ... check it out ...

Who is the Carlyle Group and how are they profitting from baby Bush's foreign policy? Is Bush senior on the Board? What is the relation with the defense industry? What is the name of the specific defense contractor that the Carlyle Group is so vested in?

Who is Riley Bechtel? What is his connection to Bush? What policiy boards does he sit on?

Who (and where) is Dick Cheney? Who are the members of the Energy Task Force and what are they lobbying for? Revolving doors? Why do they maintain a need for secrecy and the public is not allowed to know much about them?

When were the plans for the second massive attack on Iraq planned? And, why were so many false claims made by Bush and Blair in the lead up to the current campaign? Why did people like Rumseld and other senior Americans have no problem with Saddam when he was massively gassing the Kurds? If Bush associates and even Bush cabinet members are going to profit off of post-war Iraq, can't we even explore the possibility of what us old people used to call a "conflict of interest?" ... that is a good phrase for disney-bred "reporters" to look up.

What is the history of Iraq? Who is King Faisal? What happened in Paris in 1919? Was it a Brittish Mandate at one point? How were the post-mandate boundries drawn? Who were the players at that time ... big oil maybe? What happened to Kurdistan? What are the demographics of Iraq now? Is a policy of creating artificial boundries and grouping hostile peoples together in new countries really working? Did it lead to any of the problems? (How's it going in Liberia for example?) Does history still matter ... or is that like something I heard some youth say on a bus, "so September 10th man ... ?"

What happened to the reporters in the Palesting hotel around April 8th in Baghdad? Did they get a little more than pie in their face? Does Jennifer care about them ... or about the Bill of Rights? What happened to war-time reporting during the Panama invasion? Any guesses? Remember the strap, "pentagon approved?" The strap was gone by the time of Gulf War I, was the news still pentagon approved? If so, then what has happened to citizen armies and free and to the independent press? Does this matter to anyone? Or is a bad day of traffic all the really matters to commuter idiots?

Anyway, none of this was explored by Jennifer Jolly and anyone can tell from her style of reporting that she is not about asking those kinds of questions. She wants to rub elbows with rich people (left, right, center) ... it doesn't matter to her. It is obvious. And rich people are really making a lot of bad choices right now. They have all given in to the bunker mentality. There is no voice of reason and vision today ... just lock 'em up, deport 'em, cut my taxes, attack and roll-back.
by J Worth
I don't understand this video at all. Jennifer is a wife, a mother, a reporter and so many other things including a humane and warm person. Why are so many assumptions made because of her appearance. Was it appropriate to yell at her that now she'd have to go back to the van to have her make-up redone? If she wasn't pretty and wearing make up would she have generated so much hostility? What kind of stereotyping has been cast upon Jennifer? Maybe you should go a little more in depth before claiming to know what a person is about. Isn't this part of what you are fighting for - not gross generalizations?
Do you find it excusable to put a pie in someone's face, an act of violence in itself, in the protest of war? Is it okay for war protestors to have misplaced aggressions? Is it okay for war protestors to hurt others? I don't think so.
by P Bryson
To insinuate that a person is the standard bearer for all of society's wrongs merely because they occupy a place in the public eye is shortsighted. When the zealotry of the masses promotes a site such as this that belittles individuals simply for reporting things as they see them, free speech is alive and well. I do not respect opinions founded on shaky foundations and questionable logic. I do not respect individuals that hide behind masks and pen names. I do not wish to be your friend, and I do not wish a gentile dialogue. You have a constitutional right to speak your mind, but that doesn't make you right, pleasant, or congenial. To make insinuations about hitleresque techniques of media spin at the same time as espousing a video that is a perfect example of populist propaganda is laughable. I too am against the war and have been highly critical of the administration since its dubious beginnings in 2000. I volunteer for the ACLU and despise the pervasive corruption in our government. However, I don't respect people that seem to derive pleasure from encouraging a mob of followers to pick out a person to attack as a effigy for all of America's woes. Failed journalists can pick on professional journalists in street mob scenes, but the slapshod quality of their work makes it clear they too are not gainfully employed producing more constructive pieces. Maybe Jeff Taylor and company could file for the Governor job, I hear they are taking applications
by nome de guerre
Oh well ... another piss-ant liberal hiding behind their pen name while exposing others ... and this one claims to volunteer for the ACLU ...

If all of history consisted of cowards like P Bryson, we never would have acheived the right to vote for women or cut short the war in Vietnam. Not everyone can stay all nice and safe in the Ivory tower while Rome burns. And, if your media gets bought by military contractors, your democracy is a farce. So, it is sad that so many have forgotten the sacrifices (and the words) of people like Malcom X and Fred Hampton. We are happy to embrace revisionist and fluffy views of history today and to remain powerless while the investment class steals all of the resources, lock up all the black youths and destroys all of our futures by doing nothing about climate change. Oh well, I guess a little cream in their face is ... what? ... violent? I wonder if P Bryson ever heard what the U.S. installed Pinochet regime was doing (while being advised by Kissinger and Milton Friedman) They grabbed a popular musician (Victor Hara) off of the streets, brought him to the sports arena, cut off his hands and made him play his guitar with stubs and then shot him in the face. I wonder if P Bryson knows what is going on the Congo right now? The U.S. announced it might show up to help with peacekeeping in maybe like 6-weeks. So, this was green-light for mayhem and what ensued was a period of rape, machete-hacking and mayhem that rivals any of that seen before. But, hey we may as well spend our time being mad about a little cream pie smeared on an average looking white girl that should be leading tours at Disney and not reporting at all.

I think you and your whole system sucks. Maybe led pies would be better ... they certainly would be easier to deliver. Then, all the whiners who don't have the guts to really look at what is going on in Columbia, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, along our southern border ... maybe then, they can really just devote themselves exclusively to whining about their fellow leftists' tactics while our planet goes up in flames and tropical diseases start claiming lives in Canada. "Wow, I guess a little cream is too extreme ... better stroll in my leather shoes over the marble floors and brush up on my Marx."
by P Bryson
A pie in the face is a poor excuse for taking action in a constructive manner. There is a Haitian Creole Proverb that goes as follows: "Si yo vle tue yon chen yo di li fou" or "If they want to to kill a dog, they say he is crazy." The continuous ad hominem attacks of certain writers are transparent appeals to personal prejudices rather than to reason; attacks on an opponent's character rather than the opponent's assertions expose the essential hypocrisy of the ideas of self-proclaimed "freedom fighters." My dislike of culinary pseudo-activism hardly makes me a proponent of the Pinochet regime, oppression of women, blacks, and predatory US policy around the world. One writer claims to be supportive of suffragettes and yet belittles Ms. Jolly for being female and middle class. Do pies in the face do anything? Yes they do. They provide a platform to get attention while not actually accomplishing anything. Since the pieing of Milton, Gates, et al., global economic theories have not felt the shock wave of epicurean terror-activism and software monopolies, unhindered by a little cream in the face of a CEO, continue to thrive. The Congo has a history so soaked in blood and pain that the current situation pales when compared to the devastating effects of the rubber and slave trades, but thanks to the biotic baking brigade, things are better now. American history is soiled by stains of murder, corruption, oppression, greed, and the litany of the seven deadly sins, but tart politics are settling the score. You cannot justify your poor behavior by pointing to the poor behavior of others. Two wrongs don't make a right. Using bully tactics to protest international bullying is simply bullying, not freedom fighting. Find a more productive venue to express your opinons.

"If a fire-fighter fights fire and a crime fighter fight crime, what does a freedom fighter fight?"
--The Venerable George Carlin
by resigned
well, I see from this little discussion that one writer thinks that pies have accomplished nothing at all. And, it is also obvious that the problems described do indeed persist, so, that means that all of the tamer tactics espoused by those who hate the pie-ings are also completely ineffective. 3,000 have died from a heatwave in Paris this summer and the press is discussing how beer sales have improved there. So, what to do about Climate Change ... ? Write a letter to the same Congress that said it was OK for Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force to operate in total secrecy? ... This will be really effective. How about starting a petition drive? Will that be immediately effective? ... maybe. P Bryson seems to have the answers to what is and isn't effective. So, what to do? ... if I watch the "professional journalism" espoused by P, all one needs to do is maintain a neat TV appearance and villify all those whose tactics you disagree with (in a paternalistic, John Deweyite tone.) This makes me feel empowered and refreshed. Time for a beer.
by Thomas
P Bryson astutely points out the problem. It is the height of cowardice to post anonymous websites and statements. If the pie throwers had half the conviction they espouse they would publicly stand up for themselves instead of bluring out their faces and retreating into anonymous cyberspace. Show some sack and get off the sidelines!
by Loki
Are these the same people that got Bill Gates?
by live long
OK Thomas where are you? ... I've got some sak for your face. But, really ... priveledged idiot dupes never understand what it is like to live under surveillance. They don't understand the Zapatistas and they silently support murder and oppression. But, as more and more people are getting laid off and the republocats all too hapily slashed the social safety net - I think there will be more people out there showing some sack, whenever the rich people venture out of the Marina, the opera house or the gated community. See you at the checkpoints - rock on bro
by Thomas
My my, gated community, checkpoints? what world do you live in? You think you are the only ones who know of the tragedies in Chiapas? You ever been to the Peten? Spoken to the Maya? Pick your battles carefully. Don't assume you have some magical insight that escapes the rest of us. Just because you are confined by your minute brain power doesn't make the rest of us dupes. I hope you have fun banging your head against the wall while eating your pie, cause real change doesn't come easy.

For you to presume you are the only ones on the behind the causes of truth and good- You sound like the Administration rather than someone who actually cares about others.
by Mama knows best
Thomas is right. All you poor people need to shut up and learn how to work for less. Read John Dewey everyone. Elites do the have the answers and rich progressives are to be listened to above all others.

Obviously, things are going well in the body-politic and all the checks and balances are working fine. The sufragettes were nice and they knew how to protest civilly. Maybe that is why they got the vote. Intelligence, refinement, thoughts from stable people with leisure time - this is what makes progress possible - not confrontations with authority figures. Grow up everyone. Listen to Thomas and vote more often. Change always comes from well-groomed people who write petitions - don't you know anything.


by P Bryson
Ah Mama. All you poor people need to speak up and demand to be paid more money for the work you do. Don't read because reading too much makes you annoying any nobody wants to hear your circuitous meanderings anyways. Hooded street anarchists do the have the answers and cynical jaded urbanites are to be listened to above all others.

Obviously, things are going poorly in the body-politic and all the checks and balances are not enough. The sufragettes were effective because their message wasn't lost in an obtuse messenger. Because they fought for a just cause, they succeeded. Intelligence, tenacity, and well-wrought thoughts from people with dedication to worthwhile causes and hard work creates lasting changes in the societal fabric. Confrontations in the street alienates the masses and destroys any audience that would have the means to make necessary change. Listen to Thomas and vote more often. Change can come from all sources of society, from all walks, creeds, and socio-economic strata. Petitions, informational tabling, volunteering for reputable organizations with concrete goals can increase your voice exponentially.
by history buff
Two words: Boston Massacre
by pick your battles
If the massacre is the most effective way to change policy, progressives would be an even rarer breed
by media literacy required (IanMWashburn [at]
Would like to know who wrote this, or at least, where I can find more material by this author.

Only identifies self as "media literacy required".

Really excellent.
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