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Indybay Feature

San Ramon "Patriot"

by Ozzyteppics
Got this picture of this patriot from the SF Chronicle, no wonder the majority of the world has come to hate the US.
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by anti-scum
What a pathetic nazi pscyho, draping himself in the American flag. I would suggest sending him to a mental hospital, but for the fact that I wouldn't want the other inmates to suffer with his presence among them. Maybe sending him to a pig farm would be a better alternative ...
by ?
Does anyone have pictures of the person smashing windshields in the mall parking lot across the street, or the result of their work? This was mentioned in another newswire story. If there are all these pictures of the nationalists on that corner, maybe he is among the group in one of the photos and could be identified?
by bassman
Yeah, I saw this psycho yelling and screaming about how we were treasoness and should leave the country. The police came over to make sure nothing worse happened, as I was sure he was going to start throwing punches. The funny thing is, he made such an ass out of himself in front of the cameras that he did more to discredit the pro-war movement than anything. I hope that we won't generalize though. I did see a few pro-war protesters there who were actually acting very freindly. I talked to one of them for a while about how, even though we were on opposite sides, we were both out there peacefully exercizing our First Amendment rights. Yeah, the majority of pro-war people I've seen out there have been lobbing profanities and stupid empty insults at us. We should discredit them. But those who are out there demonstrating on the other side of the issue peacefully I think should be commended. That's what this country is supposed to be about: open dialogue on the issues.
by hippy_yuppie_communist_etc

A clip of these two were shown on the KTVU 10 o'clock news the other night, with the antiwar person trying to dialog with this nutbag and the nutbag just keeps screaming "USA! USA! USA!" in his face.

Overall, that was the only footage I saw at all, on any channel, of the pro-war contingent, and it did make them look bad.

And the only footage I saw of the blockade was a young black woman being rather roughly arrested by da popo, plus on KTVU there was a short interview with one of the lock-down people at gate 1.

by Ocellot
After demonstrating all day in front of Chevwrong Toxico I returned to find my car had been keyed all along the drivers side , from front to back. Guess they had issue with the sole sticker on my windshield." No Blood For Oil "Why would someone do this to another persons car not even knowing the person? A Patriot perhaps?
by Amy
I was there till 2, but didn't see any vandalism. Sorry people had their cars messed with. I know it kind of feels like a mugging. After listening to insults all day long which ran the gamut of "commie, pinko, hippies",
to the finger, given frequently, along with the exhortation to "get a job, loser", I guess I'm not surprised. In addition to the sign informing us to love this country or move to France, and get a job, you yuppie scum. I told him he should know his target audience out here.I was surprised by the number of hummers I saw there. Before this incident our exchanges had been kind of a call and response. They chanted "usa", we added "out of Iraq", or alternated with a counter phrase of planet earth.This particular clown and his buddies made a show of stupidy and came across the street to instigate an in your face scream fest with us. The cops quickly told them to go back. There was a guy who had spent the morning passing back and forth in front of us with a small american flag,
and a small military issue ammo bag, filled with latex gloves. He looked like a former service person. When asked why he was carrying a bag of gloves he replied that there were for us to use to pull our heads out of our asses. He did appear, shall we say, posessed, as did most of them. The chant that was really a non-sequitor was s-u-v, in my humble opinion.
by OhtheIrony
Does any else see the irony of protestors driving to San Ramon to protest a war for oil at the Chevron Oil Refinery?
by cp
well, the situation is that San Ramon is broken - there aren't a lot of alternatives to biking in 11 miles from Walnut Creek. People were getting to BART at 5am just to get out there.

It's similar to if you have a relative in prison, or another reason why you want to get to one of the prisons all located in remote rural areas like Susanville High Desert State Prison. There often won't even be a close Greyhound route. So who knows what you're supposed to do if you're disabled or you get old or break your leg in this society. My friend has to drive his dad 30 miles to work because his dad got DWIs. There should be an alternative for his father, but there isn't. The streets are broken.
by bassman
I ended up driving there too. I live in Castro Valley, I couldn't find any reasonable means to get there on public transit. After a couple of dozen protests, this was the first I had to drive to. I'm sorry peoples' cars were vandalized. I'm surprised mine wasn't since I have a French flag in the back window. Then again, the people who do things like that probably don't have the mental capabilities to figure out that it's a French flag.
by SF Driver
>>> Sorry people had their cars messed with. I know it kind of feels like a mugging. <<<

Interesting that when your cars are vandalized, it's something terrible, yet in San Francisco only a couple weeks earlier, Indymedia was celebrating vandalism against other people's cars.

I guess what we have to learn is that if we disagree with you, you can attack our property, but it is wrong for anyone to attack your property.
by SF-IMC volunteer
Indymedia was NOT celebrating. Some of our readers were celebrating. Other of our readers condemned it. If you can't tell us from our readers, you're not paying enough attention.
by i
How can we tell who is who on this website? Anyone with dissenting opinions get censored. I've pointed this out in several posts and not a single person questioned this hypocracy.

CP - If your friend's dad got several DWI's it's his own fault he has such troubles getting around.
by ghi
and it would be tragic if he was tempted to drive again because of the dysfunctional transit system in Sonoma county, and he ran you over. Maybe he would go to jail, but you would be dead.
by dwi
The government is responsible for all the frailties of man. Any government that does not provide effortless transportation between any two points within its borders should be overthrown and replaced by a giant street party with big banners and colourful street theatre.
Several options available, see details at See you down here Tues morn! -X

ps. i've never heard of any censorship on IMC -- any wacko on any side and h/her iguana seems to be able to, and does, post here -- or am i missing something?
by pseudonymous

The government is responsible for all the frailties of man. Any government that does not provide effortless transportation between any two points within its borders should be overthrown and replaced by a giant street party with big banners and colourful street theatre. Uh, dwi, the various levels of government do spend a significant portion of their budgets on assuring easy transportation between given points. It's just that they do it in the form of roads and highways (which you use and like, right?) and some of us would prefer that they use those dollars on trains, buses, and bike paths, which enable local transportation with less waste.

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