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Pictures Of Bush Statue After Being Pulled Down
SAN FRANCISCO, APRIL 12 — In a visual moment that will go down in history, a jubilant San Francisco crowd toppled a statue of George W. Bush, a symbol of the illegitimate regime that had long oppressed the American people.
Jubilant Crowd Dismantles Statue of Bush
San Francisco Residents Topple George W. Bush, Symbol of Oppression
Emboldened by the arrival of a massive, unarmed pro-peace force, a celebrant crowd of Americans beheaded a toppled statue of George W. Bush, which towered over the Civic Center Plaza of San Francisco.
“We stood in the oppressive shadow of that monument, held fast by its cruel gaze and menacing sneer, ever since its erection earlier this morning,” reported one American brandishing a sledge hammer, “Now the peace marchers are here, and the ones who speak English are promising us that our liberation is at hand.” A crowd of Americans dragged the statue’s massive head through the city streets. “It’s ironic that we so feared this figurehead of totalitarianism,” observed one jubilant American, “the head is completely hollow after all.”
The crowd succeeded in destroying the likeness of their unpopular, un-elected ruler at approximately 11:14 AM Saturday morning. They spent the remainder of the day in close proximity to the gathering peace forces, likely fearful of retribution at the hands of pockets of resistance still loyal to the Bush regime.
“We understand that this is just a symbol,” said American Alex Brusht, “though inevitable, the long hard work of regime change in this country is still ahead of us.”
For more information about current and future actions, go to or email media [at]
San Francisco Residents Topple George W. Bush, Symbol of Oppression
Emboldened by the arrival of a massive, unarmed pro-peace force, a celebrant crowd of Americans beheaded a toppled statue of George W. Bush, which towered over the Civic Center Plaza of San Francisco.
“We stood in the oppressive shadow of that monument, held fast by its cruel gaze and menacing sneer, ever since its erection earlier this morning,” reported one American brandishing a sledge hammer, “Now the peace marchers are here, and the ones who speak English are promising us that our liberation is at hand.” A crowd of Americans dragged the statue’s massive head through the city streets. “It’s ironic that we so feared this figurehead of totalitarianism,” observed one jubilant American, “the head is completely hollow after all.”
The crowd succeeded in destroying the likeness of their unpopular, un-elected ruler at approximately 11:14 AM Saturday morning. They spent the remainder of the day in close proximity to the gathering peace forces, likely fearful of retribution at the hands of pockets of resistance still loyal to the Bush regime.
“We understand that this is just a symbol,” said American Alex Brusht, “though inevitable, the long hard work of regime change in this country is still ahead of us.”
For more information about current and future actions, go to or email media [at]
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Wish I coulda been there!!! Good move.
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozybushius, King of Kings,
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
Who said—"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozybushius, King of Kings,
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
This is hilarious!!!
I love it. And the best part? You probably had more people at your event than they did in Baghdad when the "mobs" (read: iraqis screened by the US military) tore down the statue. And you didn't even need to point a machine gun at anyone's head to make it happen!!
We must keep getting in the streets.
We must not stop until the US Government is severely restricted in its military adventurism.
I will keep fighting until I die or its war abilities do.
I love it. And the best part? You probably had more people at your event than they did in Baghdad when the "mobs" (read: iraqis screened by the US military) tore down the statue. And you didn't even need to point a machine gun at anyone's head to make it happen!!
We must keep getting in the streets.
We must not stop until the US Government is severely restricted in its military adventurism.
I will keep fighting until I die or its war abilities do.
Why stop with the status of Bush? There are hundreds of statues around the country of white slaveholders, murderers of Native Americans, capitalist exploiters and assorted militarists and war criminals. Lets head to a park and tear down a statue of Washington, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Rockefeller or Goldstein!
Why does that guy have a mask covering his face? It's a little cowardly, don't you think? If he had the courage of his convictions I don't think he'd me wearing a mask. Am I wrong?
The danger of saying what that person is saying in these increasingly repressive times might dictate relative anonymity, such as a mask as a reasonable defense against persecution and also dramatize that fact. Hardly a deterrent to law enforcement in that situation either.
I get all sorts of negative feedback from the viscious and bewildered bush worshipers around Eureka here due to protesting I have done that is less inflamatory, to a bushite, than this.
I get all sorts of negative feedback from the viscious and bewildered bush worshipers around Eureka here due to protesting I have done that is less inflamatory, to a bushite, than this.
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the guys who dumped the tea in Boston Harbor dressed up like Mohawks, to avoid persecution after the fact. It's no more cowardly than bombing civilians from a stealth plane.
Dressing up as Mohawks is kind of cowardly, and definitely taking advantage of a racist ethnic cleansing that was going on at the time.
Wearing a mask like that, at least you look like you are suspicious but still just trying to nicely maintain anonymity.
So, yes, modern day protesters who mask up are better people than those who pulled off the Boston Tea Harbor action.
Wearing a mask like that, at least you look like you are suspicious but still just trying to nicely maintain anonymity.
So, yes, modern day protesters who mask up are better people than those who pulled off the Boston Tea Harbor action.
Think about all the statues of Bush, all the murals on the walls of this country. And then think about the upcoming election. Really, it's about a yaer from now. And then just think about how brave you are -- you know burning American flags and knocking down mock statues can land you in jail in this country. For years! Wow! I'm so impressed! I think I must go out with one of the rebels!
No - You are not wrong.
It is my hope that the symbolic depiction of the downfall of the American dictator will become a hard reality. All decent people in America and worldwide must unite to stamp out this cancer from humanity.
"Think about all the statues of Bush, all the murals on the walls of this country. And then think about the upcoming election. Really, it's about a yaer from now. And then just think about how brave you are -- you know burning American flags and knocking down mock statues can land you in jail in this country. For years! Wow! I'm so impressed! I think I must go out with one of the rebels!"
The analogy between Saddam Hussein and George Bush Incorporated is good and differs only in superficial ethnic differences. Since the GOP and their Democrat collaborators are the mouthpiece for international corporations, have huge sums of money to promote it's candidates, owns the media lock, stock and barrel and openly rigs elections, as in Florida, the analogy differs only in magnitude and it's evil potential for this country and the rest of the world. Considering our dictators have only set up dictatorships in the countries we control it would not be surprising if they just suspend the next "election" all together for reasons of "national security" what with dangerous people knocking down fake statues and all.
Using the same game plan as Hitler, it is hard to imagine how they will be stopped. It took two superpowers working overtime to stop the Nazis with their War machine; advanced hardware Prescott Bush and associates gave them, total brutality and the most advanced "patriotic" propaganda machine of the day. ("Germany above all else" etc.)
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"openly rig elections (Florida)"
"advanced hardware Prescott Bush and associates gave them"
Didn't every recount show that Bush won Florida by a few hundred votes? And those too-difficult-to-use punchcard voting machines? Yes, the same type we use in SF. Never seemed too difficult to me.
Please elaborate on your Prescott Bush point. Provide links to reliable sources. It's easy to make an accusation. Here, I'll do it: "Noel's grandfather possibly deposited money into a bank that lent money to Germany in the 30s".
"advanced hardware Prescott Bush and associates gave them"
Didn't every recount show that Bush won Florida by a few hundred votes? And those too-difficult-to-use punchcard voting machines? Yes, the same type we use in SF. Never seemed too difficult to me.
Please elaborate on your Prescott Bush point. Provide links to reliable sources. It's easy to make an accusation. Here, I'll do it: "Noel's grandfather possibly deposited money into a bank that lent money to Germany in the 30s".
the scam in the elections in florida was the purging of the voter roles of tens of thousands of voters, not that chad shit.. Jeb, what a bad boy
RE: to noel
by reason Sunday April 13, 2003 at 11:47 AM
"openly rig elections (Florida) Didn't every recount show that Bush won Florida by a few hundred votes? And those too-difficult-to-use punchcard voting machines? Yes, the same type we use in SF. Never seemed too difficult to me.
In addition to the extremely narrow margin almost a hundred thousand voters were fraudently stripped of their right to vote due to crroked methods of "purging" the voter rolls. Even after the 2000 election they did not have their rights restored and were not allowed to vote in the 2002 elections. There is documentation of this and I will try and find and post it here later.
"advanced hardware Prescott Bush and associates gave them Please elaborate on your Prescott Bush point. "
Their business was taken away under the "trading with the enemy act" almost a year after Pearl Harbor. They, (Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker and the Robber Barons they represented) had sought Hitler out circa 1922 for his ideology and brutality. Prescott and associates were rabid anti-semites and at the forefront of the most murderous version of "eugenics" as was their associate Henry Ford. Here is a link to his pamphlet The International Jew"
Nazi diplomats giving him a medal on behalf of Hitler in 1938.
Provide links to reliable sources.
If you mean Fox news when you say "reliable sources" then I can't help you. No one can. Otherwise please consider this one for starters;
Here is a page from the 1942 Federal Register documenting the confiscation of Union Banking, their vehicle for this activity. (i would have just posted it here but it is a half a megabyte for legibility of the text. The colored notation on the article is also well documented. It's easy to make an accusation. Here, I'll do it: "Noel's grandfather possibly deposited money into a bank that lent money to Germany in the 30s". My grandfather may well have sympathized but to my knowledge didn't directly help their efforts.
"openly rig elections (Florida) Didn't every recount show that Bush won Florida by a few hundred votes? And those too-difficult-to-use punchcard voting machines? Yes, the same type we use in SF. Never seemed too difficult to me.
In addition to the extremely narrow margin almost a hundred thousand voters were fraudently stripped of their right to vote due to crroked methods of "purging" the voter rolls. Even after the 2000 election they did not have their rights restored and were not allowed to vote in the 2002 elections. There is documentation of this and I will try and find and post it here later.
"advanced hardware Prescott Bush and associates gave them Please elaborate on your Prescott Bush point. "
Their business was taken away under the "trading with the enemy act" almost a year after Pearl Harbor. They, (Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker and the Robber Barons they represented) had sought Hitler out circa 1922 for his ideology and brutality. Prescott and associates were rabid anti-semites and at the forefront of the most murderous version of "eugenics" as was their associate Henry Ford. Here is a link to his pamphlet The International Jew"
Nazi diplomats giving him a medal on behalf of Hitler in 1938.
Provide links to reliable sources.
If you mean Fox news when you say "reliable sources" then I can't help you. No one can. Otherwise please consider this one for starters;
Here is a page from the 1942 Federal Register documenting the confiscation of Union Banking, their vehicle for this activity. (i would have just posted it here but it is a half a megabyte for legibility of the text. The colored notation on the article is also well documented. It's easy to make an accusation. Here, I'll do it: "Noel's grandfather possibly deposited money into a bank that lent money to Germany in the 30s". My grandfather may well have sympathized but to my knowledge didn't directly help their efforts.
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Actually, the guy wearing the mask was a pro-war protestor. He craddled the body of the fallen bush and waved an american flag.
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Excellent work. There is only one thing wrong. They're not real!
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Add Blair, Sharon, John Howard (I'm from Australia), and a long list of others. Not the clay versions. The real ones!
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Anyone have photos of the statue before or while it was being putted down? Our photos are off to the developer.
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Assalamualaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam!
Lets stop wishful thinking, It is time for Muslims to rise and ACT! Allah does not help people who do not struggle. Before criticising the Kuffar, let us first criticise the RULERS of the Islamic Ummah. The governments of the neighbouring states of Iraq who allowed Air space to the Kuffar so that their brothers could be killed. The so-called MUSLIM Rulers who, to stay in the good books of America would do all to appease America. Let us pinpoint this cancer in the Muslim Ummah. Our rulers need to be TARGETED instead of BUSH. This is my message to all Muslims.
Lets stop wishful thinking, It is time for Muslims to rise and ACT! Allah does not help people who do not struggle. Before criticising the Kuffar, let us first criticise the RULERS of the Islamic Ummah. The governments of the neighbouring states of Iraq who allowed Air space to the Kuffar so that their brothers could be killed. The so-called MUSLIM Rulers who, to stay in the good books of America would do all to appease America. Let us pinpoint this cancer in the Muslim Ummah. Our rulers need to be TARGETED instead of BUSH. This is my message to all Muslims.
We also need a statue of Carl Rove, Bush's co-dependent evil twin who coaches him. Like Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, they both need to be pulled off that wall. So, all the kings horses and all the kings men can never never put them together again.
Just like to thank spy Jeremy Reynalds for promoting my magaine so much. Catanique will be thrilled she got a mention. I didn't know she copped a serve. You're actually doing us a favor, you clueless turd. Why don't you tell them to make a clay figure of you. We'd even buy the monstrosity...In the name of FUN!
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