Police State
Police State
Indybay Regions North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area North Coast Central Valley North Bay East Bay South Bay San Francisco Peninsula Santa Cruz IMC - Independent Media Center for the Monterey Bay Area California United States International Americas Haiti Iraq Palestine Afghanistan
From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Jerry Brown Endorsed Shooting Of Protesters And Port Workers

by 'We The People' Demand Jerry Brown Resign
Jerry Brown has a reputation for being "liberal" or even "progressive", but many Oakland residents know better. Brown has been a strong supporter of sending minority students to a new military academy he helped set up and now Brown has openly endorsed the use of wooden and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters and dock workers.
By all accounts the protests at the Oakland docks today were peaceful and not only was the police action unprovoked but the dispersal order given was only two minutes before the police opened fire. Many of those injured were port workers and the Business Agent of the local ILWU was arrested by the OPD without reason.

"Groups were coming to take over the port, all right, now that's not acceptable. .... Police, in the line of fire there reacted in the best way they know how. You've got some pretty violent people there, those fellows who put on black masks and picked up big rocks. One guy took a slab of concrete and threw it at one of the officers," [Jerry Brown] told Reuters.

Jerry Brown's sordid past:

Jerry Brown creates military academy so that more Oakland residents can grow up to fight in foreign lands for US oil interests:

Jerry Brown supports the use of Oakland for a US Marine training exercise for urban warfare. The exercise was needed by the Marines to train for missions like those in Somalia and now Iraq. In a very direct sense Jerry Brown is responsible for what is going on today in Baghdad!
§throwing a grenade at people going to work
by 'We The People' Demand Jerry Brown Resign
Jerry Brown Has No Shame!!! His sick thugs on the dock not only abused workers and protesters but they were laughing and making homophobic comments while doing it....
§Jerry Brown Should Be Thrown Out Of Office And Shunned
by 'We The People' Demand Jerry Brown Resign
What kind of sicko would do this to peaceful anti-war protesters!!!
§And To Think Jerry Brown Once Had A Show On KPFA
by 'We The People' Demand Jerry Brown Resign
All it takes is a little power and a supposedly peaceful man who claims to be into nonviolence will do this to his own citizens. Dictator and thug Jerry must be removed from office. Petitions must be started to get him out of office before his thugs kill again (remember the Riders scandal, in that recent case Jerry defended actual murderers)
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by you know who
bring tennis rackets for concussion grenades just volly um back at them, and wooden signs to hide behind for the wooden bullets, maybe even make a window in the center of your peace symbol!, of yeah and loud music to drown out the communication, smoke bombs fire works so they cant see you and shoot you in the neck
and small animals they dont want shot um, asmatic signs staing your health is at risk to gas, running plans to move out the way of police fire double back around them, make it like a kids tag/ chase game
by profiler jack
seeing the pic of the protestor with her face swelling like that makes me wish that a few chunks of concrete could have equalized the situtation....(i got a definate pet peeve for police brutality....)
ON THE UPSIDE thing to consider is that the system will always over-react to protect its weakest points.....the fact the pigs were so quick to resort to brutality means this was a well-placed/timed protest......if this were just a march in downtown, not REALLY effecting those that deserve to be brought down, you would not see this type of the cops over-reacting, it shows they are afraid of this demonstration because it was potentially VERY effective.....
lets face it.......its one thing to play cat and mouse with SFPD and get some headlines....but if we're serious about effecting true social change....the system will fight us with everything they got to prevent them from losing power......when we find a reaction like this, it means theyre weakest at this place, and they have done us a favor by letting us know where theyre afraid of the people.....but this will only be useful if we exploit this vulnerability...
just a thought...
by anon



THE POLICE WORK FOR THE *STATE*--THE CAPITALISTS--*NOT* THE PEOPLE. TO PROTECT & SERVE MEANS *EXACTLY* THAT!: TO PROTECT AND SERVE THE CAPITALIST *STATE* AND CAPITALIST ASSETS/INSTITUTIONS. Ask anyone in the black/Latino community when the police have ever worked "to protect & serve" them--if anything at all, the police usually go there to humilitate, beat or shoot them.

(As far as police not really solving crimes as a priority: Look at how the police let Polly Klaas's murderer slip right through their fingers! Had Polly's kidnapper been a scruffy black/Latino guy--instead of a scruffy white guy--out of place on an isolated nearby country road, the police would have nabbed him.

Look at how Elizabeth Smart's family finally ignored the police and publicized their own information about Elizabeth's kidnapping suspect and got a tip from the public that *then* resulted in Elizabeth's recovery by the police!

Look at now the Jon-Benet Ramsey case was screwed up.

Look at how the police screwed up the Central Park Jogger rape case--and framed a bunch of innocent black teenagers, who the police intimidated, coerced and forced to falsely confess.

Look at how--with the eyes of the world upon the LAPD, the police totally screwed up the investigation and proper police and forensic procedure on the O.J. Simpson case!

The rate of unsolved crimes--except for two-bit, underclass, street level, drug busts (but never the white importers)--in the people of color communities is MONUMENTAL!!! Remember the tv news magazine installment about the hundreds of RAPE cases that big city police just write off--even disposing the evidence so that it can not be reviewed, re-examined, or re-tested with improved/new scientific techniques in the future.

Corporate TV, of course, *GREATLY* overrates and hypes the danger of police work in order to fool the public that the police are actually doing anything. Police work is fairly low on the scale of National Bureau of Labor Standards serious occupational injury and death rates--coming well below mining, construction, transportation, dockworking, farming, or even working in a 7-11. )

This makes sense, if you think about it. If the state wants to employ you as the state's hired goons (and street enforcers of racism), they want to ensure sure that cops won't easily DEFECT and join the other side or become one of the state's/system's knowledgeable critics, especially an insider or former insider. So, the state pay cops the most they can--readily assisted by strong police unions--to keep cops at least reasonably/fairly happy, financially. And then they let cops go out and, according to their individual proclivities, get their orgasmic rush beating heads, torturing victims or killing people (especially if the victims are black/Latino), because the cops know that, even in a major scandal, nothing much will ultimately happen to them. The state agreement with the cops is the state principle of "reasonable force"--an agreement (a wink) with a VERY WIDE latitude.

Or in the worst brutality scandal cases--POLICE MURDER--usually against police shooting victims who are black--the cops know that--regardless of any criminal sentence--they--the political PR sacrificial lambs--will only actually serve maybe, a slap-on-the-wrist, plus-or-minus 12 months or so at a country club prison where they can walk among the hedges, play golf or tennis, have very nice, basically, live-work office-like cells to relax and read in, etc. The police unions and the police department and the city will pick up the legal tab to defend even guilty cops.


I'm African American and we know the reality about cops ALL TOO WELL.

But, even young WHITE women in the Chicago area, who were once systematically stripped search over the most minor misdemeanors by leacherous cops who took them in (before a court finally stopped them, after years and years), know cops all too well, too.

Even the women who were, a few years ago, once attacked by gangs of young men in New York's Central Park while the cops stood by and did nothing now know cops all too well.

In fact, I was wrong about one thing: now and then a cop does "defect" to the other side. First, there was NYPD's Serpico. Later, Michael Rothmiller, formerly in an LAPD intelligence unit defected and wrote an expose book called "Inside the Secret LAPD" about police intelligence unit violations of privacy and police abuse tactics against blacks. Former San Jose police chief Joseph McNamara (what an astronomical anomaly!: a *good* police chief) wrote about cops in his newspaper essay "The Liars Club," about how judges, prosecutors and cops all work together to promote cops lying from the arrest, through the system, to the courts, especially against black/Latino men. McNamara got rid of the *really* bad cops by patrolling the donut shops and running the cops out of them (not that I wouldn't rather have the cops siting on their butts, eating donuts, instead of harassing people).

In fact, a friend of mine (Diop Kamal) is a former Los Angeles cop. His father is a former L.A. county sheriff. They both suffered police abuse, respectively, at different times while off duty in civilian clothes (his father in a car with two grandkids in back). My friend successfully sued the LAPD, won, took his money, went to doctoral school in criminal-justice studies, and set up the Police Complaint Center in Miami, Florida. My friend's abuse was even caught on tape by a secret NBC news camera crew.

How about just one of the gangs that LAPD Mark Fuhrman was in: MAW -- Men Against Women -- who took it upon themselves to be as tough as possible on women in the police force. How about how women cops are indoctrinated as silent by-standers into the culture of police violence. How about the violent police gangs in the OPD (like "the Riders") and LAPD, as well as in other cities. They even had gang tattoos, just like *OTHER* street gangs. How about how even many black cops are expected to brutalize black/Latino suspects in order to be truly accepted into the culture of the police department and to be deemed "promotable".

Yeah: "to protect & serve"--but not us, the public!--the capitalist, corporate *state*!
by hamster9
While it is probably true in general that the government and corporations are frightened about port shutdowns, there's no reason to think that the police attack wherever "they are weakest". Who is "they" exactly? What would the response be if there was a determined blockade of a military base? I suspect it would be rather harsh, but not because that's where "they" are weakest. Don't generalize so much!
by me
kill the bastard
(the police, of course)
Well you little rodent, I think that you have been running around in circles to long, yes indeed you should realize that information, that discerning and logical view put forth by jack was an excellent thought.

You try to obfuscate it with your, “Don't generalize so much!”, comment, but I do not, $buy$ it.

Yes, I think its about greed, power, and ideology, and if the powers that be feel that they are being affected by you, and they feel they can send in the what ever they are told to do cops, because they feel like they can get away with it, then they do.

Only this time they screwed up, way too many cameras and prominent people around as they had their dirty work being done by some cops who acted like they wished they were killing in the war in Iraq.

So you little rodent you can take your cheesy dribble some place else.

ha ha ha
by cp
Yesterday KTVU had Jerry Brown on 100% supporting the police, without wanting to consider any further possibilities.

On the 6am news, KTVU had a really biased sounding reporter who had Ignacio de la Fuente on, after he finished bashing the South Bay man who challenged allowing yellow ribbons but not other forms of political expression (for the person who threw a pie at Jennifer Jolly - choose your targets).
de la Fuente was really vociferous in his support of the police and was throwing around a totally fictitious version of the event. He said that the protesters were very violent and so this was absolutely necessary as a defense. There were a lot of video cameras going. Show us the violence. Show us any officer or piece of property that was hurt by the protesters yesterday. The violence was completely asymmetrical coming from the police. Perhaps de la Fuente would prefer riflemen dispensing justice from the streetcorners and then not as much tax money would have to go to courts.
by dkad
The poster who noted that the police react strongest where they are the system is the weakest was correct. It seems to me this picket struck a vital point.

Its not that the OPD or Jerry Brown is weakest at the Oakland Ports. But that the Oakland Ports are apparently a weak point in the whole corporate system.

Many corporations use a "just in time" supply system. This means they don't pay to have big warehouses of materials and stuff waiting to be used. Instead they keep a small supply on hand, and then rely on regular shipments of new materials.

Thus this system is very wide open to disruption. The vulnerablity here was shown during the longshoreman's lockout last year, and the intense attention paid to that event by the corporations.

The reaction to the picket was the same. View it as a pre-emptive strike, attempting by overwhelming violence to try to keep protestors away from a vital point.

I'm not there, so I'm not facing people firing wooden blocks at high velocity at me. But it seems that if you can stand the assaults, this is a very effective place to picket and shut down.
by cp
of course, it's totally a myth that Oakland has any sort of progressive government. Journalists who spend just a bit of time lightly scratching the surface are able to unearth horrible cases of corruption or bizarre behavior in the government.

The school system is totally mismanaged and barely employs accountants, and could be taken over by the state.

Jerry Brown's administration was giving 'loans' that didn't have to be repaid to Yusuf Bey, a man who raped several foster kids that he had access to and made pregnant at the age of 13 or 14, and then he went ahead to steal the welfare checks of the resulting babies. People in the Brown administration continued to regard this man as a leader and back him up:

And here is a report on Jerry Brown's creepy, bizarre svengali figure who engages in objectionable behavior and sexual harrassment. What a freak!!:
by repost

If you haven't already, please do so now.
by UkeMike
So when is the next picket at the Port. Let's follow up.
by reader_of_foreign_press
Hey Thatguy. why don't you turn of FOX and CNN and read the web or a book.

Best News, Information
And 911 Sites - 4th Edition
By John Kaminski
skylax [at]

If you were to read every story on every website mentioned in this post, we wouldn't hear from you for years.

However, if you were to scan all the sites mentioned here, and picked out stories that piqued your interest, something profound would happen. You would never trust what you read in your local newspaper or believed what you heard on TV ever again.

And that is exactly the point of this list.

The World Wide Web is where the genuine information is today. The mass media have deteriorated into a deceptive and delusional miasma of propaganda pitches designed not to tell the truth about current events, but to spin them in ways that will be profitable to the patricians who own the media outlets and pay for the deceptive advertising that ruin the health and the fortunes of ordinary citizens who are just trying to live their lives in a peaceful and orderly manner.

Print and broadcast mass media are the agents of deception and delusion - no exceptions.

The corporate mainstream media are all colluding in a criminal obstruction-of-justice coverup with corrupt government officials who have morphed the United States of America from a relatively functioning democratic republic into a private plunder preserve for the rich where ordinary people are regularly robbed of their hard-earned money and the privileged yet uneducated elite are free to trash the resources of the world's most gifted nation and sell them to the highest bidder.

With the help of corrupt judges and conscienceless politicians, America has become the scourge of the world as it loots country after country at the same time it deprives its own citizens not only of their basic rights that were once protected by a functioning Constitution, but also of their security, their wealth, and their self-respect as scam after scam " drugs, wars, and products you don't need that don't work " are foisted on unsuspecting consumers.

The information contained on these websites will help you see things differently, and more accurately.

This is the fourth time I've compiled this list. Each time it has expanded and changed slightly. A few sites have dropped off. Many more have been added.

If you're reading this, it's because we write regularly, you've sent me an interesting e-mail, or you are the creator of or work for an interesting website. This list is only one person's opinion of what's out there on the web regarding information about the coverup of 9/11.

This list as meant as a recommendation of where to find valid information not curdled by corporate contempt.

It is not meant to be a complete list, and apologies to all those great sites out there I haven't found yet. I always like getting recommendations and I understand that what I like might not be what you like.

Nevertheless, after a year of surfing every day, these are the sites I've found to be most valuable. I would sincerely urge you to check all of them out at your leisure and support them financially if you are able.

Everything recommended on this list is free (although with some, you can get add-ons that do cost money). I have taken pains not to include any sites of an overtly religious or spiritual nature, being a believer in the following statement: Anytime an adherent of one religion says anything at all about another religion, it is not to be taken seriously because the speaker can't help but be completely biased, and is therefore unreliable.

I have also excluded the categories of economics and the law, because not being an economist or a lawyer, I'm not sure when I'm being bamboozled by fancy rhetoric and references to documents with which I am unfamiliar.


Most Important Site

Best News Sources
(See note at end)

Best 9/11 Timelines

Best Liberal Leftie Sites

Best Patriot Right Sites

Best Mainstream Right Sites

Best All-around Analytical Websites

Best Site Destroyed By The Federales

Best Site Bought Off By The Israelis

Best Wild And Wooly Websites

Best Elected Official Sites

Best Essays

Best International News Sites

Best News Digests

Best Medical Sites

Best education site

Best Blog Site

Best Chatroom

Best All-Purpose Publication

Best Mind Control Sites

Best Humanitarian Site

Best Bush Sites

Best Election Sites

Best newsletters you can get only in e-mail form:
(sign up for all of them)
GlobalCirclenet <webmaster [at]>
CCW <ccw [at]>
MUTANEX Communications <mutanex [at]>
Preventive Psychiatry eNewsletter <gkohls [at]>

Best Talk Radio Shows

One of the best stories you can read off the bat is: because it details how many popular left websites such as Common Dreams, The Nation, The Progressive, Z magazine, Alternet, and Tom Paine are tainted by subterranean connections to the CIA. Almost all of them write little about 9/11 and won't even entertain the notion that the tragedies were generated by forces within the U.S. government, making them suspiciously useless in my mind.

Bonus item: To find out the location of an e-mail address by the suffix at the end, here is a list of country codes:

Start reading and learn as much as you can. Our collective future depends on it.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the coast of Florida and usually goes berserk every time he watches TV news.

by Tom Coley
Once again California Police Brutality rears it's hideous head. I am appalled at the way the police handled this event. What is worse is Mr.Gerry Brown's reaction to it "Groups were coming to take over the port, all right, now that's not acceptable. .... Police, in the line of fire there reacted in the best way they know how". That's right the best way Gerry to handle a peaceful display of public disobedience is to use violence. And your police force sure knows how to be violent. We have seen other fine examples of this in recent memory, the Rodney King affair etc.. Some much for the Constitution of the United States Of America. Do you smell paper burning, I think I do.
by ntuit
thatguy summed up his whole level of understanding by saying that Bush won the election.
by Zoyd Wheeler
See this article for Indiana Guard training exercise at Port of Indiana harbor during A-5 and A-6 weekend. Port of Indiana is in the midst of an industrial corridor plagued by the bankruptcies of steel industries and local governments.
by profiler jack
i'm still standing by my staements in my earlier post that the reason the police were so quick to use violence at the port is because as opposed to a saturday breakaway protest in downtown SF, a shutdown of the port truely does present a threat to the $$ that keeps those in power in place. the police, acting most likely on orders from a higher-up source (unsure of who this is, so i do make the generalization "they" in this case, my apologies) were supposed to instill fear in the demonstrators to think twice before trying anything at the port again. same reason the CHP worked so hard to keep people from blocking the bay bridge on Mar21, the shutdown of the bridge is a potential problem to those in power that they can't afford........if we're effective at striking the power core, damn right theyre going to fight hard to stop us, but the harder they fight, the closer we know we are to effecting true social change......
by Rachel Lederman (rlederman [at]
if you have videos, i can collect those for use in follow up with the cops.
if you need photos taken of your injuries, call photographer scott braley at
510-655-7638. nlg and bay area police watch will be organizing a meeting
with injured persons.

rachel lederman, nlg.
558 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA 94110.
415 282 9300
rlederman [at]
by kimberly
this needs to be stopped - oregan is already trying to pass a law that would give any protester 25 years in prison MINIMUM!
by mmmm
She does pay for those things. It's called taxes, moron.
by anon
targetting the docks is exactly right.

blocking traffic is passe.

the reason the armed might of the capitalist state came down so hard on y'all is because you were taking the type of action that, if successful, really hurts our enemies.
by Randy Repost
Mayor: Jerry Brown
One Frank Ogawa Plaza
(One City Hall Plaza)
3rd Floor
Oakland, California 94612
Telephone: 510-238-3141
Fax: 510-238-4731
TDD: 510-238-3724
jb [at]
officeofthemayor [at]

Oakland City Council
One Frank Ogawa Plaza
(One City Hall Plaza), 2nd Floor
Oakland, CA 94612

President of the Council
Ignacio De La Fuente
Councilmember District 5
(510) 238-7005
(510) 238-6910 FAX
Email: idelafuente [at]

Councilmember Jane Brunner
City Council District 1 - North Oakland
Phone: (510) 238-7001
Fax: (510) 238-6910
Email: jbrunner [at]

Councilmember Danny Wan
District 2
Phone: (510) 238-7002
FAX: (510) 238-6910
E-mail: dwan [at]

Councilmember Nancy J. Nadel
District 3
Phone: (510) 238-7303
FAX: (510) 238-6129
E-mail: nnadel [at]

Councilmember Jean Quan
District 4
Telephone: 510/238-7004
Fax: 510/238-6129
TDD: 510/839-6451
Email: jquan [at]

Councilmember Larry Reid
7th District
(510) 238-7007
(510) 238-6910 FAX
E-mail: lreid [at]

Council Member Desley A. Brooks
District 6
(510) 238-7006
(510) 238-6910 (facsimile)
dbrooks [at]

by Our House
This is such a time to be clear and understand how a Municipal Government works, to give up videos and any other evidence to the so called Authority of the Institution that is against you is stupid and harmful to the cause of freedom and justice. If they want to investigate, fine, it’s about FN time. The thing they should do is go to OUR media outlet on the internet called, and start to read and view the flagrant and willful and unconscionable actions of the police and START their investigation, and immediately have the cop law breakers arrested and put in jail.

You say they now ask for your video tapes, your name, your phone number, ask you to come down and answer a few questions, want to know how you became involved, helloooo, this is sooooo clear, so right there on the pictures and videos and eye witnesses, they want your help, no problem, get a letter from them, that makes you an equal legal member of the investigative team and that you have the legal right to present to the public in any manner that you best see fit to express your findings as the legal representative of the city of Oakland. What’s that you say? Now they are scratching their heads and saying they will have to get back to you? Ha ha ha.

Keep your power, do not let them or any Attorney take it from you unless you truly know you are in control, or do you want to have blind hope and stupid trust in the system that is allowing what’s happening?

Power to the peaceful if they believe in themselves and their authority, yes, you have the right to create, or demand that you are given legal power and authority as you so feel appropriate, within the society that you are in, within YOUR/OUR government if they do not want you to share power and authority, then to hell with them!

The Activists for peace and justice together with the power of law, law that they are a true part of can make a difference, but to give away or not demand it, well then you will have to accept whatever they alone decide, I hope you are not that naïve.

They have more then enough evidence now including the videos and pictures and testimony on to have those cops and their leaders up on charges and arrested!
by Z COKKINOS (zcokkinos [at]
SHAME ON JERRY BROWN, HE MUST RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!! I was going to vote for him and Dennis Kucinich for President, forget it. Denis Kucinich, a man of PEACE must distance himself from the war criminal Jerry Brown. Brown is no different from BUSH!!!!!!!!!!
by Our House
This is such a time to be clear and understand how a Municipal Government works, to give up videos and any other evidence to the so called Authority of the Institution that is against you is stupid and harmful to the cause of freedom and justice. If they want to investigate, fine, it’s about FN time. The thing they should do is go to OUR media outlet on the internet called, and start to read and view the flagrant and willful and unconscionable actions of the police and START their investigation, and immediately have the cop law breakers arrested and put in jail.

You say they now ask for your video tapes, your name, your phone number, ask you to come down and answer a few questions, want to know how you became involved, helloooo, this is sooooo clear, so right there on the pictures and videos and eye witnesses, they want your help, no problem, get a letter from them, that makes you an equal legal member of the investigative team and that you have the legal right to present to the public in any manner that you best see fit to express your findings as the legal representative of the city of Oakland. What’s that you say? Now they are scratching their heads and saying they will have to get back to you? Ha ha ha.

Keep your power, do not let them or any Attorney take it from you unless you truly know you are in control, or do you want to have blind hope and stupid trust in the system that is allowing what’s happening?

Power to the peaceful if they believe in themselves and their authority, yes, you have the right to create, or demand that you are given legal power and authority as you so feel appropriate, within the society that you are in, within YOUR/OUR government if they do not want you to share power and authority, then to hell with them!

The Activists for peace and justice together with the power of law, law that they are a true part of can make a difference, but to give away or not demand it, well then you will have to accept whatever they alone decide, I hope you are not that naïve.

They have more then enough evidence now including the videos and pictures and testimony on to have those cops and their leaders up on charges and arrested!
by profiler jack
i was just wondering if anyone had an update on the girl in the pic with the swollen jaw?
by violenceisdeath
The picture of that girl is a perfect encapsulation of what's happening in the world right now.
by Melchizedek
what we see, is the tip ot the ice-berg. Violence toward the peaceful has always been the actions of the weak and fearful. We become what we fear. Jerry Brown is just another criminal in power. We have a world wide peace revolution happening! The fearful cannot stop the collapse of the geopolitical power dictators. Love and Peace overcome All. The Meek Inherit the Earth!
by jw
Protestors should fill balloons with red paint to throw back at police. What's better than a visible sign that they are causing pain on people?

Are balloon fights illegal? I don't think so.
by get your facts straight
It's a felony.
by Between the eyes

What did the Bush administration say the other day after they acknowledged that they kill some reporters in a very tall hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, which was a known location of hundreds of International press,” war is messy”.


You want to play word games?

Cops, that fire upon vast numbers of people that are, 99.99% or more only in peaceful protest, do not have the right to any law protecting them from being engaged by those people in any manor that they so need to engage them so as to protect them selves, including, water balloons, rocks, hammers, spears, or whatever it takes!

Power to the peaceful
by Curty
I saw her at the O town City Counsil Ass Scratching night before last. She looks much better, brused but no knot. I have to say, true to form, (as anyone who has seen her at the marches doing her Yoga for Peace thing can attest) she was the most calm, centered, and articulate speaker at the gig. Many made very well taken points, but when she got up there, held up her picture (w/her swollen jaw) and said, "The whole world is wathing to see what you (the OCC) do..." , that was IT. I was totally moved.
by Lance Jack (vpresilwu514 [at]
Hello Brothers and Sisters;

The news of this total injustice taken against the ILWU in Oakland is discusting. It is bad enough to have a government preach that they defend free speech and democracy abroad. Then surpress thier own citizens to having that same right at home.

Please do not give in to those who would take our basic freedoms for us. We must stand together in the fight against oppression.

An injury to one is an injury to all

Lance Jack
by ricky
yeah, i have an update on her.
she says she is healing well, and is still resisting.

we must stop our government! syria is next, the propaganda has already started!!!

peace and resistence.
by Ish Kabibble, Jr. (fuckhead [at]
With a complexion like that, she should probably lay off the chocolates.

And what's with the caterpillar on her nose?
by Mellow out or you will pay
I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles
And never frowns
Soon I will be president

Carter power will soon go away
I will be Fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school

California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California

Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face

Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay

California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California

Now it is 1984
Knock knock at your front door
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool neice

Come quitely to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower

Die on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will crack, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown

California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
by kbob
is assault on a citizen legal?
by will davis (willdavis [at]
This incident shows that Jerry Brown is about power and power only. Obviously he will do whatever he hinks he can get away with. I support what our troops are doing 100% but Jerry Brown was completely out of line and should be removed from ofice.
by chron
by Shapshooter (po84peace [at]
I am outraged I voted for Brown not once, but four times.For last 28 yrs. I thought he was pro labor
Cezar Chavez was my guru he must be crying in heaven ! Keep him out of office !
Sheila Sharp
po84peace [at]
by David &quot;Gypsy&quot; Chain
I am outraged I voted for Brown not once, but four times.For last 28 yrs. I thought he was pro labor
Cezar Chavez

this is what happens when you threaten the liberal Empire!
if you voted for him you should have expected this
by pp
when you step foot onto PRIVATE PROPERTY you are NO LONGER innocent protestors and suffer the consequences that trespassers and insurgents do.

my mommie told me to not damage other peoples property or they will damage you, did your mommie do the same? (if she did not, she should have!) You should have listened to her.

if you act DUMB, you are treated like a dummie. it's a Darwin thing. just like standing in front of a D-10 dozer...DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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