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Indybay Feature

Jennifer Jolly Pied M20

by corporate media buster
Jennifer Jolly with FOX KTVU was pied for her appalling journailsm and biased coverage. Jennifer, pies for your lies. SPLOOSH!!!!!!!!
§tofu cream pie?
by corporate media buster
§banana cream perhaps?
by corporate media buster
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by Peace Girl
I am laughing so hard at those pictures! They're great!
by you
very, very much
by xxdr_zombiexx (xxdr_zombiexx [at]

How about "Pies for a New American century"?
by tofu cream lover
Isn't there a video of this? Boy it would be great to see that up on the IMC website.
by sploop
the only thing better would have been for her to be on the receiving end the wodden bullets, beanbags and teargas today in Oaktown.....we might get some factual coverage on the air for once!

Congrats to whoever pied Jennifer, the Corporate Mouthpiece Liar :0)

and thanks for posting the pics. i'm gonna email them to her station..
by and i can't say it loud enough



Eat it! That's how San Francisco welcomes FOX News! Welcome to HELL, you evil swine! You will be laughed out of town before this is over!
by Darksyde888
hehe these pictures are soooo funny, man especially the last one. She looks like she's right about to say "F*ck YOU!" Hats off to whoever pulled this off, go for newsom next time- hehehe.
by ac
Immature? Probably. Petty? You bet.

But definitely worth it! These pics made my day,
by aron pieman kay (pieman [at]
i guess jennifer jolly received a jolly jelly special in her pro-war kisser.....
hey more pies to grace the faces of more warmongering pigs
by Monkey Wrench
How Nice. Jennifer looks lovely with her Pie Face Makeover...

Is there any truth to the rumors of Toothpick Brigades
heading out to fill up the locks of Corporate Pigs in an effort to shut down the system?

by Pedro del Norte
I think these corporate media people should stick to Michael Jackson stories, or maybe take turns spending the night in a jail cell with O.J. all hopped up on amphetamines and ecstasy. I thought that crap was harmful, until now. Long live indy media!
by Wooden bullet with your name on it
I see great contradiction in the words and deeds of whomever put that pie in her face. But I would be just as joyful to see you get a wooden bullet in the kisser. After all, violence begets violence.

Understand her being pied, is in response to, ($FOX$); what’s that saying what goes around, comes around.

Yes, violence can beget violence, but it’s not violence for Greed, as it is in the action of Bush, WARING on Iraq, it is for peace and justice for all, and when it is in defense of a person or persons or society in which one finds them selves, being oppressed and subjected to a government that would make it legally mandatory for lawyers to accept the States right to possibly spy on their conversations with their clients, well then they have gone to far, and then the following happens. As when the Freedom Activists fought for their freedoms while under the tyranny of England, yes, many of those who supported the English Tyranny did find them selves being attacked by the peace and justice Activists, maybe they were not pied, maybe they had something happen to their store or ship or farm. The point is we are in a battle to see that, freedom rings from everywhere, as does peace and justice.

If it does not, we understand that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

By any means necessary!

Power to the peaceful

Even if they need to fight to save life!

That includes throwing a soft-cream pie into the face of a lying, media mouth piece, for the bigoted and corrupt, bought and paid for government.

Have a nice day.

by JA
Great photos! Great work!!

DENNIS RICHMOND--the black news anchor at KTVU Channel 2--falsely reported that two reporters--both black--from the African American S.F. Bayview newspaper were arrested for "throwing bottles at the police", during a primarily people of color (but still multicultural) youth anti-war rally in Oakland a couple weeks ago or more. In fact, the Bay View reporters were actually falsely arrested by the police for "kicking police officers". 'Yeah': two S.F. Bayview journalists. One (J.R.) is a regular guest on KPFA's "Hard Knock Radio" show (M-F, 4:00-5:00pm), hosted by Davey D.

[After they were brutalized by *black* cops--one a black female motorcycle cop who knocked over the female reporter--in a town with a black police chief. Or, as Ice Cube rapped in "FUCK the Po-lice!", "Black po-lice showin' out fo' the white cops!" When you're a cop, the only color is *BLUE*!]

Richmond reported the story as though it were a fact of physics--no "alleged", or "police claim" was even in Richmond's story! This is what mainstream corporate news reporting has long descended to. Corporate black tv reporters tow the corporate pro-war, pro-capitalist (socialism for the rich), pro-police line too.

Give Richmond a pie that's chocolate on the outside--representing his color--and white cream-filled on the inside--representing his corporate bosses!!

Tell him JA sent you!
by stone
You should have used a cow pat it would have made much more mass than whipped cream.
by stone
Or if you dont want to go as far as using cow pat use clotted cream instead of whipped cream as it is much more messy and sticky!
by Groucho Marxist
I don't think that hitting someone in the face with a pie is exactly violence. HUMILIATION pehaps, but not violence. I can't think of anyone more deserving of public humiliation than a Fox "News" reporter. The voice of right wing of the Republican party is the only voice available to the television news audience these days. This trend has go to stop and it won't unless we let the networks know that we as Americans won't stand for a one party system OR a one party media. Bravo, to the phantom pie thrower!
by ddks
Hmmm, maybe we can all agree that this is an acceptable level of violence.

For instance, the Oakland Police Dept could use pie throwing as their means of breaking up the next picket at the Oakland Ports.

Or the militaries of the US and Iraq could agree that pie throwing will be the weapons used in their conflict.

Yes, I'm being silly in trying to point out that some people have very different ideas of what constitutes violence. By contrast to other acts, pie-throwing is not violence
by spectator
Biotic Baking Brigade has struck once again!
by Fox
Great fuckin blast. This should be dedicated to the pieman.


Yippies are back!!!!Coming to a neighbourhood near you
by someguy
Please explain in what medium we are suppose to "confront" these people, when they hold all the keys to the dissemination of information, IE. the mass media? These people are paid to lie or twist our messages, so we resort to defensive symbolic actions such as this.
by p moshay
You're looking at the medium right now. is available and you'll probably get tons of 'free" traffic on the porn slant alone.

The failure of the antiwar social clique to articulate a coherent rationale for inaction and its decline into Palm Pilot pilfering and Pie Projectiles will make harder for any thoughtful liberal goals to be achieved over the next couple years.

by A + P + M = FU
In other words, you can try to obfuscate the fact that the, PRO-WAR, my country right or wrong crowd, that you seem to be aliened with, is in deep crap!

The, [pro-activist for a better World, persons], not your simplistic and right wing spinning use of the term, [“Anti-War”, persons], not to be mixed with whatever that you would so choose to mix them up with for the purpose of maligning them.

Yes, your kind of Bull Crap, and double speak, and uncaring for humanity at large is coming home to squash you like the bug that you are.

So buzz off into the on coming train.


by pomegranate (daver [at]
hope it inconvenienced her and made her mad! she deserves worse.

imagine how much damage one little person like her does spreading lies as if they are canonical.

she's undoubtedly too stupid to realize it.

by What's that sound?
Talk about an inconvenience! I'll bet the commie gal who got hit in the face with a wooden bullet couldn't smoke her crack pipe for a week! POCK!!!!!

by Smug Bastards
Hey all,
Just thought I would point out the inconvenient fact that there has long been a difference in editorial line between local Fox affiliate news broadcasts and the justifiably-reviled Fox News Channel. While the local affiliate Fox news seems to be heavy on the "Could this X-Files/Simpsons storyline actually happen? Tune in next and find out!", I don't find them--or any *local* broadcasters to be "warmongers" by any means. I could be wrong, but I believe J. Jolly was one of the reporters on the SF streets during the March 20 protests that was regularly being shouted at by passing protesters. And originally, while she talked about various intersections being shut down or various actions she could see, I heard no anti-protester or pro-war stance in her descriptions. It was only later in the day, after a news cameraman was attacked with spray paint and after repeatededly being shouted at by protesters that tension began surfacing in her voice during these reports.
It constantly amazes me that in a city full of people that basically support you all in the anti-war stance (including local news personalities, by the way), that you consistently refer to this city and some of its residents as the enemy. Even if I am inclined to agree with something you say, if you push me, I will push back.
by John Q Public
If it's not a crime, why not do it to the pigs? Nobody here has the balls..LOL...LOL
by It should have been a red paint pie!
Again, pay no attention to the evil babblings of disingenuous thugs and slugs, (lol).

by let fly the ...
If you want to see the video behind the images ... to see Ms. Jolly's fine reporting and the rewarding pie itself in slo-motion ... then go to another post on this very site ... at:

... flantastic ...
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