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Indybay Feature

Oakland Police Violently Attack Peaceful Protest - 4/7

by Jesse
Police attack peaceful protest with concussion grenades, wooden bullets, tear gas, and physical brutality.
Today I showed up for a direct action in Oakland to protest corporations who make profits from war while children are dying in Iraq. We were told we were reinfocements for certain gates, and asked to pile into vans and busses. When we reached the destination, the police had the access road shut off so we could not join the rest of the protesters. We all piled out of the vehicles and walked past the single policeman that was manning the roadblock. We walked a ways (almost a mile it felt like) to meet up with the other protesters who were enjoying a peaceful picket. When we arrived we had just been told that a dispersal order had occured, but I heard none.

All of a sudden, explosions are going off, smoke can be seen, people are panicing and the police are aiming what looks to be shotguns at people and shooting into the crowd at close range. It was the most barbaric display of violence that I have witnessed yet in my young life so far. It underscored the willingness of the state to use violence to obtain profits.

The protest was completey non-violent and peaceful. We were blockading a corporation who profits from the war. The police showed their willingness to injure and attack the very people they are paid by for protection. It seems to underscore for me the problem. Profits are more important than people in this world. This is what we were there to protest, and this display couldn't have prooven the point better.

Personally, I took 4 wooden bullets to the left side of my body. One in the lowest rib in my chest, and 2 on my leg, with the last leaving my left knee looking like a grapefruit. The flash grenades were the scarriest because they were actual explosions, and they were going off only meteres from our heads. Tear gas (not possitive thats the kind) was used at one point as well, but seemed to be less effective for them than the wooden bullets.

Watching cops run up to a crowd of panicing people, aim at their heads, and fire was a sight i will never forget. I saw a guy who got hit in the face with one of them and he was realy bloodied up. There were people with cameras so you can expect some photos tonight. I wonder what happened to the mainstream cameraman who was caught up in a group of protesters that was getting shot at close range by cops. I also wonder if it will affect their reporting at all.

So for a couple hours bassically, we were in a tactical retreat, with the cops following close behind using nasty tricks to scare people into leaving. The motorcycle cops thought they could just drive right through us without incident. I wonder what kind of person it takes to attack a peaceful crowd like that. It's like I asked one of the cops: How do you sleep at night?

When I left people were regrouping at West Oakland Bart.

Power to the people.
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I would think it would be illegal (and dangerous) to fire wooden bullets directly at protesters. I hope you guys have witnesses and photos.

God bless you guys in your courageous endeavor to shut down the dock.
by jesse
Wow. That's news to me. They were flying right into the crowd directly, and alot of em were at head level.

I did not see one cop firing them into the ground. They were all aiming right at us. Specific people were getting targeted too. Like when I got shot, three of them aimed right at me and 2 of them hit me.

It's times like this when I wish I hadn't left my camcorder at home. But there were alot of people with cameras. I hope someone got some of this footage.
by 30.06
When are good Americans going to stop playing with you people and start using real bullets? Hopefully the time is coming soon. A citizen's militia would be in order to confront the pro-Saddam protesters and put an end to you. Some lives are not worth living and you protesters head the list.
by Beam Me Up (artist_eye [at]
Images of wounds are at this thread:
by US
you rock. don't give up. we are all watching you, and are inspired by your courage and bravery.

here's a david rovics song dedicated to everyone facing police violence today:

When the world has gone crazy
And it's all becoming clear
When they're gunning down our comrades
And it seems the end is near
As they're loading up the launchers
For the tear gas grenades
We can take off our bandanas (for a moment)
And kiss behind the barricades

They will try to break our spirit
And at times they may succeed
But our love for the world
Is stronger than their greed
When the building is surrounded
And hope begins to fade
In my final hour
A kiss behind the barricades

When it's madness all around
You can see this at a glance
We will cry and we will sing
And we will laugh and we will dance
As they shout their marching orders
Beneath the helicopter blades
We will seize the moment
For a kiss behind the barricades

As the movement grows
There will be hills and bends
But at the center of the struggle
Are your lovers and your friends
The more we hold each other up
The less we can be swayed
Here's to love and solidarity
And a kiss behind the barricades

by Francis
As an American we are given the freedom to protest and speak our minds...isn't that what makes America great... All of you war mongers argue that if you dont like what America is doing than getr out or hey lets shoot to kill!!! But isn't it that attitude and policy that we are supposedly fighting against in Irag...It seems to me you would agree with Sadaam on his supposed policy of killing innocent people when they disagree with him..
by mj
Hey mark, your logic is missing a few steps in the middle there... our judicial system is, allegedly, procedural, so as to be, y'know, just. What with this allegedly being a democracy and all.

By your logic--anyone in violation of the edicts of State is subject to any and all retaliatory punishment--they could execute you for stealing a candy bar.

You honestly don't care that we're moving in the direction of violent, arbitrary State power???
by jc callender
i hope that you're not suggesting that picket lines are now illegal acts in the U.S. if you are, you need to spend time reading a text book on nonviolent labor struggles in the U.S. rather than responding to indymedia articles.

the melee at the oakland docks was just the police deciding they were going to forcibly remove a legal demonstration. (if the cops set off grenades and start shooting people, it suddenly looks like a confrontation. hoo-ray! now the police have an excuse to attack people.) this is just one small incident in a long history of U.S. police working as corporate shock troops.

by Raven
As for me . . .

I would expect to face the lawful consequences for actions that are unlawful.
I would not expect unlawful consequences for actions that are either lawful or unlawful.

I would expect that if I were breaking no law then I would neither be arrested nor be detained.
I would not expect to be arrested in a street-sweep.

I would expect to be arrested/cited for my own non-violent civil disobedience.
I would not expect to be physically injured either during an arrest or during a disruption of my nvcd.
by James
Officer Mark, you are a coward and a disgrace. Stay the hell off of indymedia, and stick to your donuts.
by james smoot
Mark was censored by Indymedia for expressing the truth.

by protesters
Wow! I can't believe the violence by the police. What ever happen "to protect and serve"? They won't be satisfied till they kill someone exercising their constitutional rights. How will this look to the rest of the world? It looks pretty bad from here.
by Venus
I was there this morning. The police opened fire on peaceful nonviolent protesters that were dispersing from a legal, moving picketline. The police are supposed to protect everyone, including protesters.

If you weren't there then you shouldn't talk about anything you don't know about. The protesters did not throw anything at the police. That was a lie to excuse their excessive and wrongful use of force.
by Proud American Patriot


by Wolverine
It's hard to stomach the anti-democratic fascists around here, which is the least offensive part of the U.S. I moved to the Bay Area (SF, Oakland, Berkeley) 20 years ago to get away from this kind of crap, and would appreciate Indymedia censoring fascist remarks like those of 30.06, Mark, James Smoot, and Old Timer. The Nazis are a perfect example of how speech can be very harmful when taken too far, and that's precisely what people advocating police violence against protesters are doing. Anyone who thinks that people protesting against a highly immoral and illegal unprovoked war should be shot (or are committing treason) is him- or herself a criminal who belongs behind bars for the safety of the planet.

Furthermore, I will proudly say that I am NOT patriotic to anything except the Earth and do not consider myself amerikkkan; I was just born here, which was not my choice. (And yes, I tried to move to The Netherlands and Germany about 10 years ago, but could not get citizenship and thus no work.) Fuck patriotism, it's just another element of fascism.
by Katie (kscsu02 [at]
Hey, guys. I'm really sorry that had to happen to you. I don't k now if you heard, but kinda the same thing happened to me on Feb. 15 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. My friends and I from CSU went down to peacefully protest, and we were gassed without any provocation. My friends and I saw elderly and children and several disabled protesters being gassed. It was really bad - but yours sounds much worse with actual projectiles. I was looking at pics. and it's scary that some people got hit in the head.

Best wishes in any legal action to anyone that wants to take any! You just need lots of testimonies and stuff from ordinary people and legal observers. We tried to bring ours to court, but we decided it wasn't that worth it. However yours is SO WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Dana
Solidarity from Madison, Wisconsin!
by mr. mam
I guess everyone should be gearing up with armour at actions, helmets with face guards, and some sort of sheild.

This aint no joke, fuck these piggie assholes.

Dont take this shit.

by Margaret
We all hate it when the cops show up in riot gear and seem to expect something violent to happen. For our part if we show up in armor then we look like we're getting ready to hurt people, which is nothing but bad for us and basically suicide for the movement we are trying to build.

If we show up peacefully, unarmed and unprotected, and get the crap beaten out of us, like today, we get to keep the moral high ground. And they are exposed as brutal barbarians to the extent that they beat us.

If we do this consistently enough and patiently enough, public opinion can't help but move to our side, because we will have shown that we are true soldiers for our peaceful cause -- willing to put ourselves on the line to whatever degree is necessary.

Okay, so I just saw _Gandhi_. But can anyone forget that scene at the salt factory?
by Workingirl
Thank you for your frank account of what happened. I am horrified that this could ever occur and grateful that your spirit seems yet unharmed.

by Jesse
Through most of the day yesterday, I was thinking of our sister Rachel Corrie who gave her life defending Palestine. My bruises hurt, but they will heal.

We will continue our resistance.

To Rachel: Rest in the Peace that you could not find in Life, and know that your sacrifice was not in vain. We will carry on, and we will not give up.
by Peter Force (pforce [at]
It's sundown on democracy in this country. We have been living under an illegitimate government since the murder of the Kennedys and others who were a threat to the real power center. The militarist right gets more confident and agressive with each succeeding year. We have become dominating brutes to the rest of the world. Hooray for the Bay Area, hooray for the gutsy protesters who are standing up to the fascists. You are heroic examples to all of us.
by Mr Constitution
Attempting to stop supplies to troops during wartime or times of severe emergency is sabotage.

Protesting is perfectly legal. Attempting to willfully halt the transport of supplies to troops is a crime.

Read on for the actual listing on Sabotage...and yeah, this has been around for a few decades.


U.S. CODE AS OF 1/02/01


Section 2153

(a) Whoever, when the United States is at war, or in times of national emergency as declared by the President or by the Congress, with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the
war or defense activities, or, with reason to believe that his act may injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the war or defense activities, willfully injures, destroys, contaminates or infects,
or attempts to so injure, destroy, contaminate or infect any war material, war premises, or war utilities, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than thirty years, or both.

(b) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be punished as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

Section 2154. Production of defective war material, war premises, or war utilities

(a) Whoever, when the United States is at war, or in times of national emergency as declared by the President or by the Congress, with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the
war or defense activities, or, with reason to believe that his act may injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the war or defense activities, willfully makes, constructs, or causes to be made or
constructed in a defective manner, or attempts to make, construct, or cause to be made or constructed in a defective manner any war material, war premises or war utilities, or any tool, implement, machine, utensil, or receptacle used or employed in making, producing, manufacturing, or repairing any such war material, war premises or war utilities, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than thirty years, or both.

(b) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be punished as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

Section 2155. Destruction of national-defense materials, national-defense premises, or national-defense utilities

(a) Whoever, with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the national defense of the United States, willfully injures, destroys, contaminates or infects, or attempts to so injure, destroy, contaminate or infect any national-defense material, national-defense premises, or national-defense utilities, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

(b) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be punished as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

U.S. Code, Title 18, Chapter 12, Section 231

Section 231. Civil disorders

(a)(1) Whoever teaches or demonstrates to any other person the use, application, or making of any firearm or explosive or incendiary device, or technique capable of causing injury or death to persons, knowing or having reason to know or intending that the same will be unlawfully employed for use in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder which may in any way or degree obstruct, delay, or adversely affect commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce or the conduct or performance of any federally protected function; or

(2) Whoever transports or manufactures for transportation in commerce any firearm, or explosive or incendiary device, knowing or having reason to know or intending that the same will be used unlawfully in furtherance of a civil disorder; or

(3) Whoever commits or attempts to commit any act to obstruct, impede, or interfere with any fireman or law enforcement officer lawfully engaged in the lawful performance of his official duties incident to and during the commission of a civil disorder which in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or adversely affects commerce
or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce or the conduct or performance of any federally protected function - Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(b) Nothing contained in this section shall make unlawful any act of any law enforcement officer which is performed in the lawful performance of his official duties.

by los del matador
what was it which guy debord said...something about when symbols have fully taken over people's minds, dissent will only be tolerated as long as it is symbolic?
by Michael John Keenan (
A proud american coward who is afraid to sigh off with their own name. God is my Fuhrer.

I am Citizen Michael John Keenan
by Daimon
Maybe someone should fire one of those wooden bullets at donny rumsfeld. He looks like he could use something wooden throught the heart.
by Kathy
The last time I woke up - I was living in America and was an American citizen - what happened?? I thought that as a citizen we had a right to freedom of speech. I thought that that is why we went to War in Iraq. I am starting to believe that this is a wrong conclusion on my part. When we, as citizens, cannot voice our opposition to something that we do not believe in, and is countered by "wooden bullets, tear gas, flash grenades, etc.... I believe it is time to question, even more, the people we elected to run this government. I applaude the people that had the guts to express their opinions and stand up for their beliefs. Thank you.
by Scottie
Go to Iraq, North Korea, Zimbabwae or France and you will find out what "not having a right to free speach" is all about.

You can say anything you want however standing in the middle of a rally that is getting out of control may get you hurt totally independant of what you happen to be saying at the time (although if its pro war you might find it taking the form of abuse from other members of the crowd intent on reducing your freedom to speach).

I understand that in France you are not allowed to call chirac a worm (etc).. even if he is... If that same law applied in the USA half the liberal media would be illegal
by Lester Dolt, MSNBC
Learn how to spell the word "speEch," you rightwing DOLT!
by Scottie
Who died and made you the english police?

Whoever it was made a bad choice since in one sentance you placed a comma inside of your quotation marks ("speEch,") and your use of the word "rightwing" when it should be "right-wing" or "right wing"

So shut up or just concern yourself with the topic
by fun
thats horrible
by Lester Dolt, MSNBc
"Whoever it was made a bad choice since in one sentance you placed a comma inside of your quotation marks ("speEch,") and your use of the word "rightwing" when it should be "right-wing" or "right wing""


rightwing adj : believing in or supporting tenets of the political right [syn: rightist]

Commas are SUPPOSED to be placed inside of quotation marks. Go back to grammar school.

PS: Also, learn how to spell the word "sentEnce." And you're STILL a rightwing DOLT!
by Ms. Manners
Focus instead on substance and meaning.
by Lester Dolt, MSNBC
Oh? So you take people who can't spell seriously?
by Ms. Manners
Those who can reason well, I take seriously, even if they spell poorly. Those who reason poorly, but spell well, I do not take seriously. How well a person reasons is far more important than how well they spell. If you have trouble grasping this most basic of concepts, I can't take you seriously, at least as a thinker. You're spelling is admirable. I salute it. Your reasoning powers could use some work. I don't mean this as an insult. It's constructive criticism. If I were you, I'd take it to heart.
by Scottie
Anyway complaining about someones spelling is like discriminating against someone because they are black. It is easy to do but since you can obviously tell by other more accurate means if they are worth listening to then it makes no sense to discriminate on those grounds.

Anyway your comma was placed in quotations that you meant as a quote of what i said you effectively implied I had put a comma there and I did not.

Ill give you the rightwing one I guess even though it isn't in my dictionary I guess if your dictionary is big enough you can find any word.

Anyway i was sarcastically pointing out that arguing about spelling was a waste of time.
by Scottie
by the way lester do you work for MSNBC writing stories or somthing?
by Scottie
Lester - do you also oppose minorities and asian people because of their tendancy to not speak english as well as you white people?
by Lester Dolt, MSNBC
I AM black, Mr. ESP.
by Scottie
Just on the outside lester
by Scottie
OK ill use ESP now..
I feel you are using the "one drop rule" and that you do have white in you and that you are therefore only
pretending that the white comment doesn’t apply to you. and the Black comment OBVIOUSLY applies to you.

So your reply is actually nonsensical.
by Lester Dolt, MSNBC
"Just on the outside."

Your reply is actually nonsensical.

And what's the matter? Do you have something against African Americans? Why do you have so much hate in you? You sound pretty pathetic. Maybe you need to get laid!

by Expected it...
For the Lester vs. Scottie flamer war...

Personally, I don't give a rat's patoot what you guys do to each other but I want to point out two pathetic things about both of you.

1. Scottie: You're doing the typical lefty tactic that has been used billions of times...the bait and switch.

You're diverting the argument from what it was orginally about by making personal attacks using one of the three big topics: Race, Religion, Economics.

You're arguments start to lose, so you must resort to personal attacks. Sad AND pathetic.

2. Lester: You're dumb enough to fall for it.

I did like the little reversal at the end of your last post, though.

by Scottie
The topic of the conversation was english. If we are talking about how well you speak english. If you are probably in a english speaking country and speak english. Most likely you have "white" (i mean anglo saxon in this context) culture therefore my point.

Expected it - he brought it onto english language (as a bait and switch tactic maybe) with a "anglo saxon way is the right way" sort of impression I told him that is dribble. Who cares about their way. he says he is black (as if that means that he doesnt speak the language or have the culture) So I inform him he has the culture whatever colour he is and that I am pretty confident that he is "white" as well as "black". Im not trying to bait and switch.. which makes it all the stranger if it worked.

One interesting thing is the fact that you choose to be considered "black" - (I bet you are brown but that is not really relevant) and not white shows a kind of racism in itself a feeling that it is superior to be "black".
Personally I reject such racial classifications (although they can get me into universities easier and I can hastle people on chat rooms for opressing me etc etc).

I could use a calssic leftist argument..
Full of hate? how can I hate myself?

As to the first part of dolts post - What does getting laid (ermm dont make me have to send you evidence for that one) have to do with anything? your incorect assumptions about me keep showing up all over the place.
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