Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

Unwanted Out-of-Towners

by M T
Out-of-towners shouldn't be imposing their will and values on San Franciscans. You don't know who I'm talking about unless you read the story.
I am concerned about the hundreds of out-of-towners coming into our city, San Francisco, with violence on their minds. They are coming into our city in response to the war on Iraq. They are costing our city as much as a million dollars a day, taking from already-depleted funds for education, healthcare, and other critical needs. They are recruiting others like themselves from around the state.

They aren't from San Francisco and they don't understand or share the spirit of San Francisco. Yet here they are, imposing their will and their values on our people.

Yes, I'm talking about what we call the SFPD. The San Francisco Police Department. How many of San Francisco's police are San Franciscans? Very, very few.

It's another serious consequence of our lack of affordable housing, of the gentrification of this city, of having driven away our working classes. It's another serious consequence of a world where responsible citizenship has been delegated to others, where money increasingly rules the day, so that hired mercenaries from elsewhere limit our freedoms with the baton.

What does it mean if, when crisis arises and freedom really matters, we find our actions, speech and movement controlled by people who don’t live in our same city, don’t participate in shaping our city’s policies, don’t share our same conversations, don’t have kids in our same schools, don’t know us as friends and neighbors?

How can we San Franciscans become our own peacekeepers and assure ourselves of ample spaces for the exercise of freedom?

As a first step, I call on all protest participants and organizers self-consciously to take on peacekeeping responsibilities themselves: let’s spread a spirit of non-violence, peace and courtesy, and make it known that that's what we're about. At the least we can show that we do not need to be ruled from outside.

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by dana
One of the most difficult things to do as a person working toward peace is to respond to violent acts and words in a non-violent way. Culture and conditioning definitely work against such a response, and yet, we need to practice what we preach.

I support M T's suggestion that all of us who oppose the war take on peacekeeping responsibilities in our actions.
by John Q Public
I must agree with Brother D-Day, he is obvioulsy a highly inteligent person who is not afraid to speak the truth.
I would never live in SF for a different reason. I choose to live in a County that holds criminals responsible for their actions. Unlike SF, If someone harms my family, I want them to go to jail. I want them held responsible for their violent actions and punished. The DA in SF belives they are not responsible, it is always someone elses fault.
Unfortunaltly the SFPD does such a great job supressing crime the number of victims is minimal. But talk to the victims and you will understand what I am saying.
It is unfortunate the silent majority of this City does not speak up and demand action. Until then I will stay in my nice, quite, safe little bedroom community (with less affordable housing than SF).
by fernan
"if you disagree with them....take the test and join them?"

what kind of logic is that?
the fact that John Q. agrees with you is all anyone needs to know how wrong you are.

you're right about the economics of the situation, but not about your suggestion to MT.

cops work in cities where they don't live because it's really trying on one's self-esteem to try and play militant hall-monitor in your own community.
i imagine it's really hard to beat down innocent civilians when you recognize their faces from the grocery store or church.

i imagine it's even tougher to show your face in public after making the headlines for drunkenly pummeling two guys over a fajita.......yay to homegrown gaybashers.....
by ______
This person has obviously been watching too much television and cannot see where they are going.
I was out there, at all the protests, and the most rabidly violent persons I witnessed were pro-war automobile drivers and the assorted crackpot. Hats off to those who act peacefully in the name of peace!!!
by .
that is one of the stupidest sentences ever to come out of the english language.

Fuck their "rules", and their "rule". I wont be ruled by anybody, not willingly. If they want to impose their police state rules on me, its gonna cost em and I'm certainly not going to volunteer to do it for them.

Sedate and "peaceful"? Read: ineffective. You better hope I dont see any more fellow protester members of the "peace police" (read: liberal moron) try to shut a "militant" protester down "for the good of the movement". Otherwise you will be begging for the cops to come back.
by John Q Public
Have you ever considered therapy? ypu sound like you once tried to be a cop but could not cut it...

PIG= Pride, Integrity, guts, LOL the name calling really hurts.... lol
by future vision
For a moment take a journey to a time before police existed, when the people took care of one another. The tribal system was more effective at dealing with difficulties than this police system, which only serves to protect the capitalist elite..

If the Exxon execs tried their environmental slaughter in a tribal system, they would be exiled at best. The only reason they get away with an invasion of Iraq and pollution is because the police state protects them..

Rapists, child molesters and murderers are sick people, products of a sick society. Under tribalism, this would not happen, as much is focused on prevention. The tribe would deal with abusive people in their own way, much more effective than the police who would rather arrest a teen pot smoker than a child molesting mayor..

Currently the police are locking anti-war activists into smaller cells, trying to sweep them out of sight so John Public doesn't have to see them on his way home from Starbucks. Then he can hear the pro war media tell him lullabies of future oil dreams, while the activist is crammed into an ever tighter box..

The cycle of violence will not end until this system falls, and may continue for some time thereafter, until a new community without police/capitalist polluters can become stable, you may live to see true peace..

Forming a tribal council safety net may soften the fall..
by yo-yo
There are many places where the tribal system is already happening. These seem to be the most developed nations also, places where peace, art, and education flourish. Typically in Africa, places like Somalia. The US is not perfect, but I don't see people being attracted to move to these areas anytime soon.
by anarchist
is nothing but nationalism writ small.
by observer
Another cop in the making, he wants to understand people's behavior, then he can better control them. At the same time, he wants to buy land in Whitmore (outside Redding CA) so he can subdivide and sell off to rich people from the Bay Area who are moving up here to escape the city, not realizing they are duplicating the same problems here as suburbanization spreads out of control..

This seems to mirror the original post, out of towner cops who live far away from the central city, commute into the city (usually in large SUVs) and then whack poor people over the head with their psychology degree. After they are finished enforcing class/race discrimination, they drive home to their lily white suburban subdivision where they can be reprogrammed by watching American media..

Young Republicans are the sickest of all, their noses up George Bush's ass hoping his farts will contain some money for their repeated capitalist endeavors that will only bring more misery and environmental destruction to the world, but who cares, they'll be rich and have a powerful police state to protect them..
by Hmm
Actually, I think a fairly high proportion of cops are actually SF natives. They only live out of town because it's cheaper. I'm sure you all have noticed the high cost of living.

The real out of towners are the protesters from places like Mendocino, Berkeley, and Santa Cruz.

Ask yourselves why ninety percent of the protesters are white in a city where whites make up less than half of the population. Maybe the numbers are right but us SF minorities are just too stupid to see the correctness of your cause.
by An Intelligent black man
Don't try and speak for all minorities. There are plenty of minorities that are intelligent to recognize that supporting a system that doesn't support us is pointless. As for the assertion that people from San Jose or Santa Cruz are "outsiders," this is ridiculous. The issue of war is not specific to San Francisco. All American citizens have a vested interest in allowing their voices to be heard. A large city like SF allows us a better forum to be heard than downtown Redwood City or other bay area cities, so don't try to say that there is one united San Francisco and anyone that lives a few miles outside is a foreigner of some kind.
by dumpy
I don't understand, John Q. If you fled SF for better safety, schools, and peace of mind, and the cops didd too, then why dont' they work out there where you live? Most of the cops in Oakland are from outside of Oakland, as has been reported a few times on radio and print news. I've read articles before in the paper about cop recruiting efforts reaching out to external communities. It's true - cops are mostly from out of town here in SF and in oakland too.

The question is why do they come here from out of town? Higher pay, due to larger tax base. We have more people, we can afford to pay them more, and give them nicer equipment. And they take it. So? What's so honorable about that? They're here ebcause there's more crime here, and their livelihood depends on the existence of crime. End the drug war and we'd have to lay off about 30% off the national police force, at least.

Can anyone deny that the police officers, whether they're protecting decent communities or enforcing state terror, can easily be said to be directly profiting from the "drug war", which is waged against people in the communtiy and serves as an all-purpose tool of destruction, spreading fear, and damaging important infrastructures of our community. when we complain about the enormous growth in prison population, it is the cops who make the first decision to send them there.

i'll give you an example. i was walking down the street with a beer in my hand one night. after several police cars had driven by with no problems, one stopped me and demanded i pour it out. i told him some lame lie, like "i found it and was taking it to the garbage", but he had no sense of humor, and got really angry that i was "insulting his intelligence".

he told me he had grown up in the neighborhood (in SF), and that i was "just as bad as the gangbangers out here". then after making me shut up and cower and listen to his lecture, he left me alone. he made it absolutely clear that if i had said anything defensive or non-passive, he would do the worst he could to me. its the same if you have a joint, or i guess if you're wearing a hoody and look weird, or of course if you're black or of arabic-descent. the same attitude - self-righteousness and borderline psychotic. it makes you resentful. when your friends are wrongfully abused or arrested, it makes you hate the cops. they arent' nice guys all of them.

i respect his opinion, but cops, feeling an enormous sense of entitlement, because the state has authorized them to make up the law as they go along, use their power unfairly. they're not just stewards of our safety, they also bellicose, terrorizing bullies who get their way by force and intimidation. there are nice cops and there are mean cops, they're not all the same and it's into productive to see them as faceless.

i had no choice but to sit there and listen to his lecture and intimidation - god knows what had happened to him that day that had pissed him off so. i was hurting no one, in my neighborhood, it's not that odd to walk around with a beer, it was late, no kids out, i was wlaking home, not talking or messing with anyone. but that cop is authorized to see me as "bad as the gangbangers". why? cause i was breaking the law. it's called "selective enforcement". they fancy themselves the sheperds and we the sheep. sometimes it's nice to remind them they're our employees, not our heroes, and that for every victory they score for justice, mathematically, they degrade our community fourfold. they maintain a balance of power in commnities which invovles appeasement and manipulation of criminals, and often times cooperation with them. if you believe cops are good guys who are looking out for people, then you only know the cops on tv. they cover the asses of their "brothers". the "ordinary citizens" are swine to them. and you know what? people call them pigs because they started it. people used to respect cops more, but we have lost that respect, as a generation, probably dating back to around the 60s and since.

waiting for the obvious response from john Q: "well you deserved it! you shouldn't have been walking around with a beer in public! he should have just arrested you! he should have kicked your ass because that's what happens to law breakers!"
by John Q Public
You post kinda rambles and does not make much sence but I will try to answer some of the questions;

I have never lived in SanFrancisco.
I enjoy putting bad people in prison.
The are more bad people here.
What does your example have to do with the drug war?
Why didn't you just pour the beer out?, you knew you were wrong.
Did you ever have a bad experience with and African American? if so, so do you hate all of them too?
Same question but with the service industry- Do you hate all waiters, plummers, lawyers, ect ?
Like I said you post is a bit odd so if you have any other questions I will be happy to answer them. I tried answering you before but they deleted it.
by John Q Public
P.I.G = Pride, Integrity, Guts
The word pig no longer bothers cops, its meaning has changed, but if it makes you happy, by all means, continue.
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