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Condoleezza Rice Gave Secret Speech To Prominent Jews

by Blackvoices
Condoleezza Rice, gave a speech Monday to roughly 4,000 members of pro-Israel lobbying group, in speech closed to the media and the public. Many other administration Zionist tools also on agenda to cater to privately assure Jewish community that the U.S. is firmly a part of Israel.
From the Chicago Tribune

Restrictions on Rice speech worry Israeli lobbying group
By Howard Witt
Tribune senior correspondent

March 28 2003

WASHINGTON -- When Condoleezza Rice, the president's national security adviser, gives a speech Monday to roughly 4,000 members of an influential pro-Israel lobbying group, her remarks will be closed to the media and the public, the White House said Thursday.

The decision, termed routine by the White House, is causing particular discomfort for the lobbying group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which has been battling the perception among some political commentators that Jewish groups unduly influenced the Bush administration's decision to wage war against Iraq.

Some of the harshest commentaries, viewed as blatantly anti-Semitic by Jewish groups, allege that prominent Jews within the administration conspired to persuade the president to target Iraq because of the threat Saddam Hussein poses to Israel.

"If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this," Rep. James Moran (D-Va.) said at an antiwar forum earlier this month. "The leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should."

Moran later apologized for the remarks, and Bush administration officials roundly dismiss allegations of any improper lobbying from Jewish or Israeli interests.

But American Israel Public Affairs Committee officials say privately that they are concerned that a closed-door briefing in the midst of the Iraq war by the president's national security adviser may only add fuel to the conspiracy theories.

Rice is among several senior Bush administration officials and other political leaders who are scheduled to speak to the group's annual policy conference in Washington on Sunday and Monday.

Secretary of State Colin Powell, Undersecretary of State John Bolton and Assistant Secretary of State William Burns as well as House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) are also scheduled to speak.

The committee had intended for all the speeches to be open to the media, but the White House informed the group Thursday that Rice's remarks would be closed.

An official in Rice's office, who declined to be identified, said that since the beginning of the Iraq war, "all of [Rice's] speaking events are closed to the press now."
by gehrig
"But American Israel Public Affairs Committee officials say privately that they are concerned that a closed-door briefing in the midst of the Iraq war by the president's national security adviser may only add fuel to the conspiracy theories. "

And, lo, it has. The article itself mentions that _all_ of Rice's speeches are now closed; yet which single incident gets posted on Indybay? The one where she talks to -- gasp -- "Prominent Jews." Along with an editorial comment about how "The US is now part of Israel."

But don't look now; there are scheming Zi-i-ionists under your bed.

by Carole Ward
The Downward Spiral

by Carol Ward

Loaded: 4/2/2003

Since we're in the neighborhood -- packin' our newfound low tolerance for nuclear bullies and genocidal thugs -- how about we march on to Tel Aviv and clean up the real monsters in the hood?

They're the ones with the gases, viruses, and nukes - and a history of using any means necessary to cleanse Palestine of Palestinians, replacing them with their own "superior stock." What with their relatives entrenched in the power elite of America to guide us into ever more ambitious hegemonies, this powerful minority also exacts $3 billion a year from taxpayers to underwrite the round-ups, build the camps, and otherwise exterminate the other indigenous populations.

These particular ethnic cleansers are more aggressive, more virulent, and clearly more of a threat to peace than Iraqis. They are the Likkudniks of Tel Aviv - Zionazis. Absent this bunch of rabid anti-Semites, the whole region might enjoy peace and a new prosperity.

Israelis have demonstrated a willingness to steal American secrets, infiltrate our intelligence agencies, attack U.S. ships and murder our men, blow up a hotel full of innocent Brits, and otherwise conduct a half-century covert war on European, American and Middle Eastern targets for the express purpose of advancing their racial superiority in a region where they are a miniscule, but privileged minority.

Today, as the sun shines brightly from the mid-heaven of their dark hearts -- Israeli and American Jews celebrate the successful purchase and deployment of the American War Machine as their private army against Islam. Yet this supremely stupid self-indulgence must be likened to the pothead at a Chinese buffet -- trying to cure the munchies.

It's never enough. So now that they've taken Baghdad, it's on to Syria, Iran and Jordan. This puts "The People Who Shall Dwell Alone" clearly in the crosshairs of history. How many careers and reputations will have to be savaged to sustain their power over the American psyche? How many newspapers will have to be ‘cleansed' of dissident opinions? How many radio stations? ISPs? How much more of our constitution will be savaged to quench Israeli thirst for Arab lands, oil and blood?

Jews have morphed into a caricature of their imagined solar opposites, complete with goose-stepping brown shirts and house to house seizures.

The war has magnified and quantified the viciousness and thoroughness of Jewish power and influence. American Jews can now either scamper back into the woodwork called White America - disavowing the acts of their more rabid membership, and thus save their fannies within the power elite – OR – they can endure the ride on the downward spiral of ethnic comeuppance in a world of strict proportionalism. In that world, it is the Jew with the most to lose, for he has gained the most at the expense of everyone else.

With Baghdad in flames, and Iran and Syria next on the list, there will be powerful new, in-depth reflection on who keeps fanning the flames of war with Islam – why, and to what end. This discussion will not be stifled, and membership will include more non Jews than before. The overrepresented Jew has been 'outed' in the public domain. Too many reputations have been trashed. Too many journalists have been blacklisted. Too many politicians have been silenced.

It's time for The Talk.

It's time for Aunt Beatrix and Uncle Henry to recognize WHO are the Jews in their information stream. Those same aunts and uncles need to know how many Jews man the front lines in the war on Islam. How many man only the back rooms? And how many Jews died from 'other causes' in WWII??? This question is ILLEGAL in much of Europe and North America.

It's time to ask WHY.

So when the Jew tries to replace Iraqi Bugi-men with Syrian, Jordanian, even Iranian Bugi-men* - in the minds of otherwise peaceful Americans -- these questions will spiral out of control into a highly anticipated honest discussion of how Jewish neocons have usurped American foreign policy to serve the brutally narrow needs of this miniscule minority that never melted into any pot -- much less ours.

It is time to ask how – and why.

* -- the original Bugi-men were Indonesians from the Celebes -- now Sulawesi. They crept up on unsuspecting ships, stole the cargo, murdered the occupants -- and slipped away into the Moluccan straits. – And thus, their reputation -- however corrupted to boogiemen.

by Shiplord Kirel
Are you the same Carole Ward who was tossed out of DFW airport today for showing antiwar material to military recruits?
by X
Ignorant racist.

I'm glad you're a Losertarian - assholes like you chase people away from that party.

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