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SF Indy Media's Role Getting Out The Truth - Bush Iraq Appointments

by The Truth Will Out
General Garner has been selected to be the most powerful U.S. overlord running Iraq, and he is also the most controversial Bush appointee named torun Iraq. The controversial nature of General Jay Garner's Zionist leanings first surfaced right here at SF Indy media on February 26, 2003 in a post made by this writer.

SF Indy Media's Role Getting Out The Truth - Bush Iraq Appointments

General Garner has been selected to be the most powerful U.S. overlord running Iraq, and he is also the most controversial appointment. The controversial nature of General Jay Garner's Zionist leanings first surfaced right here at SF Indy media on February 26, 2003 in a post made by this writer.

The Bush administration had previously announced General Garner's proposed assignment to Iraq, but refused to acknowledge his links to the Zionist cause. After finding that the October 13, 2000 Garner signed JINSA statement had been removed from the JINSA site, another online source was found at a Pro Israel site. This February 26, 2003 SF Indy Media post resulted in the Zionist aspect of General Garner's JINSA position being picked up by major news sites through out the world. Ultimately on March 21, 2003 the Zionist Publication Forward was forced to admit Garner's direct involvement pro Israel bias.

Additionally, an Indy Media regular provided more details on the Army Inspector General's
Investigation into alleged wrongdoing relating to General Garner's in his position in Sy Technology.

Apparently, the stupidity of assigning a man who supports Israeli genocide against Palestinians to run Iraq is lost on the Bush administration. As of March 26, 2003, the administration reaffirmed its intention to place Garner in charge.

By providing an uncensored forum to expose the Zionist leanings of General Garner, SF Indy Media forced the established media to acknowledge this fact. This is just one more example of how very potent all of the Indy Media Collectives can serve the people in this total information age.

The Bush regime does get more credit for two other proposed appointments of individuals proposed to rule Iraq for the U.S. Imperialists:

Command: Lt. Gen. John Abizaid was named deputy commander of U.S. Central Command in February 2003. Abizaid is one of the most senior U.S. military officers of direct Arab descent, born in the United States of a Lebanese family. As deputy commander for Central Command in the region, Abizaid will be the point man for operations inside Iraq and U.S. military relations in the Muslim world.

Barbara K. Bodine, former Ambassador to Yemen, is a career member of the Foreign Service. As Treasurer of the Alumni Associations of the University of California, Ms. Bodine serves as a
Regent-designate beginning on July 1, 2002 for one year. After initial tours in Hong Kong and Bangkok, Ambassador Bodine spent her career working primarily on the Middle East and Southwest
Asian security issues, both in Washington, D.C. and overseas. She served as Deputy Principal Officer in Baghdad, Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War in the early 1980's and as Deputy Chief of Mission in Kuwait prior to and during the Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait in 1990. While in Yemen, she blocked the FBI from what she considered inappropriate investigative techniques. It has to be doubted if Ms Bodine will ultimately accept this assignment in which she would be one of the Civil governors of a suppressed and occupied people willing to resort to suicide bombings.

Now if the Iraqi people will just lie down, play dead and turn over their nation to the invaders, Bush might actually be able to go thru with his obscene plans for occupation. It could just be that a post war Iraq may be run via the UN, if the rest of the world gets its way. That is if the entire region does not disintegrate into total chaos.

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Abdikadir Tooxoow
Sat, Apr 5, 2003 9:56PM
The Truth Will Out
Sat, Mar 29, 2003 6:31AM
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