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Hallinan to prosecute all

by from Recorder (legal newspaper)
The legal newspaper the Recorder is reporting that Hallinan will prosecute all protestors.
Hallinan to Prosecute Most of the Arrested Protesters
The Recorder

District Attorney Terence Hallinan announced Tuesday that he would prosecute as many of the nearly 2,300 war protesters as possible that were arrested in the past week, sending a message that the city will not tolerate the mayhem inflicted on San Francisco streets. The move surprised defense attorneys, who said they had the impression from a meeting last week with a DA representative that charges would not be filed against most of the protesters.

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by DORKS push the Wrong Buttons
I had a feeling this would happen, although it's important to check the source of this law journal....Most journals want Hallinan to go down in disgrace. Will follow up and post whether article is true.

Maybe those that called should have recognized that calling his office and tying up phone lines might just piss his staff off? It's hard to get sympathetic support for a cause when the left bashes the left.

Willie Brown
City Hall: 554-6141
Budget and Legislative Affairs: 553-6114
Citizen Assistance-Neighborhood Affairs: 554-7111
Criminal Justice Council: 554-6560
Press Office: 554-6131 PJ Johnston
Public Finance: 274-0660

Senator Dianne Feinstein: 415-393-0707
MsKesson Bldg. Market Street
DC : 202-249-4785

CHOOSE YOUR ENEMIES: Just a suggestion...maybe we should be inundating Mayor WIllie Browns office with calls to drop charges against Peace Marchers since his budget and staff are so inflated. Plus, who's really in-charge of SFPD...duh! Willie can call off the hounds. Did Willie have prior knowledge of SFPD's efforts to create the Red Squad? Isn't it Willie's perogative to protect Hiz multi-million dollar union sq. plaza! Hey! How about Dianne Feinstein? She actually supports Bush. 415-393-0707

KNOW YOUR FRIENDS: Let's not forget, DA Hallinan is a friend of peace movements, progressive causes and a staunch defender of civil liberties. Stop slamming Hallinan's beleagured staff which is still reeling from backlash feuding following indictments of SFPD brass...let alone huge budget cuts by Willie.

CALL THE MAYOR: Most staff phones are just working citizens and are most probably dedicated to helping San Franciscans conduct their business with the city. Maybe schedule set hours ONE morning or afternoon...? Ask to speak to the department heads or managers. Lodge complaints! Phone Mayor Brown; demand accountability from Da Mayor. Don't forget Tony Hall--boy is he nuts! Choose your enemies...know your friends!
by cp
Unless he gets some sort of massively corrupt judge, I would bet money that the people who were arrested at Hayes st. with me while peacefully walking on the sidewalk and obeying police orders to stay on the sidewalk will be the ones collecting $$$ for this. It was very well documented on film. Lots of random shoppers were scooped up too. Several journalists.
by marcos
people can plead not guilty, request a speedy trial by jury and demand that a public defender be provided.
Last but not least, make sure terence hallinan does not get reelected.
by ftp

first of all, i dont trust the recorder to tell me the truth about terrance hallinan.

second of all, i dont trust terrance hallinan, because he's up for reelection soon.

but, if this story is true, everyone should demand the maximum court time (hearings, jury trials, the whole bit).
by protestor felony charges reduced/dropped
I received confirmation from the District Attorney's office that all felony charges were either reduced or dropped. However, it appears that this may not be the whole story: there is mention of "ancillary" cases which may remain felony charges -- check out the DA's website, updated daily. Excerpt to follow:

"Protestors: We have no felony charges pending to this point against any protestors. However, we do have felony charges pending in ancillary cases involving people at the demonstrations in recent days. As of Monday, March 24, we had received 12 felony cases from the police. Five have since been discharged; 7 have been reduced to misdemeanors. I will try to include names later in the day in Ongoing Cases of Public Interest, under demonstrators, which in turn is under Assault. The reason 5 cases were discharged was because we did not have sufficient ...Our unofficial estimate of protestors coming from out of town: 80 percent.... "

A contact for questions at the DA's office is Mark Macnamara. His email is mark_macnamara [at]; 415

His phone is 415 553-1596.
by protestor felony charges reduced/dropped
I received confirmation from the District Attorney's office that all felony charges were either reduced or dropped. However, it appears that this may not be the whole story: there is mention of "ancillary" cases which may remain felony charges -- check out the DA's website, updated daily. Excerpt to follow:

"Protestors: We have no felony charges pending to this point against any protestors. However, we do have felony charges pending in ancillary cases involving people at the demonstrations in recent days. As of Monday, March 24, we had received 12 felony cases from the police. Five have since been discharged; 7 have been reduced to misdemeanors. I will try to include names later in the day in Ongoing Cases of Public Interest, under demonstrators, which in turn is under Assault. The reason 5 cases were discharged was because we did not have sufficient ...Our unofficial estimate of protestors coming from out of town: 80 percent.... "

A contact for questions at the DA's office is Mark Macnamara. His email is mark_macnamara [at]; 415

His phone is 415 553-1596.
by bov
He may be a lot of things, but I think he's bluffing on this - by the time anything comes of this the media will be onto something else and it will go by the wayside and be a buried story somewhere.

He's done a lot of good stuff and is probably under tremendous pressure right now to appear to be cracking down. He's against Willie and the cops, and that's something important in a town as corrupt as SF. I'm guessing that when the evidence of police abuse can be organized and exposed, he'll be in there on our side.

He gave a good interview on TV this morning, proud that SF supports the rights of the protesters and explaining that the felonies were dropped because there wasn't evidence for them. He isn't yet in a position to talk about abuse, but he will be soon.
by Purplenymph (prplenymph [at]
This is very upsetting and maddening. I am so incredibally disgusted by this reaction of needing to punish protesters for speaking thier voice. I have been an activist for 20 years and why I love living in this country is that when I disagree with what is going on I may speak my mind. This week I have watched friend after friend be arrested for simply expressing any descent to this war. They were not being violent, vandolizing the city or blocking traffic, rather just surrounded and arrested for publicly beimg opposed to this war. In my 20 years as an activist I have never seen anything like this before. WHERE DO I LIVE??? And now Halanan saya he is going to prosecute everyone. This breakes my heart to the max. Shame on him. Shame on the Police for arresting people for simply expressing their anti-war sentiment. Shame on this country for financing and supporting the slaughtering of a nation in our names. I am so angry and disgusted I could just scream.
by George
This should be great. If everyone demands hearings and a public defender, the system will completely clog. Take the maximum amount of time in each hearing, showing several long videotapes each; and don't waive the right to a speedy trial. It will be like a comedy act watching them try to get everyone through.
by Reflection
Please remember that charging protesters with failure to obey or jaywalking or even resisting arrest will not be the greatest criminal injustice that occurs in San Francisco this year. I'm sure much worst has been happening to other folks who have no political voice.

And please remember that the crimes against humanity that we are opposing, those being perpetrated by own government, are far worse than anything that this municipality can impose on protesters.

Please oppose trumped up charges and baseless arrests, but please keep things in perspective.

by peacenick
The SF DA Terence Hallinan is probably the most independent figure in the public eye, and i do not waste breath defending politicians. Like many of you I have little to no faith in our system. But to fight Hallinan is not tactically wise or efficient and I do not doubt that his decision to prosecute was influenced by people bombarding his office to the point of a shutdown.
Politicians and police by definition seem to suck. But Hallinan is completely and totally in a league of his own. If you follow SF politics in general you know that he has gone out on more limbs than any political figure in the country. You don't have to like him at all and yes he is up for reelection, but if you want to fight someone, pick a real adversary like your Senator. I vote, and I will vote for SF's pro-pot anti-cop anti-jail DA.
by tesserakt

ok, i'm generally not one to bother replying to this kind of comment, but i think daniel honestly may be missing a key piece of information.

all of the right wing pseudopatriots like to remind us that we would not be able to protest like this in the countries we are "liberating." guess what. once our "liberation" is complete, they probably still won't be able to protest. the fact is, many of the brutal dictatorships and oligarchies that are characterized by this lack of freedom are regimes DIRECTLY SUPPORTED IF NOT INSTALLED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND INTELLIGENCE!!!

invading iraq is not beneficial to you or me or the people of iraq. do you really think saddam husssein is a threat to your security? i guess you believed reagan when he insisted that nicaragua was about to invade us in its quest to conquer the free world as well... the only people that benefit from this system of perpetual war are the very very richest corporations and bankers. funny how those who benefit directly aren't the ones on the battlefield.

the civil rights movement was also very disruptive to many people's every day lives-- people who strongly disagreed that blacks should have equal rights were "dragged into" that struggle as well. why do people forget that under the current system, this is sometimes the only way to get the message across?

i'm not going to bother with the "supporting saddam" thing. that's just pathetic.

by Vote Hallinan Vote Progressive
Today Hallinan dropped 12 felony charges brought by the police against participants in last weeks peace marches. Who really wants Hallinan to lose? SFPD; Willie Brown; Republicans; and Reactionaries. Wake up!

Terrence Hallinan is our nations most progressive DA. He has done a great deal for our city. It strikes me as counterproductive to go after the one man in this city who has worked to expose police corruption and misconduct.

Which side are you on? I know Hallinan is on the side of Peace and believes in protecting our civil liberties despite Ashcroft, Rumsfield and Bush's attempts to silence dissent and criminalize alternative medicine for the chronically ill.

Direct action and civil disobedience carries risks--one risk is getting arrested. It's a statement. Wake up! I thought laying your bodies on the line was a great political message. I thought last weeks actions were a true sign of commitment. Misdemeanor charges carry no weight and who knows whether charges can stick. It's the felony charges that should concern folks the most...because out of that will come conspiracy charges. Careful who you go after in this struggle to end the war.

The power elite would like nothing better than to see Hallinan go down in flames and take the heat for the protest arrests. It's not Hallinan who arrested these folks. These folks made a conscious decision to take the streets. I know cuz I was there.

What gives? Go after the real enemies of peace, not the ones working consistently for progressive changes and radical reforms to the criminal justice system. Feinstein? She's in the book.

Do your homework before threatening to put Willie's two candidates (an ambitious, saavy socialite, and former Brown flame--Kamala Harris and Bill Fazio--defense lawyer for an indicted Fajita-gate cop) in Hallinan's place. Woe is me when the left bites their own tail. Don't forget Willie went to the Republican Party for support in his last election bid against Tom Ammiano.

Check your sources before you act, do some research, ask around. Shooting from the hip can really hurt the wrong folks. Ask Bay Area Police Watch what their opinion is of Hallinan. Get your facts straight before you try to unseat San Francisco's, rather, the nations most progressive DA.

The below is an excerpt from the DA's website at <<http:// href="mailto:www [at]">www [at] >>-- check under Press Notes on <<>> & Ongoing Cases of Public Interest / Assault on <<>>.

"Protestors: We have no felony charges pending to this point against any protestors. However, we do have felony charges pending in ancillary cases involving people at the demonstrations in recent days. As of Monday, March 24, we had received 12 felony cases from the police. Five have since been discharged; 7 have been reduced to misdemeanors. I will try to include names later in the day in Ongoing Cases of Public Interest, under demonstrators, which in turn is under Assault. The reason 5 cases were discharged was because we did not have sufficient ...Our unofficial estimate of protestors coming from out of town: 80 percent...."

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