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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Class Action Suit for Wrongful Arrest

by Marley Fowat (marleyfowat [at]
If you were wrongfully arrested in San Francisco, join a class action suit against the city and the police department.
If you were wrongfully arrested in San Francisco on Thursday 20 March near Mission and 7th or know someone who was, here is information about a class action suit against the city and the police department for wrongful arrest. This info applies also to people who were wrongfully arrested in other parts of the city.

This is a good way to use the gears of the system to grind against each other, and take advantage of the competition for power within the government. Drive home the point that the war will not only have a high pricetag at home, but will not be paid in part by the loss of our freedoms of speech and assembly.

Ishmael Tarikh, the director of Bay Area Police Watch says he wants to file a class action suit against the city within the next 10 days if he has 15 to 20 people come forward. SF Lawyers Guild is also interested in representing suits against the city for police misconduct.

Here's who you should call

415.951.4844 x228 Bay Area Police Watch Director Ishmael Tarikh
415.285.1011 San Francisco Lawyers Guild Legal Aid
415.553.9530 San Francisco Attorney's General Office

As for the citation you were issued for Failure to Disperse, the police are obligated to order the crowd to disperse as well as give them the opportunity. In arrests all over the city, neither happened. As for blocking traffic, unless the police have video of you in the street, they would be unable to prove that you were not on the sidewalk at the time the police arrested you.

At your arraignment hearing on April 19th, 20th, or 21st, plead Not Guilty to both charges, and make them take it to court. The Lawyers Guild will help represent you. At that point, the police dept will have to produce proof that you committed a crime or exonerate you.

Marley Fowat
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by chuckE
I talked this idea over with a number of folks tonight, including folks who were arressted with me, and those who were on the other side of the lines witnessing the mass arrests at our particular location at 7th & Mission. The people I talked to didn't seem to feel that they thought it was a good idea to just have a small number of arrestees from Thursday file a class action, but rather to try and gather as many of us as can in one place to try and draw up demands and try to come to a decent concensus. This makes sense in a lot of different ways: - the people united will never be defeated
- we can use our collective solidarity on the outside to take offensive action, in a legal manner, to draw more attention to the war at home(especially on youth and communities of color who are currently on the front line
- many of us have the privaledge to use our various privaledges to draw light to the operations of the SFPD and Mayor Willie Brown, and those who don't have certain privaledges to be on the streets all the time or be at tons of meetings should have an even say in the decision making(as much as possible).

So if anyone can simply suggest a good time to get together, and maybe someone else could get a space(like a church in the east bay or in the city)for us all to get together. Well, than hopefully we can begin to change some of the fucked up shit in our community and our world.

It's late so if this argument has some holes in it, or does not explain enough, please forgive me.

The Prisoners on the Bus Say Fuck this Shit!!
Solidarity Forever - chuckE
by amen
Thank you PoliceWatch!!!!

The solidarity I have seen from policewatch in these times of struggle has been amazing. I will remember this forever. I had many friends arrested at 7th and Mission that day. We should attack SFPD from all fronts when they act like this.
by it's me!
what if you were also injured while in custody? suffered joint injuries from being left in the cuffs for too long-- will things like that be part of the suit?
Either way, I will be joining the suit. Thanks, and peace to you.
by kight
I do not kill spiders. I do not kill mothers.
I sing. I dance.
I draw flowers and make them too.

I do not hurt people. I do not hurt.
I hurt. Inside.
I cry. I scream. I even pray.

I do not break glass. I do not break bones.
I listen to them crashing. Under boots.
I listen. I speak.
by Jimmy D (jimmyd [at]
One question!
I have my date on the 27th of may. I will be out of town for that month, does anyone have the number or info on how i go about changing the date?

Also I have video (you cant see much so its more like audio) of the first attack by the police. email me for details and requests.
by jose (no_mameis [at]
what about if you were arrested on friday on what was called the 6 PM sweep? the cops never told us to disperse and they didnt read us our rights, they just started arresting everyone who was trap close to the san francisco school district offices by franklin ave. also, i took some pictures of police brutality, there was a guy that was beat up on that sweep. if anybody knows him and if he needs pictures of the officers let me know.
by John Doe
All of you that continue to protest and act like little kids really need to grow up. Support our troops and OUR President and if you dont like it leave!
by intelligent
the foundation of this country is that we have the right to assemble and the right to free speech. so i, along with a few founding fathers and this little document called the Constitution, dont think that protestors have to leave just for questioning the government.
by E D
Hey there-

My partner and I were arrested as part of the 6pm sweep on Franklin St. on Friday. I am outraged by the SFPD's illegal actions.

One really good way to create change is to go to the SF Board of Supervisors, who can put pressure on the Mayor to bring the cops back in line, or can pass new legislation that would curtail some of the actions the cops have been taking. (The Supes cannot legally "manage" the SFPD or any other City agency, but can still have tremendous impact.)

If you're free this Tuesday, please consider joining me to speak at the full board meeting of the SF Supes about how the SFPD has acted towards protesters this past week. Their meeting starts at 2pm, but public comment will come about around 3:30-4 (?). It is the last agenda item. SF City Hall is located near our main library and the Civic Center BART stop.

Members of the public will likely only get 2-3 minutes to speak. Good testifying tends to be concise, courteous, factual, and can provide alternatives to fix a given situation. If you've never testified before, jotting down a few notes about what you want to say might help. You can even read a speech to them if that is what'll make you feel comfortable enough to do it.

Things to think/talk about this issue:

* Legal liability of City by actions of SFPD, especially when we are in such a budget crunched time

* Incredible amounts of money being spent on these arrests, jail time, and court appearances ($450,000 spent on arrests alone through Thursday!!), especially when we are in such a budget crunched time. A great deal of homeless services just got cut from the City's budget due to fiscal woes- where is all of the $ the SFPD is spending now coming from? What public services will eventually suffer as a result?

* Freedoms to peacefully assemble and free speech are being run over by our City employees

* Police brutality is happening, and in frightening ways

* An executive order from the Mayor could give guidance to the SFPD chief about appropriate (and inappropriate) responses to peace rallies, etc.

* Board of Supes could pass "emergency order" at that meeting to rein in behavior of cops by creating new police code (that might have to be temporary) that would detail what responses the SFPD is to take in times of mass protesting and civil disobediance. What do you think should be in this legislation?

* Lack of sufficient police presence throughout City when vast numbers of officers are detailed to war protests. Has public safety suffered as a result of this (mis)prioritization of resources?

Feel free to join me! Also, please pass along to anyone you think would be interested...


(Agenda item #) 56. PUBLIC COMMENT
An opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, including items being considered today which have not been considered by a Board committee and excluding items which have been considered by a Board committee. Members of the public may address the Board for up to three minutes. Each member of the public will be allotted the same number of minutes to speak.
by j.
someone said its not a good idea to plead not guilty to a charge such as blocking traffic in case there are pictures of you in the street. im a minor and know pretty much nothing about this legal stuff, but i was arrested on 7th + mission on thursday and my mom is freaking out about my "criminal record." however when i talk to people from the lawyers guild they tell me not to worry and that the charges will most likely be dropped. ahhhhghhhh. i wish i knew what was going onl
by j.
someone said its not a good idea to plead not guilty to a charge such as blocking traffic in case there are pictures of you in the street. im a minor and know pretty much nothing about this legal stuff, but i was arrested on 7th + mission on thursday and my mom is freaking out about my "criminal record." however when i talk to people from the lawyers guild they tell me not to worry and that the charges will most likely be dropped. ahhhhghhhh. i wish i knew what was going onl
by br
what a crock of shit.. you bitching the city is spending too much money on the arrests...then get the hell out of the streets! the city will be collecting all the money back from your fines. but this will be a great excuse to cut more money from the waste we call homeless services. protesters can take some homeless people with you as you leave town.
by Dana
Aaron Peskin 554-7450
Aaron.Peskin [at]
Aides: Wade Crowfoot and Rose Chung

Bevan Dufty 554-6968
Bevan.Dufty [at]
Aides: Steven Aronowitz and Diana Parker

Chris Daly 554-7970
Chris.Daly [at]
Aides: Bill Barnes and Rachel Redondiez

Fiona Ma 554-7460
Fiona.Ma [at]
Aides: Frances Hsieh and Jaynry Mak

Gavin Newsom 554-5942 Gavin.Newsom [at]
Aides: Michael Farrah and Cathy Garza

Gerardo Sandoval 554-6975 Gerardo.Sandoval [at]
Aides: Aly Young and Tina Tom

Jake McGoldrick 554-7410 Jake.McGoldrick [at]
Aide: Jerry Threet and Julia Lin

Matt Gonzalez 554-7630
Matt.Gonzalez [at]
Aides: Rob Eshelman and Marianne E. Love

Sophie Maxwell 554-7670
Sophie.Maxwell [at]
Aides: Sarah He and Marti Paschal

Tom Ammiano 554-5144
Tom.Ammiano [at]
Aides: Brad Benson and Angela Calvillo

Tony Hall 554-6516
Tony.Hall [at]
Aides: Sean Elsbernd and Mary Landers

by Cops Lie, People Die
Ring Their Phones Off the Hook Tuesday!

It's worked before. Expect cops to attend the meeting and lie through their teeth. Call them on their BU**SH**.
by Bill (neckron_99 [at]
Do you people understand that you are being arrested not for expressing your beliefs, but for illegally blocking traffic in a major metropolitan city? The police aren't "inventing crimes" to keep your voices unheard. Its not that the police are OPRESSING you; they are enforcing the law, which you are free to change via civil means, but which you are NOT allowed to violate simply on the authority of what you consider to be a supremely rightous political position. If you believe strongly enough to take to the streets and commit a willingly unlawful action, you should be adults and understand the need for reprecussions. Suing the city just shows how intent you are on obstructing the proper functioning of our democratically devised and supported system. If you actually feel deeply in the democratic principles which you claim to be the defenders of, you would understand how the rule of law is the foundational principle on which free government is built. Your opinions are being ignored due to a factor independent of the imagined grand conspiracy of the corporate media, the police state and major corporations; they are being ignored because people across the country look on you as petulant children with ill-founded and uninformed opinions.
by Watchout (complacentnation [at]
What you say makes a little sense.
As an Amerikkkan citizen you should think
twice about what you're saying. You're the one who is
uninformed. You don't know what's happening in Venezuela (4th largest oil exporter in the world), you don't even know what's happening in Amerikkka. The corporations own the media, how many stories have you read that actually speak of factual evidence of these protests? The Chronicle is owned by a large corporation. We were falsely arrested at Mission and 7th, I have pictures, there was no call to "disperse". THEREFORE IT IS ILLEGAL THAT THEY BEAT US INTO SUBMISSION AND MASS ARREST US. You are in line with believing that at times of war the people must be repressed, what you don't consider is that this type of Regime Amerikkka has been under since the 60's might not end. Salute your president Adolf Bush, the war is on minds, don't you see. Media Control, Monuments to Thieves. If you don't agree with me, YOU ARE UNINFORMED. Afterall, I was there, you might think we're hooligans or whatever.... we're fuckin sticking up for YOU, your family, AMERIKKKA IS OUT OF LINE! Down like ROME! We don't need to shop, we don't need your image, we dont need your blood money, blood oil, lies, we will TAKE BACK OUR FREEDOMS! Fuck all of you in opposition, you're not real Americans! You're sitting on your asses, getting fed their food and lies, keep watching TV, turning into VEGGIES! You are what is wrong with America, all of you in support of this war should LEAVE America to the real Americans! Those who wanted freedom, those who escaped persecution, criminals and everyone. People in support of this war are on the same level as those who joined the Army and killed the Indians, you people are NOT AMERICAN! America is free thinking people, and immigrants, fuck you WHITE collar. Fuck the POLICE STATE, fuck the corporations that plague OUR government, fuck democratzis amd Republicnazis. IT WILL END IN MY LIFETIME. All of you in opposition, your children will laugh at how our government was during these times, how mindless and unsustainable, polluting minds and lands. If you don't see it, you're brainwashed and weak.
by Scott B.
"Bill" who wrote "The REAL issue" misunderstands that the lawsuit being discussed here is based on police arresting people who were NOT breaking the law. E.g., people who were given no warning that their assembly was "illegal", people who were pushed off the sidewalk into the streets by the police, people who tried to talk (at a distance) to those under arrest, people who verbally criticized police for using unnecessary "pain compliance holds" (a.k.a. torture), and people who just happened to walk too close to police lines. The issue here is arbitrary arrest and imprisonment, unprovoked police violence, suspension of freedom of speech and assembly. These cannot be tolerated in a free society.

(As for whether blocking traffic is a reasonable or effective tactic, that is an issue discussed elsewhere. Suffice it here to say that the rule of law is indeed an important foundation for democracy, as Bill says. Now if only we could get the police to understand that! And if only we could get Congress and the President to understand the rule of law internationally, which they are flouting. Citizens attempting to enforce the law against armed agression are arguably justified in breaking the law against blocking traffic.)
by Cuz
At the Feb. 16th march I had experienced police brutality while protesting and being arrested. I have some documentary of the events and I'm sill looking for more. (if you have footage or pics please respond)
I also was arrested this last thurs. at 7th and Mission. I was fortunate enough this time and was left unharmed, but I did witness numerous amounts of unprovoked beatings on the streets and while waiting outside the county jail for booking.
The reason I post this is...I was wondering if it's a good idea to join the class suit for my previous injuries, or should I just come and support?
Thank you in advance for your response(s).
by Sir
You compare yourselves in editorials to Martin Luther King. But he was no thug. He did not assault people. He did not scream at people driving to work. He did not destroy and litter the streets he protested in.

But you know this already. I have posted these comments before. I have seen them posted, and then I have seen them removed.

It appears that your approach to free comment, to open mindedness, to open discussion, rivals that of Saddam.
by Counter Suit
I hope those who have been trashing our peace movement (ie:Black Bloc) do file a suit. I understand some of the impacted corporations are looking to aim there big fat lawyer guns at those responsible for participating in the trashing of their businesses.
by Counter Suit
I hope those who have been trashing our peace movement (ie:Black Bloc) do file a suit. I understand some of the impacted corporations are looking to aim there big fat lawyer guns at those responsible for participating in the trashing of their businesses.
by katon
People understand that the military budget in pursing an illegal aggressive use of force is siphoning much needed funds from domestic issues. 430 billion in funding for the “coalition of the killing for the coalition of the drilling” doesn’t hold a candle to the money being spent on law enforcement. Additionally, homelessness in the richest country in all of history should be addressed before the US deprives Iraqis of their lives and homes;American's, their civil rights .
by Smaug
I'm SO tired of reading all the posts of these bitter pseudo-intellectuals posting posts with words like pseudo-intellectual, stoking their little egos and masturbating their idiotic notions of whatever it is they think is true. The people I'm referring to are those who continuously insult protestors and call them "rich" and "yuppies" from some flat over in hooverville, driving into the city to stoke their egos protesting a war they probably contribute to in their rampant consumption of oil, gas, and fine wines. I mean, look, assholes- this isn't a daisy-chain going on over in Iraq, it's a bunch of corrupt as hell, incredibly wealthy monsters taking down a dictator THEY made to steal "his" resources and riches. Before the gulf war, saddam was worth 10 billion. After, 2 billion. Well, after this he probably won't be shit, except for all the stuff he's jacked and hidden outside of wherever the hell he is. Cia, Cia, Fbi, blah blah blah, the fact of the matter is the world has gone to SHIT, and I salute all protestors; whether black bloc or not, and I spit on disgusting pseudo-intellectual know-it-alls who would deign to insult people over getting off their pointless asses and getting out in the streets.
by educate yourself
Educate yourself about what the black bloc tactic is before point fingers

Second, stop pointing fingers within the movement. You can analyze tactics and act which why you find is best for you, but what the hell is up with trying to divide us? None of us agree exactly - we all have different ideas on how to participate.
by Gary Goodman (G [at] NEO.RR.COM)
I was not at any protests. I was busy running my business in Ohio, but I support the black bloc and all the protestors, including the young and middle-aged families some with kids in stollers and the grandparents in wheelchairs who oppose Bush tyranny. I was in DC in January, and that's who I saw, alongside the punks and hippies and freaks.

There is a wealth of information online about this, so no need to be uninformed, unless you get all your info from CNN, Fox, and the various so-called journalism that you find delivered to your door each morning.

Remember, history is written by the winners. In the 1700s, a bunch of thugs committed a few willingly unlawful actions, including dumping tea into the Boston Harbor and outright violence, as a direct protest -- not against the British -- we were the British at that time -- against the ruling government.

There was popular disagreement to be sure. Many wanted a peaceful go-along approach. Many actually sided with the 'law and order' of the ruling class. They came to be seen later as traitors and enemies. And the illegal rabble rousers? They are the heroes we speak of when a misinformed pro-illegal-overseas- war-idiot (or a true proud American) crows about all the men who died to defend our freedom today.

Essentially, the black bloc embodies the spirit of those rebels far more than the mindless pro-Bush sheep who believe everything that pathological liar says.
Maybe you can't see the connection yet. Probably in 1760 the Patriots didn't look like heroes either.

BTW, this is a conservative viewpoint, too. Check out or for more conservativism against the war. (This is not a complete endorsement of everything said on those links, but...)
by Gary Goodman (G [at] NEO.RR.COM)
I was not at any protests. I was busy running my business in Ohio, but I support the black bloc and all the protestors, including the young and middle-aged families some with kids in stollers and the grandparents in wheelchairs who oppose Bush tyranny. I was in DC in January, and that's who I saw, alongside the punks and hippies and freaks.

There is a wealth of information online about this, so no need to be uninformed, unless you get all your info from CNN, Fox, and the various so-called journalism that you find delivered to your door each morning.

Remember, history is written by the winners. In the 1700s, a bunch of thugs committed a few willingly unlawful actions, including dumping tea into the Boston Harbor and outright violence, as a direct protest -- not against the British -- we were the British at that time -- against the ruling government.

There was popular disagreement to be sure. Many wanted a peaceful go-along approach. Many actually sided with the 'law and order' of the ruling class. They came to be seen later as traitors and enemies. And the illegal rabble rousers? They are the heroes we speak of when a misinformed pro-illegal-overseas- war-idiot (or a true proud American) crows about all the men who died to defend our freedom today.

Essentially, the black bloc embodies the spirit of those rebels far more than the mindless pro-Bush sheep who believe everything that pathological liar says.
Maybe you can't see the connection yet. Probably in 1760 the Patriots didn't look like heroes either.

BTW, this is a conservative viewpoint, too. Check out or for more conservativism against the war. (This is not a complete endorsement of everything said on those links, but...)
by Palladin
1) The city funds spent on the demos reduce our allready meger ability to provide homeless services
2) Bush doesn't care San Francsico is shut down. We're against his war and we certainly didn't and won't vote for him 3) Duh Mayor want's y'all to go demo a in your home towns. I've got a better idea - Go shut down Austin Texas! Bush cares about those folks and...if you don't like our cops wait till you encounter the good 'ol boys from Austin PD.
by Tom Adamian (tomadamian [at]
You're making assumptions about everybody who is out there protesting. Not everyone is going into the streets and blocking traffic and only a small percentage are vandalizing and acting violently. Many people stay on the sidewalk and are out there legally demonstrating their opposition to the war. You all say "business as usual." Do you think it's business as usual for the Iraqi people right now? What we're dealing with here is a small cry from what the Iraqi's are going through. Quit your whining and grab a sign.
by Bill
I have only this to say: I was arrested for no reason. SFPD arrested an entire city block full of people Friday night. Not just the people in the street. My first amendment rights were robbed from me. To all those who say we got what we deserved: YOU CAN GO TO HELL! I do not deserve to be arrested while legally protesting on a city sidewalk. I do not care how bad the situation got last week. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE CONSTITUTION IS SUSPENDED!!! The SFPD is acting like a bunch of Nazis. If it takes legal action to stop them, GO FOR IT! Just look at who is running the police right now... I need say no more.
by Bill
I have only this to say: I was arrested for no reason. SFPD arrested an entire city block full of people Friday night. Not just the people in the street. My first amendment rights were robbed from me. To all those who say we got what we deserved: YOU CAN GO TO HELL! I do not deserve to be arrested while legally protesting on a city sidewalk. I do not care how bad the situation got last week. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE CONSTITUTION IS SUSPENDED!!! The SFPD is acting like a bunch of Nazis. If it takes legal action to stop them, GO FOR IT! Just look at who is running the police right now... I need say no more.
by Dee Skuztead
Willie Brown
City Hall: 554-6141
Budget and Legislative Affairs: 553-6114
Citizen Assistance-Neighborhood Affairs: 554-7111
Criminal Justice Council: 554-6560
Press Office: 554-6131
Public Finance: 274-0660

Senator Dianne Feinstein: 415-393-0707
DC : 202-249-4785

CHOOSE YOUR ENEMIES: Just a suggestion...maybe we should be inundating Mayor WIllie Browns office with calls to drop charges against Peace Marchers since his budget and staff are so inflated. Plus, who's really in-charge of SFPD...duh! Willie can call off the hounds. Did Willie have prior knowledge of SFPD's efforts to create the Red Squad? Isn't it Willie's perogative to protect Hiz multi-million dollar union sq. plaza! Hey! How about Dianne Feinstein? She actually supports Bush. 415-393-0707

KNOW YOUR FRIENDS: Let's not forget, DA Hallinan is a friend of peace movements, progressive causes and a staunch defender of civil liberties. Stop slamming Hallinan's beleagured staff which is still reeling from backlash feuding following indictments of SFPD brass...let alone huge budget cuts by Willie.

CALL THE MAYOR: Most staff phones are just working citizens and are most probably dedicated to helping San Franciscans conduct their business with the city. Maybe schedule set hours ONE morning or afternoon...? Ask to speak to the department heads or managers. Lodge complaints! Phone Mayor Brown; demand accountability from Da Mayor. Don't forget Tony Hall--boy is he nuts! Choose your enemies...know your friends!

PS: Does anyone know how much of the $500,000+ police budget is being spent on JUST guarding Union Square (Tiffanies, Saks, our multi-million dollar plaza, St. Francis, etc...) There are at least a dozen or more police officers there all day. Is this in addition to the already paid security staff? Why aren't we allowed to enjoy the Union Square Park! What gives? Talk about wasted city funds!
by Panilagos
Willie Brown's Castle
City Hall: 554-6141
Budget and Legislative Affairs: 553-6114
Citizen Assistance-Neighborhood Affairs: 554-7111
Criminal Justice Council: 554-6560
Press Office: 554-6131
Public Finance: 274-0660

Senator Dianne Feinstein: 415-393-0707
DC : 202-249-4785

CHOOSE YOUR ENEMIES: Just a suggestion...maybe we should be inundating Mayor WIllie Browns office with calls to drop charges against Peace Marchers since his budget and staff are so inflated. Plus, who's really in-charge of SFPD...duh! Willie can call off the hounds. Did Willie have prior knowledge of SFPD's efforts to create the Red Squad? Isn't it Willie's perogative to protect Hiz multi-million dollar union sq. plaza! Hey! How about Dianne Feinstein? She actually supports Bush and cronies. 415-393-0707

KNOW YOUR FRIENDS: Let's not forget, DA Hallinan is a friend of peace movements, progressive causes and a staunch defender of civil liberties. ASK Bay Area POLICE WATCH... Please, stop slamming Hallinan's beleagured staff which is still reeling from backlash feuding following indictments of SFPD brass...let alone huge budget cuts by Willie.

CALL THE MAYOR: Most staff phones are just working citizens and are most probably dedicated to helping San Franciscans conduct their business with the city. Maybe schedule set hours ONE morning or afternoon...? Ask to speak to the department heads or managers. Lodge complaints! Phone Mayor Brown; demand accountability from Da Mayor. Don't forget Tony Hall--boy is he nuts! Choose your enemies...know your friends!
by social worker
Saying that war-protesting taxpayers waste City money is a red herring. The economy was in trouble long before March 19, 2003, and the war itself will not help, obviously. San Francisco, while one of the wealthiest cities in the world per capita, maintains one of the longest standing and most egregiously embarrassing homeless problems in the country. Why are we now pretending that money mysteriously available for an inflated police budget to quash free speech and assembly, lawful & unlawful demonstrations alike, and the related services in keeping the peace for (the duty of peace officers?) --would have been spent on alleviating the suffering of the homeless? In view of past attitudes and performance of this administration, there is no evidence that the same money would have suddenly & miraculously been allocated for a bona fide social services emergency providing food, shelter, or medical care to the familes, elderly, or the disabled sleeping out on the street year after year -- or money would have been found for these important matters long before now.
by Fallen angel
I have a question about the charges faced by people arrested (rightly or not, I am not here to debate that) in the peace marches over the past few days. I'd be grateful if anyone can knowledgeably answer it.
My citation says I violated article 2800(a) of the California Vehicle Code (refusing to comply with orders from a peace officer, sic), which I expected, but the second one puzzled me. Article 647(c) of the California Penal Code apparently pertains to beggars... "Disorderly conduct: 647. Every person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor: [...](c) Who accosts other persons in any public place or in any place open to the public for the purpose of begging or soliciting alms." What has this got to do with anything ??? Did I look up the wrong penal code, is there a federal one (I'm a foreigner) ? Thanks, and peace.
Nothing gave the victims of the Boston Massacre the right to protest in the middle of the street, either. Nothing gave the Minute Men of Lexington and Concord the right. Nothing gave MLK the right. And nothing gives it to us, either. So what? They took it. We take it, too.

That is the nature of rights. Rights are never given. Only priveleges are given.

"Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did and it never will."

-- Fredrick Douglass
by questioner
Same tired old arguments/insults: 1) Get a job, 2) Get a life, 3) It doesnt matter if thousands of innocents die in Baghdad as long as I'm not late for my tv show I'm in a hurry to watch, blah blah blah. Its getting so old. Why are they so stupid?
by Bah
Most of us are not against the protests. It is your right to protest and it is your right to speak your opinion. I would die for that right. I would never call someone with the backbone to stand up and speak his/her mind stupid or weak. I would however call someone that wants to sue an already struggling community and cause more problems "misinformed". How does that saying go... "Down Wit Da Man"... Ahh, now that is a respectfull attitude... rofl.. nuff said... It is a few that are dragging the rest of you and your message down.

by Miss D
Get to the doctors right away. If you have no insurance and can get to a clinic, go and document your injuries right away. Tell the receptionist your situation. Some doctors have sliding scales. Maybe the peace network can come up with a free referral. If you still have bruises, cuts, try to take as good quality picture in strong light as possible. Close up and full view pictures are required. Use documentation for proving your civil suit or for pressing charges if you have badge number. It's shitty but the system demands proof by another institution. Good luck.
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