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Indybay Feature

Thursday SF Shut Down Reconvergence Points

by BB
These are the reconvergence points set up for tomorrow. They will scatter our march but we can reunite with each other.
12 Noon - Civic Center

5 PM - Powell & Market

7 PM - to be announced at 5pm convergence

9 PM - Powell & Market

12 Midnight - 7th & Market
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by dumb 'merican blind-patriot
What 're they protistin for anyways - we got to git them terrists

First Photos of Civilian Casualties in Gulf Massacre 2

Links to the photos with captions:

I am against the war because we are not going for the "right" reasons (if there ever are any). I support the people of America and Iraq, not either of the leaders!!! It just saddens me so much that people don't see the reality in this situation. Furthermore, it really bothers me that people assume that just becuase someone is against the war, it means they don't support the troops. Such BS...wake up PLEASE!!!
by Surma Hamid
Women's rights activist, Iraqi Dissident, Refugee
--interviewed at the anitwar rally in Melbourne
by the Kurdish pawns
The Kurd's BEST FRIENDS --the TURKISH ARMY - are on their way - vote just in.

Do you still support this war?
by Chris
Get educated, these are non violent protests. If you think non violent protestors should be arrested or killed, then you're no better than Saddam
by anon
I’m not sure if the PRIMARY goal of the protesters is to voluntarily get ARRESTED *OR* to SHUT DOWN San Francisco. Getting voluntarily arrested is using up our ‘soldiers’.

If the PRIMARY goal is to shut down S.F., the protesters shouldn’t necessarily be trying to shut down the intersections for long lengths of time, by doing things such as sitting down in the street, linking themselves together, tying themselves up, etc. This may snarl traffic at that point slightly longer, but it means that the people available to block traffic elsewhere get arrested and removed from the protest sooner. We use up ‘soldiers’ for later/continuous actions. The potential long-term effect is to make the protest SHORTER, and to impact other protests later in the day or even the next or later days. Again, it depends on what the primary goal is.

What we should do is move, in larger groups, into the middle of the major intersections but when police start arriving, run away and/or let the police themselves block the intersection, then approach the next target intersection, and regroup to repeat the process. The individual intersections may clear faster, but the process as a whole will go on longer and be more disruptive.

The one situation in which it might make sense to “sit down” in the intersections and submit to voluntary arrest would be if you felt you might only have a small number of participants and wanted to make sure that your small group blocked the intersections as effectively as possible. But with large groups, this strategy seems unnecessary.
by Citizen with some brains
Non-violent my ass! Glad you all stuck by the format that you so proudly display. Freedom of speech and expression - well I would like to drive down the street, park in my garage, go to work, feed my family and pay the taxes that help supply the government funding that seems to breed your sorry asses!! So get the fuck off the streets and sidewalks, and respect my civil rights. And about the war being corporate and big biz - who made the camera and camcorders you use? who made the cell phones? who made and maintains the website and the technology it affords you? Fucking sorry ass nothing to contribute to society sloths!!!!!
by yr god is going to have a fun on yr judgement
how sad is it that in this country we are told that we have a right to free speech unless it's in opposition to the war-mongers and patriots? you people that curse us for protesting a war seem only to be jealous that you don't have the balls to think for yrself. think for a moment about the fact that out of 535 members of congress only ONE (1) - Sen. Johnson of South Dakota - has an enlisted son or daughter in the armed forces! all you pro-war sympathisers need to enlist yrself in the army now and go fight instead of cowardly sending other peoples' children to fight the wars of politicians and corporate business. the parallels between Bush and Hitler are amazingly close and, if we all remember our history, the majority of the german people fell into line (like sheep) to support this evil madman who made it his own mission to attempt to conquer the world and bring about genocide. how many bodies, on both sides, need to pile up before you idiots realise that this war is wrong?! how much blood must be spilled??
by A California Attorney
Yes, it is perfectly legal to hit them or run over them with your car if and only if you feel you are threatened that they will try to attack you. If they make any overt agressive motions against you, then this can be construed as a felony threat to you in a court of law. Bottom line answer: YES you can!
by Civilian REAL MAN
To the Military Wife who is venting her frustration and fear on the anti-war protestors:

Your personal emotions related to your husband's job are clouding your ability to judge this moment in foreign policy history.

This war is unjust. It's a pathetic justification for putting your husband's life on the line. Are you really ready to lose your mate based on the case Bush has made for war? It seems to me that you should be protesting the war more vociferously than anyone.

Secondly, protesting the war is a perfectly valid way to show support for our troops. We want to bring them home safely, and we're disgusted at the callous way that the President is risking their lives for a cause we utterly reject. Again, get it straight and get on the right side here if you are indeed against the war.

Third, this conflict is doing nothing to support my freedom of speech. That is a constitutional right granted to me a long time ago, and not subject to the policy whims of Bush, or the job performance of our men and women in uniform. Cough up all the propaganda you've swallowed.

If your husband believes in "freedom" so much that he's willing to risk his life for it, don't you think he'd want people to EXERCISE it by doing whatever they can to hold their leaders accountable for genocidal, aggressive policy? We're on his side, for fuck's sake. He has to follow orders. He has no choice. He needs others to be a counterpoint to the person giving the orders.

I'm really sorry for anyone working in the Military right now. The fact is that your boss is on crack, and leading you in the wrong direction. Your best intentions in wanting to defend your country are being transformed into agression and imperial domination. You are being used in the most insidious way.

There's frankly nothing "manly" about being used.

In closing, I hope your man is safe. Good luck.
by fuck the lawyers to hell
remember pro-war sympathisers, there are more of us than you and if you try to run us over, potentially succeeding, then you will be taking yr own life into yr hands!! if i see that i will personally make every attempt possible to snap yr dirty motherfucking necks!!!!!
by a guy who was run over once
I'll kill you.

Self defense.

And I don't need a gun to do it, either. I'l rip your fucking throat out.
many of them have threatened me so i will use that as a legal reason... hehe!
by angry delivery co.
Before you can rip my throat out, i will shoot you in the face with my 357 magnum. Any attempt to inflict bodily harm to me will give me the legal justification to blow your brains out! So long chump! HAHAHA!!!!
by peaceful protester
attacking eachother is counter-productive, for both sides. this is not something we want to be divided on. of course we would like those that disagree with us to simply agree with our point of view. but, swearing at eachother and threatening violence will not convince anyone...and i'm not saying that as some happy free-love hippy. i want those that support war to understand my reasons for not supporting it, as much as they want me to understand their side of things.

from my perspective, i don't understand those that get so angry at being inconvenienced by being a little late to work, because compared to being in fear of u.s. bombs falling on their house and killing their children, it is not a very big deal. if only they could understand what the protesters are trying to acheive, to show people that it shouldn't be business as usual. we are bombing people. and the u.s. is doing it without the support of the rest of the world. i think my biggest problem is the way this administration did it, with arrogance and without a sincerity in their diplomacy, and not neccessarily diplomacy with saddam's regime (not that he really deserves it imho), but the diplomacy required to get a multilateral action and at least international support. gw is succeeding in making us the most hated nation in the world. impeach bush and his and his daddy's cronies.

thanks for listening and let's try to treat eachother with respect.
by haha we won!
Actually, one of the assholes who "felt threatened" did try to run over some protesters today. The cops were closing in to make arrests, but instead chased after the dipshit motorist. The girl he hit wasn't injured and it sure helped us out, getting the cops off our asses. So I just want to say thanks. I didn't feel like getting arrested that early! Oh yeah, this whole "feeling threatened" thing... maybe you guys should talk to someone, get that checked out. When you feel threatened by something or someone or some country that doesn't actually pose any threat to you, it might cause you to do something drastic and irrational and as our driving friend today found out and as W will soon find out, YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
by citizens with real brains
"Non-violent my ass! Glad you all stuck by the format that you so proudly display. Freedom of speech and expression - well I would like to drive down the street, park in my garage, go to work, feed my family and pay the taxes that help supply the government funding that seems to breed your sorry asses!! So get the fuck off the streets and sidewalks, and respect my civil rights. "

if you want to get technical, free-flow of traffic is not politically protected free speech. marching is. showing up 30 minutes to work isn't going to keep you from feeding your family, or paying your taxes -- stop being an overdramatic bitch.

as for this:

"And about the war being corporate and big biz - who made the camera and camcorders you use? who made the cell phones? who made and maintains the website and the technology it affords you? Fucking sorry ass nothing to contribute to society sloths!!!!!"

A bunch of underpaid manufacturing workers in the 3rd world, and certainly not oil companies. What's your point frat boy?

someone who IS at work, but not annoyed at all by the rougher commute. march on y'all.

Bu thanks, now i know the courts and the police are on my side. Just as long as i get away with it, who cares, right? HAHA!
by long time organizer
This breaks my heart to write, because I have been in indymedia for years, and I still enjoy many of the wonderful, loving people I have met here. But now, to see this violence, this hatred, people "ripping out the throats" of the working class in the name of peace... how can this be? Where did we go wrong?

The harmony of the universe is not enhanced by what I am seeing in San Francisco today. Where is the peace, the love? Are we really dominated by the testosterone problems of the more dysfunctional younger people? Have you forgotten why we started this movement in the first place?

I can defend the rape rooms of the man we're keeping in power, but I cannot defend the nasty people I have seen fighting in our name today. After thousands of tears, no longer!

by sister street (hosehead [at]
thank you protesters, thank you, this was a deeply significant day.

the pictures on this site and the articles make my heart reach deep into my chest, expanding back into the world, I am alive again!

The actions of people who are fearless of their own government, THOSE are the democratists I want to see, I want to elect YOU! The people who stand up for their beliefs and understand personal involvement.

to all the rejected with anger, wake up from the dream, take a pill, go back to sleep - chill out, relax. You have control, you can see, no need to imagine the world as it isn't g.

hasta luego
by sister street II
Right on! My bosom swells with pride. SADDAM FOR MAYOR!!!
by Ax Olotls
All you people are funny. All I heard you say today was "Where's the bathroom???"

You dumbasses should've used the ones at the buildings that you blocked the entrance too.

Get a life
by pwned
hey, pissed and driving,

Perhaps you do not realize that making threats over any digital communciations medium is a felony on both the federal and state levels. The IP address of the machine you have posted from has been logged. Perhaps your employer or ISP have been contacted and the jack booted thugs are on their way to your door.

though probably not. Yet your additude is a prime example of the mysoginistic and overtly violent society we live in and exactly the type mentality these folks are protesting, unfortunatley you are not the only one with this mentaly degrading condition, it appears that most of the corporate leaders and government have it too. I sincerely hope you recover.
by MW
"...who made it his own mission to attempt to conquer the world and bring about genocide. how many bodies, on both sides, need to pile up before you idiots realise that this war is wrong?! how much blood must be spilled??"

When are you going to realize that bodies were piling up already and certainly more to come and that is why we stepped in. I don't like war, but I don't like death in general and the fact is we are trying to save Iraqis from that very thing. The rape, torture, gassing and murder of his own people and his neighbors are glowing qualities for Mayor of _your_ town maybe, not mine.

My husbands thoughts are not mine, and I support him the only way I can. Freedom of speech and Right to peaceful protest are protected rights (by men like my husband) but interfering with an entire cities commuting population, vandalizing, rioting, and assault and battery are not.
Those that participate in those activities are not concerned with peace at all. You are not helping your cause, you are showing off your immaturity. This isn't Jr. high.

BTW--why did you delete my last post? You left a response to it and people threatening to kill each other, but deleted a post from a military wife?
by a guy who was run over once
That could easily be the last thing you ever do. Have you ever imagined what it must feel like to be set upon by an angry mob? Think about it.

>Any attempt to inflict bodily harm to me will give me the legal justification to blow your brains out!

A car is a deadly weapon, just like a gun or a knife. If you attempt to run any of us over, we have the legal right to defend ourselves by any means necessary, including deadly force. Only a month ago, this basic principle was driven home by front page news, right here in San Francisco.

Refresh your memory:

>Bu thanks, now i know the courts and the police are on my side.

Q: Explain it to twelve or get carried by six?

A: No brainer.
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