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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Enemy Combatant Radio Broadcasting from San Francisco Indymedia

by imc-sf-audio
Tune in to Enemy Combatant Radio on San Francisco Liberation Radio 93.7 FM
7am Shutdown Is On for Tomorrow!
Reconverge Tonight at 9pm Powell & Market!

Update M22 :: Please: use an ECR webcast mirror!


Enemy Combatant Radio :: (16kbps MP3)

Enemy Combatant Radio :: (64kbps MP3)

Enemy Combatant Radio :: (VBR Ogg)

ECR Relay on San Francisco Liberation Radio :: (24kbps MP3)

ECR Relay on San Francisco Liberation Radio :: (VBR Ogg Vorbis)
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by caller
what is your phone number?
you never include it in your information....

by call in
by william
you folks are great. i am listening to you in Seattle which is as dead as a door nail right now.

believe me the WTO "reputation" is pretty much a bunch of hype.

wish I was there with you.

Hello Tiwala! Be careful at the barricades!

by Drew in SF
Does Enemy Combatant Radio have an email address? It would be great if people could send comments/observations to you via email.

PS - You guys rule!!! Coverage this morning has been excellent!
by Aron
You are doing a great job...thanks to you. One thing: the spoken audio and the music audio levels are wildly divergent, with the music really loud compared to your voices.

Have to listen to you as the NYC indymedia station is not working. Keep it up!

American Hegemony = More Enemies
Stop Bush's Illegal Invasion! Refuse and Resist!
by Yup. Sure does. But . . .
we're up to our ass in alligators here. It might take us a while to check it.

Here it is:

imc-sf-audio at
by Dan
There were a couple of links just mentioned on the of them being for the bodycount....can someone please post them.

by karen
The body count email is
by Matthew
Hi, I am writing from St. Louis... and nothing is going on here, either. We are in solidarity with SF, though. Wish I was there, too. Anyways.... you guys mentioned an IRC chatroom on the program.... how do I get the information to join up?
by Karl
Watching things play out tonight even with a slight alcahol buzz I can see that this new war is 110% information. The lessons learned in '91 are that everyone's eyes are on the war. We will not see the fronts, the strategic strikes, but only computer renderings of warplanes, explosions in the distance, and speculations of who dies and where.

The troops are immaterial, the bombs are immaterial. The basic fact is that the world is watching this war. It is a war of information. What lies are being told on air to discredit our troops, and what lies are being told to conceal our actions? This information is the only ammunition.

The signal compressed for satellite transmission, recompressed for digital cable, and compressed again for TiVo playback is completely alien except for the fact that our trusted friend "Christiene Amon-Pour" is giving us the play by play. She is feeding us our tactical nourishment and our carnal fix. We're feeding on war. Raise your hands if you're wet. Shout out if you've got a hard-on for the information, the sweet technical details of the 2000 pound super bunker buster delivered by a B-522 mega stratofortress with 4x4 all wheel drive on its wing tips.

But that same signal is feeding to our enemy, and as they have said "the Iraqis are in the mountains or in their homes or fleeing the country, but they are all watching TV". Our troops are watching TV. BIG BROTHER IS ON TV, WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING?

This war of information has the world as its target.

Doublethink is upon you. You are being recorded, not directly, but statisticaly. Your responses measured and your beliefs projected. Can any media, fox, cnn, msnbc, or even the indipendant media... can anyone be trusted?

Will you be targeted? No thanks, I'll watch south park, it's much funnier.
by Sid (peace [at]
Hi, I Just want to say that the protesters need to be peaceful. What are you people thinkng, throwing rocks?
Please get a grip. If your throwing rocks then you dont want peace. I wish I was there, you people need to take a stand if you see violent crowds stop them!!!
The 'stop violence or I'll kill you ' approch is understandable feelings but not very paractical actions.
A patriot living in canada
by What are YOU thinking!?!
Thousands upon thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians are being slaughtered, and you're upset about a few rocks getting throw in an atempt to stop it!?! That's SICK.
by bieslook
Relay for European listeners to save bandwidth on the North American server:
by activenotpassive (stacy1828 [at]
I am a "60's parent" and was in many actions in Berkley into the 70's and I am soooo proud this generation finally has something to care about and they do. Like us they learn that you start out passive and non-violent and then after getting gassed, beaten, arrested ect. time after time, you see how it is. If you don" t know ...get out in the street and see for yourself. Try to be a peaceful innocent bystander, but if you don't want to fight, I hope you can run fast. I was trying to go to my car on feb.15, with my daughter and blind sister and unknowingly walked into the shit on market and 8th. Watch the vidio #10 and 11 on older stories and watch the cops on horses beating people on the sidewalks. I don't. If not for indy media services, the world would not be watching 'cause the tv media won't show it. Up the people!
by Observer
There's an IRC channel for discussing war-related news (war and protests) - its #war-news on
by `eric
How do you think stuff started here? Call up some friends, post to Indymedia STL, MAKE SHIT HAPPEN!
by bill
It seems to be a problem with the relay for European listeners. It doesn't seem to work, so check it out.
Keep up resisting...
by tiwala
thanks for the support, will. praise God. i am safe & will continue to roam! take care of yourself up there!
by A next-continet guy
i send you this article i've translated into english. it has been published by la repubblica, the main italian daily newspaper. it mirrors the feeling of billions of people all over the world, i think also of the majority of the americans. please feel free spread it to your friends. i think that your country isn't democratical, because less than a half of the citiziens vote. you have to fight because a non democratical country takes dangerous decisions like this war. dangerous for you common citizens for the reaction that your foreign policy will determine. you cannot continue any longer spreading your nuclear waste over the people, in the sea and the air: you are committing suicide and killing the world. you have to fight to change this because our fathers have been exploited by you for a life, we are exploited too and i think that the usa cannot speak about freedom if don't allow our sons not to be exploited.


AMERICANS the time is here of irrevocable decisions.

Someone unilaterally raised doubts about my mental health. I'll prove
they wrong with this clear speech, written by myself. God inspired me
and Rumsfeld explained me how to grab the biro.

We cannot wait any longer jeopardizing world's peace. If our
ancestors had waited, America nowadays would have been under redskin
rule and there would have been a bloodthirsty Apache named "Little
Bramble" or "Buffalo W. Junior" in place of me.

It's time for the American federalism to find its true vigour again
and for the warlike Texan spirit to clear out thievish Manhattan's
centralism and southerner Californians. I cannot accept unwarlike
diplomacy's vetos anymore.

America must carry the world on its back. If the world falls, never

I inform yo! u with infinite and preventive enthusiasm that American
troops set on dictator Saddam's Iraq.

Our men are the best in the world and in just a few weeks we will
bring peace to that anguished country. Modern American war
technology, joint with Tony's - my pitbull - perfect training, and
geometrical power of Italian railways' network, is in motion and
nothing could stop it.

We didn't wait for United Nations because Saddam's and Osama's
accomplices nest just there, the French in particular.

We have proofs of a crowded and well trained Islamic base, on the
seaside, ready to harbour vessels filled up with chemical weapons.
The secret base's name is Marseille. Our bombers, which are the best
in the world, are razing this snakes' nest to the ground.

Lazybones Germans demonstrated connivance with terrorism too. We have
the proofs that Mullah Omar escaped away from siege on a BMW bike.
There are plans for a biolog! ical war in order to farce our quarter-
pounders with sauerkraut. The Germans just tryed to confuse us by
escaping to plenty of places, but we located and we'll thump them
anywhere. We've already attacked Berlin, Wien, Bern and Bozen,
dropping our parachutists, which are the best in the world. The
strong wind, probably nourished by peace-mongers, determined half of
them to land over Norway. Since we were at it, we razed Oslo too:
who's neutral today could be hostile tomorrow.

We also attacked Venezuela, where the political and oil situation
called for a ready answer. For an howler in order transmission's
typing, besides Venezuela objective also Venice objective has been
bombed. Prime minister Berlusconi, loyal ally of ours, forgave us.
His reaction has been: "So much so that it was sinking, in this way
it suffered less".

Americans, East as well is about to know global peace! A plane
carrying one of our nuclear ! bombs, the best in the world, overflyed
Korea with slight deterrent purposes. But we didn't use the bomb, we
are not irresponsible insanes. Unfortunately while the cargo was
reverting its course, due to a rubber band breakage, the bomb dropped
over Bejing. We'll pay compensation for damages. Avoid being a pain
in the ass.

But the one who we struck with resolute and preventive firmness had
been the White Rais, the one who hampers us more than any other one:
a dictator elected by a scanty elite who claims to represent millions
of people, who rambles about peace inciting the mob from the balcony
or from his awful armoured car. A man who claims to represent the
Good (which is well known for being an USA patent) without paying us
the copyright. The name of that man is vampire-like "Wojtyla". This
morning, bishop dressed private first classes, with bazookas
heroically dissembled in their own anatomy, attacked the Vatican. ! We
knew that hired pontifical troops had a secret weaponry called
Halberd, but we have the best fencers in the world and after an
extraordinary duel we get the cathoterrorist lair. The White Rais was
talking to a bearded man disguised like a franciscan, immediately
identifyed as Osama Bin Laden. Altough CIA guaranteed that Osama died
14 times, of which at least seven times seriously, the bastard gave
proof of unexpected viability by rebelling, shouting he was monk
Joseph and blaspheming God infra dig. Investigations proceeds.

Americans don't be afraid: global peace operation doesn't end here.
Sea lion and drilled squid troops, the best in the world, attacked
with underwater bombs the city of San Francisco, well known as an
hippy pacificism den and defeatist. We've also surgically destroyed
5,000 Asian restaurants: not a single grain of cous-cous will pollute
anymore our holy ground.

The global peace operation ! obviously entailed also perils and
dangers, especially for me. A commando of terrorists in nurse
disguise surrounded my apartaments at the White House. Condoleezza
and I repelled them with revolvers. After this episode, immediate
countermeasures have been adopted. Ten marines, in nurse disguise too
and led by a psychiatrist-dressed colonel, rescued me to a safe place
called Fort Quiet, even if, in order to deceive terrorists, outside
plate says "Lunatic Asylum".

I'm addressing you these words from Fort Quiet's TV and Diversion
Hall and those there, you can see them playing bingo in pajamas, in
reality are my bodyguards, the best in the world. It's certainly a
sacrifice staying locked up here, but being the President of the
United States of America, I'm too precious to expose myself in a so
difficult situation, in any case I've my tin soldiers and water
mattress. I'm looked after by kind psychomarines which give me th! e
best drugs in the world. I met also a fun old guy, Napoleon
Bonaparte, a former military. There's also one who believes to be
Berlusconi, but he's basically honest and this caused him an interior
interests' conflict with schizophreny result.

Americans, be confident! I know operations are proceeding out of here
and our army passes from conquest to conquest, the globe is being
filled up with Stars and Stripes like a joyful porcupine. Every night
I meet Colin Powell (he's in Fort Quiet too). We walk up and down the
corridor in pajama and mimetic mules and prepare the final solution.
We'll launch into orbit Final Fantasy, a satellite with an extremely
thorough laser beam able to destroy all the lands above sea level,
except for America. This is the only way we can guarantee a true
safety throughout the world. But that pain in the ass which Powell
is, insists in saying: and who will we make war to then? We wrangled,
he punched my bedpan and I filled up his drip with mayonnaise. How we

The doctor marines sayd that for now I cannot go out, the situation
is too dangerous. I know that you'd like your president to be in
operation area with a bomber jacket and a Colt in his hand. But trust
me: as my assistants say, the only true hope for global peace is make
me staying locked here for a little while. When I'll come out, we'll
be planet's masters and then we'll attack the solar system.

American citizens, your president George W. Bush says hullo from Fort
Quiet alias Lunatic Asylum. God bless America and cinder its enemies
and damn Colin Powell if he pinches again my stewed apple.

(Original in Italian by Stefano Benni)
by Sigma (gat94621 [at]
In Gulf War I, I hung around my federal building and held candles while 100's of thousands of people were killed by my country. In retrospect, I felt like I was wasting my time.
If your method of protesting is totally passive then more power to you; I respect that. Personally, I am not going to sit quietly this time.
This time I am prepared for NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION.
Yep, I'm gonna stop traffic. I'm gonna shut the city down. I’m gonna yell and scream at people.
This is my way of dealing with this horror. Please, candle-holders: don't tell me what's right and wrong. No one likes a peace nazi.
by Sigma (gat94621 [at]
In Gulf War I, I hung around my federal building and held candles while 100's of thousands of people were killed by my country. In retrospect, I felt like I was wasting my time.
If your method of protesting is totally passive then more power to you; I respect that. Personally, I am not going to sit quietly this time.
This time I am prepared for NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION.
Yep, I'm gonna stop traffic. I'm gonna shut the city down. I’m gonna yell and scream at people.
This is my way of dealing with this horror. Please, candle-holders: don't tell me what's right and wrong. No one likes a peace nazi.
by Freedom Rider
Seems to me that if the authorities could be provoked into imposing martial law, one would have to count the whole operation a success. At least the velvet glove would have been removed so all could see the steel fist beneath. Fascism IS unquestioning obedience to authority.
by Brando (skeeboz [at]
ECR's coverage of the M20 and M21 actions has been amazing! I live in Manhattan and listened most of yesterday including during the day, but also later at night during the impromptu international call-in show.

The music mixed with very helpful live reports from the streets and intelligent discourse has been an invaluable resource for me during the last 48 hours. Listening to your stream has kept my spirits-up even as so much death and destruction is taking place in Iraq. As a media and bike activist i have been truly heartened to see the many creative ways in which our movement is changing the rules, as far as political organizing and protests go.

The sense of solidarity i get listening to your show is profound. I just wanted to do a little shout-out from NYC and i hope that our M22 action is as succesful as yours have been the last couple of days.
by stalinopank (intersiderale [at]
I am currently listening your radio from Greece.
It’s nice to listen another voice from USA, comments, interviews and music.
Thursday and Friday in my small town Volos, we had made 3 demonstrations against the war in Iraq.
Saturday morning we have another action, to surround
and close a military camp for some hours.
Take care.
Stop the world another war is possible!
by Free Radio For Peace
In the Netherlands it's the day of

Interactive live radio broadcast
on air and via the net
during the
against the war.
Live reporting will start around 12:00 local time(GMT+1)
Untill then:
ECR on the Amsterdam airwaves!!!
FM 96.3 (Vrije Keyser Radio)
FM 99.3 (Radio100)

And also on the internet live streams of webstation

More info in english in the left collumn on this page:
by Jez (yazmataz03 [at]
Where can I get a hold of the playlist of the ECR? Excellent song played at around 12:50 AM SF Time. I doubt that would ever get any air time anywhere else in the world. Controversial but refreshing ... so please let me know who sings that ... I want to get a hold of the song
by Non-violent protester (freetibet [at]
Don't you get it? You can't fight violence with violence. You can't create peace with war. Once you become like the agressor you've lost.

by songstress (freetibet [at]
2:15 a.m. approx. Gorgeous, thank you DJ! Who is that?
by Mitzy (god [at]
I'm listening to this right now, it's 12:36pm here, but I wonder, how can I get in contact with ECR? I haven't heard an email address, and if I change page it breaks the stream [gr 56k].

Damn good stuff, thought provoking.
by Uruguay Indymedia (CopyTrastor)
Ha! Ha! Ha! (By Latuff)
por Latuff • Friday March 21, 2003 at 03:21 PM
latuff [at]

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of stupid U.S. soldiers who are proudly giving their lives to keep capitalism alive.


Ha Ha Ha Ha
por Trástor • Friday March 21, 2003 at 03:46 PM

ha ha ha ha !!
by history buff
Tell that to the Jews who escaped the Holocaust by killing their guards and burning Treblinka to the ground.
by Will J
This is such a dark time in America, so dark that some, such as the ignorant fool who wrote, [{ I support the war. I support the president. And I think is really nothing but an agenda-driven effort by a niche of disaffected people who haven't realized they're in the vast minority, and thats why the media doesn't cover their protests seriously. They only time you protesting slackers do anything newsworth is when you destroy property that's insured anyway. get a grip. I voted for Gore, but right now I say Go Bush. At least he's willing to act rather than do nothing like his father and Clinton couldn't do. }], does not see the proverbial forest for the trees. What does that the ignorant fool not get, not understand, I will tell you, that ignorant fool does not understand that the so called, Supreme Court split decision, not having the majority of the votes of the American people, President, George Bush, is saying, to hell with the Constitution of the United States, I say we go to War with the Sovereign Nation of Iraq, now, preemptively, as I feel it makes me happy to do so, I don’t need no Congressional permission as is called for in the Constitution because I played the game of give me a blank check to do what I want, what ever that may be, months ago with Congress, and the United Nations, well, if they do not do as I want I will say to hell with them also, and do my own thing, and take the men and women of America that I control and start killing the Evil Doers, all the Evil Doers as I say who is or is not an evil Doer. Also this so called President George Bush, is using double speak, mind games, bull shit language to allow the laws in this Country, America, to not allow full and complete Attorney client confidentiality as has been the law and part of the American fabric of this Nation for over two hundred years, as well as the legalized spying on Americans in the name of so call, the War on Terrorism, well, we say, no to you and George Bush, we say, NOT IN OUR NAME, we the people are fighting for America, the home of the FREE and the Brave! We are the true Patriots who ask the Questions, and not be fooled by the planting of the American Flag in Iraq, in the so called name of Freedom and rule of LAW, when we and the World see that the only LAW that Bush agrees to is his own, bought and paid for by him and his pals, no we are not fooled by his or his Bushites like you, no mater how many American flags you put behind you for the photo op, no we will do what ever is necessary, to have the TRUE America, the America of the People, a true, Constitutionally Representative Democracy, restored. So be aware and forewarned, Bush and mind controlled minions, We the People of this one beautiful Earth, will not allow it to be made into a police state, we demand, and will enforce, the rights given to us by the creator to live in, LIFE, LIBERITY AND THE PURSUTE OF HAPPYNESS!
by me (rock [at]
I support the war. I support the war. Go Bush. site admins just deleted my last post. They don't like opinions being expressed that don't jive with the propoganda and misinformation being spread here. doesn't appreciate criticism of itself. It's nothing more than groupthink propoganda. If you don't agree you're not welcome.

I challenge you to leave this post live on your site. This isn't discussion for comments. This is a revivial meeting for retired communists.

by Linda
by say no to uneducated MOB RULE
Bay City News

Friday's discovery of Molotov-cocktail making materials likely belonging to anti-war protesters and the administrators of the website, has prompted a joint investigation by local and federal authorities, a San Francisco police department spokesman said.

San Francisco police spokesman Dewayne Tully reports police found a duffel bag containing glass bottles and incendiary fluids at 158 11th St. near Mission Street around 11 a.m.

Police then made a second find at 12:30 p.m. at 757 Market St. in front of the Four Seasons Hotel. Police there found a collection of rags, lighter fluid, and "other materials to make incendiary objects with," Tully said.

by yowza
nice thing about the Freepers, David (W)Horowitz worshipers and paid hacks (Cointelpro) running around like rats is that they post silly messages like driving over protestors, only to show how divorced from reality they are. Keep it up dweebs. You only help our ranks grow by showing how insane and out of touch many in our country are.

And as for FBI files, arrests for protesting isn't a felony. It's not a job killer.

America, love it -- or use constitutional rights to change it.
by Summer M. Mondeau
PLEASE! remain peaceful. When demonstrators throw pies, rocks or molotov cocktails, they play right into the hands of warmongers. The struggle for peace is too important to sacrifice to a few petulant anarchists who pose as pacifists.
by Angela Rose
You do not frighten me off the streets. I feel compassion for you. You need all the help you can get. I was suicidal on and off for a long time. Get a therapist, or at least a friend - it's worth it. You can even find them on the Internet - where it's easy to say whatever the hell you want, like you did here.
Thinking of you
by monkeybear
Linda, where are you from? What makes YOU tick?
I invite you to come downtown today with a sign expressing exactly what you posted on this site. In reality you're too lazy to move your ass for any cause... although you can move a few fingers to type derogatory and threatening statements about fellow citizens who are taking action.

If things continue this way, it will be an HONOR to have been involved and arrested these past few days.

Keep it up people, there are so so many more of US.
by imc-sf-audio (imc-sf-audio []at[]
ECR mirror (fremont) =
ECR mirror (oregon) =
ECR mirror (bay area) =
ECR mirror (bay area) =

ECR mirrors are available. if you set up one, post it here. contact us for mirroring info..
by Jeff (
You anti-American protesters keep parroting the same comments.

"How can you worry about people not getting to work when Iraqi babies are being killed?"

"How can you worry about a few rocks being thrown when we're bombing innocent terrorist supporting, murdering, raping, maniacal dictators?"

Get a job, get a life and get real.
by brad (partytownradio [at]
If the SF server is lagging use the
site , lots of links to SF imc / ECR audio relay webcasters...

also a bagdad webcam at

by Net-listener
PeerCast available at

by Dursty Roboboshaft (rumplmorskin [at]
May I suggest you change the radio station name from 'Enemy Combatant Radio' to something that sounds more peaceful and anti-war-like? It might attract a larger listening base. It is ironic that the name is so, well, combatant!

Maybe 'Resistanz Radio'...
by Dursty Roboboshaft (rumplmorskin [at]
May I suggest you change the radio station name from 'Enemy Combatant Radio' to something that sounds more peaceful and anti-war-like? It might attract a larger listening base. It is ironic that the name is so, well, combatant!

Maybe 'Resistanz Radio'...

I guess you don't know - but we also have a radio.
it's brand new, doing all sort of indie music and "social changing" shows

Anyway, We linked to your broadcast, but it'll work much better if we'll link directly to the source.
, and then of course you can direct listeners to link to our radio if you have any bandwidth problems

we're using shoutcast
We'll need info of:
the server
the port
and the password

this is the URL of the Radio Ba'am site, which is still all in Hebrew... :(

My e-mail is adam [at]

by Dursty Roboboshaft (rumplmorskin [at]
May I suggest you change the radio station name from 'Enemy Combatant Radio' to something that sounds more peaceful and anti-war-like? It might attract a larger listening base. It is ironic that the name is so, well, combatant!

Maybe 'Resistanz Radio'...
by well
"Enemy Combatant" is a good name in my opinion since it brings up our losses in civil rights since 9/11.

The Bush adminstration can call anyone an enemy combatant and then deprive them of their right to a trial or to talk to a lawyer. We should always remember that when the government denies the rights of one group it will soon deny the rights of many more groups. While "enemy combatant" may not be a positive name, in the eyes of Bush anyone who opposes him is an enemy combatant without rights.
by Michael / Los Altos
Keep in mind that in antiwar protests against the Vietnam war, it was found that pro-government infiltrators committed violent acts in order to turn public opinion against the demonstrators.

I would hazard a guess that less than .001% of the peace demonstrators would support such activity by anyone. It is, after all, entirely against the principles for which we stand. We too condemn such acts by anyone, and I would personally act to stop anyone I saw engaged in anything resembling such activity.

By the way, I am real, I am self-employed, and I urge you to investigate the economic ties of those government insiders who started this war. You can start by looking into The Carlyle Group (the D.C.-based private investment bank with many holdings in the defense industry, including the only U.S. company manfacturing the anthrax vaccine. It's board and investors include former defense secretary Carlucci, Bush senior, the Bin Laden family, former Sec. of State James A. Baker, and John Major. Then read the New Yorker article by Seymour Hersh regarding Daniel Pearle's holdings and positions in the anti-terror industry.

Don't be so quick to condemn without knowing the facts and you will understand more and create less strife in the U.S.

by Michael / Los Altos
My troubled friend,

Keep in mind that in antiwar protests against the Vietnam war, it was found that pro-government infiltrators committed violent acts in order to turn public opinion against the demonstrators. There is every possibility that such is the case now.

I would hazard a guess that less than .001% of the peace demonstrators would support such activity by anyone. It is, after all, entirely against the principles for which we stand. We too condemn such acts by anyone, and I would personally act to stop anyone I saw engaged in anything resembling such activity.

I urge you to investigate the economic ties of those government insiders who started this war. You can start by looking into The Carlyle Group (the D.C.-based private investment bank with many holdings in the defense industry, including the only U.S. company manfacturing the anthrax vaccine). It's board and investors include George Bush senior (junior will inherit the profits), the Bin Laden family, former Sec. of State James A. Baker (who masterminded the post-election court decisions favoring GWB), former defense secretary Frank Carlucci, and John Major. Then read the New Yorker (3/17) article ( by Seymour Hersh regarding Daniel Pearle's holdings and positions in the anti-terror industry.

Don't be so quick to condemn without knowing the facts. You will understand more, be more at peace yourself, and create less strife in the U.S.

By the way, I am real, successfully self-employed, and a responsible parent.


by refusenik
Mayor Willie Brown, who celebrated his 69th birthday as protesters and police battled for the control of downtown streets, was supportive of the police and thought protesters should act in their own hometowns, where the culture may be more supportive of war.

"In a time when our city faces huge deficits, further disruption to our city's economy and endless draining of our public resources is unfair to the people of San Francisco," Brown said. "San Francisco did not create the circumstances that led to military action in Iraq; it should not bear a disproportionate burden as a result of that action."

Brown's spokesman, P.J. Johnston, said protesters might look to towns such as San Ramon, the headquarters of Chevron.

Mayor Willie Brown, who celebrated his 69th birthday as protesters and police battled for the control of downtown streets, was supportive of the police and thought protesters should act in their own hometowns, where the culture may be more supportive of war.

"In a time when our city faces huge deficits, further disruption to our city's economy and endless draining of our public resources is unfair to the people of San Francisco," Brown said. "San Francisco did not create the circumstances that led to military action in Iraq; it should not bear a disproportionate burden as a result of that action."

Brown's spokesman, P.J. Johnston, said protesters might look to towns such as San Ramon, the headquarters of Chevron.

why so small???????????
by San Fran Man (sanfranman123 [at]
I would like people to start thinking about a general strike. I have read elsewhere on the internet that labor unions will be meeting next week to discuss this. If everyone cooperated, it could be very effective.

I'd like to hear what others think of this idea.
by earthquake
There were so few protestors on Sunday because Direct Action to Stop the War and International ANSWER didn't specifically call for demonstrations. We (including me) took off today like we were God resting on the seventh day. The war didn't take a break today, so we shouldn't have.
I think the respective headless snake organizations should call for action every day. If there are only 90 people, a few hundred cops can take care of them fairly quickly. There should be at least a few thousand a day, and the anti-war groups should call them out EVERY DAY, not just Monday-Friday with Saturday being family day.
by jonathan jay (xmtr [at]
Greetings ECR,

enjoying muchly yer excellent efforts, and wanted to let you know that up the coast here in the puget sound, Radio-X is mirroring ECR stream, _and_ resending out to our local array of FM microradio broadcasters.

You should know that in addition to SFLR, you are also being broadcast here in Seattle by Free Ballard Micro Radio on 97.7 FM, and Post World Radio 87.9 FM.

It sure is nice to see more and more webcasters taking to the web and sending out live reports.

When we have a moment up here, i will make it a point to add ECR to the website. When things slow down a bit for you, crawl over there, take a look there, and then send me some graphics and some text that you want to represent the ECR project.

Meanwhile, keep it up! You _guys_ sound great. And if any sisters can step up to the mike a little more often, you will sound even better.

in solidarity,
jonathan jay, Seattle
by walrus
People on the London, UK, FM show have suggested a general strike on THURSDAY.. a week after it began.
by Doctor Sarcasmo
Yes, Enemy Combatant Radio is clearly too provocative a name.
May I suggest "Ghandian Lapdog Radio"
by shiva.girl


Anyone who's been paying attention (or listening to ECR) should realize the name 'Enemy Combatant Radio' derives from the 'designation' the Bush administration invented & subsequently assigned to the illegal detainees it is still holding at Guatanamo Bay, in order to avoid the Geneva Convention- the laws of which would have governed (and realistically, still should govern) over their situation were these persons correctly designated 'prisoners of war', which is what they actually are. Hence the name. Ok folks?

At the same time, Gandhi had a lot of good points.. ;)
by vagimen

It is towards the bottom of the page!

Help we are ahead and screen save!
by vagimen

It is towards the bottom of the page!

Help we are ahead and screen save!
by crazy (mailto:imc-sf-editorial [at]
First Iraq -- Then France -- Then San Francisco.
by Another Patriot
Why? So you can plunge the economy into even worse circumstances!! Just keep adding to the problem that should solve it. Yeah right.
by Another Patriot
Sorry I thought it would put it under the other one.
by DMZ (dmz [at]
A temporary icecast directory server is online and once it has been tested with several relays the code will hopefully be loaded into the indymedia site for centralized listing of all listening points for indymedia.
by imc-sf-audio
ECR should be on the air by 9am today to cover protests at the federal building, critical mass, etc., etc.
by bubba
please slow down the stream with a 16kbs stream you do not get interupted every few minutes i have a 48kbs connection but bbbc and other stream people like pacifica have found that quality and user friendlyness with a slower stream think of the masses with dialups
by Les Beagles
Ja det er riktig. Noen ganger det faktisk slik at hevn er så involvert i tiltak at det overskygger alt annet.. Brød er laget for å spise, av korn. korn sådd for mat. For mat å spise. Sli at du skal kunne ernæred deg fornuftig og delta med fornuft.

Ja det er riktig. Noen ganger overskygge hevn alt, for din fornuft e blitt skyllet ned og vekk med alt annet enn det du skulle ernært deg med.

Ja det er riktig. Hat er feil, for hat tvinger deg ut av grunnen til å være samtidig med dine medmennesker.

Kjenner du ingen, da er det fordi at hat har tatt ditt liv. Kjenner du noen, ja da har du valgfrihet. Kjenner du fler, vær da klar over og på at de e dine venner og derfor er det de du burde henvende deg til. Ikke skyte de, og så lemleste de, for så deretter å drepe de.

Ja det er riktig, hat er drap. Drap er feil.
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