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Denmark's pro-war premier attacked with red paint

by escalate the protest
An anti-war protester has hurled red paint at Denmark's prime minister shortly before a press a conference where he was set to back US military action against Iraq.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen was unhurt, but postponed the press briefing in Copenhagen.

The protester - overpowered by parliament security - shouted "You've got blood on your hands," as he was taken away.

Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller was also hit by splashes of paint in the incident inside the parliament building.

The Danish government is expected to contribute a warship and submarine in a war against Iraq.

It is unclear how the protester, who wasn't identified, managed to get inside the building, or what charges he could face.
§Supporting Bush Is Supporting Terrorism
by escalate the protest
An unidentified protester is overpowered by parliament security after he threw red paint on Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen in the Parliament Tuesday March 18, 2003. The protester doused Rasmussen with paint as he was on his way to a news conference in an apparent protest against the government's pro-US stand on the Iraq -AP
§Supporting Bush Is Supporting Terrorism
by escalate the protest
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by escalate the protests
COPENHAGEN, March 18 (Reuters) - Denmark's government offered on Tuesday to send military and medical personnel to help an expected U.S.-led war against Iraq and set aside funds for postwar reconstruction.
"The government has decided to propose to the parliament that Denmark take active part in a military action against the Iraqi rule," Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said after a meeting in the parliament's foreign policy committee.
The news conference had been delayed due to an attack on Rasmussen earlier in the day, where a peace activist poured red paint over the prime minister in protest at the government's positive stance towards a U.S. attack on Iraq.
Chanting "You've got blood on your hands," the protester spilled the paint over Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen within the parliament building, a Reuters eyewitness said.
by Fuck The US
Fogh Rasmussen Should Be Glad Thats Just Paint
by Radian
You mean he should have used a 9mm to express his opinion? Two in the chest one in the head would have made a great protest. Dipshit. I'm sure splattering the guys brains would have stopped his goverments evil support of the amerikkkan agenda.

Paint actually goes futher, believe it or not...
by Sirik (sirik666 [at]
Bullet=martyr=further justification of war

paint=cleaning bill=show of willingness to buck authority
by vanessa
if you have a child in your community that repeatedly doesn't listen, bullies other children, commits atrocious crimes against others, is responsible for taking food away from starving children, and hides dangerous weapons all while denying to have them, i KNOW you don't want that kid left alone to just wait until he hurts again. Saddam MUST be stopped. He is NOT the victim here, he is a genocidal murderer (ask the kurds) He builds multiple palaces for himself, tortures people who dare to oppose him, and starves his own countrymen. War is never a good thing, but for the good of Iraq as well as for the good of the world itself, it's something that must unfortunately take place. And the coalition will be there to provide aid and to make sure it gets there as soon as possible, instead of letting Saddam sell it to build up more weapons. He brought this on himself. He's had 12 YEARS to allow his country to be totally searched by weapons inspectors. People seem to forget that for 12 YEARS he's been playing the UN for fools, using the "negotiation time" among the countries to continue what he pleases. The loss of life has been tried to be as minimalized as possible. No nukes have been used. Stop being cowards and stand up for what is right! No evil murderous dictators will have us eating out of their hand! We will stand up for what is right! Free Iraq!
by Captain Prozac
The U.S. Government is the real bully of the world. I'm sick of hearing the "they'll have our form of government our way, or we attack and force it upon them" from the self-imposed "leaders" of this country. I just hope that citizens of other countries realize that we don't all blindly follow the Retarded Cowboy.
by locke
If the US really attacked Iraq to remove a tyrant and save the people than the US should go after North Korea next for the same reason. People are treated just as bad in NK if not worse, but there is no resource in NK that the US wants so they'll be left alone.
US intelligence (oxymoron?) has shown that Iraq had no dealings with Bin Laden so attacking for 9/11 is not valid.
You can also be anti-war without being un-American.
by Mirnaminkoff (Mirnamikoff1 [at]
Why is it that the US makes such a big deal about Sadam being a ruthless tyrant? For years we have ignored or supported ruthless tyrants that have done far worse crimes than Sadam. Pol Pot anyone?? How about all of Latin and South America? We only pretend to care about "human rights abuse" when it's to our advantage. At least when the Republicans are running the show.
by Amanda
Hey Vanessa,

Funny, that we're just now deciding to liberate Iraq. Why all of a sudden? As you say, this has been going on for 12 years. First, it was ties to terrorism. Next, it was weapons of mass destruction. Now, it's "liberating" Iraq. (Since when did liberation mean violently killing innocent people with weapons of mass destruction??) Boy, that sure struck a chord with the public... as if these moronic patriots give a fuck about the Iraqi people and their futures... don't forget, they ARE brown.
by US rules
For those of you who think that this war is not valid maybe it would do you good to remember what Saddam and the people he supports did to the US on 9/11, and that maybe your country could be next. Besides if he were such a good guy his military would be standing behind him and not defecting and his own people wouldn't be cheering the US on to get him the hell out of there. This isn't about oil, it's about saving his people from his terror and the rest of the world from the pain that was suffered on 9/11, and preventing nuclear disaster and bioterrorism on a world wide scale. If you don't like the war, fine, but don't come crying to us when you fall victim to your own misinformation and ignorance.
this is the problem, people aren't paying attention to what we are losing. we are losing respect from the world and from our countrymen/women. we are following a man who seems righteous in cause, but
who is simply giving america what it wants.... blood.
we are still shaken by 9/11. why? because you can go anywhere without seeing or hearing something about it. it was a horrible thing and sad lose of life. so, why go kill more people? this war is about money, oil, andbeing the bulldog the world made us into.
i was watching the news and i heard more about things being blown up and securing oil rigs than i did about the casualties. yes they are few now, but what about tomorrow? also, where are the weapons we heard so much about? they still haven't found any?
we are an insecure and violent nation, can anyone picture columbine on a national scale. we are the bullies of the world, of course people aren't going to like us. see what happens to them, we segregate ourselves from them or overpower them.
bush has promised the iraqian people freedom, freedom from what? to go where? to do what?
i understand that saddam is a horrible man, but why do we interced? why didn't daddy bush do the job right the first time? unfortunately we need evil in this world to be who we are. without saadam, fidel, hitler,or any other ruler that has scarred humanity with their hatred and power we would have no cause to be the strong arm we so long to be. so what do we do if bush doesn't get saddam? what if we win? will the one that died be revenged? will we establish world peace and disarm? i doubt it. well those are my thoughts.
by Erectus Giganticus (mpayne81 [at]
Let us interrupt our diatribes for a moment and say a prayer for the people who were(or are)unable to remove themselves from the line of fire. In no particular order: The Kurds. The victims of the WTC. Iraqi civilians(and most of their armed forces-hey, my fellow Americans! They don't do it like us!-Here's their induction ceremony: "You are in Iraqi Army. If you refuse to serve, we will cut your head off".). The non-combatant casualities in Afghanistan. I had much more to say, but the instructions said to be concise, so I will cut to MY diatribe: Vanessa, given your liberal use of upper-case letters(i.e., Sadaam!Twelve Years!,etc.), it's too bad that you could not afford the citizens of Kurdistan the common courtesy of a capital K. And US Rules: I find it ironic(the word will need to be explained to you, no doubt)that you call the war protesters idiots Don't get me wrong. I'm fourth-generation, blond haired,blue eyed, Born In the USA,and I love this country for what it has given me. If a few innocents have to be sacrificed to preserve my way of life, so be it.But I don't see the current situation benefitting me or my homeland(or anyone else on the planet, for that matter). One last concise thought: Why is President-By-Default Bush so sure Iraq has weapons of mass destruction? MAYBE HIS FRIENDS SOLD THEM TO IRAQ AND CUT HIM IN ON THE DEAL! AUGHHHHHH! AUGHHHHHH!
by Neil
He has weapons because Bush's daddy gave them to him during the conflict with Iran. Now, bush has decided he wants them back. Well, seeing as how he can't find them himself, he has decided that they're hidden. So he's going to maim and kill thousands of innocents until he's sure they don't exist anymore. Sound logical?
by aaron
the arguments forwarded by the pro-war crowd are so stupid it's tempting to just ignore them. but since the conglomerate mass media only feeds the lies and disinformation that support the pro-war view, it's necessary to refute their arguments over and over again.

it came out the other day that the "evidence" and "proof" of Iraq's nuclear weapons program that Powell gave shortly before the commencement of full-scale war was FORGED. Little was made of it but when Powell was asked to explain his lying-ass self he didn't deny the documents were forged but insisted that the White House wasn't to blame.

Powell's "compelling" testimony that purported to prove a link between the US' former allies, Bin Laden and Hussein, was based upon the existence of ONE MAN alleged to live in Baghdad who allegedly belongs to a terrorist group that operates in Iraq. Powell forgot to mention that this terrorist group works out of the northern section of Iraq which has been under de facto control of the US for the past twelve years.

Those who claim a link between 911 and the Iraqi regime have NO evidence to support the claim.

When the US' former ally, Bin Laden, issued his communique last month, the US corporate media was careful to de-emphasize, or excise altogether, the fact that he denounced the US' former ally, Saddam Hussein, as an infidel and apostate. Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and the rest of the well-coiffed lackey's of the capitalist state didn't want to make much hay of something as "off-message" as this, so they didn't.

As far as the US "liberating" Iraq (the new rationale for dropping tons and tons of bombs): this is utterly contradicted by the historical record. The US doesn't want to see the people of the Middle East free to chart their own destiny. That's the last thing the scum who rule America want. That's why they've had such a cozy relationship with the House of Saud, the Shah of Iran, Hassan in Morocco, Mubarak in Egypt.... It's why the US helped the B'aath regime to power in the early 60's, funneling it lists of anti-capitalists and leftists that were summarily executed. It is why the US supported Hussein through the 80s, supplying his regime with advanced intelligence, weapons and agricultural credits. It is why the US resisted censoring Hussein in the UN in 1989 for his use of chemical weapons against Iranians and Kurds....

And then of course there were the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's in the 90s that were killed by US imposed sanctions, destruction of water treatment facilities, depleted uranium munitions....

Only ignorant fools think the US ruling class is waging war in Iraq for any other reason than to stengthen its own power, prestige, and wealth.

by Sude O. Nimm (submittotheleader [at]
that's hilarious. until you mentioned the name "Saddam" I thought you were talking about the States, because the US fits all of the bully criteria you laid out in your message, Vanessa.
by protodog
U.S., France, Germany, Russia and England gave Saddam the means to build bio-weapons and other war toys (the French were still illegally supplying spare parts to Iraq up to Jan 03) . Lets get out crap back and destroy it. The UN is run by a bunch of chicken shit pussies that can't see the forest for the trees. France, Germany and Russia will loose out on what Saddam owes them. China is anti American and would love to see the distruction of the United States of America. Fuck all you war protesters. Go to Iraq...I mean Hell.
by Aaron West (jawest12 [at]
I am assuming by your opening statements that you are privvy to information that others are not? I assume then as well that you know everything going on behind the scenes in this war?

I will grant you that some of the reasonings stated are lacking. I will even question the timing of this war. But even your arguments that are "almost" good, are all brought down by one simple comment.

"Only ignorant fools think the US ruling class is waging war in Iraq for any other reason than to stengthen its own power, prestige, and wealth. "

This is sorely incorrect. The fact is, if the US was doing this for that simple reason, much of these campaigns would have been completely different. Ask yourself why the US would even bother with involving other countries. Ask why the US would do such action, even though they are aware of the backlash they will receive. That certainly does not improve their image on the world stage for future power thrusts. I can go on and on with questions you can ask yourself. However, it is already obvious that your critical thinking skills are decidedly lacking.

If this was simply about power and wealth, the US would not be avoiding conflict with Iraqi troops, except for those in direct opposition. The US would be unconcerened with providing aid to those that surrender, etc.

The US would simply have installed itself in Afghanistan, instead of allowing local leaders to intervene. Now yes, there is the argument that the US only allows those that agree with them. However, that argument will only take you so far. The fact is, even with all the things that different administrations in the US have done wrong ( and I agree there are many ), the US is still at this time not making a grab for power. There are too many other ways, that would have been easier for us to do that in this case.

On the same note, to address the general public in the US being "ignorant" compared to other countries. I believe these statement is quite ignorant in and of itself. The main difference that I will agree to is that the general US citizen does not have as much international knowledge compared to the general EU person. However, you have to consider that many countries in the EU are smaller than our states. Were you can traverse several borders in a matter of hours. Whereas in the US, there are really only two places we see others countries. That most US citizens never set foot in. You merely need to consider the environment that each group comes from.
by locke
Some people are for the war, for reasons false or true given by the US government, and some are against it, for humanitarian reasons, but it doesnt really matter. People are being killed and everyone should be sad about that. Everyone has an opinion and none are wrong.
People are using 9/11 as a reason for war but Iraq didnt have anything to do with it. Al Queda did, though they never admitted it. I believe we should go after bin Laden with everything we have just 'cause he's been causing trouble for too long, but Iraq just happened to have brown people too so we're going after them now.
I know all the horrible things Saddam has done and i think he should be staked out over an ant hill with honey on his balls, but he's been doing that for decades now and we didnt care. North Korea is just has bad if not worse and Cuba is considered evil (not sure why), but we havn't gone after them. If Bush turns our forces (Im in the US) on North Korea after this war to free its citizens then I'll believe we went into Iraq to save people. If we don't, then i'll know we went for the oil.
by V
OK, an answer, sentence by sentence, to the post above: For those of you who think that this war is not valid maybe it would do you good to remember what Saddam and the people he supports did to the US on 9/11 First of all, 9/11 was terrible. However, there is absolutely NO evidence that Saddam has anything to do with this. Osama may have, yes, but he in fact released one of these videotapes absolutely despising Saddam as a 'heathon' (remember, Osama is a *religious* fundamentalist, and Saddam is just a plain dictator who fought long wars against his super-religious neighbours in Iran). I guess this tape was not one of the fake ones the US government had made (and which Swiss analysts declared was 95% sure a fake). To be fair, Osama and Saddam DO have something in common. They were both richly funded and provided with arms by the CIA and the US government. Besides if he were such a good guy his military would be standing behind him and not defecting and his own people wouldn't be cheering the US on to get him the hell out of there. Ahem, it is now a week into the war. Have you seen any of this happening? Me neither. This isn't about oil, it's about saving his people from his terror Ah yes, of course it's not about oil. It's an coincidence that Halliburton (the firm that Dick Cheney used to be a board-member of) got the major rebuild-Iraq's-oil-infrastructure contract after the war, I suppose? And it's probably also a coincidence that Bush, Cheney, Reece, etc, all have very serious oil connections? (Read: more money for the US oil industry makes them richer) and the rest of the world from the pain that was suffered on 9/11, and preventing nuclear disaster and bioterrorism on a world wide scale. Yes, please. Let's start by getting rid of the biggest source of all that crap, the US military industrial complex, shall we? If you don't like the war, fine, but don't come crying to us when you fall victim to your own misinformation and ignorance. Am I glad I know other US citizens that have more brains and insight than you! I wouldn't want to dream to believe you actually speak for the majority of US citizens.
by Ahmed Odami Farkuti Tikriti (ubadiver [at]
You say the US provided us with our weapons? well for the past twentyfive years most of the weapons we had were old out of date Warsaw Pact weapons and France weapons. Yes there some US weapons but not every close to enough for us to have good effect. Why do you think that the US Military could have rolled us up so easy? All you North Americans that are anti US military in middle east affairs are very very misinformed about well everything. Your President has done the best thing by ridding us of the Batth party and its leader. When I was in the army I never saw any US advisors only Soviets and former Soviets and the French advisors, who do you think sold us all the mines? If we had US weapons and US advisors you would have had ten to twenty times more soldiers go home in body bags! Wake up america you are the salt of the earth and we know this you are the ones that do not
by Chris (Armadilloo87 [at]
I really must agree that she looked to be talking about the US. And rightly so, most of those allegations could be made against my country. But as to those who are antiwar being cowards, I must say that it most certainly not cowardice that drives us, especially living in the US in a state like Florida to take a stand against a very popular war.
by Chris
I apologize, my former comment was in response to Vanessa.
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