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Indybay Feature

Shut Down the Pacific Stock Exchange March 14

by Direct Action to Stop War (daswmedia [at]
Now is the Time!
Mass Nonviolent Direct Action to Stop the War
If you are deeply opposed to the war please join this action by risking arrest in civil disobedience or by coming out to support those who do.
For Immediate Release: March 11th, 2003
Contact: daswmedia [at]

Direct Action at Pacific Stock Exchange Planned for March 14

Now is the Time!
Mass Nonviolent Direct Action to Stop the War

FRIDAY MARCH 14, 6:30AM (Rain or Shine!)
Pine & Sansome, San Francisco (Montgomery BART)

If you are deeply opposed to the war please join this action by risking arrest in civil disobedience or by coming out to support those who do.

1) To take stronger action now, before war starts; next step for the anti-war movement!

2) To give an example of our intent to stop business as usual and impose real economic and political costs if war starts.

3) To widely broadcast our call to everyone in this region and in cities across the US to join us in mass nonviolent direct if war starts.

Orientation Meeting:
Thursday March 13, 7-9pm
St Boniface Church, 133 Golden Gate Ave
between Jones and Leavenworth, two blocks away from Market Street and the Civic Center Muni/BART Station.

Everyone is welcome and all considering risking arrest the following morning are encouraged to attend this orientaion and briefing to prepare us for nonviolent direct action, get legal information and build community.


Warren Langley, a retired Lt. Colonel in the air force and the former President and Chief Operating Officer of the Pacific Stock Exchange explained his decision to take non-violent direct action:
"We have to take action now and stop this war before its too late. Non-violent civil disobedience has worked in other struggles for justice, now we must use it to prevent a US attack on Iraq."

Father Louis Vitalie: "The US government is about to engage in a devastating attack that will kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. We cannot remain silent in the face of this crisis. We hope that by disrupting business as usual - like stock trading and financial speculation - people will recognize the urgency of this crisis and join us in peaceful mass non-cooperation to stop the US attack on Iraq."

Lynn MacMichael, a Bay area resident who recently returned from 28 days in Iraq said "I've seen first-hand the destruction in Iraq from the Gulf War and the last 12 years of bombing. 250 people - mainly children - continue to die every day from the sanctions against Iraq. I've heard first hand from people in Iraq that told me - please go back to the U.S and ask your government not to bomb us. I had an old woman grab my hand and say please let us live. We must take action now to stop this human and environmental catastrophe. We can stop this war!"
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by shut down SF
this is really coool!!!!
by shut down SF
this is really stupid!!!!
by tom
If Bush and his neocon cronies get away with their unjust war, it will forever tarnish the image of capitalism and all the institutions which support it.

For the sake of the Exchange's long-term future, they should voluntarily shutdown and join the newly emerging world voice for peace.
by Jake
Pacific stock exchange has been closed for years.
by stockbroker
There are still traders in this area, but they usually congregate around the coner from the old PSE at an entrance on Montgomery street.

I see them daile wandering around with their vests and technology, smoking cigs after the market closes at 1pm.


Don't have the actual address. It's right beside Cafe Venue...can't miss it if you walk by at 1pm
by sfresident
The Pacific Stock Exchange shut down a couple of years ago.
by BillBored
If you've bothered to look into the situation, you will see that the Pacific Stock Exchange shut down a year ago. But go ahead and "shut it down" and see how much resistance you get, considering that it's an empty building!

by Gretel
By Gretel C. Kovach, AlterNet
March 12, 2003

Chamchamal, northern Iraq. Hikmat Tawfiq opens a black plastic bag and spreads the yellowed, brittle slips of paper around the floor of his concrete hovel in the Takya Refugee Camp for displaced residents of Kirkuk. "See this, we are Kirkuk's original people going back 300 years," says Tawfiq, holding up his Ottoman-era identification documents. "But still the Iraqi regime pushed us out."

Anti-war demonstrators worldwide have condemned President Bush's plans for regime change in Iraq, but you won't see any such protests in Iraqi Kurdistan. In this northern enclave that gained autonomy from Baghdad in 1991 under the American and British no-flight zone, the Kurds are eagerly waiting for war. Its 3.5 million residents hope their fragile democratic experiment will be legitimized under international law after Saddam is gone.

The 100,000-plus Kirkukians displaced across the internal border by Saddam Hussein's Arabization campaign to control Kirkuk's oil fields have even more at stake. They hope that American soldiers will lead them home.

"I want this war to happen," says Tawfiq's wife Sungal. "We will sacrifice ourselves ... because we want to be free." . . .

Gretel C. Kovach is a freelance writer based in Cairo. She reports from Iraq for AlterNet and Pacific News Service.
by Haha
>But go ahead and "shut it down" and see how much
>resistance you get, considering that it's an empty

And then watch them claim credit for shutting it down. "Another victory for the Indymedia gang!"
by Eric
To the people with insults:

You guys should suggest another idea to stop the war not insult other people for their mistakes. We are all human. We all make mistakes.

It makes an ass out of you when you attack others but don't propose another alternative.

I suggest we save all our energy for March 15th.
by Cyrinical
Assholes is one word.

by jimbo
This is from the article linked in one of the other replies:

The PCX options floor in San Francisco is unaffected by the migration of equities trading to an electronic environment.

I saw the traders again today, just like I see them everyday, on Montgomery St.. Smoking at 1pm after the market closes.

Guess they're options traders.

The PCX building on Pine St., is empty. Nevery see anyone there.

by Bill
...because isn't that the job of the "committees" in "solidarity" with such-and-such "oppressed group" - to organize these sorts of things? I also think that a blockade or stockbrokers is a very, very stupid thing to do. Do you know any brokers or traders? They might be very different from what you imagine. Many of them are of working class backgrounds. Besides, preventing traders from doing their jobs will do nothing to prevent this or any other war. You are all barking up the wrong tree.

I is "dickhead" or "dick head"?
by Haha
>but don't propose another alternative

First, shutting down the Pacific Stock Exchange wouldn't have stopped the war from commencing.

Second, there is no alternative. There is NOTHING *you* can do to stop this war. Unless you are one of the dozen top people in the Administration, or Saddam, or one of his entourage (who kill him), *you* can't do anything to stop the war.

by Lisa Williamson (mysticalfemme [at]
March 14 is the birthday of Albert Einstein, one of the most remarkable pacifists of all time. What a perfect way to celebrate his legacy than peaceful civil disobedience. WAY TO GO all who show up on Friday. Me, I'm fortunate to work in a super-progressive, small nonprofit cultural arts center in a small town (Sonoma), but I've been working hard for peace steadily since January.
by reactionary
Hey man don't wreck our ill-informed rampage with your so-called "facts". I haven't actually done my homework n this and I just showed up cos I heard those girls were hot and my friend said we'd be sure to get some when we showed up later with cuts n bruises n shit.

.. and so forth

It really comes down to a matter of choice doesn't it. Some would rather launch dud mortars at runways, others would pour HCL conc into traffic signals or phone xchange boxes or your usual sunday night activities. Others would hold their heads up high and face their enemy in the street, some choose to recognize the facts. Others don't.

same shit, different day
by on st stupids day (jimjimjimohjim [at]
Hey! Me and Wavy Gravy and Frank Chu already shut that shit down years ago. Stock Exchange? Downtown? Wouldn't you be better off picking up a book and reading about some real direct action? How about using free software, sharing a car, eating healthy, loving yourself, meditating, inventing a low impact reality?

For all the people I've met at the anti-war protests so far the one thing I've noticed is the common ground that we share. Not the differences. We want better healthcare, better schools for our kids, a better life for our friends and neighbours, less of our high school buddies coming home from war messed up by "syndromes" and "traumas".

Yes it is nice to smash windows and take that rage out on inanimate objects, but do you REALLY, in your heart of hearts and mind of minds think that MAKES A DAMN DIFFERENCE? Really?

Think about it - A Broken window = ?

Some guy from the glazier comes round and replaces it. The institution files an insurance claim for vandalism, the insurance company writes a check to the glazier.

Yes, that's really going to make a difference to how the Bildenberg and Carlylse Groups figure out how they will (mis)rule the world...
Or the Rand Corp, or the illuminati, or whatever "expert" conspiracy group you have decided rule the world will do....

The lines in the INS get longer and longer and me and my co-immigrants face more accusatory stares from the workers there.

The "workers" at the GAP re-consider their "career" choice upon discovering a broken window on Monday Morning? "Why would they do that", cries the 18 yr old from the inner sunset (he / she is saving to send her/him-self to college, unfortunately this is the only job they could get)

If you are going to do "something" - STOP - THINK - make it worth while. Don't waste your own energy and rage on conflict.

And for all the spies the infiltrators, the agent provocateurs, the conintellpros, oh come on! Am I really paying for that? Its like Greg Palast says, when you buy coke you pay for CIA murders.

Wouldn't we be better off, heading down to FBI HQ on Monday and applying for a job, and acting shocked when they start to ask us questions about our personal lives? BTW the Army Navy and Marines don't care what you've smoked, snorted, injected or shoved up your ass, they just want your body....

by Tyler
Oh yeah, strap on your Birkenstocks, take a nice big bong hit and roll with your iPod to go follow some other dumb-ass into doing some little parade through the FiDi.

Yeah, shut it down. Make those minimum-wage earning barristas, secretaries and dry cleaner cashiers late for work.

You want to do something that matters?

Stop buying shit, you can't stick it to the man when you're buying his sneakers.

Protesting, what a joke.

by Sun Tzu
consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

here are some more excerpts from The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Some food for thought...
18. All warfare is based on deception.

19. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

20. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.

21. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.

22. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.

24. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

25. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.

8. It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.

9. If equally matched, we can offer battle; if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy; if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him.

10. Hence, though an obstinate fight may be made by a small force, in the end it must be captured by the larger force.

17. Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory:
(1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.
(2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.
(4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.
(5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.

18. Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
2. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

3. Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans; the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy's forces; the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field; and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities.
by man of action

Great Britain
One Sansome Street, Ste. 850
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: (415) 981-3030
Fax: (415) 434-2018

456 Montgomery Street, Ste. 2100
San Francisco, CA 94104
Tel: (415) 844-7500
Fax: (415) 844-7555

2590 Webster Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
Tel: (415) 931-4924
Fax: (415) 931-7205

1405 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: (415) 922-2995
Fax: (415) 931-9706
by admin assistant
Hey, I work at the Pacific Stock Exchange and I can't wait! The best part will be watching the coke-addled traders standing outside screaming and yelling because they are missing a day of trading. Ahaha, it'll be greatest day of work I ever didn't have. Thanks protesters!

BTW, cops: when you come to arrest the protesters, you might want to spot check a few of the broker's desks. I swear, almost all of them are snorting coke all goddamn day.
by Eric
Don’t listen to Bill. He is misleading all of you.

The disruption of commerce,” preventing brokers and traders from doing their jobs” is the essential recipe for the disruption of government.

Hey, how do you like this alternative Bill? Maybe we should organize a cluster of affinity groups to do a direct action on every building were trading is being done.

Yeah, if we can shut down the NYSE that would have major repercussions.

I think we should go for the heart when the war starts in Iraq.

The government would not be able to function very long with out Wall Street running things.

Oh, I’m sorry. Did I hit the nail on the head?

What do you think about your argument now?

It’s pretty worthless now.

Isn’t it?


by BillBored
"Dream on"

Um, I'll be holding my breath waiting for the spectacular results. Time will tell. See ya at 7am, I'll be the one with a Starbucks in my hand laughing my ass off.
by Oil Baron?
Pity Joe Blow and his pension in the fund the day the NYSE closes.

Do you really think Bush & Co have a red cent in the NYSE or PSX?

One fundamental reason for this war - The Euro Oil conversion by Saddam and potentially the rest of OPEC will destroy the dollar, war or no war.

I'll be there with the truth.
by Johnny Options
The Pacific Stock Exchange should have been shut down years ago. I spent 5 years there as a member in the late 1970's

It would make a good jail for the SFPD and most of the federal judges in the 9th Circuit. You could put them there with Bush's zionist puppet masters promorting Israel's War on Iraqi children.
by John Kinstler
I was just checking out the Carlyle Group website, and it appears they have a San Francisco office. Why don't guys go shut that place down?
by just wondering
How close to the window will you be sitting?
by Morale Buster
We will withhold our support of Bush's troops if they fight this unjust, unpopular war.

Oppose the war, oppose the troops!
by better idea
bring them home.
by Homer

Get Real! If the Republicans were coming to your march this weekend, it would be too show the world that you lame Idiots don't speak for the majority. I have to admit they would be hard pressed not to kick you butts for being so Stupid. But they value the American way of life, which allows for free speech even for the genetically challenged.

by Jefferson
Today's Republicans (for all their similarities to "democrats") do not know anything about freedom except the ability to change between Fox and CNN and the choice between a "Landstalker" and a "Earthmover" Why dont Freedom loving republicans get armoured CAT bulldozers and armed militias and go demolish the "illegal" homes of people whose race, religion, or creed differs from theirs.
There is never a justification for hurting another human being. That is never self defense.
By the way, The Black Bloc seems to have its own "economic stimulus plan" for the city
by James Town

Be careful when trying to stop international and local commerce. I hope SFPD does arrest most of you and
charge you with felonies rather than simple crimes. Three strikes and your out!


Remember off hours is your time and friends are always here to help when you need us.
If you need surveillance on indy_media or it's users just let us know.

We love you people at SFPD you keep our companies free from things like say an
organized conspiracy to stop commerce, restrict interstate trade or foreign commerce -
as a possible example of things that could be organized.

Nothing in this web posting should be construed as expressing any view concerning the lawfulness, wrongfulness or inappropriateness, or not, of any other aspect of your website or conduct. This post is merely satire.

by James Town

Be careful when trying to stop international and local commerce. I hope SFPD does arrest most of you and
charge you with felonies rather than simple crimes. Three strikes and your out!


Remember off hours is your time and friends are always here to help when you need us.
If you need surveillance on indy_media or it's users just let us know.

We love you people at SFPD you keep our companies free from things like say an
organized conspiracy to stop commerce, restrict interstate trade or foreign commerce -
as a possible example of things that could be organized.

Nothing in this web posting should be construed as expressing any view concerning the lawfulness, wrongfulness or inappropriateness, or not, of any other aspect of your website or conduct. This post is merely satire.

by James Town

Be careful when trying to stop international and local commerce. I hope SFPD does arrest most of you and
charge you with felonies rather than simple crimes. Three strikes and your out!


Remember off hours is your time and friends are always here to help when you need us.
If you need surveillance on indy_media or it's users just let us know.

We love you people at SFPD you keep our companies free from things like say an
organized conspiracy to stop commerce, restrict interstate trade or foreign commerce -
as a possible example of things that could be organized.

Nothing in this web posting should be construed as expressing any view concerning the lawfulness, wrongfulness or inappropriateness, or not, of any other aspect of your website or conduct. This post is merely satire.

by James Town

Be careful when trying to stop international and local commerce. I hope SFPD does arrest most of you and
charge you with felonies rather than simple crimes. Three strikes and your out!


Remember off hours is your time and friends are always here to help when you need us.
If you need surveillance on indy_media or it's users just let us know.

We love you people at SFPD you keep our companies free from things like say an
organized conspiracy to stop commerce, restrict interstate trade or foreign commerce -
as a possible example of things that could be organized.

Nothing in this web posting should be construed as expressing any view concerning the lawfulness, wrongfulness or inappropriateness, or not, of any other aspect of your website or conduct. This post is merely satire.

by TIme to GO IN

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by RED
The traders will already be there by 6:30. I don't know if that's relevant (like if you're planning on keeping them out, or just disrupting them after they're in). The only thing that actually happens there is options trading. It happens on the second floor (security badges to get in?). Last Friday, for the record, we weren't actually trying to shut it down... just distract and disrupt! Too bad we didn't know how many people were going to show up...Maybe we could've shut it down! Anyway, from what I've heard the traders show up at, like, 4:30 am. I'll be elsewhere in SF, but good luck and I hope some of this info is helpful. PEACE.
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