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SF march - brutality/1st arrest photos

by meester_toth
Here are shots of the standoff at Union Square and the violent takedown and arrest of one of the protesters. I have badge numbers if ppl need 'em. Reply and I'll post.
Photos courtesy of M*
Our tax dollars at work...
§cops try to stop the marcher
by meester_toth
§again, while marching forward
by meester_toth
§then two cops take him
by meester_toth
§he's pulled off to the side
by meester_toth
§that's his arm being twisted in the center
by meester_toth
§the baton is on his head
by meester_toth
§I'd expect my shoulder to dislocate after that...
by meester_toth
§and he's pushed down
by meester_toth
§and his arm is twisted again
by meester_toth
§they take out the cuffs
by meester_toth
§lastly, one hand cuffed
by meester_toth
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by newbie
Cool! Let's cut his tongue out, and gangbang his mother, before dipping him in acid!! I *like* being more moral than everyone else!!!
by maddog_ca
uh....wheres all the brutality? he got arrested and handcuffed - I don't see any unecessary force or punches or kicks - looks like he was getting arrested, was less than cooperative and got put down on the ground to get handcuffed... It waters down the term and the issue when you throw the "brutality" cry out every time someone gets arrested - save it for real instances and it will have more meaning...
by Nat
I am shocked...the cops arrested Bruce Springsteen?
by Your friendly nieghborhood Police Officer
Dear protesters for "PEACE",

I cannot believe that ANY of you call yourselves peaceful people or that you're against war of any kind. You should be ashamed of yourselves at the way you conducted yourselves at Saturday's demonstration in NYC. 10 Police Officers injured, 2 Police horses injured, one of which was dragged down to the ground and kicked in the head numerous times, is hardly the mark of a "peaceful"people.

All of you belong in some third world country, perhaps your beloved Iraq so you can never display that kind of behavior again. There are rules to be followed at demonstrations like that, routes to be followed and streets that are prohibited to be travelled down. Sorry if it distrupted you travel plans to the U.N. but too bad. Sorry if you were hindered in your travel plans to create more havoc. Follow the rules!! They are put in place by the Police Department for a reason. Whether any of you believe it or not, and I don't care if you do or not, the rules are in place with YOUR safety in mind. Yes, arrests were made by the Police Department. That's what Police Officers do when the LAW IS BROKEN!! The Police Officers were not the rowdy ones at the demonstrations, you were and those like you were. A permit to march is not a license to do whatever you like, whenever you like, to whomever you like. It is not a license to act like low-grade savage animals. You may think it is, since that is what you acted like, but I'm here to tell you it is not.

Barriers were pushed over by you "peaceful" people because you couldn't have your way. Police Officers were injured because they tried to maintain a peaceful and orderly demonstration. I have no reasoning behind why Police horses were dragged to the ground and kicked in their heads by you lovely "peaceful" people. Nice anti-war people you are.

Isn't it great to live in a country like America where you can voice your opinons in a demonstration like that and bad mouth the President, the mliitary and the Police Department? Try doing that in Iraq. Your tounges would be ripped out of your faces.

My thoughts and prayers are with those Police Officers and, especially, the Police horses that were injured by you animals. My only wish is that one day, the horses get even with all of you and you are on the receiving end of a kick to your heads by one of them. By the time you are out of the hospital, the war in Iraq will be over, we will have been victorious along with our Allies and you'll have to find something else to cry and whine about. Either that, or maybe next demonsration , I'll be working and I'll have the pleasure of putting you savage people in jail, in cages where you belong, for as long as the law will allow. Believe me, it would be my pleasure.

I would like to thank all who have read this open letter. To all those Conservitives and law abiding people, stay the course! To all of you "peace" supporters, you can all go to hell for all I care. If that offends any of you, too damn bad. I'm offended that you call yourelves Americans.

Your friendly nieghborhood Police Officer.
by Orwell
When I see an actual flesh and blood
worker in conflict with his natural
enemy the policeman, I do not have
to ask myself which side I am on"
__________George Orwell
by ac
To the pig:

My only regret is that more pigs weren't harmed. If you are so damned tough and patriotic, why don't you take your pathetic ass to Iraq? Oh wait...I forgot....Pigs are too cowardly to face other people with weapons.

You weren't the one who got hit with flying horseshit, were you? If not, tell that nasty slug that I hope he enjoyed his meal.

by kight
Horses were done damage only by cops running them into other horses (um.. great tactic).

In fact, demonstrators spread the word to be careful not to hit any horses, and also chanted, "free the horses!"

by a
There may be some good cops - but the department as a whole did everything it could to intimidate, limit, and neutralize the protest in New York on Saturday.

First-hand accounts:

Much more, including allegations that NYPD cut the phone lines to Pacifica Radio. If that's not a police state tactic, I don't know what is.
by a
Perhaps this was one of the 10 NY cops injured?

[In the cage after being arrested.]
One man came in with a worn green beret with an unidentifiable pewter emblem over graying hair pulled back into a long tail, green fatigues and boots, looking quite like a Vietnam Vet, or so everyone thought when we all spontaneously applauded as he stepped through the knot to the opposite side of the room. His deadpanned expression didn't let on, but I later found out that this mystery man was a Scottish UN worker walking home from a wake-or from the bar after the wake-when his bad day was made worse as he was punched in the back of the head by an unseen hand. He did what any drunken Scottish man would do when attacked, and he spun around and slugged the face attached to the offending hand, only to see a cop fall to the ground.

Chief Smoker & Me: A First Hand Account of the New World Order's Domestic Policy

by Your friendly neighborhood Police Officer
Dear protesters for "PEACE,"

I apologize for my previous ranting and ignorant post. You see, I let Dubbya do my thinking for me. No, I wouldn't be caught dead in Iraq. THOSE people are armed! I prefer beating unarmed people. Can you believe I get PAID to do that? What a country!!!! And the donuts are free!!! What a redneck paradise!!!

Your friendly neighborhood Police Officer.
by You Work For Us
Dear Law Enforcement Officer,

I, on behalf of my friends and myself who were minding our own business trying to bring the (class) war home on Saturday accept your apology on the condition that you either fess up and stop taking away peoples responsibility and freedom by your force and become a real human being, or take that flight to a third world country where the rioters know how to really deal with gestapo dictator-boy-toys like yourself.
Sincereley with no gods or masters,
You Work For U$
by observer
That schmo who pretended to be apologizing officer has nothing to do with police. This is just another example that this place is filled with liers. Every critical post is deleted, every idiotic one is kept. You're sick people. What are smoking there?

Kudos to police officers. And thank you on behalf of all honest Americans. Keep the scum off our cities.
by outsider
i think the police action in these photos was uncalled for. they need to develop better tactics to do their job, and they also dont need to be hitting people on the head with batons like that. that was just plain assault.

then again all those protestors throwing bottles and shit at the cops, they were doing assault as well.

this was all unnecessary.
by c.
i dont think horses should have been present on sunday AT ALL. obviously the police knew there was a certain threat of danger that would take place, or there wouldnt have been so many of them - including cops in riot gear! i am completely against all harm to animals and think that was a stupid move on the police officer's part. i dont think anyone present at the brakaway march wanted to harm those animals and i dont think anyone did, but horses get scred and run into crowds. its a bad mix. leave animals out of this.
by Pauly Tix
Horses do not belong on city streets at all (hard, slick assphault, tons of strange noises, scores of people and cars moving in confined areas, a fat doghnut-eating human with a stick up his/her ass on your back...not a good environment for any animal), but they especially don't belong there when the cops think it might be a dangerous/tense situation. A cop can do the same job from a motercylce without causing nearly as much danger to the animals or the crowd. I felt bad seeing those horses there...they were obviously freaked-out the whole time. But I don't blame the crowd; they did not bring them there, and they were not at all hostile towards them. Some things were thrown at the cops, but most of it (everything that I saw, anyways) was not exactly harmful (empty plastic bottles, small sticks, smoke bombs, light trash, etc.). ALL of it was thrown WELL after the cops took the first swings with their batons, and most of it was thrown at the foot cops, not the horses.
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