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Video part 2: Police violence at breakaway march

by Jason Meggs ((j m eggs at b c l u dot org))
Part 2 of two-part 'realvideo' video of police violence during Feb. 16, 2003 anti-war breakaway march.
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by Jason Meggs
Here's a partial transcript of the second part of the video, updated a bit from the one posted at the original story:

[Begin Part 2]

00:00 Why is the police bicycle stuck under a police car? "So nobody would take it"

00:26 Police car rushes through crowd, strikes a demonstrator clad in black who flies up on his hood and then rolls off

00:36 slow motion of the aforementioned

1:00 the next car is not allowed through, someone climbs on the hood, police attack clearing the street quickly

1:43 SFPD #2170 attacked blond drummer

2:08 Suddenly cops are rushing through the crowd atacking and arresting, causing fear and a stampeed. I do not know why they rushed through but a number of arrests resulted.

2:48 Cop has to put his helmet back on, it fell off

2:58 Head crushed under knee, pile of cops on top

3:33 I get name and number of the blond drummer just before he is violently arrested

4:14 The blond drummer is arrested.

#4217 stomping on foot (literally, up and down hard with his leg straight and weight on top of it -- not all visible on video).

Police are trying to interfere with my right to observe. "{1612 I have a right to observe"

05:13 Cop grabs me by neck and shoves me (stated, not on camera)

5:43 Why is there a bullhorn strapped to a motor officer's off-road motorcycle?

6:06 Blond drummer boy is limp in middle of street, they keep wrenching his head off the ground and dropping it back down (not all captured on video)

6:40 Police car was smashed up a bit (broken window, circle a on the hood).

6:52 police attack, one (#1518) rushes straight into crowd, goes out of his way to club a peaceful woman twice, another woman's leg is really hurt (my video doesn't clearly show everything but I was watching with the naked eye). I couldn't find the woman who was charged and clubbed.

7:25 scream therapy/criticism towards the police after all the terror

7:33 Woman in pain who police had just hurt, she says it was officer #1929 D. Meredith (?) --- sounded like D. Merit (appropriate, "demerit").

8:02 Police attack women who are moving back as police line approaches despite steady movement back by the crowd (I was the one saying "slowly" over and over again). He then rushed me and pushed me slightly. His number, 2186, chanted. Somehow I had thought his number was 218 (see note about difficulty identifying below).

8:40 Police line told "do not cross the flower" which was chalked by demonstrator.

8:50 Dead Kennedy's from a window with banner.

"IRAQ" sticker in center of "Do Not Enter" sign.

9:03 It's now dark. Motorcycles move in on the crosswalk bloc. Lots of cheering erupts over the sirens and horns.

9:41 Police lines wall in and surround the sit-in in the crosswalk.

9:57 Crosswalk is cleared abruptly. Police clearly violated the "do not cross the flower" directive.

10:09 Cop rebukes demonstrator about how the protesters are "fucking it up for all the people who want peace" and claims that business as usual is necessary in order to "facilitate...all the people going someplace to fight the war"

10:55 Police drive motorcycles wrong way. Still have a helicopter.

11:09 "I need you to get out of the street" to make the world safe for cars...which generate demand for an oil war.

Note: The identification numbers on police were frequently missing, or parts missing, and just the fact that some have four numbers made it difficult as you can usually only see three at the most when looking at their helmets.

Note: the time on my (borrowed) camera is probably about 5 minutes slow. Note also this camera had difficulty getting a clear picture especially as it got darker, may be partially a white balance issue, also things happen so fast and the cops are wearing such nondestinct colors, which hide their actions in a group. The frame rate of contemporary video is also inadequate to consistently capture fast movement such as baton blows.

by mob
We need better unarrest tactics.

Here's the tools we need: Spray paint, pepper spray, lots of people

Here's what we do:

When the cops single someone out, we surround them. Spray-paint their face plates. This will force them to lift the plates because otherwise they won't be able to see.

A quick squirt of pepper spray and that officer is out for the count.

Use only sparingly to unarrest our comrads, and all will go well.

For larger police lines, I recomment a much larger, paint-sprayer (for industrial home-use) on a dolly.

It is much harder for them to harm us if they can't see us. And if they feel that they must stay inside a vehicle to maintain visibility, they are less mobile.

Plus, the image of a cop car or a bus or a tank running someone over has much more of an impact that a cop striking someone one-on-one with a baton.

If we force them to use such tactics, people will see the monster that they are much quicker.
by andhow
You could go be the one to pose getting run over by the armored police vehicle
by jm
If you didn't notice, there is footage (albeit not the clearest) of their car hitting someone who goes over their hood, in this video! It's even replayed in slow-motion. It all starts at the 26 second mark of this video (part 2).

That may well have been why the crowd didn't want to let the second car through, and also why they drove the cars into the crowd in the first place -- to find an excuse to crack heads and clear the intersection.

It was a highly provocative act that preceeded numerous arrests and beatings.

Is the public outraged about it? Do they even notice it? Much of the public is severely anaesthetized to the pain and harm caused by automobiles. It's an oil war after all. I won't go into the many ways this is true here -- think about it though.

Far too many people are in denial about police violence as well as car violence as well as war violence.
by John Q Public
Great tactics, another Kent State would be nice, you guys are idiots.
by aipia
If you push hard enough and look long enough YOU will get the action/violence that you seek.
What would you have done if you had the job of moving the mob/protestors from blocking the streets, creating chaos and being a public nuisance ? Hmm ?

I witnessed the police being harassed in your video.
Truth is a perception, obviously my truth is not your truth.
Best not to take one's self too seriously.
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