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War? Strike! (great poster!)

by Bodzin & D'Andrade
A couple posters calling for walkouts and general nuisance-making in the event of a U.S.-led war. Download, print, and post everywhere.
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by Stuart Overbey (soverbey [at]
The graphics are great on the War making you Sick poster, but I really, really wish you had not added the Fuck this Shit sign. They are my sentiments exactly, but what this movement needs to be about is coalition-building not alienation. Please watch words and actions carefully. We cannot afford to let egos and personal bravado or agenda get in the way of connecting with Republicans and the like. The entire planet is at stake, so don't even bother arguing that point.
by Lindsay
You guys are idiots.
How about this sign:

"Don't Free Iraq!"

Yes, its a mockery.
Now that King George and his co-conspirators have destroyed our constitutional form of government, it stands to reason that we need a new vocabularly as well, one that strips away the lies we've been besieged with since the coup, revealing the vile, senseless, criminal nature of these "compassionate conservatives" who would rule us without our consent. Thus, we present the Liberal Lexicon!

Law; An obscure Hammurabic concept, unrecognizable to the present administration and unspellable by King George.

King George; Prior to 1999, a hard-drinking, blow-snorting, repeat drunk driver and failed businessman whose most notable accomplishment was losing tons of his father's friends money. Post 1999, a Jesus-shouting sociopath, and the most qualified man the Republicans could find to implement their master plan to bankrupt the treasury and escalate their war on the poor and underpriveledged.

Constitution- In King George's mind, an ancient, obsolete document dedicated to the preservation of basic human liberties; to his friends, an irritant to be brushed aside, and, eventually, completely destroyed.

Executive Privelege- For King George, an all-powerful, all-consuming, illegal cover for anything he wishes to keep secret from the people who didn't elect him in the first place.

Trickle-down Economics; A discredited economic theory that caused unprecedented destruction and societal decay throughout the 1980's. End Result? Three trillion in national debt, and an even greater disparity between the have's and have-not's. Republicans promptly pronounced it a smashing success, and King George is such a big fan, he's trying to implement version 2.0.

Election; The process by which we, the people, are made to feel as if we have a hand in selecting those who lead us. Rendered obsolete by the Supreme Court on December 12, 2000.

Supreme Court; Formerly, an impartial Judicial body comprised of the best legal minds our country had to offer, embodying 200-plus years of legislative wisdom. Now, a lawless pack of partisan wolves, with right-wing idealogue William Rehnquist serving as Alpha-Male. Guilty of collusion in the conservative coup of December 12, 2000, when the Supremes issued a cowardly, unsigned opinion that made it case law that NOT EVERY VOTE SHOULD BE COUNTED! Having made themselves a national disgrace, they will themselves be judged by the harshest magistrate of them all: History. The primary impetus behind the formation of Liberal Thunder!

Draft-Dodger; Before "Election 2000", every right-wing blow-hard's favorite nomenclature for Bill Clinton. Post "Election 2000," this word seems to have disappeared from the right-wing lexicon, possibly because of their blind allegiance to the draft-dodging, coke-snorting, election-stealing,
silver-spoon fed King George.

Kommandant-In-Chief; Our affectionate moniker bestowed upon King George by virtue of his Nazi stormtrooper tactics and overtly fascist power-grabbing. See also; Executive Privelege, King George.

Reaganomics- An unprovoked, unsolicited, tactical nuclear strike on the economy of the United States. See also; Trickle-Down Economics.

Compassionate Conservatism- The ploy by which King George's masters sucked in a near-majority of the nation's voters; the vehicle in which they rode to power, and who, once there, predictably pursued the most fascistic, right-wing agenda in the history of mankind.

Economic Stimulus Package- The preferred method of the Right for transferring the tax dollars of the lazy and shiftless bottom ninety-nine percent to the bank accounts and trust funds of the poor, overburdened, obscenely wealthy one-percent.

National Tragedy- For the general public, a cause for profound grief and mournful soul-searching. For Republicans, the perfect opportunity for giving away the store to Big Business fat-cats, while at the same time advancing their unique brand of cynical, un-American "patriotism."
by Hugh
Hey, I saw your comments about my poster on the indymedia site. I've had a similar reaction from others, so in the spirit of dialogue, I'd like to share some thoughts with you.

I very much agree that we need a broad-based movement to stop this war. But it seems to me that the way to build a broad-based movement is to have a multitude of expressions and voices clamoring for peace, not to water ourselves down and try to please everyone.

There is lots of concern on the left about the middle class, suburban, easily offended, possibly republican part of the population. We're often told to soften our rhetoric to appeal to this "broad base".

What about other parts of the population? What about high school kids? What about punks? What about young people from the middle east? Some of these populations don't feel reached or spoken to by the mainstream, polite vocabulary of conventional politics. Kids and other disenfranchised groups are pissed off, and don't respond to the mild tone of polite engagement generally offered by the left.

So, my point is that we need many approaches. I certainly don't think every sign and poster needs to have cussing. But I think a few signs like mine with some strong language is entirely appropriate, and I take offense when people tell me I need to remove words that after all are part of American culture -- consider the fact that every mainstream film since 1976 has used the words "fuck" and "shit".

To paraphrase Bill Cosby: I don't know what the key to success is, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.

Thanks for your comments, and thanks for reading mine.



by Jack Be Quick
Activist...Very funny! I like that. I'm printing that out and am going to hang in up in protest around my office. I'm sure all the the laughter I hear is in derision to someone coming up with that crappy propaganda anyway.

Hugh...Just FYI....while I personally don't give two rips either way about what language you use, being that we are all of adult age on this site, even though we don't all act like it, I would like to point out one discrepency.

The Matrix, one of the biggest blockbusters of all time, does not have the word "fuck" or "Shit" in it. It does say "God-dammit" once in the opening scenes, but otherwise manages to stay curse word free.

Just thought you'd like to know that not ALL popular mainstream movies use bad language.
by just wondering
What make you think that?
by Michael Will
You sir, are a troll.

Just in case you really mean it:

1. who gave weapons to saddam in order to fight Iran?
2. Who gave them chemical weapons that were used on kurds?
3. And who gave the taliban the stinger rockets london is now afraid of?
4. who lets saudi arabia get away with bribing the islam terrorists with millions and millions of US-dollars
5. What nationality did most 9-11 hijackers have?

Talk to me about purpuseful intervention. This is not about left-wing right-wing. This is about facts.

by ridiculous
i like the poster. everyone i know likes the poster. who cares about a bunch of khaki wearing young republicans laughing around a water-cooler. theyll lose their jobs soon enough, and go back to being the young democrats they were in college.

if we appeal to either, thats a sign we arent doing it right...
by Thumb
How's that recount going in Florida? ;0)
by tkat
Hey I have been putting these up. People love them, across cultures and ages. Could the maker make on with bigger text at the bottom? YOu know the details. People want more. thanks
by blah
" who, once there, predictably pursued the most fascistic, right-wing agenda in the history of mankind"

Wow. Too many drugs DO make you stupid, after all.
by Nick E.
Khaki wearers? hey, I resemble that remark!
Folks with real jobs and careers dont have the luxury of taking off
a day just because their po'ed off at the administration's policy.
Although that would make a nice consolation prize for losing elections.

If you have a crappy job you dont mind losing, go ahead and walk out.
I think the poster is targetted with that in mind. It fits.

Just be f----ing glad you're not a soldier heading for Baghdad
and waiting for a possible chemical attack.
Now THAT could make you really vomit.
It's not just a job, it's an adventure.
by Pauly Tix
"Wow. Too many drugs DO make you stupid, after all."

As demonstrated by King George himself, right?
by Pauly Tix
Bush has some interesting phrases himself:

"Disarm Saddam" = Blow the shit out of Iraq and all its inhabitants, including Saddam

"Liberate the Iraqi people" = a three step program: STEP 1- indiscriminantly slaughter anyone living in an Iraqi city with "shock and awe" blitzkreig tactics, thereby "liberating" them from their human existence by the thousands (and blame Saddam for their deaths, of course) STEP 2- place the stubborn ones who somehow survive under the "temporary" rule of an American military dictator until a puppet regime is installed that is just as oppressive (if not more so) than Saddam was (but more friendly to US corporate interests) STEP 3- lift US-backed economic sanctions that have been the real reason nearly 2 million Iraqi people have died in the last decade, then gloat at how much Iraq is "improving" (keep strong military presence in country, however, to quickly stomp out any popular uprisings against the new puppet regime.)

"They misunderestimated me." = ???
You say you can't afford to lose your job by taking a day off? Why don't you talk to your boss and take a PTO? I mean, they are YOURS to take right? I work at a bank and my boss was very understanding. I can't afford to lose my job either, but I also can't afford to deal with the feeling that I just sat by and let this thing happend without saying anything.
by WhizWart work in a bank, one of the pillers of capitailism.......and you're going out to shut it down.....and then go back to work.....hehe, oh man
by We Can Do IT

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by We Can Do IT

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by Sad Sack
So the protests failed. Tough shit.

They were largely symbolic anyway.

If anyone had the illusion that we live in a truely representative system, well... best to swallow the truth now and move forward.

I've been bitching and complaining ever since being gassed in the Battle in Seattle. And I've learned two important lessons:

First, never let the enemy see your spirit. Attempting to sabotage the local economy a desparate and ignorant idea. Besides driving helpless small businesses into potential bankruptcy, this is an act of vanity and self pity (poor us, the protests didn't work!). Have composure, think constructively, and work hard to achieve your goals.

Rule number two: Do nothing which is of no use. You may recognize that I stole these rules verbatim from an ancient Japanese warrior. We don't need some kind of post-modern anti-establishment fashion code or political ethic. Open your eyes to your honorable predecessors.

We need to educate our minds and elevate our thoughts. Through work and training we become better prepared to confront the men who oppress us. Study hard, work even harder, and respect yourself. To do less is self defeating.

Yours in sympathy,

Sad A. Sack

by trk
First off, I want to say that I'm an activist, but...

I looked at the post of the activist lexicon, and with definite exceptions, this is true. Maybe the right euphemises their agenda with crap like "terrorists"==anyone not part of a gov't using force, including both revolutionaries and hateful right wing gov't organizations. But this is no excuse for us to do it to. "Close-minded" DOES in fact just mean people who can't see it our way. "Fair trade" in fact just means enforceable coercion to force trade at non-market values for the benefit of those whose side WE'RE on: the poor! And formerly called socialism is right on the mark. We are *not* fooling anybody by complaining about unfair trade practises and imperialism etc. etc. etc. What we are and have always been against is CAPITALISM. And we are fighting against majority opinion, including MANY well-informed majority opinions. Corporate Media? It is an undeniable fact that there is a distortion in the news, however, I think it very likely that the media is not aware they are distorting things. When you believe protests are nonimportant occurances, you aren't going to devote much time to covering them. And when nobody devotes time to covering protests, you aren't going to be inclined to cover them. This is very simple and has nothing to do with corporateness of the media. If there is a problem, it is not that the media is biased, that is inevitable. The problem is that people believe media should be unbiased. Therefore, there's no reason to make a big deal about the "fairness" of indymedia or whatever; that's a lie, we cover what we think is important and ignore all the rest, just like the corporate media. That's nothing to be ashamed of. We need to stop talking in stupid, lying terms and come out and say what we mean. And we need to stop criticising the right and start listening to what its saying; we need to ackowledge that these are real people with real opinions who did not get them through blind acceptance of everything that was told them.
by ILoveScrapbooking
??? I thought this website was about scrapbooking?

Oh well, kindly disregard.
by To add to Sad Sack's lessons...
Sad sack makes a good point. I would add a third lesson: Have goals. Without clear definable, defensible, and achievable goals, you are nothing but a riot in black waiting to happen.

Also, a movement should have goals beyond the moment and not be merely contrarian goals. Rather than an anti-war movement, there should be a foreign policy movement that seeks to codify in law a mandate that our governments (present and future) work to foster the same ideals that we claim to hold dear in this country. In essence, a do unto others foreign policy rather than one of geo-political strategy.

Sadly, this website is little more than a where-to-march-for-our-over-read-theories-on-18th-Century-policitcal-thought. Focus or fail, or flail futilely at best.
by ellorax
Good Vibrations will close its stores and offices the day after war starts in order support the anti-war effort and to allow worker-owners (it's a co-op) to participate in day-after events. Sex is anti-war! Have some today!
by ellorax
Good Vibrations will close its stores and offices the day after war starts in order support the anti-war effort and to allow worker-owners (it's a co-op) to participate in day-after events. Sex is anti-war! Have some today!
by ellorax
Good Vibrations will close its stores and offices the day after war starts in order support the anti-war effort and to allow worker-owners (it's a co-op) to participate in day-after events. Sex is anti-war! Have some today!
by Alvaro Ochoa
We are not doing his because we support terror.
We do this because our children will be next.
We will not empty, fill, refill, clean, provide, serve, deliver, translate, count, stamp, approve, file, answer, call, perform, respond or do anything.

We will show our asses up at work late, "because of the war protests" and our phones dont work, the fax machine is on the blink, the copier is jammed, the network is down, my computer has a virus, I lost those emails, IT can't fix it, I need a long lunchbreak, my mom/dad is ill. Can I go home now.

Don't get fired. Get even.
by Make it count
I challenge all to take this one step further and join me in quitting your job. Strikes are meaningless in the face of capitalism.

by People Power
Let's keep the momentum rolling! Show those Lexus-driving-mocha-drinking-yuppies that we're not their pawns any more.

Tell capitalism evil to take their slave job and cram it!!!

Quit work NOW!!!
by Lanius Excubitor
I see so much hatred and emotion reared towards the ugly beast of 'capitalism'.

You can replace that word with 'the man' in most of instances I've seen it and effectively transport youself back to the damned 60's.

I think bush is stupid, yes. this war is a ridiculous waste of time and money and life, and the death of innocents it is causing is inexcusable. I was shaking with rage when i heard we had openned fire.

Then I got stuck in the protests trying to get north from san jose to my home using the busses. Now i'm just plain pissed.

Bush is stupid, but these protests aren't much better.
It's good that ppl are willing to take a stand, willing to fight... they just need to know what they're fighting and how to do it.

Sitting in streets and blocking intersections causes far more havoc for those of us just like you, trying to survive, than it does for those perpetuating this nonsense.

So many of you yelling about 'capitilism'. It has nothing to do with capitalism. It has to do with a select, very tiny percentage of our population who is either ignorant enough to not realize what they're doing or willing to slaughter thousands and ruin the lives of thousands more just to make a buck.

fuck capitalism. You can't fight it, it's a concept, and you can't even fight a capitalistic society, because there isn't one to fight!

Learn who is fueling the war if you want to stop it. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, Ashcroft... The oil companies. Those are your enemies.

you want to disrupt the power? stop sitting in streets. Hit them in the pocketbooks, or in the face.

Attack gas stations. Oil Refiniries, the ones owned by these crooked scumbags. Find out WHO exactly is getting the latest DoD contracts, and shut THEM down, disrupt their business.

The media isn't covering you guys because whoever owns them knows it will make the war unpopular, so stop trying to be heard by a deaf nation. Without some serious airwave hijacking, you won't be heard. Gum up the gears of the engine of war.

Right now, you have numbers on your side. How long can you last though? you have to go to work, make cash somehow, keep fed... The cops get paid TO stop you...

if you're going to make a difference, you have to do it now. Stop attacking capitilism. Research online. Find who your enemies are, and attack them. Find where those gas mains are buried and go have a party with shovels and axes somewhere remote.

happy hunting, though i don't think you'll be successful.

--lanius excubitor
by March on DC
I think Sad Sack is right on the money. Purposely disruptive protests are primarily self indulgant and only really serve to turn the already most anti-war people in the country into potentially the most anti-protester people. Your targets are primarily people already overworked from downsizing and are working harder then ever to get by. Please take these tactics to Washington D.C, and quit burning additional oil and trashing our air by forcing traffic into gridlocks for your own ego's benefit.

Quit your job and spend all time protesting? If your going to focus -all- your time to this cause that claims to be about the Iraqi people, you'd make a much bigger difference by keeping your job and sending the money to relief funds to help the people of Iraq, or Afghanistan. Honestly think about that.
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