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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Hi, would you like to see our Action Menu today?

by cmi
Call for actions in SF the business day after war begins.
7:00 AM
MEET: Market and Main, Embarcadero BART, San Francisco


>From Profit And War To Life And Resistance
Shut Down The Corporate Warmakers!

o Don't go to work or school
o HEAD DOWNTOWN: Bring friends, music, art, performance, and food to share
o Join/create an ongoing transformation/occupation
o Prepare Now: Form an affinity (action) group

Direct Action to Stop the War
(415) 820-9649

1) If the government and corporations won't stop the war, we'll shut down the warmakers! We will impose real economic, social and political costs and stop business as usual until the war stops.

2) Assert our power to transform our city from profits, oil and war to resistance and life! We will create an open, welcoming, inspiring space that gives voice to the anti-war majority as an assertion of real democracy.

3) Uproot the system behind the war (and behind the war at home -- racism, poverty); help catalyze mass movements to challenge corporate and government power and create socially just, directly democratic, ecological, peaceful alternatives.

If the war starts, don't go to work or school and head downtown. Call in sick, walk out, don't go -- and get your co-workers/schoolmates to join you. Form an affinity or action group to get prepared. Get a group of five to 25 of your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, or schoolmates to prepare for and participate in the emergency morning-after action. Make a plan of how you will get together, get downtown and what you will do if war starts. Send one or two people from your group to the weekly action "spokescouncil" to coordinate with other groups. Participate in a nonviolent direct action training to get prepared. Several affinity groups can join together as a "cluster."

Bring friends, music, art, performance, and food to share to help transform our city. Help sustain the transformation/occupation as long as possible -- we will keep it going.

We are asking affinity (action) groups choose from the menu and take over and transform the following key intersections and corporate and government offices/buildings. Or join the "Take Out" mobile Bikes not Bombs actions. Or plan your own action and menu item. Attend the weekly spokescouncil meeting to coordinate and help organize. The business day the morning after war starts you may wish to just go directly to a "menu" location or else to Main and Market where people will go out to support the actions.

There are many ways to reclaim, transform, occupy or blockade spaces. Sit-ins, street parties, lockdown, objects, performance, street murals, gardening, large sculpture, die-ins? PLAN AHEAD. Invite everyone you know. We will have fliers and encourage everyone to make an effort to talk to, diffuse or get support from those who get stuck on their way to work, school or other business.

A MOVEABLE FEAST Intersections and Arteries
Primi Piatti (1st Course):
1) Lombard & Van Ness
2) Polk & Broadway
3) Polk & Bush
4) Market & Franklin
5) Division & Van Ness
6) 6th & Brannan
7) 5th & Mission (SF Chronicle)
8) 3rd & Folsom
9) Harrison & 2nd
10) Harrison & Fremont
11) Embarcadero & Market
12) Broadway @ Columbus
Secondi Piatti (2nd Course):
131 & 132) Stockton Tunnel
14) Powell & Bush
15) Market & 6th
16) 16th & Valencia/Mission
17) Howard & Fremont
18) Embarcadero & Washington
19) Embarcadero & Broadway
20) Parking Lot of Your Choice
a. Civic Center (McAllister betw. Polk/Larkin)
b. Sutter/Stockton (entries on Bush and Stockton)
c. 5th/Mission (entries on Mission and on Minna)

TRADITIONAL SIT-DOWN DINNER Government and Corporate Financial
A) City Corpse/UK Consulate: Sansome & Market
B) Carlyle Group/TransAmerica Pyramid: 600 Montgomery
C) Pacific Stock Exchange (2nd floor): 220 Bush (near Kearny)
Big Oil
D) Shell Office: 100 Bush @ Sansome
E) CBS Westinghouse Electric: 221 Main St. Near Howard
F) Federal Building: Golden Gate & Polk
G) Federal Reserve: 101 Market
H) Military Recruitment Center: 670 Davis

Join the mobile Bikes not Bombs. Bring your bike (or rollerblades, or skateboard or any human-powered wheels) with signs, flags, and decorations to Main and Market at 7am (or whenever you can make it) and support all the stationary action, fill the streets with bicycles, get the word out. Your affinity group can be its own moving anti-war bike ride.

Direct Action to Stop the War
(415) 820-9649
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by cip
That's cool - a geographic scenario without being a specific plan for action, which would be bound to get screwed up or changed anyway. That's very useful, especially if lots of people see it.
by Realist
When the war starts, Americans will be too busy coughing up blood from the nerve and lung blistering agents Iraq has produced to worry about carrying signs and dancing in some drum circle.
by Jerilyn Bowen (jbowen1 [at]
Here's something we can do BEFORE the bombs start dropping that might still make a difference. Please join in, spread the word, and read this call to the 2/15 demo participants. (And don't forget to mention the green ribbons for peace!)

National Citizen Strike for Peace
February 28, 2003

All US patriots who oppose a war against Iraq are called to walk in the footsteps of Gandhi and Martin Luther King by joining a national citizen strike on Friday, February 28th.

In the tradition of nonviolent direct action, those who support peace will on that day refuse to collaborate with our government's plan to launch a war for oil against a country that is already devastated by twelve years of US-led bombing and sanctions, a country in which at least a million innocent civilians have died at our hands, and a country that has no way to defend itself.

On February 28th we will instead bring business-as-usual to a halt and engage in peacemaking work in every town and city all over this nation.

By taking this action we demonstrate to our government leaders that they do not have our consent to inflict yet more suffering and death on the people of Iraq.

By taking this action, we demonstrate to our government leaders that we are not willing to exchange young Americans lives for the oil reserves that lie beneath Iraqi soil.

By taking this action we demonstrate to our government leaders that we see through their fear-mongering, disinformation, and news control.

By taking this action we demonstrate to our government leaders that they can expect widespread active resistance to any war they choose to launch with such callous disregard for the human cost.

By taking this action we put the powers in Washington DC on notice that the people of the United States still do have power too and are not about to relinquish it to those who neither represent our interests nor speak in our name.

Time is short. Send this call for collective nonviolent action to all your networks today.

Meanwhile, wear a green ribbon for peace and decorate your yard, car, and other public spaces with green ribbons signifying our collective commitment to a just, peaceful, and humane world.

Be of good heart. We can do this.
by cip
You all probably might have seen how they made this plan a headline in the paper today?

Some people were wondering whether to keep this slightly protected as a suggested geographic plan, because police could hear. However, it's beyond that point, but on the other hand, we couldn't hope for better advertisement. This will reach thousands, and more people in remote areas who would be receptive to participation but hadn't heard about it will come.

Plus, maybe the police will go block off all those locations and intersections before anyone even goes there, freeing up more of us to work on other things.
by menu
>>>When the war starts, Americans will be too busy coughing up blood from the nerve and lung blistering agents Iraq has produced to worry about carrying signs and dancing in some drum circle.

>>All the more reason not to fight this war.

Don't lock the doors to your house. It'll just piss off the robbers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the non-thinking class. Thank You. Thank You all for coming.

>>>Hi, would you like to see our Action Menu today?

Maitre d'hotel, a suggestion.

A MOVEABLE FEAST Intersections and Arteries
Primi Piatti (1st Course):

1) Lombard & Van Ness

2) le Heineken

3) Polk & Broadway

4) le Heineken

5) Polk & Bush

6) le Heineken

7) Market & Franklin

8) le Heineken

9) Division & Van Ness


by cip
When the war starts, Americans will be too busy coughing up blood from the nerve and lung blistering agents Iraq has produced to worry about carrying signs and dancing in some drum circle.
You haven't purchased the protective duct tape that FeMA told you to get? If you aren't willing to be prepared, you can only blame yourself.

Anyway, I just think that we should slightly plan around the fact that our advertising has become so successful, and lots of people will be coming to San Francisco on D day with the same spatial perspective. We can almost move on to later steps of planning.
by anonymous pseudonym
Of course they hear. The read every word we type. They come to planning meetings in disguise. They tap our phones. There is no point in trying to keep something like this secret. What can be kept secret is what you and your affinity group are planning.

So, the question arises. When the police, having learned of this plan, concentrate their forces to deal with it, and by necessity leave most of the rest of the city undefended, what will you and your affinity group do?

Whatever it is, of you talk about it over the net, even using encryption, or if you talk about it on the phone, or if you talk about it in a bar of coffeehouse where you can be overheard, or if you tell your so-called friends about it because they must be OK because they dress like you and they like the same bands, and you just *have* to tell someone or you’ll burst, then you can be flat out guaranteed that whatever it is that you plan to do will not be a secret from the police. You will find yourself walking into a trap. You will wind up locked down in 850 Bryant. And you will be taken out of the action, precisely when history needs you most to be free and able to operate.

by PF
They're in my phone, in my tub, hanging in the trees, in my TV, under my couch, in my car, in my bed, in my shoes... Paranoia will destroya.

The lunatic is in my head.
by PF
>>>uh oh
by mike February 20 2002, Wed, 3:34pm

dude, you gotta check these postings out more thorougly. This place is Conspiracy Central. These clowns eat, drink and smell conspiracy. There's a conspiracy to spread Zionism, there's a conspiracy behind 9/11, there's a conspiracy to poison the pot supply, there's a conspiracy behind Enron; there's a conspiracy to hide all the other conspiracies; you name it and these guys reach for the Conspiracy Juice. Beats thinking, I guess. Challenge them on it and they beseige you with link after link proving their conspiracies. Holy cow, the paranoia on this board is so palpable (that means noticeable, for all you people in Oakland) it's like swimming through smoke. I love it. Come on in, the water's fine!


Good ole mike. At least he was right about one thing.
by pointer
Click here:


. . . checklist . . .

by deeds
"So, the question arises. When the police, having learned of this plan, concentrate their forces to deal with it, and by necessity leave most of the rest of the city undefended, what will you and your affinity group do?"

Interesting. Someone who notes that the police will take action based upon learning of this plan and will leave portions of the city undefended, then suggests that actions from other "affinity groups" could use this knowledge to their advantage. Isn't saying that also giving away a plan?
by I read the news today, oh boy.


"It's never happened that there have been a significant number of protesters in multiple locations where we couldn't handle the situation," said Deputy Chief Greg Suhr . . .


* * *

Remember what happened on Super Bowl Sunday in Oakland? The cops not only couldn't put a lid on the multiple actions, they scarecly put a dent in them. Protesters are one thing, but rioters are quite another. One riot, the cops can contain. But if multiple riots break out, especially far apart, the cops will be SOL. There are just not enough cops to do the job. It's a simple matter of numbers.
by reading comprehension skills upgrade
No it's not. It's not a plan. It's not "giving away a plan"? It's not even a suggestion. It is merely the astute observation, based on considerable historical analysis and a certain degree of personal experience, that if you *do* have a plan, *and* you talk about it, you *are* making a mistake.
by plan
When the pigs position themselves to control the places they know we'll be, we'll riot in the places they aren't. Oooops! Now they know the plan. Damnit!!
by activist
Way to go dude! You blew it for everyone. Geez couldn't ya just have kept it to yourself?
by cip
well, the journalist there said that everyone planned to go to the Transamerica pyramid building, that this was the central target. There would need to be 30 police standing by it to keep people from getting close to it. If no one went near it, the police could go away, and then, within the space of half an hour, people could decide to go and chant next to it, or hold signs, or haul a music system on wheels near it and play anti-war music to it.
by ..
what kind of plans have been made public? do any of the groups know what they are going to do? will there be property destruction? will there be a sound system?
is anyone going to target bart?
how do i know who to join?
tell me more.
by liotoh
-->everyone planned to go to the Transamerica pyramid building, that this was the central target...If no one went near it, the police could go away, and then, within the space of half an hour, people could decide to go and chant next to it, or hold signs, or haul a music system on wheels near it and play anti-war music to it.

When do we get to pour hot boiling oil on the protesters like they do in the movies? That's the part I want to watch. And no medical people. They gotta grit and bear it for "the cause."
by Mrs. Ashton
No thank you, but thank you for asking. You obviously have me confused with someone who gives a shit.
by john
a few smoke bombs in the bart stations would stop more people from gettng to wrk etc. than the blocking of any intersection.
stoping the trains after 7:30 or whenever the protesters will get to the city..
by people before profits
Not at the expense of human life. No, you cannot go about business as usual while your taxes are funding mass murder.
by Oz
Yeah Saddam, you gotta put people before profits. You simply cannot go about business as usual while your countrys treasury is funding the mass murder of your own people. Your own personal economy and palaces cannot come at the expense of human life. Couple of weeks, buddy boy, and you're history. And your little dog Tareq Aziz, too.

Reuters reports that almost everyone interviewed on penultimate day of Hajj pilgrimage supported Bin Laden
by Peacenik
With the very likely transportation freeze on the day the war starts we need some planned actions for the East Bay in case the millions of us over here can't get to SF. Ideas? Locations? How about Chevron/Standard Oil headquarters in Richmond? The Federal Building in Downtown Oakland? Other East Bay ideas?
by Jaerin
So because you're elected government doesn't do what you want you try to create chaos and punish people far removed from your agenda because you feel like it? This is a democratic republic, not a democracy. You have a right to protest, in a legal and orderly fashion. I even respect your cause to some extent; but this means little to the mother trying to drop off her child at daycare or someone trying to get to their job at an independent record shop but can't because of your "bike activists". Work within the system, as flawed as your opinion may color it.
by ...
take the bridge
by Jaerin
Brilliant response. I can only imagine the gems of knowledge you could bring to a political debate.
by Friedrich Kirk (evclipse [at]
I don't remember electing this government.

Jeb Bush said he would give his brother Florida, and he did. Have you forgotten?

Then the Supreme Court handed the little frat boy the election. I don't remember the Supreme court being mentioned ANYWHERE in the electoral process.

Wake up America!
by KAC
Those who are considering Direct Action in the event of actual war should be aware of higher risk this time around. In the past, attempts to disrupt transportation centers and bottlenecks and to disrupt "business as usual" in high visibility locations, has been recognized as protest and not dealt with through the use of deadly force. This time, if US attacks Iraq, the Homeland Security Secretary will declare "Red Alert," and the military/national guard will be mobilized to pre-empt terrorist acts. If previous methods of Direct Action are utilized, they will be identical to the kinds of acts the military will be trained to recognize as terrorism: "Attacks" on bridges and transportation, disruptions in locations of high crowd density, such as Union Square. The soldier will be unable to distinguish between the Direct Actor and the Suicide Bomber. The soldiers will be full of fear, trained to identify nuances of a person's action as a predicate to a terrorist act. Direct Actors, protestors, and even onlookers may find themselves in a serious, perhaps deadly, situation because some soldier "thought he saw a bomb" or "thought he saw the person spray something." The brains of law enforcement and military on that day will be crawling with fear and loathing like a toad on hot pavement. Direct Action may be the last thing the participants ever do.

by what have we here?
Is someone trying to scare us into compliance with death threats? Here? In a 'democracy"?

Why I'm shocked, simply shocked.
by Birgit
Yes, I think action taken within large groups has to be treated fundamentally differently than with a small or medium sized organization where you could get to know all the other people involved. I've been quite impressed with the knowledge level and decisionmaking of most people in the breakaway marches so far. With the way these marches have taken the same pattern for meeting place etc., the likelihood of a couple people who hate the tactic or who want to harm or defame everyone increases. And there is the possibility of someone totally unfamiliar with the tactic coming along because they heard a distorted version on the news and they always wanted a crowd cover for doing things that most of the group might not endorse (i.e. someone who doesn't see the difference between independent and corporate businesses, or would provoke passersby).
by Think 4 Yourself
"Good idea. Better that hundreds of thousands of humans beings should be slaughtered wholesale than a single rule be broken. Never break any rules. That's my advice."

Uh huh, that what you get when you believe your own propaganda.

Saddam Hussein has killed million+ people in his wars he started against Iran and Kuwait.
He has commited genocide against kurds and deliberately kills and jails all those who resist his regime.
The war itself may save lives over the long run. if one less country has weapons of mass destruction, especially if that one country is Iraq under Saddam Hussein, it is one less destabilizing threat to world peace.

Your hyperbole ignores this and ignores that the US war effort
will be precision-guided; the US will target specific military strongpoints
and kill only those who try to get in the way of the effort to overthrow Saddam Hussein.
In truth, the real danger is how little Saddam cares for Iraqi lives and how he will be willing to throw lives away to save his own skin.

Extreme measures will be taken to avoid civilian casualties,
the opposite of what you imply. Today, Afghanistan is glad
to be rid of the Taliban. Tomorrow, Iraq will be glad to be rid
of Saddam.
by Charles F
I think you should realize that corporate America is run by mostly former fratboy jocks who got where they are today by being coddled to and supported every step of the way whether deserved or not. Brainless majority sucks up to them in high school, they are idolized in college, depending on what sports they play are passed through the tube of "Greek life" and take their places in high paying jobs that their former fratboy jock fathers ensure that they get. What happened to Bush Jr. is just a high profile example. If a change is going to happen, it needs to happen early.
by Gerta
That meshes with what I'm observed. One can easily recognize that members of the top 5% or 10% who runs society are already totally antagonistic to people who have to work at a young age - in their early 20s. See They hold widespread mythologies about how people who are poor just weren't willing to work, and that they themselves are successful because they worked so much harder and are so much smarter, even though their day at the office consists of a lot of business lunches, wielding of power, and idleness (like websurfing or Bush taking 2 hours out of his 8 hour day for the gym). Nobody questions why we've had the 40 hour day since the 1930s, yet we've added lots of technology and labor saving devices that theoretically should reduce the amount of work necessary, yet now it takes 2 earners per household to make ends meet (and before it didn't) and still most families have minimal savings or retirement money, and just cover basic food, shelter, clothing, and transportation with few luxuries.

So where do the young ruling class learn their attitudes? They aren't born that way. Children in the early elementary grades are still learning how to share and be caring. I think it's a process starting in junior high and going through college, at school (and just contributed to by families) that inculcates these hierarchical attitudes.
by SA Indy
Dear DASW, ( )

It will be too late to act when the attack starts...

But first vocabulary. I do not want to call the threatened action a "war" I think this a mistake..

"The urgency is the saving of lives. First, let us stop calling it a "war". The last time "war" was used in the Gulf was in 1991 when the truth was buried with more than 200,000 people. Attacking a 70-mile line of trenches, three American brigades, operating at night, used 60-ton armoured earthmovers to bury alive teenage Iraqi conscripts, including the wounded and those surrendering and retreating. Survivors were slaughtered from the air. The helicopter gunship pilots called it a "turkey shoot".
Of the 148 Americans who died, a quarter of them were killed by Americans. Most of the British were killed by Americans. This was known as "friendly fire". The civilians who were killed, whose deaths were never recorded by the American military because it was "not policy", were "collateral damage"."

If you want to see the sort of thing we are talking about.. try looking at this GUN CAMERA FOOTAGE ; U.S. 'KILLING FIELDS' - AFGHANISTAN
by Foreign Press Foundation - Holland

This will give you some idea of the insane and angry minds who are used by the US military industrial complex, how this anger breeds on violence. Switching off the attack will be so much harder after it starts, I would say impossible.

We need action to stop the attack before it starts. if you are sick of the appointed president and his admin. call in sick now. Waiting is will be too late. "Shock and awe" means the destruction of Hiroshima several times over in several days.

Kind Regards, SA Indy
by Patriotism is bliss
"Saddam Hussein has killed million+ people in his wars he started against Iran and Kuwait."
He was kept in power through the Iran war because the US gave him intel on Iranian movements. He killed millions of people with nerve agents we told him how to make and sold him the chemicals for.

"He has commited genocide against kurds and deliberately kills and jails all those who resist his regime."
-Funny how it was fine when we were paying for it, but now it's horrible.

"The war itself may save lives over the long run. if one less country has weapons of mass destruction, especially if that one country is Iraq under Saddam Hussein, it is one less destabilizing threat to world peace."
-What about the biggest producer of WOMDs in the world that is the biggest threat to world stablity? What about contries that have a history of proping up fascist dicators. What about the country that saved the Nazis after WW2? The real threat to the stability of the reigion isn't keeping Sadam in power, it's taking him out of power. If Sadam leaves (or is elminiated) and a democracy is instituted, the nation immediately breaks into 3 sections. The norther section combines with southern Turkey, then Turkey invades northern Iraq. Massive civil wars, etc, killing those very same Kurds we were supposedly protecting. How helpful is THAT! Chances are that Iran will take the opprotunity to invade the splitting Iraq. Wohoo, more power and oil to fundimentalists who pay for terrorism, that's good for world stability.
OR the US could do what it normally does when it talks about instilling "Democracy," prop up a "President For Life" and if he isn't "Elected" the US just goes back in to "save american lives". Replacing one dictator with another dictator isn't democracy.
And what happens if we install a "President for life"? You ever wonder what Vietnam would be like with a whole lot of sand?

"Your hyperbole ignores this and ignores that the US war effort will be precision-guided; the US will target specific military strongpoints and kill only those who try to get in the way of the effort to overthrow Saddam Hussein."
- You never heard about "Shock and Awe" did you? Precision guided conventional answer to nukes.


"[Y]ou have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear weapons at Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks but in minutes," says Harlan K. Ullman


"In truth, the real danger is how little Saddam cares for Iraqi lives and how he will be willing to throw lives away to save his own skin."
-What about how Bush is willing to throw away lives to save his own skin? What about how the major corperations which he serves are willing to throw away lives just for the sake of profit? Aren't they more dangerous?
Especially since they invented the chemical and biological weapons that Sadam uses...

"Extreme measures will be taken to avoid civilian casualties, the opposite of what you imply."
- Extreme measures like what? The only extreme measures I've read about are the extreme measures proposed to KILL and TERRORIZE civilians.

"Today, Afghanistan is glad to be rid of the Taliban. Tomorrow, Iraq will be glad to be rid of Saddam."
- Do you know that for a fact? Afghanistan is glad to be rid of the Taliban, but they aren't much better off. Many of the oppressive laws are no longer enforced at the highest levels, but are still inforced by the population. There are reports of people walking around with acid and throwing it in the faces of women who don't wear birkas, but they have no real law enforcement to stop this. I've recentally read an article from an Afghani who returned to his old country, only to find it no better than when he left. (Mostly I wonder how much better off Afghanistan would be if America hadn't interviend in the FIRST place)
Sadam's army is falling apart, just like his country. Time is running out for him quickly enough without American help. In a matter of a few years his country will be in ruins... which is why the Bush administration must act now, while there is an excuse.
How much better off will the Iraq's be with a dictator chosen by the same people who paid for the slaughter of the Kurds? If you think they have it bad under Sadam, go look at our past interventions (like Guatemala, or Cuba, or Nicoragua, etc...etc...etc..).
The Iraqi people have a better chance of democracy with Sadam than with America.

Don't get me wrong though... Sadam is a bastard who should die. But so is every other authoritarian in the world. I'm just looking at who's worse, who will last longer, and who is more easily overthrown. The Iraqis would be wise to overthrow Sadam now, if they have any hope of it... America will take much longer to force out of the area, and it will only be after years of genocide.
by Patriotism is bliss
Don't call in sick... Explain in great detail the reason you're not coming in to work. Do it in person if at all possible. Do your best to convince your fellow workers to join you.
by cp
Please define 'liberal'.

Is Clinton, a liberal, for example? We were out protesting his bombing in Yugoslavia, and the pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan. Were those liberals?
by jest .....
"physical" should read "fiscal".

Got interrupted by my 5 yr old & didn't proof read.
by Traci
Oh how sweet!! Boy or girl?
by jest...
Girl. She's autistic, so sometimes when she starts talking, it don't end for a while but she is very sweet.
by Gaffes
Direct Action to Stop the War
(415) 820-9649

Hello Protestors!

Alot of changes have been made by the Anarchistic Scheduling Comittee. Keep in mind that these rules are just suggestions, we NEVER tell anyone to do anything.

Anyways, since alot of us can't get time off from work during the week, we decided to reschedule the protest to the first Saturday or national holiday immediately following the declaration of war, whichever comes first.

We will be starting our show of solidarity at Timothy's house in the Mission where his mom will be making breakfast and giving us a ride to the Civic Center. We are stopping at Peet's Coffee on the way, so email me if you want a coffee drink to carry during the mobilization!

We will be marching down Market street shouting slogans, and we might break a window or spraypaint something. There will be a $50 gift certificate awarded for the best costume. Unfortunately, most of us can only protest until 4:00, since alot of us will have to take BART back home and change clothes before heading back to North Beach to see if there are any good DJs spinning.

So, hope to see you there. Let me know if you need a Cafe Mocha or anything. I'll be bringing my upside-down-amerikkkan-flag cupcakes to the protest. If you can bring anything else, please let me know. TImmy will be bringing soda, and we already have alot of people bringing chips.

See you there!!

Direct Action to Stop the War
(415) 820-9649

Why is everyone planning for direct action AFTER THE WAR HAS STARTED? Aren't we trying to PREVENT WAR? Let's put our money where our mouth is and stop this war before it starts.
by Terrence
Y'know, if it really was a police state here, the law officers would just gun you down as they do to the non-socialist protesters in Venezuela.

Yet you cry if they use pepper spray, or if you taste concrete after kicking an officer. Such a weenie.

It takes a certain blindness to take Indymedia seriously. You really have an obligation to other humans to open up your eyes, and your heart, and QUESTION THE LEFT'S AUTHORITY.
by X
I don't think they're planning on using pepper spray in Iraq...
by somegirl
I just found this on la indymedia and thought it was helpful. i don't know about this dragon's breath stuff though.

here's the pepper spray section

Weapon: Pepper spray

Use/Description: All police will carry a large amount of pepper spray. Expect this Chemical Agent to be used most frequently. Pepper spray can be shot on a person from distances up to 15 feet with smaller cans and with large backpack canisters up to 35 feet in a spray hose like manner. Pepper Spray burns the eyes, causes rashes on the skin, skin irratation, ear irritation, scalp burning, running nose and SEVERE DISCOMFORT. Do not get anywhere on body, it really does burn everywhere; especially if your skin is sensitive.


-Clothing Layers. Use it!

-Masks. Gas Masks (overkill but better safe then sorry), anything that covers the body and cant be soaked through.

-Goggles. Prolly the most important.

by Your Mum
So in the spirit of conspiracy..... I give you the choice.

1) The world contolled by "them".
2) The train without a driver scenario.
3) Some stuff.
by us
Some stuff, some very specific stuff, specifically: sharing, cooperation, mutual aid, solidarity, autonomy and peace.
by Banker
What is your point. You will be disrupting my form of business and the way I feed my family. Is that right?
by Banks are the devil's embassies on earth
Banking, and the whole money system, makes it impossible for millions of people to adequately feed their families. Thirty to forty thousand people a day, almost all of them children, starve to death every day so the families of bankers can live in unspeakable luxury.

The ONLY just treatment for bankers is to mount their heads on pikes in every town square on the planet.
by Conservative hard workers
Where do people get the idea about what conservatives think?
Certainly not by listening to them.
The most hard-working people I know are Conservatives. And almost all Conservatives I know are very hard-working.
As for myself, I worked from age 12 onwards, through high school, at
newspaper routes,summer jobs, and after school jobs.
I had to pay for most of my College through loans and work.
I worked a few years then returned for a higher degree, and now support a family. It's a professional job, so the work hours are well above 40 hours a week. The high level execs at the large Co. I work for are generally hard working. You do enough of that, year after year, and you learn to appreciate work a bit more and tolerate excuses for failure a bit less.
And you being to understand that hard work is necessary ingredient for success.

"If it was easy, everybody would do it."

by Just Saying the obvious
"Banking, and the whole money system, makes it impossible for millions of people to adequately feed their families. Thirty to forty thousand people a day, almost all of them children, starve to death every day so the families of bankers can live in unspeakable luxury."

Yeah, if we just abolished banking and went back to the economy of the middle ages, wed be SO BETTER off .... NOT!

This is so ignorant and hateful, I am shocked someone would even make this comment with a straight face.

Without banking, farmers wouldnt be able to manage their risks, and farmers would go out of business, and less food would grow, and more would starve. It's why countries like USA can be a breadbasket even to 3rd world countries. If those 3rd world countries had decent banking systems, farmers and others could get better credit, and more food and less starvation would result. It's the exact OPPOSITE of what you say. banking is a part of the reason for the essential prosperity of the world.
To oppose it is to cut your nose off to spite your face.
by Wotan
We could have no civilsation without banks.
by Visualize World Freedom

"We will be marching down Market street shouting slogans, and we might break a window or spraypaint something."

Wonderful. I kind of disagree with this. You mind if I come over to your place and protest in similar fashion?

We would pay less in taxes and work fewer days a year.
by Say What
I think you for got to show up for your World History 101. Less taxes more free time, get real. Your suppose to read the history book not smoke it!
by history buff
It's a lot easier to slander my character than it is to disprove what I say.
by ~
If there are going to be Citizen's arrests made,maybe someone should start with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Perle, Wolfy and Rice.

Notice the Frepers are more and more becoming the paramilitary of state sponsored violence.
by cp
the freepers have several threads on their web site running right now that describe how they are reading indymedia, and calling and faxing the San Francisco police with all the 'secret information' that they think the police aren't aware of:
by ac
"by cp Monday March 17, 2003 at 10:26 AM

"the freepers have several threads on their web site..."

There are not many of your dreaded feepers in SF. But we are.

Ordinary citizens who will use your tactics on you, performing citizen arrests, blocking and surrounding you, if you attempt to violate any individual rights.

We'll have fun, now that Indymedia has played its cards and admits supporting violence.

This is what you have longed for, cp, the chance to get arrested by real people. Don't forget to bring Nessie along to the party.

by rumor control
radical Queers will attack freepers with bar darts dipped in HIV blood. Don't believe it.

Be careful when trying to stop international and local commerce. I hope SFPD does arrest most of you and
charge you with felonies rather than simple crimes. Three strikes and your out!


Remember off hours is your time and friends are always here to help when you need us.
If you need surveillance on indy_media or it's users just let us know.

We love you people at SFPD you keep our companies free from things like say an
organized conspiracy to stop commerce, restrict interstate trade or foreign commerce -
as a possible example of things that could be organized.

SFPD please protect our local economy from economic terrorism imposed by illegal marches and terrorism tactics against us - like damaging our street and side walks making it impossible for us to enter our place of business. Additionally please help stop these econ-terrorists from doing such despicable things against the hardworking corporate employees such as vandalizing our personal vehicles, spiting on us, intimidating us from going to work, blocking our access to public streets and walk ways. Working in San Francisco is becoming harder and harder it is no wonder that companies want to move out of this area. Additionally, when business travelers come to this area they are scared to even leave the hotel and reminded by hotel staff on what streets to avoid due to these econ-terrorists. This area once a popular place to visit and conduct business in is looking much more like a vandalized, trash blowing, urine smelling, haven for homeless people and anarchists.

Nothing in this web posting should be construed as expressing any view concerning the lawfulness, wrongfulness or inappropriateness, or not, of any other aspect of your website or conduct. This post is merely satire.

by March18

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by Me

If the Brits can do it - so can we. SHUT DOWN THE PACIFIC STOCK EXCHANGE TOMORROW - MARCH 18 ! ARRIVE EARLY 6:30 AM! BRING LOUD NOISE MAKERS AND PREPARE FOR A MASS MARCH INTO THE EXCHANGE! (meet at the Usual place - for those that do not know look here first thing in the morning for more details)

Anti-war activists invaded the International Petroleum Exchange in central London on Monday, forcing the exchange to suspend trading.

Two protesters from a group of about 30 who succeeded in entering the building were later removed from the premises, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

The exchange is Europe's major center for trading in futures contracts for crude oil.

The exchange said it suspended trading because of the anti-war demonstrators, according to the statement. It said it would review the situation later in the afternoon, giving no details.

The protesters caused "a bit of a nuisance on the floor," said Rob Laughlin, managing director of GNI Man Financial. "We're checking to make sure everything is safe before we open again."

Demonstrators continued their protest outside the exchange after the incident, police said. It was not clear if the two protesters who got into the building would face charges.

The Associated Press
Monday, March 17, 2003; 10:52 AM

by Chris
If you're serious about:

" Uproot the system behind the war (and behind the war at home -- racism, poverty...)...."

and not just looking to protest for protest's sake, then you should also use as *little as possible* of the products produced by our evil, racist, capitalist system.

Some of these products are:

1. Computers
2. Internet
3. Electricity
4. Heat
5. Bikes
6. Skateboards
7. Refrigeration
8. Coffee

These are just some of the many things that are produced by our evil system. If you use them, you support the system you hate. (As long as you live in the US.)

Perhaps there is some other country you'd feel better living in? Some country where you would not be exploited as much as you are here?

If you could get together and form a working model of what you *do want*, then perhaps people will be more willing to listen. However, you can't produce that model while living here because you would be taking advantage of the things you are against.

I'm willing to listen to what you have to say, if you transform your words and protests into action. Just tearing down and disrupting doesn't convince me of your arguments.

I want to see the system you would replace ours with lived out. There seems to be enough of you to enable you to pool your funds and prove to me that what you would replace our system with will be better than what we have now.

This system must be started without relying on the many products (some of which I listed) of our current racist, capitalist system.

I would consider China or Cuba a legitimate place to form your new system, since they seem to be against many of the things you are. If you can create a new system that we could envy, then you will get what you want.

However, if you aren't willing to model this new system by living it out yourselves *now*, then your words are just empty and have no meaning.

Protesting and distrupting are easy. Creating the new system is not. I don't think our current system is perfect by any means. However, I want to see an alternate system created before giving up this system.

Are you *really* serious about establishing a new system? Then go and establish one. If it's free of all the ills of this system, your example will cause this one to crumple. People will *want* your new system.

by pairofyaks
The "Dragon's Breath" is most likely a form of butyric acid. The anti-abortionists popularized it in their clinic attacks.
Recipes for the olfactory-oriented resister:
by Mort O. Vasch
The list of intersections and corporate targets for "day after" protests is good, but I'm wondering if anyone has thought of other strategic vulnerabilities--specifically the docks. Remember a little while back when the dock owners locked out the longshore workers union (ILWU) over contract disputes and all the news was about the billions of dollars per day the shut down was costing the economy? I think that the ports are potentially more vulnerable to blockades than the financial district.

I believe the ports are some of the best targets for nonviolent blockades. That is especially true if quiet alliances are made beforehand with the ILWU. They are one of the most well-informed and militant unions left and are in a key position to affect the U.S. economy and its ability to wage war. Even without their support, blockades and occupations could be very successful. With their support, even more so.

The union workers can legally do very little on their own, but if they happen to be sympathetic, can help us enormously. For example, if protesters are on the docks, they can declare it unsafe and refuse to work. If an alliance with them can be made in advance, they could tell us when and where to blockade for maximum effectiveness.

An effective blockade/occupation could start with a handful of affinity groups, but a larger mass action might be more effective.

Imagine thousands of protesters occupying the Port of Oakland (someone was wondering about action sites for the East Bay...) while other groups were tying up the S.F. financial district, while others were taking the bridges... There aren't enough cops in California to control all that.

The first step is talking to dock workers. Who has connections?
by Mort O. Vasch
The list of intersections and corporate targets for "day after" protests is good, but I'm wondering if anyone has thought of other strategic vulnerabilities--specifically the docks. Remember a little while back when the dock owners locked out the longshore workers union (ILWU) over contract disputes and all the news was about the billions of dollars per day the shut down was costing the economy? I think that the ports are potentially more vulnerable to blockades than the financial district.

I believe the ports are some of the best targets for nonviolent blockades. That is especially true if quiet alliances are made beforehand with the ILWU. They are one of the most well-informed and militant unions left and are in a key position to affect the U.S. economy and its ability to wage war. Even without their support, blockades and occupations could be very successful. With their support, even more so.

The union workers can legally do very little on their own, but if they happen to be sympathetic, can help us enormously. For example, if protesters are on the docks, they can declare it unsafe and refuse to work. If an alliance with them can be made in advance, they could tell us when and where to blockade for maximum effectiveness.

An effective blockade/occupation could start with a handful of affinity groups, but a larger mass action might be more effective.

Imagine thousands of protesters occupying the Port of Oakland (someone was wondering about action sites for the East Bay...) while other groups were tying up the S.F. financial district, while others were taking the bridges... There aren't enough cops in California to control all that.

The first step is talking to dock workers. Who has connections?
by cp
to chris above,

all those things are made by employees, not 'capitalists'. A small business owner isn't a capitalist. A capitalist is someone whose income comes from their control of large sums of money, and they direct things from the top. Let's take coffee or computers from your list. The people who pick coffee, and the people who drive trucks of coffee aren't paid so much - a large part of the world has coffee as one of its only cash crops, and they have driven the price down by overproduction, and the bean pickers in Vietnam, Indonesia, Central America, parts of africa are famously poor and often have to resort to drug production to survive. You'd think, in terms of microeconomics, that this glut of coffee would make the price really cheap here, yet cups of coffee often cost $2.50, despite $.02 of that going to the picker, and $.40 to the cafe worker. So show me why the owner and manager of the operation provided the cup of coffee or did any sort of great service to the customer.
by Mud
..."Right's Winning"
(To be sung to R.E.M.'s "Nightswimming")

Fight Tyranny...Bold Warriors of the Right!!

We must ignore the Media Whore'd, they sold out long ago...
Spins the Truth backwards so the Sheeple doze.
Clinton, he ain't Tyrants, Liberty's a curse!
Nation needs The Right to lead her...we'll SLAUGHTER Hatred first...
That's our solemn pledge! Slick's goons must feel our might!!

Right's Winning...the Truth will come to light!!
Must make sure all the Sheeple understand.
We shan't let Traitors go...Bill Clinton must be caught!!
We'll avenge the Waco Slaughter...this Emperor, he's naked!
Bill's crimes won't go Justice ev'ryday!!
Right's winning...remember as we fight...
November's coming soon...Right's shooting for the moon!!

Slick, watch my dreams come true!!
Re-Impeached by Congress...convicted of Treason!!
Your vile style forever's God's design...Right's Winning!!

Bill, your wife, she hates/is you...Slick, we will soon judge...
Guilty of Vile Tyranny!! I sit here laughin' quietly...
MUD predicted this...Right's Winning!!


Ignore the Left's protests...they love Slick 'cuz Left's ALL VILE!
Right's winning...come join the Noble Right...
Come join our Righteous Fight!!

by suggestion box
You know, something should do something about the Dewey memorial.
Dewey was pretty much everything we're protesting against with the whole Iraq thing- he's a total Imperialist model, and it's sick that there's a memorial for him sitting in the middle of Union Square.

Somebody should do something about that.
by suggestion box
You know, something should do something about the Dewey memorial.
Dewey was pretty much everything we're protesting against with the whole Iraq thing- he's a total Imperialist model, and it's sick that there's a memorial for him sitting in the middle of Union Square.

Somebody should do something about that.
by Carl
The tone of many Direct Action articles, while attempting to be inclusive, are in fact isolating. By veering away from clear, factual information and pleas for assistance and using instead the language and culture of the late 1960's hippy movement, Direct Action turns away perhaps hundreds of new recruits who oppose the war but do not fit in culturally with the far-right, "protester type".

We might take a tip from the Left, who are far more organized and funded than our artist self?s. Using cute menu analogies only adds a level of indirectness and uncalled for lightness and adds nothing useful to the cause. "..Performance, street murals, gardening, large sculpture, die-ins?", Not everyone who is against the war wears comfortable, loose fitting clothes and bakes their own whole wheat bread.

Let's get people who don't already agree with us involved.
by shannon (sofabass [at]
Just sorta thought about it today...what if everyone officially withdrew his or her money from the bank if they officially go to war? Any economic wizards out there. Is the idea too confrontational. I think the banking system (gov't) would freak. The average person might just do that, its not really too much of a risk.

by Shannon
Take your money out of the banks. Put it in credit unions.

Don't hurt the working people riding buses; disrupt the TV stations that lie to them.
by Laurie
What is so great about tight fitting clothes? You can't breathe in them. What in the world is wrong with gardening, performance, street murals, large sculptures, and die-ins? Isn't any one allowed to have any fun? Why so repressed? Repression isn't good for the body, mind, heart or soul!
by saartje
I agree with you whole-heartedly. Not only do too many activists preach to the choir - but they also alienate and aggravate those who aren't a part of the movement. Activists who like to simplify things take a "fuck you" attitude towards those who don't get involved, calling names and appealing to their sense of guilt and need to fit in.
I would be much more involved if so many of the activists I meet weren't:
1. rich white hippies who have the time and funds to bake their own bread and skip work to protest
2. really damn pleased with themselves all the time.

The menu thing bothered me as well. I'm not really the papier mache puppet type - and neither are a lot of people. The desire to fight capitalism and getting away from all the bourgeoise nonsense, which I know for many activists is central, might not appeal to those into fashion, or their cars, or their Victorian remodels. I'm sure this is frustrating. But a lot of those people are against the war too, and this is a time to try and appeal to everyone and include everyone.

The reponse "What is so great about tight fitting clothes? You can't breathe in them. What in the world is wrong with gardening...Repression isn't good for the body, mind, heart or soul!" is a really good example of the problem. No one's saying anything is wrong with gardening. No one's saying you gotta go to the protest in go-go boots and a mini skirt. Protests should be about having fun. But that shouldn't be the focus. Discussing where you should meet with your puppets at the expense of including actual information is kind of silly. And saying that other people are repressed because they don't share your sense of style or paint street murals is not going to help the cause. It is judgemental, alienating, and it will damage the movement.

Revolution takes more than a tiny group of people who all think alike. Actual change will require some compromise. But that is what makes it all the more interesting. You don't want a homogenous nation anyway, do you?

by what are we? (whatarewe [at]
check out this awesome song called "Bad Boy" about the Bush regime at:

Here are the lyrics:

Bad Boy by Chris Vibberts

stop pretending to give me the news
when what you say isn’t what you choose
the voice is big money corporations
they own this land and they own you too

don’t pretend that you’re leading the free
when you’re the biggest slave there will ever be
your little black heart wouldn’t beat again
if the oil stopped flowing through your i.v.

you’re a bad bad boy
but your mother must be very glad
to have raised a boy who’s just like his dad

you’re the sickest little puppet that I’ve ever seen
every money market has their hand up your sleeve
all the recent polls measure your success
by the numbers you kill for the family regime

the record’s yours isn’t that great
the most executions performed in one state
you were always an under-achiever
but now the world’s record is not too late

you’re a bad bad boy
but your mother must be very glad
to watch her boy turn out like his dad

you’re a bad bad boy
but your brother’s such a giving lad
‘cause he paved the way for what you have


you’re a bad bad boy
but your mother must be very glad
to have raised a boy who’s just like his dad

you’re a bad bad boy
but your brother’s such a giving lad
‘cause he paved the way for what you have

oh stop pretending to feel so bad
at least your home is not in Iraq
you’ll never have to live like that
with no power to stop the attacks
that bomb your homeland and leave it flat
well I guess it once happened here like that
but you already forgot that it had
we all paid for it that’s why we’re taxed
yes we feel bad and that’s a fact

copyright 2002
by Mr. Nader
If i am to defend my country as you have said, what gun do you recommend to pick off the targets?
by nicholas (nkt [at]
Ridiculous! Iraq poses no threat to the US. What is the rush?
Inspect him for the next 20 yrs, and in the meantime address the humanitarian crisis in Iraq. There's no excuse for this perpetration of unnecessary violence.

Hey talking with many people from management levels in the above companies we are ready to resist. We are ready to show up late for work on the streets in our suits on "the other side". We will harass cops with attitude - "why can't i get to work?" "If this is the best that asshole GWB can provide I'm selling him short" "Goddamn it if this is what dollars buy, EUROS are a better return" etc etc etc - Look out for us, SUITS! wearing "kick me" posters on our backs e.g. "I'm working for peace ask me how" etc. We are on our side, we will sit and distract the cops, we will ask to speak to their superiors, we are mostly in our 40s with kids in high schools, we don't want them going to war. We will work with you on the inside.
Thank you for doing this.
by consulategroup
on behalf of the local consular group workers, we are ready to go slow tomorrow. We must resist this!

We will spend tomorrow complaining to the local federal authorities about the delays. We will exert as much diplomatic pressure as possible (without false faxes or telephone calls, as some deem okay)

We are the true insiders, ready to support the movement, we have seen the lies.

Rise up! The time is now!
by dren
Finally! A civil war in our lifetime! I can see the news cameras covering the blood bath as the few hicks of No Cal rip out the Rambo oozies they keep under the bed and start picking off protesters from clock towers.

Then, in an emergency act of congress, No Cal secedes from the nation of the "permanent war economy" and rivals Japan as an international leader in technology.
by No to P2OG
Hey "SHOOT TO KILL" you are a traitor to the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights!
If you plan on shooting people, my advice is this:SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FAMILY FIRST!
Those will be the LAST shots you ever fire!
I'm NOT joking!
by No to P2OG
Hey "SHOOT TO KILL" you are a traitor to the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights!
If you plan on shooting people, my advice is this:SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FAMILY FIRST!
Those will be the LAST shots you ever fire!
I'm NOT joking!



by tyranny first responder
To the guy with the anti-Clinton post:I AGREE!
Clinton is no "liberal" and Bush is no "conservative"!
What are they?Mass-murdering, constitution shredding, phoney terror propagating dictatorial TRASH!
We must all unite against our "leaders".Left/Right whatever!Left/Right?What a fucking joke!
by dren
The people with the "we love saddam" sign were speaking ironically in the voice of the US administration that put Saddam into power when we sent him all those weapons to bomb Iran.

In order to love Saddam, I would have to love the Reagan-Bush dynasty that planted him into his current reign.

Personally, I'm through with all politicians who abuse interpretations of Abrahmic religions to fuel the fires of racism and keep their own regimes in fear of others.

Iraq, Israel, US...what's the diff? Go ahead, say "God told me to kill you." Say it with a clear concience. Tell it to your teacher, tell it to your mom. Who would Jesus bomb?
by tyranny first responder
To the guy with the anti-Clinton post:I AGREE!
Clinton is no "liberal" and Bush is no "conservative"!
What are they?Mass-murdering, constitution shredding, phoney terror propagating dictatorial TRASH!
We must all unite against our "leaders".Left/Right whatever!Left/Right?What a fucking joke!
by chris (chris [at]
If anyone saw officer Gonzalez (badge no #1372 I believe) hit me in the back this morning it would be great if you could email me. I plan on filing a complaint .

(me = tall white guy, blue hoodie, black blackpack, blue jeans, black shoes)
by aum


No roudy students breaking windows. Police would be faced with the task of making arrests without anger. No one shouting in their faces. No fists waving.

Just the shock and awe of thousands marching. And the only sound is the patter of feet.

Dowload handbill or T-shirt design here:IMAGINE.SILENCE.pdf (105k)

by Toby (survision [at]
I strenuously object to the word PIGS being used in coverage of the demonstrations. While i fully support your incredible efforts and reporting, and want to see Bush and his morons stop their war effort, you lower yourselves by using stupid terms such as pigs. they are there to keep the peace, and they are Police Officers.. Just say Police or Law Enforcement.... Sound and look intelligent - you will be respected for that
by ME
I agree, at least sound intelligent.

Here is a GREAT IDEA!!!!

why dont all those that need to protest the war, direct their efforts in a constructive effort like helping as a volunteer in one of the soon to be charity food relief programs for the people of Iraq.

just think, our streets will be cleared and your message will be heard in the form of love and not hate or negativity by those that support this country and it's leadership in a time of war.

my two cents
by Joan Haddaseh Baez
On Monday night, President Bush gave a brilliant, factual and logical explanation for why we are about to go to war in Iraq.

I know that among the liberal community it is not "in" to support our president. I know how many of the limousine liberals long for the prince of perversion, Bill Clinton. But after listening to President Bush's speech, I am really proud that I voted for him, and I am glad that he is our commander in chief.

I am not your typical Republican. In fact, until Bill and Hillary Clinton came on the national scene, I was a Democrat. But I carefully followed the Clinton administration, and I have no problem saying that this guy Clinton raped the American people and belongs in prison.

If anything, the Bush administration has been too lenient in not investigating the abuses of power during the Clinton administration. The lawbreaking surrounding the slew of Clinton pardons alone is enough to land him in prison for a hundred years!

Just read the late Barbara Olson's book "The Final Days," which details the abuse of power and blatant corruption surrounding the Clinton pardons.

I am nauseated when I see actors, rock stars and other limousine liberals attacking our president, as they imply that Saddam Hussein is a victim of an unjust American form of aggression.

I don't mean to rain on Susan Sarandon or Martin Sheen's parade, but please allow me to quote from an op-ed piece in the L.A. Times of Monday, March 17, 2003. In her article, Esra Naama, an Iraqi refugee, says that stars who decry action against Hussein prolong the abuse of a people.

George W. Bush is probably the greatest president since Harry Truman. He has the courage to follow through on the right course, and he is not swayed by the spineless countries of this world (i.e., France) that put oil contracts ahead of the sanctity of human life. I voted for George Bush because he represents my point of view on just about everything, from the death penalty to abortion, from national defense to economic reform and self-reliance.

Saddam Hussein is a brutal dictator who has flaunted all forms of international law during the past 12 years. While people in this country are lighting candles, Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the genocide of his own people, barbaric torture and rape of thousands of women, and has amassed arsenals of nerve gas, chemical weapons and nuclear weapons. These are not just allegations; they are documented facts.

Says Esra Naama in the L.A. Times:

"I am a refugee from Saddam Hussein's Iraq. When Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, and Barbra Streisand speak about the Iraqi people, they are not speaking about people like me, who are Shiite Muslims – the largest religious group in Iraq that is nonetheless forced to live as second-class citizens under the Sunni regime of Hussein and his Baath Party. ...

"When I was 10, I fled Iraq with my mother and four siblings after the failure of the 1991 uprising against Hussein. ... At that time, we believed that the coalition forces would come to our aid. But within a few days, Hussein brutally crushed us. In the months that followed, tens of thousands of my fellow Shiite Muslims were executed. Entire families were killed. Bodies were left to hang on trees and men were tortured in public. These are the scenes that I relive in my nightmares."

Luckily, Esra Naama and her family escaped to the freedom of the United States, but many of her fellow Iraqis were exterminated by the despot Saddam Hussein.

Naama concludes:

"I am an American now, and I have been educated to respect the right to free expression by any citizen, a right no member of my family enjoyed when we lived in Iraq. I know from personal experience that the Hollywood actors who decry action against Hussein are really opposing the liberation of the Iraqi people. I wish they would praise the American troops in the field or just stay silent."

These are the words of an Iraqi who has lived under the tyranny of Saddam Hussein. Mr. Sheen, do you remember the extermination camps of Hitler in World War II? Susan Sarandon, do you remember when American GIs liberated those about to join the millions who had already died in Auschwitz, Dachau and Bergen-Belsen?

Well, Saddam Hussein is as bad as Hitler! As we are on the verge of war, I pray daily for the well-being and safety of our fighting men and women who are risking their lives for the freedom of those like Susan Sarandon, Janeane Garafolo and Martin Sheen.

I only wish these Hollywood stars cared as much about our own children, our own mothers and fathers, our cousins, nieces and nephews, as they care about the Iraqi people!

Never have I been prouder to be an American than I am tonight! God bless President Bush!

I welcome your comments.

The elderly, poor, and minorities of SF are now at risk thanks to the rioters.

Ambulance and Fire services are handcuffed now because they can't travel through the clogged city streets.

If a house burns down, there will be no fire truck to douse it, thanks to the selfish rioters.

Me too. Don't slander pigs like that. Pigs are noble animals, smarter than dogs, which is more than you can say for the police. The police aren't like pigs at all. They are more like hyenas, only uglier, and they smell worse.
by Tim Hill
I'm afraid a new system will only rise from the ashes of what is the end stage of corporate greed. The models exist for a socialist democracy. There is enough wealth in the world to support this. However, there is a certain 4% ot the population that hold all the marbles, that are making money on the backs of people and making products other than bicycles and coffee. They make 21,000# bombs and pestisides and cars that get 12 miles to the gallon. They own 99% of the airwaves and television and they propagandize to such an obsene extent that they can make some believe that this war is popular and that I need 30 changes of clothes made by slaves. The pendulum is swinging the other way now. It's time to practice sharing and compassion. turn off the TV and get out and touch the Earth. Don't make it sound so complicated. It is a choice one makes when one has been illuminated with the desire to do no harm.

A weaning process is necessary to get off of the habit of mass consumption. The better model will come in to being when education takes precedence over profit. When people make choices to set up microcosmic trade that sustains their geograpy and ecosystem. Change starts with a shift in consciousness. This shift is palpable now. Come on over to the light side so that you might enjoy the blessing that was intended for us all. A peaceful green planet shared by all in moderation.

Sincerely , Tim Hill
by Free Palestine (roderune [at]
"Well, Saddam Hussein is as bad as Hitler! As we are on the verge of war, I pray daily for the well-being and safety of our fighting men and women who are risking their lives for the freedom of those like Susan Sarandon, Janeane Garafolo and Martin Sheen"

Ariel Sharon is like Hitler also, maybe more so. Zionist Israel's war against the Palestinian people has gone on for 40 + years, and now the far right Likud party is pushing to chase the Palestinians out of Israel. Here in America the Zionists are supported by the Christian Coalition, all whom are ready for "Rapture" (armegeddon)..

Our freedom is not threatened by Saddam, only our oil supply. If the American SUV gas pigs toned down their driving, we wouldn't be involved w/ Iraq, and if the petrochemical industries let us grow hemp for biodiesel, no war needed..

Yes, Saddam is a brutal fiend. That does not make it right for America to interfere with their lives by bombing and invading (colonialism). The imperialist tactics of America are about capturing oil, not liberating people. If American troops came home, Saddam would be dealt with by the Iraqi people, but this revolution cannot occur as long as American imperialist meddlers are there..

Another frontin' idealoghues opinion..

by Free Palestine (roderune [at]
"Well, Saddam Hussein is as bad as Hitler! As we are on the verge of war, I pray daily for the well-being and safety of our fighting men and women who are risking their lives for the freedom of those like Susan Sarandon, Janeane Garafolo and Martin Sheen"

Ariel Sharon is like Hitler also, maybe more so. Zionist Israel's war against the Palestinian people has gone on for 40 + years, and now the far right Likud party is pushing to chase the Palestinians out of Israel. Here in America the Zionists are supported by the Christian Coalition, all whom are ready for "Rapture" (armegeddon)..

Our freedom is not threatened by Saddam, only our oil supply. If the American SUV gas pigs toned down their driving, we wouldn't be involved w/ Iraq, and if the petrochemical industries let us grow hemp for biodiesel, no war needed..

Yes, Saddam is a brutal fiend. That does not make it right for America to interfere with their lives by bombing and invading (colonialism). The imperialist tactics of America are about capturing oil, not liberating people. If American troops came home, Saddam would be dealt with by the Iraqi people, but this revolution cannot occur as long as American imperialist meddlers are there..

Another frontin' idealoghues opinion..

by Free Palestine (roderune [at]
Responding to;

"Well, Saddam Hussein is as bad as Hitler! As we are on the verge of war, I pray daily for the well-being and safety of our fighting men and women who are risking their lives for the freedom of those like Susan Sarandon, Janeane Garafolo and Martin Sheen"

Ariel Sharon is like Hitler also, maybe more so. Zionist Israel's war against the Palestinian people has gone on for 40 + years, and now the far right Likud party is pushing to chase the Palestinians out of Israel. Here in America the Zionists are supported by the Christian Coalition, all whom are ready for "Rapture" (armegeddon)..

Our freedom is not threatened by Saddam, only our oil supply. If the American SUV gas pigs toned down their driving, we wouldn't be involved w/ Iraq, and if the petrochemical industries let us grow hemp for biodiesel, no war needed..

Yes, Saddam is a brutal fiend. That does not make it right for America to interfere with their lives by bombing and invading (colonialism). The imperialist tactics of America are about capturing oil, not liberating people. If American troops came home, Saddam would be dealt with by the Iraqi people, but this revolution cannot occur as long as American imperialist meddlers are there..

Another frontin' idealoghues opinion..

by Free Palestine (roderune [at]
Responding to;

"Well, Saddam Hussein is as bad as Hitler! As we are on the verge of war, I pray daily for the well-being and safety of our fighting men and women who are risking their lives for the freedom of those like Susan Sarandon, Janeane Garafolo and Martin Sheen"

Ariel Sharon is like Hitler also, maybe more so. Zionist Israel's war against the Palestinian people has gone on for 40 + years, and now the far right Likud party is pushing to chase the Palestinians out of Israel. Here in America the Zionists are supported by the Christian Coalition, all whom are ready for "Rapture" (armegeddon)..

Our freedom is not threatened by Saddam, only our oil supply. If the American SUV gas pigs toned down their driving, we wouldn't be involved w/ Iraq, and if the petrochemical industries let us grow hemp for biodiesel, no war needed..

Yes, Saddam is a brutal fiend. That does not make it right for America to interfere with their lives by bombing and invading (colonialism). The imperialist tactics of America are about capturing oil, not liberating people. If American troops came home, Saddam would be dealt with by the Iraqi people, but this revolution cannot occur as long as American imperialist meddlers are there..

Another frontin' idealoghues opinion..

by Officer Sanchez
"If anyone saw officer Gonzalez (badge no #1372 I believe) hit me in the back this morning it would be great if you could email me. I plan on filing a complaint .

(me = tall white guy, blue hoodie, black blackpack, blue jeans, black shoes)"

This is leftist protest bullshit in a microcosm - a young white punk wants to get a hispanic civil servant fired for doing his job. What do you do for a living Chris? I bet mommy and daddy support you so that you can spent your days "smashing the establishment". I'm sorry the police officer didn't put a bullet between your eyes, asshole poser.

by Officer Gonzales
If anyone saw a guy names Chris (tall white guy, blue hoodie, black blackpack, blue jeans, black shoes) who I hit in the back this morning it would be great if you could email me. I plan on finding his scrawny white ass and hitting him again, this time in the head.

by smarter than u
1. if officer gonzalez was just doing his job, then he should have nothing to fear. isn't that right? how is a cop going to get fired for doing what he's supposed to be doing, dumbass.

2. if beating people is "doing his job", then yes he should be fired, and what's more, that "job" shouldn't be funded by the city dime.

3. ain't no reason to be race baiting right now. to even try to get into white vs. latino right now stinks of COINTELPRO-style fomenting of dischord used against african americans in the 60s and 70s. the people who incite race-based anger are usually doing it strategically, whether they're undercover plants, or just plain bullies.

4. trying to characterize protesters as white, parent-supported youngsters shows your strategy of trying to divide us by use of the most emotionally loaded stereotypes available to you. we are people from all races and walks of life. we are full of life, optimism, hope, and passion.

any problems with parents supporting their children? if your mommy and daddy didn't help you when you were growing up, maybe you should find them and talk to them about it, instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off blaming your inadequate childhood on others who benefitted from supportive, loving family environments. your comments implictly suggest that one should be proud of being neglected, and ashamed of being supported. idiot!


by LOL

Hahha.. your "protests" will achieve nothing other than exposing your idiocy.

Got to go.. I am gonna put the snow plow on my big ole gas guzzling V-10 F350 and head to San Fran to do some "street sweeping"

by chris (chris [at]
hi you funny funny officer gonzales guys, the only reason i came here was because a monitor told me about the site after the cop hit me.

i was GOING to work when he struck me in the back. i was NOT protesting, just walking down the fucking street when he hit me. how is that even remotely right?
by chris (chris [at]
Hi there you funny guys, unfortunately your assumptions are way off. All I was doing was walking to work when the officer hit me in the back, thats right I was NOT protesting.

You have some serious issues if you think race has anything to do with it, the simple fact is there is no way I should have been hit in the back by a cop while walking to work.

Thats all there is to it.
by aden
dear all from San Francisco!

I'm a french student and i'm happy to know what you're doing in your country. This war in Irak is illegal and it's very important to know that because what will happen in the futur if we (the people) admit this kind of war? Even Saddam is a dictator, the only need for the Iraki population is two good snipers to kill him and no a full army.
I hope that all what we can show to the differents government in the world (even the french one) will show them that they have to care about what the population think about the way to rule the world.
I hope the less possible civilians will be killed in this war.
I support you, and know that the french population is not against the american population (even US TV say it), only against the american government, and that we didn't forget what the american population did for us during the WW2.

Please take care for your freedom in your country and for freedom in the world.
Enjoy life

With all my frienship

nb: sorry for the mistakes i did, my english is may be not so good
by me


by Marley Fowat (marleyfowat [at]
If you were wrongfully arrested in San Francisco on Thursday 20 March near Mission and 7th or know someone who was, here is information about a class action suit against the city and the police department for wrongful arrest. This info applies also to people who were wrongfully arrested in other parts of the city. Pit the parts of the system against each other and take advantage of their own competition for power. Pass this on.

Ishmael Tarikh, the director of Bay Area Police Watch says he wants to file a class action suit against the city within the next 10 days if he has 15 to 20 people come forward. SF Lawyers Guild is also interested in representing suits against the city for police misconduct.

Here's who you should call

415.951.4844 x228 Bay Area Police Watch Director Ishmael Tarikh
415.285.1011 San Francisco Lawyers Guild Legal Aid
415.553.9530 San Francisco Attorney's General Office

As for the citation you were issued for Failure to Disperse, the police are obligated to order the crowd to disperse as well as give them the opportunity. Neither happened. As for blocking traffic, unless the police have video of you in the street, they would be unable to prove that you were not on the sidewalk at the time the police arrested you. At your arraignment hearing on the 19th, 20th, or 21st, plead Not Guilty to both charges, and make them take it to court. At that point, the police dept will have to produce proof that you committed a crime or exonerate you.

Marley Fowat
by ali agbah
who feeds the protesters, government or family, it sure isnt themselves.
Get a job retards
by barbara bushy
much love to all the protesters,my husband big georgy has lost it.he's been hitting the glass dick too much and is on a rampage(he was bullied in skool)please feel free to use any means neccesarry to take his ass out!!!
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