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Police State
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Indybay Feature

Oakland Raiders Riot: Wooden Bullets Used

by foto
These are pictures of the wooden bullets used by Oakland Police and Alameda County Sherriff during the Oakland Raiders Super Bowl riot. They were used as a way to disperse non-violent crowds, with a rapid-fire gun shooting them.
§a closer view
by foto
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by Oaktown Guy
I just got home to hear about the "riot"on the radio.Do you think this is more of a college type frat boy rampage or more like a Sixties "ghetto uprising"?Intereted in your perspectives
by oaktown
This was in East Oakland along International Blvd! It was mostly black and mexican people, with white people and asian people also. East Oakland represented!!! I think all the fratboys and their "alternative counterparts" are up in berkeley
by darkat
Mindless Holliganism...They may not be frat boys, but they act the same, trashing our neighborhoods in the name of "sports" THe Helicopters were overhead all night and the air was full of tear gas...There seemed to be very little political intent in the disturbances...A lot of teenagers and young people who somehow though it would be cool to "fuck shit up". I didn't appreciate the police presence and I didn't appreciate the fans thoughtless lawlessness. If you're gonna buck the system do it for a reason, not for some stupid sports event...The whole thing seemed they are ppushing peoples buttons, and preparing for large scale war against the public on our own streets. No sir I didn't like it. Trash your own neighborhoods, but stay out of ours!
by Vincent St. John

Where the fuck does the owner of that McDonalds franchise live? Upper East-side New York City? Beverly Hills? Marin County? Hillsborough? PROBABLY!

But NOT in the 'hood of Hunter's Point or Fruitvale or Richmond or the ACORN projects in East and West Oaktown!

So how the fuck are "those" people burning down their own neighborhood? Did you see any slummy tenements or dilapidated housing burning? FUCK NO!

But maybe we should of. People were rebelling against the brutal, impoverished lives they are forced to live by this inhuman, brutal capitalist system. They were fighting the thugs--the pigs--who terrorized their lives daily. Through negating the negation of themselves, they were struggling to create a better world. Maybe they, themselves, weren't completely conscious of it, but their critique in actions was the expression of the revolutionary impulse all--O.K., almost all--of us have latently in our hearts.

Check out a prank radicals pulled on Hebert Marcuse in attributing a pamphlet to him after the riots related to the Chicano Moratorium in East L.A. in 1970:

Good Rioting to All of My Comrades,

by fernan
frat boys are not militantly oppressed 24-7 like the residents of fruitvale......frat boys are the oppressors in training.

big difference.
by blah
Since you called me a "right wing piece of shit" on another thread for bringing up the point below, I'll answer your post with the following:

<why the left is dangerous> Vincent, you leftist authoritarian piece of shit, how is it that you became the judge of what is and is not fit to burn? Or, perhaps you'd like to see a "people's tribunal" on the matter? </why the left is dangerous>

by Uber-Nerd
I can't believe that some of you people out there believe that the "riots" of Oakland were something more than American Hooliganism.


The English, Germans, Italians, Russians, and occassionally the Japanese riot when their soccer teams loose.

It's simple over-bearing pride and beer fueled stupidity!!

by blah
Absolutely right, UberNerd.

Drinking+crowd+boredom= riot.
So I called your bluff and researched the owner in question. As near as I can tell by the news reports, this was the address of the vandalized McDonald's:

2520 E 12th St
Oakland, CA 94601-1502

As you might expect, finding out the owner was not easy, in fact I can't say that I definitively have. However, I did track down one Edith Duvall; the owner/operator of three McDonald's restaurants in Oakland, CA. She also happens to be the winner of one gold and two silver track & field medals from the 1964 Olympic games in Tokyo.

The only other information I could find comes from this person's account of a booklet...

September 3, 2000 | 12:00 AM
So I'm over at McDonald's a couple hours ago, and there's a sticker on the drive-up window advertising their Little Known Black History Facts booklet. I ask for one, get a strange look, and am handed a copy of the booklet.

Does it make me a bad person that I immediately expected this booklet to have some McDonald's propaganda hidden in this otherwise educational media? I certainly hope so. And I didn't have to look far -- the book opened to the center, where the staples held the it together, and there was Edith Duvall, who apparently won three medals in the 1964 Tokyo Games, and then went on to become a McDonald's manager. Just shows to go that you can have a dream, achieve it, and your life might just end up sucking anyway.

...Now I don't know if her life "sucked," but I think I've shown enough evidence to smash your hateful portrayal that franchise owners are fithy, rotten, greedy people.

Unless of course that's your impression of Edith Duvall
by wrong address
Wrong address, dumbass.

That wasn't even close. That's not the right McDonalds at all.

Do you even live near Oakland? Cuz any moron knows that McDonalds you found is nowhere near where shit was happening.

Try again, dipshit.
by hate smasher
The McDonald's is in Oakland, right?

Edith Duvall owns three franchises in Oakland, right?

So you might have smashed up her business and not even thought two-seconds about who you were hurting, right?

Take a look in the mirror pal, your dipped yourself in the stuff right up to your big, dumb mouth
by Loise Michel
Do even live anywhere near Oaktown? Do you know where Oaktown is?

Just because some bourgeoise scum owns 3 McDs DOESN'T mean that she owns the one the righteous comrades smashed.

Get your fucking facts right you hate-mongering scumbag.

by um
Im guessing nobody posting here is from E Oakland and there were probably reasons the crowds atacked the buildings they did. Its elitist for both those on the right or left to assume that just because the crowd was sports fans the trashing of buildings and cars was random...
by Joe W.
To be honest with everyone, the petty arguments that happen within us are a waste of time. Even though this is an argument in itself, Unite and resist against the people who want to take the innocence out of this world. It's obvious acts of violence like these only irritate the opressor, if you want to make a differance become one of the opressors then destroy from within. Change policies so that police, government and military services are accountable for human life just like we all are.
by fernan
i think that address is pretty accurate.

however, it doesn't change the fact that it IS a mcdonald's and who knows, maybe some of the people that trashed it were unjustly fired from there or were treated badly there as customers....there are many reasons to be angry at a place of business.

the bottom line, the "riots" weren't fueled by any your (collectively) bourgeois notions of what the lumpen are supposed to be, but we oaklanders hate cops.
we hate corporate america.
cops and corporate america oppress us every day, all day long.

we don't have any rainforests here, and most of us have never read mao, marx, goldman or lenin.
we just have brutal cops and exploitative jobs, and that is what we know.

don't tie your white bourgeois theories on us, cuz you will never understand until you walk a couple of blocks in our shoes.
by blah
"we oaklanders hate cops. we hate corporate america.
cops and corporate america oppress us every day, all day long"

You don't speak for all Oaklanders, neither do I, and neither does anyone else. Stop being a vanguardist already! It is getting SO old.

BTW, I live in Oakland, and I disagree with every one of the quoted statements.
by Darkat
I live in East Oakland. A block from e 14th and high st to be exact. I think the Riots last night and last weekend were fucking bullshit. Y'all didn't change shit except to maybe give "The Man" more reason to put more cops on the street. Maybe you burned your neighbors car, so he couldn't get to work in the morning. Or maybe you don't live around here, so you don't witness the damage on a real level. THis is a community, people live here. If you want to trash the capitalist system, go downtown and smash up the courthouse, or the police station, but don't hurt your community, cuz in the end, you only hurt yourself. Hooligism isn't a racial term, it's a term for dumb fuckers who think that violence is the answer. Get your head out of your asshole. Your not very "revolutionary" for burning your commmunity. You want to be revolutinary? Try not feeding into the fear and madness perpeptuated by the Media and corporate Oligarchies. Try thinking for yourself. NOw that would be revolutinary.
by Jane Doe
Was around 63rd and E. 14th. That's about 35 blocks away from the address that was listed here. Not so accurate.

And how the HELL do you know that that's the same Edith Duvall who was in the Olympics, and why the HELL does it matter anyway? And I'm sorry, being fired or treated badly by or in that McDonalds does NOT give anyone the right to set fire to it.
by hate smasher
Why don't you check out the links (see above) for Edith Duvall?
by Curious
Apart from game oriented revenue such as apparel,
ticket sales- concessions, tourism, etc.--

are there other ways that the Oakland Raider's franchise contributes to the local community?
by well, for one thing,
they're a damn fine excuse to raise hell, for those who still need an excuse.
by Jane Doe

True, they are typical PR type things, but it IS giving back, and much better than not doing anything at all.

I also know of players who have made appearances at elementary schools, just because they were asked.
by TA
"being fired or treated badly by or in that McDonalds does NOT give anyone the right to set fire to it"

I love it, people protecting McDonalds! I think if someone's going to light something public on fire, there's nothing about 'rights' happening there. It's way past that. And McD's, with all it's associated grease, might be the most likely to explode and create more fun.

Fact is , people would live years longer without these junk houses murdering them slowly. Fast food is like slow crack or an alcohol IV - it kills. Didn't you ever hear the comparison? One hamburger is the same as 18 pats of butter? You might as well have a bowl of butter for dinner.

Maybe the fast food places will shut down in the area - victory!
by Homer
Mmmmmmmm. Butter.
by Burger King Rules
flame broiled not fried
by reporter
In fact, in the last few years, McDonalds have been attacked all over the world, and the corporation has had to withdraw from some countries entirely. People are sick and tired of mass produced poison factories pretending to be "food and nourishment" for a society. For many working people, a greasy gross hamburger is the quickest and cheapest way they can keep their life moving forward on the run.

by responsibility And Treating ourselves
Its about responsibility And Treating ourselves to the best foods.
by responsibility And Treating ourselves
Its about responsibility And Treating ourselves to the best foods.
by paul (Paul_j_laz [at]
When are we gonna realize that we would do better without the police then with them. Violence in any form is cruel and unusual punishment but most of all for the authorities to be using such a painful tactic to break up NON-VIOLENT crowds is disgusting. We need to put an end to this. It isn't right.
by fuck mcdonalds owners
fuck the biggest sloughterhouse in the world. fuck the police that imprison 1 million blacks today. fuck the entire system that is going to war with iraq next month , next week, or tomorrow. fuck right wing dipshits who would send their own kids to die in a stupid war that will only benefit the weapons industry and the rockefellers/exxon. just like idiots who sent their own kids to vietnam cause they believed the republicrat propaganda cliches.
by confused
Is this the message:
McDonald’s franchises are evil
and the Raider loss helped bring
out the truth?

by impartial observer
The cops' impotence brought out the truth. They couldn't even protect Mickey D's. How can they protect the ruling class?
by Partisan observer
Right on! We're getting it. Capitalism and it's cop defenders are like a house of cards. Let's topple them.
by 1/28

Editor -- You should warn your readers that the Oakland riots were a tea party compared with what is going to happen when President Bush attacks Iraq. I know because I was one of the unfortunate thousands of people trapped in downtown San Francisco by rioters when George H. W. Bush started the first Gulf War.

It was only after many anxious hours trapped in my office that I was able to drive back home to Concord. Even then, I had to pass a lot of angry protesters held back by the police. You can bet the riots this time will be much worse because, unlike Bush I's war, Bush II's war is hugely unpopular.


by mr rogers
I dig it that people who proclaim liberty and freedom turn around and want to tell other people how to live, and what to eat, and what to like and not like, and what is a good economic system and what isn't, and who are our friends and who isn't, and who we should fight and who we shouldn't, and that people who disagree and don't see things as they see them are weakminded. Boy, I sure hope the world become full of people who are exact stamped-out little clones of you one day cause, you know, things will be better then. You told us so.
and SF-IMC reporters will be right there in the thick of it, reporting on the action, because that's our job. And we'll be able to do it because the rioters wont hurt us or trash our vehicles. Why not? Because they know that, unlike the corprate media, we'll tell the truth about them, about what they are doing and about why they are doing it. And we'll let them tell it in their own words.

So if you want to know what really happening out there, forget the TV, forget the paper, stay tuned to us. We'll show you the real deal, live on the ground, up close and personal.

by Carl Marks
I'm in complete agreement nessie. Let's turn this opposition to war to opposition to capitalism.

by plans
Why don't YOU tell us? Note:

>Let’s face it, fellow activists, Big Brother is looking over our shoulder 24/7/365. Any plan that we make that requires he doesn’t, will fail. Any plan that also requires that every component function perfectly and every participant be playing at the peak of their game that day, will fail, too. OUR PLANS MUST BE SIMPLE AND FLEXIBLE AND EASY TO EXECUTE. They must be vulnerable neither to surveillant transparency nor to a few of us screwing up that day. I have always thought this was the way plans should be. Yesterday, Superbowl XXXVII proved I’ve been right all along. (emp. mine)

You posted approx. 40 comments yesterday so you obviously have time on your hands. And you claim to be smart. So give us a plan. You claim to know how the working of the plan should be: simple & flexible. You claim to have the experience of years and years of doing this sort of thing. You must have thought of a thing or two. So, what's the plan? How can we best do that?

Seeing that this individual is so smart, he should draw up the "simple" plans from now on, and let's just see how "right " he is. Make him put his money where his mouth is. Let's see the rubber meet the road. Real easy to say "I've been right all along". Whole 'nother thing to draw up a plan and execute it for everyone to see and place it up to criticism.

Keep in mind though, you are getting battle plans from someone who got hit in the head with a brick, something that's needs to be given strong consideration.
by Sam B.
> And as long as capitalism infests our minds, we live beneath the heel of the capitalists.

No, actually you don't, but then you did admit to believing in conspiracy theories.

by plan
You can't even come up with a plan that's "SIMPLE AND FLEXIBLE AND EASY TO EXECUTE"??

Wow, hard brick.
by sparky
The Plan is both simple and flexible. It can be practiced by anyone who disagrees with the way things are going. Ready? STOP PAYING TAXES FINES

Don't pay for your parking tickets; don't renew your driver's license, id, fishing permit; deal in cash-only, under the table transactions; eat your own homegrown vegetables; butcher your own animals; build a house anywhere you want and when they kick you out and tear it down build another one somewhere else. Are they going throw all of us in jail?
by samson
don't buy into a system of greed and lies. Take that extra step to avoid it at all costs, otherwise there can never be a revolution because voices will remain unheard. Make words reflect actions.
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