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Indybay Feature

The last round of the playoffs

by just wondering
is coming up this weekend. What’s the game plan? Inquiring minds want to know. The SF-IMC Sports Department is particularly interested in learning what the game plan is because we want to know where to best position our cameras.

Y’all *do* have a game plan, right?
How many breakaway marches are there going to be three

or four?

Or will there be only one, and it will later rejoin the main march?
by just wondering
Will the breakaway marchers be leaving Civic Center as complete units, or will individuals filter through police lines in twos and threes and then form up into units behind them?
by coach
We will use the 5-3-3 (cover 3) formation. The rabble-rousers will blitz, if it looks as though the cops are going to run a slant through our 2-hole. Their backfield officers are known for faking a handoff, then running a reverse to the left. You hobbits are going to have to roll right. We're down by 61 points, but we can still win this thing with 2:00. Let's show them what we're made of. Dumbrowski! get that thing off your head! Ready? BREAK!!
by nostalgic
In my day, we used the old Kent State hard line formation, or the UCLA wide-slot. Sometimes, we had to fall back to the old UNC quad-left with our flankers exposed. And we sure didn't chicken out and run our breakaways until the tear gas came out. Course that was back in the 60's when we really had things to protest, and knew how to do it. Not like these sissy rookie protesters of today, with your pre-paid bail and cell phones. Heck, you call protesting a maybe-war a protest, and when all you're up against is bean bags? Back in my day, we couldn't sue the cop if he touched you. In my day, you had to want it. None of you guys could hold a peace sign to us in our day. Nosiree.
by reader
Touche, nessie. I usually don't agree with you - okay, almost never - but I do read you. You are the best spokesperson for the side of those issues I disagree with you on.
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