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Time to Impeach Bush

by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
Time to Impeach Bush
Repeal the Patriot Act
Regime Change Begins at Home
Time to Impeach Bush
Repeal the Patriot Act
Regime Change Begins at Home
Wednesday, January 15th, 2003 at Lytton Plaza, in downtown Palo Alto

A year ago, a group of activists marched on Senator Feinstein’s office to meet with Senator Boxer and Senator Feinstein’s staff and to demand a Congressional Investigation of 9-11. We raised a number of questions, including-

What is the relationship between Bin Laden, his family and the Bush family and the Carlyle Group?
Why were no fighter planes dispatched to intercept the four hijacked planes on September 11th , in violation of standard procedures?
What is the U.S. relationship with Pakistan, and especially with its intelligence service, the ISI?
Why did the then director of the ISI have $100,000 transferred to the man whom the FBI now calls the ringleader of the Sept. 11th attacks, and why does the U.S. not pursue this question?
Did the CIA have foreknowledge of the attack, who tried to profit with put options on American, United, Merrill Lynch… stock just before the attack?
Why were the FBI told to not investigate the Bin Laden family links in the US?

Bush and Cheney quickly urged Daschle to “limit the inquiries of 9-11,” which were officially overseen by the C.I.A. and men who deserved to be investigated for their September 11th 2001 breakfast meeting with the “Money Man” behind the attacks. Resisting a nationwide demand for an Independent Commission, Bush finally conceded to create a commission, with very limited parameters, to be overseen by the renowned Henry Kissinger, the war criminal extraordinaire who has repeatedly lied to Congress, and has been working for oil companies very interested in the Caspian Sea Basin. His replacement, Thomas Kean, is hardly an improvement, with oil interests and financial ties to Bin Laden’s brother-in-law.

Just because the government is lying to the American people, and trying to cover-up the truth about 9-11 doesn’t mean that they were guilty of the entire operation, but it does make them a prime suspect, especially when the attack is the “pretext” for aggressive wars over oil resources, the dismantling of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, democracy and dissent at home and abroad. It is also clear that a government that is terrorizing its own people and the world, behaving in a criminal manner, has lost its legitimacy (although with a stolen election there really wasn’t much legitimacy to begin with). Law Professor Francis A. Boyle has kindly offered to draw up articles of impeachment for Bush II (the only thing that stopped Bush I). It behooves those of us who care about peace, planet, democracy, our human fate to demand that our “public servants” rein in our “rogue government” before it inflicts more harm upon us and the world.

On Wednesday, January 15th, 2003 from Lytton Plaza, (University & Emerson) in downtown Palo Alto, we will march on our Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office (a short walk away on Emerson) to demand that she begin the impeachment process against Bush, assist us in repealing the Patriot Act, and preventing further crimes against humanity (a war on Iraq, Colombia, Venezuela or any other oil rich country Bush would like to attack). All are welcome to join us in solidarity or visit your local Congress Critter and urge them to do the right thing.

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by ziggy
click on the following:

you'll get a full interview with him talking about his desire to help Congress start an impeachment. The goal isn't necessarily to impeach in full, but to turn up the political pressure. Boyle believes there are many in Congress that are deeply disturbed about the first stages of a police state, and about hyper-nationalistic foreign policy, and once one or two brave Congresspeople can be won over, many more would fall into the fold. That's he's logic, and it can't hurt to pursue it.
by bov
Hi Carol,
Our group is considering bringing up the impeachment issue with our city council and also to ask Barbara Lee to get involved. There's a issue particularly around Asscroft and a statement that he made which apparently may be grounds for his removal.
by Sam B.
> thanks
by bov • Wednesday January 08, 2003 at 09:41 AM

> Our group is considering bringing up the impeachment issue with our city council and also to ask Barbara Lee to get involved.

Gosh, I'm impressed.
by bov
Glad to hear it Sam B - afterall, not everyone sits online all day and attacks people.
by Sam B.
> Glad to hear it Sam B - after all, not everyone sits online all day and attacks people.

Then why don't you stop, bov?
by Eric
I think you should first impeach every member of your city council for not pressing this issue harder. Then you should impeach every other member of the city government for the same reasons. Then go after the Governor and the state government. Get the Senators (especially that Feinstein fucker) who ignored your protests and don't forget to impeach your members of the House of Representatives. Once you've got the whole state of California's government impeached I'll certainly back you from there on impeaching Bush.

Get Busy.
by ziggy
For what it's worth, Professor Boyle makes a very clear argument about why the focus is on Bush and Ashcroft, first and foremost.

Perhaps your message was just horsing around. But if you're serious, I would recommend that you listen to that radio interview. See:
by ziggy
It's common practice for city councils to pass resolutions on political issues they have no direct impact on. I've read your messages over the last month. Given your demonstrated intelligence and political savvy, it's fair to assume you are well aware that city councils often act in this way.

I welcome your comments and sharp debating ability. But let's not insult our intelligence nor waste our time. If you're going to come to kick our butts, take more care in aiming your smacks. You're better than the above. The above actually makes you look stupid -- a generic agitator.
by Eric
and immediately there were many unsavory things that turned me off to this whole "impeach Bush" rant. Needless to say, after I read the text on that thread, I didn't bother wasting 58 minutes of my valuable time listening to Professor Boyle harp about why we should impeach a man who perhaps is the greatest President in the history of this nation.

Allow me to outline a few of those things that turned me off, so you can improve your propaganda skills in the future, so you may be able to get people like me to waste their time on your tripe:

>"Impeachment due to lies pertaining to one's private member? High crimes indeed!"... and the Republicans attempted to take him out on the sex issue...

He was impeached for lying under oath. It's called "perjury", and what he'd lied about was irrelevant. Bottom line was that he perjured himself and locked this country up in scandal for 6 months.
He did that. Clinton. No one else. Don't blame the Republicans. Blame Clinton.

And he never even appologized.

>Clinton was nearly as corrupt as the current Bush gang, and going after anything other than the petty sex issue would actually cut close to home.

More bunk. Clinton was much more corrupt than the "current Bush gang". Where are your facts? And again, no one cares about the "petty" sex issue. It was the perjury. Why don't you address that?

Tell us why it wasn't a crime to stare into that camera like he was looking into the eyes, hearts, and souls of the American people, while under oath to them, and say "I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN!!"

Anyway, get over Clinton. He got impeached because he was an idiot. I rather hear why we should impeach Bush because "insert comparison to Andrew Johnson here".

>"He makes the case that U.S. is violating international law..."

Big whoop. International law means squat. The USA has this thing called "sovereignty". We don't give a boof about some ambiguous references to "internation" laws and blah blah.

Tell me how he's in violation of national law, and I might give you the time of day.
by aaron
but you're more than welcome to continue writing paeans to your lord, GWB.

here's to hoping that the stock market continues it's longest downdraft since WW2!
by Sam B.
> It's common practice for city councils to pass resolutions on political issues they have no direct impact on. I've read your messages over the last month. Given your demonstrated intelligence and political savvy, it's fair to assume you are well aware that city councils often act in this way.

> I welcome your comments and sharp debating ability. But let's not insult our intelligence nor waste our time.

The remark was made to bov specifically.

But, since we're on the subject, I wonder if you have considered the waste of the time imposed on city councils to have to deal with matters that really should not be held in that forum.

Aren't city council members people too, with issues to deal with locally as they were either elected or appointed to do, who spend a lot of time just dealing with what they are supposed to do? Should bov waste their time?

by ziggy
Elected officials hold office to server their community. By Sam B's logic, Sam B or any other joe could classify any specific interest group as "wasting time" strictly based on one's political orientation. For the benefit of other readers that may not know, the United States has a long history of individual communities passing resolutions against wars and other specific policies. It's very much a part of the tradition of community civic life.

In the interest of time, I'm not going to respond further on such silly smaller subjects. Sam B., if you want to return to the central issues of this thread, fine. Otherwise, I leave you to your embarrassing spinning.
by ziggy
Cool... a meaty post! Thanks Eric. I saw your note after Sam B's. I was chatting with him before so I just zoomed in on his message. I'll come back and post a response to you since you're basically addressing the message to me. Got to get back to work but I wanted to write since I just posted the above and didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. Catch you later.
by bov
"the greatest President in the history of this nation"

you mean . . . the moron?
by Eric
I would like to applaud your marked civility. It is without a doubt the most refreshing dialogue I've experienced here on sf imc. You can see be the squawks of the other milquetoasts that are chirping up my name, civility is a limited commodity around here.
by aaron
civility is not a commodity, eric.

by salesman of the year
>>civility is not a commodity, eric.<<

Sure it is. I assure you I can put a price tag on civility and sell it to someone. People do it everyday. For the right money, I can be very civil. Cha-Ching!!!!
by Eric
Sure it is. Just take a look at Merriam-Webster's.
by Sam B.
> Sam B.
by ziggy • Wednesday January 08, 2003 at 04:18 PM

> Elected officials hold office to serve their community.

That is exactly my point.

> By Sam B's logic, Sam B or any other joe could classify any specific interest group as "wasting time" strictly based on one's political orientation.

That is a misrepresentation of what I wrote and
completely illogical.

> For the benefit of other readers that may not know, the United States has a long history of individual communities passing resolutions against wars and other specific policies. It's very much a part of the tradition of community civic life.

For those of us who know more and actually volunteer for such duties, the majority of communities nationwide routinely reject putting political items on public agendas that are not pertinent to the activities of the local community, one reason being precisely because putting items on an agenda like impeaching Bush represent the political views of one group.

> In the interest of time, I'm not going to respond further on such silly smaller subjects. Sam B., if you want to return to the central issues of this thread, fine. Otherwise, I leave you to your embarrassing spinning.

Apparently, the fact that I brought up a matter you had not considered, but is extremely pertinent, disturbs you. Perhaps you will consider in the future the ramifications of bringing up political matters in forums where they do not belong.

After all, it's not rocket science, it's common courtesy and common sense, ziggy.

by Steve Ford
May the real truth about 9-11-01, and what really happened be spread and exposed. Acts 16:31: Jesus Christ saves souls.
by Chris
go for it! impeachment for 9/11 crimes long over due.
OK, but can't this wait until after the Super Bowl? It's just going to junk up TV.
by The Thinker
We ought to consider impeaching the judiciary along with the Congress and Executives, after the recent court decision that a citizen may be detained without Due Process if he is declared an enemy combatant. The court made this ruling on the primary basis that the individual did not dispute that he was taken into custody while he was on a foreign battlefield, and therefore may be detained without Due Process, such as the right to appear before a judge and explain why he was there innocently. Nowhere in the Constitution does this exception to the guarantee to Due Process appear. It is precisely this type of government dictum that the Constitutional right to Due Process was designed to address. Every defendant shall have his day in court, and an appearance delayed is Due Process denied. This brings closer to home one of our leaders' comments that the Constitution was no longer relevant. And further, to indefinitely detain a party under these circumstances is criminal imprisonment - a felony if it had been done by a less powerful entity. Someone ought to sue any judges, making rulings like that, personally for not having jurisdiction to deprive anyone of their Constitutional Rights.
by Don (McCarthy)
The majority of Americans are aware of the truth. I wish they would turn their feelings of powerlessness into action! Then how different our lives would be, what a true democracy we would live in!
by Tom
The time has come for a new constitutional convention. There is no other way to remove the large number of criminals who run this country.

How shall we then proceed? Where shall we begin?
by The Thinker
It would be an almost impossible process for the People to regain power, because the Tops (the top 5% wealthiest who actually run this country) own 95% of its riches, and the lower 95% of the population doesn't yet care enough to make the kind of sacrifices that it will take. But just in case you're still interested, the civil approach consists of education and voting.
First of all, the masses would have to be educated. So that they start voting for credible experience and integrity, rather than name recognition with nothing behind it, which is how we got here today. Education takes a lot of money for just a single person, much less the masses. And the Tops have kept the masses intentionally dumbed down so that when they graduate, they can fill out a job application and manage to take public transportation to work and back home again. When it comes to the Tops' own children, they get the best schools so they can move into positions of power and money, without competition from the masses' children, who are still fumbling with that public transportation schedule. And so it goes, again and again, through all the branches of government where the Tops look out for themselves, or keep those who accidentally come into power (mostly local judges), in constant fear. I have actually seen a judge violently tremble when she knew she had to rule in my favor against a Top. I thought she would have a heart attack. Anyhow, because we don't have the money for quality education in our neighborhoods, we have to get the job done through volunteerism. We will need one volunteer for every ten children.
After educating people so that they have learned to understand what's going on around them, so they are capable of forming an educated opinion about for whom to vote, you have to legitimize the elections. With Republicans owning the companies who manufacture the new computerized voting machines, and their keeping the computer programming that tallies votes secret, there should be cause for concern why the new machines always seem to report a Republican winner by varying margins even though pre-election polls show projections far different from results. We need grassroots elections where voting is done by paper ballots, and the results are counted by hand out loud in front of any members of the public who care to watch.
But the civil approach can easily be overcome by Presidential warpowers edict. That is, any person found doing any of the above is subversive and aiding the enemy, and is therefore a combatant worthy of instant indefinite detention, or even dispatch via Hellfire missile. Then you might start thinking about a War of Independence II. The problem here is that in the original of 1776, about the only weapon used in the War that was not found in the average home was a cannon. These days, you still have hardly anything more advanced than that of 1776 in your home, yet you are up against all manner of missiles, helicopters, tanks, planes, and I'm sure you can go on and on all by yourself. So, it would seem then, that the only hope is for the Military to launch a coup d'etat. But, that's not likely because, contrary to any of them being striken in the conscience, it seems the current situation is striking them in their collective G-spot.
One last possibility is for everyone to agree on some or another date, and go on a labor strike. Hurt the Tops where it counts: in their pocketbooks. People have been fairly good about spreading news of anti-war protests, so maybe they might be pretty good arranging a strike date. Some danger here is whether there will really be a commitment. After all, the Air Controllers went on a righteous strike about 1982 protesting their working under conditions which endangered passengers' lives. And a legal strike. And they were all summarily fired by President Reagan.
The cure will be long and painful, and the risks are great. But such is the case for any reward worth its salt. For myself, I've chickened out and left the States. Good luck, y'all.
by Eric
I only wish more of you would do the same.
by The Thinker
Okay Eric. So you are glad I've left the States. Apparently, you were offended at my suggestions to the previous writer's plea for how are we going to remove the crooks running the country. Also apparently, your own answers to this problem were deleted, because nothing shows up in your comment other than your distaste for me. So would you please repost your own wonderful suggestions how the People correct this mess. I am sure we are all eagerly awaiting the wisdom from your mountaintop.
by Eric
Personally, I have nothing against you. Those that I do have something against are liberals. In my opinion, it's the liberals that make life in America intolerable. And sf imc is filled with hatemongering, anti-police, anti-capitalist, anti-government, anti-American, ant-corporate globalistic anarcho-socialists.

These are the folks that I wish would leave America.

As for the problems of this country, I'll admit we have some. It's not a perfect place by far. But it is still the one place in the world where a man live as close to freedom as one can get. See I don't fear my government, like they do in N. Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, China, Cuba, etc. In fact, I can say anything I like about them, just like you have. I can walk right out on the street and shout, "FUCK PRESIDENT BUSH!" at the top of my lungs and wouldn't fear being halled off to the concentration camps or the ovens. And I can go to work ever single day and earn an honest wage; enough to actually feed, clothe and shelter my family.

In short, I'm happy here in America. Very, very happy.

So these problems that you liberals like to exaggerate to exacerbate tension for political gains means nothing to me. When I see government agents knocking on my neighbor's door, and my neighbors don't show up for anymore block parties, having vanished from the Earth, then perhaps I'll listen to your rants. In the meantime, I have better things to occupy my time with.

So nothing personal. I just talk to all liberals that way.

Tell me, what country did you decide to move to? I'm really curious about that!
by The Thinker
Well, you're right about my being a liberal academian. I have an MS in Mechanical Engineering, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering. After ascertaining the US' new direction after the 2000 appointment, I completed my visa application to Australia May 24, 2001, just ahead of 911 by only a couple of weeks. Turns out we have a Prime Minister here who has been described by a Member of Parliment as a Bush "arse licker," who has created all sorts of turmoil among the citizenry here for his leading us to Iraq because that's where the US is headed. At the time of my visa application, Australia was rated by the UN as the second best country in the world in which to live, only behind Norway for its oil reserves and small population. Having lived in Houston, Norway is way too cold for me.
It is precisely the discontinuing of rights, such as your example of using the Constitutional Right to freedom of speech to express dissent against Bush, that prompted me to emigrate. Have you read of how protesters showing up at Bush appearances have been lead away into protest pens so that their own dissent does not show up on the TV coverages? The viewing audience then ends up seeing only W's cheerleaders, and gets the false impression that everybody's behind Bush, and the implication: so there must be something wrong with you if you're against W's policies. By removing peaceful protesters to an area where their message cannot be heard by the same audience as W's cheerleaders, the protesters' freedom of speech has been effectively eliminated.
I agree with you for love of freedom, but as Abbie Hoffman once said, the true test of freedom is how well a dissention is tolerated, not how well cheerleading is tolerated. This is not merely a matter of liberals creating tension. This is a matter of the government's attitude when it has taken specific actions. Then, we've got the indefinite detention of citizens after a military determination that they are enemy combatants without any Constitutional Right to Due Process to go before a judge and explain why the government determination is wrong. Very disturbing is how many people say you lose your Constitution Rights after "taking up arms against the US." But, that's the whole question - whether arms were actually taken up and the whole point of Constitutional Due Process is that you have your day in court to explain why the charges are false. No more. Remember how many innocents have been wrongly convicted as proven years later by DNA, even after being given all their Constitutional Rights. Are we now to effectively convict citizens without even a trial? That sort of behavior is exactly what Due Process is supposed to protect us against.
With W protesters being lead away into distant pens, and some have even been arrested, under the guise of National Security, it is not a very big stretch to say these protests aid and comfort the enemy by denigrating the country's direction. After all, even petty theft is legally defined as a crime against the state. It's easy to say that a crime against the state comforts the enemy. With the rampant budget cuts now being foisted on states going bankrupt under W, and laying off thousands of state police, I am afraid we will be seeing more and more military to take their place. Making military determinations, of anyone in the way exercising the nuisance of their Constitutional Rights, that such citizens are the same as enemy combatants. Far fetched? Again, they are already arresting peaceful protesters petitioning their government of grievances, another Constitutionally protected Right. Was it Henry Kissinger who said the Constitution wasn't relevant anymore?
As I mentioned above, the new computerized voting machines are manufactured by Republican owned companies, so now we have all these questionable voting results, with computer programming hidden so it is beyond public scrutiny, and producing results very different than pre-election polls.
Facts like these bloody well ought to create tension - a whole lot of it. Otherwise, your example right to march down the street shouting profanities about W will soon go the way of that of the protesters, as you get led to a pen, or arrested as an enemy of the state. You and I do have an important common desire that is to stay free, unlike what you find in the countries you've listed.
For now, I'll close this with Best Regards, but soon, I might be required to close, Seig Heil!
by Uber-Nerd
Anyone remember the impeachment commentary at the top of this list?

1. You have to have proof that something has happened. This entire article has done nothing but make suppositions and a few erroneous ones at that.

2. Kissinger resigned from the commission. It shouldn't have even been mentioned. It would have been worthy of comment had he actually stayed, but he didn't.

3. Most businesses, especially Oil, are nepotistic. They are run by the son of or the nephew of the guy who started the business. Male members of the family usually fill out every other position in the business as well. It's hard to do business in the middle east without dealing with someone who is related to someone of note...both good AND evil.

4. Bin-Laden was one of THIRTY some odd children. Bin-Laden was denounced by most of his family. The Thomas Kean comment is dealing with one guy, who in his massive family had a sister who became one of Bin-Laden's numerous wives BEFORE he was renowned as an anti-american terrorist. the way...Bin-Laden was PRO-AMERICAN until the Gulf War. It just happened to be that his politics followed closer to that of Saddam Hussein. Osama started going after American targets with earnest after the Gulf War. Before that, he attacked Saudi, Yemeni, and Omani targets.

by Patrick
Uber-Nerd - You say to avoid suppositions, yet you then embark on several statements based with the supposition that Osama did 911. There are many clues that W's administration was behind it. Yeah, I know. Sounds like an outrageous conspiracy nut case. You do have to have the patience to dig it out, but here's one of the best links to additional credible links: That's some water, but you'll have to do the drinking.

Eric - The main support for your last reply condemning liberals seems to be " ... In fact, I can say anything I like about them, just like you have. I can walk right out on the street and shout, 'F*** [expletive deleted] PRESIDENT BUSH!' at the top of my lungs and wouldn't fear being halled off to the concentration camps or the ovens ..." You might not go to either the concentration camps or the ovens just yet, but you well might end up for an extended stay in jail. Consider that protesters are ending up corralled in pens and in jail for carrying cards that only say "NO IRAQ WAR." Then compare their statement to the one you propose. There was recently a poor guy who made a dumb "Burning Bush" joke in a bar - you know how you drink and make dumb jokes. To recap, in the book of Exodus the Burning Bush led the Isrealites out of Egypt by night, and a cloud led them by day. Anyhow, the guy said God might speak to the world through a burning bush, and the bartender overheard him, contacted the police, and added in his own sensationalistic embellishment by speculating that maybe they were going to spray Prez with flammable fluid and light him up. The guy who made the joke was sentenced to 37 months in jail for threatening the President. This was a dumb joke in a bar, intended to be private among beer buddies. Check out
Now, if Der Furher's troops do this kind of stuff in response to "NO IRAQ WAR" and private jokes in a bar, do you really believe you can express your own self wide open in public as you have proposed? I can only imagine what the penalty for threatening to Punk the Prez would be. This stuff is not liberal paranoid delusions as you have thought. This is current events. Bush has used, is using, and I will strongly bet, will continue to use, every manner of unConstitutional force to squelch truth and bury it where he hopes it will never be found. Some are indeed, not finding it.
by Ulf Erlingsson
Impeaching Bush for crimes against the constitution, including international law ratified by USA, seems justifyable. However, what I would like to see is a legal expert putting on line the case against Bush in these matters. Opinions are irrelevant, only the hard facts of the case are relevant, and I believe they are all it takes to swing the opinion. So let us see them! Anyone?
by The Thinker
Actually, the sad reality is that the facts are what is irrelevant. Remember that for any case, a lawyer can argue both sides. When one of the sides has Bush on it, you can bet the judge will simply adopt his side to rule in favor. FACT: Protesters have been thrown into jail in violation of their Constitutional Rights. LAW: Unlawful imprisonment is, itself, a felony crime. So, where are the indictments? In fairness, this corrupt good ol' boy kind of problem of political favoritism far preceded Bush. It obviously goes back to the beginning of life and can be readily seen in animal species, such as the pecking order of birds. But the point is that mankind is supposed to lift itself beyond that behavior and treat one another as equals, rather than, let's see: I am bigger than these guys and they better be good to me, and those other guys are bigger than I, so I need to look out for them. That is, we have hardly evolved beyond the schoolyard bully mentality. Okay, so if this is what has been going on for so long, why the big fuss now? It is because Bush has taken this reptilian character to a new art form. The bullying at least used to be done politely, with some hope that as a civilization, we were making progress. But now, there is outrageous arrogance in the great power the US has. Basically, Bush has threatened the entire world that they better fall in line, ACCORDING TO BUSH'S PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF HOW IT OUGHT TO BE, because if they don't like kissing his butt, he just might decide they pose a threat and preempltively strike them with a nuclear attack. Consider it. You think you're a sovereign country somewhere, so you decide to stand up and say that you don't think you want to kiss it. How hard would it be for Bush to declare your "defiance" as a sign that you pose a threat. After all, "defiant" is how Bush and company describe Sadam even though he has been thoroughly cooperative with the UN inspections. Bush has said Sadam hasn't been sufficiently proactive cooperative. Well, no matter how proactive Sadam might be, Bush can always claim it isn't enough.

The purpose of the UN is to fairly resolve issues between sovereign nations. It is a macroscopic version of ordinary law and order like we have with the police force in a city. I am sovereign within my own house, like you in yours. When we have some conflict, we should take it to the authority, RATHER THAN TAKING THE LAW IN OUR OWN HANDS. Bush has come up with all this bellowing about proof of Sadam's Weapons of Mass Destruction. Probably he was banking on the UN inspectors finding some so Bush could say, see, I told you so. But now that the inspectors say they can't find any, Rumsfield merely says the US's going to go ahead and invade anyway without disclosing the proof because it is information too dangerous to disclose. What crap, and it makes Bush's relation to the UN resemble the infamous Medellin cocaine cartel of Columbia's relation to the local law enforcement. The cartel had way more money that the local law, and there was no way for them to do anything about it. Until the CIA stepped in and assassinated Pablo Escobar
You want more facts, just check out
by the wrong tree
"only the hard facts of the case are relevant, and I believe they are all it takes to swing the opinion. So let us see them! Anyone?"

Man, this is Indymedia!!

bark bark ----------> wrong tree <---------- bark bark
by Suzanne (icsn2202 [at]
Check out the truth about 9-11 by former FAA inspector Rodney Stich at:

Hold corrupt judges accountable with the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.) by learning how JAIL4Judges has the answer to Judicial Immunity Abuse. Read about this at:
by ap
I only wish more people like Thinker would chicken out and leave the states.

Welcome to Australia, Thinker.

You hit the faith-based voting machine problem on the head - lucky you voted with your feet!
by Patrick
I made a mistake above when I said that in the book of Exodus it was the Burning Bush that led the Isrealites out of Egypt by night. It was really a Pillar of Fire that led them by night, instead. The Burning Bush appeared earlier in the book of Exodus, when Moses stumbled across Mt. Sinai, and God spoke to him through the BB to tell Moses he was on sacred ground. Mea culpa.
by Marilyn Dinger (marilyndin [at]

The lives we save may be our own! The future we save may be our future! The generations we save may be all future generations to come! The earth we save and work to restore may be this one -- our only life support system!

We are the true patriots that the Founding Fathers envisioned, NOT the Bush administration. The time to act is NOW. If not now, when? If not me, who? WE MUST ACT NOW!
by Monica
Vote warmongers out. Fund Independent News Sources! Forward--Peace and Impeachment is at hand. This June Bush/Cheney Scandals in the Press! 03 June Tyrants Crimes in Mainstream Media! Cheney Too! Impeach Bush henchmen Too! Lives Depend on You--Now! Impeach the Real Terrorists-Today! "Demand-Bush-Impeachment-Daily!" Phone,Write,Email,Fax Your- Representative-Every Chance You Get ! Action's The Key--"SPEAK OUT!!" It's Not Too Late-Get With It ! There Isn't A Choice--It's your LIFE! Save Yourself ! Save Your Kids! Save Your Grandma! Save Your Country! Together We Will Win!
by Philip Gurrieri (pgurrieri [at]
Subj: Re: Bush is protecting America

If I lived in the Germany of the late thirties I should leave because I saw through what Hitler was doing.

There WAS no greater country in the world - we ARE THE ORIGIONAL REPUBLIC, a true experiment in self governing. I give you a few sites to travel through
and then we can have some meaningful dialogue.

How quickly weforget that Exxon (Standard Oil) built those oil wells in the Arab countries and to this day maintain them! Or that Zapata Oil built the oil rigs in Kuwaite and maintains them thru affiliates. At the time the President of Zapata Oil was George Herbert Walker Bush, the son of Prescott Bush!

my Love & Loyalty is for America (USA) but NOT THE UNITED STATES OF GLOBAL CORPORATIONS attempting the finale of AMERICA's constitution (as they did in Hitler's Germany, which is where this regime is taking us.............
GE, IBM, GM, Exxon/Mobil, General Foods to name a few but I have a funny feeling the KEY organization is really GE General Electric that boast at being the world lorgest conglomerate - meaning that our governments are the laughfing stock of their inner circle!
I have absolutely no question in my mind that 9/11 was an inside job & that the technical data black boxes would show that those idealist youth had no control over those planes and that those buildings were imploded.!!!

It is truly unfortunate that we permitted our news media to be bought out during the niave Clinton years.

I can't even imagine where we would be at if it were not for the WWW....... Something to ponder: The Nazi movement originating in our America! I say this because Von Braun and over 100 Nazi associate scientists were brought to the State of Texas in 1945 prior to the end of the war - supposidely to research space exploration.... Which never happened. The real space scientists were brought to Russia.

May the Democratic-Green Party come to be a reality

by Jack
>>my Love & Loyalty is for America (USA) but NOT THE UNITED STATES OF GLOBAL CORPORATIONS attempting the finale of AMERICA's constitution (as they did in Hitler's Germany, which is where this regime is taking us.............

>>GE, IBM, GM, Exxon/Mobil, General Foods to name a few but I have a funny feeling the KEY organization is really GE General Electric that boast at being the world lorgest conglomerate - meaning that our governments are the laughfing stock of their inner circle!

>>I have absolutely no question in my mind that 9/11 was an inside job & that the technical data black boxes would show that those idealist youth had no control over those planes and that those buildings were imploded.!!!

>>Something to ponder: The Nazi movement originating in our America! I say this because Von Braun and over 100 Nazi associate scientists were brought to the State of Texas in 1945 prior to the end of the war - supposidely to research space exploration.... Which never happened. The real space scientists were brought to Russia.

And then, when handing us this bowl of Fruit Loops, he says:

>>I give you a few sites to travel through

No thanks, Tucan Sam, we've had enough to eat for now.

by Sandra Sawyer (stellalou_99 [at]
One petition has been started at:
by William Hare (billhare [at]
Law professor Francis Boyle of Illinois University is currently offering his services for free to draft articles of impeachment against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft for any member of Congress willing to act as sponsor. Support Boyle and this necessary step to end the current rush to tyranny. I am writing letters to members of Congress seeking a kindred spirit to interact with Boyle. Please do so as well. Boyle can be reached at">http://www.fboyle [at]

William Hare
by Daniel
I found this article on the internet yesterday. I have since contacted the interviewed party and confirmed that this story is correct.

Preemptive Impeachment

Law Professor Stands Ready To Draft
Articles For Any Member Of The House
By Kéllia Ramares
Online Journal Contributing Editor

While the United States will constantly strive to enlist the support of the international community, we will not hesitate to act alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self defense by acting preemptively against such terrorists, to prevent them from doing harm against our people and our country . . .

-The National Security Strategy of the United States of America

"We sentenced Nazi leaders to death for waging a war of aggression," says International Law Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. By contrast, Prof. Boyle wants merely to impeach George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft for their plans to invade Iraq and create a police state in America.

Boyle is offering his services as counsel, free of charge, to any member of the House of Representatives willing to sponsor articles of impeachment. He is experienced in this work, having undertaken it in 1991 for the late Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez (D-TX), in an effort to stop the first Persian Gulf War. It takes only one member to introduce articles of impeachment. Of course, it will take many more than that to vote for impeachment, which will culminate in a trial in the Senate. Boyle is confident that, once the articles are introduced, others, including Republicans, will co-sponsor them. But we have to convince our Representatives that impeachment is necessary for the country and politically safe for them. This non-violent, constitutional process may be our best way of stopping World War III and saving our civil rights.

Grounds for Impeachment

Article II Sec. 4 of the Constitution states that: "The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Boyle says that waging a war of aggression is a crime under the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment and Principles. "It's very clear," he adds, "if you read all the press reports, they are going to devastate Baghdad, a metropolitan area of 5 million people. The Nuremberg Charter clearly says the wanton devastation of a city is a Nuremberg war crime."

The United States is a party to the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment and Principles, and thus is constitutionally bound to obey them. "The Constitution, in Article 6, says that international treaties are the supreme law of the land here in the United States of America. So all we would be doing here, in this impeachment campaign," Boyle says, "is impeaching them for violating international treaties, as incorporated into the United States Constitution, as well as the Constitution itself."

Bush Cabal Repudiates Nuremberg Principles

We don't have to wait for the devastation of Baghdad to impeach the Bush cabal because they have already repudiated the Nuremberg Charter via the so-called Bush Doctrine of preventive war and pre-emptive attack. "This doctrine of pre-emptive warfare or pre-emptive attack was rejected soundly in the Nuremberg Judgment, " Boyle says. "The Nuremberg Judgment . . . rejected this Nazi doctrine of international law of alleged self-defense." The Bush Doctrine, embodied in the National Security Strategy document, published on the White House web site, is appalling, Boyle says. "It reads like a Nazi planning document prior to the Second World War."

The Fruit Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

As Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez explained on the floor of the House in 1991, his articles charged the elder Bush with:

1) Violating the Equal Protection Clause by having minorities and poor whites, who were the majority of the soldiers in the Middle East, "fight a war for oil to preserve the lifestyles of the wealthy."

2) Violating "the Constitution, Federal law, and the UN Charter by bribing, intimidating, and threatening others, including the members of the UN Security Council, to support belligerent acts against Iraq."

3) Violating the Nuremberg principles by conspiring to engage in a massive war against Iraq that would cause tens of thousands of civilian deaths.

4) Committing "the United States to acts of war without congressional consent and contrary to the UN Charter and international law." (This refers to the lack of a formal declaration of war, as required by the Constitution).

5) Committing crimes against the peace by leading the United States into aggressive war against Iraq, in violation of Article 24 of the UN Charter, the Nuremberg Charter, other international instruments and treaties, and the Constitution of the United States.

Boyle believes that the articles he drafted for Gonzalez' effort to impeach George H. W. Bush, the father, could still serve as a basis for impeaching George W. Bush, the son.

Are the People Ready for Another Impeachment?

Impeachment has the advantage of bypassing the U.S. Supreme Court, which illegally installed Bush in the Oval Office. The same "Justices" would have the final word on legal challenges to constitutional abominations, such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the Homeland Security Act, both of which the White House rammed through a Congress frightened by the September 11th attacks and the as yet unsolved anthrax attacks on Capitol Hill.

But no matter how blatant the violations of constitutional, statutory and international law are, impeachment is still a political process. Republicans control the Congress and many Democrats, fearful of being labeled "soft on terrorism" might be unwilling to challenge the Bush cabal. It would take tremendous public pressure to get a reluctant Congress to impeach. Still, Boyle thinks he can garner public support by adding an article of impeachment against John Ashcroft.

"We know for a fact that there are Republicans and Democrats and Independents and Greens, even very conservative Republicans, such as Dick Armey and [Bob] Barr, who are very worried about a police state." Boyle says that an article against Ashcroft would make clear "that we don't want a police state in the name of an oil empire."

It's Up to Us

Unfortunately for the impeachment campaign, Armey has retired and Barr, who spoke out against some of the most draconian proposals for what eventually became the USA PATRIOT Act, was defeated in the Republican primary. Boyle is still waiting for the one member of Congress willing to introduce articles of impeachment when the 108th Congress convenes on January 7.

Since Bush has indicated that he is not likely to go to war before the end of January or early February, Boyle thinks we have a month to stop the war by impeaching the chain of command: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, along with police state enforcer Ashcroft. Time and the Internet are advantages Rep. Gonzalez did not have in 1991, when the Persian Gulf War was launched the day after he introduced his articles.

Boyle is asking the public to push for impeachment in two ways. First, contact your own member of Congress to urge him or her to introduce articles of impeachment, and tell the member that he or she may contact Prof. Boyle for assistance in drafting the articles. Second, demand impeachment by engaging in non-violent direct action, in exercise of your First Amendment rights to free speech, peaceable assembly and petition for redress of grievances. Boyle was pleased that 100,000 people marched around the White House last October 26 to protest the impending war on Iraq. But he says one million people need to peaceably take to the streets with signs, banners and voices shouting, "Impeach Bush!"

"The bottom line: it's really up to you and to me to enforce the law and the Constitution against our own government," he says. "We are citizens of the United States of America. We have to act to preserve the republic that we have, to preserve our Constitution, to preserve a rule of law. This is our responsibility as citizens. We simply can't pass the buck and say 'Oh, some judge is going to do it somewhere.' It's up to us to keep this republic."

Copyright © 2003 Kéllia Ramares.
For fair use only.

by Sharon, Bob, Joe & Matt Kennedy (4 registered (schookums [at]
Bu$h is scarey. I would bet dollars to donuts he was benind the attacks we had on 9/11 - just for his own political gain - he and his handlers are the only ones who benefited from it. Why else would he not want an investigation - he's done everything he could to stop any investigations. If he had nothing to hide - he would welcome any information pertaining to that fateful day. He is the only one who benefited from those attacks.

He makes me nervous - he's already showed he would do anything for his own gain - he could orchestrate another attack on american soil, again - for his own benefit.

He has no conscious or empathy for anything. He is not in office to benefit America or the world - he's in office to benefit himself. He and his handlers are in business for themselves at the expense of our tax dollars and lives.

He didn't want to go to war when he was young and he was never punished for his AWOL - but he expects us to send our loved ones in without any questions.

He's evil, corrupt, cowardly, manipulative and very dangerous and cannot be trusted. He should be impeached as soon as possible, with cheney.
by Charles Scarlott
Impeachment is altogether warranted for a President who places the nation's security palpably and recklessly at risk by sowing hate and disrespect for international law.
by PF Soto
In the words of Howard Zinn: "No flag is large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people." Shame on the media for selling us bush's war - for oil. And the real shame is that too many have bought it, hook, line, and sinker. Shame on US non-education.
by Joe
Well, for all you people that think the Bush Admin. and the rest of the right wingers are trying to take your freedom and turn this country into Nazi Germany...I hope you appreciate that it is the right wingers that are fighting to maintain your right to bear arms, something that the left wingers have been trying to take from you for the sake of safety for years. If, and this is a really big if, you guys are onto something and you can provide more than speculation and specious reasoning to support your cause, Americans WILL vote Bush and Co. out of office. If all else fails, at least they will have forgotten to take your guns, which are there to protect you from governments, foreign or domestic.
by Dorothy Latour
The weapons inspectors continue to do their work and no weapons of mass destruction have been found. But Bush doesn't accept this and never intended to in the first place.
The news today is that the administration now wants the scientists to be questioned privately......They must be prepared to either blackmail them or pay off handsomely anyone who would say what the U.S demands to hear as truth.
If this administration had any evidence of WMD, they would have come forward with this in the first place.
by Dorothy Latour
The weapons inspectors continue to do their work and no weapons of mass destruction have been found. But Bush doesn't accept this and never intended to in the first place.
The news today is that the administration now wants the scientists to be questioned privately......They must be prepared to either blackmail them or pay off handsomely anyone who would say what the U.S demands to hear as truth.
If this administration had any evidence of WMD, they would have come forward with this in the first place.
by The Thinker
I do appreciate Bush et al support the Right to Bear Arms, while the Dems seem intent on removing this important right, like Hitler did when he disarmed the German public. However, the right to bear arms meant a lot more in the War of Independence just before the Constitution and Bill of Rights containing the 2nd Amendment's Right to Bear Arms, when about the only weapon used in that war, that was not found in the average home, was the cannon. Today, we still have hardly more advanced weaponry in the home than we had in 1776, but instead of being up against the occasional cannon, we are now up against Stinger and Hellfire missiles, warship helicopters, bombers too high to see raining down all manner of bombs, and all sorts of other technogadget killers. The public might as well be armed with sharpened toothpicks.
by Viet Nam, perhaps you have heard of it
The mightiest power on earth was defeated by ordinary peasants armed primarily with shoulder arms, superior intelligence and sharpened bamboo stakes.
by Randy of the Redwoods
The US Military was never defeated in battle..but, the lack of any clear objective or end game took it's toll on the American public and the Politicians.

It serves as a good example of what happens when you aren't willing to totally defeat the enemy...

Negotiated peace never really works..the antagonists are still present on both sides.. ...only total victory by one side over the other results in a meaningful peace..

We should have remembered this lesson in 1991..
by The Thinker
If you believe the American People can be roused to free themselves by pulling off AR II using the strategies proved successful by the Viet Cong with "little more than shoulder weapons and sharpened bamboo [or in the US, maybe pitchforks as an equivalent]," then I guess we disagree about the capabilities of the American People. I am afraid I have contempt for the intelligence of the American People, that is, the ones who voted for Bush and got him close enough to be appointed by the Supremes. Except, of course, for the top 5% of the wealthy elite now enjoying bulldozers in their front yards pushing piles of money from the Treasury to their front doors. Except for the Tops, look at all who voted to cut off their own heads. And many still support Bush. The latest polls still show some 55% approval. Granted, down from some 80%, but still a majority. And that many suck up all that crap spewing out of the White House explaining everything from Osama did it (doubtful), Sadam's a threat (ludicrous), and even including about how strong the economy is (an absolute joke, but the root of all the US' evil). Are these mentally challenged American People the ones you expect to "storm the Bastille," i.e., force change with demands backed up by their weapons (seeing as how all else seems to be failing)? Are you trying to compared the spirit of this majority of apathetic, mentally challenged to that of the Viet Cong? Bush's poll results show that this slim majority of Americans will still currently believe that any uprising, even though done to return the US to its Constitution, would be the acts of terrorists probably linked to Al-Qa'ida. How far do you really think you can get when peaceful folks carrying "NO IRAQ WAR" signs are being thrown in jail, and half drunk "Burning Bush" private jokes between beer buddies in taverns land a guy in prison sentenced to 37 months?
by John R. McCommas (jrm67 [at]
Yeah, uh Carol Brouillet honney. Get a clue. You are hysterical. Oh and one other thing, whose side are you on?

You know just because Bush isn't the guy you voted for doesn't mean you have no stake in our government or do not make up the electorate.

Would you have Truman impeached for dropping the Bomb in WWII?

lets chill and try to think before we write. We are all on the same side.

Um, at least I hope we are.
by John R. McCommas (jrm67 [at]
Yeah, uh Carol Brouillet honney. You are hysterical.

You know just because Bush isn't the guy you voted for doesn't mean you have no stake in our government or do not make up the electorate.

Would you have Truman impeached for dropping the Bomb in WWII?

lets chill and try to think before we write. We are all on the same side.

Um, at least I hope we are.
by Patrick
After 50 years, much documentation from WW II has finally become declassified. For example, how FDR knowingly provoked the Japanese into attacking the US by messing with its oil and steel, how the US monitored the Japanese armada approaching Pearl Harbor (isn't it really ridiculous to think the United States of America could have lost the entire Japanese aircraft carrier armada slowly steaming across the Pacific?), how the US moved its prize boats out of Pearl Harbor just before December 7th, leaving behind only a bunch of rusty old boats that were soon to be retired, and how in summer 1945, although the Japanese, who had been battered into manufacturing Kamakazi planes without landing gear or bombs or guns to save a few pennies, were aggressively seeking the US' audience to arrange surrender terms in the neutral Netherlands, were stonewalled by the US who delayed meetings until A-bombs could be prepared and dropped to show off American bravado to the world. The battered state of the Japanese shows "we only dropped the bombs to save millions of lives" to be nothing but another lie. Now, before you go thinking, "Those dirty Japs bombed Pearl - they deserved it," consider we are talking about mostly innocent folks that were just working hard to put bread on the table, they went through days of sweat and pain just like most of us, and had no actual involvement with their government, just like us. They were only guilty of living in Japan, but were not guilty of being mean or anything. This is the same US that ordered, under threat of court martial, its own soldiers into a trench 2500 yards from ground zero of a nuclear bomb explosion testing in the States to see its effect. The soldiers were only wearing their normal helmets and uniforms. The effect was most had bleeding gums the next day, started losing teeth in a couple of weeks, and later conceived children with birth defects. The US also set off another bomb where a small civilian town in Nevada would be showered with fallout. Most of those folks got cancer.

Okay, now what was that question you asked? Should Truman be impeached? Nah... Tried for crimes against humanity like the Nazis went through would be more like it. At least Truman was not so blatant in his disrespect of US citizens' rights as we are now experiencing. You know, Daddy Bush once said while he was in office, that "The American People are too smart to fool." What he really meant was that they are so dumb that they will even believe it when he says how smart they are. A nice little inside joke.

One real problem is that the People have been sheltered from learning about the atrocities committed by the US government, and so as long as W gets up there and talks about, "The US is a nation of peace," the People get stroked into complacency and don't bother to question, well hey, what about this US killing of innocents, or that execution of suspects without trial, or the other torture of detainees? Sheep merrily following one another to the slaughter. But hey, the sheep are happy!

The result is that when you finally do get a clue and think it through, you dang well ought to become hysterical.
by Don
Stroked into complacency? We're talking Blue Pill People. Just click for some light.
by m
I fully support any efforts to impeach Bush for waging a war on Iraq, plundering the federal surplus and creating an unbelieveable federal deficit in the short time he has been in office, ruining our international relations, and worst of all for even considering the use of nuclear weapons which threatens the world peace that the United Nations has worked so hard to try to achieve for decades. He has undone decades of accomplishments of previous presidents that benefit our country. He has created enemies of our allies.

He is acting like Wyatt Erp, with the philosphy of "shoot first and talk later" and 'getting them before they get you'. He is leading us to another shootout at OK Corral, and the same thing will happen, "we" will lose some of our friends and brothers, then "they" will come back and pick us off one-by-one until our families our destroyed and emotionally devasted. One man has single-handedly ruined America's reputation and vital our relationships with other countries around the world.

A man who needs his wife to rein him in has no business with his hand on the button that can start a nuclear war and possible nuclear devastation of the Earth and our lives as we know them. The "smoking gun" analogy makes me realize more and more what an unpredictable "hot head" we have in office. It is a scarey thing. We are not looking for a "smoking gun" in Iraq, we are looking for an excuse to allow Bush to push the red button. Bush wants to be holding the "smoking gun". He wants to be the one to fire the first shot. He is acting as a little boy who is playing out a cowboy fantasy.
Bush "We want him dead or alive!"
Mrs. Bush "You going to get 'em Bushie?!" Her way of saying you went too far Mr. President according to an interview with Mrs. Bush on television.

No one wants a war! No other country "wants" a war. Only Bush wants a war. Why? Why? Why? Please tell me why? There is no good reason. That is why he needs to be impeached.

After he is impeached, we need to establish new legislature that holds Presidents accountable for their actions and just like any other job has "specific" grounds for termination, including creating a federal deficit and provoking war. We the people of the United States in our Democracy have a greater ability to change the future than any other country, and "we" the people need to establish laws governing how our government and president run "our" country. Let's not leave it in the hands of one radical man who wants vengance or something. Let's show the world that we are not a country of little boys acting our a cowboy movie. Let's show them that we do have diplomacy, we know how to bite our tongue and not say things harmful to our country's long term future and that we want "world peace" and friendships with our neighbors.

Has no one thought that the other countries may try to militarily stop us from attacking Iraq because "our country" threatens world peace?!

Please vote to IMPEACH BUSH for his incompetence. This is "our" country. Please vote and protest (peacefully) but with loud voices to preserve our country so our children have a safe place to play and so they may live. Our future is bleak with Bush in office. Please VOTE and VOICE to have him IMPEACHED.
by The Thinker
It is correct that Clinton committed perjury, but only after being put on oath concerning Lewinski's sexually assaulting him while he was at a disadvantage on the phone. I mean, what was he supposed to say, "Hold on Gorby, I've got to get this intern out of my pants"? She knew she had him at a time like that. Obviously, instead of creating an international incident and upsetting his family in the process, Clinton tried to take the high road and keep his shame to himself. After all, it was somehow "his fault" for being assaulted. Maybe the way he dressed, maybe his cologne, maybe his not averting his eyes when she flashed her panties at him after boasting to her friends that she was determined to get her "Presidential kneepads."

With all the lies spewing out of the collective mouth of Bush & Co about much weightlier matters of State than an intern jumping on your prong, it's really too bad they don't haul in his skinny butt and put him under oath for a minute or two. It would surely be a lot more appropriate an investigation. But with a Republican-controlled House and Senate and Supreme Court, who's left to do it?

On the issue of invading Iraq, Schwartzkopf has branded Bush & Co. as a bunch of civilians without any concept of what's involved in war, unlike those in the military who have been doing war all their lives, and disagree with Bush about what we ought to do with Iraq. After all, how could Bush make an informed opinion on war since he deserted the military? See the link in the list below. On Schwartzkopf, see I am so grateful to see a US war expert agreeing with my position on Iraq.

As far as Bush's being the greatest president ever, I would again defer to an expert, Helen Thomas, who has been a White House correspondent under the last eight presidents, and calls Bush the Worst in History. See Thank you, Ms. Thomas.

Here is a list of Bush crimes. This list was complied by John Kaminski (skylax [at] who is a writer and lives on the coast of Florida waiting for the water to start rising or the Gestapo to kick in his door.

Military desertion? See or
Cocaine smuggling? See
Conspiracy to destroy landmarks and commit mass murder? How about to pick the best of many stories like this.
Accessory to the theft of billions of dollars in the savings and loan debacle? See and
Enriching his friends?, and
Obstruction of justice?
Illegal jailings? and
Computerized election vote fraud?
Assassinating a political rival? and
by J. Marx, Ph.D
If we don't get this totalitarian idiot out of office NOW before he erases our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our Civil Liberties. I believe a second Revolution is ultimately inevitable the way things in this country are going. More people are joining a resistance to this tyranical government. It is time that we put a stop to this. The police need to respect us, the government needs to be more controlled and Governer George Duhbya Bush needs to go back to Texas and live behind bars the rest of his life.
by Richard Wolf
It would seem to me that if enough of the American people skope up that maybe we would have some say in our government, as far as I can see for the people and by the people doesn'nt exist, for the rich and by the rich does. To be a good and respected neighbor we must first extend the hand of human descency to others, something we no longer do, this has been replaced by a leader who offers brutality and force as our first option, [we the bully"s] I'd have to say that I'm not the most brillant man in the world, but I know the power of human kindness and human descency, it can't always be about us. I wonder if George ever heard of the golden rule?
I have to think that his family must have all the money their future generations can use so that means that the only reason that he's acting the way he is, is to cover his severely poor abilities at running the country, maybe it's time for a new one?
We can only blame ourslves for our poor standing in the world community.
by The Thinker
It may already be too late to do anything about Bush. The Republicans have shares in the new computerized voting machines, which seem to highjack Democratic votes and convert them to Republican. See . So, it doesn't look too likely that we could vote Bushco out. And it doesn't appear too likely that he would go even if we did, because, essentially, we did vote him out over this past weekend (it's Monday already here). See . Which is kind of interesting in itself. The headline says Thousands Marched, the subtitle then says Hundreds of Thousands Marched, and then the first line in the body of the story says Millions Marched. According to Indy, the number is somewhere around eleven million, and that doesn't include all the little places like my own in Mackay, Queensland (Australia), where I counted 300 to 400 Saturday, but today's newspaper (there is no Sunday paper for Mackay) put the number at "under 1,000."

Nonetheless, at the march I did run into a guy whose only apparent source of information was Prime Minister John Howard, and he unwaveringly believed the UN was abrogating its responsibilities, and that any information to the contrary was bull**** <expletive deleted>. I worked in Houston, Texas for the past ten years, next to a couple of guys who loved to listen to Rush Lambaugh and were stalwart Republicans. Again, both had limited education. And I think education and information are the keys. Therein, we have a systemic problem. The powers that be, including but to a less degree the Democrats, want to keep the masses dumbed down to where they are functionally literate, but not over the threshold where they can research their own information and truly think independently. Read Jon Kozol's "Savage Inequalities." Jon taught grammar schools all across the USA, and saw the pattern repeated over and over again. For some internet reading, try . You are not going to have a quality citizenry until they are educated, and that is antithecal to the power structure, so it will never receive sufficient public funding. You need to do a grassroots approach to education involving the community, and that may require one fulltime volunteer for every ten children. Obviously, the American public is largely upset over the prospect of war, and perhaps the polls showing more than 50% approval for war in Iraq are manufactured, but when it comes to making the kind of sacrifices needed to fix the problem, whose going to be first?

And those're just the systemic problems. The war in Iraq is Bushco's solution to the immediate problem: the looming financial collapse of the US.
by Luiz
See title.
by BHaines
"Liberal Morons" is the message from an obviously well-informed individual. Clearly his comment is indicative of the logic of all persons who share his opinion: "I can't be forced to question my values therefore I will belittle you by calling you names." I just love it when people who see the world in clear "good vs evil" terms are able to shed light on morons like myself who constantly confuse the issues by adding perspective. Gosh, what would the world be like without folks like Luiz and,... Osama,... and Bush,... and Hitler.
by wry
I thought you had to be elected before you can be impeached.
by kevan j murphy (citizen_4_truth [at]
It would seem that all intelligent Citizens would be able to figure out this Right Wing Military Conspiracy.

1) Bush Crime Family stole the election with it's control over the Judical Branch a 5 to 4 vote if you recall.
2) The Military Junta Administration was selected long before the Election was stolen. What's that tell you..
3) Bush, convienantly reading stories to children when 911 went down, didn't respond for over 30 minutes after being told. He kept reading ...What is up?
4) 911 the date itself.......was picked to be used as a psychologial fear "trigger" in the average citizen..The number for emergency help.
5)Senior Bush and members of the BinLaden Family were in Washington DC with other members of the Caryle Group and Watched their plan inacted on the tube.
The moment the Towers went down their net worth went through the roof. They control most of the Miitary Defence contracts and companies and many OIl Corps.
We are talking about billions of Dollars maybe Trillions.

The American citizenry has been had by a very elite criminal organization that has unlimited power because it controls the CIA and FBI.

Don't forget the true warrior Paul Wellstone who mysteriously died in another small Plane crash and what do you know....Bushes people get control of the Congress...Adios Civil Rights!

Wake up my Brothers and Sisters this right wing elitist conspiracy is real!
by Scottie
Why doesnt the right wing do somthing more productive like not cripling its own economy with plane missiles and wars and by preventing people like clinton from winning those pesky election things and by not destroying its beloved oil by bombing iraq.

Here is my similie - Its like a little boy with a stone accusing the man with the tank (that isnt even facing him) of a complex conspiricy designed to make him put the stone down.
by larry Finch (asclepias20 [at]

One suggestion about the horrible events of the past two years is that maybe this bogus president and those who are behind him were really the ones who actually are guilty of the 9/11 events. It's very likely they, and not any foreign terrosists did the horrible, unspeakable deeds. They did it so they might have reason to start a war and so that they might get the support of a naive populace. The corrupt election was their proof that the American people could be deceived easily and would back them in another "world" war.
Now our only hope is to impeach this man. In this way he will leave office in disgrace, and the powers that put him into office won't get to continue to control our nation.
by reality
according to THE DIRECTOR OF THE FBI the idenetities of the hijackers ARE NOT KNOWN.

according to the BBC, up to SEVEN of the named hijackers are ALIVE AND WELL.

the PUBLICLY AVAILABLE and OPENLY ACKNOWLEDGED facts are the the USS MAINE incident was staged. the GOLF OF TONKIN was staged. and even PEARL HARBOR was staged -- according to the US GOVERNMENT (in the mccollum memo)

so, anyone who wants to tell you they know who hijacked those planes IS DELUSIONAL.

by Scottie
Hey and maybe the president of the United states is not known either!!
Tony blair is pretending to be him!
Oh and the alines are pretending to be Tony!
and they staged the roman empire just to confuse us!

hope someone noticed that ws sarcasm
by K. E. Rathbun (Minstrel782000)
Time is running short on Bush. He is ready to atack at any time. A faster way to curtail him would be to formaly charge him with treason against the United States, by violating the Constitution. This could get him out of office immediately. He is also guilty of Internation treason for openly defying the United Nations.
by Scottie
Ohh you are walking into our hands with that one.
You just try to impreach bush in the UN.. see where it gets you,...
I dare you..
Anyway do you REALLY want President dick cheney?
by John
You know you libs don't have to stay here. There is nothing preventing you from leaving this county that you find so reprehensible and fascist. We don't have a Berlin Wall keeping you here. Move to France or Cuba or Iraq where you mistakenly believe you would have more freedoom. That way we can let someone who wants to be a new American in to take your place. Goodness knows there are plenty of them and plenty who deserve to be an American more than you.
by confabulous treason
Let's play a game, shall we? The game is called, 'O'Reilly Logic.' Bill O'Reilly had the following exchange with's Bob Fertik

FERTIK: He should have gotten full coverage of the entire speech because it was such an important speech, because this has tied up hours of debate in the British parliament, it is tying up the Congress of the United States. And the man who led the Democratic Party in the last election to victory that was stolen from him...
O'REILLY: All right. Well, that's stupid. Don't get into that. That's just dopey. But...
FERTIK: Perhaps you don't like your votes to be thrown out. But there were 175,000 voters in the state of Florida…
O'REILLY: Perhaps I, perhaps I believe in the Supreme Court, OK, Mr. Fertik? You don't like it here TAKE A BUS DOWN TO MEXICO.
FERTIK: Five votes on the Supreme Court -- all five of whom were appointed when George Bush was the vice president...
O'REILLY: Look, you don't like the country, TAKE A BUS TO MEXICO.

So, Fertik brought up a perfectly legitimate point: Al Gore received more votes than Bush, yet Gore receives poor and often hostile coverage. Fertik also alluded to voter fraud, Supreme Court injustice and a voting system where someone wins the popular vote yet loses the election. Fertik brought up problems. And O'Reilly's solution? You have problems, get out!

Well …

Let's play the game, 'O'Reilly Logic.' I'll interview Bill. (Note: my following comments aren't necessarily my views on the issue, just meant to prove a point).

O'REILLY, on Supreme Court's virtual porn ruling, August 28 [2002]: "If you're a pervert who is a predator, that you're not going to go for this stuff -- all right. That you're going to go for that stuff in lieu of getting a little boy or girl you don't at that point. So I think the Supreme Court was wrongheaded here, because I think protecting children is a responsibility of the federal government."

ME: Ok, look, this is America. And I believe in America. I believe in the Supreme Court. And if you don't like it, Mr. O'Reilly, go TAKE A BUS TO MEXICO.

O'REILLY, July 1, 2002: But this court (9th circuit) is anti-American. I don't care what they do. I don't care what they say about hiding behind the Constitution.

ME: You don't like the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals? You don't like the court system, or the legal system? Well, I have news for you. No one is making you stay in this country, so go TAKE A PLANE TO FRANCE..

O'REILLY, July 29, 2002: But Senator Hollings, incredibly, refused to hear the woman, saying the committee didn't have time, even though Mrs. Saracini petitioned for a hearing months ago.

ME: Hey, call me old fashioned, but I believe in the legislative branch of the government. I believe in balance-of-powers. And you don't like the legislative branch, made by our founders? Well, you don't like it and you have a problem with our country, go TAKE A BUS TO CANADA. We don't have room for dissent here in America.

Don't like the first amendment, John?

by VT320 courier hst in the house
> We don't have a Berlin Wall keeping you here

On your way to Mexico, you could take the opportunity to notice the Rio Grande wall. 'Could' being the key word, people will only see what they want to see. And seeing is not always believing, or it doesn't always stimulate awareness.

>That way we can let someone who wants to be a new American in to take your place. Goodness knows there are plenty of them and plenty who deserve to be an American more than you.

What is a 'new' American?
How would one go about determining who 'deserves' to be one of these 'new' Americans? Who is most qualified for this tedious task?
George W Bush?
Is he the overseer of this feudal function?

I don't mean to be terribly negative on one poster.
To me, Bush Co. are ones who 'deserve' the big thumbs down. Or middle fingers up, however your boat floats.
Most neo-con supporters have no idea where they are, or what the situation really is.
Bush supporter 1; concerned about primary/secondary social issues; guns, abortion, first amendment, etc.
Bush supporter 2; concerned about their fortunes; tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts and economic 'growth'.
Bush supporter 3; concerned about a little of both; especailly those tax cuts.
Bush supporter 4; concerned with some hallow/hollow notion of patriotism/nationalism/jingoism.
Meanwhile, the nation becomes more and more polarized.
No amount of Gw Bush PR stunts will change this.
People are choosing sides in a panic and digging in.
And, there has been so much mass media hand wringing, that naive people will believe anything.
Fluff issues crowd the coporate media channels, no one wants to discuss the economy in depth, with realistic predictions/opinions/expectations.
All of America could soon be facing hard times economically.

But, on a positive note, the majority of reports from the eastern blackout describe widespead fellowship and compassion. Regardless if it was twenty four hours or two/three days, people have the capacity to be positive in difficult situations. People lived for tens of thousands of years without electricity. And they also lived tens of thousands of years without Gw Bush, or any democrat/republican/right/left government.
It must have been nice.

by Ms. Jazz
Mr. Bush needs to be taken off his high horse by none other than the American people, whom he lies to consistantly.
Its ok for Mr. Bush, he comes from a bloodline worth billions (old money-oil), while the majority of Americans will never own their own home. The elderly and youth of America have been ignored by Mr. Bush and his administration, who is more concerned with International appeal than domestic issues. He is really no better than Saddam Hussien, because they are all killers.
I hope that the American people don't allow Mr. Bush to ruin their country by provoking terrorism, and trying to run everybodys business. (He is a greedy bird)
Its the everyday American citizen who will suffer most in the New World Order, its their brothers/sisters/mothers/fathers coming home in body bags from the middle east not Mr. Bush's family.
And while many Americans bury their loved ones and know just how much they've lost, Mr. Bush will be clad in a flight jacket on the deck of another carrier boasting that he wants to help the people of the next resourse filled nation so that he can take whats there too, considering it has extreme international value.
I've got one question for G.W.Bush, Who made you and your administration the dictators of right and wrong is this world?
Mind your own business, take care of your schools, hospitals and citizens, half of your propaganda and war budget would fix each and every school and hospital in the nation. Maybe Mr. Bush should tell his people that statistic.
by Sheila
The comments written after John were dumb.
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