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Indybay Feature
Help Build Jan 18 Peace March in San Francisco
The new year is here and our peace movement is growing by the second. We need everyone who can to contribute to San Francisco's January 18, 2003 peace march in whatever way you can to make it the best yet.
The new year is here and our peace movement is growing by the second. We need everyone who can to contribute to San Francisco's January 18, 2003 peace march in whatever way you can to make it the best yet.
Print, copy and distribute the flyer for the march:
Help make this march happen by donating towards the enormous costs of the mobilization at click on Donate, then click on ANSWER or see:
We had 100,000 on October 26, 2002 and we had 200,000 at 2 maches a week apart in January 1991 during the last Persian Gulf massacre. Considering we have about 11 million people in Northern California, how about working for 1 million people marching for peace in San Francisco?
With your help in the form of financial contributions, labor and or time, we can do it.
RAIN OR SHINE, WE WILL MARCH FOR PEACE. If it rains, bring your rain gear and hopefully we will march under 1 million umbrellas!
West Coast Anti-War Mass March -- Sat. Jan. 18, 2003, in San Francisco
Gather: at 11 AM at Embarcadero Plaza. Embarcadero & Market St. Embarcadero BART stop. Across the street from the Amtrak SF shuttle drop off and four blocks from the Greyhound Bus Station. March to a 1 PM rally at Civic Center Plaza.
West Coast Anti-War March
Saturday, January 18 -- San Francisco
No War on Iraq!
San Francisco March Will Parallel Washington, DC
Mass Anti-War March
National Grassroots Peace Congress Convening
in Washington, DC next day Referendum to be Announced at Peace Congress
For more information, please contact A.N.S.W.E.R. at 415-821-6545, email answer [at] , or go to or .
International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)
2489 Mission St., Rm. 24
San Francisco, CA 94110 or Phone: 415-821-6545 or Fax: 415-821-5782
Email: answer [at] or Web: ,
Jan 18, 2003, West Coast org centers as of November 20, 2002
Redding/Shasta, CA 530 275 8559
Chico, CA 530 893 9078 Chico Peace and Justice
Santa Clara, CA 408 855 0715
Mariposa, CA 209 966 4894
Fresno, CA 559 485 6356
Eureka/Arcata, CA 707 443 7926 Redwood Peace and Justice
Placerville/El Dorado, CA 530 642 1120 El Dorado Peace and Justice
Modesto/ Merced 209 484 0226cell/ 209 821 6454
Seattle 206 325 0085 Seattle ANSWER office
Spokane, WA 509 838 7870
So. Oregon 541 482 6543
Tucson, AZ turnwind_az [at]
Reno, NV stewartreno [at]
Hundreds of Volunteers urgently needed for Jan. 18 -- outreach, logistical, monitors, legal, medical. Help make it happen! (Please contact us if you can help on that day.) Information about the Jan. 18 march in SF to Stop War on Iraq.
Yesterday, nearly 100 activists squeezed into the A.N.S.W.E.R. office for the first organizing meeting of the new year, an promising sign! We encourage all those who are able to join us in these last 15 days before the National Anti-War Marches. Decide to make history! We must do everything we can to stop the war before it starts!
Volunteer: To make this event a success, hundreds of volunteers are needed to help out in many areas! If you would like to volunteer, email J18volunteer [at] Help is needed for handing out literature and placards, selling buttons & bumper stickers, monitoring & collection and more. Also, come in to the office from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. to pick up leaflets to distribute, join postering teams, make alert phone calls, and help prepare signs and banners.
If you are a lawyer or have a legal background or education and can volunteer to be a legal observer, respond to J18legal [at] Legal Observer training is tentatively scheduled for Saturday January 11th at 12noon at 2489 Mission St. Rm. 24; call 415-821-6545 to confirm.
If you have a medical background and can volunteer to be on the medical team, respond to mailto:J18medical [at] and a coordinator of the team will contact you for an orientation.
If you can volunteer for other areas on January 18th to help carry out the march respond to mailto:J18volunteer [at] Volunteer orientation on the day of is at 9 AM at Embarcadero Plaza.
- Organize a volunteer team of co-workers, friends or family to take on an area of responsibility. Have your organization represented with the people who work to carry out the march.
- Teams with aprons from work are needed to sell buttons and stickers to help pay for the march. Show your workplace is against the war!
- Come to a volunteer orientation & training!
Sat. 1/11 at 11 am, 1pm, or 3 pm
Tues. 1/14 at 7 pm
Thur 1/16 at 7 pm
or Fri 1/17 at 7 pm
(Orientations are at 2489 Mission St. in Room 30)
- Come to the next ANSWER Activist meeting Tuesday, Jan. 7th at 2489 Mission St. Rm #30 Call 415-821-6545 for info
On January 18th, volunteers are needed to:
- Load and set up the tables, tents, signs and banners
- Greet busses arriving form all over the western U.S. for the march.
- Be part of the Medical Team - Be Legal Observers - Distribute picket signs, sell buttons and T-Shirts to help pay for the march, and collect donations
- Monitor the march and rallies; help move thousands of people through the streets of SF saying no to war.
- Staff organizing tables, pass out leaflets, help people get more information about how to stop the war.
- Help clean up the Embarcadero and Civic Center rallying sites, take down and loading.
For more information on the San Francisco march, see:
Print, copy and distribute the flyer for the march:
Help make this march happen by donating towards the enormous costs of the mobilization at click on Donate, then click on ANSWER or see:
We had 100,000 on October 26, 2002 and we had 200,000 at 2 maches a week apart in January 1991 during the last Persian Gulf massacre. Considering we have about 11 million people in Northern California, how about working for 1 million people marching for peace in San Francisco?
With your help in the form of financial contributions, labor and or time, we can do it.
RAIN OR SHINE, WE WILL MARCH FOR PEACE. If it rains, bring your rain gear and hopefully we will march under 1 million umbrellas!
West Coast Anti-War Mass March -- Sat. Jan. 18, 2003, in San Francisco
Gather: at 11 AM at Embarcadero Plaza. Embarcadero & Market St. Embarcadero BART stop. Across the street from the Amtrak SF shuttle drop off and four blocks from the Greyhound Bus Station. March to a 1 PM rally at Civic Center Plaza.
West Coast Anti-War March
Saturday, January 18 -- San Francisco
No War on Iraq!
San Francisco March Will Parallel Washington, DC
Mass Anti-War March
National Grassroots Peace Congress Convening
in Washington, DC next day Referendum to be Announced at Peace Congress
For more information, please contact A.N.S.W.E.R. at 415-821-6545, email answer [at] , or go to or .
International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism)
2489 Mission St., Rm. 24
San Francisco, CA 94110 or Phone: 415-821-6545 or Fax: 415-821-5782
Email: answer [at] or Web: ,
Jan 18, 2003, West Coast org centers as of November 20, 2002
Redding/Shasta, CA 530 275 8559
Chico, CA 530 893 9078 Chico Peace and Justice
Santa Clara, CA 408 855 0715
Mariposa, CA 209 966 4894
Fresno, CA 559 485 6356
Eureka/Arcata, CA 707 443 7926 Redwood Peace and Justice
Placerville/El Dorado, CA 530 642 1120 El Dorado Peace and Justice
Modesto/ Merced 209 484 0226cell/ 209 821 6454
Seattle 206 325 0085 Seattle ANSWER office
Spokane, WA 509 838 7870
So. Oregon 541 482 6543
Tucson, AZ turnwind_az [at]
Reno, NV stewartreno [at]
Hundreds of Volunteers urgently needed for Jan. 18 -- outreach, logistical, monitors, legal, medical. Help make it happen! (Please contact us if you can help on that day.) Information about the Jan. 18 march in SF to Stop War on Iraq.
Yesterday, nearly 100 activists squeezed into the A.N.S.W.E.R. office for the first organizing meeting of the new year, an promising sign! We encourage all those who are able to join us in these last 15 days before the National Anti-War Marches. Decide to make history! We must do everything we can to stop the war before it starts!
Volunteer: To make this event a success, hundreds of volunteers are needed to help out in many areas! If you would like to volunteer, email J18volunteer [at] Help is needed for handing out literature and placards, selling buttons & bumper stickers, monitoring & collection and more. Also, come in to the office from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. to pick up leaflets to distribute, join postering teams, make alert phone calls, and help prepare signs and banners.
If you are a lawyer or have a legal background or education and can volunteer to be a legal observer, respond to J18legal [at] Legal Observer training is tentatively scheduled for Saturday January 11th at 12noon at 2489 Mission St. Rm. 24; call 415-821-6545 to confirm.
If you have a medical background and can volunteer to be on the medical team, respond to mailto:J18medical [at] and a coordinator of the team will contact you for an orientation.
If you can volunteer for other areas on January 18th to help carry out the march respond to mailto:J18volunteer [at] Volunteer orientation on the day of is at 9 AM at Embarcadero Plaza.
- Organize a volunteer team of co-workers, friends or family to take on an area of responsibility. Have your organization represented with the people who work to carry out the march.
- Teams with aprons from work are needed to sell buttons and stickers to help pay for the march. Show your workplace is against the war!
- Come to a volunteer orientation & training!
Sat. 1/11 at 11 am, 1pm, or 3 pm
Tues. 1/14 at 7 pm
Thur 1/16 at 7 pm
or Fri 1/17 at 7 pm
(Orientations are at 2489 Mission St. in Room 30)
- Come to the next ANSWER Activist meeting Tuesday, Jan. 7th at 2489 Mission St. Rm #30 Call 415-821-6545 for info
On January 18th, volunteers are needed to:
- Load and set up the tables, tents, signs and banners
- Greet busses arriving form all over the western U.S. for the march.
- Be part of the Medical Team - Be Legal Observers - Distribute picket signs, sell buttons and T-Shirts to help pay for the march, and collect donations
- Monitor the march and rallies; help move thousands of people through the streets of SF saying no to war.
- Staff organizing tables, pass out leaflets, help people get more information about how to stop the war.
- Help clean up the Embarcadero and Civic Center rallying sites, take down and loading.
For more information on the San Francisco march, see:
For more information:
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ANSWER and INTERNATIONAL ANSWER are all Marxist front groups that do not have American interests at heart. If you are truly patriotic, join another group's march or form your own. Don't let them use your energy and concern for their agenda.
Who cares if they are Marxist front groups? At least they are doing the work that needs to be done. Is this the communism boogy man?
Fake liberals, COINTELPRO-types and others would like everyone to focus on how International Answer has ideological views far away from most people participating in the peace movement.
The truth is that eventually, mainstream leadership voices will take on more organizing. It's always the "fringe" that gets out there first.
I don't support with International Answer's ideological view of the world, but I don't give a rat's arse about the fact that they have been one of the leading organizers to wake millions of Americans up. That's a good thing, and fake liberals and COINTELPRO types wouldn't care about the whole subject if the higher end of a real peace movement wasn't actually manifesting before our nation's eyes.
The following is part of a long article by Alexander Cockburn at Counterpunch.
The truth is that eventually, mainstream leadership voices will take on more organizing. It's always the "fringe" that gets out there first.
I don't support with International Answer's ideological view of the world, but I don't give a rat's arse about the fact that they have been one of the leading organizers to wake millions of Americans up. That's a good thing, and fake liberals and COINTELPRO types wouldn't care about the whole subject if the higher end of a real peace movement wasn't actually manifesting before our nation's eyes.
The following is part of a long article by Alexander Cockburn at Counterpunch.
The Antiwar Movement in the 1960s
Not so long ago I decried the effort by Marc Cooper, David Corn, Todd Gitlin and others to redbait the current antiwar movement, insinuating that all the demonstrators are dupes of Saddam Hussein, Ramsay Clark and the Workers World Party. Corn went on the O'Reilly Show to reiterate his allegation of dupedom.
Someone has to do the organizing, and thus far it's been the Workers World Party, which doesn't mean that everyone left the recent demos in DC and the Bay Area with the WWP's secret plan for revolution burned into their synapses. I pointed out that "It wasn't until 1966 and 1967, that the left, particularly the Socialist Workers Party, managed to stage the big anti war rallies that that broke forever the pro-war consensus, and set the stage for more radical actions. And by then there was that potent fuel for an antiwar movement, the draft, which prompted Stop the Draft Week."
This passage elicited some interesting correspondence, starting with a note from that excellent historian of the left, Stew Albert:
Dear Alexander C. Actually, the first big march against the war took place in NYC in 1964 on May 2. It was somewhat covertly organized by the Maoist Progressive Labor Party. Thousands marched from Harlem to the UN. And a PLP front group, the May 2, Movement was born.
"The next big event. that I recall, was organized in Berkeley in 1965 by a coalition of New Leftists, CPers, PLers and yes the SWP. The coalition was called the Vietnam Day Committee and its most prominent member was Jerry Rubin. The VDC organized a massive teach-in and several very large marches in BerkeleySDS jumped in organizing a teach-ins in Ann Arbor and elsewhere and a big protest demo in DC. The SWP began showing itself in a strong way in the later 60's but as a force more moderate and experimental than Dave Dellinger's pacifists."
Stew added that my overall point "holds up very well. If Maoists organized the event it did not create a compulsory Maoism. Same with the Trotskyists. All these groups helped build the peace movement. Though the great thing was that a new left developed, that was able to work with them -and put aside the anti-Red biases of the 50's social democrats."
So Stew was saying is that there were anti-war activities before that, and some pretty big ones, too. And that there were lots of other leftists involved. He is right. No doubt. But, as Frank Bardacke points out in another useful note, "the earlier demonstrations didn't break 'forever the pro-war consensus.' It was the big, peaceful marches followed by seven-and-a-half hours of speeches which did that. Broke the cold war consensus, and nearly bored the movement to death in its crib.
Other notes on Sixties history: Jeff Cohen comments that "SDS was big in the '65 DC event. The Pentagon protest in '67 was more counter-cultural, Yippie-types, etc. Ed Sanders did the incantation to levitate the building. In Detroit, SWP was at the center of all mass antiwar rallies."
And from Tim Harding, in a communication relayed by Ed Pearl: "Dear Ed: The SWP in the US was extremely important in building the anti-war movement in the 67-71 period. Fred Halstead was one of the most important leaders at that time in the mobilizations. Alex gives them too much credit, but they had an excellent principled position and worked very well in that leadership. This last week on the Lawyers' Guild program on KPFK they discussed that period in the context of the Red Baiting of the role of Workers' World in the current movement and gave credit to the SWP for one national coalition and the CP for another. SDS were important too but not by any means alone, and mostly in the early period. As you know, the FSM was a regional development and not a national organizer group. Fred Halstead's book OUT NOW is a useful history."
And from Mike Klonsky: "Thanks to Alexander Cockburn for the American Journal piece. The new respectable neocons from the left were never really that left to begin with. Even in the 60's, one in particular was hanging out on campus with the respectable Young Democrats while those scruffy, long-haired SDS students, left-wingers, commies and young activists were getting arrested at the nearby Van Nuys Air National Guard base trying to stop the bombers heading for Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
"By the way, it's should have been noted that it was the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) who organized the first massive anti-war demonstration in Washington, D.C. in 1965."
Not so long ago I decried the effort by Marc Cooper, David Corn, Todd Gitlin and others to redbait the current antiwar movement, insinuating that all the demonstrators are dupes of Saddam Hussein, Ramsay Clark and the Workers World Party. Corn went on the O'Reilly Show to reiterate his allegation of dupedom.
Someone has to do the organizing, and thus far it's been the Workers World Party, which doesn't mean that everyone left the recent demos in DC and the Bay Area with the WWP's secret plan for revolution burned into their synapses. I pointed out that "It wasn't until 1966 and 1967, that the left, particularly the Socialist Workers Party, managed to stage the big anti war rallies that that broke forever the pro-war consensus, and set the stage for more radical actions. And by then there was that potent fuel for an antiwar movement, the draft, which prompted Stop the Draft Week."
This passage elicited some interesting correspondence, starting with a note from that excellent historian of the left, Stew Albert:
Dear Alexander C. Actually, the first big march against the war took place in NYC in 1964 on May 2. It was somewhat covertly organized by the Maoist Progressive Labor Party. Thousands marched from Harlem to the UN. And a PLP front group, the May 2, Movement was born.
"The next big event. that I recall, was organized in Berkeley in 1965 by a coalition of New Leftists, CPers, PLers and yes the SWP. The coalition was called the Vietnam Day Committee and its most prominent member was Jerry Rubin. The VDC organized a massive teach-in and several very large marches in BerkeleySDS jumped in organizing a teach-ins in Ann Arbor and elsewhere and a big protest demo in DC. The SWP began showing itself in a strong way in the later 60's but as a force more moderate and experimental than Dave Dellinger's pacifists."
Stew added that my overall point "holds up very well. If Maoists organized the event it did not create a compulsory Maoism. Same with the Trotskyists. All these groups helped build the peace movement. Though the great thing was that a new left developed, that was able to work with them -and put aside the anti-Red biases of the 50's social democrats."
So Stew was saying is that there were anti-war activities before that, and some pretty big ones, too. And that there were lots of other leftists involved. He is right. No doubt. But, as Frank Bardacke points out in another useful note, "the earlier demonstrations didn't break 'forever the pro-war consensus.' It was the big, peaceful marches followed by seven-and-a-half hours of speeches which did that. Broke the cold war consensus, and nearly bored the movement to death in its crib.
Other notes on Sixties history: Jeff Cohen comments that "SDS was big in the '65 DC event. The Pentagon protest in '67 was more counter-cultural, Yippie-types, etc. Ed Sanders did the incantation to levitate the building. In Detroit, SWP was at the center of all mass antiwar rallies."
And from Tim Harding, in a communication relayed by Ed Pearl: "Dear Ed: The SWP in the US was extremely important in building the anti-war movement in the 67-71 period. Fred Halstead was one of the most important leaders at that time in the mobilizations. Alex gives them too much credit, but they had an excellent principled position and worked very well in that leadership. This last week on the Lawyers' Guild program on KPFK they discussed that period in the context of the Red Baiting of the role of Workers' World in the current movement and gave credit to the SWP for one national coalition and the CP for another. SDS were important too but not by any means alone, and mostly in the early period. As you know, the FSM was a regional development and not a national organizer group. Fred Halstead's book OUT NOW is a useful history."
And from Mike Klonsky: "Thanks to Alexander Cockburn for the American Journal piece. The new respectable neocons from the left were never really that left to begin with. Even in the 60's, one in particular was hanging out on campus with the respectable Young Democrats while those scruffy, long-haired SDS students, left-wingers, commies and young activists were getting arrested at the nearby Van Nuys Air National Guard base trying to stop the bombers heading for Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.
"By the way, it's should have been noted that it was the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) who organized the first massive anti-war demonstration in Washington, D.C. in 1965."
For more information:
I agree that people should not care whether the vanguard of the antiwar movement are Maoist or Martians!There are millions of people who think of themselves as liberals,middle of the roaders,and conservative/liberatarians,who oppose Bush's Iraq folly.The French resistance was a collaberation of French communist,nationalists,socialist,and consevatives who had a country to take back!We need to put aside our differances and join arm in arm,to stop this war!
What is a fake liberal?
For goodness sake, most of us keep showing up at these things and making up a good part of their numbers - at least let us speak our individual opinions rather than having to be silent troops. It's not as though huge numbers of people read this website and are chuckling over dreaded 'divisiveness'.
the group United for Peace is a more mainstream liberal, single issue group that isn't controlled by a communist organization and it is growing, and it is having a big demo in mid february in a few locations, although that might be after the official war starts again.
For goodness sake, most of us keep showing up at these things and making up a good part of their numbers - at least let us speak our individual opinions rather than having to be silent troops. It's not as though huge numbers of people read this website and are chuckling over dreaded 'divisiveness'.
the group United for Peace is a more mainstream liberal, single issue group that isn't controlled by a communist organization and it is growing, and it is having a big demo in mid february in a few locations, although that might be after the official war starts again.
Not a good choice of words, but.....
It's kind of like pornography: I know it when I see it. I'd classify Mr. Corn of The Nation as a good example, but as with most any example, he has solid progressive views and stances in a variety of areas (but has been divisive when it comes to the peace movement; he's been reactionary when it comes to open discussion about 9-11 and on and on).
United for Peace is a cool organization.
It's kind of like pornography: I know it when I see it. I'd classify Mr. Corn of The Nation as a good example, but as with most any example, he has solid progressive views and stances in a variety of areas (but has been divisive when it comes to the peace movement; he's been reactionary when it comes to open discussion about 9-11 and on and on).
United for Peace is a cool organization.
Oh PLEASE. If the commies want to do the work of
organizing the protests, more power to them!
We all are agreeing to be 'canaries in the coal mine.'
We can argue about how to run the world AFTER we
have awakened the USA from its current bushmare!
organizing the protests, more power to them!
We all are agreeing to be 'canaries in the coal mine.'
We can argue about how to run the world AFTER we
have awakened the USA from its current bushmare!
I actually think most americans are awake (or have the capacity to be), it's the corporate media that isn't.
I'll be surprised if they try to downplay numbers in such a rediculous way again, simply because NYT and NPR got such flack the last time.
But if we could have *any* media story we wanted with this sort of march, what would it be?
I'll be surprised if they try to downplay numbers in such a rediculous way again, simply because NYT and NPR got such flack the last time.
But if we could have *any* media story we wanted with this sort of march, what would it be?
Let us all contact our local and national papers, television and radio news teams, and talk show hosts to challenge them to fairly and honestly cover the march. The more readers, viewers, and listeners that speak up, the better the chance of having full representation.
Those of you who can, videotape and photograph the population at the march and send the photos in to the the printed and televised media - also, post it on websites, the theme of which is documenting the masses.
Those of you who can, videotape and photograph the population at the march and send the photos in to the the printed and televised media - also, post it on websites, the theme of which is documenting the masses.
Careful who's banner you wave on January 18. We want Peace not a whole new genocide.
Careful who's banner you wave on January 18. We want Peace not a whole new genocide.
For more information:
what a bunch of creeps.
The right winders have noticed an attack on the antiwar moevemnt and are now playing it up. Which are the left sectarian posts and which are the neofascist posts. Kinda hard to tell.
One would normally guess efforts to divide an antigovernment group would really be an FBI operation. But this is probably not the case. The left is divided enough that nobody stops to think that demonizing other groups on the left is beyond counterproductive. I have issues with ANSWER's politics but I have more issues with any group that demonizes them without trying to build their own large movement. In the Bay Area the only other large demos Ive seen was NION and I'm guessing this effort to demonize the IAC isnt comming from them. Although the same people trying to demonize ANSWER are also going after NION with a similar line.
Efforts should be made to organize more antiwar demos and actions not to undermine the groups that are doing things already. The Bay Area is known for sectarianism but there is a limit to how far one can go attacking active groups before one is just a tool of the state. IAC may undermine other groups to some extent in other cities but I have not seen that here. All I see here are unorganized individuals and small groups that spend more effort supporting Bush by dividing the antiwar movement than trying to build up alternatives (And its almost humorous that right wingers like Rob Morse have used this same line of demonization as anarchists and other liberals).
I would never join the WWP and dont support many aspects of how the IAC organizes and I definitely am not a Maoist so I dont agree with the RCP. But when ANSWER and the IAC have so far shown the best ability to create large protests I wouldnt go around atacking them. Yes, large protests are just one strategy but I think they are one needed strategy that should not be undermined (just as small CD actions and small direct actions are also needed)
Efforts should be made to organize more antiwar demos and actions not to undermine the groups that are doing things already. The Bay Area is known for sectarianism but there is a limit to how far one can go attacking active groups before one is just a tool of the state. IAC may undermine other groups to some extent in other cities but I have not seen that here. All I see here are unorganized individuals and small groups that spend more effort supporting Bush by dividing the antiwar movement than trying to build up alternatives (And its almost humorous that right wingers like Rob Morse have used this same line of demonization as anarchists and other liberals).
I would never join the WWP and dont support many aspects of how the IAC organizes and I definitely am not a Maoist so I dont agree with the RCP. But when ANSWER and the IAC have so far shown the best ability to create large protests I wouldnt go around atacking them. Yes, large protests are just one strategy but I think they are one needed strategy that should not be undermined (just as small CD actions and small direct actions are also needed)
Yes, IAC protests should be supported.
Yes, IAC should be attacked for their terrible politics.
If anything, IAC's terrible politics are a trojan horse for the anti-war movement. Are we to wait until the corporate media find out we all serve a Saddam Hussein-loving stalinist creep?
I am afraid of people who want to shut everyone up and suppress any dissent, kind of like in the Simpsons where Homer has to psychotically pat his childrens head and repeat over and over again "happy family happy family"
Diversity is a strength, not a shortcoming.
Yes, IAC should be attacked for their terrible politics.
If anything, IAC's terrible politics are a trojan horse for the anti-war movement. Are we to wait until the corporate media find out we all serve a Saddam Hussein-loving stalinist creep?
I am afraid of people who want to shut everyone up and suppress any dissent, kind of like in the Simpsons where Homer has to psychotically pat his childrens head and repeat over and over again "happy family happy family"
Diversity is a strength, not a shortcoming.
It's nessie the black and white guy.
I noticed that many responses to the topic against war said that we were over for oil. I seem to dissagree because of the fact that if we were only going for oil, then why would we be going against North Korea. We don't give a damn about their oil. In Cyberia, there is an oil field the size of the U.S. no bullshit either. There is plenty of oil in reserve, and plenty to pump. We are over in Iraq, and North Korea to dissarm them of their nuclear armament. Korea would take over the South Koreans, and then probably nuke the Island of Japan, which is a country that hold 60% of the U.S.'s tech stocks, and that is why you see that dvd, or Toyota, or, lets just say your income at home. If North Korea hit Japan with a nuke, and threw them into poverty, the U.S. would go into poverty, I SHIT YOU NOT!!!
Saddam Controls the worlds most precious resource, and that is oil. In his crusade for world resource dominating he starts throwing in a few nukes for insurance. He is crazy as it is and wouldn't hesitate to use a nuke in order to make sure he has oil control. Oil funds his terroristic groups, and that is a fact. He has a ground troop military of about 1 million strong. Now imagine if he really startes becoming a power when he has a set of nukes. It's all blood money to him. He will use that funding from oil and distribution of nukes and build his military, turning his military from a 3rd world into a military power kind of like the germans did when Hitler came to power.
During the Pursian Gulf War, or Dessert Storm, Saddam lit his oil rigs on fire when he ended up losing. This makes him really show his control of oil and he will continue to try to intimidate countries with this type of activity.
Now what I seem to see is a bunch of people in the U.S. raising white flags to North Korea and Saddam. While Saddam continuously dissobeys the U.N. resolutions, and North Korea tryes to take over South Korea, and our number 1 distributor that makes your lives happy, Japan.
What if someone hit you for no reason. I'll bet that many of you would swing back and kick his ass. And that is what the U.S. is doing. This would've never happened if Osama didn't hit the WTC. He ended up hiding in Iraq and using Saddam as refuge. And Saddam started lying to the U.S., and now we are pissed. I'll bet you people would want something done of your brother sister or mother was a victim of the WTC. But like I said all I see is a storm of white flags, calling for peace to some countries that don't understand what peace means. If they can't seem to act like civilized countries and stop starving their people, then we and England and France should be the ones to clean these acts of inhumanity up.
We liberated the Germany in the 40s, but I bet if that act were to happen today you people would start whining for peace. Killing 11,000,000 people, 6,000,000 of which were jews, for the fact that they are not aryan was bullshit, and I'm glad we stomped the shit out of Germany, but if that happened today, people would start whining and start saying, "OH WELL ITS NOT OUR WAR SO LEAVE THEM ALONE" If someone calls for help because they need it help them. The Iraqi civilians want our help and need our help they don't like Saddam, and they don't seem to have a choice but to vote for him for fear of their lives.
Saddam Controls the worlds most precious resource, and that is oil. In his crusade for world resource dominating he starts throwing in a few nukes for insurance. He is crazy as it is and wouldn't hesitate to use a nuke in order to make sure he has oil control. Oil funds his terroristic groups, and that is a fact. He has a ground troop military of about 1 million strong. Now imagine if he really startes becoming a power when he has a set of nukes. It's all blood money to him. He will use that funding from oil and distribution of nukes and build his military, turning his military from a 3rd world into a military power kind of like the germans did when Hitler came to power.
During the Pursian Gulf War, or Dessert Storm, Saddam lit his oil rigs on fire when he ended up losing. This makes him really show his control of oil and he will continue to try to intimidate countries with this type of activity.
Now what I seem to see is a bunch of people in the U.S. raising white flags to North Korea and Saddam. While Saddam continuously dissobeys the U.N. resolutions, and North Korea tryes to take over South Korea, and our number 1 distributor that makes your lives happy, Japan.
What if someone hit you for no reason. I'll bet that many of you would swing back and kick his ass. And that is what the U.S. is doing. This would've never happened if Osama didn't hit the WTC. He ended up hiding in Iraq and using Saddam as refuge. And Saddam started lying to the U.S., and now we are pissed. I'll bet you people would want something done of your brother sister or mother was a victim of the WTC. But like I said all I see is a storm of white flags, calling for peace to some countries that don't understand what peace means. If they can't seem to act like civilized countries and stop starving their people, then we and England and France should be the ones to clean these acts of inhumanity up.
We liberated the Germany in the 40s, but I bet if that act were to happen today you people would start whining for peace. Killing 11,000,000 people, 6,000,000 of which were jews, for the fact that they are not aryan was bullshit, and I'm glad we stomped the shit out of Germany, but if that happened today, people would start whining and start saying, "OH WELL ITS NOT OUR WAR SO LEAVE THEM ALONE" If someone calls for help because they need it help them. The Iraqi civilians want our help and need our help they don't like Saddam, and they don't seem to have a choice but to vote for him for fear of their lives.
I agree with the last comment. Saying the war is about oil is simplistic and won't truly resonate with anyone who is paying attention. It is also about drugs. It is also about imperial hegemony. It is also about the dozen of other global industries which rely on land, power, and labor at your disposal.
Nobody sincere has reported that Osama took refuge
in Iraq. Saddam is secular- Osama a Muslim fundamentalist they don't get along one iota.
Bush caused the disturbance with North
Korea when he gave his moronic "Axis of Evil" speech.
Remember he linked North Korea with Iraq and look
what we're about to do to Iraq. That is what motivated
the North Koreans to go on the offensive. It was Bush's low IQ and blatant stupidity.
You are so brainwashed by right wing Satanists and
corporate media dung beetles who spin their pile of putrid crap day after day. Bush doesn't even believe in democracy therefore he isn't even an American since the criteria to be an American is being sincere about allowing everyone to vote. Bush is a misleader misguiding all the lemmings over the abyss to hell.
Following a hell-being nazi like Bush will only result in a shocking increase in your own stupidity and suffering.
in Iraq. Saddam is secular- Osama a Muslim fundamentalist they don't get along one iota.
Bush caused the disturbance with North
Korea when he gave his moronic "Axis of Evil" speech.
Remember he linked North Korea with Iraq and look
what we're about to do to Iraq. That is what motivated
the North Koreans to go on the offensive. It was Bush's low IQ and blatant stupidity.
You are so brainwashed by right wing Satanists and
corporate media dung beetles who spin their pile of putrid crap day after day. Bush doesn't even believe in democracy therefore he isn't even an American since the criteria to be an American is being sincere about allowing everyone to vote. Bush is a misleader misguiding all the lemmings over the abyss to hell.
Following a hell-being nazi like Bush will only result in a shocking increase in your own stupidity and suffering.
does any of this really matter? maybe you should focus your energy on peace!
Hey, man. You have your right to opinion and all, ...and I'm not saying I disagree with you or anything (quite the contrary, actually). But just cool it down, alright? We don't need a bunch of negetivity toaward anyone from anyone.
Just sit back, and emjoy the good vibes that everyone else is givin' off. Now is the time for peace and good feelings, man. Spread the love.
-Azzen Galanodel
Just sit back, and emjoy the good vibes that everyone else is givin' off. Now is the time for peace and good feelings, man. Spread the love.
-Azzen Galanodel
Hey, man. You have your right to opinion and all, ...and I'm not saying I disagree with you or anything (quite the contrary, actually). But just cool it down, alright? We don't need a bunch of negetivity toaward anyone from anyone.
Just sit back, and enjoy the good vibes that everyone else is givin' off. Now is the time for peace and good feelings, man. Spread the love.
-Azzen Galanodel
Just sit back, and enjoy the good vibes that everyone else is givin' off. Now is the time for peace and good feelings, man. Spread the love.
-Azzen Galanodel
> Just sit back, and enjoy the good vibes that everyone else is givin' off. Now is the time for peace and good feelings, man. Spread the love.
"Naïveté allows the peace movement to thrive, but it is animated by arrogance."
"Naïveté allows the peace movement to thrive, but it is animated by arrogance."
I am a freelance journalist writing an article on how Jews fit into the anti-war movement when rallies often contain pro-Palestinian sentiment. I am trying to answer the question, "Can someone be pro-Israeli and against the war with Iraq at the same time?"
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me at dan_freed [at] with your comments.
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me at dan_freed [at] with your comments.
Daniel Freed is a correspondent for the neo-conservative Jewish Bulletin of San Francisco. Understand that your words to him may well be used to disparage the anti-war movement and the anti-zionist left.
Daniel Freed is a correspondent for the neo-conservative Jewish Bulletin of San Francisco. Understand that your words to him may well be used to disparage the anti-war movement and the anti-zionist left.
Go to Mea Shearim. Everbody there is opposed to Zionism and the Zionist wars. If you can't afford a ticket, or if you are prejudiced against orthodox Jews or anti-semite, visit the Kehila synagogue in Berkeley. Everyone there is opposed to the war. Need more? Check out the Tikkun Comunity in SF.
Not enuf you say? Go talk to the JVP people.
Not enuf you say? Go talk to the JVP people.
Now is the time to terminate war and military aggression and only the Christian church can do it as our obligation to the founder of our religion, Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah of Israel and the Son of the Living God.
Peace Church Challenge is a ministry dedicated to return Christianity back to its Apostolic roots by turning churches and denominations toward religious objection to war and military aggression. Visit the website:
For a free copy of the book Conflict of Ages, email your name and address to peacechurch [at]
Peace Church Challenge is a ministry dedicated to return Christianity back to its Apostolic roots by turning churches and denominations toward religious objection to war and military aggression. Visit the website:
For a free copy of the book Conflict of Ages, email your name and address to peacechurch [at]
For more information:
Chirst man, did you really just say " and only the Christian church can do it "? I'm an athiest, and I'll be among those out protesting tomorrow... I hope you will too.
But religion isn't a prerequisite to opposing war. If churches can use people's faith to motivate them to protest, I'm all for it, but the christian church definitely isn't the "only" group that can do it. You made a typo or something there, right? Didn't you?
But religion isn't a prerequisite to opposing war. If churches can use people's faith to motivate them to protest, I'm all for it, but the christian church definitely isn't the "only" group that can do it. You made a typo or something there, right? Didn't you?
especially right now, by bad mouthing each other's religions.
gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go gotta go right now....
don't just sit there-do SOMETHING
don't just sit there-do SOMETHING
Why play by the rules when you don't have to? For example, a small team with water pistols charged with food dye could wipe out a high street chain. Stickers bearing messages like "Warning: an irritant poison applied to banknotes could destabilize the western economy" are simple to produce and deploy and yet carry an extremely serious message, all within the bounds of cultural criticism. Paint can be used to draw attention to the vulnerabilities of the economy - door handles, ATM buttons etc. I use a glove with a compressible rubber bladder in it. The worst you can be done for is criminal damage. If you can subvert the public trust in its points of economic interaction then in my view you begin to address the complacency which allows the corporate sector to ignore you. Vae victis.
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