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Indybay Feature

The "SF-IMC sucks" thread.

by random member
The "SF Indymedia Editorial Policy" thread is getting pretty full. Everything that can be said about our editorial policy has been said already. Much of it has been repeated ad nauseum. But there's more to SF-IMC than our editorial policy.
So all of you out there who would like to address such crucial, pressing issues as our ancestry, our table manners or our sexual proclivities, now have a thread of your own. This is it. Put that stuff here. Try to be clever. Thanks in advance.
by ..............

Since the trolls aren't interesting in coming here, let's just sit around and bash them.

Don't you all love fascists who would like to burn the Koran coming here and whining about "free speech" because they can't post their photoshopped images of Arafat having anal sex etc etc? Shit, its so funny every time one of them starts whining .......
by Mr. Toad
I am a conservative, though definitely not a facist. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, James Madison, and Sir Winston Churchill are my heroes.
Don't want to burn the Koran, actually have respect for most established religions and especially individuals' right to practice them.
Can't stand when some pervert a perfectly fine and upstanding religion to meet their twisted needs to beat someone else over the head.
It's true, sometimes I whine, but I'm trying to give it up.
I don't have photoshop and have no desire whatsoever to see Arafat or anyone else having anal sex anywhere.
Am I a troll?
by no but..
"no desire whatsoever to see .. anyone else having anal sex anywhere"

you sound kinda boring....
by ?
Its both homophonic and perhaps misogynous. Many people like to suck and it shouldn't be held against them.

I guess the title could be a positive statement intended to draw people into indymedia but I doubt it (most people who suck are picky enough they wouldnt go around advertising it as a group recruitment tactic).
by .............
"I am a conservative, though definitely not a facist. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, James Madison, and Sir Winston Churchill are my heroes.
Don't want to burn the Koran, actually have respect for most established religions and especially individuals' right to practice them.
Can't stand when some pervert a perfectly fine and upstanding religion to meet their twisted needs to beat someone else over the head.
It's true, sometimes I whine, but I'm trying to give it up.
I don't have photoshop and have no desire whatsoever to see Arafat or anyone else having anal sex anywhere.
Am I a troll?"

Hmmm .. maybe. I don't really define trolls on the basis of whether they are conservative or not. Alot of conservatives are very intelligent and make good points. Very few of those are of the neo-conservative flavour though. Neo-conservatives are a confused bunch. One minute they claim to abhor collectivism; the next they are calling for laws curtailing individual rights to protect the majority. Pure collectivism.

I define a troll by the following symptoms:


Trolls often attack the character of an opponent rather than deal with the facts or issues raised. They will question motives, qualifications, past associations, alleged values, personality, looks, mental health, and so on as a diversion from the issues under consideration. Some of these matters are not entirely irrelevant , but they should not serve to avoid the real issues.

Trolls object strenuously when this is done to them, of course!


Trolls are quick to resort to epithets (racist, subversive, pervert, hate monger, nut, crackpot, degenerate, un-American, anti-semite, red, commie, nazi, kook, fink, liar, bigot, and so on) to label and condemn opponents in order to divert attention from their arguments and to discourage others from hearing them out. These epithets don't have to be proved to be effective; the mere fact that they have been said is often enough.


Trolls tend to make sweeping claims or judgments on little or no evidence, and they have a tendency to confuse similarity with sameness. That is, they assume that because two (or more) things, events, or persons are alike in some respects, they must be alike in most respects. The sloppy use of analogy is a treacherous form of logic and has a high potential for false conclusions.


Trolls tend to be very fuzzy about what constitutes proof, and they also tend to get caught up in logical fallacies, such as post hoc ergo propter hoc (assuming that a prior event explains a subsequent occurrence simply because of their before and after relationship). They tend to project wished-for conclusions and to exaggerate the significance of information that confirms their beliefs while derogating or ignoring information that contradicts them. They tend to be motivated by feelings more than facts, by what they want to exist rather than what actually does exist. Trolls do a lot of wishful and fearful thinking.


Trolls generally tend to judge themselves or their interest group in terms of their intentions, which they tend to view very generously, and others by their acts, which they tend to view very critically. They would like you to accept their assertions on faith, but they demand proof for yours. They tend to engage in special pleading on behalf of themselves or their interests, usually because of some alleged special status, past circumstances, or present disadvantage.


To the Troll, opponents hold opposing positions because they are bad people, immoral, dishonest, unscrupulous, mean-spirited, hateful, cruel, or whatever, not merely because they simply disagree, see the matter differently, have competing interests, or are perhaps even mistaken.


Trolls have a tendency to see the world in terms of absolutes of good and evil, for them or against them, with no middle ground or intermediate positions. All issues are ultimately moral issues of right and wrong, with the "right" position coinciding with their interests. Their slogan is often "those who are not with me are against me."


This may include a very active campaign to keep opponents from media access and a public hearing, as in the case of blacklisting, banning or "quarantining" dissident spokespersons. They may actually lobby for legislation against speaking, writing, teaching, or instructing "subversive" or forbidden information or opinions. They may even attempt to keep offending books out of stores or off of library shelves, discourage advertising with threats of reprisals, and keep spokespersons for "offensive" views off the airwaves or certain columnists out of newspapers. In each case the goal is some kind of information control. Trolls would prefer that you listen only to them. They feel threatened when someone talks back or challenges their views.


Accordingly, Trolls may become emotionally bound to their opponents, who are often competing Trolls themselves. Because they tend to view their enemies as evil and powerful, they tend, perhaps subconsciously, to emulate them, adopting the same tactics to a certain degree. For example, anti- Communist and anti-Nazi groups often behave surprisingly like their opponents. Anti-Klan rallies often take on much of the character of the stereotype of Klan rallies themselves, including the orgy of emotion, bullying, screaming epithets, and even acts of violence. To behave the opposite of someone is to actually surrender your will to them, and "opposites" are often more like mirror images that, although they have "left" and "right" reversed, look and behave amazingly alike.


Trolls tend to frame their arguments in such a way as to intimidate others into accepting their premises and conclusions. To disagree with them is to "ally oneself with the devil," or to give aid and comfort to the enemy. They use a lot of moralizing and pontificating, and tend to be very judgmental. This shrill, harsh rhetorical style allows them to keep their opponents and critics on the defensive, cuts off troublesome lines of argument, and allows them to define the perimeters of debate.


For many Trolls shortcuts in thinking and in reasoning matters out seem to be necessary in order to avoid or evade awareness of troublesome facts and compelling counter-arguments. Trolls generally behave in ways that reinforce their prejudices and alter their own consciousness in a manner that bolsters their false confidence and sense of self-righteousness.


Most obvious would be claims of general racial or ethnic superiority-- a master race, for example. Less obvious are claims of ennoblement because of alleged victimhood, a special relationship with God, membership in a special "elite" or "class," and a kind of aloof "highminded" snobbishness that accrues because of the weightiness of their preoccupations, their altruism, and their willingness to sacrifice themselves (and others) to their cause. After all, who can bear to deal with common people when one is trying to save the world! Trolls can show great indignation when one is "insensitive" enough to challenge these claims.


Trolls often predict dire or catastrophic consequences from a situation or from failure to follow a specific course, and they tend to exhibit a kind of "crisis- mindedness." It can be a Communist takeover, a Nazi revival, nuclear war, earthquakes, floods, or the wrath of God. Whatever it is, it's just around the corner unless we follow their program and listen to the special insight and wisdom, to which only the truly enlightened have access. For Trolls, any setback or defeat is the "beginning of the end!"


Trolls may deliberately lie, distort, misquote, slander, defame, or libel their opponents and/or critics, engage in censorship or repression , or undertake violence in "special cases." This is done with little or no remorse as long as it's in the service of defeating the Communists or Fascists or whomever. Defeating an "enemy" becomes an all- encompassing goal to which other values are subordinate. With Trolls, the end justifies the means.


Trolls have an unspoken reverence for propaganda, which they may call "education" or "consciousness-raising." Symbolism plays an exaggerated role in their thinking, and they tend to think imprecisely and metamorphically. Harold D. Lasswell, in his book, *Psychopathology and Politics*, says, "The essential mark of the agitator is the high value he places on the emotional response of the public." Effective Trolls tend to be effective propagandists. Propaganda differs from education in that the former teaches one what to think, and the latter teaches one how to think.


Trolls perceive hostile innuendo in even casual comments; imagine rejection and antagonism concealed in honest disagreement and dissent; see "latent" subversion, anti-semitism, perversion, racism, disloyalty, and so on in innocent gestures and ambiguous behaviors. Although few Trolls are clinically paranoid, many of them adopt a paranoid style with its attendant hostility and distrust.


Some Trolls, particularly those involved in "cults" or extreme religious movements, such as fundamentalist Christians, militant Zionist Trolls, and members of mystical and metaphysical organizations, claim some kind of supernatural rationale for their beliefs and actions, and that their movement or cause is ordained by God. In this case, stark extremism may become reframed in a "religious" context, which can have a legitimizing effect for some people. It's surprising how many people are reluctant to challenge religiously motivated extremism because it represents "religious belief" or because of the sacred- cow status of some religions in our culture.


Indeed, the ideologies and belief systems to which Trolls tend to attach themselves often represent grasping for certainty in an uncertain world, or an attempt to achieve absolute security in an environment that is naturally unpredictable or perhaps populated by people with interests opposed to their own. Trolls exhibit a kind of risk- aversiveness that compels them to engage in controlling and manipulative behavior, both on a personal level and in a political context, to protect themselves from the unforeseen and unknown. The more laws or "rules" there are that regulate the behavior of others-- particular their "enemies"--the more secure Trolls feel.


Trolls, their organizations , and their subcultures are prone to a kind of inward-looking group cohesiveness that leads to what Irving Janis discussed in his excellent book Victims of Groupthink. "Groupthink" involves a tendency to conform to group norms and to preserve solidarity and concurrence at the expense of distorting members' observations of facts, conflicting evidence, and disquieting observations that would call into question the shared assumptions and beliefs of the group.

Right-wingers (or left-wingers), for example, talk only with one another, read material that reflects their own views, and can be almost phobic about the "propaganda" of the "other side." The result is a deterioration of reality-testing, rationality, and moral judgment. With groupthink, shared illusions of righteousness, superior morality, persecution, and so on remain intact, and those who challenge them are viewed with skepticism and hostility.


Trolls often wish for the personal bad fortune of their "enemies," and celebrate when it occurs. When a critic or an adversary dies or has a serious illness, a bad accident, or personal legal problems, Trolls often rejoice and chortle about how they "deserved" it. I recall seeing right-wing Trolls celebrate the assassination of Martin Luther King and leftists agonizing because George Wallace survived an assassination attempt. In each instance their hatred was not only directed against ideas, but also against individual human beings.


For example, if public opinion turns against them, it was because of "brainwashing." If their followers become disillusioned, it's because of "sabotage." The test of the rightness or wrongness of the system is how it impacts upon them...
by ..................
PS what have you got against Thomas Paine? He's by far the most revolutionary of the American Revolutionaries.
by did you wonder
to the nessie sucks thread?
by ............
"what ever happened? to the nessie sucks thread?"

you got bored talking to yourself? It sucked? It was a stupid and boring thread? We all got tired of listening about your obsession?
by just trying
by IMC local
the SFIMC is the shame of all IMC's thread?
by ..............
Again for our thick skulled sack of greasy entrails:

you got bored talking to yourself? It sucked? It was a stupid and boring thread? We all got tired of listening about your obsession?
by just wondering
using the search engine?
by kindy kid
by Eric
Good old Danny sums it all up for you more than a year ago. What a guy, that Danny. He'd always make me laugh with those posts. Too bad he's no longer around. He breathed quite a bit of life into this forum. Not like the collective, who "collectively" suck the life out of it.
by ..........
"Danny" was a Drone, snail, slug, sot, ass, drunkard, churl, malt-horse, capon,
idiot, patch, minion, baggage, goer-backward, cuckold, drudge,
empiric, taffeta punk, scolding queen, scurvy lord, witty fool,
clog, timorous thief, rude boy, caitiff, hater of love,
despiteful Juno, filthy officer, jackanape with scarves, ring-
carrier, hilding, bubble, hourly promise-breaker, notable coward,
infinite and endless liar, coxcomb, sprat, counterfeit module,
double-meaning prophesier, past-saving slave, botcher's
apprentice, shrieve's fool, dumb innocent, foolish idle boy,
dangerous and lascivious boy, damnable both-sides rogue, flinty
Tartar, snipt-taffeta fellow, unbaked and doughy youth, red-
tailed bumblebee, carbonadoed face, hideous object, common
gamester, perfidious slave, equivocal companion, common customer,
wrangling queen, common liar, saucy eunuch, amorous surfeiter,
monstrous malefactor, strange serpent, ribaudred nag, you kite,
Jack, boggler, old ruffian, triple-turn'd whore, witch, vile-
lady, old dog, mechanic slave, odd worm, whoreson devil, mortal
wretch, venomous fool, unworthy brother, peasant, envious
emulator, monster, nature's natural, cutter-off of nature's wit,
cur, mannish coward, clownish fool, toad, fat and greasy citizen,
roynish clown, dog-ape, compact of jars, you of basest function,
rude despiser of good manners, natural philosopher, crooked-pated
old cuckoldy ram, nut, dull fool, saucy lackey, fancy-monger,
mannish youth, foul slut, confirmer of false reckonings, puisny
tilter, noble goose, common executioner, nature's sale-work,
abominable fellow, tyrant, motley-minded gentleman, ill-favored
virgin, idle creature, saucy fellow, common laugher, eternal
devil, fleering tell-tale, serpent's egg, old feeble carrion,
shrewd contriver, carcass fit for hounds, barren-spirited fellow,
jigging fool, monstrous apparition, peevish schoolboy, disguised
cheater, prating mountebank, cuckold-mad, horn-mad, prating
peasant, unfeeling fool, foolish gnat, hind, curtal dog, drunken
slave, backfriend, shoulder-clapper, Lapland sorcerer, devil,
devil's dam, fiend, doting wizard, dissembling harlot, peevish
officer, unhappy strumpet, mere anatomy, mountebank, threadbare
juggler, fortuneteller, fat friend, belly, rascal, dissentious
rogue, quartered slave, fragment, shame of Rome, base slave,
fusty plebeian, debile wretch, hereditary hangman, old crab-tree,
horse-drench, kitchen malkin, vengeance proud, timepleaser,
flatterer, foe to nobleness, Triton of the minnows, old goat,
rotten thing, viperous traitor, general lout, common cry of curs,
bastards, daw, dastard noble, carbonado, decayed dotant, varlet,
foreign recreant, boy of tears, measureless liar, falsehound,
basest thing, beggar, vile one, that-way-accomplished courtier,
flattering rascal, depender on a thing that leans, runagate,
saucy stranger, whoreson jackanapes, whoreson dog, Jackslave,
banished rascal, crafty devil, unpaved eunuch, base wretch,
profane fellow, precious pander, precious varlet, injurious
thief, rustic mountaineer, empty purse, clotpoll, irregulous
devil, sad wrack, kitchen trull, unspeaking sot, most credulous
fool, egregious murderer, dullard, implorator of unholy suits,
adulterate beast, garbage, wretch whose natural gifts were poor,
pernicious, addicted so and so, fishmonger, satirical rogue,
tedious old fool, quintessence of dust, rogue and peasant slave,
dull and muddy-mottled rascal, pigeon-liver, whore, guilty
creature, breeder of sinners, robustious, periwigpated fellow,
groundling, passion's slave, galled jade, croaking raven,
peacock, bosom black as death, wretched, rash, intruding fool,
mildewed ear, king of shreds and patches, tardy son, sweet wag,
Diana's forester, minion of the moon, Monsieur Remorse, Sir John
Sack and Sugar, madcap, thou latter spring, all-hallown summer,
true-bred coward, fat rogue, slovenly unhandsome corse, popinjay,
forgetful man, thorn, canker, sword-and-buckler prince, wasp-
stung and impatient fool, vile politician, king of smiles,
fawning greyhound, cozener, man of falsehood, foot land-raker,
long-staff sixpenny striker, mad mustachio purple-hued maltworm,
false thief, fat-kidneyed rascal, veriest varlet that ever chewed
with a tooth, whoreson caterpillar, fat chuff, arrant coward,
shallow, cowardly hind, lack-brain, frosty-spirited rogue, pagan
rascal, infidel, mad-headed ape, paraquito, loggerhead, leathern-
jerkin, crystal-button, knot-pated, agate-ring, puke-stocking,
caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish-pouch, damned brawn,
shotten herring, woolsack, son of darkness, clay-brained guts,
knotty-pated fool, whoreson obscene greasy tallow-catch, pintpot,
ticklebrain, naughty varlet, ungracious boy, tun of man, trunk of
humours, bolting hutch of beastliness, swoll'n parcel of
dropsies, huge bombard of sack, stuffed cloakbag of guts, roasted
Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly, that reverend Vice,
that grey Iniquity, father Ruffian, Vanity in years, old white-
bearded Satan, Whoremaster, natural coward without instinct,
velvet guard, Sunday citizen, smiling pickthanks, base
newsmonger, shallow jester, rash bavin wit, capering fool,
younker, whoreson, impudent, embossed rascal, nimble-footed
madcap, soused gurnet, revolted tapster, canker of a calm world
and a long peace, tattered prodigal, scarecrow, mad wag, poor
unminded outlaw sneaking home, chewet, fickle changeling, poor
discontent, rag-of-muffin, hot termagent, blunt monster with
uncounted heads, hulk, hilding fellow, dullest peasant in the
camp, foolish compounded clay-man, whoreson mandrake, whoreson
Achitophel, whoreson smooth-pate, hunt counter, ill angel,
beastly feeder, common dog, bastardly rogue, honeyseed rogue,
man-queller and woman-queller, hempseed, scullion, rampallian,
fustilarian, poor mad soul, offending Adam, base tike, Iceland
dog, prick-eared cur of Iceland, egregious dog, braggart vile,
damned furious wight, hound of Crete, lazar kite of Cressid's
kind, cunning fiend, poor miserable wretch, devil incarnate,
vain, giddy, shallow, humorous youth, coward dog, cullion,
swasher, white-livered and red-faced, prince of fiends, bastard
warrior, most lofty runaway, arrant counterfeit rascal, bawd,
cutpurse, gull, wretched and peevish fellow, foolish cur, valiant
flea, foul and ugly witch, bad neighbour, prating coxcomb,
wretched slave with a body filled and vacant mind, child of hell,
superfluous lackey, hilding foe, island carrion, damned and
luxurious mountain-goat, roaring devil, base pander, Jack-sauce,
fellow of no merits, base Troyan, mountain-squire, squire of low
degree, cutpurse of quick hand, fellow of infinite tongue,
prater, effeminate prince, dastard foeman, Jack-out-of-office,
lean raw-boned rascal, hare-brained slave, distrustful recreant,
dunghill groom, peeled priest, usurping proditer, manifest
conspirator, tawny coat, scarlet hypocrite, foe to citizens,
wretched sinner, woeful man, high-minded strumpet, noisome
stench, poor servitor, fiend of hell, deceitful dam, partaker of
a little gain, improvident soldier, trull, silly dwarf, weak and
writhled shrimp, bloodthirsty lord, riddling merchant, pernicious
usurer, viperous worm, shameless courtesan, hag of all despite,
base muleter, peasant footboy, miscreant, hedge-born swain,
presumptuous vassal, traitorous rout, ireful bastard, giglet
wench, upstart, fell banning hag, decrepit miser, base ignoble
wretch, graceless, cursed drab, presumptuous dame, base and
humble mind, tedious stumbling-block, contemptuous base-born
callet, image of pride, false fiend, sicked spirit, meanest
groom, foul offender, idle rascal, hindmost man, bedlam brainsick
duchess, fraudful man, crafty murderer, uncivil kern, mean-born
man, starved snake, shag-haired crafty kern, basilisk, hollow
friend, loathsome leper, contumelious spirit, arrogant
controller, blunt-witted lord ignoble in demeanor, stern
untutored churl, false murd'rous coward, pernicious bloodsucker
of sleeping men, fell serpent, rude unpolished hind, busy
meddling fiend, obscure and lowly swain, jaded groom, base slave,
hag of hell, paltry, servile, abject drudge, lowly vassal, vile
benzonian, banditto slave, silken-coated slave, false
caterpillars, thou serge, thou buckram lord, rude companion,
burly-boned clown, audacious traitor, fell-lurking cur, heap of
wrath, foul indigested lump, mad misleader, foul stigmatic,
sturdy rebel, false peer, poltroon, timorous wretch, brat, she-
wolf, Amazonian trull, proud insulting boy, butcher, crook-back,
foul misshapen stigmatic, shameless callet, wrangling woman,
homely swain, fearful-flying hare, fatal screech-owl, you chaos,
unlick'd bear-whelp, murderous Machiavel, half malcontent,
feigned friend, bug, quicksand of deceit, scolding crookback,
wilful boy, untutord lad, misshapen Dick, bloody cannibal,
devil's butcher, peevish fool, indigest deformed lump, sour
annoy, butcher's cur, malicious censurer, ravenous fish, sick
interpreter, weak one, giant traitor, devfl-monk, bold bad man,
living murmurer, most malicious foe, dilatory sloth, hollow
heart, false professor, stubborn spirit, most arch heretic, poor
undeserver, proud traitor, thou scarlet sin, piece of scarlet,
rank weed, lousy footboy, rude slave, fire-drake, wife of small
wit, calf, cow, half-face, Sir Knob, sparrow, insolent cracker,
thou unadvised scold, cank'red grandam, scroyle, jade, purpose-
changer, sly divel, daily break-vow, smooth-fac'd gentleman, all-
changing word, false blood, ramping fool, cold-blooded slave,
recreant limb, meddling priest, arch-heretic, most sweet lout,
thou odiferous stench, carrion monster, uncleanly scruples,
foolish rheum, lean unwash'd artificer, dunghill, beardless boy,
cock'red silken wanton, misbegotten divel, clod, vassal, idle old
man, whoreson man, clotpoll, mongrel, base football player,
degenerate bastard, marble-hearted fiend, detested kite, eater of
broken meats, lily-livered, action-taking, glass-gazing, super-
serviceable, finical rogue, one-trunk-inheriting slave, brazen-
faced varlet, whoreson cullionly barbermonger, ancient ruffian,
whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter, wagtail, reverent
braggart, embossed carbuncle, unnatural hag, the foul fiend
Flibbertigibbet, she-fox, ingrateful fox, filthy traitor, milk-
livered man, moral fool, vain fool, doghearted daughter, thou
side-piercing sight, simp'ring dame, rascal beadle, scurvy
politician, gilded butterfly, most toad-spotted traitor, low-
spirited swain, base minnow of mirth, unlettered small-knowing
soul, transgressing slave, most acute juvenal, old love-monger,
wimpled, whining, purblind, wayward boy, senior-junior, giant-
dwarf, Dan-Cupid, regent of love-rhymes, lord of folded arms,
anointed sovereign of sighs and groans, liege of all loiterers
and malcontents, dread prince of plackets, king of codpieces,
sole imperator and great general of trotting 'paritors,
pernicious and indubitate beggar, most simple clown, foolish
extravagant spirit, most profane coxcomb, whoreson loggerhead,
turtle, barren practiser, half-penny purse of wit, pigeon-egg of
discretion, mouse, figure pedantical, some carry-tale, some
please-man, some slight zany, some mumble-news, some trencher's
knight, some Dick, that smiles his cheek in years, libbard's
head, pure wit, foolish mild man, cittern-head, Fortune's
closestool, head of a bodkin, death's face in a ring, man replete
with mocks, rebel's whore, rump-fed ronyon, rat without a tail,
imperfect speaker, instrument of darkness, spongey officer,
infirm of purpose, porter of Hell Gate, you equivocator, you
common enemy of man, you half a soul, water-rug, demi-wolf, best
o' th' cutthroats, grown serpent, horrible shadow, unreal
mock'ry, magot-pie, close contriver of all harms, secret, black,
and midnight hag, filthy hag, you egg, young fry of treachery,
infected mind, cream-fac'd loon, lily-liver'd boy, patch, whey-
face, liar, and slave, clamorous harbinger of blood and death,
Hell-bound, juggling fiend, coward, cruel minister, sanctimonious
pirate, Madam Mitigation, tapster, parcel-bawd, tedious fool,
wicked varlet, caitiff, wicked Hannibal, death's fool, you poor
worm, outward-sainted deputy, beast, faithless coward, dishonest
wretch, wicked bawd, whoremaster, whoremonger, bawd-born, motion
generative, superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow, ungenitured
agent, notorious bawd, unlawful bawd, gravel heart, rude wretch,
rotten medlar, virgin-violator, wicked'st caitiff on the ground,
arch-villain, pernicious caitiff, blasting and scandalous breath,
saucy friar, very scurvy fellow, unreverend and unhallow'd friar,
goodman baldpate, fleshmonger, thou damnable fellow, giglet,
bald-pated, living rascal, punk, want-wit, Sir Oracle, fool
gudgeon, death's head with a bone in his mouth, dumb-show,
sponge, fawning publican, evil soul, goodly apple rotten at the
heart, cut-throat dog, very devil incarnate, younker, prodigal,
carrion Death, gossip Report, bankrupt, wanton gambol, soft and
dull-eyed fool, most impenetrable cur, bragging Jack, lewd
interpreter, wit-snapper, stony adversary, inhuman wretch, brassy
bosom, rough heart of flint, inexecrable dog, louse, cony-
catching rascal, you Banbury cheese, mountain foreigner, latten
bilbo, bully-rook, bully Hercules, base Hungarian wight, tinder-
box, varlet vile, Mars of malcontents, larron, scurvy Jack- a-
nape priest, greasy knight, drawling, affecting rogue, secure
fool, gibbet, thou unconfinable baseness, cuckoldy rogue,
mechanical salt-butter rogue, damned Epicurean rascal, Lucifer,
Wittol, Cuckold, secure ass, King-Urinal, Monsieur Mock-water,
scurvy Jack-dog priest, scall, scurvy, cogging companion, you
little Jack-a-Lent, unwholesome humidity, gross watery pumpion,
lisping hawthorn-bud, dissembling knight, dishonest rascal,
foolish carrion, turd, mountain of mummy, panderly rascal,
brazen-face, old, cozening queen, you baggage, you polecat, you
ronyon, poor unvirtuous fat knight, superstitious idle-headed
eld, boor, thick-skin, muscle-shell, vile worm, hodgepudding, bag
of flax, puffed man, old, cold, withered, and of intolerable
entrails, great lubberly boy, spotted and inconstant man, jaws of
darkness, waggish boy, thou lob of spirits, fat and bean-fed
horse, rash wanton, progeny of evils, you hard-hearted adamant,
spotted snake with double tongue, thorny hedgehog, lack-love,
kill-courtesy, hempen homespun, cowardly, giantlike oxbeef,
shallowest thickskin of that barren sort, thou cat, thou burr,
vile thing, you juggler, you canker blossom, you thief of love,
you counterfeit, you puppet, thou painted maypole, vixen, you
dwarf, you minimus, of hind'ring knotgrass made, you bead, you
acorn, king of shadows, you runaway, idle gaud, patched fool,
dear Lady Disdain, hard heart, rare parrot-teacher, hypocrite,
professed tyrant, flouting Jack, obstinate heretic, young start-
up, old cuckold with horns on his head, piece of valiant dust,
clod of wayward marl, Prince's jester, toothpicker, my Lady
Tongue, double heart, mother of fools, contaminated stale, ill
singer, foul blot, vane blown with all winds, block, wild heart,
little hangman, truant, hobby-horse, scab, true drunkard,
deformed thief, vile thief, One Deformed, illegitimate
construction, approved wanton, common stale, most foul, thou pure
impiety, foul-tainted flesh, strange sore, Count Comfect, thou
naughty varlet, candle-waster, thou dissembler, dotard, braggart,
milksop, scambling, outfacing, fashion-mongering boy, Calf's
head, capon, woodcock, Lord Lackbeard, cursing hypocrite, shallow
fool, wronger, offender, quondam carpetmonger, Don Worm,
slanderous tongue, double-dealer, martyr slain in Cupid's wars,
Signior Sooth, Pilch, Patch-breech, craver, rudeliest welcome to
this world, poor inch of nature, roastmeat for worms, gosling,
young foolish sapling, malkin, harpy, lown, peevish baggage, herb
woman, thou damned door-keeper, coistrel, baboon, basest groom,
fairy motion, sad fool, ancient substitute, weak slave, heartless
hind, transparent heretic, man of wax, wanton light of heart,
candle-holder, small, grey-coated gnat, round little worm,
princox, loathed enemy, dull earth, open-arse, poperin pear,
young waverer, pale hard-hearted wench, Prince of Cats,
courageous captain of compliments, fashion-monger, saucy
merchant, flirt-gill, skains-mate, you rat-catcher, Good King of
Cats, braggart, worm's meat, wretched boy, sober-suited matron,
serpent heart, beautiful tyrant, fiend angelical, dove-feather'd
raven, wolvish-ravening lamb, despised substance of divinest
show, mistress minion you, you green-sickness carrion, you
tallow-face, young baggage, disobedient wretch, mumbling fool,
wretched puling fool, whining mammet, dishclout, most wicked
fiend, caitiff wretch, thou detestable maw, thou tomb of death,
fiend of hell, rotten apple, aglet-baby, old trot, woodcock,
irksome bawling scold, wildcat, thou hilding of a devilish
spirit, rascal fiddler, twanging Jack, craven, mad-cap ruffian,
swearing Jack, greybeard, wrangling pedant, a very toad,
preposterous ass, old pantaloon, pedascule, mad-brain rudesby,
frantic fool, jolly surly groom, tired jade, mad master, you
three-inch fool, you logger-headed and unpolished groom, you
peasant swain, whoreson malt-horse drudge, heedless jolthead,
unmanner'd slave, proud disdainful haggard, thou false deluding
slave, thou thread, thou thimble, thou flea, thou nit, thou
winter-cricket thou, thou rag, thou quantity, thou remnant,
crack-hemp, mad ass, foul contending rebel, counter-caster, thou
foul thief, thou silly gentleman, finder out of occasions, night-
brawler, lewd minx, young and sweating devil, simple bawd, subtle
whore, thou weed, thou public commoner, impudent strumpet,
insinuating rogue, cogging, cozening slave, scurvy fellow, young
quat, notable strumpet, trash, perjured woman, dolt, murderous
coxcomb, puny whipster, demi-devil, Spartan dog, false trembling
coward, recreant and most degenerate traitor, overwheening
traitor, gilded loam, you painted clay, out-dared dastard,
caitiff recreant, traitor, foul and dangerous, guilty soul,
lunatic, lean-witted fool, most degenerate, a parasite, keeper-
back of Death, banished traitor, caterpillar of the commonwealth,
thou coward majesty, thou little better thing than earth, nimble
mischance, dishonorable boy, you Pilate, thou haught, insulting
man, thou ladder, unruly woman, unthrifty son, young wanton and
effeminate boy, commonest creature, treacherous son, shrill-
voiced supplicant, sour husband, frantic woman, hardhearted lord,
jealous o'erworn widow, nighty gossip, creeping venomed thing,
black magician, unmannered dog, thou dreadful minister of hell,
thou lump of foul deformity, diffused infection of a man,
devilish slave, hedgehog, rancorous enemy, silken, insinuating
Jack, thou cacodemon, wrangling pirate, foul wrinkled witch,
peevish brat, thou hateful withered hag, troubler of the world's
peace, thou elvish-marked, abortive, rooting hog, slave of nature
and the son of hell, thou slander of thy heavy mother's womb,
thou loathed issue of thy father's loins, thou rag of honour,
bottled spider, poisonous bunch-backed toad, malapert, lunatic,
simple gull, sour ferryman, foul fiend, erroneous vassal, traitor
to the name of God, incapable and shallow innocent, idle weed,
parlous boy, covert'st sheltered traitor, tongueless block, iron-
witted fool, unrespective boy, little peevish boy, hellhound,
foul defacer of God's handiwork, excellent grand tyrant of the
earth, carnal cur, Hell's black intelligencer, petty rebel,
relenting fool, shallow, changing woman, doubtful, hollow-hearted
friend, white-livered runagate, wretched, bloody, and usurping
boar, foul swine, tardy sluggard, you base foul stone falsely
set, paltry fellow, milksop, overwheening rag, famished beggar,
poor rat, heir of shame, perfect gallows, you bawling,
blasphemous, incharitable dog, insolent noise-maker, wide-chapp'd
rascal, enemy inveterate, malignant thing, damn'd witch, blue-
eyed hag, freckled whelp hag-born, dull thing, you slave, who
never yields us kind answer, thou earth, thou, thou tortoise,
poisonous slave, thou most lying slave, whom stripes may move,
not kindness, filth as thou art, abhorred slave, thing most
brutish, you hag-seed, beauty's canker, spendthrift of tongue,
strange fish, holiday fool, most delicate monster, moon-calf,
glass-fac'd flatterer, bawd between fold and want, fool in good
clothes, thou damned baseness, thou disease of a friend, sworn
rioter, most smiling, smooth, detested parasite, courteous
destroyer, affable wolf, meek bear, you fool of fortune,
trencher-friend, cap-and-knee slave, you vapour, minute-Jack,
curl'd-pate ruffian, carper, cap of all fools alive, thou issue
of a mangy dog, thou tedious rogue, thou bright defiler of
Hymen's purest bed, poor fragment, slender ort, gross patchery,
foulspoken coward, pretty brabble, saucy controller of private
steps, unmarmerly intruder, foul adultress, fell cur of bloody
kind, you stony image, cold and dumb, thou map of woe, base
bondsman, joyless, dismal, black, and sorrowful issue, hellish
dog, sanguine, shallow-hearted boy, ye white-limed wall, ye
alehouse painted sign, long-tongued babbling gossip, sly frantic
wretch, incarnate devil, walleyed slave, most insatiate and
luxurious woman, inhuman traitor, ravenous tiger, accursed devil,
unhallowed slave, execrable wretch, breeder of dire events,
sneaking fellow, porridge after meat, chaff and bran, drayman,
thou bitch-wolf's son, thou mongrel beef-witted lord, toadstool,
porpentine, thou loathsomest scab in Greece, cobloaf, whoreson
cur, thou stool for a witch, thou sodden-witted lord, scurvy-
valiant ass, thou thing of no bowels, vile owl, fusty nut with no
kernel, trash, one besotted on sweet delights, gilt counterfeit,
paltry, insolent fellow, great-siz'd monster of ingratitude,
valiant ignorance, puling cuckold, still and dumb-discoursive
devil that tempts most cunningly, theme of all our scorns, thou
core of envy, thou crusty botch of nature, idol of idiot-
worshippers, fragment, thou full dish of fool, thou damnable box
of envy, you ruinous butt, you whoreson indistinguishable cur,
thou idle immaterial skein of sleeve silk, thou green sarsenet
flap for a sore eye, thou tassel of a prodigal's purse, thou
finch egg, louse of a lazar, herring without a roe, puttock,
sweet sink, sweet sewer, incontinent varlet, dissembling
abominable varlet, crafty swearing rascal, stale old mouse-eaten
dry cheese, thou boy-queller, most putified core, thou great-
siz'd coward, broker-lackey, fellow o' th' strangest mind i' th'
world, dry fool, mouse of virtue, thou ordinary fool, that has no
more brain than a stone, pickle-herring, thou cruell'st she
alive, babbling gossip, thou common recreation, time-pleaser,
affectioned ass, rascally sheep-biter, metal of India, fellow of
servants, not worthy to touch Fortune's fingers, gross
acquaintance, gull-catcher, notable contempt, thou most excellent
devil of wit, corruptor of words, dear venom, dear manikin, foul
collier, firago, hyperbolical fiend, thou dishonest Satan,
notable pirate, thou salt-water thief, uncivil lady, marble-
breasted tyrant, you very devil incardinate, you passy mesaures
pavin, ass-head, votary to fond desire, worthless post, testy
babe, exceeding puppet, sourest-natured dog that lives, you very
pebble stone, you kind of chameleon, notable lubber, jolt-head,
illiterate loiter, thou subtle, perjured, false, disloyal man,
you whoreson peasant, foolish lout, thou counterfeit to thy true
friend, thou friend of an ill fashion, thou common friend that's
without faith or love, fellow false, cold coward, dainty dominie,
you most coarse frieze capacity, ye jean judgment, scornful
piece, scurvy hilding, Babion with long tail and eke long tool,
scorn of women, changeling, leprous witch, polled bachelor,
simp'ring sire, abandoner of revels, mute contemplative, dam of
horror, sow of lead, you wanton calf, flax-wench, gross lout,
mindless slave, thou thing, bed-swerver, mankind witch, most
intelligencing bawd, callat of boundless tongue, gross hag,
boil'd brains, snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, lowborn lass,
queen of curds and cream, stretch-mouthed rascal, thou fresh
piece of excellent witchcraft, pedlar's excrement, old sheep-
whistling rogue, needy, hollow-eyed, sharp-looking wretch, a
living dead man, one o' th' false ones, this imperceiverant
thing, a very drudge of nature's, a very drab, such a dish of
skim milk, an ingrate and cankered, one not worth gooseberry, so
vile a lout, son and heir of a mongrel bitch, a boil, a plague-
sore, a new Gorgon, a mind diseas'd, a list of an English kersey,
one that serves a bad woman, a breath thou art, an ass-head, a
very valiant trencher-man, a stuffed man, a very forward March-
chick, a very dull fool, merely a dumb-show, one relish'd of a
base descent, the very butcher of a silk button, one half-
lunatic, one full of spleen, a very monster in apparel, such a
snipe, all in all spleen and nothing of a man, one light of
brain, what a slug, the sweating lord, a dumb statue or breathing
stone, a very shallow monster, a very weak monster, a most poor
credulous monster, a puppy-headed monster, a most perfidious and
drunken monster, a most scurvy monster, a most ridiculous
monster, you are the wonder of a poor drunkard, a howling
monster, one opposite to humanity, one whose grossness little
characters sum up, a very camel, a slave whose gall coins
slanders like a mint, a botchy core, a filthy piece of work, a
very land-fish, languageless, a dog-fox not proved worth a
blackberry, a very filthy rogue, a coward and a coistrel, a very
renegado, a most devout coward, religious in it, one full of
bread and sloth, a most unbounded tyrant, a mere dull shadow, a
mere gypsy, you rabble of vile confederates, herd of boils and
plagues, souls of geese, brace of unmeriting, proud, violent,
testy magistrates (alias fools), tongues o' th' common mouth,
petty spirits of region low, foul and pestilent congregation of
vapors, some quantity of barren spectators, gentlemen of the
shade, base contagious clouds, foul and ugly mists of vapours, ye
fat-guts, such toasts-and-butter, discarded unjust servingmen,
nest of hollow bosoms, men of grosser blood, sworn brothers in
filching, men proud of destruction, barbarous people, frosty
people, slanders of the age, fat-brained followers, a sort of
naughty persons, a sort of tinkers, rascal people, simple men,
giddy people, men of malice, wanton boys that swim on bladders,
faithful friends o' th' suburbs, bastards and else, degenerate,
bloody Neroes, rude multitude, summer-flies, kernes and
gallowglasses, weird women, crew of wretched souls, strangely-
visited people, our rarer monsters, wild and wanton herd, geminy
of baboons, newts and blind-worms, crew of patches, rude
mechanicals, that work for bread, a college of wit-crackers, new
tuners of accent, strange flies, these pardon-me's, unconstant
womankind, pictures out of doors, devils being offended, rough,
rug-headed kernes which live like venom, dogs easily won to fawn
on any man, Judases, each one thrice worse than Judas, noisome
weeds, so dissolute a crew, kites and buzzards, a knot of damned
bloodsuckers, a nest of spicery, a sort of vagabonds, rascals,
and runaways, scum of Britains and base lackey peasants, the most
needless creatures living, usurer's men, you knot of mouth-
friends, time's flies, general filths, fools on both sides, crows
and daws, thieves unworthy of a thing so stol'n, dull and
factious nobles, mutable, rank-scented meiny, vagrom men, troll-
my-dames, such waterflies and dimunitives of nature, brethren and
sisters of the hold-door trade, scoundrels and subtractors,
fools' zanies, store of muttons, poor slight sores, some severals
of headpiece extraordinary, foul-mouthed and caluminous knave,
wrangling knave, poor gallant knave, shrewd knave and unhappy,
poor, decayed, ingenius, foolish, rascally knave, foul knave,
knaves that smell of sweat, Fortune's knave, fantastical knave,
naughty knave, Sir knave, sly and constant knave, arrant knave,
untaught knaves, bacon-fed knaves, gorbellied knaves, rascally
yea-forsooth knave, a young knave and begging, arrant, malmsy-
nose knave, the rascally, scauld, beggarly, lousy, pragging
knave, scurvy, lousy knave, a counterfeit cowardly knave, crafty
knaves, a subtle knave, the lying'st knave in Christendom, By
holy Mary, there's knavery! lazy knaves, thou most untoward
knave, my lord's knave, base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-
suited, hundred-pound, filthy worsted-stocking knave, beastly
knave, stubborn ancient knave, muddy knave, unthrifty knave,
jealous rascally knave, poor cuckoldy knave, jealous wittoly
knave, lousy knave, lunatic knave, shrewd and knavish sprite, a
couple of as arrant knaves as any, little better than false
knaves, scurvy knave, what a pestilent knave is this same,
whoreson beetle-headed, flap-ear'd knave, knave very voluble, a
pestilent complete knave, a slipper and subtle knave, a devilish
knave, most villainous knave, base notorious knave, most unjust
knave, scurvy, doting, foolish knave, scurvy railing knave, a
good knave, a thin-faced knave, horrible villain, villain of the
earth, soulless villain, secret and villainous contriver, trusty
villain, whoreson senseless villain, dissembling villain, hungry,
lean-faced villain, insolent villain, all-worthy villain, thou
villain base, thou double villain, geck and scorn o' th' other's
villainy, smiling, damned villain, bloody, bawdy villain,
remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain, stoney-
hearted villain, villainous abominable misleader of youth...
by Eric
You know Danny was the man to leave such a good impression on a whiny-assed liberal. You don't get that many adjectives spewed about you without achieving legendary status!
by d
De mortuis nil nisi bonum
by ..........
You've lost the ad hominem war, eric/dan. You just got hit with a nuclear weapon and you are retaliating with your annoying little peashooter. Away, housefly!
by Eric
That sounds familiar. Yes, I believe I've definately heard that one before. Let me see, where did I hear that one.

Oh yeah. You stole that from SmashTheLeft.
by ...............
peashooter semantics. Shoo!
by ............
you're a real crappy Script Kiddy.
by flight 93
hey--my plane doesn't fly on this site.

It does on other IMCs!

You'd better delete my last post.
by kindy kid
well it flew here:

by ................
I didn't say "verbal nuke"
Though perhaps if you stare hard enough, I did.
Nice try though.
by Eric
Oh that's right. It was a "nuclear weapon" that you hit me with. My bad. Guess I'm still recovering from the blast.

Since the fascist censors deleted our other thread, thought I'd post this crap here...

Hey Ryan?
by Eric • Monday December 09, 2002 at 06:20 AM

>But more importantly, I know who owns the media companies and what their motivations are...

Can you recommend any good reading on this?

add your comments

by ............ • Monday December 09, 2002 at 06:30 AM

For you, Eric, Mein Kampf would probably be to your liking.

add your comments

Read it.
by Eric • Monday December 09, 2002 at 06:48 AM

In regards to the media it made frequent reference to the establishment and extensive use of "propaganda based newswires, independent of government control."

add your comments

by ......... • Monday December 09, 2002 at 06:55 AM

I doubt very much it said "newswires" since that term was not coined until the 50s .....
nice try though

add your comments

Can't get anything past you...
by Eric • Monday December 09, 2002 at 07:20 AM

Gee you're a quick liberal huh? and witty too. Boy, you're too smart for me.

Got any more "verbal nukes" you want to send over, sweety??

add your comments

by .............
come on, out the peashooter away. You're making a certain portion of your anatomy feel small.
by Mr. Toad
Wasn't this thread originally about SF Indymedia and trolls?
BTW, whoever posted with a description of trolls: this is very complete and quite well thought out. I now have a much better understanding of what a troll is, and I accept your definition. I have witnessed quite a few here in varying degrees. Maybe SF Indymedia really does suck, LOL! I will even admit to committing one or two of these on occasion.
To whoever posted asking about Thomas Paine: I am not as familiar with him yet as I am with the others. I do have, however, Common Sense and The Rights of Man, and will read it as time allows.
My original post needs some clarification. I am conservative, but lean toward the libertarian side. Not in all things, but the aforementioned heroes clearly felt that government should be a minimalist institution. I concur.
Whoever posted on Danny the Taffeta Punk: you, sir, need to get a job, LOL!
by one of the editors
The post "going down" by "flight 93 memorial" was hidden because it screwed up the wrap on the entire thread. Don't screw up the wrap. It's rude. If you screw up the wrap, your post will be hidden.
by .............
"BTW, whoever posted with a description of trolls: this is very complete and quite well thought out. I now have a much better understanding of what a troll is, and I accept your definition. I have witnessed quite a few here in varying degrees. Maybe SF Indymedia really does suck, LOL! I will even admit to committing one or two of these on occasion."

Clarification: everyone commits mistakes such as those listed. We are all, at times, guilty. The difference between trolls and the rest of us, is that every time a troll speaks, it can be fit into one of those categories. If you have found yourself committing these errors, it is good that you notice, and a probable sign that you are not a troll. Most trolls would rigourously deny that they ever do any of those things. That, or take false pride in it.
My post regarding Danny was a selection of Shakespearian quotations. Cut and paste. Don't think I actually spent time coming up with all that - I would never waste so much time on such a useless sack of foetid entrails. It was further meant as a display to certain people that anything they have thought themselves so clever for has been done a long time ago and done far, far, far, far better.
by Stupidface
SFIMC COLLECTIVE censors are the turds of the world.

Why should anyone have their mail censored by these fuckers?
by ............
their mail?

What planet are you from, again?
by kindy kid

thanks for removing my messy plane script as requested.

But why did you ruin my cyber-graffiti?


btw, I think there's a bug on this page.

... here's the official policy, straight from one of the editors. If you have a complaint about editorial policy, you must post it in this thread only, although you should know that they have already announced, officially, that it will be ignored.

Here is the direct quote:

"As long as you confine it to the appropriate thread:

you can complain all you want, but it?s not going to do any good. Our minds are made up. You are our guests here. We make the rules. You follow them or you?re out of here. We rule against disruptive behavior. It annoys our other guests. If you don?t like this, tough. Feel free to go somewhere else. It?s a big ?net. Find a rock you like and crawl under it. There are plenty of them out there. Choose one, be gone, and stop annoying our guests. They complain. "

If you _don't_ keep your complaints about editorial policy to this thread, you will be threatened with being banned. This is a threat that has been carried through at least once.

Moral of the story: don't be uppity! Toe the party line when it comes to editorial policy, or Il Duce will _ban_ your ass, in the name of independent media, yup yup yup, independent media.

by one of the editors
Some will be ignored. Some wont. Which ones are which is up to us, not you. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. If you cannot find a place to your liking, create one. That's what we did.
by Yellow Journalism
The other day I entered an article here which provided quotes from multiple sources about what happened in Jenin -- including interviews with Arab terrorists published by CNN and the Egyptian paper Al Ahram.

I figured it didn't make the commentary page since this was old hat.

Imagine my surprise when less than two hours later another article was entered about Jenin. It was critical of Israel (rather than balanced) and was bumped to the commentary page -- despite being about the exact same (non-current) topic.

Doesn't seem as if activity is what propels an Article to the latest comments page, for many articles which don't even garner a response are explicitly "bumped" by a blank response.

If an article is neutral or defends Israel, it is effectively censored by not being displayed in the comments section where it will remain visible or discussed. Yet if the article takes a point-of-view condemning Israel, well, that's the fast track to the comments page.

In this very case, shouldn't the latter Article have been entered as a comment in the just-entered Article?

That's exactly the rub. By entering a new article (less than 2 hours after the first was posted!) and making it prominent via the comments page, the first article was effectively buried. Precisely to prevent the sheeple from reading an opposing view, even if (or perhaps especially because) it's the very confessions of the terrorists themselves, published in an Arab newspaper!
Racist Anti-zionist Censors complain of being censored !!

If you look around on this hate site - You can found lots of antizio's whining about being "censored" by the evil "zionists".
It’s mad, since at the same time themselves censor EVERYTHING what they disagree with .
(soon u will see how my post will be deleted too)

There is no shortage of irony in the fact that the wingnut Anti-zionist right wingers (since ALL neo-nazis and other right wingers are virulent
anti-zionist racist, ALL anti-zionists are right wing bigots) on other anti-racist site are complaining of being censored.

I clicked on one of the links they provided. It goes to a post which calls for ADL and thousand other
Anti-racist sites to be fired (i.e., CENSORED) bofor allegedly having made a single comment that many
right-wing Anti-zionist bigots found offensive. .

Personally, I probably wouldn't have pulled the post by the racist and nazi Antizionists.

While issues of freedom of expression are distinctly different when the forum is one that is funded and operated by private persons (rather than pheudalic and theocratic Saudis petrol money’ run Indymedia), there are also very important issues of humor that must not be taken for granted.

As such, because the original post (calling for the
Anti-racist (anti-antizionist) comments removal) was so ludicrous, of such lunatic nature, it should have been maintained in full view so that more of us could sit around and laugh at it.

Or are racist antiZionists too small-minded to tolerate speech they don't like?

by RWF
[>just let anyone post what they want here ONCE, sometimes it's good to know even what the bad guys are thinking, or just what the bad guys believe is a politically good line to promote

You can read that crap on some other site. We refuse to allow our time, energy, skills and talent to used by racists, sexists, warmongers, etc. to maintain a soap box from which they can proclaim their sick, evil agenda.]

or, perhaps, sf indymedia could have more confidence in readers to draw their own conclusions

and, don't forget, the right wing stuff stays down at the bottom of the page unless it gets moved to the middle or the top, so readers will know how to avoid it if they are so inclined

and, if this is too great a stretch, it seems ill advised to me, from a practical perspective, given that right wingers post stuff here all the time that stays until the editors can get around to deleting it, so how much is ultimately accomplished by reading all these posts and pulling them?

we're mostly adults on this site, and those that aren't are obviously very politically aware, so we can read and write on our own, and draw our own conclusions

indeed, some of the right wing stuff I've seen on this site, things that got through the filter before the editor arrived with the fire engine and turned on the hose, actually helped me understand how perverse some of their ideas are, nothing like hearing it from the horse's mouth every now and then

instead of going through all these posts for content, you might just go through to see that only ONE is posted (thus thwarting those Likudniks who obsessively post the same message 25 times), and have some time left over for actually going out and doing interviews and covering stories (or heaven forbid, spending time with friends and lovers, believe me, if you don't know, that can be a lot of fun.)

unless, of course, the editors have developed a fetishistic fascination with this stuff, like the stereotype of the narc that uses drugs taken from his arrestees

it reminds of me what Laurence Olivier told Dustin Hoffman during the making of "The Boys in Brazil". Hoffman, a method actor, was in terrible shape, staying out on the street all hours, preparing for the scenes where Nazis chase him around NYC. Oliver asked Hoffman why he looked so terrible, tired, blootshot eyes, disheveled, and Hoffman explained.

Olivier responded, "you should try acting, my dear boy, it's a lot easier."

Likewise here, if just let us read the stories, and post comments, you'll find that "it's a lot easier".
by thoughts
"If you want an IMC that behaves the way that you personally think an IMC should behave, create one."

First off, the IMC new process lists would never approve a second IMC in the same area.

Secondly, the complaint isnt that editors are hiding right wing posts. Its that they are hiding left wing posts either by accident or for political reasons and then yelling insults when they are asked about it.

While its YOUR SITE to run (despite the impossibilty of another IMC being set up in this same area), here is a little suggestion:

1. Posts with authors that mention that one is part of the IMC should NEVER be allowed unless the posts are approved by your collective. It make the site look like a blog if one editor does this all the time and it causes confusion since the political opinions of the editor are confused with the IMC's statement of purpose. Using "one of the editors" as an author name doesnt help since the post carries the extra weight of being from the collective (and if you get in a flame war the power to censor lingers behinds the arguments making heated discussion seem bully like). A problem on this site is that everyone now knows Nessie is an editor so his posts are seen as those of an editor. While it may seem a little extreme I would suggest that Nessie change his screen name since that would make the discussion more even handed (since people would not know that the power to censor hangs behind the harsh words).

2. Some limit on number of posts per day should be created. This could be policy for collective members or could be a technical solution (even just by author name). When one or two people (left wing, right wing or otherwise) spend all day arguing on this site it pushs other people out. If this is intended to be a news site there is no reason to encourage people to spend all day commenting on posts.

3. Hiding of posts should be done more carefully. Hiding seems to have started as a way to stop spam and long tirades by right wingers but its moving over into hiding of things editors disagree with but are not clearly right wing. The editors are treating hiding as a war with acceoptable collateral damage when things are hidden by mistake when they should see hding as picking weeds in a garden. Unless someone posts 300 of the same thing, or posts something that could get th3 site in legal trouble, the offensive opinions are unlikely to hurt people if they are on the site for a few hours while editors read what they hide before they hide.

I just reposted something that was hidden that came from the Chron and called for a crackdown on environmental activists; the original post fit with the thread and was obviously from someone scared that the article was published in the Chron. Not only was the original post hidden but complaint about it being hidden wasnt listened t.o I'm guessing it was a mistake so it could have easilly just been unhidden and the compliant hidden. (note that the original comment is by someone who hates Ayn Rand yet the reason given for the comment being hidden was that it contained the word Ayn Rand)

I have seen other examples of the same weird form of hiding. There have been a few times that people posted comments and linked to right wing (but non Nazi sites like Rush etc..) to bring to peoples attention what the Right was conspiring to do on verious issues. The posts even stated their political purpose in the comments but were hidden anyways for linking to unapproved sites.

There also needs to be a policy how to deal with nonleft but nonright comments. If a Libertarian posts something against the Patriot act that shouldnt get hidden. If a Communist group posts something you disagree with against anarchism, that shouldnt get hidden.


Who am I as an outsider to ask such things?

Indymedia was never meant to be the voice of a single ideological faction of the left. By moving SF Indymedia in the direction where the views of the editors are the views of the posts (and other views are hidden) the power of all Indymedias is threatened. The NION posts to this site are by Communists, some of the video posts is by Green Party activists, and many of the pictures from large protests are taken by nonAnarchist liberals. The more you make such people feel unwelcome the less useful this site becomes. A new Indymedia could be started that is more welcoming to ALL activists in the Bay Area but I dont think that would even be possible (wasnt something similar blocked in DC when it was attempted?).
by too many zionist kooks
Just to remind you: Right-wingers, zionists, etc who take action regarding their causes are also activists.

I personally don't want to wade through their stuff, or necessarily the green party's either (they have resources, their own website, etc) in order to get to the left-wing (or "ultra-left") news, discussion, etc.
by um
I can see not having an endorsement of a Green Party candidate in the center column, but to have the site openly antiGreen seems weird. During the major demos most of the pictures and videos are posted by people who are either Green or not even that radical so being antiGreen would be equivalent to shooting onesself in the foot. For awhile all of the posts about the immigrant rounds post 9/11 were pictures posted by NION. The site shouldnt be proMaoist but if it were antiMaoist there would be less real news posted to the site.

The reason Indymedia manages to cover so much is that its seen as nonsectarian by many people. If it were to become an anarchist site and openly demean nonanarchist movements (even if that meant only highlighting anarchist posts), the content would go way way downhill. It takes work to take pictures, edit video and post. One cant just assume that one can demean someone's politics and still have them post. If only anarchists posted I doubt the site would have much news.

The site does ok. But as with most activist groups there has to be a constant struggle to prevent ideologes from alienating everyone who doesnt have their exact viewpoint.
by luci
why don't you put a link to this page on the publish page? or put it in the dropdown menu where you choose the feature you're publishing to?
here is a little suggestion:

1. Posts with authors that mention that one is part of the IMC should NEVER be allowed unless the posts are approved by your collective. It make the site look like a blog if one editor does this all the time and it causes confusion since the political opinions of the editor are confused with the IMC's statement of purpose. Using "one of the editors" as an author name doesnt help since the post carries the extra weight of being from the collective (and if you get in a flame war the power to censor lingers behinds the arguments making heated discussion seem bully like). A problem on this site is that everyone now knows Nessie is an editor so his posts are seen as those of an editor. While it may seem a little extreme I would suggest that Nessie change his screen name since that would make the discussion more even handed (since people would not know that the power to censor hangs behind the harsh words).

in other words only liberal white-boys can post!
the black and the latina can fend for them selves!
same old story
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