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Flashpoints Radio Nov 18: Poindexter is Big Brother; news from Baghdad; Gaza; WB

by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio, Monday November 18, 2002
-Robert Knight and the Knight Report, news update
-Iran-Contra criminal John Poindexter hired by the Pentagon to play big brother
-Mexico's new role in the US war on terrorism
-Kathy Kelly's Baghdad Journal
-Updates from ISM members Kristin Shurr in Gaza and Huwaida Arraf in the West Bank


KPFA Flashpoints News Radio
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Followup Nov 15 by Huwaida Arraf re: actions planned Flashpoints Nov 13
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ISRAELI FORCES CARRY OUT VICIOUS ARRESTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND ISRAELI PEACE ACTIVISTS! Peaceful protests attacked - [JAYYOUS, QALQILIA] Nov 14, the Israeli military arrested nine international and one Israeli peace activist after gassing and shooting rounds of live ammunition into a crowd of approximately 200 Palestinian men, women, and children who, accompanied by 30 International volunteers, staged a peaceful protest and sit-in at the site of Israeli destruction of Palestinian agricultural land. Huwaida's indymedia post | her report | her photos


Monday, Nov 18, 2002 - Start Audio "for
-00:00 Dennis Bernstein: introduction: Iran-Contra criminal John Poindexter, hired by the Pentagon to play big brother.. Mexico's new role as US southern security guard.. Kathy Kelly's Baghdad Journal.. Updates from Gaza and the West Bank
-00:50 Robert Knight and the Knight Report.."AUDIO Robert: Hans Blix and 2 dozen other experts arrive in Baghdad.. says 'we are seeking to ease the tensions'.. US warplanes bomb Northern Iraq, attacking civil targets.. Iraq says US excalating attacks.. other setback for civil liberties.. North Korea says it is has to have nuclear and other strong weapons to deal with threats from US.. US cuts off winter supplies.. Argentina economy in the toilet.. widespread malnutrition and poverty.. International Monetary Fund wants more social service cutbacks.. in Caracus, protestors clash with police; Chavez warns if the coup plotters are planning another coup, they will be defeated again.. US appeals court lifts restrictions on sharing of information between police and military.. your *Patriot Act* at work.
-05:57 Dennis: the Pentagon busy creating the so-called Information Awareness Office.. John Poindexter appointed to head the new Big Brother agency.. will have unfettered access to.. now w Lawrence Donegan with the London Observer.. Mihir Kshirsagar, of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.. Lawrence: a massive database of information to be held in a central place..
From William Safire in the NY Times: "Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend — all these transactions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as "a virtual, centralized grand database."
To this computerized dossier on your private life from commercial sources, add every piece of information that government has about you — passport application, driver's license and bridge toll records, judicial and divorce records, complaints from nosy neighbors to the F.B.I., your lifetime paper trail plus the latest hidden camera surveillance — and you have the supersnoop's dream: a "Total Information Awareness" about every U.S. citizen."
This is not some far-out Orwellian scenario. It is what will happen to your personal freedom in the next few weeks if John Poindexter gets the unprecedented power he seeks."
Mihir: they talk about this information in context of the recent sniper cases.. about the video surveillance aspect.. Lawrence: I thought the US had a First Amendment.. the fear of doing something, perfectly legal, but doing something of which Mr. Poindexter doesn't approve.. Dennis: Poindexter is perfect for knowing how terrorists work, he acted as a terrorist.. Lawrence: William Safire called Poindexter a.. Poindexter the type of person should not be in charge of running a whelk(?) store, as we say in Britain.. Mihir: is this an effective idea?.. there is an active movement in Congress to kill this program.. there's a problem, this system reverses the assumption of innocence.. continual surveillence always leads to repression.. no evidence that this kind of system is effective.. Lawrence: this is not playing very well in Britain either.. a letter in today's NY Times.. (quotes).. Mihir: people should contact their Senators and Congresspeople and ask them to kill this program.. more info and action alerts at
-16:48 music break
-18:10 Dennis: Mexico playing a new role in helping the US war on terrorism.. now w "cover John Ross, poet, journalist, and author of The War Against Oblivion, Zapatista Chronicles, review, order from Cody's Online.. John: Mexican president, Vicente Fox, the first foreign visitor to Bush's White House.. now after 9/11 Mexico has fallen off the map.. no relaxation in immigration as planned, so Mexico joined up in the war on terror.. US installed gamma ray machines to scan all incoming traffic.. the northern border just about locked down.. inside Mexico, the US FBI operating openly in Mexico.. that has never happened before.. the Mexican military participating in war games with US off the coast of Colombia.. participating in US military's *North Command* for the first time.. Mexico transformed into US's security perimeter.. Mexico's historical policy of nonintervention.. now joining the war on Iraq.. Mexico voted yes in the Security Council for Bush's UN resolution on Iraq.. voted for US immunity in the International Criminal Court.. on Dec 8, Iraq has to list its weapons.. the pressure on Mexico will be intense to vote for US desires.. the US has no friends, only interests.. the specter of Rudolph Guliani, the advisor the Mexico City Police Force zero tolerance program they are trying to implement.. Mexico giving up a lot, getting nothing in return.. Dennis: if Mexico resisted, how would the US put the screws to them?.. John: a lot of ways (details).. Event: John Ross Nov 20 at Hayward State College talking about the Mexican revolution.. Thursday at 7PM New College in SF.. first letter from Subcommande Marcos in a year..
-28:26 Dennis: now w Kathy Kelly's Baghdad Journal.. Kathy: I met three new members of the Iraq Peace Team sponsored by Voices in the Wilderness.. to prevent an attack.. about the terrific disparity between US war machine.. CNN showing renditions of Baghdad.. to be used by soldiers invading.. would give an accurate picture.. confidence and assurance on behalf of the US Defence Department.. compared to the terror and uncertainty felt by real people here.. about the fly overs the US military is taking.. seeking targets.. no such luxury for people here.. digging cisterns to collect rainwater.. may store up benzine and kerosine, but dangerous to have such stored in a home.. in Baghdad now experiencing rises in cancers, like in Basra in the 90's.. the man said my two aunts have cancers.. family doesn't want to talk about it.. people under a lot of stress and strain.. don't want to hear news reports.. where you stand determines what you see.. take a stand to see things from the perspective of people here.. Dennis: the inspectors are in Baghdad.. any hope?.. Kathy: yes, hope to buy more time, at least sixty days.. to give time for the anti-war movement.. Bush saying he'll attack Iraq regardless of result of weapons inspections.. one educated woman here said why take away our small hope?.. we're distributing Joy Gordon's recent article in Harpers.. gives some hope.. we don't want to give false hope though.. about Butterflies Over Baghdad.. Italians wanted to fly in the no-fly zones.. I liked the idea, but it didn't fly.. bold and creative ideas are certainly what's needed.. please consider coming here and joining us.. and begin to build a peace team..
-38:40 music break Not In Our Name
-40:10 Dennis: now with International Solidarity Movement members, Kristin Shurr in Gaza and Huwaida Arraf on the West Bank.. Kristin: it's been happening several nights, but last night the worst so far.. 35 tanks came in from a settlement.. started indiscriminately shelling.. missiles fired from Apache homicide helicopters.. 1.25 million Palestinians living in a small area, the most crowded on earth.. everytime you shoot from the sky you're going to kill a lot of people.. about the *security fence* being built.. military shelling houses, killing people, bulldozing houses.. day and night.. making hundreds homeless.. about a woman the fourth time displaced from her home.. originally from Tel Aviv area.. 80 years old, a lovely woman.. Israel came after her house, no warning.. she tried to run away, injured.. now living in a tent beside the road.. another woman, they knocked over half her house, she tried to live in it, the house filled with raw sewage, she had no where to go, stayed there.. today they knocked another hole.. they soldiers come not on foot, but in bulldozers and heavily armed vehicles.. many children milling around, nothing to do, covered with flies.. stench of raw sewage everywhere.. under international law all Israeli settlements are illegal.. now to Huwaida: on Friday we gathered on the land.. "Huwaidasoldiers attacked at the people, tear gas, shooting at people running away.. arrested ten internationals.. some deported already.. the internationals did nothing but speak out.. we managed to stop the bulldozer work for a day.. now the Israelis come in more heavily, firing tear gas, bulldozing trees.. show the world this is not a security wall, not built on the green line, but comes in 6 kilometers, capturing the prime Palestinian farmland.. they are encircling whole communities with the wall, or an electric fence.. people will have to take long detours, go through humiliating lenghtly checkpoints.. walling in communities, and taking their land and water.. like putting people in a cage, and the occupier who have been attacking them, deciding when they can get in or out.. the media never pays any attention to Gaza.. but here a little media.. we are trying to stop Israel and calling on the world to join us.. Dennis: Israel says how about the attack in Hebron.. Huwaida: the attack was not on worshippers, but on soldiers and security guards.. I don't want to see any bloodshed.. Israel needs to get their soldiers and military settlements out of Palestinian territory.. you can't expect to abuse people in such horrific fashion without resistance.. Kristin: call to any international that will come, please come, and house sit, it helps.. most people feel like this is the end for them.. they feel they have no choice but to resist the occupation until they die.. Palestinians treated as sub-human and not listened to by the press, but sometimes they listen to me.
-55:00 Mary Bishop: wrapup.. Event: a teach-in and rally at lower Sproul Plaza UCB to protest Ehrud Barak's upcoming speech at UCB.. starting 5PM tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov 19, 2002.. more info:
-55:58 End today's show. today's review by john lionheart

Friday, Nov 15, 2002 - Start Audio "for
-00:00 Leslie Kean: introduction: "Doninterview with two American activists in Baghdad.. US military now requiring US high schools to provide students' personal contact information.. interview with the Irish author of Eyewitness Bloody Sunday
-00:50 Leslie: now w two activists in Baghdad.. Elizabeth Roberts,"AUDIO and Elias Amidon with Voices in the Wilderness.. Elizabeth: we got here a week ago.. having lots of interviews with hospitals, Red Cross, humanitarian aid.. as Iraqi citizens wait for war.. surprising the lack of physical preparation.. one family storing up a little extra kerosine.. you don't see any extra military presence.. people were given an extra months food rations.. most are either eating it all or are selling the surplus the food for getaway cash.. if war comes many will go hungry.. in 1991 a US missile hit a crowded bomb shelter, killing 500 children.. no faith in bomb shelters anymore.. no flags, no loudspeakers.. we're surprisingly safe.. like any major Arab city.. hospitality wide open.. they say you're welcome, you're welcome.. they make a distinction between US and.. now w Elias: no evacuation plans.. if there were plans we would know.. Iran putting up refugee camps on their borders.. about a possible ground war inside Baghdad.. the people I've asked say that if the US attacks them they will fight.. even people who do not support Saddam.. a French reporter says he doubts it.. I can't tell.. a sense of relief when Saddam agreed to let the weapons inspectors back in.. but a lot of people are cynical, war is coming.. the sanctions still greatly affect everyone.. everyone is exhausted, poor, very little to eat.
-15:00 music break
-17:00 Leslie: now w David Goodman, "AUDIO author of the article, No Child Unrecruited, in this month's Mother Jones.. David: a new child education bill.. 678 page law.. requires all high schools in the US to provide names, addresses, and phone numbers of students to military recruiters.. under the radar.. parents can opt out.. but many parents know about it.. schools aren't telling them.. schools don't even know.. ask your school principal about it.. Rumsfeld sending letters to school administrators.. intimidation.. if schools don't comply: stiff sanctions, cut off of aid.. a visit from a uniformed officer.. complaint to the Dept of Defence.. the State Governor calls next.. students and families can organize.. explain to parents they can opt out.. now w Drew Smith, a 16 year old junior from Sir Francis Drake High in Marin County, California.. Drew: I think it is an absolutely rediculous thing, to slip one paragraph into a 678 page law giving up our civil liberties.. I'm planning to opt out, and I'm telling my friends about it too.. it should be the other way around (opt in).. David: the military discriminates against gays and lesbians.. this law overrules local laws banning recruiters from schools..
-27:50 Leslie: teacher, Paul Giffo, of Sir Francis Drake High, and parent, Christina Doddsworth Heath.. now w Paul: this provision neatly tucked away.. we wouldn't know about it, if not for KPFA and publications like Mother Jones.. legislation is not supposed to be stealthily made; rather supposed to be openly debated.. as an educator I am not going to act as an arm of the state, and encourage my students to go off and shoot people.. we're going to have a panel discussion by students for students.. now w Christina: I am really really disgusted.. sad that we're so complacent.. why isn't our news giving us news.. why does the military want this information?.. we're so numb to this propaganda.. this is serious, this is a war, this is not a joke.. today they're saying Americans must prepare for the worst possible terrorist attack.. we need to say no to fearmongering.. without KPFA and magazines like Mother Jones.. if we don't make a stand, we're going to be dragged out in the streets like in Gernmany in WWII.. Paul: I wouldn't be surprized if many school districts are just finding out about this.. I'm hoping school districts take a stand.
-36:10 music break
-37:00 Leslie: "AUDIO on January 30, "book1972 British paratroopers opened fire on civil rights marchers in Derry.. the infamous Bloody Sunday.. now w Don Mullan.. author of Eyewitness Bloody Sunday.. made into a film, Bloody Sunday.. Don: it was my first civil rights march, 15 years old.. a lovely day.. we had no idea we were going to be attacked.. tear gas.. stones thrown.. a commotion behind.. I could see paratroopers.. then the shooting began.. two feet away, Michael Kelly gasped as a bullet hit him.. "photo: a bullet hit above my head.. I lost memory of three minutes.. a primeval instinct took control of me.. 13 dead.. a very terrifying experience.. a life changing event for me and many others.. to witness British murdering us.. and later to hear the media lies.. the official whitewash.. many came to the conclusion that there was no such thing as British justice.. led to the rise of the IRA and hundreds of additional deaths over the years.. about internment.. our movement inspired by the black civil rights movement in the United States.. the Protestant parliment.. the British army moved in.. non-violent leaders put in internment camps.. "movie about the new documentary, Bloody Sunday.. a co-operative effort between British producers, Greengrass and Mark Redhead, and Don.. great reviews.. we all have to accept that terrible things were done in all our names.. we all have blood on our hands.. none of us is innocent.. but we need to find a way to live in dual respect and celebrate our religious and cultural differences.. an important piece of cinema photography.. significant evidence ignored by the Lord Chief Justice Of England.. troops high on the ramparts firing down into the crowd.. Tony Blair announced the setting up of a new tribunal.. hope this film inspires people stuggling for human rights around the globe..
-55:00 Mary Bishop: wrapup
-55:45 End today's show. today's review by john lionheart

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