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Antiwar Action at Chevron-Texaco and Feinstein's Office
Photo essay of direct action events at Chevron and Diane Feinstein's headquarters in San Francisco.
On Monday November 18, activists did a direct action at the Chevron-Texaco building and Diane Feinstein's headquarters in San Francisco. A photo essay of the events follows.
Additional photographs of this event can be seen at
Additional photographs of this event can be seen at
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Beautiful pictures and a great action!
great job, folks---keep it up
power to the people
power to the people
Thank God there are still people around in this sad country who love TRUE liberty enough, free thought enough, and are brave enough to make this stand against capitalist oppression. God bless you protesters--you folks are the only real hope against the Bush Occupation.
Looking at this picture one can only see terrorists protecting corporate terrorism, but in the atmposphere that exists in todays America they will not be charged or found guilty of their crimes. Terrorism has taken on new meaning and it is those who protest in all honesty the wrongs that the police protect and the corporations perpetuate.
This is the world of george bush and jackasscrotch, one appointed by the now "U.S. Supreme Court" and the other a result of that appointment. Neither is good for the nation, the world, freedom, but you can be that corporate America and globalization will continue in their destruction of all that is good in the name of greed and power. The people be damn, the environment be damn, the law be damn.
Those that protest against this show the courage that is necessary against this evil that is protected by police forces of this nation, with the okay of the Congress which no longer represents the masses. Congress is as much a part of this evil as is the corporate/global world that bush represents.
This is the world of george bush and jackasscrotch, one appointed by the now "U.S. Supreme Court" and the other a result of that appointment. Neither is good for the nation, the world, freedom, but you can be that corporate America and globalization will continue in their destruction of all that is good in the name of greed and power. The people be damn, the environment be damn, the law be damn.
Those that protest against this show the courage that is necessary against this evil that is protected by police forces of this nation, with the okay of the Congress which no longer represents the masses. Congress is as much a part of this evil as is the corporate/global world that bush represents.
were practice for the real thing.
another prime example of why some people should get a job, and find a real cause to contribute their time.
Who are the individuals who really caused the terror, who were the groups who killed over 2,000 Americans out od Anti-Sentiment?
we are NOT the terrorists, we will not let our people (Americans) get hurt by other countries ignorant acts.
we are NOT the terrorists, we will not let our people (Americans) get hurt by other countries ignorant acts.
"another prime example of why some people should get a job, and find a real cause to contribute their time."
practice what you preach, then. Spamming what you consider to be an irrelevant website is your idea of a job and cause? You're weird.
practice what you preach, then. Spamming what you consider to be an irrelevant website is your idea of a job and cause? You're weird.
Regarding the statement about the real terrorists being the ones that killed 2000 people on Sept.11and that we should support our "brave" troops I feel that maybe most Americans have never learned what their country has been responsible for in the past.
Deaths caused by CIA covert operations from the fifties through to the eighties if added together makes for the third largest death toll from any war ever. Period. Facts are facts and not open to much debate and this is a fact.
How brave of our troops to use sophisticated weponry to slaughter poor civilians in third world countries in the name of our "freedom".
May I suggest in the future that conservatives who feel compelled to shoot their mouths off spend some time studying the history of their country and spend some time pondering who the real terrorists are, those who killed 2000 or those who killed over 5, 000, 000. The answer is all to obvious.
Deaths caused by CIA covert operations from the fifties through to the eighties if added together makes for the third largest death toll from any war ever. Period. Facts are facts and not open to much debate and this is a fact.
How brave of our troops to use sophisticated weponry to slaughter poor civilians in third world countries in the name of our "freedom".
May I suggest in the future that conservatives who feel compelled to shoot their mouths off spend some time studying the history of their country and spend some time pondering who the real terrorists are, those who killed 2000 or those who killed over 5, 000, 000. The answer is all to obvious.
to all you nay-sayers of the anti-war movement, my advice to you is to go out and read a book! doesnt take much scratching below the surface to realize that america has the blood of the world soaked on her your damn mind and dont be ruled by fear!
to all you nay-sayers of the anti-war movement, my advice to you is to go out and read a book! doesnt take much scratching below the surface to realize that america has the blood of the world soaked on her your damn mind and dont be ruled by fear!
I think that you guys are so brave and wonderful! If only the cororate media could realize that the U.S. has been the real purveyor of terror all these years and going to war to defend our "freedom" is so backword. How selfish the U.S. is! What about the freedom of the world? Bush sucks!
I think that you guys are so brave and wonderful! If only the cororate media could realize that the U.S. has been the real purveyor of terror all these years and going to war to defend our "freedom" is so backword. How selfish the U.S. is! What about the freedom of the world? Bush sucks!
Monica, please send me a postcard when you move out of the United States. Thanks.
Just the ones who suck off the pentagon and corporate
tax payer tit.
tax payer tit.
I dont think that 75 percent of the people protesting the isreali occupation of palestine have any insight as to why isreal occupies the land. The palestinians have caused much of the turmoil that surrounds the current dilema and believe that being anti-isreali is fad for the ignorant majority.
crack open a few books before you establish your opinions
crack open a few books before you establish your opinions
Sure they do. Israel occupies the land because God said so and because, as we all know, the safest place on Earth for Jews is a thin strip of coastline in the middle of the hottest conflict zone on the planet, smack dab at the crux of three continents.
Boy oh boy, is this discussion ever unmoderated!!
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but obviously words are not held in high value any more.
Continuing the off-topic discussion of Palestine and Israel, it's interesting that people see criticism of our government's military incursions in the Middle East as somehow an automatic vote of no confidence in Israel. I know people who are both strongly in support of Israel and who are strongly critical of Israel's current policy, yet who are all united in opposition to an invasion of Iraq that will make enemies of half the world. People here who want to tie this invasion somehow to retaliating for 9/11, as I'm sure Bush would be happy for them to do, apparently don't recall that Al Qaeda are mostly composed of Saudis and Pakistanis, supposedly our friends, and Sudanese who we don't care about even though they make Saddam, the Taliban and the rest of them look like schoolkids by comparison. If weapons of mass destruction, oppression, aggression and regional destabilization were really our big concern, we'd be invading...oh I'm not going to say it, but you know I'm thinking it...
It's also interesting, if I might wander further off topic, that our government is so anxious to enforce UN policy as it applies to nations it is in conflict with, but the moment the UN passes a resolution stating that we are in violation of international law (as it did numerous times in relation to Central America) our government openly defied it. But then our memory is so short, our last set of international war criminals either have their own radio shows or have airports named after them...
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but obviously words are not held in high value any more.
Continuing the off-topic discussion of Palestine and Israel, it's interesting that people see criticism of our government's military incursions in the Middle East as somehow an automatic vote of no confidence in Israel. I know people who are both strongly in support of Israel and who are strongly critical of Israel's current policy, yet who are all united in opposition to an invasion of Iraq that will make enemies of half the world. People here who want to tie this invasion somehow to retaliating for 9/11, as I'm sure Bush would be happy for them to do, apparently don't recall that Al Qaeda are mostly composed of Saudis and Pakistanis, supposedly our friends, and Sudanese who we don't care about even though they make Saddam, the Taliban and the rest of them look like schoolkids by comparison. If weapons of mass destruction, oppression, aggression and regional destabilization were really our big concern, we'd be invading...oh I'm not going to say it, but you know I'm thinking it...
It's also interesting, if I might wander further off topic, that our government is so anxious to enforce UN policy as it applies to nations it is in conflict with, but the moment the UN passes a resolution stating that we are in violation of international law (as it did numerous times in relation to Central America) our government openly defied it. But then our memory is so short, our last set of international war criminals either have their own radio shows or have airports named after them...
For more information:
Why is it that all of these images are of white people protesting, and the only picture where there is a brotha of color is the one where he is being arrested (second to last picture)? What kind of struggle is that?
thats the struggle our brothers have always had.
what kind of books do you read??
Well actually if you look at the pictures again, the "brotha" that you claim is only shown being arrested is shown in the first few pictures where he is locking arms with fellow humans of varying skin pigmentation. You seperate us by our skin color, obviously the people who where there locking down felt strongly enough to be there risking possible arrest. Where were you? Now is not a time to be fighting. We must organize, socialize, communicate, and work TOGETHER to take back our freedom, and our lives. They sure as fuck aren't gonna just give it to us.
A Saga on the New World Order University system without any honoured target...
enar [at]
- I wonder why there is no true university in Scandinavia!...
- If you should analyse the Scandinavian Leftist so you can find the right
- Have you ever heard about the "professorial chairs" as corruption? - No!
What does it mean? - I began to analyse the Swedish university
- Sir, where is the Swedish Leftists which should struggle against all the
privatizations and unfairness?
- My Laponian wise grandfather had a joke as answer; Gudrun Skyrman Sveksion,
leader of the Swedish Model Left Wingy party and deputy prime minister was late
for a meeting the other day. - Drank so much? - Other
reason... Apparently she was delayed by a full length mirror in the hall.
- What are you thinking on the privatisation of liberal authorities?
- Fuck them in fact!....All these liberal shurks promise a generous society,
just like the prostitute promises love. We practise gestures of generosity, but
not generosity itself!.
- ?!
- E.U. UNDER ZIONIST CONSPIRACY -any chosen Democratical E.U. Institutions have
been targeted... Anti-Imperialist movements reported the Crisis; EU&Zionist
Occupational Gang confrontation / Provocations /corruption issues /updated pages
by he coverage of the FINANCIAL Criminal LOBBIES
- What is up now? E.U. in Crisis?!
- Unfortunately; yes; that is right!.. E.U. confrontation The Zionist
Occupational Gang and nowadays that is a hot-matter in Bruxelles... Solidarity
volunteers of UNITY comment: Crisis; EU confrontation The Zionist Mafia /
Provocation/ corruption coverage/ updated pages... Financial Criminal Lobbies &
dirty affairs & collaborators etc. reported by the http://www.Kurdinfo and http://www.Antifa
symphatizers who bring the evidences on the financial collaborative lobbies /
- NEO-ZION collaboration markets were been built up in the framework of the
projects on Occupation and Palestinian Genocide! They are washing bloody money
and they need collaborators in the all countries specially in the E.U.
interpretation by S.F./Rojev, first published by the CRIMINAL
WANTED IN THE MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES ! Australia and Sweden were been choosen as
the pilot-operational-areas of thus new dangerous projects: CRIMINAL JEWISH
Imperialist lobbies educate the Kurds against the Kurds / Turks, Russians
against the Russians, traitorous Arabs-Persians against the Iraqians, Syrians,
Palestinians and corrupted Chineses against the Chines people... Scandinavian
Neo-Zion movements and Australian Connection (lobbies on the academical stage;
again, unfortunately): Have you ever heard about the International Council for
Central and East European Studies? ICCEES is an Australian originated
Organization. It has close ties with the diplomatic tittles /academicians etc.
in the Northern and Eastern Europe speciallly since the year of 1995 and it
support the Swedish collaborators for example American-Swede Mr. Dag Blanck and
Polish-Rus traitors Andrzej Nils Uggla and Julian Iljitzki... Mostly this first
name, Mr. Blanck, (Chief American Swede collaborator prof. in Uppsala) already
earns "good friendship (saellskap) and good money" when ICCEES sistematically
translate his propagand material to the formerly Soviet universities. Read
please the last pharagraph, here:
... and Here is the ICCEES's own explain on the English pages:
"A group of Melbourne / Australian university is on duty to perform and progress
the Zionist aims. AAJS, Australian Association for Jewish Studies is a part of
the ICCEES. ICCEES World Congress have possibilities to built thelobby centers
in the European Union for example in Tammerfors / Laponian city in Finlandia.
This office for many effective propagand issues and collaboration programmes
like the false Kurdish Library Skeppsholmen; for example provocative educational
investigations with collaborators of Uppsala, Lund, Stockholm universities.
ICCEES World Congress Secretary address is: - Finnish Institute for Russian and
East European Studies (FIREES), Annankatu 44, FIN-00100 Helsinki, Finland,
Pleasee, feel free, contact with them for necessary information about the
studies.." Collaborative Office of ICCEES settled in Laponia, not in the Moscow.
Because of the Australian capitalism is already affraid of to work so free in
Moscow. But ICCEES has close ties with the lobbies for example Friends &
Partners Group in Russia. ICCEES shows many intensive works like the "reel
Jewish falsification" material to spread oover whole world. ICCEES translate and
publish the thousands of books to the academicians who accept to take money from
the Zionist lobbies in the formerly Soviet countries: Mr. Blanck's Group from
Uppsala university earn good by this work. It seems like an ordinary office like
the all others and the lobbies using it too as legal center at this Scandinavian
office: tel. 00. 358.9.2285 44 34 fax 00.358.9.2285 44 31 E-post:
iccees [at]
ICCEES mainly-personnel web site:
Australia is the second place by the Neo-Zion programmes. Sweden has been
choosen as first place to work free by the side of New World Order / academical
investigations. Australia is the second pilot area of the academical /
diplomatical operations by the financial lobbies. Any other mainly liars
(academians) who works for MoSSad in Australia (valid list in the beginning
2000): Dr Jacque Adler -University of Melbourne, Prof. Ted Robert Gurr -
University of Maryland, A/Prof. Winton Higgins - Macquarie University, Prof.
Ernest Hunter - University of Queensland,Mr Alan Jacobs - IDEA (NATO propagand
stab both in Sweden and Australia), Prof. Kurt Jonassohn - Concordia University,
Dr Rachael Kohn - (Chief at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, too), Dr
Bill Leadbetter - Edith Cowan University, Dr Mark Levene - Warwick University,
Prof. Kathleen Mahoney - University of Calgary, Prof. Eric Markusen - Southwest
State University, Prof. Robert Melson- Purdue University, Dr Rubina Peroomian -
UCLA, Dr Vera Ranki - Macquarie University, Prof. Bernard Rechter - Monash
University, Dr Stephen Shenfield - Brown University, Prof. Derrick Silove -
University of New South Wales, Prof. Roger Smith - College of William and Mary,
Emeritus Prof. Richard Wright - University of Sydney, Dr Krystyna Wyszogrodzki -
University of Melbourne, Dr Hilton Immerman, CEO of The Shalom Institute; Adult
Educator and Leadership Consultant, Rabbi Moshe Gutnick Rabbi of Bondi Mizrachi
Synagogue, Head of Kashrut Authority, Former Head of The Rabbinic Council of
NSW,Dr Edith Weisberg, Director of Research, Sydney Centre for Reproductive
Health Research, Family Planning Association; Member of Sydney IVF Ethics
Committee and much more mice...They cooperate on the secret affairs and
sometimes very different matters / missions too, for example when Estonia Ferry
sink in the Baltic Sea, Australian firms cemented it, although it is so far from
the Baltics.... They steal the evidences all together and spreading now the lies
to all the academic platforms...Zionist Capitalists have built a college in
Australia: Shalom College, University of NSW
Sydney NSW, 2052 Australia
Telephone: +61 2 9931 9628
Fax: +61 2 9313 7145
Email: <aihgs [at]>
ICCEES and collaborated academicians paying good money to the many traitorous
from the selected operation areas for example Kurdistan, Syria, Polonia,
Estonia, Letonia, Lithuania, Russia, Armenia, Irak, Lebanon, Jardania,
Palestinia and all these persons using the academical tittles for instance
assistants or the "guest teachers". Kurdish Jew traitor Nedim Dagdeviren is only
a guest teacher, an "ordinary" lap-dog at the University of Uppsala and works
now under the order of Mr. Blanck and Polish-Rus traitors Andrzej Nils Uggla and
Julian Iljitzki... It seems like a legalized corruption chain or like a
hound-rally somtimes... Hound rally's responsible chief is Dag Blanck, ha is
brave by the American Zionist lobbies according of his own homepage:
Imperialist lobbies giving money to these academicians at Uppsala university:
Prof. Mr. Dag Blanck , American-Swede, Chief, vice rector/ expert on
disinformation and provocate minorities in the U.S.A. Tel.: 71 99,
Dag.Blanck [at]
Gröndahl, Satu, researcher / Expert to provocate on the Kurdish subjects,
00.46.18. 471 63 96,
Satu.Grondahl [at]
Hassanen, Sadia, Arab-Jew traitor, fax 00.46.18. 471 23 63 Huss, Leena, China
provocator, univ.lekt. i Finnish-Ugrish language, ssk.
Finnish, 00.46.18. 471 23 61, Leena.Huss [at]
Isaksson Faris, Inga-Britt, researcher.ass., 00.46.18. 471 23 67
Ivana Macek; Ivana.Macek [at], Tel. 63 91
Jegebäck, Per, redacteur, 00.46.18. 471 23 64, Per.Jegeback [at]
Kamali, Masoud, researcher, Iranian Jew, 00.46.18. 471 63 94,
masoud.kamali [at]
Magnusson, Kjell, univ.rector on internationell
migration and ethnical relations, 00.46.18. 471 23 62,
Kjell.Magnusson [at]
Pettersson, Thorleif, prof.,researcher, 00.46.18. 471 63 94
Roth, Hans Ingvar, researcher, 00.46.18. 471 63 92,
Hans.Ingvar.Roth [at]
Runblom, Harald, prof. on history, 00.46.18. 471 23 60,
Harald.Runblom [at]
Seyoum, Elias, library ass., 00.46.18. 471 27 89,
Elias.Seyoum [at]
Trtak, Jasenka, researcher, ass., 00.46.18. 471 75 90,
Jasenka.Trtak [at]
Uggla, Andrzej Nils, Polish-Rus provocator,
univ.lekt., 00.46.18. 471 27 88,
Andrzej.Uggla [at]
Åberg, Mats, his wife is American propagand staff,
works for USA, ass., 00.46.18. 471 27 89
Gunilla Oberg-Backman, willing secretary of the
lobbies, Gunilla.Oberg_Backman [at] Fax: 00. 46. 18. 471 23 63 Tel.:
00. 46. 18. 471 23 59
Julian Iljitzki, Polish-Rus provocator, Zionist propagand coordinator,
Kristian GERNER, Zionist propagand coordinator,
Paul Levine, Stéphane Bruchfeld are the most dangereous staff who stilll procude
lies on the genocide issues. Paul.Levine [at],
Stephane.Bruchfeld [at]
Nedim Dagdeviren, "guest-!!!"-teaching-instrument-, works as Chief, registrator
against the immigrants ... and many other servers... by this way, these traitors
drive any groups, available to see the groups as the collected links, here:
... and much more like Ferhad Shakely, Durusoy Yazan...
- This is the panorama and all these concepts are enough to explain WHY
IMPERIALISM NEEDS LOBBIES by the side of any E.U. Authorities and why the
economical monopols are using the neo-zionistical propagand methodes... In fact,
not only E.U., all the serious democratical institutions are under attack! This
is a such Cold War; Zionism is serve of Imperialism as a experienced worldwide
-instrument! Imperialism dislike constitutional stability and guaranted Human
Rights in the communities...
- We add here the money transferring evidence sites (open corruption of The
Zionist Occupational Gang on Internet ):,mozilla,pc,english,,new)
For further information, please visit these sources, links, related sites and
discussion forums, there many authorities discuss on above subjects so-caled the
"Open Revenge" between E.U.'s democratical institutions and the "corruptia -
assassini" of the Zionist lobbies:
Minority Rights Group of E.U.:
Los Angeles Socialist Party comments:
Che GUEVARA lives:
Lobbies bought the criminal traitors and lanced as professors (Baran Funderman
Campaign against Arm Trade:
Solidarity Exile Committees/Revolutionary Immigrants in the E.U..:
Special thanks to the voluntary interpreters / translators of UNITY and EU f p :
Thus Top Secret page Nr. -24 a- of the Concept "Crisis; E.U. confrontation /
The ZioniFascist Occupational Gang / corruption /conflict coverage", has been
declared by the Kurdinfo / DDKD and Antifa sympathizers
- What does it mean?
- Confrontation between EU and Neo-Zionism
- ?!
- Many things have been privatized in the European Union, but in
SvekJa Kingdom the bureaucrats too privatized...
- Do you know, what my Grandfather said; "For the bureaucrat, the world is a
mere object to be manipulated by him."
- Is Karl Marx really your Grandfather?
- ?!
enar [at]
- I wonder why there is no true university in Scandinavia!...
- If you should analyse the Scandinavian Leftist so you can find the right
- Have you ever heard about the "professorial chairs" as corruption? - No!
What does it mean? - I began to analyse the Swedish university
- Sir, where is the Swedish Leftists which should struggle against all the
privatizations and unfairness?
- My Laponian wise grandfather had a joke as answer; Gudrun Skyrman Sveksion,
leader of the Swedish Model Left Wingy party and deputy prime minister was late
for a meeting the other day. - Drank so much? - Other
reason... Apparently she was delayed by a full length mirror in the hall.
- What are you thinking on the privatisation of liberal authorities?
- Fuck them in fact!....All these liberal shurks promise a generous society,
just like the prostitute promises love. We practise gestures of generosity, but
not generosity itself!.
- ?!
- E.U. UNDER ZIONIST CONSPIRACY -any chosen Democratical E.U. Institutions have
been targeted... Anti-Imperialist movements reported the Crisis; EU&Zionist
Occupational Gang confrontation / Provocations /corruption issues /updated pages
by he coverage of the FINANCIAL Criminal LOBBIES
- What is up now? E.U. in Crisis?!
- Unfortunately; yes; that is right!.. E.U. confrontation The Zionist
Occupational Gang and nowadays that is a hot-matter in Bruxelles... Solidarity
volunteers of UNITY comment: Crisis; EU confrontation The Zionist Mafia /
Provocation/ corruption coverage/ updated pages... Financial Criminal Lobbies &
dirty affairs & collaborators etc. reported by the http://www.Kurdinfo and http://www.Antifa
symphatizers who bring the evidences on the financial collaborative lobbies /
- NEO-ZION collaboration markets were been built up in the framework of the
projects on Occupation and Palestinian Genocide! They are washing bloody money
and they need collaborators in the all countries specially in the E.U.
interpretation by S.F./Rojev, first published by the CRIMINAL
WANTED IN THE MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES ! Australia and Sweden were been choosen as
the pilot-operational-areas of thus new dangerous projects: CRIMINAL JEWISH
Imperialist lobbies educate the Kurds against the Kurds / Turks, Russians
against the Russians, traitorous Arabs-Persians against the Iraqians, Syrians,
Palestinians and corrupted Chineses against the Chines people... Scandinavian
Neo-Zion movements and Australian Connection (lobbies on the academical stage;
again, unfortunately): Have you ever heard about the International Council for
Central and East European Studies? ICCEES is an Australian originated
Organization. It has close ties with the diplomatic tittles /academicians etc.
in the Northern and Eastern Europe speciallly since the year of 1995 and it
support the Swedish collaborators for example American-Swede Mr. Dag Blanck and
Polish-Rus traitors Andrzej Nils Uggla and Julian Iljitzki... Mostly this first
name, Mr. Blanck, (Chief American Swede collaborator prof. in Uppsala) already
earns "good friendship (saellskap) and good money" when ICCEES sistematically
translate his propagand material to the formerly Soviet universities. Read
please the last pharagraph, here:
... and Here is the ICCEES's own explain on the English pages:
"A group of Melbourne / Australian university is on duty to perform and progress
the Zionist aims. AAJS, Australian Association for Jewish Studies is a part of
the ICCEES. ICCEES World Congress have possibilities to built thelobby centers
in the European Union for example in Tammerfors / Laponian city in Finlandia.
This office for many effective propagand issues and collaboration programmes
like the false Kurdish Library Skeppsholmen; for example provocative educational
investigations with collaborators of Uppsala, Lund, Stockholm universities.
ICCEES World Congress Secretary address is: - Finnish Institute for Russian and
East European Studies (FIREES), Annankatu 44, FIN-00100 Helsinki, Finland,
Pleasee, feel free, contact with them for necessary information about the
studies.." Collaborative Office of ICCEES settled in Laponia, not in the Moscow.
Because of the Australian capitalism is already affraid of to work so free in
Moscow. But ICCEES has close ties with the lobbies for example Friends &
Partners Group in Russia. ICCEES shows many intensive works like the "reel
Jewish falsification" material to spread oover whole world. ICCEES translate and
publish the thousands of books to the academicians who accept to take money from
the Zionist lobbies in the formerly Soviet countries: Mr. Blanck's Group from
Uppsala university earn good by this work. It seems like an ordinary office like
the all others and the lobbies using it too as legal center at this Scandinavian
office: tel. 00. 358.9.2285 44 34 fax 00.358.9.2285 44 31 E-post:
iccees [at]
ICCEES mainly-personnel web site:
Australia is the second place by the Neo-Zion programmes. Sweden has been
choosen as first place to work free by the side of New World Order / academical
investigations. Australia is the second pilot area of the academical /
diplomatical operations by the financial lobbies. Any other mainly liars
(academians) who works for MoSSad in Australia (valid list in the beginning
2000): Dr Jacque Adler -University of Melbourne, Prof. Ted Robert Gurr -
University of Maryland, A/Prof. Winton Higgins - Macquarie University, Prof.
Ernest Hunter - University of Queensland,Mr Alan Jacobs - IDEA (NATO propagand
stab both in Sweden and Australia), Prof. Kurt Jonassohn - Concordia University,
Dr Rachael Kohn - (Chief at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, too), Dr
Bill Leadbetter - Edith Cowan University, Dr Mark Levene - Warwick University,
Prof. Kathleen Mahoney - University of Calgary, Prof. Eric Markusen - Southwest
State University, Prof. Robert Melson- Purdue University, Dr Rubina Peroomian -
UCLA, Dr Vera Ranki - Macquarie University, Prof. Bernard Rechter - Monash
University, Dr Stephen Shenfield - Brown University, Prof. Derrick Silove -
University of New South Wales, Prof. Roger Smith - College of William and Mary,
Emeritus Prof. Richard Wright - University of Sydney, Dr Krystyna Wyszogrodzki -
University of Melbourne, Dr Hilton Immerman, CEO of The Shalom Institute; Adult
Educator and Leadership Consultant, Rabbi Moshe Gutnick Rabbi of Bondi Mizrachi
Synagogue, Head of Kashrut Authority, Former Head of The Rabbinic Council of
NSW,Dr Edith Weisberg, Director of Research, Sydney Centre for Reproductive
Health Research, Family Planning Association; Member of Sydney IVF Ethics
Committee and much more mice...They cooperate on the secret affairs and
sometimes very different matters / missions too, for example when Estonia Ferry
sink in the Baltic Sea, Australian firms cemented it, although it is so far from
the Baltics.... They steal the evidences all together and spreading now the lies
to all the academic platforms...Zionist Capitalists have built a college in
Australia: Shalom College, University of NSW
Sydney NSW, 2052 Australia
Telephone: +61 2 9931 9628
Fax: +61 2 9313 7145
Email: <aihgs [at]>
ICCEES and collaborated academicians paying good money to the many traitorous
from the selected operation areas for example Kurdistan, Syria, Polonia,
Estonia, Letonia, Lithuania, Russia, Armenia, Irak, Lebanon, Jardania,
Palestinia and all these persons using the academical tittles for instance
assistants or the "guest teachers". Kurdish Jew traitor Nedim Dagdeviren is only
a guest teacher, an "ordinary" lap-dog at the University of Uppsala and works
now under the order of Mr. Blanck and Polish-Rus traitors Andrzej Nils Uggla and
Julian Iljitzki... It seems like a legalized corruption chain or like a
hound-rally somtimes... Hound rally's responsible chief is Dag Blanck, ha is
brave by the American Zionist lobbies according of his own homepage:
Imperialist lobbies giving money to these academicians at Uppsala university:
Prof. Mr. Dag Blanck , American-Swede, Chief, vice rector/ expert on
disinformation and provocate minorities in the U.S.A. Tel.: 71 99,
Dag.Blanck [at]
Gröndahl, Satu, researcher / Expert to provocate on the Kurdish subjects,
00.46.18. 471 63 96,
Satu.Grondahl [at]
Hassanen, Sadia, Arab-Jew traitor, fax 00.46.18. 471 23 63 Huss, Leena, China
provocator, univ.lekt. i Finnish-Ugrish language, ssk.
Finnish, 00.46.18. 471 23 61, Leena.Huss [at]
Isaksson Faris, Inga-Britt, researcher.ass., 00.46.18. 471 23 67
Ivana Macek; Ivana.Macek [at], Tel. 63 91
Jegebäck, Per, redacteur, 00.46.18. 471 23 64, Per.Jegeback [at]
Kamali, Masoud, researcher, Iranian Jew, 00.46.18. 471 63 94,
masoud.kamali [at]
Magnusson, Kjell, univ.rector on internationell
migration and ethnical relations, 00.46.18. 471 23 62,
Kjell.Magnusson [at]
Pettersson, Thorleif, prof.,researcher, 00.46.18. 471 63 94
Roth, Hans Ingvar, researcher, 00.46.18. 471 63 92,
Hans.Ingvar.Roth [at]
Runblom, Harald, prof. on history, 00.46.18. 471 23 60,
Harald.Runblom [at]
Seyoum, Elias, library ass., 00.46.18. 471 27 89,
Elias.Seyoum [at]
Trtak, Jasenka, researcher, ass., 00.46.18. 471 75 90,
Jasenka.Trtak [at]
Uggla, Andrzej Nils, Polish-Rus provocator,
univ.lekt., 00.46.18. 471 27 88,
Andrzej.Uggla [at]
Åberg, Mats, his wife is American propagand staff,
works for USA, ass., 00.46.18. 471 27 89
Gunilla Oberg-Backman, willing secretary of the
lobbies, Gunilla.Oberg_Backman [at] Fax: 00. 46. 18. 471 23 63 Tel.:
00. 46. 18. 471 23 59
Julian Iljitzki, Polish-Rus provocator, Zionist propagand coordinator,
Kristian GERNER, Zionist propagand coordinator,
Paul Levine, Stéphane Bruchfeld are the most dangereous staff who stilll procude
lies on the genocide issues. Paul.Levine [at],
Stephane.Bruchfeld [at]
Nedim Dagdeviren, "guest-!!!"-teaching-instrument-, works as Chief, registrator
against the immigrants ... and many other servers... by this way, these traitors
drive any groups, available to see the groups as the collected links, here:
... and much more like Ferhad Shakely, Durusoy Yazan...
- This is the panorama and all these concepts are enough to explain WHY
IMPERIALISM NEEDS LOBBIES by the side of any E.U. Authorities and why the
economical monopols are using the neo-zionistical propagand methodes... In fact,
not only E.U., all the serious democratical institutions are under attack! This
is a such Cold War; Zionism is serve of Imperialism as a experienced worldwide
-instrument! Imperialism dislike constitutional stability and guaranted Human
Rights in the communities...
- We add here the money transferring evidence sites (open corruption of The
Zionist Occupational Gang on Internet ):,mozilla,pc,english,,new)
For further information, please visit these sources, links, related sites and
discussion forums, there many authorities discuss on above subjects so-caled the
"Open Revenge" between E.U.'s democratical institutions and the "corruptia -
assassini" of the Zionist lobbies:
Minority Rights Group of E.U.:
Los Angeles Socialist Party comments:
Che GUEVARA lives:
Lobbies bought the criminal traitors and lanced as professors (Baran Funderman
Campaign against Arm Trade:
Solidarity Exile Committees/Revolutionary Immigrants in the E.U..:
Special thanks to the voluntary interpreters / translators of UNITY and EU f p :
Thus Top Secret page Nr. -24 a- of the Concept "Crisis; E.U. confrontation /
The ZioniFascist Occupational Gang / corruption /conflict coverage", has been
declared by the Kurdinfo / DDKD and Antifa sympathizers
- What does it mean?
- Confrontation between EU and Neo-Zionism
- ?!
- Many things have been privatized in the European Union, but in
SvekJa Kingdom the bureaucrats too privatized...
- Do you know, what my Grandfather said; "For the bureaucrat, the world is a
mere object to be manipulated by him."
- Is Karl Marx really your Grandfather?
- ?!
A Saga of Per GHARTON; "Double moral of the United States of European
Oligarchical Shurks"...
- Are these tales the ordinary non-censored FABLES or the new surrealistical
non-censored THRILLERS?
- Both when man ask on the Imperialist State terror...
- Is the ZOG Mafia a kind of state?
- ?!
- Viewer comments on Oct.4-8, 2000
- What about?!
- Die zionistische neofaschistischen Truppen "Bloody Occupation Dictatorship"
muss vor Gericht!..
- Explain in English, please!
- Why?
- A new and true justice N・nberg-International Human Rights Court (like Haag
Tribunal) required to judge the Jewish criminal gang; because over 60
Palestinians (toll 80 on Oct.8) killed on their own mark, Palestina. At least 20
more people are reported to have been killed as fierce clashes between
Palestinians and Zionist-Power's troops continued into a fifth day. The worst
clashes were on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Five people were reported killed
in gun battles in Ramallah; twelve killed in Natzarium, Rafa, Kafr Kana and
Hebron. Another three (including a seven-year-old boy, -didn't you watch on tv,
how Israeli fascists murdered him?!-) died in Nablus. Occupation power, "Zion
troops" kill the babies, children, too.... A one-year-old girl (baby) shoots ten
times by Jewish sodiers and a 10-year-old Palestinian boy died from bullet
wounds. For the first time, bloodshed spilled over into Israel
itself: one man was shot dead as Israeli Arabs demonstrated their support for
the Palestinians near the town of Umm el-Fahm. In the Gaza
Strip, where there has been a series of gun battles between the two sides; many
more people have been injured. Israeli Neo-Nazis are killing human with
anti-tank missiles and helicopter gunships. What is the reason of this
Genocide (in other word; Zionist Neo-Nazizm on occupied Palestina)? Humanist
communities of our civilised (!) world must see the reality:
-Fascist USrael continues to stockpile internationally banned mass destruction
weapons and rejects international monitoring of the facilities producing these
weapons. -Barbarian Occupation Power so called
USrael is producing large amounts of chemical and biological weapons for future
use against population centers in the Middle East. -Neo-ZioniFascist
Establishment of Military Mafia Israel is building and stockpiling enough
nuclear weapon to destroy the entire Middle East region. -Fanatic Zion
Power of Israel has proportionally more political prisoners in its prisons then
any other country on earth. -Humanbeing's historical enemy "USraeli
social virus" continuously denies education to Palestinian children.
-U.S.-Imperialism's Satellit Israel repeatedly shuts down Palestinian newspapers
for criticizing the Israeli occupation and imprisons the writers and editors of
these publications. -Palestinians are denied the right to free
speech, the right of peaceful assembly, the right to a due process, and the
right to say no to occupation. ** -
Every home was a prison during the Gulf Invasion... - How?
- At deadline time the military component of the Gulf War is coming to an end
and the next phase is about to begin. Progressive political analysts tell us
that war will probably last for the next 100 years. Regardless which European or
Asian power ultimately assumes the mantle of the dying American Empire. the
trauma and devastation wreaked on two nations, Iraq and Kuwait, will reverberate
for decades. And regardless which power steps to the throne in the future, the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict will still require a just resolution. Throughout
this bloody atrocity the Palestinians in the occupied territories have been
locked away under house arrest, with little or no sanitation facilities,
electricity, food or medical care. Their suffering has been almost totally
ignored not only by mainstream media, but by alternative media as well.
We want to break that wall of denial, and call on our friends at the Middle East
Justice Network, who provide us with a graphic portrayal of life under house
arrest in Palestine. The intensity of the conditions described below continued
for a full six weeks and at deadline time is only being loosened slightly.
- Marianne Torres, Palestine Papers The following is excerpted from
their editorial in Breaking the Siege, Feb-Mar. 1991. Their mission statement:
"The Middle East Justice Network was formed by Americans drawn together by a
common concern about our government's role in supporting the Israeli occupation
of the West Bank and Gaza. Our goal is to pressure our policy-makers and elected
representatives to be evenhanded in their treatment of Israel and Palestine, to
recognize the justice of Palestinian claims to statehood and to work for an end
to all occupations." Contact them at P. O. Box 558, Cambridge, MA 02238
after walking onto her balcony with her 3-year old son to hang some wash, the
Palestinian woman lay gasping on the floor with a bullet through her chest. She
died in an ambulance about an hour later, leaving her husband, the son who saw
her shot, and a 25-day-old baby" (USA Today, January 21, 1991). Lubana Qadah
was killed by the Israeli Border police who fired without warning because she
set foot on the balcony of her Nablus home. She was one of nearly two million
Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip who have been under strict house
arrest since the war began and are threatened with gunfire, beatings, arrest,
imprisonment of up to five years and fines as high as $15,000 for the crime of
"curfew-breaking". ENTOMBED IN HOMES
When the US launched the first "alliance" air sorties against Iraq, Gaza Strip
residents and many Palestinians in the West Bank were already confined to their
houses. A curfew had been imposed on January 15th after Israeli soldiers killed
three people in Gaza and wounded 198 others who were protesting the murder of
PLO leader Abu Iyad and two of his colleagues in Tunis. Few of those ordered
inside with only moment's notice could have been prepared for the long siege to
come. Immediately after the war began, a round-the-clock curfew was imposed
on the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip and many of the neighborhoods of
"annexed" East Jerusalem. Since then, conditions have become increasingly
desperate. Food and medicine are scarce, and medical attention almost
non-existent. In refugee camps, whole families with young children have been
confined for days on end to poorly ventilated rooms, often with no electricity
or running water and rudimentary sanitation facilities. The curfew has
been lifted for only a few hours a week in selected areas to allow residents to
search for food in stores which are often empty because of the breakdown of the
distribution system. Meanwhile, field and greenhouse crops are dying from lack
of irrigation and livestock faces starvation. Families which depend on daily
wages now have no income and have reportedly been forced to sell whatever
consumer durables they possessed to pay for food. The economy of the West Bank
and Gaza Strip has ground to a halt with estimated losses to the population of
up to $50 million per week. CIVILIANS TREATED AS ENEMIES
Under the double cover of curfew and war, how many victims are there like
Lubana Qadah? Israeli Police Minister Roni Milo had announced that in a war
situation civilian Palestinian resistance would be regarded as an enemy attack
and dealt with as such. But with the West Bank and Gaza declared closed military
zones熔ff limits to visitors, including journalists擁t has been difficult for
human rights groups to follow up on reports of widespread shooting and beating
by the army, of arbitrary arrests and the teargassing of people in their homes.
According to (the Palestine Human Rights Information Center, based in East
Jerusalem) Gaza hospitals have reported 150 injuries from gunfire, beatings and
teargas during the January 16-29 period; figures for West Bank hospitals are
incomplete. Children have been injured when the army has thrown sound grenades
and tear gas bombs into their homes. The curfews have provided no respite
from other forms of collective punishment. The Palestine Human Rights
Information Center says that two families in Gaza were notified that their homes
would be demolished because of the arrests of their sons prior to January 16th.
Meanwhile the Israeli government persists in its determination to eliminate,
rather than talk to, "moderate" Palestinians. On January 30th Bir Zeit
University philosophy professor Sari Nusseibeh was arrested and imprisoned for
six months (later reduced to three) without trial or formal charges for
allegedly passing on information about SCUD missile attacks to Iraq. The day
before his arrest, during a brief break in the curfew, Nusseibeh had met with
two members of the Israeli Peace Now movement and, according to a New York Times
editorial on February 1st, "had promised to issue a statement condemning Iraq's
use of terror missiles and reaffirming his support for a negotiated settlement
between Palestinians and Israelis." Government hard liners got an infamous
new recruit when extreme right-winger General Rehavim Zeevi became minister
without portfolio after Shamir signed an agreement with his racist Moledat party
on February 1st. Moledat champions the idea of "transfer"容xpelling the
Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza. ENDURING DOUBLE
STANDARDS The US media, which has dwelled at length on the ordeal of
Israelis forced to don gas masks and go to sealed rooms when air raid alarms
sound, has said little about Palestinians entombed day and night in their
houses. In many of these houses a "sealed room" is not a refuge but a room which
has been permanently cemented shut by the Israeli army as punishment for a stone
thrown by a child. Few Palestinians under occupation have gas masks and
there are no air raid warnings systems in the territories. On the eve of the
war, the Israeli High Court had denounced as a "scandal" the government's
refusal to distribute gas masks to Palestinians in the territories and ordered
it to provide this protection immediately. But at the end of January, only
29,000 of the 173,000 masks which the government says it still has in stock have
been made available to Palestinians, although settlers in the territories are
well supplied and Soviet immigrants receive them at the airport on arrival. No
masks have been distributed to children洋ore than 50% of the population of the
territories. Nor has the Israeli government made any provision for the safety of
the thousands of Palestinian detainees crowded in flimsy tents behind barbed
- According to the January 27th report of the New York-based Middle East Watch,
the Israeli government's failure to protect a population under occupation
represents a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Three weeks earlier the
UN Security Council had passed a resolution critical of the Israeli treatment of
Palestinians for the fourth time in four months. Today, despite its
refusal to abide by the Geneva Convention and UN Security Council resolutions,
Israel is basking in the good will of the western "allies" and promises of
material aid. As a mark of appreciation for Israeli restraint under Iraqi
missile fire, the European Community has even lifted the sanctions it had
imposed to protest the (still ongoing) three year long closure of Palestinian
universities. International law and Security Council resolutions may
serve to underwrite as "just" the US様ed war against Iraq, but they remain a
dead letter where Israel is concerned.
** - An Independent N・nberg-International Human Rights
Court (like Haag Tribunal) required to judge the israeli crimi-gang, bloody
fanatic zion hounds and their boss'... Until that case United Nations must send
its "Peace Forces" to the occupied Palestina... And YOU, HUMAN; you should not
be in silence! Well, HUMAN, this is a incredible SHAMELESSNESS and stained
identity for you when YOU DIDN'T SHOW ENOUGH REACT & RESPONSIBILITY on this
Contemporary Genocide! Democratic comunities should struggle for an
international boycot (second step, embargo) on israeli products; don't buy its
fruits, material etc. Don't travel to the occupied areas which called Israel.
Aid to Israel means aid to racism and religious discrimination. It means aid to
virtually every facist element on the globe. It means denial of life, liberty
and homeland to five million Palestinians in diaspora. It means Armageddon is
preferable to justice.
*Best regards to the person who with an unsullied reputation!
- Do you know what Noam Chomsky about N・nberg theatre said?
- Say!
- If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American
president would have to be hanged.
** - Belinda Goldsmith by
Reuters reports / May , 1998... - SvekJa unites with U.S, UK on
Holocaust industry campaign - Sweden, smarting from a series of challenges
to its neutrality during World War Two, is joining forces with the United States
and Britain to spread information about the Holocaust. Government
representatives as well as historians and Jewish studies experts are meeting in
Stockholm on Thursday to formulate a plan for joint activities to disseminate
information about the Holocaust.
A survey among Swedish schoolchildren last year found over 10 percent did not
know what the Holocaust was or that it had occurred.
"The Prime Minister (Goran Persson) was alarmed by this report and initiated a
Swedish program to inform about the Holocaust," government spokesman Leif-Ake
Falk told Reuters.
"He wrote to U.S. President Bill Clinton and Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair
in January this year with his concerns, and government representatives from the
three nations are pooling forces to discuss Holocaust information problems."
This week's seminar will be opened by Persson with guests including Stuart
Eizenstat, head of an international probe into Jewish assets, Ralph Grunewald of
the USA Holocaust Museum, Lord Janner, chair of the Holocaust Educational Trust,
and Nazi crime hunter Ephraim Zuroff of the Simon Weisenthal Center.
"We want to see what we can do at government level to inform and increase
knowledge about the Holocaust," Falk said.
The move follows a year of reminders of uncomfortable facts about Sweden which
was officially neutral during World War Two.
Most recently, the daily paper Svenska Dagbladet this weekend published a
document found in state archives that showed Swedish authorities knew and may
have helped suspected war criminal Evald Mikson leave SvekJa in 1946. He set off
for South America but ended up in Iceland.
Estonian-born Mikson is accused of exterminating Jews in Tallinn where he worked
as a policeman during the Nazi occupation in 1941. He fled to Sweden in 1944.
Svenska Dagbladet printed an application from Mikson dated May 8, 1946, seeking
permission to travel to Stockholm for five days to prepare for his journey
onwards. The letter was signed with approval the following day.
It was the latest in a series of revelations in the Swedish media over the past
year that has been accompanied by a number of inquiries and probes into state
An investigative team given access to the Swedish central bank archives last
year said in December that Sweden acquired gold from Nazi Germany even though it
suspected it was looted from Jews or occupied countries.
The inquiry also showed that SvekJa Kingdom bought bars from the Netherlands
made of melted-down gold, so that gold once owned by individual Jews may have
ended up in Sweden.
The World Jewish Congress (WJC) came up with documents showing SvekJa supplied
parts for Nazi Germany's deadly V-2 rockets which killed thousands of people in
Belgium and England.
SvekJa also sold iron ore to Germany for its munitions industry. Between
1937-1943 Swedish ore provided the raw material for four out of every 10 German
But the action that is usually seen as the most difficult to justify was the
decision taken by Stockholm to allow German troops to transit SvekJa to fight
and occupy Norway.
- European Union has several criminals who are bank chiefs, ambassadors...
- I listened BBC about Carmi Gillon... Amnesty International's alert office in
London calls on Denmark to fulfil its obligations under the UN Convention
against Torture
On 15 August 2001 , Carmi Gillon, former head of the Israel's General Security
Services (GSS), is scheduled to arrive in Copenhagen, where he is expected to
take up his new post as Ambassador of Israel with the agreement of Denmark.
Carmi Gillon first joined the GSS in 1988, and became overall head of the
service from March 1995 to February 1996. During his tenure, and until the
Israel High Court of Justice ruled against such methods in 1999, GSS
interrogators were officially sanctioned to use "moderate physical pressure" on
detainees (the vast majority of them Palestinians). From October 1994, when a
suicide bomb killed 23 people, they were allowed to use "increased physical
pressure". Secret government guidelines set down what "moderate physical
pressure" and "increased physical pressure" allowed; according to court
testimonies of GSS members themselves, this included subjecting detainees to
sleep deprivation, prolonged shackling in painful positions, hooding with filthy
sacks, being forced to squat like a frog (gambaz) and violent shaking (tiltul).
During Carmi Gillon's period of service with the GSS such methods of
interrogation were used against several hundred Palestinian detainees every
year, many of whom were later released without charge.
After the death of a detainee, 'Abd al-Samad Harizat, in April 1995 from a brain
haemorrhage as a result of violent shaking, the ministerial committee which
oversees the GSS were reportedly divided as to whether to allow an extension of
the "exceptional dispensation" granted to the GSS to use "increased physical
pressure". The GSS, then headed by Carmi Gillon, argued strongly that such means
were necessary and that 48 attacks over the previous six months had been foiled
as a result of special interrogation methods. At a meeting of the ministerial
committee on 16 August 1995 the exceptional dispensation to use increased
physical pressure was renewed until October 1995. The committee agreed that
violent shaking was no longer "regular" and would continue to be used but only
with the special authorization of the head of the GSS.
According to detainees' testimonies, violent shaking of detainees normally took
place with the legs shackled below a low chair and the hands handcuffed behind
and between the back bars of a chair; this diminishes the support for the
detainee's back and thus his ability to resist the shaking. Detainees have
frequently reported falling unconscious while being subjected to violent
shaking; others said they felt they were choking.
A number of cases of violent shaking by special authorization of the head of the
GSS, at that time Carmi Gillon, are recorded. On 24 August 1995 the head of the
GSS was reported to have announced that, following the 21 August 1995 suicide
bus-bombing in Jerusalem which had killed four people and wounded 80 others, he
had authorized the shaking of two militants, Naser 'Isa and Hatem Isma'il, whose
confessions had enabled the GSS to discover a bomb factory.
The assertion that suicide bomb attacks could have been prevented by GSS
interrogation techniques which amount to torture cannot be independently
verified. However, international human rights treaties to which Israel is a
state party forbid the use of torture under all circumstances, without
exception. In May 1997 the Committee against Torture, the expert body which
examines states' implementation of the UN Convention against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, found that the
interrogation methods employed and not denied by Israel "also constitute torture
as defined in article 1 of the convention".
Thus, not only was Carmi Gillon head of the GSS while it used interrogation
techniques constituting torture, but he also authorized violent shaking - and
continued to authorize this method even after it had directly caused the death
of a detainee. Carmi Gillon has stated in interviews with the Danish media that
he was involved in about 100 cases in which detainees were tortured or
ill-treated; he effectively advocated the reintroduction of torture by stating
in an interview to Jyllands Posten on 9 July 2001 that "Now it looks as though
we have to use [techniques of physical pressure] again and I am sorry about
On 3 August, Amnesty International wrote to the Danish Government, reminding it
of its duty under Article 6 (1) of the UN Convention against Torture, ratified
by Denmark in 1987, to detain persons found in their territory suspected of
responsibility for torture or to take other measures to ensure their presence
pending criminal or extradition proceedings and, under Article 6 (2),
"immediately [to] make a preliminary inquiry into the facts". The organization
also reminded the Danish Government of its duty under Article 146 of the Fourth
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War,
to which Denmark is a High Contracting Party, to search for and bring to justice
persons responsible for grave breaches of that convention.
The Danish Government has traditionally opposed the use of torture, and has
criticised Israel for using torture as an interrogation technique. However, the
Danish Government has also refused to block Carmi Gillon's appointment and
stated that it is obliged under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations to grant immunity to the diplomatic representative of a government.
However, the Vienna Convention was adopted some 25 years before the crime of
torture was defined and codified in the Convention against Torture. The drafters
of the Vienna Convention clearly did not envisage that it would reverse the
fundamental rule of international law, as reflected in the Nuremberg and Tokyo
Charters, and most recently in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Court, that no public official is immune with respect to crimes under
international law.
Likewise, the drafters of the Convention against Torture and the Geneva
Conventions did not provide for any exceptions to the duty of a state party to
extradite a suspect or to submit the case to its competent authorities for the
purpose of prosecution, and their failure to do so is strong evidence that
diplomatic immunities are not applicable to the crime of torture.
The Rome Statute, ratified by Denmark some six weeks ago, but not yet in force,
is the latest instrument to make clear that there is no official immunity for
crimes under international law. Article 27 (1) unambiguously states: "This
Statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on
official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or
Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or
a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal
responsibility under this Statute..."
The prohibition of torture in international law is absolute; affirming that the
world community finds no circumstance in which torture could possibly be
justified or excused. Some human rights may be temporarily suspended for various
reasons to do with state security. But torture has been set apart, as one of the
gravest violations possible, inexcusable under all circumstances. The use of
diplomatic immunity to protect an alleged torturer from investigation and
possible prosecution would be inconsistent with the international recognition of
the extreme gravity of the offence.
By accepting Carmi Gillon's appointment to Denmark and the condition that he
will be immune from prosecution in Denmark, the Danish authorities appear to be
condoning the granting of impunity through appointments to diplomatic posts.
However, under long settled international law, the government is not under any
obligation whatsoever to accept Carmi Gillon's credentials. Indeed, as a state
party to the Convention against Torture, Denmark has a duty not to provide a
suspected torturer with a safe haven. The government should inform other states
that they will not accept such a person except on the condition that the sending
state agree to waive diplomatic immunity if the person is indicted by a national
court or to agree to recall the suspect and conduct a prompt criminal
investigation itself, and if there is sufficient admissible evidence, initiate a
The Danish Government has announced that it intends to admit Carmi Gillon to
take up his post and to accept his credentials as Israel's ambassador. If this
is the case, Amnesty International would urge the Danish Government to initiate
an investigation into the claims of torture against Carmi Gillon as soon as he
arrives on Danish territory. Such an investigation must be prompt, thorough,
independent and impartial. If there is sufficient admissible evidence to warrant
it, a prosecution should be permitted to proceed, in Denmark, Israel or any
state able and willing to conduct a fair trial without the possibility of the
imposition of the death penalty or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment.
- After one year, Denmark's government declared Carmi Gillon as "honour
- Without human honour?!
- ?!
- Associated Press reports a scandal... in 1998, about " Israel has chemical
- Explain please!
- 'Inaccurate': Paper says F-16s are now equipped to carry
biological weapons Jewish Military Mafia's F-16 fighters have been
equipped to carry chemical and biological weapons manufactured at a secret
biological institute in a Tel Aviv suburb, a British newspaper reported.
The Sunday Times also said the institute, in the suburb of Nes Ziona, supplied
poison for an attempt last year to kill Khaled Meshal, a leader of the Islamic
fundamentalist group Hamas.
Israeli agents sprayed the poison into Meshal's ear, but Israel supplied an
antidote after Jordan threatened to put the agents on trial, the report said.
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office acknowledged that
an El Al cargo plane that crashed in an Amsterdam residential area in 1992 was
carrying a chemical that can be used to make the nerve gas sarin.
About 50 gallons of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a key component of sarin,
was destined for the institute, and was replaced, the Israeli government
confirmed. It said, however, the chemical has various industrial uses and the
shipment was approved by Washington.
The Israeli government has merely called "inaccurate" reports that the institute
makes chemical and biological weapons - and according to The Sunday Times, more
unusual poisons too.
The Sunday Times said Israeli air force crews are now trained to fit active
chemical or biological weapons to F-16s within minutes of receiving a command to
MER - Washington - 6 October, 2000
- Go on!.. Read it, please!
- The hypocrisy of the U.S., and the U.N., in dealing with Israel is simply
mind-boggling. Time and time again Arab countries are punished, sanctioned,
denounced, or in the case of Iraq destroyed, for behavior the Israelis are not
only allowed but helped with.
Israel occupies Palestinian lands, ethnically cleanses them in its own
"legalistic" ways, and places its own "settlers" throughout the areas, while the
world repeatedly condemns but does nothing. Meanwhile Iraq occupies Kuwait which
everyone knows was historically carved out of its body by British imperialism,
and somehow world peace is threatened, a huge Western armada descends on Arabia
within months, and sanctions are used for a decade devastating the country and
killing millions.
Israel developes large numbers of nuclear weapons, complete with U.S. help and
complicity; yet everyone else in the neighborhood is warned they must not...or
Israel violates one U.N. resolution after another, year after year; but never
have there been sanctions of any kind. Other countries similarly violate one or
another U.N. resolution but they are branded outlaws, the U.S. pushing and
cajoling the U.N. to take actions never even debated in regard to Israel.
Israel attacks a U.N. protected area brutally massacreing hundreds of civilians
being protected by the world organization, and then even refuses basic U.N.
demands to investigate; yet the U.N. is cowered into inaction by the American
veto threat.
And now we learn six years after an Israeli jumbo cargo plane crashed in
Amsterdam, the worst air disaster ever in that country, that another major
Israeli coverup has been underway. Only now are we learning that the Israeli
plane likely carried chemicals for use in Israel's weapons program, similar
chemicals to those the Americans recently insisted were being produced in Sudan
at the plant they unilaterally blew up with cruise missiles.
Furthermore, there are substantial and credible reports that the Institute for
Biological Research in suburban Tel Aviv, where the chemicals on the crashed
plane were destined, has had a number of leaks in recent years; and that
Israel's unchecked and uninspected nuclear reactor in Dimona also threatens
public health throughout the Middle East.
Where is the international investigation?
Where is the international outrage?
Where are the international sanctions?
Why isn't the U.N. stepping in?
Why are all the international institutions impotent, and silent?
Why isn't there compensation for those who have suffered?
This recent article from the AP tells only a partof the overall story, including
Israeli Ambassador Yossi Gall's contemptuous insistence that none of what's now
widely reported is true. But when it comes to veracity, of course,
representatives of Israel like Gall have hardly any.
Dutch Query Israel on Plane Cargo By Jenifer Chao
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP - Oct 6) -- In the shadow of towering apartment
buildings, a living monument to victims of the worst Dutch air disaster bears
this inscription: "The Tree That Saw Everything."
Six years later, investigators are struggling to uncover what no one can see --
the cause of chronic illnesses that have plagued the neighborhood and its
rescuers since the crash of an Israeli cargo jet.
New disclosures the plane was carrying a chemical that can be used to produce
the deadly nerve gas sarin have reignited demands for the truth -- and renewed
speculation over what the Israelis intended to do with the material.
"Once and for all, we must put an end to the disaster. The suffering has lasted
too long," Hannah Belliot, who heads the neighborhood council, said Sunday in a
memorial service near trees that survived the inferno.
Forty-three people were killed on Oct. 4, 1992, when the Israel-bound Boeing 747
cargo jet lost its two right engines and smashed into a 12-story apartment block
shortly after takeoff from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport.
While the cause of the crash was determined to be a design flaw, its cargo has
been a nagging mystery to the scores of residents and rescue workers suffering
from chronic health problems.
Last week, the Israeli government confirmed what many had suspected after years
of official denials: The plane was carrying dangerous cargo. Up to 50 gallons of
dimethyl methylphosphonate, an ingredient used in sarin, many pesticides and in
anti-retardants were destined for the Israel Institute for Biological Research
in suburban Tel Aviv, the Israelis disclosed.
Recent reports have said Israel was making chemical and biological weapons at
the institute; the Israeli government has not commented on those claims. The
Dutch government, meanwhile, has promised a fresh parliamentary probe.
Those suffering from health problems say knowing exactly what was in the belly
of the jet is their only hope for recovery. "I can't get it out of my mind,"
said ambulance driver Henk Post, 48, a paramedic dispatched to the crash site in
the low-income, heavily immigrant Bijlmer neighborhood.
Post arrived within minutes of the early evening crash and worked until the next
morning -- all while wearing no special protective gear. Three years later, he
began suffering health problems, including chronic fatigue and muscle aches. He
also weeps easily and suffers bouts of depression.
"He's so emotional," said Post's 22-year-old daughter, Bianca. "He'sdifferent.
He's not my father anymore." Post said doctors are at a loss over how to treat
He's not alone. Doctors in Bijlmer say some 300 people have suffered health
problems since the crash, including nervousness, stress, chronic fatigue, pain
and drowsiness.
"My whole body is a mess. There are all kinds of weird things going on," said Ed
Steur, 48, an auto mechanic who helped evacuate the area and now suffers from
bronchial problems and muscle pains "so bad that I can't do anything anymore."
Steur is angry at the Israeli and Dutch governments for keeping the plane's
cargo a secret. Over the years, officials have said the plane carried a small
amount of military equipment; one newspaper report said it was carrying
Sidewinder missiles.
Earlier this year, Israel's ambassador to the Netherlands, Yossi Gal, told
reporters the plane carried "no dangerous goods ... nothing secret."
Dutch officials bristle at allegations of a coverup. "I don't believe .. that
something was wittingly and knowingly withheld," Transport Minister Tineke
Netelenbos told the daily De Telegraaf. "What isimportant is that we establish
quickly which materials were burned, at what temperature, and what consequences
they have on public health."
Still, experts say long-term exposure to a much higher dose of the chemical than
was aboard the plane would be neccessary to produce illnesses. "People think
since it can be used for sarin, it must have the same toxicity as sarin. That's
nonsense," said Hendrik Benshcop, head of chemical toxicology at the Netherlands
Organization for Applied Science Research.
If so, the mystery just deepens for Everdina Douwes, who was diagnosed with lung
cancer three years after the crash. "I don't expect any (compensation) money
from the government," she said. "It's the truth that needs to come out."
*** - Fall-time 1998 - Unfortunately!.. The Western
Fascists attack poor Iraqi people, but meantime the Jewish Occupational Mafia
built new weapons... CSIS reports on Nucleochemical Capasity of Z.O.G.:
The National Race for Weapons of Mass Destruction Presents a Major Threat to the
Region Israel
Delivery Systems
New IRBM/ICBM range high payload booster developed with South Africa.
Up to 50 "Jericho I" missiles deployed in shelters on mobile launchers with up
to 400 miles range with a 2,200 pound payload, and with possible nuclear warhead
storage nearby. Unverified claims that up to 100 missiles are deployed west of
Jericho II missiles now deployed, and some were brought to readiness for firing
during the Gulf War. These missiles seem to include a single stage follow-on to
the Jericho I and a multistage longer range missile. The latter missile seems to
have a range of up to 900 miles with a 2,200 pound payload, and may be a
cooperative development with South Africa. (Extensive reporting of such
cooperation in press during October 25 and 26, 1989).
Jericho II missile production facility at Be'er Yakov.
A major missile test took place on September 14, 1989. It was either a missile
test or failure of Ofeq-2 satellite.
Work on development of TERCOM type smart warheads. Possible cruise missile
guidance developments using GPS navigation systems.
F-15, F-16, F-4E, and Phantom 2000 fighter-bombers capable of long range
refueling and of carrying nuclear and chemical bombs.
Lance missile launchers and 160 Lance missiles with 130 kilometers range.
MAR-290 rocket with 30 kilometers range believed to be deployed.
Popeye air-to-surface missile may have nuclear variant.
MAR-350 surface-to-surface missile with range of 56 miles and 735 lb. payload
believed to have completed development or to be in early deployment.
Israel seeking super computers for Technion Institute (designing ballistic
missile RVs), Hebrew University (may be engaged in hydrogen bomb research), and
Israeli Military Industries (maker of "Jericho II" and Shavit booster).
Chemical Weapons
Reports that mustard and nerve gas production facility was established in 1982
in the restricted area in the Sinai near Dimona do not seem correct. May have
some facilities. May have capacity to produce other gases. Probable stocks of
bombs, rockets, and artillery.
Extensive laboratory research into gas warfare and defense.
Development of defensive systems includes Shalon Chemical Industries protection
gear, Elbit Computer gas detectors, and Bezal R&D air crew protection system.
Extensive field exercises in chemical defense.
Gas masks stockpiled, and distributed to population with other civil defense
instructions during Gulf War.
Warhead delivery capability for bombs, rockets, and missiles, but none now
believed to be equipped with chemical agents.
Biological Weapons
Extensive research into weapons and defense.
Ready to quickly produce biological weapons, but no reports of active production
Nuclear Weapons
Director of CIA indicated in May 1989, that Israel may be seeking to construct a
thermonuclear weapon.
Estimates of numbers and types of weapons differ sharply.
At least a stockpile of 60-80 plutonium weapons. May have well over 100 nuclear
weapons assemblies, with some weapons with yields over 100 Kilotons, and some
with possible ER variants or variable yields. Stockpile of up to 200-300 weapons
is possible.
Possible facilities include production of weapons grade Plutonium at Dimona,
nuclear weapons design facility at Soreq (south of Tel Aviv), missile test
facility at Palmikim, nuclear armed missile storage facility at Kefar Zekharya,
nuclear weapons assembly facility at Yodefat, and tactical nuclear weapons
storage facility at Eilabun in eastern Galilee.
Missile Defenses
Patriot missiles with future PAC-3 upgrade to reflect lessons of the Gulf War.
Arrow 2 two-stage ATBM with slant intercept ranges at altitudes of 8-10 and 50
kilometers speeds of up to Mach 9, plus possible development of the Rafale AB-10
close in defense missile with ranges of 10-20 kilometers and speeds of up to
Mach 4.5. Tadiran BM/C4I system and "Music" phased array radar. Israel plans to
deploy two batteries of the Arrow to cover Israel, each with four launchers, to
protect up to 85% of its population.
Advanced Intelligence Systems
The Shavit I launched Israel's satellite payload on September 19, 1989. It used
a three stage booster system capable of launching a 4,000 pound payload over
1,200 miles or a 2,000 pound payload over 1,800 miles.
Ofeq 2 launched in April, 1990 -- one day after Saddam Hussein threatens to
destroy Israel with chemical weapons if it should attack Baghdad.
Launched first intelligence satellite on April 5, 1995, covering Syria, Iran,
and Iraq in orbit every 90 minutes. The Ofeq 3 satellite is a 495 pound system
launched using the Shavit launch rocket, and is believed to carry an imagery
system. Its orbit pass over or near Damascus, Tehran, and Baghdad. *)
CSIS is the Center for Strategic and International Studies; a public policy
research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. It based in
Washington, repots the instabilities in Mideast and citated that "Creeping
Proliferation Could Mean a Paradigm Shift in the Cost of War and Terrorism" and
C.S.I.S. addedd that "Rear Admiral Thomas Brooks identified Israel as a
"probable" chemical weapons possessor in testimony before Congress.
Brooks, statement before the Subcommittee on Seapower, Strategic and Critical
Materials, p. 107. Israel has completed extensive research into gas warfare
and defense and may have some production facilities. Additionally, Israel may
have stocks of bombs, rockets, and artillery.
Cordesman, "Creeping Proliferation Could Mean a Paradigm Shift in the Cost of
War and Terrorism," [Online] .
The London Sunday Times reports that Israeli F-16 fighters have been equipped
to carry chemical weapons and that their crews have been trained on the use of
such weapons.
Uzi Mahnaimi, "Israeli Jets Equipped For Chemical Warfare," London Sunday Times,
October 4, 1998.
For further information on Israel's weapons of mass destruction programs and
capabilities, see the CNS country profile on the "Weapons of Mass Destruction in
the Middle East" web page at ." and "While it is unclear exactly what chemical
agents Israel may produce, Dutch officials have identified that an El Al 747
that crashed in Amsterdam in 1992 was carrying a shipment of DMMP destined for
Israel. DMMP is a nerve gas precursor used in the manufacture of sarin gas.
Uzi Mahnaimi, "Israeli Jets Equipped For Chemical Warfare," London Sunday
Times, October 4, 1998." as footnote on this report. ***
1997 Atomic Scientists' Bulletin shows a Chemical Weapon Atlas on
Mideast on Oct. 1997. It explains ant facts on Z.O.G. "According to the same
dia study, Israel developed its own offensive chemical weapons program in
response to a perceived Arab chemical-weapon threat. In 1974, Lt. Gen. E. H.
Almquist told a Senate Armed Forces Committee that the Israeli program was
operational. The 1990 dia study reports that Israel maintains a chemical warfare
testing facility. Newspaper reports suggest the facility is in the Negev
desert." *** 1996 Israel's Nuclear Development &
Strategy: Future Ramifications for the Middle East Regional Balance By Laura
Israel's oft-repeated pronouncement that it will "not be the first to introduce
nuclear weapons into the Middle East" is the euphemistic embodiment of Israel's
entrenched yet still unconfessed nuclear status. At the time of its initial
enunciation, this declaration, or non-declaration as it were, reflected the
existence of a nuclear option in the absence of an actual nuclear weapon. Now,
with Israel's nuclear arsenal estimated at anywhere between 50 and 300 warheads,
depending on the source, the non-introduction pledge has become both an
anachronism and an excuse for intransigence: after all, if an entire category of
weapons is not even admitted to, then how can negotiations to reduce or abolish
them even begin? Indeed, in this post-Cold war world, it is nuclear weapons in
the periphery rather than in the territory of the former superpowers that
constitutes the greatest single threat to world security.
The possibility of a nuclear exchange somewhere in the Third World will become
more rather than less menacing in the 21st century as security-driven nuclear
proliferation continues to expand. Third World governments, including those in
the Middle East, lack the sophisticated technological and diplomatic safeguards
enjoyed by the former superpowers and may someday find themselves overtaken by
events and engulfed by a crisis in which unconventional weapons may play a role
simply by default. Nor have there been adequate efforts on the part of regional
strategic planners to build a clear firewall between conventional and nuclear
warfare into their strategic doctrines. Indeed, most Middle Eastern states have
not yet institutionalized the political-military planning function as a
specialized department within the security apparatus, thus gravely hindering a
future-oriented approach to strategic affairs. Lacking such structures, the
Middle East region may find its fate in this realm dictated mostly by chance, in
the words of the 16th century statesman-philosopher Machiavelli, by fortuna.
The existence of substantial chemical arsenals held by Arab states or Iran may
suddenly become operational in the heat of a raging conventional war. Such
weaponry used in this fashion provides an easy stepping stone to an even further
escalation by Israel to the nuclear level, constituting the materiel for an
almost seamless transition. Indeed, it is most difficult to imagine that any
chemically-capable Arab state or Iran, attacked in one of Israel's 'preventive'
wars, would find it possible to refrain from invoking the chemical response. How
did this situation evolve, and how did a volatile area like the Middle East end
up as the world's primary unconventional tinderbox? Where did the impetus for
such unrestrained military buildups originate? Though most of the emphasis these
days is on the progress previously made by Iraq, the extent of which surprised
even the most seasoned military analysts, the process of regional nuclearisation
(and the subsequent introduction of other types of unconventional armament into
the Middle East) begins not with Iraq, which joined the process only recently in
the 1980s, but rather with Israel in the 1950s, in the initial years following
its establishment. As one observer declared: "Three years of headlines to the
contrary, the major nuclear-weapons player in the Middle East is Israel, not
Iraq. Everyone knows that."1 Origins of the Israeli nuclear bomb
The decision to initiate a nuclear programme was initially taken in the early
1950s by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, with the aim of
providing Israel with a "last-resort option." The doomsday weapon was to be
available for use in the event that the Israeli state found itself hopelessly
losing a conventional war at some future point in time against an alliance of
Arab states. Initiation of the programme was spurred on by the early discovery
of natural uranium deposits in the Negev desert. The Israeli government followed
up on this find by sending a cadre of Israel's brightest young physicists on
training missions to nuclear research centers in different parts of the world.2
Israel recognized early on that, aside from the technical requirements, a major
prerequisite to becoming a viable nuclear power was the establishment and
continuous expansion of a cutting-edge scientific community and intellectual
infrastructure geared toward that end. Material progress toward the achievement
of a nuclear option proceeded along two separate but complementary tracks. One
track was subterranean, traveled by agents of Israeli foreign intelligence. It
involved the systematic location and theft of nuclear materials from advanced
nuclear countries, including the United States. On at least four occasions,
nuclear materials were stolen and transported to Israel by covert means.3 The
most notorious instance, fully uncovered by the American intelligence in 1967,
involved the Israeli theft of several hundred pounds of enriched uranium from
the U.S. Nuclear Material and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) facility in Apollo,
Pennsylvania with the alleged help of its American director, Zalman Shapiro.4
While the evidence was not sufficient to convict the principal involved, there
was a "clear consensus" within the CIA that the nuclear materials in question
had been diverted to Israel and used by the Israelis for nuclear weapons
manufacture.5 Indeed, Shapiro was known to have maintained extraordinarily
intimate relations with the Israeli government and its nuclear scientific
community during his tenure at NUMEC. Other known instances of Israeli theft of
nuclear materials include hit-and-run tear-gas attacks by the Israelis against
uranium-laden trucks belonging to the government of France, their former nuclear
British nuclear cargo was similarly hijacked by individuals suspected of working
for Israeli intelligence. A fourth instance involves the temporary seizure of a
ship registered to what was then West Germany, from which 200 tons of yellowcake
(uranium used as nuclear fuel) subsequently disappeared, an instance the U.S.
intelligence has also attributed to Israel.6 The second track to Israeli
nuclearisation led through the center of the French Defense Ministry. The
initiative of none other than Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, then
director-general of the Israeli Defense Ministry, was the critical element
responsible for the forging of this connection. Noting the convergence of
interests in colonial Algeria and therefore, in frustrating the overall pan-Arab
ambitions of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Israel saw in Paris a
potentially crucial ally. This was particularly important for Tel Aviv at a time
when Washington, under the more balanced Eisenhower Administration, was still
keeping a respectable distance from Israel. France and Israel thus began to work
together on a massive scale.
Cooperation reached such dimensions that the State Department took great care to
shield some of its most sensitive Middle East initiatives from its French ally,
in apparent certainty that the content of such communications would immediately
reach Israeli foreign intelligence. The French-Israeli connection continued from
approximately 1953 until 1969, encompassing both the Sinai-Suez war of 1956 and
culminating in the signing of a Franco-Israeli nuclear treaty in 1957.7 This
treaty mandated the French transfer of nuclear technology to Israel and the
construction of a nuclear reactor at Dimona, which was completed in Israel by
1962-63.8 Dimona's purpose was the production of Pu-239, weapons grade
plutonium, allowing Israel to cross the first major hurdle in bringing its bomb
programme to completion.
The Israeli separation plant followed a few short years thereafter, also a
product of Israel's agreement with France. The third hurdle, the bomb assembly
process, does not appear to have posed much of a problem for Israel. The fourth
and final hurdle, a reliable delivery system, had already been accomplished
through Israel's uncontested control of the skies, achieved early in the
Arab-Israeli conflict. However, Israel pursued other options to delivery by
aircraft, akin to the United States emphasis on its 'strategic triad,'
diversifying the means of delivery in case one failed. Tel Aviv's primary
delivery vehicle has been the U.S.-supplied nuclear-capable fighter aircraft,
the F-15. Much to the dismay of the then-Soviet Union, the F-15 rendered Israel
capable of a one-way nuclear run to Moscow and placed the southern Soviet
regions within round-trip range.9
However, aircraft are not always reliable due to the possible intrusion of
unexpected contingencies.These might include the last-minute forward deployment
of surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems by an adversary or the sudden onset of
problematic battlefield conditions, such as the heavy cloud cover encountered by
the U.S. Air Force during the Iraq war. For Israel, long-range offensive
ballistic missile systems filled this gap. French assistance with Israel's
Jericho surface-to-surface missile (SSM) system, originally a weapon with quite
limited range, acquired continental dimensions with improvements in missile
technology. The original version of this missile, the Jericho I, completed in
1973, possessed a range of only 650 kilometers, enough to place the capital
cities of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon in double jeopardy (i.e., first by
aircraft, and additionally by the new SSM threat). The follow-on Jericho II,
completed in 1990, possesses a far more consequential range of 1,500 kilometers,
thus exposing non-contiguous Arab states such as Iraq to the Israeli missile
threat for the first time. The newest generation of Jericho, the Jericho II-B,
possesses a range of up to 2,500 kilometers. Due to the speedy development of
multiple delivery systems of ever-increasing range, Israel's nuclear reach has
extended within the space of a few decades to incorporate almost all of the
Middle East, to include areas as far away as Iran, North Africa, and important
portions of the former Soviet Union.
Israel has been successful in mastering the multi-stage rocket technology (the
Shavit system) as proven by the launch of the Ofeq satellites, the most recent
of which was sent up into space to conduct military reconnaissance of Arab
countries. With such advances in rocket technology, Israel cannot now be far
away from an indigenous intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capability
akin to that possessed by the former Cold War superpowers.
The evolution of Israel's nuclear strategy Prior to the technological
advancements in other parts of the region during the 1980s, Israel consistently
followed a policy of strategic nuclear ambiguity: to establish in the minds of
its adversaries and allies alike the existence of an Israeli nuclear option
without making transparent the presence of an actual nuclear arsenal. Apparently
the policy of ambiguity was not explicitly planned, but rather, arose
spontaneously as a result of Israel's unique strategic environment.10 Israel has
consistently refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The
1968 treaty, indefinitely extended in 1995, requires states other than the
charter members of the nuclear club (the U.S., USSR/Russia, Britain, France, and
China), to submit their nuclear facilities to the controls of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and to limit their use of nuclear power to civilian
Deficiencies in the IAEA inspection process have been unveiled in the agency's
failure to detect Iraq's subterranean nuclear programme and might similarly fail
in regard to Israel. However, an Israeli commitment to open up its facilities
for inspection would provide the necessary confidence to Arab states to begin
their own processes of unconventional disarmament. It would also allay Arab
fears of their region involuntarily falling under the diktat of an intrusive
nuclear superpower. From the very beginning, however, the Tel Aviv government
has consistently obstructed U.S. diplomatic efforts to place the Dimona reactor
under international controls. It did allow limited annual American inspections
from 1961 until 1969. However, it did so only in return for the provision of
Hawk SAM missiles by Washington.11 Subsequent Israeli requests to Washington to
supply advanced conventional armaments were also considered under this nuclear
shadow: the only way to be certain Israel would never be placed in danger of
absorbing unacceptable losses in a war, and hence using its nuclear weapons, was
to provide it with an unquestioned conventional superiority over any potential
combination of Arab states.
However, even in the initial Hawk deal, the Israelis failed to uphold their side
of the bargain. As later revealed by Mordechai Vanunu, a former employee at the
Dimona reactor now serving a life sentence in Israel for exposing state secrets
to a London newspaper,12 Israel systematically deceived the American inspection
team, going so far as to set up a fake control room. This was done in order to
conceal the existence of the reprocessing plant. Additionally, Israel
deliberately calibrated the computer control system to display a 24-megawatt
output when the real capacity of the reactor was actually closer to
70-megawatts, in order to hide evidence of the nuclear fuel that had been stolen
by Israel in the past and which substantially enhanced the reactor's capacity.13
Thus, in order to preserve its nuclear capability without subjecting itself to
unwanted international, particularly U.S. pressure, the Israelis continued to
engage in the charade that perhaps their nuclear weapons did not really exist.
This was operationalised in the form of the aforementioned elaborate schemes,
intended to confuse and deceive those inspectors that had managed to reach the
outer gateway of Israel's nuclear underworld. Perhaps even more significant than
these international dimensions for the evolution of Israel's strategy of
ambiguity was its regional position.
Israel sought to create for itself a weapon of last resort without engendering
the negative consequences that normally accompany the introduction of nuclear
weapons into a given system of states. It was hoped that Arab states could be
prevented from themselves going nuclear, thus sparing Israel the nuclear arms
races that had plagued the superpowers. Israel hoped through its ambiguous
posture to prevent the emergence of dangerous escalatory cycles and hair-trigger
nuclear scenarios. The Middle East with its technological and institutional
gaps, in addition to its multipolar state power structure, would likely become a
much more unstable nuclear environment than was the superpower environment,
characterized by the more stable bipolar structure and composed of advanced
industrial states. Nor did Israeli planners want to in any way diminish the
self-confidence of their own conventional military forces, particularly their
army and air force, by establishing an over-reliance on strategic nuclear
forces. The American experience in Europe, and particularly its doctrine of
'massive retaliation,' had served to undermine the role of U.S. conventional
forces to the detriment of NATO's overall military posture. In Israel's case it
was even more crucial that this pattern not be repeated, for it was on the
integrity of Israel's conventional military force structure that the
perpetuation of Israel's place in the Middle East ultimately depended. Indeed,
the conventional forces of Israel were perfectly capable of ensuring Israel's
Even more, they proved themselves particularly efficient in maintaining an
intrusive offensive posture against Arab states and the Palestinian people over
a prolonged period of time, occupying and subsequently retaining control over
the Arab territories Israel had invaded in these wars. In order to preserve the
strategic status quo, while providing Israel with a nuclear option in case the
status quo failed, Israel's nuclear posture was operationally separated and
insulated from the overall defense posture, most significantly, from its
explicit military deterrence doctrine. As Avner Cohen phrased it: "The
assumption that has guided all Israeli governments and served as the basis of
its long-term force structure planning was that as long as there were no Arab
nuclear weapons, the Israeli army must plan all contingencies on conventional
assumptions, as if no Israeli nuclear weapons existed."14 Thus, the nuclear
component was prevented from entering and hence dominating Israel's structures
of options, counter-options, and contingencies, as it had done in the United
States at all possible levels of military confrontation, tactical and strategic
alike. The second part of this article will be published in the next issue of
Al-Nashra. The following are the referrences: 1Mike Moore, "Avner Cohen, meet
Franz Kafka," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 50(5), September/Oct 1994:
5. 2Yair Evron, Israel's Nuclear Dilemma (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University
Press, 1994): 1. 3Details of past Israeli theft of nuclear materials are taken
from Peter Pry, Israel's Nuclear Arsenal (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1984):
28-9; also see Leonard Spector and Jacqueline Smith, Nuclear Ambitions
(Cambridge: Ballinger, 1990): 154. 4Ibid. For details on the NUMEC incident see
also Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the
Israeli-U.S. Covert Relationship (New York: Harper Collins, 1992): 71-97. 5Steve
Weissman and Herbert Krosney, The Islamic Bomb: The Nuclear Threat to Israel and
the Middle East (New York: Times Books, 1981): 124, cited in Pry: 28-9. 6"Dayan
says Israelis have the capacity to produce A-bombs, New York Times, 25 June
1981, cited in Pry: 28-9. 7Evron: 3. 8Elizabeth Stevens, "Israel's nuclear
weapons: a case study," World Wide Web document at /najournal/israelinucs.html, 1995: 2;
Pry: 10. 9Ibid: 9., 10Evron: 6-7. 11Shlomo Aronson, The Politics and Strategy of
Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East: Opacity, Theory, and Reality, 1960-1991: An
Israeli Perspective (Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1992):
72. 12The article containing the Vanunu disclosures is "Revealed: the secrets of
Israel's nuclear arsenal," Sunday Times (London), 5 October 1986: 1, 4-5.
13Cockburn and Cockburn: 91. 14Avner Cohen, "A sacred matter," The Bulletin of
the Atomic Scientists, 49(5), June 1993: 40.
Israel's military-political doctrine remained largely untouched by the ongoing
nuclear programme, a strategic ambiguity which, as intended, carried over to the
other side of the battle lines. So long as Israel's nuclear deterrent did not
assume the offensive characteristics already manifest in its conventional
deterrent, the Arabs did not behave as if they perceived themselves to be
threatened by an offensive nuclear capability possessed by their Israeli
adversaries. Thus, no sense of urgency emerged on the Arab side to prepare a
nuclear counter-strategy as a response to the new situation.15 There are no
indications that a perception existed on the Arab side that an Israeli invasion
might be accompanied by the use of Israeli tactical nuclear weapons against Arab
military formations in the battlefield, or against Arab civilian populations,
mainly because they knew there would be no need.
The primary threat to Arab security and well-being remained Israel's
overwhelming conventional forces and the ever-present possibility of offensive
intrusions by those forces into their territory. The nuclear threat did not
enter into play in the major strategic calculations of Arab states precisely
because they would not become relevant unless Israel were teetering on the
threshold of destruction or experiencing massive demographic losses. The latter
conditions were not likely to enter into the realm of possibilities anytime in
the foreseeable future, given Israel's immense qualitative and technological
military superiorities.
Thus, Israel had managed to insulate the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole from
its nuclear bomb programme, thus enabling itself to increase its military
predominance while simultaneously preventing the rapid emergence of dangerous
new strategic threats to itself. The policy of nuclear ambiguity, or as some
Israelis have called it, nuclear "opacity,"16 is represented in Israel's
longstanding declaration that "Israel will not be the first to introduce nuclear
weapons into the Middle East." Since the revelations in 1986 by Mordechai
Vanunu, it is now beyond the doubt of any reasonable observer that Israel
possesses a nuclear arsenal, along with reliable delivery vehicles of differing
types. The size of that arsenal, however, is not generally known; estimates vary
anywhere from 50 to 300 warheads. There is now consensus that Israel has in fact
introduced nuclear weapons, and not just a nuclear option, into the Middle East.
What the disclaimer really meant, however, is that Israel would not be the first
to introduce nuclear weapons into the strategic equation of the Middle East, at
least not at the operational level, present though it may be at the meta-level.
Indeed, nuclear weapons would not affect individual outcomes at the strategic
level provided the following three conditions were met: 1) they remained outside
Israel's day-to-day deterrenc
Oligarchical Shurks"...
- Are these tales the ordinary non-censored FABLES or the new surrealistical
non-censored THRILLERS?
- Both when man ask on the Imperialist State terror...
- Is the ZOG Mafia a kind of state?
- ?!
- Viewer comments on Oct.4-8, 2000
- What about?!
- Die zionistische neofaschistischen Truppen "Bloody Occupation Dictatorship"
muss vor Gericht!..
- Explain in English, please!
- Why?
- A new and true justice N・nberg-International Human Rights Court (like Haag
Tribunal) required to judge the Jewish criminal gang; because over 60
Palestinians (toll 80 on Oct.8) killed on their own mark, Palestina. At least 20
more people are reported to have been killed as fierce clashes between
Palestinians and Zionist-Power's troops continued into a fifth day. The worst
clashes were on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Five people were reported killed
in gun battles in Ramallah; twelve killed in Natzarium, Rafa, Kafr Kana and
Hebron. Another three (including a seven-year-old boy, -didn't you watch on tv,
how Israeli fascists murdered him?!-) died in Nablus. Occupation power, "Zion
troops" kill the babies, children, too.... A one-year-old girl (baby) shoots ten
times by Jewish sodiers and a 10-year-old Palestinian boy died from bullet
wounds. For the first time, bloodshed spilled over into Israel
itself: one man was shot dead as Israeli Arabs demonstrated their support for
the Palestinians near the town of Umm el-Fahm. In the Gaza
Strip, where there has been a series of gun battles between the two sides; many
more people have been injured. Israeli Neo-Nazis are killing human with
anti-tank missiles and helicopter gunships. What is the reason of this
Genocide (in other word; Zionist Neo-Nazizm on occupied Palestina)? Humanist
communities of our civilised (!) world must see the reality:
-Fascist USrael continues to stockpile internationally banned mass destruction
weapons and rejects international monitoring of the facilities producing these
weapons. -Barbarian Occupation Power so called
USrael is producing large amounts of chemical and biological weapons for future
use against population centers in the Middle East. -Neo-ZioniFascist
Establishment of Military Mafia Israel is building and stockpiling enough
nuclear weapon to destroy the entire Middle East region. -Fanatic Zion
Power of Israel has proportionally more political prisoners in its prisons then
any other country on earth. -Humanbeing's historical enemy "USraeli
social virus" continuously denies education to Palestinian children.
-U.S.-Imperialism's Satellit Israel repeatedly shuts down Palestinian newspapers
for criticizing the Israeli occupation and imprisons the writers and editors of
these publications. -Palestinians are denied the right to free
speech, the right of peaceful assembly, the right to a due process, and the
right to say no to occupation. ** -
Every home was a prison during the Gulf Invasion... - How?
- At deadline time the military component of the Gulf War is coming to an end
and the next phase is about to begin. Progressive political analysts tell us
that war will probably last for the next 100 years. Regardless which European or
Asian power ultimately assumes the mantle of the dying American Empire. the
trauma and devastation wreaked on two nations, Iraq and Kuwait, will reverberate
for decades. And regardless which power steps to the throne in the future, the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict will still require a just resolution. Throughout
this bloody atrocity the Palestinians in the occupied territories have been
locked away under house arrest, with little or no sanitation facilities,
electricity, food or medical care. Their suffering has been almost totally
ignored not only by mainstream media, but by alternative media as well.
We want to break that wall of denial, and call on our friends at the Middle East
Justice Network, who provide us with a graphic portrayal of life under house
arrest in Palestine. The intensity of the conditions described below continued
for a full six weeks and at deadline time is only being loosened slightly.
- Marianne Torres, Palestine Papers The following is excerpted from
their editorial in Breaking the Siege, Feb-Mar. 1991. Their mission statement:
"The Middle East Justice Network was formed by Americans drawn together by a
common concern about our government's role in supporting the Israeli occupation
of the West Bank and Gaza. Our goal is to pressure our policy-makers and elected
representatives to be evenhanded in their treatment of Israel and Palestine, to
recognize the justice of Palestinian claims to statehood and to work for an end
to all occupations." Contact them at P. O. Box 558, Cambridge, MA 02238
after walking onto her balcony with her 3-year old son to hang some wash, the
Palestinian woman lay gasping on the floor with a bullet through her chest. She
died in an ambulance about an hour later, leaving her husband, the son who saw
her shot, and a 25-day-old baby" (USA Today, January 21, 1991). Lubana Qadah
was killed by the Israeli Border police who fired without warning because she
set foot on the balcony of her Nablus home. She was one of nearly two million
Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip who have been under strict house
arrest since the war began and are threatened with gunfire, beatings, arrest,
imprisonment of up to five years and fines as high as $15,000 for the crime of
"curfew-breaking". ENTOMBED IN HOMES
When the US launched the first "alliance" air sorties against Iraq, Gaza Strip
residents and many Palestinians in the West Bank were already confined to their
houses. A curfew had been imposed on January 15th after Israeli soldiers killed
three people in Gaza and wounded 198 others who were protesting the murder of
PLO leader Abu Iyad and two of his colleagues in Tunis. Few of those ordered
inside with only moment's notice could have been prepared for the long siege to
come. Immediately after the war began, a round-the-clock curfew was imposed
on the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip and many of the neighborhoods of
"annexed" East Jerusalem. Since then, conditions have become increasingly
desperate. Food and medicine are scarce, and medical attention almost
non-existent. In refugee camps, whole families with young children have been
confined for days on end to poorly ventilated rooms, often with no electricity
or running water and rudimentary sanitation facilities. The curfew has
been lifted for only a few hours a week in selected areas to allow residents to
search for food in stores which are often empty because of the breakdown of the
distribution system. Meanwhile, field and greenhouse crops are dying from lack
of irrigation and livestock faces starvation. Families which depend on daily
wages now have no income and have reportedly been forced to sell whatever
consumer durables they possessed to pay for food. The economy of the West Bank
and Gaza Strip has ground to a halt with estimated losses to the population of
up to $50 million per week. CIVILIANS TREATED AS ENEMIES
Under the double cover of curfew and war, how many victims are there like
Lubana Qadah? Israeli Police Minister Roni Milo had announced that in a war
situation civilian Palestinian resistance would be regarded as an enemy attack
and dealt with as such. But with the West Bank and Gaza declared closed military
zones熔ff limits to visitors, including journalists擁t has been difficult for
human rights groups to follow up on reports of widespread shooting and beating
by the army, of arbitrary arrests and the teargassing of people in their homes.
According to (the Palestine Human Rights Information Center, based in East
Jerusalem) Gaza hospitals have reported 150 injuries from gunfire, beatings and
teargas during the January 16-29 period; figures for West Bank hospitals are
incomplete. Children have been injured when the army has thrown sound grenades
and tear gas bombs into their homes. The curfews have provided no respite
from other forms of collective punishment. The Palestine Human Rights
Information Center says that two families in Gaza were notified that their homes
would be demolished because of the arrests of their sons prior to January 16th.
Meanwhile the Israeli government persists in its determination to eliminate,
rather than talk to, "moderate" Palestinians. On January 30th Bir Zeit
University philosophy professor Sari Nusseibeh was arrested and imprisoned for
six months (later reduced to three) without trial or formal charges for
allegedly passing on information about SCUD missile attacks to Iraq. The day
before his arrest, during a brief break in the curfew, Nusseibeh had met with
two members of the Israeli Peace Now movement and, according to a New York Times
editorial on February 1st, "had promised to issue a statement condemning Iraq's
use of terror missiles and reaffirming his support for a negotiated settlement
between Palestinians and Israelis." Government hard liners got an infamous
new recruit when extreme right-winger General Rehavim Zeevi became minister
without portfolio after Shamir signed an agreement with his racist Moledat party
on February 1st. Moledat champions the idea of "transfer"容xpelling the
Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza. ENDURING DOUBLE
STANDARDS The US media, which has dwelled at length on the ordeal of
Israelis forced to don gas masks and go to sealed rooms when air raid alarms
sound, has said little about Palestinians entombed day and night in their
houses. In many of these houses a "sealed room" is not a refuge but a room which
has been permanently cemented shut by the Israeli army as punishment for a stone
thrown by a child. Few Palestinians under occupation have gas masks and
there are no air raid warnings systems in the territories. On the eve of the
war, the Israeli High Court had denounced as a "scandal" the government's
refusal to distribute gas masks to Palestinians in the territories and ordered
it to provide this protection immediately. But at the end of January, only
29,000 of the 173,000 masks which the government says it still has in stock have
been made available to Palestinians, although settlers in the territories are
well supplied and Soviet immigrants receive them at the airport on arrival. No
masks have been distributed to children洋ore than 50% of the population of the
territories. Nor has the Israeli government made any provision for the safety of
the thousands of Palestinian detainees crowded in flimsy tents behind barbed
- According to the January 27th report of the New York-based Middle East Watch,
the Israeli government's failure to protect a population under occupation
represents a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Three weeks earlier the
UN Security Council had passed a resolution critical of the Israeli treatment of
Palestinians for the fourth time in four months. Today, despite its
refusal to abide by the Geneva Convention and UN Security Council resolutions,
Israel is basking in the good will of the western "allies" and promises of
material aid. As a mark of appreciation for Israeli restraint under Iraqi
missile fire, the European Community has even lifted the sanctions it had
imposed to protest the (still ongoing) three year long closure of Palestinian
universities. International law and Security Council resolutions may
serve to underwrite as "just" the US様ed war against Iraq, but they remain a
dead letter where Israel is concerned.
** - An Independent N・nberg-International Human Rights
Court (like Haag Tribunal) required to judge the israeli crimi-gang, bloody
fanatic zion hounds and their boss'... Until that case United Nations must send
its "Peace Forces" to the occupied Palestina... And YOU, HUMAN; you should not
be in silence! Well, HUMAN, this is a incredible SHAMELESSNESS and stained
identity for you when YOU DIDN'T SHOW ENOUGH REACT & RESPONSIBILITY on this
Contemporary Genocide! Democratic comunities should struggle for an
international boycot (second step, embargo) on israeli products; don't buy its
fruits, material etc. Don't travel to the occupied areas which called Israel.
Aid to Israel means aid to racism and religious discrimination. It means aid to
virtually every facist element on the globe. It means denial of life, liberty
and homeland to five million Palestinians in diaspora. It means Armageddon is
preferable to justice.
*Best regards to the person who with an unsullied reputation!
- Do you know what Noam Chomsky about N・nberg theatre said?
- Say!
- If the Nuremberg laws were applied today, then every Post-War American
president would have to be hanged.
** - Belinda Goldsmith by
Reuters reports / May , 1998... - SvekJa unites with U.S, UK on
Holocaust industry campaign - Sweden, smarting from a series of challenges
to its neutrality during World War Two, is joining forces with the United States
and Britain to spread information about the Holocaust. Government
representatives as well as historians and Jewish studies experts are meeting in
Stockholm on Thursday to formulate a plan for joint activities to disseminate
information about the Holocaust.
A survey among Swedish schoolchildren last year found over 10 percent did not
know what the Holocaust was or that it had occurred.
"The Prime Minister (Goran Persson) was alarmed by this report and initiated a
Swedish program to inform about the Holocaust," government spokesman Leif-Ake
Falk told Reuters.
"He wrote to U.S. President Bill Clinton and Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair
in January this year with his concerns, and government representatives from the
three nations are pooling forces to discuss Holocaust information problems."
This week's seminar will be opened by Persson with guests including Stuart
Eizenstat, head of an international probe into Jewish assets, Ralph Grunewald of
the USA Holocaust Museum, Lord Janner, chair of the Holocaust Educational Trust,
and Nazi crime hunter Ephraim Zuroff of the Simon Weisenthal Center.
"We want to see what we can do at government level to inform and increase
knowledge about the Holocaust," Falk said.
The move follows a year of reminders of uncomfortable facts about Sweden which
was officially neutral during World War Two.
Most recently, the daily paper Svenska Dagbladet this weekend published a
document found in state archives that showed Swedish authorities knew and may
have helped suspected war criminal Evald Mikson leave SvekJa in 1946. He set off
for South America but ended up in Iceland.
Estonian-born Mikson is accused of exterminating Jews in Tallinn where he worked
as a policeman during the Nazi occupation in 1941. He fled to Sweden in 1944.
Svenska Dagbladet printed an application from Mikson dated May 8, 1946, seeking
permission to travel to Stockholm for five days to prepare for his journey
onwards. The letter was signed with approval the following day.
It was the latest in a series of revelations in the Swedish media over the past
year that has been accompanied by a number of inquiries and probes into state
An investigative team given access to the Swedish central bank archives last
year said in December that Sweden acquired gold from Nazi Germany even though it
suspected it was looted from Jews or occupied countries.
The inquiry also showed that SvekJa Kingdom bought bars from the Netherlands
made of melted-down gold, so that gold once owned by individual Jews may have
ended up in Sweden.
The World Jewish Congress (WJC) came up with documents showing SvekJa supplied
parts for Nazi Germany's deadly V-2 rockets which killed thousands of people in
Belgium and England.
SvekJa also sold iron ore to Germany for its munitions industry. Between
1937-1943 Swedish ore provided the raw material for four out of every 10 German
But the action that is usually seen as the most difficult to justify was the
decision taken by Stockholm to allow German troops to transit SvekJa to fight
and occupy Norway.
- European Union has several criminals who are bank chiefs, ambassadors...
- I listened BBC about Carmi Gillon... Amnesty International's alert office in
London calls on Denmark to fulfil its obligations under the UN Convention
against Torture
On 15 August 2001 , Carmi Gillon, former head of the Israel's General Security
Services (GSS), is scheduled to arrive in Copenhagen, where he is expected to
take up his new post as Ambassador of Israel with the agreement of Denmark.
Carmi Gillon first joined the GSS in 1988, and became overall head of the
service from March 1995 to February 1996. During his tenure, and until the
Israel High Court of Justice ruled against such methods in 1999, GSS
interrogators were officially sanctioned to use "moderate physical pressure" on
detainees (the vast majority of them Palestinians). From October 1994, when a
suicide bomb killed 23 people, they were allowed to use "increased physical
pressure". Secret government guidelines set down what "moderate physical
pressure" and "increased physical pressure" allowed; according to court
testimonies of GSS members themselves, this included subjecting detainees to
sleep deprivation, prolonged shackling in painful positions, hooding with filthy
sacks, being forced to squat like a frog (gambaz) and violent shaking (tiltul).
During Carmi Gillon's period of service with the GSS such methods of
interrogation were used against several hundred Palestinian detainees every
year, many of whom were later released without charge.
After the death of a detainee, 'Abd al-Samad Harizat, in April 1995 from a brain
haemorrhage as a result of violent shaking, the ministerial committee which
oversees the GSS were reportedly divided as to whether to allow an extension of
the "exceptional dispensation" granted to the GSS to use "increased physical
pressure". The GSS, then headed by Carmi Gillon, argued strongly that such means
were necessary and that 48 attacks over the previous six months had been foiled
as a result of special interrogation methods. At a meeting of the ministerial
committee on 16 August 1995 the exceptional dispensation to use increased
physical pressure was renewed until October 1995. The committee agreed that
violent shaking was no longer "regular" and would continue to be used but only
with the special authorization of the head of the GSS.
According to detainees' testimonies, violent shaking of detainees normally took
place with the legs shackled below a low chair and the hands handcuffed behind
and between the back bars of a chair; this diminishes the support for the
detainee's back and thus his ability to resist the shaking. Detainees have
frequently reported falling unconscious while being subjected to violent
shaking; others said they felt they were choking.
A number of cases of violent shaking by special authorization of the head of the
GSS, at that time Carmi Gillon, are recorded. On 24 August 1995 the head of the
GSS was reported to have announced that, following the 21 August 1995 suicide
bus-bombing in Jerusalem which had killed four people and wounded 80 others, he
had authorized the shaking of two militants, Naser 'Isa and Hatem Isma'il, whose
confessions had enabled the GSS to discover a bomb factory.
The assertion that suicide bomb attacks could have been prevented by GSS
interrogation techniques which amount to torture cannot be independently
verified. However, international human rights treaties to which Israel is a
state party forbid the use of torture under all circumstances, without
exception. In May 1997 the Committee against Torture, the expert body which
examines states' implementation of the UN Convention against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, found that the
interrogation methods employed and not denied by Israel "also constitute torture
as defined in article 1 of the convention".
Thus, not only was Carmi Gillon head of the GSS while it used interrogation
techniques constituting torture, but he also authorized violent shaking - and
continued to authorize this method even after it had directly caused the death
of a detainee. Carmi Gillon has stated in interviews with the Danish media that
he was involved in about 100 cases in which detainees were tortured or
ill-treated; he effectively advocated the reintroduction of torture by stating
in an interview to Jyllands Posten on 9 July 2001 that "Now it looks as though
we have to use [techniques of physical pressure] again and I am sorry about
On 3 August, Amnesty International wrote to the Danish Government, reminding it
of its duty under Article 6 (1) of the UN Convention against Torture, ratified
by Denmark in 1987, to detain persons found in their territory suspected of
responsibility for torture or to take other measures to ensure their presence
pending criminal or extradition proceedings and, under Article 6 (2),
"immediately [to] make a preliminary inquiry into the facts". The organization
also reminded the Danish Government of its duty under Article 146 of the Fourth
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War,
to which Denmark is a High Contracting Party, to search for and bring to justice
persons responsible for grave breaches of that convention.
The Danish Government has traditionally opposed the use of torture, and has
criticised Israel for using torture as an interrogation technique. However, the
Danish Government has also refused to block Carmi Gillon's appointment and
stated that it is obliged under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations to grant immunity to the diplomatic representative of a government.
However, the Vienna Convention was adopted some 25 years before the crime of
torture was defined and codified in the Convention against Torture. The drafters
of the Vienna Convention clearly did not envisage that it would reverse the
fundamental rule of international law, as reflected in the Nuremberg and Tokyo
Charters, and most recently in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Court, that no public official is immune with respect to crimes under
international law.
Likewise, the drafters of the Convention against Torture and the Geneva
Conventions did not provide for any exceptions to the duty of a state party to
extradite a suspect or to submit the case to its competent authorities for the
purpose of prosecution, and their failure to do so is strong evidence that
diplomatic immunities are not applicable to the crime of torture.
The Rome Statute, ratified by Denmark some six weeks ago, but not yet in force,
is the latest instrument to make clear that there is no official immunity for
crimes under international law. Article 27 (1) unambiguously states: "This
Statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on
official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or
Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or
a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal
responsibility under this Statute..."
The prohibition of torture in international law is absolute; affirming that the
world community finds no circumstance in which torture could possibly be
justified or excused. Some human rights may be temporarily suspended for various
reasons to do with state security. But torture has been set apart, as one of the
gravest violations possible, inexcusable under all circumstances. The use of
diplomatic immunity to protect an alleged torturer from investigation and
possible prosecution would be inconsistent with the international recognition of
the extreme gravity of the offence.
By accepting Carmi Gillon's appointment to Denmark and the condition that he
will be immune from prosecution in Denmark, the Danish authorities appear to be
condoning the granting of impunity through appointments to diplomatic posts.
However, under long settled international law, the government is not under any
obligation whatsoever to accept Carmi Gillon's credentials. Indeed, as a state
party to the Convention against Torture, Denmark has a duty not to provide a
suspected torturer with a safe haven. The government should inform other states
that they will not accept such a person except on the condition that the sending
state agree to waive diplomatic immunity if the person is indicted by a national
court or to agree to recall the suspect and conduct a prompt criminal
investigation itself, and if there is sufficient admissible evidence, initiate a
The Danish Government has announced that it intends to admit Carmi Gillon to
take up his post and to accept his credentials as Israel's ambassador. If this
is the case, Amnesty International would urge the Danish Government to initiate
an investigation into the claims of torture against Carmi Gillon as soon as he
arrives on Danish territory. Such an investigation must be prompt, thorough,
independent and impartial. If there is sufficient admissible evidence to warrant
it, a prosecution should be permitted to proceed, in Denmark, Israel or any
state able and willing to conduct a fair trial without the possibility of the
imposition of the death penalty or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment.
- After one year, Denmark's government declared Carmi Gillon as "honour
- Without human honour?!
- ?!
- Associated Press reports a scandal... in 1998, about " Israel has chemical
- Explain please!
- 'Inaccurate': Paper says F-16s are now equipped to carry
biological weapons Jewish Military Mafia's F-16 fighters have been
equipped to carry chemical and biological weapons manufactured at a secret
biological institute in a Tel Aviv suburb, a British newspaper reported.
The Sunday Times also said the institute, in the suburb of Nes Ziona, supplied
poison for an attempt last year to kill Khaled Meshal, a leader of the Islamic
fundamentalist group Hamas.
Israeli agents sprayed the poison into Meshal's ear, but Israel supplied an
antidote after Jordan threatened to put the agents on trial, the report said.
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office acknowledged that
an El Al cargo plane that crashed in an Amsterdam residential area in 1992 was
carrying a chemical that can be used to make the nerve gas sarin.
About 50 gallons of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a key component of sarin,
was destined for the institute, and was replaced, the Israeli government
confirmed. It said, however, the chemical has various industrial uses and the
shipment was approved by Washington.
The Israeli government has merely called "inaccurate" reports that the institute
makes chemical and biological weapons - and according to The Sunday Times, more
unusual poisons too.
The Sunday Times said Israeli air force crews are now trained to fit active
chemical or biological weapons to F-16s within minutes of receiving a command to
MER - Washington - 6 October, 2000
- Go on!.. Read it, please!
- The hypocrisy of the U.S., and the U.N., in dealing with Israel is simply
mind-boggling. Time and time again Arab countries are punished, sanctioned,
denounced, or in the case of Iraq destroyed, for behavior the Israelis are not
only allowed but helped with.
Israel occupies Palestinian lands, ethnically cleanses them in its own
"legalistic" ways, and places its own "settlers" throughout the areas, while the
world repeatedly condemns but does nothing. Meanwhile Iraq occupies Kuwait which
everyone knows was historically carved out of its body by British imperialism,
and somehow world peace is threatened, a huge Western armada descends on Arabia
within months, and sanctions are used for a decade devastating the country and
killing millions.
Israel developes large numbers of nuclear weapons, complete with U.S. help and
complicity; yet everyone else in the neighborhood is warned they must not...or
Israel violates one U.N. resolution after another, year after year; but never
have there been sanctions of any kind. Other countries similarly violate one or
another U.N. resolution but they are branded outlaws, the U.S. pushing and
cajoling the U.N. to take actions never even debated in regard to Israel.
Israel attacks a U.N. protected area brutally massacreing hundreds of civilians
being protected by the world organization, and then even refuses basic U.N.
demands to investigate; yet the U.N. is cowered into inaction by the American
veto threat.
And now we learn six years after an Israeli jumbo cargo plane crashed in
Amsterdam, the worst air disaster ever in that country, that another major
Israeli coverup has been underway. Only now are we learning that the Israeli
plane likely carried chemicals for use in Israel's weapons program, similar
chemicals to those the Americans recently insisted were being produced in Sudan
at the plant they unilaterally blew up with cruise missiles.
Furthermore, there are substantial and credible reports that the Institute for
Biological Research in suburban Tel Aviv, where the chemicals on the crashed
plane were destined, has had a number of leaks in recent years; and that
Israel's unchecked and uninspected nuclear reactor in Dimona also threatens
public health throughout the Middle East.
Where is the international investigation?
Where is the international outrage?
Where are the international sanctions?
Why isn't the U.N. stepping in?
Why are all the international institutions impotent, and silent?
Why isn't there compensation for those who have suffered?
This recent article from the AP tells only a partof the overall story, including
Israeli Ambassador Yossi Gall's contemptuous insistence that none of what's now
widely reported is true. But when it comes to veracity, of course,
representatives of Israel like Gall have hardly any.
Dutch Query Israel on Plane Cargo By Jenifer Chao
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP - Oct 6) -- In the shadow of towering apartment
buildings, a living monument to victims of the worst Dutch air disaster bears
this inscription: "The Tree That Saw Everything."
Six years later, investigators are struggling to uncover what no one can see --
the cause of chronic illnesses that have plagued the neighborhood and its
rescuers since the crash of an Israeli cargo jet.
New disclosures the plane was carrying a chemical that can be used to produce
the deadly nerve gas sarin have reignited demands for the truth -- and renewed
speculation over what the Israelis intended to do with the material.
"Once and for all, we must put an end to the disaster. The suffering has lasted
too long," Hannah Belliot, who heads the neighborhood council, said Sunday in a
memorial service near trees that survived the inferno.
Forty-three people were killed on Oct. 4, 1992, when the Israel-bound Boeing 747
cargo jet lost its two right engines and smashed into a 12-story apartment block
shortly after takeoff from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport.
While the cause of the crash was determined to be a design flaw, its cargo has
been a nagging mystery to the scores of residents and rescue workers suffering
from chronic health problems.
Last week, the Israeli government confirmed what many had suspected after years
of official denials: The plane was carrying dangerous cargo. Up to 50 gallons of
dimethyl methylphosphonate, an ingredient used in sarin, many pesticides and in
anti-retardants were destined for the Israel Institute for Biological Research
in suburban Tel Aviv, the Israelis disclosed.
Recent reports have said Israel was making chemical and biological weapons at
the institute; the Israeli government has not commented on those claims. The
Dutch government, meanwhile, has promised a fresh parliamentary probe.
Those suffering from health problems say knowing exactly what was in the belly
of the jet is their only hope for recovery. "I can't get it out of my mind,"
said ambulance driver Henk Post, 48, a paramedic dispatched to the crash site in
the low-income, heavily immigrant Bijlmer neighborhood.
Post arrived within minutes of the early evening crash and worked until the next
morning -- all while wearing no special protective gear. Three years later, he
began suffering health problems, including chronic fatigue and muscle aches. He
also weeps easily and suffers bouts of depression.
"He's so emotional," said Post's 22-year-old daughter, Bianca. "He'sdifferent.
He's not my father anymore." Post said doctors are at a loss over how to treat
He's not alone. Doctors in Bijlmer say some 300 people have suffered health
problems since the crash, including nervousness, stress, chronic fatigue, pain
and drowsiness.
"My whole body is a mess. There are all kinds of weird things going on," said Ed
Steur, 48, an auto mechanic who helped evacuate the area and now suffers from
bronchial problems and muscle pains "so bad that I can't do anything anymore."
Steur is angry at the Israeli and Dutch governments for keeping the plane's
cargo a secret. Over the years, officials have said the plane carried a small
amount of military equipment; one newspaper report said it was carrying
Sidewinder missiles.
Earlier this year, Israel's ambassador to the Netherlands, Yossi Gal, told
reporters the plane carried "no dangerous goods ... nothing secret."
Dutch officials bristle at allegations of a coverup. "I don't believe .. that
something was wittingly and knowingly withheld," Transport Minister Tineke
Netelenbos told the daily De Telegraaf. "What isimportant is that we establish
quickly which materials were burned, at what temperature, and what consequences
they have on public health."
Still, experts say long-term exposure to a much higher dose of the chemical than
was aboard the plane would be neccessary to produce illnesses. "People think
since it can be used for sarin, it must have the same toxicity as sarin. That's
nonsense," said Hendrik Benshcop, head of chemical toxicology at the Netherlands
Organization for Applied Science Research.
If so, the mystery just deepens for Everdina Douwes, who was diagnosed with lung
cancer three years after the crash. "I don't expect any (compensation) money
from the government," she said. "It's the truth that needs to come out."
*** - Fall-time 1998 - Unfortunately!.. The Western
Fascists attack poor Iraqi people, but meantime the Jewish Occupational Mafia
built new weapons... CSIS reports on Nucleochemical Capasity of Z.O.G.:
The National Race for Weapons of Mass Destruction Presents a Major Threat to the
Region Israel
Delivery Systems
New IRBM/ICBM range high payload booster developed with South Africa.
Up to 50 "Jericho I" missiles deployed in shelters on mobile launchers with up
to 400 miles range with a 2,200 pound payload, and with possible nuclear warhead
storage nearby. Unverified claims that up to 100 missiles are deployed west of
Jericho II missiles now deployed, and some were brought to readiness for firing
during the Gulf War. These missiles seem to include a single stage follow-on to
the Jericho I and a multistage longer range missile. The latter missile seems to
have a range of up to 900 miles with a 2,200 pound payload, and may be a
cooperative development with South Africa. (Extensive reporting of such
cooperation in press during October 25 and 26, 1989).
Jericho II missile production facility at Be'er Yakov.
A major missile test took place on September 14, 1989. It was either a missile
test or failure of Ofeq-2 satellite.
Work on development of TERCOM type smart warheads. Possible cruise missile
guidance developments using GPS navigation systems.
F-15, F-16, F-4E, and Phantom 2000 fighter-bombers capable of long range
refueling and of carrying nuclear and chemical bombs.
Lance missile launchers and 160 Lance missiles with 130 kilometers range.
MAR-290 rocket with 30 kilometers range believed to be deployed.
Popeye air-to-surface missile may have nuclear variant.
MAR-350 surface-to-surface missile with range of 56 miles and 735 lb. payload
believed to have completed development or to be in early deployment.
Israel seeking super computers for Technion Institute (designing ballistic
missile RVs), Hebrew University (may be engaged in hydrogen bomb research), and
Israeli Military Industries (maker of "Jericho II" and Shavit booster).
Chemical Weapons
Reports that mustard and nerve gas production facility was established in 1982
in the restricted area in the Sinai near Dimona do not seem correct. May have
some facilities. May have capacity to produce other gases. Probable stocks of
bombs, rockets, and artillery.
Extensive laboratory research into gas warfare and defense.
Development of defensive systems includes Shalon Chemical Industries protection
gear, Elbit Computer gas detectors, and Bezal R&D air crew protection system.
Extensive field exercises in chemical defense.
Gas masks stockpiled, and distributed to population with other civil defense
instructions during Gulf War.
Warhead delivery capability for bombs, rockets, and missiles, but none now
believed to be equipped with chemical agents.
Biological Weapons
Extensive research into weapons and defense.
Ready to quickly produce biological weapons, but no reports of active production
Nuclear Weapons
Director of CIA indicated in May 1989, that Israel may be seeking to construct a
thermonuclear weapon.
Estimates of numbers and types of weapons differ sharply.
At least a stockpile of 60-80 plutonium weapons. May have well over 100 nuclear
weapons assemblies, with some weapons with yields over 100 Kilotons, and some
with possible ER variants or variable yields. Stockpile of up to 200-300 weapons
is possible.
Possible facilities include production of weapons grade Plutonium at Dimona,
nuclear weapons design facility at Soreq (south of Tel Aviv), missile test
facility at Palmikim, nuclear armed missile storage facility at Kefar Zekharya,
nuclear weapons assembly facility at Yodefat, and tactical nuclear weapons
storage facility at Eilabun in eastern Galilee.
Missile Defenses
Patriot missiles with future PAC-3 upgrade to reflect lessons of the Gulf War.
Arrow 2 two-stage ATBM with slant intercept ranges at altitudes of 8-10 and 50
kilometers speeds of up to Mach 9, plus possible development of the Rafale AB-10
close in defense missile with ranges of 10-20 kilometers and speeds of up to
Mach 4.5. Tadiran BM/C4I system and "Music" phased array radar. Israel plans to
deploy two batteries of the Arrow to cover Israel, each with four launchers, to
protect up to 85% of its population.
Advanced Intelligence Systems
The Shavit I launched Israel's satellite payload on September 19, 1989. It used
a three stage booster system capable of launching a 4,000 pound payload over
1,200 miles or a 2,000 pound payload over 1,800 miles.
Ofeq 2 launched in April, 1990 -- one day after Saddam Hussein threatens to
destroy Israel with chemical weapons if it should attack Baghdad.
Launched first intelligence satellite on April 5, 1995, covering Syria, Iran,
and Iraq in orbit every 90 minutes. The Ofeq 3 satellite is a 495 pound system
launched using the Shavit launch rocket, and is believed to carry an imagery
system. Its orbit pass over or near Damascus, Tehran, and Baghdad. *)
CSIS is the Center for Strategic and International Studies; a public policy
research institution dedicated to analysis and policy impact. It based in
Washington, repots the instabilities in Mideast and citated that "Creeping
Proliferation Could Mean a Paradigm Shift in the Cost of War and Terrorism" and
C.S.I.S. addedd that "Rear Admiral Thomas Brooks identified Israel as a
"probable" chemical weapons possessor in testimony before Congress.
Brooks, statement before the Subcommittee on Seapower, Strategic and Critical
Materials, p. 107. Israel has completed extensive research into gas warfare
and defense and may have some production facilities. Additionally, Israel may
have stocks of bombs, rockets, and artillery.
Cordesman, "Creeping Proliferation Could Mean a Paradigm Shift in the Cost of
War and Terrorism," [Online] .
The London Sunday Times reports that Israeli F-16 fighters have been equipped
to carry chemical weapons and that their crews have been trained on the use of
such weapons.
Uzi Mahnaimi, "Israeli Jets Equipped For Chemical Warfare," London Sunday Times,
October 4, 1998.
For further information on Israel's weapons of mass destruction programs and
capabilities, see the CNS country profile on the "Weapons of Mass Destruction in
the Middle East" web page at ." and "While it is unclear exactly what chemical
agents Israel may produce, Dutch officials have identified that an El Al 747
that crashed in Amsterdam in 1992 was carrying a shipment of DMMP destined for
Israel. DMMP is a nerve gas precursor used in the manufacture of sarin gas.
Uzi Mahnaimi, "Israeli Jets Equipped For Chemical Warfare," London Sunday
Times, October 4, 1998." as footnote on this report. ***
1997 Atomic Scientists' Bulletin shows a Chemical Weapon Atlas on
Mideast on Oct. 1997. It explains ant facts on Z.O.G. "According to the same
dia study, Israel developed its own offensive chemical weapons program in
response to a perceived Arab chemical-weapon threat. In 1974, Lt. Gen. E. H.
Almquist told a Senate Armed Forces Committee that the Israeli program was
operational. The 1990 dia study reports that Israel maintains a chemical warfare
testing facility. Newspaper reports suggest the facility is in the Negev
desert." *** 1996 Israel's Nuclear Development &
Strategy: Future Ramifications for the Middle East Regional Balance By Laura
Israel's oft-repeated pronouncement that it will "not be the first to introduce
nuclear weapons into the Middle East" is the euphemistic embodiment of Israel's
entrenched yet still unconfessed nuclear status. At the time of its initial
enunciation, this declaration, or non-declaration as it were, reflected the
existence of a nuclear option in the absence of an actual nuclear weapon. Now,
with Israel's nuclear arsenal estimated at anywhere between 50 and 300 warheads,
depending on the source, the non-introduction pledge has become both an
anachronism and an excuse for intransigence: after all, if an entire category of
weapons is not even admitted to, then how can negotiations to reduce or abolish
them even begin? Indeed, in this post-Cold war world, it is nuclear weapons in
the periphery rather than in the territory of the former superpowers that
constitutes the greatest single threat to world security.
The possibility of a nuclear exchange somewhere in the Third World will become
more rather than less menacing in the 21st century as security-driven nuclear
proliferation continues to expand. Third World governments, including those in
the Middle East, lack the sophisticated technological and diplomatic safeguards
enjoyed by the former superpowers and may someday find themselves overtaken by
events and engulfed by a crisis in which unconventional weapons may play a role
simply by default. Nor have there been adequate efforts on the part of regional
strategic planners to build a clear firewall between conventional and nuclear
warfare into their strategic doctrines. Indeed, most Middle Eastern states have
not yet institutionalized the political-military planning function as a
specialized department within the security apparatus, thus gravely hindering a
future-oriented approach to strategic affairs. Lacking such structures, the
Middle East region may find its fate in this realm dictated mostly by chance, in
the words of the 16th century statesman-philosopher Machiavelli, by fortuna.
The existence of substantial chemical arsenals held by Arab states or Iran may
suddenly become operational in the heat of a raging conventional war. Such
weaponry used in this fashion provides an easy stepping stone to an even further
escalation by Israel to the nuclear level, constituting the materiel for an
almost seamless transition. Indeed, it is most difficult to imagine that any
chemically-capable Arab state or Iran, attacked in one of Israel's 'preventive'
wars, would find it possible to refrain from invoking the chemical response. How
did this situation evolve, and how did a volatile area like the Middle East end
up as the world's primary unconventional tinderbox? Where did the impetus for
such unrestrained military buildups originate? Though most of the emphasis these
days is on the progress previously made by Iraq, the extent of which surprised
even the most seasoned military analysts, the process of regional nuclearisation
(and the subsequent introduction of other types of unconventional armament into
the Middle East) begins not with Iraq, which joined the process only recently in
the 1980s, but rather with Israel in the 1950s, in the initial years following
its establishment. As one observer declared: "Three years of headlines to the
contrary, the major nuclear-weapons player in the Middle East is Israel, not
Iraq. Everyone knows that."1 Origins of the Israeli nuclear bomb
The decision to initiate a nuclear programme was initially taken in the early
1950s by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, with the aim of
providing Israel with a "last-resort option." The doomsday weapon was to be
available for use in the event that the Israeli state found itself hopelessly
losing a conventional war at some future point in time against an alliance of
Arab states. Initiation of the programme was spurred on by the early discovery
of natural uranium deposits in the Negev desert. The Israeli government followed
up on this find by sending a cadre of Israel's brightest young physicists on
training missions to nuclear research centers in different parts of the world.2
Israel recognized early on that, aside from the technical requirements, a major
prerequisite to becoming a viable nuclear power was the establishment and
continuous expansion of a cutting-edge scientific community and intellectual
infrastructure geared toward that end. Material progress toward the achievement
of a nuclear option proceeded along two separate but complementary tracks. One
track was subterranean, traveled by agents of Israeli foreign intelligence. It
involved the systematic location and theft of nuclear materials from advanced
nuclear countries, including the United States. On at least four occasions,
nuclear materials were stolen and transported to Israel by covert means.3 The
most notorious instance, fully uncovered by the American intelligence in 1967,
involved the Israeli theft of several hundred pounds of enriched uranium from
the U.S. Nuclear Material and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) facility in Apollo,
Pennsylvania with the alleged help of its American director, Zalman Shapiro.4
While the evidence was not sufficient to convict the principal involved, there
was a "clear consensus" within the CIA that the nuclear materials in question
had been diverted to Israel and used by the Israelis for nuclear weapons
manufacture.5 Indeed, Shapiro was known to have maintained extraordinarily
intimate relations with the Israeli government and its nuclear scientific
community during his tenure at NUMEC. Other known instances of Israeli theft of
nuclear materials include hit-and-run tear-gas attacks by the Israelis against
uranium-laden trucks belonging to the government of France, their former nuclear
British nuclear cargo was similarly hijacked by individuals suspected of working
for Israeli intelligence. A fourth instance involves the temporary seizure of a
ship registered to what was then West Germany, from which 200 tons of yellowcake
(uranium used as nuclear fuel) subsequently disappeared, an instance the U.S.
intelligence has also attributed to Israel.6 The second track to Israeli
nuclearisation led through the center of the French Defense Ministry. The
initiative of none other than Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, then
director-general of the Israeli Defense Ministry, was the critical element
responsible for the forging of this connection. Noting the convergence of
interests in colonial Algeria and therefore, in frustrating the overall pan-Arab
ambitions of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Israel saw in Paris a
potentially crucial ally. This was particularly important for Tel Aviv at a time
when Washington, under the more balanced Eisenhower Administration, was still
keeping a respectable distance from Israel. France and Israel thus began to work
together on a massive scale.
Cooperation reached such dimensions that the State Department took great care to
shield some of its most sensitive Middle East initiatives from its French ally,
in apparent certainty that the content of such communications would immediately
reach Israeli foreign intelligence. The French-Israeli connection continued from
approximately 1953 until 1969, encompassing both the Sinai-Suez war of 1956 and
culminating in the signing of a Franco-Israeli nuclear treaty in 1957.7 This
treaty mandated the French transfer of nuclear technology to Israel and the
construction of a nuclear reactor at Dimona, which was completed in Israel by
1962-63.8 Dimona's purpose was the production of Pu-239, weapons grade
plutonium, allowing Israel to cross the first major hurdle in bringing its bomb
programme to completion.
The Israeli separation plant followed a few short years thereafter, also a
product of Israel's agreement with France. The third hurdle, the bomb assembly
process, does not appear to have posed much of a problem for Israel. The fourth
and final hurdle, a reliable delivery system, had already been accomplished
through Israel's uncontested control of the skies, achieved early in the
Arab-Israeli conflict. However, Israel pursued other options to delivery by
aircraft, akin to the United States emphasis on its 'strategic triad,'
diversifying the means of delivery in case one failed. Tel Aviv's primary
delivery vehicle has been the U.S.-supplied nuclear-capable fighter aircraft,
the F-15. Much to the dismay of the then-Soviet Union, the F-15 rendered Israel
capable of a one-way nuclear run to Moscow and placed the southern Soviet
regions within round-trip range.9
However, aircraft are not always reliable due to the possible intrusion of
unexpected contingencies.These might include the last-minute forward deployment
of surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems by an adversary or the sudden onset of
problematic battlefield conditions, such as the heavy cloud cover encountered by
the U.S. Air Force during the Iraq war. For Israel, long-range offensive
ballistic missile systems filled this gap. French assistance with Israel's
Jericho surface-to-surface missile (SSM) system, originally a weapon with quite
limited range, acquired continental dimensions with improvements in missile
technology. The original version of this missile, the Jericho I, completed in
1973, possessed a range of only 650 kilometers, enough to place the capital
cities of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon in double jeopardy (i.e., first by
aircraft, and additionally by the new SSM threat). The follow-on Jericho II,
completed in 1990, possesses a far more consequential range of 1,500 kilometers,
thus exposing non-contiguous Arab states such as Iraq to the Israeli missile
threat for the first time. The newest generation of Jericho, the Jericho II-B,
possesses a range of up to 2,500 kilometers. Due to the speedy development of
multiple delivery systems of ever-increasing range, Israel's nuclear reach has
extended within the space of a few decades to incorporate almost all of the
Middle East, to include areas as far away as Iran, North Africa, and important
portions of the former Soviet Union.
Israel has been successful in mastering the multi-stage rocket technology (the
Shavit system) as proven by the launch of the Ofeq satellites, the most recent
of which was sent up into space to conduct military reconnaissance of Arab
countries. With such advances in rocket technology, Israel cannot now be far
away from an indigenous intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capability
akin to that possessed by the former Cold War superpowers.
The evolution of Israel's nuclear strategy Prior to the technological
advancements in other parts of the region during the 1980s, Israel consistently
followed a policy of strategic nuclear ambiguity: to establish in the minds of
its adversaries and allies alike the existence of an Israeli nuclear option
without making transparent the presence of an actual nuclear arsenal. Apparently
the policy of ambiguity was not explicitly planned, but rather, arose
spontaneously as a result of Israel's unique strategic environment.10 Israel has
consistently refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The
1968 treaty, indefinitely extended in 1995, requires states other than the
charter members of the nuclear club (the U.S., USSR/Russia, Britain, France, and
China), to submit their nuclear facilities to the controls of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and to limit their use of nuclear power to civilian
Deficiencies in the IAEA inspection process have been unveiled in the agency's
failure to detect Iraq's subterranean nuclear programme and might similarly fail
in regard to Israel. However, an Israeli commitment to open up its facilities
for inspection would provide the necessary confidence to Arab states to begin
their own processes of unconventional disarmament. It would also allay Arab
fears of their region involuntarily falling under the diktat of an intrusive
nuclear superpower. From the very beginning, however, the Tel Aviv government
has consistently obstructed U.S. diplomatic efforts to place the Dimona reactor
under international controls. It did allow limited annual American inspections
from 1961 until 1969. However, it did so only in return for the provision of
Hawk SAM missiles by Washington.11 Subsequent Israeli requests to Washington to
supply advanced conventional armaments were also considered under this nuclear
shadow: the only way to be certain Israel would never be placed in danger of
absorbing unacceptable losses in a war, and hence using its nuclear weapons, was
to provide it with an unquestioned conventional superiority over any potential
combination of Arab states.
However, even in the initial Hawk deal, the Israelis failed to uphold their side
of the bargain. As later revealed by Mordechai Vanunu, a former employee at the
Dimona reactor now serving a life sentence in Israel for exposing state secrets
to a London newspaper,12 Israel systematically deceived the American inspection
team, going so far as to set up a fake control room. This was done in order to
conceal the existence of the reprocessing plant. Additionally, Israel
deliberately calibrated the computer control system to display a 24-megawatt
output when the real capacity of the reactor was actually closer to
70-megawatts, in order to hide evidence of the nuclear fuel that had been stolen
by Israel in the past and which substantially enhanced the reactor's capacity.13
Thus, in order to preserve its nuclear capability without subjecting itself to
unwanted international, particularly U.S. pressure, the Israelis continued to
engage in the charade that perhaps their nuclear weapons did not really exist.
This was operationalised in the form of the aforementioned elaborate schemes,
intended to confuse and deceive those inspectors that had managed to reach the
outer gateway of Israel's nuclear underworld. Perhaps even more significant than
these international dimensions for the evolution of Israel's strategy of
ambiguity was its regional position.
Israel sought to create for itself a weapon of last resort without engendering
the negative consequences that normally accompany the introduction of nuclear
weapons into a given system of states. It was hoped that Arab states could be
prevented from themselves going nuclear, thus sparing Israel the nuclear arms
races that had plagued the superpowers. Israel hoped through its ambiguous
posture to prevent the emergence of dangerous escalatory cycles and hair-trigger
nuclear scenarios. The Middle East with its technological and institutional
gaps, in addition to its multipolar state power structure, would likely become a
much more unstable nuclear environment than was the superpower environment,
characterized by the more stable bipolar structure and composed of advanced
industrial states. Nor did Israeli planners want to in any way diminish the
self-confidence of their own conventional military forces, particularly their
army and air force, by establishing an over-reliance on strategic nuclear
forces. The American experience in Europe, and particularly its doctrine of
'massive retaliation,' had served to undermine the role of U.S. conventional
forces to the detriment of NATO's overall military posture. In Israel's case it
was even more crucial that this pattern not be repeated, for it was on the
integrity of Israel's conventional military force structure that the
perpetuation of Israel's place in the Middle East ultimately depended. Indeed,
the conventional forces of Israel were perfectly capable of ensuring Israel's
Even more, they proved themselves particularly efficient in maintaining an
intrusive offensive posture against Arab states and the Palestinian people over
a prolonged period of time, occupying and subsequently retaining control over
the Arab territories Israel had invaded in these wars. In order to preserve the
strategic status quo, while providing Israel with a nuclear option in case the
status quo failed, Israel's nuclear posture was operationally separated and
insulated from the overall defense posture, most significantly, from its
explicit military deterrence doctrine. As Avner Cohen phrased it: "The
assumption that has guided all Israeli governments and served as the basis of
its long-term force structure planning was that as long as there were no Arab
nuclear weapons, the Israeli army must plan all contingencies on conventional
assumptions, as if no Israeli nuclear weapons existed."14 Thus, the nuclear
component was prevented from entering and hence dominating Israel's structures
of options, counter-options, and contingencies, as it had done in the United
States at all possible levels of military confrontation, tactical and strategic
alike. The second part of this article will be published in the next issue of
Al-Nashra. The following are the referrences: 1Mike Moore, "Avner Cohen, meet
Franz Kafka," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 50(5), September/Oct 1994:
5. 2Yair Evron, Israel's Nuclear Dilemma (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University
Press, 1994): 1. 3Details of past Israeli theft of nuclear materials are taken
from Peter Pry, Israel's Nuclear Arsenal (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1984):
28-9; also see Leonard Spector and Jacqueline Smith, Nuclear Ambitions
(Cambridge: Ballinger, 1990): 154. 4Ibid. For details on the NUMEC incident see
also Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the
Israeli-U.S. Covert Relationship (New York: Harper Collins, 1992): 71-97. 5Steve
Weissman and Herbert Krosney, The Islamic Bomb: The Nuclear Threat to Israel and
the Middle East (New York: Times Books, 1981): 124, cited in Pry: 28-9. 6"Dayan
says Israelis have the capacity to produce A-bombs, New York Times, 25 June
1981, cited in Pry: 28-9. 7Evron: 3. 8Elizabeth Stevens, "Israel's nuclear
weapons: a case study," World Wide Web document at /najournal/israelinucs.html, 1995: 2;
Pry: 10. 9Ibid: 9., 10Evron: 6-7. 11Shlomo Aronson, The Politics and Strategy of
Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East: Opacity, Theory, and Reality, 1960-1991: An
Israeli Perspective (Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1992):
72. 12The article containing the Vanunu disclosures is "Revealed: the secrets of
Israel's nuclear arsenal," Sunday Times (London), 5 October 1986: 1, 4-5.
13Cockburn and Cockburn: 91. 14Avner Cohen, "A sacred matter," The Bulletin of
the Atomic Scientists, 49(5), June 1993: 40.
Israel's military-political doctrine remained largely untouched by the ongoing
nuclear programme, a strategic ambiguity which, as intended, carried over to the
other side of the battle lines. So long as Israel's nuclear deterrent did not
assume the offensive characteristics already manifest in its conventional
deterrent, the Arabs did not behave as if they perceived themselves to be
threatened by an offensive nuclear capability possessed by their Israeli
adversaries. Thus, no sense of urgency emerged on the Arab side to prepare a
nuclear counter-strategy as a response to the new situation.15 There are no
indications that a perception existed on the Arab side that an Israeli invasion
might be accompanied by the use of Israeli tactical nuclear weapons against Arab
military formations in the battlefield, or against Arab civilian populations,
mainly because they knew there would be no need.
The primary threat to Arab security and well-being remained Israel's
overwhelming conventional forces and the ever-present possibility of offensive
intrusions by those forces into their territory. The nuclear threat did not
enter into play in the major strategic calculations of Arab states precisely
because they would not become relevant unless Israel were teetering on the
threshold of destruction or experiencing massive demographic losses. The latter
conditions were not likely to enter into the realm of possibilities anytime in
the foreseeable future, given Israel's immense qualitative and technological
military superiorities.
Thus, Israel had managed to insulate the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole from
its nuclear bomb programme, thus enabling itself to increase its military
predominance while simultaneously preventing the rapid emergence of dangerous
new strategic threats to itself. The policy of nuclear ambiguity, or as some
Israelis have called it, nuclear "opacity,"16 is represented in Israel's
longstanding declaration that "Israel will not be the first to introduce nuclear
weapons into the Middle East." Since the revelations in 1986 by Mordechai
Vanunu, it is now beyond the doubt of any reasonable observer that Israel
possesses a nuclear arsenal, along with reliable delivery vehicles of differing
types. The size of that arsenal, however, is not generally known; estimates vary
anywhere from 50 to 300 warheads. There is now consensus that Israel has in fact
introduced nuclear weapons, and not just a nuclear option, into the Middle East.
What the disclaimer really meant, however, is that Israel would not be the first
to introduce nuclear weapons into the strategic equation of the Middle East, at
least not at the operational level, present though it may be at the meta-level.
Indeed, nuclear weapons would not affect individual outcomes at the strategic
level provided the following three conditions were met: 1) they remained outside
Israel's day-to-day deterrenc
Those assholes should have been protesting against Iraq, you remember, the police state that has gasses its own subjects, tortured and raped thousands of its own, refused a free election, and invaded and occupied a foreign state. The United States has never done any of these acts. Don't blame Chevron because you are too fuckin' spineless to defend anything.
Every single ounce of oil was prospected and mined with American technology, but Truman and Eisenhower gave it away when the filthy Arabs nationalized their oil fields, stealing property that honest labor created. If you want to protest "No Blood for Oil" you would be protesting the Islamic Hell Holes of: Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, and Pakistan.
All I saw in the photo essay was cowardice and hypocricy, the blood spilled is from your support of Islamic terrorism.
Every single ounce of oil was prospected and mined with American technology, but Truman and Eisenhower gave it away when the filthy Arabs nationalized their oil fields, stealing property that honest labor created. If you want to protest "No Blood for Oil" you would be protesting the Islamic Hell Holes of: Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, and Pakistan.
All I saw in the photo essay was cowardice and hypocricy, the blood spilled is from your support of Islamic terrorism.
Spoken like a true racist scum.
I would like to get copies of these two posters for my Sunday anit-war vigil at the mall in Granada Hills (Los Angeles). Are they available? Please let me know. Thanks
Toni Vincent
Toni Vincent
I would like to get copies of these two posters for my Sunday anit-war vigil at the mall in Granada Hills (Los Angeles). The message that we are harming people like this whatt I want to say. Are they available? Please let me know. Thanks
Toni Vincent
Toni Vincent
I would like to get copies of these two posters for my Sunday anit-war vigil at the mall in Granada Hills (Los Angeles). The message that we are harming people like this what I want to say. Are they available? Please let me know. Thanks
Toni Vincent
Toni Vincent
The anti-war movement WANTS war. They refuse to stop aggression in other nations, so they want to be victims of their violence. The antiwar movement wants to "negotiate peace" with the tyrant, thus ensuring suicide. They want to "understand" why the bully is beating him senseless and apologize for making the bully hate him.
Also, they only decry the American and Israeli military. There has been absolutely no protest against Palestinian or Iraqi (or the hundreds of other terrorists) violence.
Why is that?
Also, they only decry the American and Israeli military. There has been absolutely no protest against Palestinian or Iraqi (or the hundreds of other terrorists) violence.
Why is that?
OK. So it's fine if the Iraqi Army kills them on purpose, but if the Americans do by accident, it's a horrible evil?
Every single ounce of oil was prospected and mined with American technology, but Truman and Eisenhower gave it away when the Arabs nationalized their oil fields, stealing property that honest labor created. If you want to protest "No Blood for Oil" you would be protesting the Islamic Hell Holes of: Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Lebanon, Syria, and Pakistan.
All I saw in the photo essay was cowardice and hypocricy, the blood spilled is from your support of Islamic terrorism.
Very true. The American liberal supports terrorism abroad and abhors peace.
You mean the Americans intend to 'accidentally' go to war with Iraq?
My heart fills with pride when I see fellow travellers who show the courage and committment to stand up to the machine.
I honor all of you for your humanity and spirit. WE WILL WIN
Skip8mac [at]
I honor all of you for your humanity and spirit. WE WILL WIN
Skip8mac [at]
The criminal eco-terrorist monopoly Chevron-Texaco, which supports this war for oil, sure has a lot paid trolls to post here. Globally, Chevron-Texaco supports more oppression than Iraq, North Korea, and Libya combined.
I think it is a deadly suggestion, but you should take your own advice. Try cracking open a few more books, and you can start with : Who Gaurds the Gaurdians. The key word in your comment is "occupy." Or, did you think that there is no difference between occupation and liberation. Confront your own racism(s) and maybe you will be able to make more analytical observation.
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