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Weapons Inspectors Denied Access Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

by Tara Dorabji (taradorabji [at]
On Veteran's Day over 200 people rallied at Lawrence Livermore National Lab delivering a letter of notice and intent to inspect for weapons of mass destruction. Disarmament experts delivered the letter just days after the UN security counsel passed a resolution authorizing the return of weapons inspectors to Iraq.
Who Will Disarm America?

On Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2002, over two hundred people formed citizen weapons inspection teams including representatives from community, veterans and student groups. The diverse crowd delivered a notice of intent to inspect Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a facility involved in the design, development and testing of nuclear weapons.

The six-page letter of intent to inspect quotes directly from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 on Iraq, adopted November 8, 2002, demanding, “immediate, unimpeded unconditional, and unrestricted access to any and all, including underground, areas, facilities, buildings, equipment, records, and means of transport,” at Livermore nuclear weapons Lab. A partial list of facilities the Citizen Inspection Team requests access to include: The Plutonium Facility, The Tritium Facility and the National Ignition Facility.

Representatives from California Peace Action, Tri-Valley CAREs, Western States Legal Foundation and Veterans for Peace displayed evidence of the Lab’s involvement in clandestine activities related to the research and development of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear and biological weapons.

“We are here demanding an end to all weapons of mass destruction, whether developed in the suburbs by University of California scientists, or in Iraq,” stated Tara Dorabji, Outreach Coordinator for Tri-Valley CAREs.

“In light of the Security Council’s vote in favor of sending weapons inspectors back to Iraq, we seek to hold our country to the same standard,” declared Jackie Cabasso, Executive Director of Western States Legal Foundation.

Students from four different University of California campuses demanded that the University of California Regents, who manage the nation’s two primary nuclear weapons labs, support ongoing inspections of Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories. In order to verify the status and cessation of research and development activities involving nuclear and biological weapons at these labs, ongoing inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency, other international agencies and Citizen Weapons Inspection Teams will be needed.

“The Regents have a responsibility to the student community to admit weapons inspectors and adhere to international laws, such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,” stated Valerie Kao student at UC Berkeley. “However, it will take a strong student movement to get the Regents to comply with international law and pursue disarmament in the United States,” Kao addressed the UC Regents and delivered the letter of intent to inspect at a Regents’ meeting on November 13, in San Francisco.

The letter of intent to inspect, addressed to Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio, was signed by over 100 people. David Schwoegler, spokesperson for the Lab, ensured the letter would be delivered to Anastasio. He did not respond to the group’s request for inspection, but told the Tri-Valley Times, “We just don’t let people into special areas with nuclear materials.”

“After reviewing multiple public Department of Energy documents, it is clear that Livermore Lab is developing new nuclear weapons that will be more useable in conventional warfare,” explained Erek Dyskant, science intern at Tri-Valley CAREs.

The continued development of nuclear weapons at Livermore Lab puts the U.S. in material breech of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which became Law in 1970. Under, Article VI, the US is obliged to pursue genuine disarmament.

A line of armed security met the inspection team. After delivering the letter, the crowd singing “We shall overcome”, pledged to continue returning to Lawrence Livermore National Lab, until teams of international and civilian weapons inspectors are admitted.

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by George
Great campaign idea! Let the Inspectors in EVERYWHERE! Let the weapon inspectors come to the U.S., To Israel, EVERYWHERE where there are WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!
by bring it to the bases
A huge protest in SF is mainly symbolic. It helps build movements and might get media attention but national coverage is usually minimal.

A small protest at LLNL is also mostly symbolic even though there is a chance that some of the security could slow down work (but if the protest is small its still 100% symbolic).

BUT, a large protest at an active base that is deploying troops to the Gulf COULD have a direct effect. All the security needed for a large protest could actually slow troop deployment since the soldiers guarding the base from the protesters would be prevented from contributing to the war effort during the duration of the protest. It would still be mainly a symbolic action but knowing that a protest could have a direct effect would really help to energize the anti-war movement.

I think the nearest base active in the Gulf is Travis Air Force Base and is only about an hours drive from SF....
by John Barr (eastwest [at]
first draft
Petition to the UN for Weapons Inspectors
We applaud your efforts to get weapons of mass destruction out of the
hands of Sadamm Hussien. It has encouraged us to request your help. We

suspect there are weapons of mass destruction at Indian Island, less
than five miles from our home in Port Townsend Wa.

We are concerned because our government has already used weapons of
mass destruction on civilian populations on more than one occasion. It
has also come to our attention that our government may have supplied
biological weapons used by Sadamm Hussein against his own people.

Our government is not being transparent and is reckless with the
security of our community. These weapons are a prime target for both
terrorists and retaliatory strikes and there is always the potential for

accidental discharge.. As a first step we are asking you for weapons
inspectors to determine if there are weapons of mass destruction on
Indian Island. and to start negotiations with our government for
dismantling them if they are there. We also would like an independent
evaluation of the existing environmental damage form improper weapons
storage and handling.

We are against weapons of mass destruction on principle, they simply
cannot be used without killing innocent people. We understand it may be

necessary to retain a small temporary stockpile to maintain the current
balance of terror until we have worked out a better way of doing

We are not asking for preferential treatment we are only asking you to
do what you are already doing for the people of Iraq – putting pressure
on their leaders to get rid of weapons of mass destruction and taking
steps to make sure it happens. We are encouraging other communities in
our country and around the world who find themselves in similar
circumstances to make the same requests.

We believe we have a right to the comfort, joy and security we
experience in our wonderful community. We feel an equal responsibility
to live simply, be kind and not give in to fear. We expect the same
rights and responsibilities for all people.

by Radian
News Flash: The US has thousands of nuclear weapons, tons of chemical agents, and plenty of anthrax, botulisim and other nasty microbes.

So do the russians, french, british, etc etc..

What's the point?
by A soldier
Weapons of mass destruction are a necessary evil to ensure the balance of power remains in our favor at this time. Just because we conduct war in accordance with the Geneva Conventions does NOT mean that our enemies will play fair as well. The only other people that actually seem to care about the Geneva Convention are our allies. Harrassing soldiers, sailors, Marines, or airmen at bases will do no good. It is the politicians who set the strategic and operational objectives for the military. The individuals in the military are just doing their job.... supporting all the freedoms that YOU enjoy so easily and effortlessly simply because you are a US citizen. If you insist on bothering someone, write to your politicians or demonstrate in front of their houses.
by sad
while it may not be the soldiers fault a necessary evil sounds like typical brainwashed propaganda, i dont think it matters to have them inspected anyway, the government will do as it pleases and will just hide its actions further. the goal should be to inform as many people as possible about whats really going on, then changes will occur. but i dont know anything anyways...
by A Former Soldier
"Just because we conduct war in accordance with the Geneva Conventions..."

During the invasion of Panama and Gulf War I:

- Deliberate firing on unarmed civilians.

- Firing on POWs.

- Killing soldiers trying to surrender.

- Allowing rape/torture/murder of non-combatants in a war zone.

That's just a few of the incidents covered up by the US military (poorly at that).
by A Former Soldier
To clarify "firing on POWs" I mean that the POWs were not resisting nor attempting to escape when fired at.
by somuch
That extra POW tidbit made your posing _so_ much more believable.
by glass
You all know , as well as I do that we have an enormous amount of WMD. Our problem is that we let them go to waste. Look, if we annihilate certain corners of the planet in a bid to, well..just to do it, think of all the awful Capatalists. and Sexists and Zionist supporters and what not, that you're all always crying about, who'll be killed. After all, at the end of the day, no ones truly innocent in the left's eyes. Everyone's done something in some manner of dispicable self interest.
I am constantly amazed and fascinated with the level of transparent, short-sighted and hypocritical propaganda that "indymedia" sites highlight. I can honestly say that this is the most entertaining site on the web given it's truly inane nature. Anyone reading these "articles" you all post, outside your insular little narrowminded clique is killing themselves with laughter at your nonsense. PLEASE keep it up.
by A FORMER Soldier
Is that sarcasm?
The military will still claim to be fighting for freedom when they are deployed around the US to round up activists.

by Kevin (kevsters47 [at]
A Soldier is right. Don't complain to the military for the fact that their doing their job. Like A Soldier said, "Don't complain to the marines, army, navy, or airforce, complain to the politicians." When people are in the military, they are given specific objectives and don't question wether it's right or wrong. If that certain objective is wrong, and the military carries it out, well then eventually that wrong will turn around and bite the politicians in the ass. Like Vietnam, if the politicians would have let the military do its job, we would have probably won the war, but now because of some hobo sitting behind a desk barking orders to the military, we have a wall of all kinds of dead soldiers from vietnam, and after all of their efforts, we lost the war.

In Nazi Germani during WWII, I'll bet that many of the soldiers serving Germany were just doing their job as they were ordered without really agreeing with Hitlers plans of world domination, because they probably felt that that type of campaign is impossible unless you have several countries fighting with you. They also had a govt. we didn't, A DICTATORSHIP, or TOTALITARIAN. That form of govt. let Hitler do what he wanted.

So you see, you can't really blame the military for what happenes. You in fact can blame yourselves, and yes me too, and the govt. also because we the people have the power to vote in our own govt., it's just that people always think that it's impossible when they don't seem to recognize that the govt. is bound by constitution. So think about this for a while, if you want something done, stand up for your country, but don't go to an extent to where it would screw it up for everybody.

Thank you
by Radian
That guy wearing the cow suit in seattle who got his ass kicked buy the police will be the first one to go. Paraniod freaks.
The US does not kill POW's as a rule. However in war people die, sometimes by mistake.

Jailing some terrorist pricks is a non issue. They should have stayed with the N. Alliance, they would have put them in shipping containers and starved them to death. Japan faught WW2 without any rules, see bataan, but neither of these FACTS support your evil empire posts.
by Kevin (kevsters47 [at]
Nobody should really inspect America's weapons facilities. The reason is, that America doesn't just use nukes or anthrax for the hell of it, they use it under very very special circumstances.

Iraq, on the other hand, needs to be inspected because there is a "NUT" (Sadam) behind the the building of nukes, and all he wants to do with them is blow up Israel, and once he has succeeded in doing so, he will come after some other country because they don't go "OULA OULA ALA" to a certain religion that he believes in.

There is a difference between the two. A person with common sense, and then there is the common idiot building nukes for fun. America is the safest country, because we have the most of everything in this world, such as: Freedom, money, prosparity, ethnicity, job opportunities, education (many foreigners come to U.S. to go to a good college) and civil rights.

We had 9/11, but do you see Osama standing up and saying "come and fight", no, you see him and his scrawny fucked up little paradise of sand hiding in caves because we are after him. If you don't believe that America is responsible enough to know when to use its weapons, then get out and find some other country to live in, like Iraq or Israel.
by aaron
America is the only country in the world to have ever used nuclear weapons. Despite American propaganda to the contrary, nuking Japan was not necessary militarily. The US had broken Japan's code prior to the bombings which confirmed that Japan was prepared to surrender. The question was a matter of conditions. The USSR had secretly agreed to join the war against Japan ninety days after the European war ended, which happened to be May 8. The US didn't want to share its victory over Japan with the USSR and nuked Hiroshima on August 6, only days before the three month due date. Hiroshima and Nagaski were America's way of telegraphing to the world that it was to be the new hegemon. They were the first salvos of the cold war. These are the "very very special circumstances" that Kevster alludes to.

As to Kevster's delirous depiction of the US: Geez, man, get your head out of your ass. America has one of the highest murder rates in the world (so much for being safe). Tens of thousands are homeless. Huge numbers spend 40% or more of their income on housing. Tens of millions don't have medical insurance. Close to two million are incarcerated.... In other words, not the shangr-la Kevster says.

Kevster suggests that Hussein's aim is to get people to chant religious hymns to his liking. What the fuck are you talking about dude? Hussein's regime is one of the most secular in the Muslim world. One that, incidentally, the US supported throughout the 80s, providing it with weapons of mass destruction such as biological and chemical agents. US support continued up until AND AFTER Hussein gassed the Kurds. Reagan and company didn't seem to care about his brutality and in fact resisted attempts to censure him for his conduct. As is typical, the US state couldn't care less about Hussein's horrific acts until he got a bit too big for his britches and crossed a certain line in the sand, when suddenly, it became retroactively appalled and shed crocodile tears about abuses it had winked at only a couple years previously.

by Radian
You revisionist people are so full of shit. I have family who served in the pacific and family who happened to be at the university of chicago in the late 30's early 40's. I have listened to peoples first hand accounts of being on bataan, and working at los alamos.

They got exactly what they deserved. So did the germans in dresden. You can bet yer ass we would have nuked germany if the technology was complete in '43.

You can also rest assured the US is still capable of delivering a massive nbc response. If Iraq, china, n. korea initiates a first strike there would not be a living bipod in the borders of that nation. If you happen to live in one of the above mentioned places you are probably in the blast radius of a warhead sitting on top of a trident missle. If not one could be retargeted to your pos in less than 4 minutes. It still amazes me that you could incinerate a continent in under a half hour..

I've visited all over the world. You've got some shitty things to say about the us. Try the east side of london, johannesburg, or rio. Never been to nigeria, rawanda, or somilia though I hear they are nice. People from all over the world work to come here, how about that. I guess its the opporunity to suceed..
by .........
(1) Dresden was a British operation, not American.

(2) The strategic bombing campaign of WW2 was not effective in bombing city centres. All this did was destroy homes and downtown business districts. Area attacks were focussed on central, built - up areas and not the scattered factories located on the outskirts of the cities. Minimal shelter could easily be re-obtained and the destruction of downtown areas only meant that thousands of waiters, clerks, salesmen, etc etc etc were unemployed. Germany had a labour shortage in the armament industry, *except* in cities which had been the subject of area bombing. Also, as the British had learned in the Blitz, these attacks only increased war resolve and brought the standard of living down to the point where luxuries and comforts were no longer consumed, and the sole focus of even civilians was war.

The USA is proposing the usage of nuclear weapons against nations which have NO WMD capability whatsoever in the form of the 'bunker buster' nuclear weapons.
by ICG

Beyond the celebration Anniversary :

Capitalism at work :

* * *


the bombing of Dresden

- February 1945 -

With each bourgeois commemoration, the masters of historical falsification expend all their talent in reinforcing their hold over the amnesiac mass of citizens. In 1989 the bourgeoisie celebrated, in the course of the bicentenary of the so-called "French Revolution" (1), the purified reign of democracy and its sacrosanct "Human Rights": "Liberty" to sell your labour power, "Equality" in exploitation and "Fraternity" between classes. During the fall of the Berlin Wall they made great preemptory clarion calls about "the victory of democracy over totalitarianism", "the failure of communism" and even "the end of history"... in short, these are ideal occasions for reinforcing the enlarged and structured framework of democracy as the only possible outcome for the future of humanity.

The sickening ceremonies of commemoration of the "Liberation" followed the same strategy. These campaigns of promotion of democracy addressed themselves directly to isolated individuals, the basic kernel of this society, in order to integrate them, to fuse them together, to gather them behind the defence of the State. Even if today the gigantic media shows, organising lasers and noise in the street or in a packed stadium, have replaced the great Nazi masses of yesteryear, like the Nuremburg rallies and torch-lit marches with their compact, disciplined crowds in orderly ranks... all these mobilisations contribute very well and in an identical fashion to the same irrational and collective communion of adhesion to the fictive community of capital. Did not Hitler affirm, in his megalomaniac pretensions, just like "our" experts and economists today, that he had put an end to the existence of classes for at least a thousand years? In the manipulation of crowds and their irrational emotions, anti-fascism plays on the same scale as fascism. During the great collective masses, the bourgeois project affirms itself openly as was it is: a logic of the market tempered in steel, excluding any other approach to the future of humanity apart from that of the capitalist mode of production. Obtaining the adhesion of the isolated individual to the Nation, to the Community of citizens requires that the war which can be seen every day between those who possess everything and those who have nothing but their labour power must be definitively hidden. So every critique is banished, every calling into question of the official historiography is equivalent to "revisionism". Here we can see how the fascist and anti-fascist myths have as their principal function the gathering of citizens into a fraternisation with the State and must serve as an outlet to reassure each person as to their future and above all the war-like future which capital is preparing.

Concealed behind this unanimous concert, the real causes and objectives of the war, which put the planet to fire and blood from 1939 to 1945, along with the causes of all the other wars, are more than ever hidden by a vast media campaign which promotes "the horror of the camps", "Nazi cruelty", "the excesses of war"... On one side the "goodies", on the other the "baddies". Apart from this truth there is nothing! The "anti-fascists" (2) quickly wash away their own massacres in the foul-smelling waters of the horrors of their fascist competitors. The bourgeois polarisation of fascism/anti-fascism functions as the two jaws of the same vice in organising the conscription of proletarians into two enemy camps, ending up inexorably in the preparation of a new "final solution" to social antagonisms: WAR!

In this struggle between the anti-fascist and fascist camps no one had the monopoly in the domain of "horror" and "barbarism". The two competitors, thirsting in the frantic search for new possibilities of profits, both responded to the same necessities imposed by capital to take destruction and death to a level never seen before. The totalitarian reign of democracy, the highest expression of capitalist civilisation, is thus crystallised in these moments of human prehistory that constitute the concentration camps, nuclear bombs, battle-fields, massive bombardments, war taken to extremes. It is under these terms that there materialised, to a degree unknown until then, a complete negation of the human species by class societies. We shall see here that, concerning this atrocious war which flaunted itself from 1939 to 1945, the British, American, Russian, "allied", anti-fascist bourgeois really had nothing to envy the fascists for in their capacity to plan death.

* * *

In this text we will illustrate, on several occasions, the bourgeoisie's capacity to consciously realise the central objective of war for the reorganisation of capital: the destruction of productive forces and the destruction of the proletariat. Using various examples, we show how the massive destruction of the proletariat is carried out with impressive cynicism and consciousness. Does this imply a machiavellian viewpoint of history? Or the abandonment of dialectical materialism? No - and this for various reasons.

The first is that, above all, the bourgeoisie realises its class objectives and subjective expressions of the capitalist social system by seeking to liquidate its immediate enemy in war: by destroying its infrastructure, logistics and by the liquidation and demoralisation of its troops and working population, so indispensible on the productive front.

Secondly, the worldwide bourgeoisie has drawn lessons from past wars and revolutions and every bourgeois fraction is haunted by the spectre of Russia in 1917. Whilst revolutionaries at that time were hoping for a resurgence of the class out of the catastrophe of the war, all capital's military and civilian strategists knew that what they had to fear most was proletarian revolt in capital's most disorganised cities, in particular in countries such as Italy and Germany in which the army was disintegrating (as was also the case in Russia, despite the fact that this state was on the "winning" side of the war).

Lastly, although certain bourgeois fractions have always been aware that their system needs imperialist war, particularly the destruction of large sections of the proletariat in order to impose a cycle of successful accumulation, the bourgeoisie cannot voluntarily change the course of history. The bourgeoisie is not the subject of history, but always and necessarily a puppet of capital carrying out its determinations independently of consciousness, always relative, by one or another protagonist.

In summary, the bourgoisie as a class does not do what it wants, but what its social system historically obliges it to do. This does not imply that we are ignoring that certain fractions of the dominant class act with consciousness and determination to maintain their social system. They always bear it in mind that, beyond their immediate enemy (the opposite side in imperialist war), it is a trap for their historical enemy (the proletariat) and these fractions do not spare any effort in their machiavellian preparation for its massacre.

* * *

Terror From the Sky

From 1940, the British strategy put in place by "Bomber Command", the Head Quarters of those flying heavy bombers, had as its objective the massive scattering of death and destruction on German towns. To justify putting in place such a veritable strategy of terror, to ideologically cover its launch, the British bourgeoisie used the bombings of London and Coventry during the Autumn of 1940 and those of Rotterdam by their German competitors, deliberately exaggerating their extent. With the ideological misinformation thus orchestrated, the brass-hats were able to put all the science of killing at the service of sick capitalism. In March 1942, they affirmed:
"An offensive of extensive bombing could sap the morale of the enemy provided they are directed against the workers' districts [our emphasis] of 58 German towns, each one having a population of 100,000 inhabitants. Between March 1942 and the middle of 1943, it should be possible to make a third of the total population of Germany homeless."
(Final Report of Professor Lindemann from 30 March 1942 at the request of Bomber Command)
While the bourgeoisie has the advantage of being so clear amongst themselves, a second discourse was very rapidly put into place with a view to reinforcing, amongst the citizens of the "free world", the belief that the anti-fascist camp was organising the war in a humanitarian way. It was obviously a question of presenting "barbarism" and cruelty as being the unique prerogative of the opposing camp. Mystification feeds off itself - it turned out to be necessary to reinforce its impact amongst the crowds submitted to the war project of the bourgeoisie in their confiding that:
"... Bomber Command only bombs for purely military purposes and only aims at achieving military objectives, any suggestions of attacks on working class or residential areas we reject as absurd and an attack on the honour of the airmen who sacrifice their lives for their country..."
However, despite all the lies intended to camouflage the sinister reality, nothing was going to stop the bourgeoisie, with all its characteristic cynicism, from specifying more precisely the aim of these bombings: systematic carnage.
"... it is clear that the aiming points are to be the built-up areas, not, for instance, the dockyards or aircraft factories... This must be made quite clear if it is not already understood."
(Report of the Chief of Air Staff Sir Charles Portal, 14 February 1942)
After three years of putting in place various bombing strategies, the degree of precision of terror reached a very appreciable level of effectiveness. At this point, more than a hundred four-engined aircraft would take part in successive waves of bombing of a single town. The first highly bloody illustration of this reality was the bombing of Wuppertal in May 1943, where the military objectives concentrated in the Elberfeld district were at first systematically avoided in favour of the workers' residential districts of Barmen.

But the anti-fascist pole, like its fascist competitor, came to surpass itself in the organisation of horror. Capital, suffering from devalorisation as if from a cancer, couldn't find provisory relief in any other remedy than the growth of its destructive capacity. It is in effect during war and by war that this dying system reaches the high point of the overturning and complete revolutionising of its productive base, permitting it thus to create new conditions for assuring a new phase of valorisation. Physical destruction pure and simple of the means of production is only at bottom the pursuit of the commercial war that the various competitors abandon themselves to even more than usual. For open war earns its keep not only in the area of development of the productive forces, but also in its extension in the military economy. It should not be surprising therefore that that epoch was one in which new inventions, new technologies, new concepts saw the light of day. It is still and always in death that the white-coated worshippers of Mammon surpass themselves. While the V1 rocket was being patiently elaborated on the fascist side, in July 1943 the bombardment of Hamburg by anti-fascist aircraft marked the inauguration of the era of fire-storms. It was by the massive utilisation of incendiary bombs that the death of more than 50,000 people was to be caused, along with 40,000 wounded on the same occasion. The centre of the town was entirely destroyed and, in three nights, the total number of victims in Hamburg reached, without entering here into a polemic of macabre figures, the number killed on the British side during the whole duration of the war. After this it was the turn of Kassel where, in October 1943, 10,000 civilians would perish as if in a giant brasier. The fire-storms materialised the capacity of Capital to refine and rationalise death to an ever greater extent:

"... the sudden linking of a great number of fires, the air above was heated to such an extent that a violent updraught occurred which, in turn, caused the surrounding fresh air to be sucked in from all sides to the centre of the fire area. This tremendous suction caused movements of air of far greater force than normal winds. In meteorology the differences of temperature involved are of the order of 20° to 30°C. In this fire-storm they were of the order of 600°, 800° or even 1000°C. This explained the colossal force of the fire-storm winds... No sort of civilian protection measure can ever contain a fire-storm once it has emerged. They are clearly monsters created by man [sic, we would say Capital!]which no man can ever tame."
(Report of the Police President of Hamburg of the bombing of July 1943)
The only response to this unprecedented human genocide was to be found in the concrete shelters where the inhabitants crammed themselves, like frightened animals, in the hope of escaping the explosions and flames. But in these bunkers, transformed into gigantic pressure cookers, men, women, children... were done in inexorably by lack of oxygen or by being cooked, literally like meat on a grill.
"When the rescue teams finally, at the end of several weeks, forced their way into the bunkers and the hermetically sealed houses, the heat created inside had been so intense that there was nothing left of their occupants: they found only a fine layer of undulating grey dust in one bunker, they could only estimate the number of victims as being between 250 and 300 (...) The abnormal temperatures in these bunkers were also attested to by the pools of melted metal which were originally the pots, pans and cooking utensils kept in the houses." (3)
Faced with the scale of damage caused to civilian populations, questions began to be asked. It was impossible to unload all those bombs without causing horrifying damage to civilians. Invariably the anti-fascist British government responded to this with the same assurance and the same arrogance:
"... no instruction has been given to destroy dwelling houses ... the targets of Bomber Command are always military."
(Secretary of State for the Air Sir Archibald Sinclair, 31 March 1943)
Then, in the world of lies erected into a system of a single permitted thought, the useful idiot of capital continues to swallow and reproduce the dominant discourse. The infernal round of bombers, carrying in their holds the future promise of good business, once more carried out the aim of foretold carnage, and returned again. During 1944, perfecting their technique to the point where not a single square meter of an inhabited area could escape the incendiary bombs, raids on Königsberg (end of August), Darmstadt (September), Braunschweig (October), Heilbronn (December), Bremerhaven etc. claimed many tens of thousands of victims, caught in the jaws of gigantic brasiers. Ideological misinformation remained total and, day after day, hundreds of bombers, dropping thousands and thousands of bombs, took off from Britain for Germany. For the man in the street this represented the adequate response to the horrors of the other camp.

While public opinion mumbled the stupidities that its masters concocted for it, on both sides of the front, others arranged to remove all traces of the desired carnage, thought out and organised with full knowledge of what would happen. Thus, the American General Eaker declared at the same time:

"We should never allow the history of this war to convict us of throwing the strategic bomber at the man in the street."
All the same, fifteen days before this declaration, a raid carried out by American bombers on Berlin had caused the death of 25,000 people, something that this brass-hatted jackal did not ignore. You can't help thinking again about the lies and cynicism which prevailed during the whole of the Gulf War (4), and discovering there a long and solid tradition, not only in the US Army, but equally in all of the bourgeoisie past and future. Lies which have no other aim than to mask the gigantic effort which leads this capitalist society to perfect its arsenal of terror and destruction. War represents for it a gigantic living laboratory of technological experiments and above all a gigantic source of profits.

If the fascist camp came to profit from putting in place a great number of scientific discoveries such as the V1 and V2 rockets, thanks to the concentration camp slaves, what can be said about their direct competitors? Bombs which were always bigger, always more powerful and still more destructive were systematically developed. Thus, faced with the ineffectiveness of traditional bombs, which rarely hit their target, armour-piercing bombs were developed, so that a maximum number of proletarians could be massacred. They must have known that during bombardments, when proletarians buried themselves in subterranean dwellings or cellars, the explosion of a classic bomb on impact with a building would only take place most of the time at the highest part of the building. The genius of the bourgeoisie therefore came to struggle to get the better of the bomb fodder, who were not allowing themselves to be massacred so easily. Consequently, the scientific scum, who never miss a dirty trick, invented an armament capable of finding the human flesh where it had hidden itself. It is logical that the bombs should explode in the deepest rat holes. So, during the first impact, the new bomb doesn't explode. It goes through the roof, penetrates the floorboards and only explodes once its real objective is reached: the reinforced cellars.

* * *

The Everest of Terror: the Bombing of Dresden

The torrent of deaths following the aerial bombardments, with workers as the principal victims, was to reach its paroxysm in Dresden, in February 1945, in the raid which was the most terroristic and the most incomprehensible of the whole war - incomprehensible to those who still had illusions in the humanity of the imperialist, anti-fascist camp. From a strictly military point of view, nothing could justify the additional massacre which took place when Germany was already defeated. Nothing, if it wasn't the immediate announcement of the coming end of the blood bath and the obvious desire of the victorious fraction of the bourgeoisie to destroy everything which still could be destroyed.

Dresden did not have any strategically vital industry, nor any important military installation. And it is, moreover, for this reason that the town constituted a refuge for hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the bombings and the advance of the Soviet army, another joyous army of massacrers. Blinded by the propaganda of the Allies, persuaded that Dresden would never be bombed, all these refugees crammed themselves into the numerous hospitals of the town and stormed the schools, the railway stations and so on. The British government did not ignore these facts, and this is true up to a point that some military chiefs of Bomber Command expressed serious reservations as to the military validity of such an objective. In effect it was something difficult to swallow, even for the pilots, that a few weeks before the end of the war, when on all fronts the German troops were in open retreat and disarray, that there could exist any military objective in the organisation of the biggest massacre of the whole war. To this, it was drily replied that Dresden constituted a priority objective: in the midst of the Yalta conference, it was a question of putting themselves in a position of strength, thanks to the bombings, in the face of the rapid advance of Russian troops.

The bombing of the town took place on 13 and 14 February 1945. The bourgeoisie wasn't unaware that there were close to a million and a half people, of which a great number were refugees from the province of Silesia, many injured, prisoners of war, labour deportees... The greatest tonnage of bombs ever used was thus unloaded over two nights: close to 3000 tonnes, 650,000 incendiary bombs fell on the town, producing the biggest fire-storm of the whole war. The fire winds which consumed the town travelled at from 200 to 300km per hour. Dresden would burn for eight days during which the glow of the fire would be visible from 300 kilometres! Some parts of the town burned so strongly that it would only be several weeks later that the cellars could be entered. The whole panoply of the most murderous bombs was used: phosphorus, napalm... People, veritable human torches, threw themselves into the Elbe where they continued to burn, the flow of fire which descended from the centre of the town towards the Elbe reached the river and continued to destroy. Decapitated corpses, victims of "anti-personnel" fragmentation bombs, littered the streets. Of 35,000 inhabited buildings, only 7,000 remained standing. The whole centre of the town disappeared over an area of 18km². Most of the hospitals were destroyed, while the railways were hardly touched and neither the military airfield nor the various factories round about were targeted.

The intervention was carried out in a methodical fashion: those who conceived it had even taken account of the wind so that the fire could develop with a horrifying rapidity. On the night of 13 and 14 February 1945, more than a thousand British bombers came to sow terror. The next day, 450 American Flying Fortresses took up the relay in unloading 771 tonnes of incendiaries, of which a great number were delayed action. This "novelty" allowed Bomber Command to assure for itself an even more impressive bag. These bombs, which didn't explode until several hours after the aeroplanes had passed, would kill not only those who tried to put out the fires, but all those careless enough to flee from the burning town. The balance sheet which was without contest one of the highest expressions of Civilisation and Progress surpassed the figure of 250,000 dead, almost all civilians, to say nothing of the tens of thousands of wounded, burned, dying, maimed, insane...

"... ten days after the bombing, a group of prisoners had cleared the steps leading into a basement, but they refused to go in. Something out of the ordinary had happened inside. The men stood sullenly around round the basement entrance, as the civilian Director, wishing to set an example, marched down the steps to the cellar, an acetylene lamp in his hand. He was reassured by the lack of the usual smell of decay. The bottom steps were slippery. The cellar floor was covered by a twenty centimetre deep liquid mixture of blood, flesh and bone; a small high-explosive bomb had penetrated four floors of the building and exploded in the basement. (...) They learned from the caretaker of the block that there must have been 200 to 300 people in the cellar on the night."
(Hans Voigt, director of "Abteilung Tote", the "dead person's bureau" charged with cleaning the city of corpses)
Because of the risk of an epidemic the centre of town was declared to be off-limits. Each day thousands of bodies, or at least what was left of them, were dragged into the central square of the town, to be, after a last attempt at identification, crammed onto pyres of 400 to 500 corpses to be burnt. Close to 70,000 victims were thus incinerated on the Altmarkt as a protective measure. For the first time in the history of the war the survivors were not numerous enough to bury the dead. The apocalypse hit this region like a thunderbolt. For several weeks a horrible smell of putrefaction mixed with that of charred human flesh hung over the ruins and the surrounding area. Packs of dogs roamed the rubble looking for corpses. Ten of thousands of ghostly figures wandered the roads in search of refuge, with haggard eyes and in rags, the veritable living dead. It is almost impossible with these words, or with figures, to be able to describe in its deepest reality this veritable apocalypse. The vocabulary which we use to communicate today is too poor to express the disgust, the hatred that is inspired in us by such a systematic, methodical, scientific organisation of terror, of death! And the disgust which we feel towards these greatest acts of the anti-fascist bourgeoisie is all the deeper because of the way that they bury all critique against themselves by denouncing precisely... the systematic, methodical, scientific organisation of terror as being the monopoly of their competitors. Here capital has hit hard, very hard.

But the horror that the bourgeoisie is capable of deploying is without limit. The Allied hunters went on to machine-gun the columns of refugees who were fleeing from the town put to fire and blood, just as help was arriving from the neighbouring areas. Ordering the bombing of Chemnitz in the days following, the Allied commander didn't mince words, declaring to the pilots:

"The reason you are going there tonight is to finish off the refugees who managed to escape from Dresden."
Like a pack intoxicated by the smell of blood, these guard dogs of capitalism cried out for new orgies of blood-letting to assuage their hunger for more corpses. The anti-fascist alliance had decidedly nothing to learn from the fascist coalition when it comes to the refinement with which they assured the survival of this moribund civilisation. In 18 months of bombings, 45 of the 60 principal German towns had been completely destroyed, razed, crushed. At the very least, 650,000 proletarians, the majority civilians, were to perish in the course of the terror raids, without even mentioning those who, having escaped this hell, would spend the rest of their lives in hospitals and lunatic asylums. It is truly on mounds of corpses that the victory of the anti-fascist camp would be celebrated on 8 May 1945.

A beautiful "Victory" indeed, that of having hidden their own crimes under the mattress of the horrors of the competitor. A beautiful "Victory" celebrated with lanterns on a field of corpses!

* * *

The Capitalist Necessity for War

The more Capital develops the more all its contradictions grow, are exacerbated. It is not by chance that war always exists in one part of the world or another, that it regularly extends itself in a more and more generalised form. The struggle to maximise profit, competition, commercial war and war in general, are as essential to the capitalists as breathing is to a human being.

It is a matter of fact that this society cannot live without war. To express it very schematically here (5), the reason is that the mass of capital grows more rapidly than the possibilities of its valorisation. Thus, cyclically, an overproduction of capital occurs, having as a consequence that the valorisation of one part of social capital excludes the valorisation of another part of the same world social capital. The closure of factories, or the scrapping of other fixed capitals, is never enough to re-stabilise the situation. A generalised depression regularly occurs, leading inevitably to a general devalorisation of all existing capital. When Capital encounters no possibility of profitability, it must "normally" lead to the generalised bankruptcy of the less profitable capitals. These, like all the others, organise themselves to resist this inexorable law of capital. The organisation of some or other of them, at various levels of centralisation, with the aim of carrying out this war in the best possible circumstances (associations, cartels, national states, blocs or constellations of states) renders war periodically effective: it presents itself as a partial solution to the problems of world capital. In destroying an important part of capital, and therefore in preventing the functioning of it, war ameliorates the general conditions of the whole of world social capital. War thus permits it to relaunch, on a new basis, a new cycle of valorisation. On the other hand, this solution only makes the problem even more insoluble for the capitalists to come. A new phase of overproduction of capital, even more important than the preceding one, intervenes, making necessary the violent devalorisation - by destruction - of always more means of production.

The so-called "Second World War" does not escape from these invariable laws of capitalism. It is not in the head of some Hitler, any more than in the head of a Stalin or a Truman, that we can find an explanation for this gigantic carnage, but only in the entrails of this society that many, above all amongst the proletariat today, find it difficult to recognise for what it is: a class society. In place of this evidence, the bourgeoisie presses to reinforce the stupidities that it fabricates for its public opinion, showering the brave citizen, that sinister homo democraticus, with commemorations, military parades, stories recounting the psychology of such and such an idiot useful to capital, with the aim of making him accept the unacceptable: participation in war to save its moribund system.

* * *

... and the proletariat in all this

In this text so far we have spoken of the proletariat as an object of history, as fodder for factories, cannons and bombs. We cannot publish this text without at least mentioning the tendencies for our class to impose itself as a subject, fighting for its own interests, imposing communism as the only affirmation of our humanity. To say "the proletariat is a class which is exploited AND revolutionary" (K. Marx), is not to say that it is either exploited or revolutionary, that it is either the object or the subject of history, but that it is dialectically both. Even if it was defeated at the end of the war, if revolution was not the order of the day, if it was enroled into the bourgeois polarisation fascism/anti-fascism, and above all if it was crushed by the bombs and the terror, the proletariat, like the old mole of Marx, nevertheless always manifested itself to some extent as subject, through its struggles, and in opposition to those who try to reduce it to a simple object of exploitation.

As we have seen already, far from being limited to a question of interbourgeois competition, the war strategy of extermination aims to massively liquidate a maximum of excess productive forces for the valorisation needs of this society of death. But we cannot limit our analysis to this single aspect of the question. The elimination of battalions of proletarians, those thousands of tonnes of bombs dropped on working class areas, materialise the capacity of our class enemy to preemptively hit every area of proletarian tension. If the proletariat of the years 1939-45, atomised within the inter-bourgeois polarisations, failed more or less to recognise itself as the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, for its part, was able, beyond its ideological divergences, to hit it wherever the danger appeared, in the impersonal interests of its World State.

It was also therefore so as not to see a replay of the preceding insurrectional wave, that the Allied aircraft had as their mission the bombardment, during the terrorist raids, of not only the German industrial centres, but also the biggest population centres, massacring and terrorising always more proletarians. Far from being blind, these bombings were on the contrary very selective: it was above all working class areas which were the targets of Allied carpet bombing.

This annihilation was "justified" all the more urgently from the beginning of 1943, when, amongst concentrations of proletarians in Europe, struggle and resistance to exploitation once more appeared. Numerous bourgeois myths perpetuated the idea that the social situation at the end of the war was peaceful, or at least it was bathed in the consensus of "liberation from fascism". We want to affirm against the current that, in the whole of Europe at that time, under the blows of material necessity, threats of proletarian conflagrations caused the spectre of social revolution to reappear. A real movement seemed to reemerge, putting forward everywhere the satisfaction of our needs.

To be sure, 1945 was not 1918!... and most of the few nuclei of revolutionary militants of the period, who managed to maintain a classist course in the storm of counter-revolution, had to a large extent overestimated the perspective for struggle, concluding in a mechanical way that a proletarian uprising was imminent in Germany as in 1918. The sites of struggle which did appear were rather feeble and above all were marked by more than 25 years of counter-revolutionary terror: 25 years in which the communist avant-garde had been liquidated. Over more than two decades the bourgeoisie had perfected its cycle of counter-revolution and a good number of militants of the wave of 1917-21 had disappeared into the concentration camps, had been massacred on the fields of horror, or had even been enroled into the Stalinist parties and ground down by the "Party of Order".

The world bourgeoisie, taking some lessons from the revolutionary wave, had given itself such material means so that it no longer had to confront a disintegrating army, a defeatist proletariat which was turning its arms against its own generals, against its own bourgeoisie, able to transform itself into new battalions of revolution. Thanks to the means of destruction qualitatively and quantitatively superior to the previous phase of this class war, the bourgeoisie made it their duty to take on class liquidation, class "genocide", not merely of millions of proletarians in uniform but also hundreds of thousands of "civilian" proletarians.

It is not by chance either that the terror bombings were systematised at the moment when important strikes broke out in Germany (and also in Italy, France, etc. (6)) and when desertions in the German army began to increase. This is an expression of the complementarity of the "rival" fractions of the bourgeoisie in anti-proletarian repression. The working class was caught between the frying pan and the fire: on one side the terror coming from the sky and, on the other, the firing squads who force the strikers to continue "war production" for the "final victory".

At the end of the so-called "Second World War" the bourgeoisie closed off a cycle of war by the temporary neutralisation of the proletariat. The two world wars were two moments of a gigantic anti-proletarian massacre extending from 1914 to 1945 and interrupted in 1917-18 by the proletariat in struggle. It is only on this level of abstraction of the reality of capital that we can make sense of events which, for bourgeois historians, prove to be incomprehensible, to be the malicious work of an "evil genius": Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill or some other... This is the idealist personification of history which obscures the real, open, anti-proletarian significance of all wars, whether they are anti-fascist, "for national liberation", "for the defence of socialism" or some other anti-human justification.

The end of the war therefore came to be a field of extraordinary experiments for the bourgeoisie. They applied a number of lessons learnt from the preceding struggles undertaken against the proletariat. More precisely, it was so as to prevent the renewal of the revolutionary situation which had marked Germany at the end of the so-called "First World War" (1914-18), it was to preventatively suppress any proletarian uprising, that the bourgeoisie came to orient its activity around three principal axes in 1945:

  • Liquidating the proletarians able to constitute a threat and thus physically crush any attempt at proletarian resistance in the cities;
  • in this sense to completely invade Germany and occupy it militarily using the Allied armies charged with upholding order; the German government is dissolved, the Allied armies enter Berlin;
  • maintain outside Germany for several months, even several years, the imprisoned soldiers (interned on a massive scale) so as to avoid reproducing the upsets of November 1918; clearly the prospect of demobilised "German" soldiers returning to their destroyed homes made an impression on the world bourgeoisie to the point that not only did they send hundreds of thousands of these soldiers into the Soviet Gulag, but they also interned more than 400,000, some of them in Britain up until 1948! Others were sent to camps in France, in Belgium, or on the other side of the Atlantic, to the USA (7).

* * *

The proletariat, as we affirm in our thesis No.26 (see: "Theses of Programmatic Orientation") has only one war to call for and to undertake: the social war against the whole of the bourgeoisie.
"Workers have no homeland, one cannot take away from them what doesn't belong to them. Any form of defence of the nation, under whatever pretext is an attack on the worldwide working class. Under the reign of the bourgeoisie, all wars are imperialist wars with two or more opposing factions or groups whose interests are world capital. Proletariat wages and claims only one war: social war against the whole bourgeoisie. Independently of the direct intentions of the protagonists, the essential role of wars is to affirm Capital and to smash objectively and subjectively the subversive class within this society. In this sense, wars are never merely wars between National States, between the forces of "national liberation" and the "imperialist" forces, or wars between "imperialists", they are essentially wars of Capital against communism.
Against all interbourgeois antagonisms between "progressive" and "reactionary" factions, "fascist" and "anti-fascist" factions, "left wing" and "right wing" factions,... the logical continuity of which are imperialist wars, the proletariat has no other solution but the intransigent struggle for its own class interests against all sacrifices, against all truce, all national solidarity: revolutionary defeatism, turning its weapons against its "own" direct exploiters, against its "own" direct oppressors. The proletariat's aim is to transform through the international centralisation of this community of struggle against Capital) capitalist war into a revolutionary war of the world proletariat against the world bourgeoisie."
It is this long thesis that we are reaffirming in conclusion of this text by recalling that, from Dresden to Rotterdam, from Hiroshima to London, from Stalingrad to Warsaw, the only "Victory" which mattered in 1945 was, definitively, that of the bourgeoisie. In 1945 capitalist exploitation was able to endure on the basis of the crushing of the proletariat. A moment of the perpetuation of this defeat was concentrated in the credit accorded to the "Allied", "anti-fascist" crimes, under cover of the publicity given only to the crimes of the other camp. It is good to remember that: fascist or anti-fascist, the dictatorship of Capital is democracy.

We call on our readers not to remain passive but to struggle with us against the amnesia with which the bourgeoisie attack us. We ask them not only to criticise this text, but also to make material available to us which allows us to better understand the history of our class and its struggle in the years 1939-45. We shall return to all this in succeeding issues.

* * *

Notes :

1. If we distance ourselves from the dominant terminology concerning this question, it is because for us the years 1789-1793 were essentially revolutionary years from the point of view of the affirmation of the proletariat as a revolutionary class. Where official History heaps praise on the coming of the Enlightened bourgeoisie, we can find recuperation, the diversion of a proletarian struggle to the benefit of the reinforcement of the capitalist mode of production, whose revolution didn't take place in 1789 but throughout the XIVth, XVth and XVIth centuries, through the generalisation of the world market. We will return to this question shortly - we are already circulating a series of theses within our group.

2. We consider as definitive that the only real enemy of fascism, or of any other Bonapartist attempt put in place by the bourgeoisie to crush our class, is the revolutionary proletariat. But the revolutionary struggle against fascism cannot be separated from the struggle against all the other fractions of the bourgeoisie, including those claiming to be anti-fascist, who show nothing more than a desire to maintain capitalist exploitation under another form and under the dictatorship of other managers. In this sense, "anti-fascism", proclaimed by these factions, is most of the time only the facade of anti-fascism which only makes use of this terminology from opportunism with the aim of more easily confronting a capitalist competitor. Its "anti-fascism" is a banner under which it is occasionally easier to regroup its forces for its war. We only have to recall that Stalin started off choosing an alliance with Hitler and fascism, before taking up an alliance with Churchill and Roosevelt. The bourgeoisie is no more the enemy of fascism than any other form of capitalist management: the proletariat constitutes the only real grave-digger of the capitalist dictatorship, whether its attire is fascist, anti-fascist, popular, republican, anti-imperialist or Bonapartist.

3. This quotation is taken from the book by David Irving, "The Destruction of Dresden", PAPERMAC, 1985.

4. See our text "War or Revolution" in Communism No.7, April 1992.

5. For a more important development of the question, we refer our readers to our texts "Capital: totalité et guerre impérialiste" in Communisme No.33, May 1991, and "Contre la guerre impérialiste: la révolution communiste mondiale" published in our central review then called Le Communiste No.14, July 1982.

6. We can recall, as we have already done in our review Communisme No.41 of December 1994 ("Nous soulignons: '50 ans de paix... cela se fête!'") that the important class struggles developed not only - as is better known - in Northern Itally (43-45) and in Greece, but also in Germany, in Belgium, in France, in Yugoslavia, even in Russia. And as if by chance, while the concentrations of workers in places such as Milan, Turin and Rome had never been bombed during the war, it was when Italy fell into the Allied camp, and particularly during the outbreak of strikes, that the Allied air forces felt the necessity to bomb these regions, to restore social peace through terror.

7. Is it really necessary to point out here that we are talking about measures only taken against proletarians? As for the generals, the Nazi officers, the industrialists, the scientists... apart from some odd scumbags who were liquidated during the great spectacle of the Nuremburg trials, most of the German bourgeoisie would be promoted to high positions in the opposing camp (scientists like Von Braun, for example), would be imprisoned for a while (which would in any case be less unpleasant than being subjected to forced labour like most of the soldiers), then released to set out on a capitalist career in the "new" Germany. So, when H. M. Schleyer was executed by the Red Army Faction, we learned that this boss of German bosses had in fact been an old Nazi dignitary.

* * *

But how was such a massacre explained at the time?

Reading Le Soir, the big official Belgian daily paper, is edifying. The information about the bombing of Dresden was given two days later, in a little box coincidentally between the obituaries and the list of the day's shows. There we can read that 1,400 RAF bombers have attacked Dresden with the petrol refinery of Bohlen as their target (we should recall that this refinery remained intact). On the first page there's not a single trace of the 250,000 dead of Dresden. They are crushed under information about... the Yalta peace agreements. A little lower down, by contrast, a little commentary concludes: "also it is only by the brutal force of arms that they will finish off that race of fanatics"! The demonisation of the enemy and the discourse of peace. On one side, purely and simply covering up the crimes of the victors, on the other side: the methods of disinformation of the "Allies" hardly differ from those of the "Nazis", no more than the methods still used today to justify the Gulf War or to hide the attendant proletarian insurrections, for example. In all cases the disinformation has the same function: to chain proletarians to a nation and deny the identity of interests of the proletariat across all frontiers and all nations.

Read also "Additional notes on the bombing of Dresden"

Communism No.10

by Radian
Typical revisionist bullshit. Failure to verify you statement is true. The British LED the attack on dresden, the US air force lent a helping hand. It is easier to invent history than to reasearch the truth..
note citations of source.

There is no us battle plan that calls for use of tactical nukes.. Show me proof of this statement.

The japaneese got exactly what they deserved. 12/7/41 was not free of cost for them..
by frekk
"There is no us battle plan that calls for use of nukes.. Show me proof of this statement."

Ok, no problemo.

"Despite the global sense of relief and hope that the nuclear arms race ended with the Cold War, an increasingly vocal group of politicians, military officials and leaders of America's nuclear weapon laboratories are urging the US to develop a new generation of precision low-yield nuclear weapons. Rather than deterring warfare with another nuclear power, however, they suggest these weapons could be used in conventional conflicts with third-world nations."

-The Journal of the Federation of American Scientists

So much for that assertion. Who's the revisionist now?

BTW - the conclusions I mentioned about strategic bombing are straight out of the USAF Survey on Strategic Bombing, *1945*!!!!! Hardly possible for *that* to be revisionism, now, is it? More likely your mythology fabricated since then, is.

British led = British operation.
by Kevin
This country is one of the safest countries, if you don't think so, get the FUCK OUT. Why don't go to the middle east. People get shot there for not believing in a certain religion, and its a bunch of bullshit.

Japan was never going to surrender until they all died. They have their own types of beliefs. Their belief is that if you surrender, it is a great dishonor. Citizens were fighting us. In fact Japan disserved to be nuked, they wanted a war, and they got one. We lost 1000s of men at Pearl harbor in only 1 hour. The emperor of Japan surrendered, but what you don't know is that his men didn't because they were so much into honoring him. To Japaniese the emperor was like a king or god, and the people did anything they could to honor him. They started a war we finished it, yippie ky yeah. So don't give me this shit that they didn't deserve it, because they knew what was coming because we warned them ahead of time.

These people in the middle east don't fucking care if you fry slowly, because if you don't prey the way they do, your not worth living. You think you know shit but you don't, there is crime all over the world. Our country is the with the most freedom asshole. You have no idea.

People like you don't make this country better, in fact you make it worse, because people like you don't stand up for it. Like I said before if you don't like it, GET THE FUCK OUT. Your always negative, you say "ha ha this country has the highest crime rate" and then say shit like "our govt. is a bunch of bullshit" well you know what at least your able to say what you want in America, in fact, I personally would not want to live anywhere else but America.

So be greatful ARRON, and quit complaining.
by Radian
Jesus ICG post a link. Sprained my scrolling finger.

we "americans" bombed dresden. that was my point.

Second fas does not write or carry out american war plans. The fas is not the dod, it provides information, like Rand but does not draft policy. their broad statement does not mean shit to me.

You can not show me policy that shows any branch of the armed forces calling for first strike use of any tactical weapon. If you can link it, if not pick your fuckin marbles up and go home..
by frekk
"if not pick your fuckin marbles up and go home.."

Oh you'd like to go ad hominem? Sure, let me get medieval on your ass, Drone, snail, slug, sot, ass, drunkard, churl, malt-horse, capon, idiot, patch, minion, baggage, goer-backward, cuckold, drudge,
empiric, taffeta punk, scolding queen, scurvy lord, witty fool, clog, timorous thief, rude boy, caitiff, hater of love, despiteful Juno, filthy officer, jackanape with scarves, ring-carrier, hilding, bubble, hourly promise-breaker, notable coward, infinite and endless liar, coxcomb, sprat, counterfeit module, double-meaning prophesier, past-saving slave, botcher's apprentice, shrieve's fool, dumb innocent, foolish idle boy, dangerous and lascivious boy, damnable both-sides rogue, flinty Tartar, snipt-taffeta fellow, unbaked and doughy youth, red-tailed bumblebee, carbonadoed face, hideous object, common gamester, perfidious slave, equivocal companion, common customer,
wrangling queen, common liar, saucy eunuch, amorous surfeiter, monstrous malefactor, strange serpent, ribaudred nag, you kite, Jack, boggler, old ruffian, triple-turn'd whore, witch, vile-lady, old dog, mechanic slave, odd worm, whoreson devil, mortal
wretch, venomous fool, unworthy brother, peasant, envious emulator, monster, nature's natural, cutter-off of nature's wit, cur, mannish coward, clownish fool, toad, fat and greasy citizen, roynish clown, dog-ape, compact of jars, you of basest function, rude despiser of good manners, natural philosopher, crooked-pated
old cuckoldy ram, nut, dull fool, saucy lackey, fancy-monger, mannish youth, foul slut, confirmer of false reckonings, puisny tilter, noble goose, common executioner, nature's sale-work, abominable fellow, tyrant, motley-minded gentleman, ill-favored
virgin, idle creature, saucy fellow, common laugher, eternal devil, fleering tell-tale, serpent's egg, old feeble carrion, shrewd contriver, carcass fit for hounds, barren-spirited fellow, jigging fool, monstrous apparition, peevish schoolboy, disguised
cheater, prating mountebank, cuckold-mad, horn-mad, prating peasant, unfeeling fool, foolish gnat, hind, curtal dog, drunken slave, backfriend, shoulder-clapper, Lapland sorcerer, devil, devil's dam, fiend, doting wizard, dissembling harlot, peevish officer, unhappy strumpet, mere anatomy, mountebank, threadbare juggler, fortuneteller, fat friend, belly, rascal, dissentious rogue, quartered slave, fragment, shame of Rome, base slave, fusty plebeian, debile wretch, hereditary hangman, old crab-tree,
horse-drench, kitchen malkin, vengeance proud, timepleaser, flatterer, foe to nobleness, Triton of the minnows, old goat, rotten thing, viperous traitor, general lout, common cry of curs, bastards, daw, dastard noble, carbonado, decayed dotant, varlet,
foreign recreant, boy of tears, measureless liar, falsehound, basest thing, beggar, vile one, that-way-accomplished courtier, flattering rascal, depender on a thing that leans, runagate, saucy stranger, whoreson jackanapes, whoreson dog, Jackslave,
banished rascal, crafty devil, unpaved eunuch, base wretch, profane fellow, precious pander, precious varlet, injurious thief, rustic mountaineer, empty purse, clotpoll, irregulous devil, sad wrack, kitchen trull, unspeaking sot, most credulous fool, egregious murderer, dullard, implorator of unholy suits, adulterate beast, garbage, wretch whose natural gifts were poor, pernicious, addicted so and so, fishmonger, satirical rogue, tedious old fool, quintessence of dust, rogue and peasant slave,
dull and muddy-mottled rascal, pigeon-liver, whore, guilty creature, breeder of sinners, robustious, periwigpated fellow, groundling, passion's slave, galled jade, croaking raven, peacock, bosom black as death, wretched, rash, intruding fool, mildewed ear, king of shreds and patches, tardy son, sweet wag,
Diana's forester, minion of the moon, Monsieur Remorse, Sir John Sack and Sugar, madcap, thou latter spring, all-hallown summer, true-bred coward, fat rogue, slovenly unhandsome corse, popinjay,
forgetful man, thorn, canker, sword-and-buckler prince, wasp-stung and impatient fool, vile politician, king of smiles, fawning greyhound, cozener, man of falsehood, foot land-raker, long-staff sixpenny striker, mad mustachio purple-hued maltworm, false thief, fat-kidneyed rascal, veriest varlet that ever chewed
with a tooth, whoreson caterpillar, fat chuff, arrant coward, shallow, cowardly hind, lack-brain, frosty-spirited rogue, pagan rascal, infidel, mad-headed ape, paraquito, loggerhead, leathern-jerkin, crystal-button, knot-pated, agate-ring, puke-stocking,
caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish-pouch, damned brawn, shotten herring, woolsack, son of darkness, clay-brained guts, knotty-pated fool, whoreson obscene greasy tallow-catch, pintpot,
ticklebrain, naughty varlet, ungracious boy, tun of man, trunk of humours, bolting hutch of beastliness, swoll'n parcel of dropsies, huge bombard of sack, stuffed cloakbag of guts, roasted Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly, that reverend Vice, that grey Iniquity, father Ruffian, Vanity in years, old white-bearded Satan, Whoremaster, natural coward without instinct, velvet guard, Sunday citizen, smiling pickthanks, base newsmonger, shallow jester, rash bavin wit, capering fool, younker, whoreson, impudent, embossed rascal, nimble-footed madcap, soused gurnet, revolted tapster, canker of a calm world and a long peace, tattered prodigal, scarecrow, mad wag, poor unminded outlaw sneaking home, chewet, fickle changeling, poor discontent, rag-of-muffin, hot termagent, blunt monster with
uncounted heads, hulk, hilding fellow, dullest peasant in the camp, foolish compounded clay-man, whoreson mandrake, whoreson Achitophel, whoreson smooth-pate, hunt counter, ill angel,
beastly feeder, common dog, bastardly rogue, honeyseed rogue, man-queller and woman-queller, hempseed, scullion, rampallian, fustilarian, poor mad soul, offending Adam, base tike, Iceland dog, prick-eared cur of Iceland, egregious dog, braggart vile,
damned furious wight, hound of Crete, lazar kite of Cressid's kind, cunning fiend, poor miserable wretch, devil incarnate, vain, giddy, shallow, humorous youth, coward dog, cullion, swasher, white-livered and red-faced, prince of fiends, bastard warrior, most lofty runaway, arrant counterfeit rascal, bawd, cutpurse, gull, wretched and peevish fellow, foolish cur, valiant
flea, foul and ugly witch, bad neighbour, prating coxcomb, wretched slave with a body filled and vacant mind, child of hell, superfluous lackey, hilding foe, island carrion, damned and luxurious mountain-goat, roaring devil, base pander, Jack-sauce, fellow of no merits, base Troyan, mountain-squire, squire of low
degree, cutpurse of quick hand, fellow of infinite tongue, prater, effeminate prince, dastard foeman, Jack-out-of-office, lean raw-boned rascal, hare-brained slave, distrustful recreant, dunghill groom, peeled priest, usurping proditer, manifest
conspirator, tawny coat, scarlet hypocrite, foe to citizens, wretched sinner, woeful man, high-minded strumpet, noisome stench, poor servitor, fiend of hell, deceitful dam, partaker of a little gain, improvident soldier, trull, silly dwarf, weak and writhled shrimp, bloodthirsty lord, riddling merchant, pernicious
usurer, viperous worm, shameless courtesan, hag of all despite, base muleter, peasant footboy, miscreant, hedge-born swain, presumptuous vassal, traitorous rout, ireful bastard, giglet wench, upstart, fell banning hag, decrepit miser, base ignoble wretch, graceless, cursed drab, presumptuous dame, base and
humble mind, tedious stumbling-block, contemptuous base-born callet, image of pride, false fiend, sicked spirit, meanest groom, foul offender, idle rascal, hindmost man, bedlam brainsick duchess, fraudful man, crafty murderer, uncivil kern, mean-born
man, starved snake, shag-haired crafty kern, basilisk, hollow friend, loathsome leper, contumelious spirit, arrogant controller, blunt-witted lord ignoble in demeanor, stern untutored churl, false murd'rous coward, pernicious bloodsucker of sleeping men, fell serpent, rude unpolished hind, busy meddling fiend, obscure and lowly swain, jaded groom, base slave,
hag of hell, paltry, servile, abject drudge, lowly vassal, vile benzonian, banditto slave, silken-coated slave, false caterpillars, thou serge, thou buckram lord, rude companion, burly-boned clown, audacious traitor, fell-lurking cur, heap of wrath, foul indigested lump, mad misleader, foul stigmatic, sturdy rebel, false peer, poltroon, timorous wretch, brat, she-wolf, Amazonian trull, proud insulting boy, butcher, crook-back, foul misshapen stigmatic, shameless callet, wrangling woman, homely swain, fearful-flying hare, fatal screech-owl, you chaos, unlick'd bear-whelp, murderous Machiavel, half malcontent, feigned friend, bug, quicksand of deceit, scolding crookback,
wilful boy, untutord lad, misshapen Dick, bloody cannibal, devil's butcher, peevish fool, indigest deformed lump, sour annoy, butcher's cur, malicious censurer, ravenous fish, sick interpreter, weak one, giant traitor, devfl-monk, bold bad man,
living murmurer, most malicious foe, dilatory sloth, hollow heart, false professor, stubborn spirit, most arch heretic, poor undeserver, proud traitor, thou scarlet sin, piece of scarlet, rank weed, lousy footboy, rude slave, fire-drake, wife of small wit, calf, cow, half-face, Sir Knob, sparrow, insolent cracker, thou unadvised scold, cank'red grandam, scroyle, jade, purpose-changer, sly divel, daily break-vow, smooth-fac'd gentleman, all-changing word, false blood, ramping fool, cold-blooded slave, recreant limb, meddling priest, arch-heretic, most sweet lout,
thou odiferous stench, carrion monster, uncleanly scruples, foolish rheum, lean unwash'd artificer, dunghill, beardless boy, cock'red silken wanton, misbegotten divel, clod, vassal, idle old
man, whoreson man, clotpoll, mongrel, base football player, degenerate bastard, marble-hearted fiend, detested kite, eater of broken meats, lily-livered, action-taking, glass-gazing, super-serviceable, finical rogue, one-trunk-inheriting slave, brazen-faced varlet, whoreson cullionly barbermonger, ancient ruffian,
whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter, wagtail, reverent braggart, embossed carbuncle, unnatural hag, the foul fiend Flibbertigibbet, she-fox, ingrateful fox, filthy traitor, milk-livered man, moral fool, vain fool, doghearted daughter, thou side-piercing sight, simp'ring dame, rascal beadle, scurvy
politician, gilded butterfly, most toad-spotted traitor, low-spirited swain, base minnow of mirth, unlettered small-knowing soul, transgressing slave, most acute juvenal, old love-monger, wimpled, whining, purblind, wayward boy, senior-junior, giant-dwarf, Dan-Cupid, regent of love-rhymes, lord of folded arms,
anointed sovereign of sighs and groans, liege of all loiterers and malcontents, dread prince of plackets, king of codpieces, sole imperator and great general of trotting 'paritors, pernicious and indubitate beggar, most simple clown, foolish extravagant spirit, most profane coxcomb, whoreson loggerhead, turtle, barren practiser, half-penny purse of wit, pigeon-egg of discretion, mouse, figure pedantical, some carry-tale, some please-man, some slight zany, some mumble-news, some trencher's knight, some Dick, that smiles his cheek in years, libbard's head, pure wit, foolish mild man, cittern-head, Fortune's closestool, head of a bodkin, death's face in a ring, man replete with mocks, rebel's whore, rump-fed ronyon, rat without a tail, imperfect speaker, instrument of darkness, spongey officer,
infirm of purpose, porter of Hell Gate, you equivocator, you common enemy of man, you half a soul, water-rug, demi-wolf, best o' th' cutthroats, grown serpent, horrible shadow, unreal mock'ry, magot-pie, close contriver of all harms, secret, black,
and midnight hag, filthy hag, you egg, young fry of treachery, infected mind, cream-fac'd loon, lily-liver'd boy, patch, whey-face, liar, and slave, clamorous harbinger of blood and death, Hell-bound, juggling fiend, coward, cruel minister, sanctimonious
pirate, Madam Mitigation, tapster, parcel-bawd, tedious fool, wicked varlet, caitiff, wicked Hannibal, death's fool, you poor worm, outward-sainted deputy, beast, faithless coward, dishonest wretch, wicked bawd, whoremaster, whoremonger, bawd-born, motion generative, superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow, ungenitured agent, notorious bawd, unlawful bawd, gravel heart, rude wretch, rotten medlar, virgin-violator, wicked'st caitiff on the ground, arch-villain, pernicious caitiff, blasting and scandalous breath,
saucy friar, very scurvy fellow, unreverend and unhallow'd friar, goodman baldpate, fleshmonger, thou damnable fellow, giglet, bald-pated, living rascal, punk, want-wit, Sir Oracle, fool gudgeon, death's head with a bone in his mouth, dumb-show, sponge, fawning publican, evil soul, goodly apple rotten at the
heart, cut-throat dog, very devil incarnate, younker, prodigal, carrion Death, gossip Report, bankrupt, wanton gambol, soft and dull-eyed fool, most impenetrable cur, bragging Jack, lewd interpreter, wit-snapper, stony adversary, inhuman wretch, brassy
bosom, rough heart of flint, inexecrable dog, louse, cony-catching rascal, you Banbury cheese, mountain foreigner, latten bilbo, bully-rook, bully Hercules, base Hungarian wight, tinder-box, varlet vile, Mars of malcontents, larron, scurvy Jack- a-nape priest, greasy knight, drawling, affecting rogue, secure
fool, gibbet, thou unconfinable baseness, cuckoldy rogue, mechanical salt-butter rogue, damned Epicurean rascal, Lucifer, Wittol, Cuckold, secure ass, King-Urinal, Monsieur Mock-water,
scurvy Jack-dog priest, scall, scurvy, cogging companion, you little Jack-a-Lent, unwholesome humidity, gross watery pumpion, lisping hawthorn-bud, dissembling knight, dishonest rascal,
foolish carrion, turd, mountain of mummy, panderly rascal, brazen-face, old, cozening queen, you baggage, you polecat, you ronyon, poor unvirtuous fat knight, superstitious idle-headed eld, boor, thick-skin, muscle-shell, vile worm, hodgepudding, bag
of flax, puffed man, old, cold, withered, and of intolerable entrails, great lubberly boy, spotted and inconstant man, jaws of darkness, waggish boy, thou lob of spirits, fat and bean-fed horse, rash wanton, progeny of evils, you hard-hearted adamant,
spotted snake with double tongue, thorny hedgehog, lack-love, kill-courtesy, hempen homespun, cowardly, giantlike oxbeef, shallowest thickskin of that barren sort, thou cat, thou burr, vile thing, you juggler, you canker blossom, you thief of love, you counterfeit, you puppet, thou painted maypole, vixen, you dwarf, you minimus, of hind'ring knotgrass made, you bead, you
acorn, king of shadows, you runaway, idle gaud, patched fool, dear Lady Disdain, hard heart, rare parrot-teacher, hypocrite, professed tyrant, flouting Jack, obstinate heretic, young start-up, old cuckold with horns on his head, piece of valiant dust, clod of wayward marl, Prince's jester, toothpicker, my Lady
Tongue, double heart, mother of fools, contaminated stale, ill singer, foul blot, vane blown with all winds, block, wild heart, little hangman, truant, hobby-horse, scab, true drunkard, deformed thief, vile thief, One Deformed, illegitimate construction, approved wanton, common stale, most foul, thou pure
impiety, foul-tainted flesh, strange sore, Count Comfect, thou naughty varlet, candle-waster, thou dissembler, dotard, braggart, milksop, scambling, outfacing, fashion-mongering boy, Calf's
head, capon, woodcock, Lord Lackbeard, cursing hypocrite, shallow fool, wronger, offender, quondam carpetmonger, Don Worm, slanderous tongue, double-dealer, martyr slain in Cupid's wars,
Signior Sooth, Pilch, Patch-breech, craver, rudeliest welcome to this world, poor inch of nature, roastmeat for worms, gosling, young foolish sapling, malkin, harpy, lown, peevish baggage, herb woman, thou damned door-keeper, coistrel, baboon, basest groom, fairy motion, sad fool, ancient substitute, weak slave, heartless hind, transparent heretic, man of wax, wanton light of heart, candle-holder, small, grey-coated gnat, round little worm, princox, loathed enemy, dull earth, open-arse, poperin pear,
young waverer, pale hard-hearted wench, Prince of Cats, courageous captain of compliments, fashion-monger, saucy merchant, flirt-gill, skains-mate, you rat-catcher, Good King of Cats, braggart, worm's meat, wretched boy, sober-suited matron,
serpent heart, beautiful tyrant, fiend angelical, dove-feather'd raven, wolvish-ravening lamb, despised substance of divinest show, mistress minion you, you green-sickness carrion, you tallow-face, young baggage, disobedient wretch, mumbling fool,
wretched puling fool, whining mammet, dishclout, most wicked fiend, caitiff wretch, thou detestable maw, thou tomb of death, fiend of hell, rotten apple, aglet-baby, old trot, woodcock, irksome bawling scold, wildcat, thou hilding of a devilish spirit, rascal fiddler, twanging Jack, craven, mad-cap ruffian,
swearing Jack, greybeard, wrangling pedant, a very toad, preposterous ass, old pantaloon, pedascule, mad-brain rudesby, frantic fool, jolly surly groom, tired jade, mad master, you three-inch fool, you logger-headed and unpolished groom, you
peasant swain, whoreson malt-horse drudge, heedless jolthead, unmanner'd slave, proud disdainful haggard, thou false deluding
slave, thou thread, thou thimble, thou flea, thou nit, thou winter-cricket thou, thou rag, thou quantity, thou remnant, crack-hemp, mad ass, foul contending rebel, counter-caster, thou foul thief, thou silly gentleman, finder out of occasions, night-brawler, lewd minx, young and sweating devil, simple bawd, subtle whore, thou weed, thou public commoner, impudent strumpet, insinuating rogue, cogging, cozening slave, scurvy fellow, young quat, notable strumpet, trash, perjured woman, dolt, murderous
coxcomb, puny whipster, demi-devil, Spartan dog, false trembling coward, recreant and most degenerate traitor, overwheening traitor, gilded loam, you painted clay, out-dared dastard, caitiff recreant, traitor, foul and dangerous, guilty soul,
lunatic, lean-witted fool, most degenerate, a parasite, keeper- back of Death, banished traitor, caterpillar of the commonwealth, thou coward majesty, thou little better thing than earth, nimble mischance, dishonorable boy, you Pilate, thou haught, insulting
man, thou ladder, unruly woman, unthrifty son, young wanton and effeminate boy, commonest creature, treacherous son, shrill-voiced supplicant, sour husband, frantic woman, hardhearted lord,
jealous o'erworn widow, nighty gossip, creeping venomed thing, black magician, unmannered dog, thou dreadful minister of hell, thou lump of foul deformity, diffused infection of a man, devilish slave, hedgehog, rancorous enemy, silken, insinuating
Jack, thou cacodemon, wrangling pirate, foul wrinkled witch, peevish brat, thou hateful withered hag, troubler of the world's peace, thou elvish-marked, abortive, rooting hog, slave of nature and the son of hell, thou slander of thy heavy mother's womb, thou loathed issue of thy father's loins, thou rag of honour,
bottled spider, poisonous bunch-backed toad, malapert, lunatic, simple gull, sour ferryman, foul fiend, erroneous vassal, traitor to the name of God, incapable and shallow innocent, idle weed,
parlous boy, covert'st sheltered traitor, tongueless block, iron-witted fool, unrespective boy, little peevish boy, hellhound, foul defacer of God's handiwork, excellent grand tyrant of the earth, carnal cur, Hell's black intelligencer, petty rebel, relenting fool, shallow, changing woman, doubtful, hollow-hearted
friend, white-livered runagate, wretched, bloody, and usurping boar, foul swine, tardy sluggard, you base foul stone falsely set, paltry fellow, milksop, overwheening rag, famished beggar, poor rat, heir of shame, perfect gallows, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog, insolent noise-maker, wide-chapp'd
rascal, enemy inveterate, malignant thing, damn'd witch, blue-eyed hag, freckled whelp hag-born, dull thing, you slave, who
never yields us kind answer, thou earth, thou, thou tortoise, poisonous slave, thou most lying slave, whom stripes may move, not kindness, filth as thou art, abhorred slave, thing most brutish, you hag-seed, beauty's canker, spendthrift of tongue, strange fish, holiday fool, most delicate monster, moon-calf,
glass-fac'd flatterer, bawd between fold and want, fool in good clothes, thou damned baseness, thou disease of a friend, sworn rioter, most smiling, smooth, detested parasite, courteous destroyer, affable wolf, meek bear, you fool of fortune, trencher-friend, cap-and-knee slave, you vapour, minute-Jack,
curl'd-pate ruffian, carper, cap of all fools alive, thou issue of a mangy dog, thou tedious rogue, thou bright defiler of
Hymen's purest bed, poor fragment, slender ort, gross patchery,
foulspoken coward, pretty brabble, saucy controller of private
steps, unmarmerly intruder, foul adultress, fell cur of bloody
kind, you stony image, cold and dumb, thou map of woe, base
bondsman, joyless, dismal, black, and sorrowful issue, hellish
dog, sanguine, shallow-hearted boy, ye white-limed wall, ye
alehouse painted sign, long-tongued babbling gossip, sly frantic
wretch, incarnate devil, walleyed slave, most insatiate and
luxurious woman, inhuman traitor, ravenous tiger, accursed devil,
unhallowed slave, execrable wretch, breeder of dire events,
sneaking fellow, porridge after meat, chaff and bran, drayman,
thou bitch-wolf's son, thou mongrel beef-witted lord, toadstool,
porpentine, thou loathsomest scab in Greece, cobloaf, whoreson
cur, thou stool for a witch, thou sodden-witted lord, scurvy-
valiant ass, thou thing of no bowels, vile owl, fusty nut with no
kernel, trash, one besotted on sweet delights, gilt counterfeit,
paltry, insolent fellow, great-siz'd monster of ingratitude,
valiant ignorance, puling cuckold, still and dumb-discoursive
devil that tempts most cunningly, theme of all our scorns, thou
core of envy, thou crusty botch of nature, idol of idiot-
worshippers, fragment, thou full dish of fool, thou damnable box
of envy, you ruinous butt, you whoreson indistinguishable cur,
thou idle immaterial skein of sleeve silk, thou green sarsenet
flap for a sore eye, thou tassel of a prodigal's purse, thou
finch egg, louse of a lazar, herring without a roe, puttock,
sweet sink, sweet sewer, incontinent varlet, dissembling
abominable varlet, crafty swearing rascal, stale old mouse-eaten
dry cheese, thou boy-queller, most putified core, thou great-
siz'd coward, broker-lackey, fellow o' th' strangest mind i' th'
world, dry fool, mouse of virtue, thou ordinary fool, that has no
more brain than a stone, pickle-herring, thou cruell'st she
alive, babbling gossip, thou common recreation, time-pleaser,
affectioned ass, rascally sheep-biter, metal of India, fellow of
servants, not worthy to touch Fortune's fingers, gross
acquaintance, gull-catcher, notable contempt, thou most excellent
devil of wit, corruptor of words, dear venom, dear manikin, foul
collier, firago, hyperbolical fiend, thou dishonest Satan,
notable pirate, thou salt-water thief, uncivil lady, marble-
breasted tyrant, you very devil incardinate, you passy mesaures
pavin, ass-head, votary to fond desire, worthless post, testy
babe, exceeding puppet, sourest-natured dog that lives, you very
pebble stone, you kind of chameleon, notable lubber, jolt-head,
illiterate loiter, thou subtle, perjured, false, disloyal man,
you whoreson peasant, foolish lout, thou counterfeit to thy true
friend, thou friend of an ill fashion, thou common friend that's
without faith or love, fellow false, cold coward, dainty dominie,
you most coarse frieze capacity, ye jean judgment, scornful
piece, scurvy hilding, Babion with long tail and eke long tool,
scorn of women, changeling, leprous witch, polled bachelor,
simp'ring sire, abandoner of revels, mute contemplative, dam of
horror, sow of lead, you wanton calf, flax-wench, gross lout,
mindless slave, thou thing, bed-swerver, mankind witch, most
intelligencing bawd, callat of boundless tongue, gross hag,
boil'd brains, snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, lowborn lass,
queen of curds and cream, stretch-mouthed rascal, thou fresh
piece of excellent witchcraft, pedlar's excrement, old sheep-
whistling rogue, needy, hollow-eyed, sharp-looking wretch, a
living dead man, one o' th' false ones, this imperceiverant
thing, a very drudge of nature's, a very drab, such a dish of
skim milk, an ingrate and cankered, one not worth gooseberry, so
vile a lout, son and heir of a mongrel bitch, a boil, a plague-
sore, a new Gorgon, a mind diseas'd, a list of an English kersey,
one that serves a bad woman, a breath thou art, an ass-head, a
very valiant trencher-man, a stuffed man, a very forward March-
chick, a very dull fool, merely a dumb-show, one relish'd of a
base descent, the very butcher of a silk button, one half-
lunatic, one full of spleen, a very monster in apparel, such a
snipe, all in all spleen and nothing of a man, one light of
brain, what a slug, the sweating lord, a dumb statue or breathing
stone, a very shallow monster, a very weak monster, a most poor
credulous monster, a puppy-headed monster, a most perfidious and
drunken monster, a most scurvy monster, a most ridiculous
monster, you are the wonder of a poor drunkard, a howling
monster, one opposite to humanity, one whose grossness little
characters sum up, a very camel, a slave whose gall coins
slanders like a mint, a botchy core, a filthy piece of work, a
very land-fish, languageless, a dog-fox not proved worth a
blackberry, a very filthy rogue, a coward and a coistrel, a very
renegado, a most devout coward, religious in it, one full of
bread and sloth, a most unbounded tyrant, a mere dull shadow, a
mere gypsy, you rabble of vile confederates, herd of boils and
plagues, souls of geese, brace of unmeriting, proud, violent,
testy magistrates (alias fools), tongues o' th' common mouth,
petty spirits of region low, foul and pestilent congregation of
vapors, some quantity of barren spectators, gentlemen of the
shade, base contagious clouds, foul and ugly mists of vapours, ye
fat-guts, such toasts-and-butter, discarded unjust servingmen,
nest of hollow bosoms, men of grosser blood, sworn brothers in
filching, men proud of destruction, barbarous people, frosty
people, slanders of the age, fat-brained followers, a sort of
naughty persons, a sort of tinkers, rascal people, simple men,
giddy people, men of malice, wanton boys that swim on bladders,
faithful friends o' th' suburbs, bastards and else, degenerate,
bloody Neroes, rude multitude, summer-flies, kernes and
gallowglasses, weird women, crew of wretched souls, strangely-
visited people, our rarer monsters, wild and wanton herd, geminy
of baboons, newts and blind-worms, crew of patches, rude
mechanicals, that work for bread, a college of wit-crackers, new
tuners of accent, strange flies, these pardon-me's, unconstant
womankind, pictures out of doors, devils being offended, rough,
rug-headed kernes which live like venom, dogs easily won to fawn
on any man, Judases, each one thrice worse than Judas, noisome
weeds, so dissolute a crew, kites and buzzards, a knot of damned
bloodsuckers, a nest of spicery, a sort of vagabonds, rascals,
and runaways, scum of Britains and base lackey peasants, the most
needless creatures living, usurer's men, you knot of mouth-
friends, time's flies, general filths, fools on both sides, crows
and daws, thieves unworthy of a thing so stol'n, dull and
factious nobles, mutable, rank-scented meiny, vagrom men, troll-
my-dames, such waterflies and dimunitives of nature, brethren and
sisters of the hold-door trade, scoundrels and subtractors,
fools' zanies, store of muttons, poor slight sores, some severals
of headpiece extraordinary, foul-mouthed and caluminous knave,
wrangling knave, poor gallant knave, shrewd knave and unhappy,
poor, decayed, ingenius, foolish, rascally knave, foul knave,
knaves that smell of sweat, Fortune's knave, fantastical knave,
naughty knave, Sir knave, sly and constant knave, arrant knave,
untaught knaves, bacon-fed knaves, gorbellied knaves, rascally
yea-forsooth knave, a young knave and begging, arrant, malmsy-
nose knave, the rascally, scauld, beggarly, lousy, pragging
knave, scurvy, lousy knave, a counterfeit cowardly knave, crafty
knaves, a subtle knave, the lying'st knave in Christendom, By
holy Mary, there's knavery! lazy knaves, thou most untoward
knave, my lord's knave, base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-
suited, hundred-pound, filthy worsted-stocking knave, beastly
knave, stubborn ancient knave, muddy knave, unthrifty knave,
jealous rascally knave, poor cuckoldy knave, jealous wittoly
knave, lousy knave, lunatic knave, shrewd and knavish sprite, a
couple of as arrant knaves as any, little better than false
knaves, scurvy knave, what a pestilent knave is this same,
whoreson beetle-headed, flap-ear'd knave, knave very voluble, a
pestilent complete knave, a slipper and subtle knave, a devilish
knave, most villainous knave, base notorious knave, most unjust
knave, scurvy, doting, foolish knave, scurvy railing knave, a
good knave, a thin-faced knave, horrible villain, villain of the
earth, soulless villain, secret and villainous contriver, trusty
villain, whoreson senseless villain, dissembling villain, hungry,
lean-faced villain, insolent villain, all-worthy villain, thou
villain base, thou double villain, geck and scorn o' th' other's
villainy, smiling, damned villain, bloody, bawdy villain,
remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain, stoney-
hearted villain, villainous abominable misleader of youth...

Don't ad hominem at me, dog, you can't match up.
Once you do decide to become civilized and cease your foolish and self-annihilating ad hominems .....

You claim that there are no statements by politicians on the Federation of American Scientists site. Yet, it appears you are having reading difficulty:

" a 1994 law currently prohibits the nuclear laboratories from undertaking research and development that could lead to a precision nuclear weapon of less than 5 kilotons (KT), because "low-yield nuclear weapons blur the distinction between nuclear and conventional war."

Last year, Senate Republicans John Warner (R-VA) and Wayne Allard (R-CO) buried a small provision in the 2001 Defense Authorization Bill that would have overturned these earlier restrictions. Although the language in the final Act was watered down, the Energy and Defense Departments are still required to undertake a study of low-yield nuclear weapons that could penetrate deep into the earth before detonating so as to "threaten hard and deeply buried targets." Legislation for long-term research and actual development of low-yield nuclear weapons will almost certainly be proposed again in the current session of Congress.

Senators Warner and Allard imagine these nuclear weapons could be used in small-scale conventional conflicts against rogue dictators"

That's specific politicians not only endorsing usage, but enacting laws to enable it .....

by aaron
Don't like having your knuckle-dragging dogma tossed back in yer face do ya? Ha ha ha!

You failed to refute my point regarding the nuking of Japan. You claim that the emperor's supporters would have continued fighting, but if the state pulls the plug the game's over. The US was aware that the Japanese government was prepared to surrender. The US was aware that the Soviets were prepared to join the fight if necessary. Then the nukes go off. Not one, but two, three days apart. You may approve, but that's not to your credit.

It's really wierd hearing an American argue that the citizens of a state that kills citizens of another state deserve any and all abuse that is rained upon them. In light of the MILLIONS that the US has killed in its imperialist ventures in the past 150 years, think for a moment if that "philosophy" were applied to the US and its citizens. How many nukes does the US deserve if that's the moral standard?

I see you got your panties in bind because I pointed out that the US isn't "safe", as you suggested. Of course, countries at war are less safe. Since the Civil War the US has (for the most part) avoided out-and-out war inside its borders, instead externalizing war outside. These are the privileges of empire -- that don't necessarily last forever.

As far as getting out of the US -- don't count on it chump. This isn't to say that there aren't places outside this country where I think life is better in many many many ways than life here. (Most of the US is dullsville, it's all about buying and selling, and there are too many malicious imbeciles like you.) But I have connections here to family and friends, and more than anything, don't want to give drooling rightists the satisfaction of leaving.
by ..........
drooling monarchists of King George II, you mean.
by AT2(AW) chris (christon.james [at]
Aaron first off Keven was correct in saying that this country is safe. True, the murder and crime rates are climbing, thanks to the bleeding hearts and the left wing freaks who believe that the rights of law abiding citizens need to trampled by the rights of murderous killers and criminals with their lawyers and the threats of public humiliation over leaders personal lives. That is simple and it is the irrefutable truth.

But when regards to Japan and their "willingness to surrender"? Almost all Japanese commanders at the time were not only willing but were preparing to defend the main island of Honshu to the "last drop of Japanese blood". I spent 5 years there. The Japanese people are great in many respects and they understand why we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You see Aaron that the Japanese don't see the "rules for warfare" they saw it as we were at war and so were they and if they had nukes at the time maybe the political boarders we have now would be much different. So would the national language. Maybe you are right in saying that it was wrong for America to use nuclear weapons at the time. But it did save many many American lives and probably more Japanese lives in the long run by doing so. Could you even imagine what would happen if someone tried to invade America? It would be lunacy... Well at least until the bleeding hearts get the guns aways from the public which will probably be soon if they get their way. But there is no way of proving who was right and who was wrong. All I know is that war is hell no matter who fires the first or the last shot. But if they didn't want what came to them maybe they should've thought differently before bombing Pearl Harbor. You think? Just because we put a Steel and Fuel Embargo on them for invading most of Asia. Also Germany at the time was working on it's nuclear program. Could you imagine Hitler with nukes? I think before we bash and belittle the country that we live in, the country where everyone has an oppertunity, the country in which if you cannot make it here go ahead and kill yourself because you are useless, we should probably look at other countries and compare our freedoms.
by ..............
"the threats of public humiliation over leaders personal lives. "

You must be mixed up. Seems to me this is a massively favorite right wing tactic for attacking Democrats. Or were you asleep when the entire right wing considered Clinton's sexual habits the most pressing international issue in the world?
by radian
Jesus man you argue like my wife, Say the same stuff over and over until its right, ( example ad hominem) haha.

This is a challenge for you to produce a link.
This is a hyper link:

If you like latin here's some homework:
Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

Lets keep it simple..

Seriously my statement was:
"Second fas does not write or carry out american war plans. The fas is not the dod, it provides information, like Rand but does not draft policy. their broad statement does not mean shit to me.

You can not show me policy that shows any branch of the armed forces calling for first strike use of any tactical weapon. If you can link it, if not pick your fuckin marbles up and go home.."

The fas is like the red cross, RAND, or JAMA. It's an organization with factions and oppinions. They do not write law or war plans. This is (war plans) an administrative function carried out by the pentagon. You have not produced any documentation of American policy to attack any nation with NBC weapons.

Back up your statement with documented fact or fold, fucker(ad hominem)..
by ............
Obviously the plan exists, or fas would be in serious jeopardy for its credibility to write that it did. We are not dealing with a Marxist rag here ....

"We Are Taking a Detour From Deterrence By Eugene J. Carroll Jr

As Published on Friday, July 14, 2000 in the Los Angeles Times The U.S. Senate is preparing to take a major step to abandon all pretense that U.S. nuclear forces exist only to deter war. An amendment to the pending Defense Authorization Act for 2001 would lead to the development of a new nuclear weapon designed expressly for fighting.

The new weapon is to be a low-yield device with earth penetration capability, intended to destroy deeply buried bunkers. Paul Robinson, director of Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M., which would build the device, is a strong advocate of it. Robinson apparently favors a new, low-yield device because U.S. leaders presumably would be more ready to employ smaller weapons than to use the larger city- and silo-busting high-yield weapons in our current arsenal. He considers large weapons "self-deterring."

This thinking is an eerie throwback to the days of the Cold War, when weapon designers provided the U.S. military with an array of explosives to "prevail" in a survivable limited nuclear war. Among the 70,000 U.S. nuclear weapons produced during the Cold War were suitcase bombs, neutron bombs, torpedoes, depth charges, artillery shells, air-to-air missiles and anti-tank rockets. The laboratories were like nuclear ice cream factories, churning out the flavor of the day to meet the latest craving of the customers.

Not only is the Senate's action a throwback to those unlamented days of preparing to prevail in nuclear war, but it also is a flagrant repudiation of a solemn pledge the United States made in May at the Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York. We joined with Britain, France, China and Russia in a commitment to accomplish the total elimination of nuclear arsenals, leading to nuclear disarmament.

Nothing could be more contrary to that commitment than a congressional order to develop a new, more usable nuclear weapon. Regrettably, this action is merely one more blatant signal that the United States is determined to pursue nuclear dominance indefinitely through enhanced readiness to fight a nuclear war. Additional preparations include the decision to resume production of tritium and plutonium pits for thermonuclear weapons, continued subcritical explosive testing in Nevada and rejection of Russian proposals to reduce nuclear numbers 75% below START II levels. The thinking behind all of this was revealed by then-Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre when he said in March: "Nuclear weapons are still the foundation of a superpower . . . and that will never change."

All of these actions are supportive of President Clinton's signing in 1997 of a directive whose overarching principle was that nuclear weapons would remain the cornerstone of U.S. security indefinitely. Far from emphasizing deterrence, the document reasserted the need for all three arms of the U.S. triad of nuclear forces-- intercontinental ballistic missiles, sea-launched ballistic missiles and long-range strategic bombers. It declared the U.S. right to make first use of nuclear weapons and to target not only Russia and China but also any prospective nuclear states that might threaten U.S. interests in the future.

Authoritative sources subsequently have revealed that the U.S. has expanded the list of worldwide targets planned for destruction under the new doctrine. In short, with plans for new nuclear weapons, Congress is joining the White House in putting into place all of the elements of a war-fighting strategy. There is no way a deterrent strategy can justify or rationalize developing new nuclear weapons to make them more usable for fighting purposes. This is the ultimate antithesis of deterrence and a total abrogation of the legal and moral obligation of the U.S. to work for the elimination of all nuclear weapons.

Retired Navy Rear Admiral Eugene J. Carroll Jr. Is Vice President of the Center for Defense Information in Washington."

Center for Defense Information
You can contact Eugene Carroll at that link if you wish further information.

Are you one of these people who could fit into this category:


Extremists generally tend to judge themselves or their interest group in terms of their intentions, which they tend to view very generously, and others by their acts, which they tend to view very critically. They would like you to accept their assertions on faith, but they demand proof for yours. They tend to engage in special pleading on behalf of themselves or their interests, usually because of some alleged special status, past circumstances, or present disadvantage."
To tell you one thing the left wing means minority, and the right wing means radical liberal. Whoever your dumbass is, AT2 Chris is not liberal, in fact he is a moderate like me. The minorities, or the left wing, blames everyone for shit that happens to them. Radicals and liberals like to add more bullshit to the lawbook that really shouldn't be added, like having some motorcycle rider wear an orange vest with blinking lights so that people can see them better, I saw this on the news, and it's bullshit. So wake up and start reading some more political books before you go fireing off with a mouth of complete and udder nonsense, filled with degradation.
by ...........
Kevin ... what medication are you on? That sounds like you just spewed a whole lot of assumptions, simplifications, dogma and rhetoric, all totally and utterly without meaning and generously sprinkled with insults to add effect to a statement which has none ......
by .........
PS How Hitlerian
by Radian
You have provided documantation from a private analysis group. This is like an opinion column in the Times. This group is not the pentagon or DOD, DOE, or Sandia.

They also have newer and more broad analysis.

I'd hate to bother the Admiral ..

Your data is interesting but flawed..The above link is also second hand analysis..
by AT2(AW) chris (christon.james [at]
Ok ........ I'm the first to agree. What is your argument?
by ..............
The link you provided merely backs up my assertion, with a further clarification that this is not a new policy. However it does not negate my essential point that the American gov't is prepared to use nuclear weapons in a conventional situation. This position, at this point, appears to be irreffutable. Perhaps you can provide a link which says it ain't so .... but I think not.
A credited research group which provides generous amounts of sources in each and every article is a long way from being an op-ed. How dishonest.
by AT2(AW) chris (christon.james [at]
Well "........." (I guess that is a creative screen name) if someone in the world has to have their lives put on a camera who else but the single most powerful man in the world. If it would've happened to a republican president I would've commented the same. You see in a world where most of you screaming, whining, crybabies also known as liberals there are only two types of people. The ones who agree with you or, "evil republicans". Well I'm part of the ones who you refuse to recognize. The moderate republican. The one who believes in abortion as long as it isn't used as birth control. The one who doesn't believe in legalizing dope because it will make our society more stupid and dangerous than it is already growing to be. and the one who is getting more and more pissed at the fact that I'm in the military working my ass off for $19K a year when most prisoners in state run institutions are costing more to house and feed than I get paid.

But I also have been to a few countries where there are worse places to live. In doing so I grew a profound respect for my country and a profound disrespect for those who want to harm it. Including those who live in it and also call it home. Who feel it's "their right" to burn her flag. Now I know that there is a mile of people ready to try and stomp all over this comment. They can go ahead and have their say because we as Americans are allowed to do just that. I believe in relishing these freedoms, where many do not have the privilage.
The info that you gave was off of some website with a preacher on it stating the U.S.'s nuclear arsonal. On nuclear arson, there has been a maintained arson of 60,000 nukes, and is to remain that way, by the treaties Russia and the U.S. had.

Did you know, and yes this may be off the subject a little or a lot, that when we bombed Japan, we probably saved millions of lives afterward because people around the world saw the devistating effects nukes have. Germany, in would have been the 1st to have nuclear capability, but because of our quick action and with assistance of Russia, we stopped them from finishing their own type of nuclear fision programs.

The Cold war, just about claimed the lives of both Russia and the U.S. I can rest assure you that neither of us wanted to hit that launch button because we have what is called MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction, you hit me, I hit you back. That's how it would have been, and then we finally made resolutions that kept us from reaching defcon 4 which is all out nuclear war we did actually come the closest ever in history to destroying each other because we reached defcon 3 which is pretty much, hold on tight, get ready for the big one.

The U.S. is quite an intimidating country when it comes to weapons and military, accept for these 3rd world mid eastern countries like Iraq, Afganistan, etc. because to them it's an honor to die in battle. But, for a counry that is no longer a super power but is now a mega power, it should have good standing relations with other countries, because we have what everyone in the world wants, and that is opportunity.

Yes I know this was a bit off the subject.
The info that you gave was off of some website with a preacher on it stating the U.S.'s nuclear arsonal. On nuclear arson, there has been a maintained arson of 60,000 nukes, and is to remain that way, by the treaties Russia and the U.S. had.

Did you know, and yes this may be off the subject a little or a lot, that when we bombed Japan, we probably saved millions of lives afterward because people around the world saw the devistating effects nukes have. Germany, in would have been the 1st to have nuclear capability, but because of our quick action and with assistance of Russia, we stopped them from finishing their own type of nuclear fision programs.

The Cold war, just about claimed the lives of both Russia and the U.S. I can rest assure you that neither of us wanted to hit that launch button because we have what is called MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction, you hit me, I hit you back. That's how it would have been, and then we finally made resolutions that kept us from reaching defcon 4 which is all out nuclear war we did actually come the closest ever in history to destroying each other because we reached defcon 3 which is pretty much, hold on tight, get ready for the big one.

The U.S. is quite an intimidating country when it comes to weapons and military, accept for these 3rd world mid eastern countries like Iraq, Afganistan, etc. because to them it's an honor to die in battle. But, for a counry that is no longer a super power but is now a mega power, it should have good standing relations with other countries, because we have what everyone in the world wants, and that is opportunity.

Yes I know this was a bit off the subject.
by .............
(1) There are more than 2 types of people. Nice try to attempt to frame all debate into black and white though. Are you saying there are only moderate republicans and extremist others? Sorry - I don't think that's gonna wash with anyone outside grade school.
(2) Isn't it also stupid and dangerous to house all those prisoners, and turn them into true criminals, for so much money, over beliefs about a weed?
(3) Americans are far from being the only people to have such rights. In fact, amongst developed nations, American freedom of speech and freedom of the press has been consistently ranked as fairly low - usually below 12th (17th this year). Even if you dispute the ranking, you cannot dispute that freedoms such as you have mentioned are solely American.
by Radian
You made the assertion that the us was willing to take a first strike position. Back it up with first hand doccumentation. Your group is not the US goverment.
Grandfathering bunker busters if off topic..It was an op-ed article..

Defend your own statement, expect me to do it, how lazy..
by ...........
"The info that you gave was off of some website with a preacher on it stating the U.S.'s nuclear arsonal. On nuclear arson, there has been a maintained arson of 60,000 nukes, and is to remain that way, by the treaties Russia and the U.S. had."

A preacher? There are no clergy members at CDI. What a gross and obvious distortion of the truth. If you have to distort the truth, you must be wrong.

The credentials of CDI's nuclear research staff:

President, CDI; Chairman of the Board, Washington ProFile:

Bruce G. Blair, Ph.D

Bruce G. Blair was named the President of the Center for Defense Information in March, 2000 after 13 years at the Brookings Institution, where he was a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy Studies Program.

He received his B.S. in communications from the University of Illinois in 1970. He then entered the U.S. Air Force, serving as a Minuteman ICBM launch control officer and support officer for the Strategic Air Command's Airborne Command Post (1970-1974). He earned an M.S. in management sciences at Yale University in 1977 and a Ph.D. in operations research at Yale in 1984. He also was awarded a Russian Language Institute Fellowship at Yale.

Mr. Blair is an expert on the security policies of the United States and the former Soviet Union, specializing in nuclear forces and command-control systems. He also has extensively studied the Russian military-industrial economy, and early in his career was a project director at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment.

He has frequently testified before Congress and has taught security studies as a visiting professor at Yale and Princeton universities. He was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship Prize in 1999.

Mr. Blair is the author of numerous books and articles on security issues in such publications as Scientific American, National Interest, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. His books include Strategic Command and Control (Brookings, 1985), winner of the Edgar S. Furniss Award for its contribution to the study of national security; Crisis Stability and Nuclear War (Oxford, 1988; co-editor); The Logic of Accidental Nuclear War (Brookings, 1993); and Global Zero Alert for Nuclear Forces (Brookings, 1995). He also authored a chapter on de-alerting for The Nuclear Turning Point: A Blueprint for Deep Cuts and De-Alerting of Nuclear Weapons (Brookings, 1999) and currently is preparing a monograph entitled De-Alerting Strategic Forces (Brookings; 2000).

Senior Fellow: John Newhouse

From 1998 to 2001, Mr. Newhouse served as senior policy advisor on European Affairs
to Strobe Talbott, U.S. deputy secretary of state. From 1980 to 1998, he was a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution, and served as a staff writer for the New Yorker magazine from 1980 to 1994. Mr. Newhouse is an expert in arms control and diplomacy, having spent 1977-1979 as assistant director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency with responsibility for East-West matters, including Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. He is the author of a number of books, including Europe Adrift, War and Peace in the Nuclear Age, and Cold Dawn: The Story of SALT. Mr. Newhouse is conducting analysis, writing, and advising CDI staff on international affairs and arms control-related issues.

Vice President: Theresa Hitchens

Editor of Defense News from 1998 to 2000, Ms. Hitchens has had a long career in
journalism, with a focus on military, defense industry and NATO affairs. Her time at Defense News included five years as the newspaper's first Brussels bureau chief, from 1989 to 1993. From 1983 to 1988, she worked at Inside Washington Publishers on the group's environmental and defense-related newsletters, covering issues from nuclear waste to electronic warfare to military space.

She has had a long interest in security policy and politics, having served internships with Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, and with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels. Most recently, she was director of research at the British American Security Information Council, a think tank based in Washington and London.

Besides her duties as CDI vice president, Ms. Hitchens continues to write on nuclear and conventional arms control issues for a number of outside publications, and serves on the Editorial Board of The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. She is also a member of Women in International Security and the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Co-Director, Azimuth Media ;
documentary/web producer: Glenn Baker

He has produced more than 50 programs broadcast on PBS in the America's Defense Monitor series. Mr. Baker's productions on Cuba, military and the media, weapons marketing, conflict prevention, nuclear weapons, and gun violence have been recognized with national awards. Previously he worked at the National Security Archive, where he was Freedom of Information coordinator and then a research analyst evaluating declassified government documents. Mr. Baker is now co-director of the independent film unit created by CDI in 2001, Azimuth Media, which will produce independent documentaries under the editorial guidance of its own Editorial Board of Advisors. His projects include a documentary on national missile defense

Senior Advisor: Dr. G. Wayne Glass

Dr. Wayne Glass joins the CDI West staff from his former position as Senior Defense
Policy Advisor for Senator Jeff Bingaman from New Mexico. Dr. Glass now serves as senior advisor to CDI President Bruce Blair on a variety of projects, ranging from U.S. defense programs to Russian nuclear weapons security.

As Senator Bingaman's principal staff advisor for his position on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Dr. Glass’ broad portfolio included all major defense policy issues relating to personnel matters, research and development, procurement, arms control, and foreign policy. Dr. Glass also worked on the Energy Department’s Stockpile Stewardship and Nonproliferation programs, in particular those involving cooperative work with Russia's nuclear weapons research complex. Prior to his work in the Senate, Dr. Glass held positions at the State and Defense Departments along with the National Security Division of the Congressional Budget Office. While working at the Senate, Dr. Glass also taught defense policy courses at the George Washington University here in Washington, DC from 1997- 2000. He continues to teach as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California.

So where is the preacher? And why in God's name, if your position is AT ALL defensible, do you need to resort to distortions? I will take any failure to answer as an admission of defeat.
by kevin
America gives you so much freedom that you can't even grasp. How is this for freedom, being able to strike and picket. Did you know if you did that in south America, that you could be gunned down by officials. Another thing, rights to fair trials, ya we have so many incarcerated because our nation is very lenient, I mean what the hell, trial in many other countries means a bullet to the head.
by ............
You can't strike or picket anywhere outside of America? Gee, I didn't know that. I guess the moon is really made out of blue cheese, too.


Extremists often attack the character of an opponent rather than deal with the facts or issues raised. They will question motives, qualifications, past associations, alleged values, personality, looks, mental health, and so on as a diversion from the issues under consideration. Some of these matters are not entirely irrelevant , but they should not serve to avoid the real issues.

Extremists object strenuously when this is done to them, of course!


Extremists are quick to resort to epithets (racist, subversive, pervert, hate monger, nut, crackpot, degenerate, un-American, anti-semite, red, commie, nazi, kook, fink, liar, bigot, and so on) to label and condemn opponents in order to divert attention from their arguments and to discourage others from hearing them out. These epithets don't have to be proved to be effective; the mere fact that they have been said is often enough.


Extremists tend to make sweeping claims or judgments on little or no evidence, and they have a tendency to confuse similarity with sameness. That is, they assume that because two (or more) things, events, or persons are alike in some respects, they must be alike in most respects. The sloppy use of analogy is a treacherous form of logic and has a high potential for false conclusions.


Extremists tend to be very fuzzy about what constitutes proof, and they also tend to get caught up in logical fallacies, such as post hoc ergo propter hoc (assuming that a prior event explains a subsequent occurrence simply because of their before and after relationship). They tend to project wished-for conclusions and to exaggerate the significance of information that confirms their beliefs while derogating or ignoring information that contradicts them. They tend to be motivated by feelings more than facts, by what they want to exist rather than what actually does exist. Extremists do a lot of wishful and fearful thinking.


Extremists generally tend to judge themselves or their interest group in terms of their intentions, which they tend to view very generously, and others by their acts, which they tend to view very critically. They would like you to accept their assertions on faith, but they demand proof for yours. They tend to engage in special pleading on behalf of themselves or their interests, usually because of some alleged special status, past circumstances, or present disadvantage.


To the extremist, opponents hold opposing positions because they are bad people, immoral, dishonest, unscrupulous, mean-spirited, hateful, cruel, or whatever, not merely because they simply disagree, see the matter differently, have competing interests, or are perhaps even mistaken.


Extremists have a tendency to see the world in terms of absolutes of good and evil, for them or against them, with no middle ground or intermediate positions. All issues are ultimately moral issues of right and wrong, with the "right" position coinciding with their interests. Their slogan is often "those who are not with me are against me."


This may include a very active campaign to keep opponents from media access and a public hearing, as in the case of blacklisting, banning or "quarantining" dissident spokespersons. They may actually lobby for legislation against speaking, writing, teaching, or instructing "subversive" or forbidden information or opinions. They may even attempt to keep offending books out of stores or off of library shelves, discourage advertising with threats of reprisals, and keep spokespersons for "offensive" views off the airwaves or certain columnists out of newspapers. In each case the goal is some kind of information control. Extremists would prefer that you listen only to them. They feel threatened when someone talks back or challenges their views.


Accordingly, extremists may become emotionally bound to their opponents, who are often competing extremists themselves. Because they tend to view their enemies as evil and powerful, they tend, perhaps subconsciously, to emulate them, adopting the same tactics to a certain degree. For example, anti- Communist and anti-Nazi groups often behave surprisingly like their opponents. Anti-Klan rallies often take on much of the character of the stereotype of Klan rallies themselves, including the orgy of emotion, bullying, screaming epithets, and even acts of violence. To behave the opposite of someone is to actually surrender your will to them, and "opposites" are often more like mirror images that, although they have "left" and "right" reversed, look and behave amazingly alike.


Extremists tend to frame their arguments in such a way as to intimidate others into accepting their premises and conclusions. To disagree with them is to "ally oneself with the devil," or to give aid and comfort to the enemy. They use a lot of moralizing and pontificating, and tend to be very judgmental. This shrill, harsh rhetorical style allows them to keep their opponents and critics on the defensive, cuts off troublesome lines of argument, and allows them to define the perimeters of debate.


For many extremists shortcuts in thinking and in reasoning matters out seem to be necessary in order to avoid or evade awareness of troublesome facts and compelling counter-arguments. Extremists generally behave in ways that reinforce their prejudices and alter their own consciousness in a manner that bolsters their false confidence and sense of self-righteousness.


Most obvious would be claims of general racial or ethnic superiority-- a master race, for example. Less obvious are claims of ennoblement because of alleged victimhood, a special relationship with God, membership in a special "elite" or "class," and a kind of aloof "highminded" snobbishness that accrues because of the weightiness of their preoccupations, their altruism, and their willingness to sacrifice themselves (and others) to their cause. After all, who can bear to deal with common people when one is trying to save the world! Extremists can show great indignation when one is "insensitive" enough to challenge these claims.


Extremists often predict dire or catastrophic consequences from a situation or from failure to follow a specific course, and they tend to exhibit a kind of "crisis- mindedness." It can be a Communist takeover, a Nazi revival, nuclear war, earthquakes, floods, or the wrath of God. Whatever it is, it's just around the corner unless we follow their program and listen to the special insight and wisdom, to which only the truly enlightened have access. For extremists, any setback or defeat is the "beginning of the end!"


Extremists may deliberately lie, distort, misquote, slander, defame, or libel their opponents and/or critics, engage in censorship or repression , or undertake violence in "special cases." This is done with little or no remorse as long as it's in the service of defeating the Communists or Fascists or whomever. Defeating an "enemy" becomes an all- encompassing goal to which other values are subordinate. With extremists, the end justifies the means.


Extremists have an unspoken reverence for propaganda, which they may call "education" or "consciousness-raising." Symbolism plays an exaggerated role in their thinking, and they tend to think imprecisely and metamorphically. Harold D. Lasswell, in his book, *Psychopathology and Politics*, says, "The essential mark of the agitator is the high value he places on the emotional response of the public." Effective extremists tend to be effective propagandists. Propaganda differs from education in that the former teaches one what to think, and the latter teaches one how to think.


Extremists perceive hostile innuendo in even casual comments; imagine rejection and antagonism concealed in honest disagreement and dissent; see "latent" subversion, anti-semitism, perversion, racism, disloyalty, and so on in innocent gestures and ambiguous behaviors. Although few extremists are clinically paranoid, many of them adopt a paranoid style with its attendant hostility and distrust.


Some extremists, particularly those involved in "cults" or extreme religious movements, such as fundamentalist Christians, militant Zionist extremists, and members of mystical and metaphysical organizations, claim some kind of supernatural rationale for their beliefs and actions, and that their movement or cause is ordained by God. In this case, stark extremism may become reframed in a "religious" context, which can have a legitimizing effect for some people. It's surprising how many people are reluctant to challenge religiously motivated extremism because it represents "religious belief" or because of the sacred- cow status of some religions in our culture.


Indeed, the ideologies and belief systems to which extremists tend to attach themselves often represent grasping for certainty in an uncertain world, or an attempt to achieve absolute security in an environment that is naturally unpredictable or perhaps populated by people with interests opposed to their own. Extremists exhibit a kind of risk- aversiveness that compels them to engage in controlling and manipulative behavior, both on a personal level and in a political context, to protect themselves from the unforeseen and unknown. The more laws or "rules" there are that regulate the behavior of others-- particular their "enemies"--the more secure extremists feel.


Extremists, their organizations , and their subcultures are prone to a kind of inward-looking group cohesiveness that leads to what Irving Janis discussed in his excellent book Victims of Groupthink. "Groupthink" involves a tendency to conform to group norms and to preserve solidarity and concurrence at the expense of distorting members' observations of facts, conflicting evidence, and disquieting observations that would call into question the shared assumptions and beliefs of the group.

Right-wingers (or left-wingers), for example, talk only with one another, read material that reflects their own views, and can be almost phobic about the "propaganda" of the "other side." The result is a deterioration of reality-testing, rationality, and moral judgment. With groupthink, shared illusions of righteousness, superior morality, persecution, and so on remain intact, and those who challenge them are viewed with skepticism and hostility.


Extremists often wish for the personal bad fortune of their "enemies," and celebrate when it occurs. When a critic or an adversary dies or has a serious illness, a bad accident, or personal legal problems, extremists often rejoice and chortle about how they "deserved" it. I recall seeing right-wing extremists celebrate the assassination of Martin Luther King and leftists agonizing because George Wallace survived an assassination attempt. In each instance their hatred was not only directed against ideas, but also against individual human beings.
by ...................
PS .. government sources about the government are not acceptable because the source would be biased. Groups funded by the government are similarly unacceptable, Radian.
by Radian
The CDI is not the penagon. It does not write us war plans. No matter who sits on it. Either you do not understand what I'm asking for or you are unable to provide it..

Attacking my method of argument and your assumptions of my political leanings does not validate your statement. It does serve to deflect the request for fact.

You can not provide actual goverment data backing your position. CDI is not the source of us policy on nuclear warfare. Your information is 3rd party speculation.

by Kevin
Why don't you scoop the cheese off your tongue that you used to lick Hilary Clintons ass
by dffdfdfdfd
the comment above goes to ................ or whoever he is
by kevin
Nuclear research staff? We are not talking about something some nuke builder thinks, all they do is build nukes and design more efficient ways to use them.

You need to get your info from somone who has relevant facts about whats going on, not some nuke designer that will distort the facts before you. They won't tell you the facts because it is top secret. The E-net is like a newspaper, 90% bullshit, unless you know where to look. I've been to sites where you can try to find this info, and they black out certain sentences that are top secret. So find more facts and present them in your own words, instead of someone else talking for you, .....................(or whoever you are)
by aaron
I repeat: the US has one of the highest murder rates in the world.

I repeat: the US hasn't had a full-out shooting war on it's soil since the Civil War. Instead, it externalizes war outside its borders. In the past sixty years, millions have perished as a result of US imperialist policies around the globe. The US is hated for a reason.

Chris above blames the high murder rate in America to that handy straw-man, the "bleeding heart liberal". We are to assume that the massive level of killings in the US is due to (allegedly) relaxed criminal justice policies. But this begs the question: why do places with LESS PUNITIVE laws and sentencing (such as Australia, Canada, and Europe) have far lower murder rates than the US?

Unlike Chris, I don't think there is an easy explanation for the high murder rate in the US. I think we can begin to get an understanding of the murderousness of American society in light of a number of social factors, which, when combined, create a combustible situation:

1. A society awash with guns.
2. Large numbers of hopeless and therefore wreckless people.
3. Impoverished relations between people.
4. Connected to #3: A culture geared around avarice and acquisitiveness.
5. The mass production of fear (mostly to get people to by new crap and stay afixed to the TV).

As to Japan: As far as occupations go, the US occupation of Japan was pretty benign. Largely because of its strategic location, the US sought to rebuild the Japanese as a bulwark against anti-capitalism both politically and economically. It's interesting that in Japan the US pushed for land reform and allowed it to erect large tarrifs to protect domestic industry (a similar situation arose in South Korea, as well). In many other parts of the world such policies were viewed by the US as tantamount to communism and brutally fought against.

For this reason, the US that the Japanese have experienced (despite Hiroshima and Nagasaki) isn't the US most of the world has experienced.
by kevin
Hey Aaron, I agree with your belief of very weak punishments for heavy high crime, many other countries may not have these problems do to; heavy punishments (very scared people), less ridiculous laws, and less worried about making or losing a buck.

However, if you mean awash of guns in terms of revoking them from the everyday living citizen, I disagree, and here is the reason why. If you took guns away from the public, the citizens will have little or no self defense. The black market, which I know or hope you've heard of, carries many illegal items. A criminal will be able to get a hold of these weapons and use them on the normal everyday citizen for burglary or any other reason they can use guns for from the black market.

Texas, seems to have a lower crime rate than most states in this country because of the fact, which I believe, they are allowed to carry guns around in public, and in Texas, many people do. A criminal would be less likely to mess with you if he/she assumed that you were armed and could be life threatening to them.

Minorities blame everybody else for things that happen to them, or blame the government for all of their problems. Librals like to speek out and be heard all of the time, many librals like to make laws because of their own benefits, and what they think others should believe. Many ridiculous laws have come from librals because of the fact that many other parties nowdays are refusing to vote. Like I said librals like to be heard. If you or I want more strict punishment for heavy crimes and less ridiculous laws, we need to place votes. I don't exactly know what the percent of Americans voted this year for presidency, but from what I hear, it is one of the lowest percentages of voters in American history.

And yes aaron I'm apologizing for shit I've said. We shouldn't be argueing like this, because this is only a debate, not a war. I have beliefs you have yours. So lets leave it at that.
by aaron

I'm not a liberal. I'm anti-capitalist. There is no reason why someone like me would be for gun control. In fact, it might surprise you to hear this, but most anti-capitalists aren't pro-gun control. Why would we be?

I'm not a big fan of Michael Moore but I recommend "Bowling For Columbine". I thought it would be your typical liberal affair -- you know, laughing at rednecks down on the farm and their silly gun obsession. But it isn't. It doesn't propose that the government crack down on guns. Instead it investigates why America is such a fearful and violent place. One of the best parts is the part looking at Canada, examining why it has such a low murder rate, DESPITE the fact that unemployment is high and there's a high rate of gun ownership. Mostly, Moore allows the viewers to "decide", but he does bring out really vividly how the (commercial) "fear industry" and a callous, community-wrecking social-economic environment contribute to violence.

"Minorities blame everybody else for things that happen to them, or blame the government for all of their problems."

Yea, those damn Cambodians can't stop complaining.
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