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911 School Event Was fake. Bush's was book Upside down

by xx
Mov and photos.
When Bush was at the school on 9/11 being warned about the attact this was all a staged event. He had this rehursed like a stage play. So he know all the word already. That is why he knew the story without reading the book.

Notice how he is supposed to reading the book to the kids but the book is upside down. Some people say this is a fake but there is also a mov file showing hime with the book upside down was that faked also?
Notice the light and dark areas to show direction.

More copies of the video can be found here as well as some backround info.
§Capture from video
by xx
§Copy of video that cam from Brook School.
by xx
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
by xx

What Happened at Emma E. Booker School on the Morning of September 11th?

June 11, 2002 | UPDATE June 12, 2002


Have you wondered if there was a videotape of Mr. Bush's visit to the Florida elementary school reading class?

Well, BuzzFlash did some web surfing and found, much to our amazement, a video account of Bush's September 11th morning. Where did we discover it? On the Emma E. Booker Elementary School website, that's where.

[Because of the high demand for this video, we've created a separate link page HERE.]

What will you learn from this eerie videotape? Well, watch it and see for yourself -- unless it gets scrubbed before you have a chance to view it. (Note: The video is 11 minutes long and 23 megabytes large, a lengthy download. On slower connections, it can take more than 30 minutes to view).

It appears the videotape cuts off a little early from Bush's classroom visit, but otherwise a picture is worth a thousand words.

At the end of his stay, after continuing his "reading lesson" -- even after informed of an attack on the second World Trade Center (at 4:31 minutes into the movie) -- Bush finally made a brief statement, in which he promised to return to Washington, D.C.

Well, we all know what happened after that.

He ran like the dickens from D.C. (to get "out of harm's way"), as Rove and company concocted two lies to explain why Bush was AWOL once again from service to America. The White House claimed that the flight that hit the Pentagon was headed for the White House, which radar scans proved was not true. The White House also claimed it received a call threatening Air Force One, which it later admitted wasn't true.

In any case, watch the videotape. You won't forget it.

Then tell us about your reaction at buzzflash [at]

The videotape was presumably made at taxpayer's expense, so let us know if it suddenly disappears from the Florida public school district site.


* * *



June 12th, 11:00 PM EST

The Emma E. Booker School, where George W. Bush spent the morning of September llth listening to a reading lesson and a story about a goat, has scrubbed the edited video that they took of the event, and which Buzzflash discovered and made known to the Internet community.

You can no longer access the video at:

And the link to the video has been removed from their September 11th remembrance page:

But, never fear, BuzzFlash has three alternative mirrored versions that you can find at:

If you have server space and want to ensure the survival of the record of Bush's visit, contact us at BuzzFlash [at] and we will add your URL to the list of mirrored links.

* * *
by xx

New September 11 photos likely staged - major discrepencies between documented events and pictures emerge

By Paul Joseph Watson

The White House has released previously unseen photographs of President Bush and his security team, taken as the events of September 11th were unfolding. The two most interesting shots depict Bush and his entourage in the corridor of the Emma Booker Elementary School, accompanied with a television set in the background showing news coverge of the attack on the World Trade Center.

For the full set of photographs see,,343-403953,00.html

Researchers have highlighted Bush commenting on the fact that he had seen American Airlines Flight 11 crash into the north tower of the WTC live, when no live footage of this event was broadcast anywhere in the world.

Bush first made these remarks on December 4th 2001 at a town hall speech given to an audience at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida. For the full transcript see here

Bush stated "I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."

The president then reiterated these sentiments in a January 5th 2002 town hall forum at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario California. For a full transcript see

Bush stated "Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on. And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake. And something was wrong with the plane, or -- anyway, I'm sitting there, listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came and said, "America is under attack."

Some had raised suspicions as to why there would be TV set switched on in the corridor of an elementary school. A visit from the President would certainly mandate that any other distractions would be minimized.

These pictures at least prove that Bush was watching television AFTER he left the Florida classroom but still offer no answer as to how he witnessed the first plane hit, when no live footage of this emerged until well into the evening of September 11th.

A strange feature to note is the fact that Dan Bartlett, Director of Communications is pointing directly at the TV set. Another member of Bush's entourage points in the same manner in the third photo. Is this a veiled 'I told you so' jibe against people who raised questions about this issue? If so, these photos were taken more recently and are therefore staged. They'd never do that...would they?

I'd also like to know why Bush wasn't immediately whisked away in order to deal with this crisis. Why did he remain in the Florida school corridor for this undetermined amount of time? We were told that Bush immediately chartered Air Force One because he was determined a potential target, his life was under threat. This visit was publicly known beforehand so why did Bush remain for any period of time whatsoever? Update - The Age reports that the top left picture was taken at 9:25am and that Bush had boarded Air Force One by 9:55am. Does the blow up of the clock (below) really show the time to be 9:25am?

What do you make of the new pictures? Send your comments to Paul [at] and they will be included here.



Bush reveals first thought: There's one terrible pilot -,11209,612354,00.html 9/11 Prior Knowledge Archive:

Update - Imaging Expert says Photos are Staged Propaganda
Dear whomever,

I am writing this because I am a patriot and I am concerned about the direction our government seems to be heading in. Especially since we the people are not being told about it.

I am an imaging expert and I've looked at the images released on 9-4-2002 and I noticed some discrepencies.

First, Bush's attire.

Here we have the video picture of Bush from 9-11. This was taken from the video from the school he was touring that morning. It clearly shows that he is wearing a burgandy tie, black jacket and WHITE shirt.
Here we have an image taken from the images released on September 4th-2002. These images are supposed to be images of a President during Crisis - purported to be images taken 9-11-2001 just as the planes struck the wtc. Notice the lighter jacket, red tie and BLUE shirt. Now this might just be a fluke, but both images had balanced histograms. There was not a huge divergence in color - not enough to make a white shirt blue anyway.

BTW - all the blow up images were left pixelated so that I could not be blamed for somehow enhancing them.
The other problem was the clock. [In a report out today, The Age reports that this picture was taken at 9:25am, can you see the minute hand pointing to 5? I can't]

This clock is on the wall over the TV that Dan Bartlett is so boldly pointing to. I noticed that the time the clock was showing seemed wrong - if this all happened before he went into the classroom.

Using the lines on the chalkboard, the brown lines on the wall and the ceiling line, I was able to line up the positions of the numbers on the clock. Unless this clock is turned at some funny angle, this is the way it would have been on the wall.

If you remove the construction lines and add in the lines that indicate the time the attacks occurred, you can see that something is missing from the clock face. You would expect to see darkened pixels where the hour hand and minute hand were. We don't see any darkened looking pixels in the 9 o'clock hour at all.

The apparent time looks a lot closer to 10 a.m. or thereabouts. In that case, what they are watching is tape of the attacks.

Or maybe they just threw this together after the fact. I really don't know. This may be just a red herring. I may just be distrustful of Bush - but it does seem weird that these images didn't some out until a year after the fact.

I don't know if this might be useful to you, but what the hell.


Note from Paul Joseph Watson: I would like to emphasize that these photos are by no means a 'smoking gun' - I have enough of those in my prior knowledge archive - Bush telling the FBI to back off Al-Qaeda, the CIA meeting with bin Laden in July 2001, insider trading on United and American Airlines before 9/11, NORAD and the FAA not following Standard Operating Procedure in failing to intercept any of the hijacked planes. This is a mere drop in the ocean.

However, this image depicts Bush wearing a BLUE shirt. Has the image been doctored? Again notice that Bush's suit is dark blue or even black. In the new photos, Bush's jacket is clearly GREY. This can't be due to a differing color setting because the man on Bush's extreme right in the photo where Bush is sitting at a desk is wearing a DARK jacket. Bush's jacket should also be this color in the new pictures but it CLEARLY ISN'T.

Mystery solved? Bush returns to the classroom wearing the grey jacket. Has he changed clothes and if so, why? Watch the film where Andy Card informs Bush that the second plane has hit the WTC. The grey of the classroom floor is evident, the grey of Bush's jacket is not. Even if we can pass this one off, there's still the questions of the clock...

10:25am and the President is still at school?
"At 9.55am he was aboard Air Force One" reports The Age - then why does the clock display the time as 10:25am?

Is it...
OK, let’s stretch our imagination and just pretend it is 9:25am. Who is he talking to on the phone? According to the official 9/11 timeline Bush speaks to Condolezza Rice on the phone at about 9am and meets with her at 9:30. Where is Condolezza Rice in the photo?
by Micah

I just wanted to tell you that I looked at the Bush picture and it is a fake. By looking at the red sweater on the back picture, you see it close to the spine of the book, in the version the child is holding, and for Mr. Bush, his version is mirrored, placed closer to the edge.

This is common dead giveaway of amateur digital painting.
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