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Indybay Feature

Lower Freshwater Village Photos

by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
The first in a series of fresh photos from the lower Freshwater Creek Tree-Village.
There are more tree-sits than ever before in Humboldt Co., THREE TIMES AS MANY, and they need your help. Contact us to find out how...
Here are some amazing photos taken by some of the lower freshwater village tree-sitters. There are several huge trees, right off of Greenwood Heights road, all marked to be cut, and occupied by several brave women and men, who need YOUR help.
Donations can be sent to the above address, if you can't come to Humboldt Co. If you can, there is a tree-sit waiting for you(free room and board;), and a great community of love and support, too.
Safety First!
Our hearts go out to Niya's family and friends...we know what it's like to lose beloved ones, and we have been mourning the passing of this brave man.
His spirit will live forever, and I'm sure that the spirits of Beth, David "Gypsy" Chain, and Judi Bari are all welcoming him to the spirit world, and showing him how to continue to work miracles in the physical plane.
Please be safe, friends.
And please come to Humboldt Co., and help to defend the last of these ancient sacred beings.
More to come....
Tired of waking up to four walls? Come to Humboldt Co....
§Freshwater in the fog...
by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
Some of the last remaining unprotected Old Growth Redwoods are in the Freshwater Creek watershed. We can save these trees, if we can ALL work together.
This could be your home, as temporarily as you's up to you!
§Good morning!
by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
Tree-sitting is one of the best ways to connect with nature, because you're living in nature, as a part of nature, which we always were and are. Establishing a connection with nature is crucial to finding our true spirits.
Experience it for yourself....
§Feel that smile:)
by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
That smile is coming from deep within, and from deep without. The joys of tree-living!
Many smiles from the good times, and many tears from the surrounding clear-cuts, landslides, and herbicides.
We are moving towards a positive change....

§Take a breath of fresh air!
by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
The gifts that are given up in a tree-sit, by the Great Spirit, can never be taken away.
§Home sweet home!
by Shunka (shunka_2002 [at]
This is all you really need to survive up in the tree-tops; this, and good ground support.
Your help is definitely needed, so please send whatever you can, or come to Humboldt and Rise Up! Love and Light!
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