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Gavin Newsom: The Hypocracy Never Ends

by burn marina burn
So Newsom is complaining about poor people drinking AND selling wine. Have any protests been held in front of Newsom's stores yet? This guy seems like pure evil if I've even seen it.
All Bottled Up

When Gavin Newsom and Billy Getty used to go into a wine shop, like other young guys, they were often directed to the light beer section faster than they could say "Merlot." Maybe it was the baseball caps and sneakers. Whatever it was, it felt like a snub.

It didn't matter that both young men come from very prominent California families. Newsom's dad is the well-respected Judge Bill Newsom, and Getty's dad is the composer and philanthropist Gordon Getty. The younger Newsom serves as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

In 1992, Newsom and Getty, both in their early 20s, decided that they had had enough of the "ageism" and opened their own wine shop on Filmore Street in San Francisco.

Newsom says, "The primary reason (we started PlumpJack was that) we were sick and tired of the snobbery surrounding the business."

Getty concurs. He tells me, "Every new 21 year old is greeted with open arms by trillion dollar advertising campaigns for the apathetic consumption of hard alcohol or drinking light beer with the Swedish bikini team. And yet the one form of alcohol consumption that has proven medical attributes is shrouded in this nonsensical snobbery."

The Company We Keep

Thus, PlumpJack was born. PlumpJack boasts a winery, thriving retail shops, restaurants, and a brand new Web site.

And they've stayed true to their focus.

Newsom tells me, "The whole strategy of PlumpJack is inexpensive value wines."

The bottom line is that PlumpJack is introducing great tasting and affordable wine to a whole new generation. They've taken the mystery out of wine and put the enjoyment in.

And the business is thriving. The guys tell me that it takes 500 employees to run the company, a number that is likely to double next year.

From A To Zinfandel
So what do these guys say is a surefire party pleaser this year?

"One of the big booms we're seeing now is Zinfandel. People realizing that it's a great alternative to Cabernet and Merlot," Newsom says. "And there are so many different styles of Zin. You can have Zinfandels that taste like Merlot that are racy and jammy, bright rich fruit. And you have Zins that are more in line with Cabernet where you get more a spice and licorice."

And what about the ever tricky champagne?

The guys recommend Dampierre Brut. Newsom tells me that this champange is "stunning. Every time we serve people (at one of their five restaurants) they say what the heck is this? It's got a lot of fruit but a baked bread yeastiness, which is just awesome, especially on the finish."

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These seem to be in somewhat liberal parts of town so a few protests and constant signs posted nearby could probably cut away some of his customer base.

4011 24th Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
415-282-3841 TEL
415-282-6109 FAX

3201 Fillmore Street @ Greenwich
San Francisco, CA 94123
415 346-9870 TEL
888 415-9463 TOLL FREE
415 346-9879 FAX

3127 Fillmore Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
415-563-4755 TEL
415-440-1133 PRIVATE DINING
415-776-5808 FAX

Balboa Cafe
3199 Fillmore Street @ Greenwich
San Francisco, CA 94123
415-921-3944 TEL
415-921-3957 FAX

3138 Fillmore Street (Between Greenwich and Pixley Alley)
San Francisco, CA 94123
415-563-4180 TEL
415-346-5073 FAX

But exposing Newsom's right wing policies isnt quite enough, we need to dig up some real dirt to keep even the slightly conservative customers away. His ego seems so huge and his attitude so full of conceit I'm sure he has done something. The last few times I've seen him hes seemed almost pumped up enough to be on cocaine. There has to be at least one case of battery or sexual assault that hes had to settle out of court.
by Class War Now
by bov
So we can all attend . . .
by class war

Its the same night as Critical Mass but if a riot starts in the Marina at 6 and suddenly 1000 bikes showed up...

People should be in town for the 26th and alot of people want something based more around class than the IAC demos so...
by Newsom: how evil can one man be?
The story goes that when City Supervisor and Marina district restaurateur Gavin Newsom was a scruffy-looking 23, he walked into a wine shop and was led straight to the beer section. This affront is the reason behind PlumpJack’s original aim of “100 wines under $10.”

Yep thats right, the man who is complaining about the "mess on Market" made millions by selling low priced wine at stores all over the city.
by hehe
It looks like Newsom's antiunion stands already caused cabs to refuse to pick people up at his businesses :)
by stop Newsom, by any means necessary
by um
Isnt talk of a Halloween riot and the use of the words "burn the marina" a little dangerous:

"Take for example, Detroit's “Devil's Night.” For more than a decade, no one has been able to figure out what sparks the children of a small neighborhood in this typical urban environment to step over the bounds of typical Halloween pranks. No longer are a few eggs lobbed at the house of a crotchety old man. No longer is it enough to “Charminize” the Elm tree in the center of town. Shaving-cream covered cars have become passe.

In the early 1980s, “Devil's Night” graduated to a truly hellish level. Bic lighters and gasoline joined teenagers; list of “toys” to play with, replacing eggs and Barbasol. Fires were set helter-skelter throughout the city–in dumpsters, vacant lots, and abandoned buildings.

While fatalities were rare, the city's fire fighting resources were drained. At its peak in 1984, Detroit fire fighters battled at least 300 blazes during that single night of bedlam.
by leaf
of what's in store for us with the Newsom Corporation in charge - fires will be on the bottom of your list.

Plus, sometimes these discussions cause people on the outside to freak out - i.e., Infoshop's Anarchist Treasure Hunt in DC - and do a lot of our own work for us.
by anonymous
Getting a Grip on Gavin and his Plans ....

If you really want to read some chilling information about Gavin Newsom and his father, view a series of articles on their proposed Carneros Inn, Carneros Lodge in Napa County.

Go to:

Scroll, and begin reading articles from November 7, 2001 forward ....

In these articles you will see Gavin's role in:

1. Helping Disney to help itself to a regional development scheme that included everything from Pier 30-32 to the choicest parts of Napa County.

2. The same machinery at work to enrich itself through resort development, including Gavin's Carneros Lodge/Inn, a patronage scheme at best, where at one time Gavin and his family stood to be enriched by Saudi foreign capital.

3. How Gavin's business partners, Jed A. Smith, is skating on the edge, charged with fraud in (, right there in database online, select "filings on left" then the letter "D" then scroll to, click, and read the Case Summary where Jed's name stands out in bright lights.

4. Gavin and his father scheme and remove 24 affordable homes under ruses.

5. Gavin's father seems to have been replaced on the state Parks & Recreation Commission by "Dirty Harry" (Clint Eastwood) after the fuel hit the fan in Napa.

6. In a current feature at (scroll below newsgrid to Notes From the Waterfront banner, with "Carneros Lodge Not Approved Yet ...." you will see how their advertising enrichment of "The Napa Valley Register" paid off before elections to report "the project has been approved" when in fact it hasn't been approved. It was re-scheduled to October 3. It was then rescheduled to Oct. 22 ... and now has been re-scheduled until AFTER the elections on November 12. See this on the agenda for the Board of Supervisors for Oct. 22 by going to and viewing the latest request for continuance to November 12 on their agenda.

7. There is a wealth of information in these articles printed last November, December, March, May, July and September .... don't miss them! While many links have been cut, lots of articles linked to these remain ....

by repost


Pictures posted earlier this year to sfimc by Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff
by Campaigndrone
The prospect of low voter turnout haunts me. Saying one opposes Newsom's loathesome measure really doesn't mean anything by itself. More than a few progressives love talking the Opposition Game. For such people, mastering the act of follow-through by actually voting seems to be a different skill entirely.

Meanwhile, one major San Francisco supervisorial candidate, Bevan Dufty, openly supports Proposition N. His campaign aims to unify conservative gay property owners and businessmen tired of the presence of the homeless in the Castro.

A few former supporters of Dufty's progressive opponent Eileen Hansen reluctantly support the Newsom proposal as well. The arguments vary, but it boils down to the desire to Do Something Different about the homelessness problem. A new Proposition N ad plastered on many municipal busses captures this appallingly unfocussed sentiment well: "Change Not Spare Change." Newsom's measure is political action as crack addiction.

by Homeless Takeover
Voting is a pacifier for the masses. The only true social change comes through revolution!
by until the revolution Comes...
"Voting is a pacifier for the masses. The only true social change comes through revolution"

Revolution in the US in the shortterm is a pipedream. Leftists who talk only of Revolution are similar to Christians waiting for the 2nd Coming. Groups based around Revolution quickly become cults and irrelevent. Most of the Left is concerned about feeling like they are doing the right thing rather than making any real changes. The Christian parallels are pretty strong down to lifestylism and sectarianism.

by CSH California (ca [at]
The Corporation for Supportive Housing strongly endorses State Proposition 46 (Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002).

What Will Proposition 46 Do? Proposition 46 will provide housing with services for the mentally ill and long-term homeless, shelters for battered women and homeless families, and affordable housing for working people, low-income individuals and families. Proposition 46 authorizes a $2.1 billion affordable housing bond.

Do We Need Proposition 46? Yes. On any given day, over 360,000 Californians are homeless. The lack of affordable housing in California contributes to an increase in the number of homeless residents. Proposition 46 helps correct this. Without adequate housing, many homeless individuals and families have no choice but to sleep in cars, parks and hospitals, or on the streets. The problem is particularly severe for homeless persons with health problems.

Will Proposition 46 Really Help the Homeless? Yes. Proposition 46 provides homeless residents with mental health and other chronic health disabilities with affordable, clean, safe supportive housing. Supportive housing works. The State's current supportive housing programs show that 96% of the formerly homeless residents remain in supportive housing. With Proposition 46, more homeless persons will have access to supportive housing and will not resort to living on the streets. Proposition 46 allocates $195 million to supportive housing through bond funds.

Any Other Benefits from Proposition 46? Yes. Proposition 46 provides accessibility improvements to apartments for disabled Californians and loan assistance for military veterans, teachers, police and firefighters. Proposition 46 also creates 276,000 jobs and brings in more than $13 billion in private investment and federal funds into California.

CSH urges you to vote Yes on Proposition 46 on November 5th!
by State Proposition 46, a waist of money
State Proposition 46, a waist of money!
when you look closely at this prop it is as crooked as a shell game. don't give money to contractors,laywers,
and the FAT CAT'S..... "the Nonprofit Mafia."

The Corporation for Supportive Housing strongly endorses State Proposition 46 ....(three gusses why)
by Williams
Hey losers! Our city is being run into the ground. The current leadership is not making the changes that need to be made. Gavin will win and thank goodness for that... haha I can't believe anyone would call this guy right wring... just because he wants to clean up this dump of a city! You all are a bunch of has beens.
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