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Greenpeace Activists Shut Down Los Angeles and New York Exxonmobil Gas Stations

by bov
Brave work, to chain yourself to a gas pump - wouldn't try that in DC . . .

But seriously, Greenpeace does so much around the world, it's amazing.
~~ Activists Shut Down Los Angeles and New York Exxonmobil Gas Stations To Begin National Day of Action ~~

Protests marking the start of a national day of action
against ExxonMobil by environmental, human rights and pro-democracy groups began with the shutdown of a Mobil gas station today in the heart of Beverly Hills just minutes after activists shut down an Exxon station in Manhattan.
Peaceful protestors chained themselves to gas pumps at both locations and dropped a banner that read,
"Stop Global Warming, Don't Buy ExxonMobil."

"Greenpeace has launched an international campaign against ExxonMobil that will continue until the company stops sabotaging government action on global warming, and agrees to support mandatory reductions in global warming pollution," said Gary Cook, Greenpeace Climate Campaign Coordinator.
"In Europe and elsewhere, ExxonMobil is already feeling the heat from Greenpeace and consumers. Now the campaign is being ramped up in the United States."

Greenpeace has documented ExxonMobil's efforts to prevent action on global warming in a report entitled, "Denial and Deception: A Chronicle of ExxonMobil's Corruption of the Global Warming Debate." Despite multiple appeals from Greenpeace and others, ExxonMobil has refused to change its policy. The
company is using its sizable resources to support top politicians, like President Bush, in an effort to stifle U.S. action on global warming.

Read the full story and view a photo gallery of the day's actions:

Get the Report:
(You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this document)

~~ Get Involved! ~~

~ Get The Facts: Find out the truth about Ex
xonMobil and global warming
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