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Indybay Feature

Anti War news from Visalia

by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
Anti War actions in the heart of the Central Valley
Sunday War Protests-A diverse and growing group of people have committed themselves to protesting the impending war in Iraq every Sunday, 12:30-2:00 pm on Mooney and Walnut in Visalia. This is an outgrowth of earlier weekday rush hour protests by a few WILPF members. The current group includes members of WILPF, the Visalia Friends Meeting, Unitarians, Methodists, Catholics, the Visalia Democratic Club, and other individuals, some hearing about the protests second or third hand. We had coverage by the Fresno Bee, the Visalia Times Delta, and a cable TV station last week. All are invited to join us.

"A Force More Powerful"-The Tulare County chapter of WILPF and the Visalia Friends Meeting are sponsoring a showing of the remaining three (out of six) half-hour segments of the remarkable made-for-PBS movie "A Force More Powerful" on November 1, 7:30 pm at the Visalia Friends Meetinghouse. A map to the meetinghouse can be found on the Visalia Friends Meeting web site: . The movie focuses on six major successful
nonviolent movements in the 20th century. It describes them with a good level of detail about how they were organized and how and why they succeeded. The accompanying book (same title: ) details 12 movements and goes into even greater useful detail.

Hwy 99 Antiwar Billboard-The Visalia Friends Meeting is spearheading an effort to put an antiwar billboard on Hwy 99. The content is not yet settled, but the intent is to make it simple, direct, and thought provoking. The Visalia Friends Meeting has committed $1000 seed money and about $600 additional has come in from individuals so far. The actual production of the billboard has also been donated, amounting to a savings of perhaps $1500. We are asking for others to join in support of the project. The cost of the project (not counting production) is projected to be about $7000. Please consider joining us in making this highly visible statement to valley residents. Donations should be payable to the Visalia Friends Meeting and sent to David Chandler, P.O. Box 999, Springville, CA 93265.
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