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Indybay Feature

STOPPING A WAR, Photos From The Front Lines

by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
10/10/02 – 10/11/02
San Francisco Federal Building,
Stop The War, Protest & Blockade.
Non-violent civil disobedience protesting Congressional vote authorizing U.S. State Terrorism.
Photos focus on Blockade of Federal Buildings North Entrance.
STOPPING A WAR, Photos From The Front Lines

10/10/02 – 10/11/02
San Francisco Federal Building,
Stop The War, Protest & Blockade.
Non-violent civil disobedience protesting Congressional vote authorizing U.S. State Terrorism.
Photos focus on Blockade of Federal Buildings North Entrance.

Over 40 were arrested for civil disobedience.
An arrestee has reported that those arrested were made to stand in a line-up, out of which one or more were arbitrarily or mistakenly chosen to face assault charges (allegedly, for assaulting employees trying to enter the Federal Building).

Looks like thousands will be out on the streets for the October 26th Protest. A Mass Civil Disobedience Action?

October 26th:
§Young Activist With Axis Of Evil Sign
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Front Lines, Arrest
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Nose Pressure?
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Student on the Front Lines
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Cops in front, Cops behind
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Sitdown Blockade Smile
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Sitdown Blockade Chanting
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Front Lines, Arrested Chanting
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Arrested, Not In Our Name
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
§Filling gaps in the line
by B. Marsh (subbrian3 [at]
People rushed in to fill gaps in the line as others were arrested and taken away.
Will there be twice as many to take their place next time? Three, Five, One-hundred times as many?
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by Kay, John (okay [at]
It was heartening to see so many young people in favor of protecting Saddam while he buried children alive, imprisoned children, gassed Kurds, raped women and children, beheaded women publicly, threw suspected dissenters (like y'all, pictured here) feet-first into a shredding machine, thrilling to their shrieks as they were ground to shreds!

Not in our name, were those children freed from prison. Not in our name did the raping stop. Not in our name did we risk our lives to end the horror in Iraq!

Boy, its great to know that people like you are on the lines in San Fran, chanting to drown out so-called 'rational discourse' and the screams of American victims. Not in YOUR name is freedom or liberty or self-determination going to be foisted on the Iraqi citizens. No sirree, Bob!
by jbusch
Tyrants have always enlisted the help of well-meaning but simpleminded people obsessed with inequalities and injustices in their own countries to serve as apologists for the horrors they inflict.
Usefull idiots all. Unable to make basic moral judgements natural to any normal 8 year old. You have to study long and hard to un-learn common sense and dedicate yourself to pacifism and love in the face of horrific brutality.
by mike
<It was heartening to see so many young people in favor of protecting Saddam while he buried children alive, imprisoned children, gassed Kurds, raped women and children, beheaded women publicly, threw suspected dissenters (like y'all, pictured here) feet-first into a shredding machine, thrilling to their shrieks as they were ground to shreds!>

You're mistaken about the protesters. The people who supported all this were in the Reagan administration in the 1980s. They sold Saddam the precursers for his wmds, gassed the Kurds and other such atrocities, which reached their apolgee during the 1980s, when we thought Saddam was an ok guy because he was fighting Islamic fundamentalism.

So don't be casting moral judgements on the people who opposed this war. There were more humane and effective ways to facilitate Saddam's downfall than blowing the limbs off little children.

Leftists in the 1980s were among the few to protest Saddam. Conservatives, with a few exceptions sat by and said nothing.
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