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Flashpoints Oct 8: Case against war; South Africa against Israel apartheid; ILWU

by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Oct 8, 2002:
-Robert Knight and the Knight Report (5 min)
-The Case Against War, w Professor Stephen Zunes (14 min)
-South African anti-apartheid veterans target Israel (15 min)
-Bush invokes Taft Hartley against West Coast ILWU (17 min)


KPFA Flashpoints News Radio
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what you can do from your home to stop the war on Iraq

Tuesday, Oct 8, 2002 - Start Audio "for
-00:00 Dennis Bernstein: introduction: The Case Against War, w Professor Stephen Zunes; South African anti-apartheid veterans target Israel; Bush invokes Taft Hartley against West Coast ILWU
-03:50 Robert Knight and the Knight Report.."AUDIO Robert: Bush calls for war, France and Russia still demur.. US Congress.. Oakland Berkeley rep Barbara Lee says "BarbaraIraq war powers violates international law, "we do not need to rush to war.. before the UN has even had a chance to implement inspections.. work with the UN to ensure Iraq is not building weapons of mass destruction.. I am introducing an amendment.. where is the proof Iraq poses clear imminent danger?.. the new doctrine of pre-emption, is this the example we want to set for India and Pakistan?.. it is our duty to seek non-military methods."
-05:35 Dennis: about Bush's speech, and the bill before Congress.. now w Professor Stephen Zunes of SF State, "Tinderboxauthor of Tinderbox, U.S. Foreign Policy and the Roots of Terrorism.. Prof Zunes: Bush did not make a case for war.. this is not going to be like Desert Storm, a war fought in the open desert.. this will be in an urban area.. 8 divisions of Republican guards still intact.. US will bomb Baghdad, a heavily populated city.. if Saddam feels he has nothing to lose.. an invasion against Saddam would probably prompt him to use whatever weapons of mass destruction that he does have.. CIA officials helped facilitate Saddam's use of chemical weapons against Iran and the Kurds.. Saddam Hussein is a coward.. Dennis: Rumsfeld and then VP George Bush aware of Saddam's use of chemical weapons.. Prof Zunes: Bush mentioned Saddam's support for terrorist, Abu Nidal.. not mentioned: at the height of his support for Abu, the USA dropped Iraq from the list of terrorist nations in order to export to Iraq material to build chemical weapons.. Dennis: Iraq got low cost agriculture loans.. six months before Iraq invaded Kuwait, US taught Iraq and Israel how to detonate weapons of mass destruction.. Gulf War Syndrome.. our soldiers came home covered with the chemicals US helped Iraq acquire.. Prof Zunes: there could be street fighting.. most Iraqis would be happy to see Saddam dethroned.. but he may have as many as a million followers, could put up post resistance.. Kurds in the North, and Shiites in the south could try to break away.. would cause problems for Turkey, and.. Dennis: we have seen some bloody attacks by Israel on civilians.. Prof Zunes: the Israelis would use an Iraq invasion maybe for ethnic cleansing.. you can imagine the reaction in the Arab world.. Al-Jazeera TV.. bombing of Baghdad, Israel attacking Palestinian civilians.. Prof Zunes: if Bush thinks this is making the world safe for democracy, he needs to think again..
-18:10 music break
-20:20 Dennis: a growing anti-apartheid movement against Israeli apartheid in Palestine.. while the world was confronting the apartheid government of South Africa, Israel solidifying its ties to South Africa.. now w Niam Jenna (sp?) of the South African Palestinian Solidarity Movement.. Niam: if the US attacks Iraq, it would create a new rule for the world.. gives the license for other nations to do whatever they want to their neighbors.. in the Palestinian context, translated by Sharon.. license to Sharon to do whatever he wants to the Palestinians.. I was in Palestine the week of 9/11 and within hours of the attack on NYC, Israel invaded Palestinian cities.. this time, the big danger is *transfer*, ie ethnic cleansing.. Dennis: when the ANC was fighting South Africa, they were referred to by the west as 'terrorists'.. Niam speaks tonight 7PM UC Berkeley 711 Barrows Hall.. tomorrow Boalt Hall, and tomorrow night at SF State theatre, more info: 510-334-5507.. Niam: one thing South Africans remember that Cheney called to leave Mandela in prison.. we were all called terrorists, now the same thing happening to Palestinians.. about the links between Israel and apartheid South Africa.. also links between ANC and the Palestinians.. a deep sense within black South Africans, here is another apartheid struggle.. the Palestinians even going through worse than we did.. white South Africa shared knowledge with Israel to build nuclear weapons.. when "Vanunu" Mordecai Vanunu (link2) was arrested and convicted, he blew the whistle on the links between the two states.. about the apartheid parallels between Israel and South Africa.. in South Africa rights and priviledges flowed from one's being white.. in Israel rights and priviledges flow from one's being Jewish.. we managed to convince the world that apartheid is a bad thing.. Palestinians being told that apartheid is the solution.. bantustans.. comparison between the "South repression of black people in South Africa, and repression of Palestinians in Israel and historical Palestine.. the notion of collective punishment.. in South Africa we didn't fear collective punishment.. my mother did not have to fear when my brother was killed by the police.. common though for Palestinians.. family members arrested, tortured, deported, killed.. new strategies to win over Israel.
-37:10 music break
-38:00 Dennis: lockout of west coast longshoremen by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) continues.. Bush to invoke Taft Hartley (good WSJ article), now w Clarence Thomas, treasurer of the International Longshore & Warehouse Union.. (ILWU).. Thomas: Taft Hartley passed in 1947, passed by an anti-labor "Harry Congress over Truman's veto.. forces us to work under old agreements.. a slave labor law.. a 'lockout' is an employer strike.. our employer elected to lock out the ILWU.. got 36 hours.. 10,000 dock workers lives disrupted.. then when we came back, management said we we're working fast enough.. locked us out again.. what happens to the ILWU, very much a precurser to the rest of US unions.. we have been out front on many issues.. the first union to come out against the Vietnam War.. we refused to load or unload cargo to apartheid South Africa.. to Chile after Allende's murder.. the Charleston Five.. a progressive history to support repressed people.. Dennis: what happens now?.. Thomas: the Labor Department called for a 30 day cooling off period, the employers rejected it.. they were seeking to get Bush to intervene.. head of 'Homeland Security', Tom Ridge contacted our union.. like J Edgar Hoover "Harrycontacting Harry Bridges (bio) (H.B. Project).. a threat to the union.. background checks for dockworkers.. Dennis: now union issues become terrorist threats.. now what?.. Thomas: ILWU working closely with community organizations, with the AFl-CIO.. with progressive anti-globalist groups.. with RainForest Action Network, Earth Island Institute, Global Exchange.. we're working carefully.. Taft Hartley requires a hearing.. we're hoping the PMA has to reconsider.. now w Karen Pickett, community activist.. Karen: Bush using fears of homeland security.. "Treesitters,Maxxam Lumber trying to get Homeland Security to classify tree-sitters as terrorists.. about Walmart, Gap, Target supporting management.. a lot of support for the port workers.. we were proud to be at the picket line yesterday with the dockworkers.. a demonstration at the Gap.. we starting up an 'Emergency Response Network'.. Taft Hartley will constrain the port workers, but not us activists.. call 415-821-6545 to hook into the Emergency Response Network .. ten things you can do: come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line; come out to the picket line.. yesterday "UtahUtah Phillips came out.. Continuing Action: come out to the ILWU picket line and party, at the foot of 7th Street in Oakland.. fun and solidarity enhancing.. Thomas: we are the most progressive union in the world.. we have many pledges of support.. from longshormen around the world.. international solidarity of unions..
-57:55 Mary Bishop: wrapup
-58:39 End today's show. today's review by john lionheart

what you can do from your home to stop the war on Iraq

Monday, Oct 7, 2002 - Start Audio "for
"Injured-00:00 Dennis Bernstein: introduction: Israeli missile strike kills 14 Palestinian civlians including 4 children; interviews with Netta Jorgesen in Gaza; International Solidarity Member, Adam Shapiro; Professor of Political Science, As'ad Abu-Khalil
-00:58 Dennis: US supplied arms used for terrorist missile attack (Pal Chronicle story) (UK Independent story) (BBC story) (BBC audio and video report 108 min.).."AUDIO now w Netta Jorgensen (sp?) of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza City.. Netta: last night at midnight.. "Woman Israeli forces entered Khan Younis city (background: Harpers Magazine, Gaza Diary, page 7), 14 heavily armored jeeps and tanks supported by helicopters; fighting for four hours.. one Palestinian man killed.. at 4:15 the Israelis left.. people came out on the street.. then a Cobra or Apache homicide heliocopter fired a missile.. 14 killed including 4 children; 85 wounded including 17 children..
List of the murdered Palestinians include:
1. Mohammed Hassan al-Astal, 15, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
2. Abdullah Walid Salah, 16, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
3. Ahmed 'Abdul Ra'ouf al-Astal, 16, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
4. Fares 'Abdul Nasser Daoud al-Zaqzouq, 17, killed by shrapnel in the head;
5. Haitham Mousa Abu al-Naja, 27, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
6. Ussama Mohammed 'Ali 'Aabdin, 23, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
7. Eihab Helmi Dhib Khalaf, 22, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
8. Ayman Mohammed Saqer, 35, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
9. Mohammed Mustafa Sadiq, 20, killed by shrapnel throughout the body;
10. Jamal Fathi Muhareb, 18, killed by with several live bullets in the neck and the chest;
11. Mohammed Farhan Shaloula, 23, killed with a live bullet in the back;
12. Rahima Hassan 'Ali Salama, 50, shot by Israeli soldiers in her home, bled to death later;
13. 'Abdul Fattah Ali Suleiman al-Sallout, 40, was wounded in the chest by a heavy caliber bullet fired by an Israeli attack helicopter and later died...
Netta: also Israel tried to arrest one man.. went to his home.. the mother, Rahima Hassan 'Ali Salama, opened the door, fearing assault.. the Israelis told her to shut the door, then they fired through and killed her, and wounded her 15 year old son.. about the reaction in the community.. funerals, "victim demonstrations, people are mourning, angry.. about the neighborhood, very crowded, junction of three roads.. no room between the houses, built together.. two, three story houses.. one missle went through a house into a bedroom.. Dennis: Israelis say they're in the business of killing terrorists.. Netta: most all of the people killed and wounded were not militants.. they were curious to see what had happened, "injured if anyone was hurt or killed.. just normal people.. there are problems getting adequate medical equipment and medicine into Gaza.. some of the seriously injured might die.. 23 people still in the hospital.. Netta: life in Gaza is very difficult, impossible to leave the Strip, very crowded, divided into three pieces by the Israeli military.. most people cannot get to work, cannot get to university, farmers can not transport their products.. most people were working in Israel before, now Israel has closed the borders.. 65% unemployed, malnutrition rampant.. "twoIsraelis now say three people must be in a car to cross a checkpoint.. little kids offer to ride through for a little money.. try to sneak back, (sometimes killed).. about the attack last night, the only thing I've heard from Israel is that they blamed the people for being in the concern is that is happening quite often.. and the media hardly mentions it unless a lot of people are killed like last night
-18:28 Dennis: more about the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine.. "AUDIO with Adam Shapiro of International Solidarity Movement (ISM).. Event: Adam speaking tonight at 145 Dwinnell Hall UC Berkeley 7:30PM.. Adam: a situation all too common.. this got attention because of the outrageousness of the attack.. "womanI've been in Palestinian cities after an Israeli assault, and yes, people do come out in the street to check on their neighbors.. it seems to me that the Israelis were repelled.. and then an officer decided to get even.. supported by US, the Israelis consider all Palestinians as terrorist, no matter how old or young.. one of the options for Iraq, attack it like the Israelis attacked Jenin.. if you attack an urban city, you are attacking peoples' homes.. everybody has a right to defend their homes.. "US? US military on the ground taking notes in Jenin during the assault.. Dennis: the Marine Times wrote that the US special forces were in Jenin.. Adam: about the Divestment conference in Michigan this weekend.. it's not about the existence of the state of Israel, not about being or not being Jewish.. about the illegal occupation of Palestine.. "woman campaign modeled after South Africa.. the underlying attitude similar to colonial supremacy.. we need to take more action to force Israel to comply with international law.. Israeli are in fear, but they have to ask themselves why this fear.. the underlying reason is the occupation.. continuing and expanding.. getting rid of the occupation, the only way to get rid of the fear.. normal live for Palestinians nowadays is being locked in your house 24/7.. and living in great fear.. Dennis: olives an important crop "olivefor Palestinians, the harvest coming up.. Adam: olives an important crop, a good year for olives this year.. farmers land has been confiscated, or the land is near settlements, and settlers or army shoot at Palestinians.. everywhere is under curfew.. ISM is working to escort farmers to their fields.. they require international protection.."a it would be great if the US or the UN would come, but they won't.. Dennis: how did you get involved, why? as a Jew.. Adam: trying to build bridges between Arab and Israeli kids.. I was on the ground when Sharon invaded the Temple Mount.. lethal force used against Palestinian protestors.. , unless Internationals were present.. American Jews need to separate support for Israel, from support for what Israel is doing.. Sharon fighting an expansionist war for land and to get rid of the Palestinian people.. "men about 'transfer' (ie ethnic cleansing) talked about in Israel.. Jane's Intelligence Review located Israeli forces in western Iraq.. looking for areas to settle Palestinian people.. even here in the US, Dick Armey called for 'transer'.. a hardcore Zionist agenda to find 'land for people for a people without land'.. we know Palestine was not empty, but the Zionists want to make it so.. Dennis: Jordan says it will militarily resist Israeli purge of the Palestinians.. Adam: to join us on the ground in Palestine, or support us, see our website: more about the divestment campaign, see: Students for Jusice in Palestine.. about what the US is creating.. I've always felt safe in the Arab world, but it's becoming a world very unsafe for our children to live.
-38:28 music break Phil Oaks, One More Parade
-41:08 Dennis: now w As'ad AbuKhalil, "AUDIO author of "Professor the new book, Bin Laden, Islam, and America's New "War on Terrorism" (order from Cody's Online), and professor of Political Science at CSU Stanislaus and Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley.. Professor AbuKhalil: If Saddam is the menacing force that Bush says he is, why didn't he bring it up during his campaign two years ago?.. there are already a nuclear arsenal in Israel, but Bush is not concerned.. the inspectors were ready to do their job, but stopped by US.. the last inspection team infiltrated by US spies.."bookBush says it is certain there will be a war.. US and Britain provoking.. Israel provoking the Palestinians.. Dennis: why does the US want this war.. AbuKhalil: the document US released (National Security Strategy).. the US wants empire.. the defence budget structured for endless war.. any power tries to match US force they will be dealt with by US military.. the US wants to put another Karsai in place, not democracy.. the US has no record supporting human rights in Arab world.. Saudi Arabia the most undemocratic, sexist, anti-Semitic in the world.. about the 'Iraqi opposition' that the US is courting.. these generals were the torturers and the worst human rights offenders of Iraq.. a record of blood and torture against the Kurds.. these are people going to deliver democracy to Iraq? Fat chance.. when the Kurds were gassed Cheney and Rumsfeld were chummy with Saddam.. Dennis: how will this play on the Arab street?.. AbuKhalil: already very negative.. the governments friendly to the US, repressive as they are, afraid of their own population.. the Israelis almost giddy about what will happen.. Dennis: about the missile attack in Gaza last night?.. AbuKhalil: the campaign of war and terror launched by Israel.. goes on.. about the death of children.. the US people rightly horrified by the death of Israeli children by bombs, but why no comment on the Palestinian children killed.. why never the term 'terrorism' applied to the Israeli actions, the Palestinians are terrified.. about the discussion in Israel about expulsion of Palestinians, now openly discussed.. contemplated openly.. great fear in Palestine and Jordan.. the US planning a 'new map' for the Middle East.. an unstopable flareup of ethnic fighting in store..
-54:42 Mary Bishop: wrapup
-55:28 End today's show. today's review by john lionheart


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