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Israeli Mythology -- Israel is the hapless victim always being attacked by its neighbors

by ...
History has been shaped by pro-Israeli propagandists, who have been given a license to lie.
The Israeli mythology that gets repeated the most often is that Israel has always been attacked by its neighbors.

The Arab-Israeli wars I know about happened in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1978, and 1982.

In 1948, the UN (which at that time pretty much meant the US and Britain), gave most of Palestine to the newly arriving Jews who at that point owned only 6% of the land. The Jewish immigrants accepted this UN resolution while most Palestinians rejected the notion (considered a moral duty in the West) that they should give their homes to total strangers and suggested instead a single state solution in which Jews would be welcomed as equals but they would have to acquire their land legally through purchase rather than conquest.

The Zionists of the time used terror tactics like bayonetting the abdomens of pregnant women and slaughtering whole villages (like Deir Yassin --which was well documented -- but many others as well) to empty Palestine of its people. They used wholesale terror to drive out the mass of the Palestinian population and took the land for themselves. What's more, they took over far more land than even the UN resolution at the time had allotted them crossing over the lines the UN had drawn up with impunity. And they also took over the best lands, the most arable, and the beach fronts. Palestinians were driven into the desert.

In 1956, Israel joined forces with Britain and France (the old Empires who were eager to get back into their former roles) and attacked Egypt ostensibly because Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal -- which was built with Egyptian labor. At that point, the US was not totally biased yet and Eisenhower ordered all three to just get out -- which they promptly did. The US was in no mood for competition to the region's resources. At this point, Israel understood that if it were to be able to continue its expansionist ways, it would have to strongly influence US foreign policy to its benefit -- so that the next time Israel acquired territory through force, it would not be forced to leave.

Such a time came again in 1967 when Israel attacked Egypt. It's incessantly claimed that Egypt attacked, but the fact is Israel attacked and even former prime ministers Menachem Begin and Yhitzak Rabin admit that Egypt was not even considering attacking Israel at that time. Rabin was quoted in Le Monde, February 29, 1968, as saying, "I do not think Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent to the Sinai in May [1967] would not have been sufficient to launch an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it." On August 8, 1982, Prime Minister Begin made a speech saying, "In June, 1967, we again had a choice. the Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him" (New York Times, August 21, 1982).

In 1973, Egypt along with Syria and Jordan did not attack Israel, but attacked Israeli positions in the territories Israel acquired in 1967 in order to try to regain them. It is not widely known, but Israel was undertaking very brutal ethnic cleansing in those territories at the time.

The 1978 war is usually not even sited because it was a clear Israeli attack on Lebanon which left 2000 Lebanese dead and about a quarter of a million people driven out of their homes.

The 1982 war happened as a direct result of the peace treaty with Egypt. Egypt was removed from the conflict as a deterrent to Israeli aggression. This freed up Israel's army to go into Lebanon. The propaganda in the media was that Israel's northern border was being hit by Katyusha rocket from Lebanon, but the fact is Israel was routinely bombing Southern Lebanon for months attempting to elicit a response but there was no response. Eventually, Israel's deadly bombings (which had killed several hundred people in Lebanon) succeeded in eliciting a Katyusha rocket reprisal which was then used by Israel as a pretext for their planned invasion.

They indiscriminately bombed Beirut and other Lebanese cities killing 18,000 civilians. They razed around 340 buildings to the ground and most of the deaths resulted from people being buried in their own homes. The death toll was from an actual body count, but it was estimated that the death toll could have actually been as high as 50% more because many bodies were buried under highrises and could not be recovered. For a discussion on the body count (which was meticulous because it was understood that it would be denied if mentioned at all), see "Race and Class" Vol. XXIV (Volume 24), No. 4, Spring 1983. This is an academic journal found in most good research libraries.

If Arabs had done to Israelis what Israel did in just that one war, the media would have had a nervous breakdown. And we'd still be bombing till this day...

For an accurate picture of recent Middle East history, please see Noam Chomsky's "The Fateful Triangle" or "Pirates and Emperors."
Also, the UN resolution if 1948 giving Israel most of Palestine is considered sacred by pro-Israelis. They repeat this resolution ad nauseam, reminding us that the Palestinians rejected it and therefore deserved what the Zionists terrorists did to them.

What is left out though is that Israel is the current World Record holder of being in violation of UN resolutions. They are currently in violation of around 70 resolutions and this number would be far greater if the US hadn't vetoed most of the others out of history.

Here's an interesting exercise, do the following search on Google:
"Israel refuses"

See what that brings up.
by ...
Here is a chapter from The Fateful Triangle:
by ...
Video and transcripts of this lecture:
by Someone
Claims another victim.

Palestinians were given the majority of land on the UN charter. Not the Jews.

Not to mention that the entire nation of Jordan is made up of about 80% of Palestine, and did not go to either Palestinians or Jews, but to the Hashemites. (Even though Jordan is mostly made up of Palestinians today)

The Jews accepted, but were invaded in 1948 by five Arab nations. You can deny it all you want, but it remains the truth.

And you will deny it, because that's the very idea of the Arab war on history. Fortunately, Jews have a good memory, far better than the rest of the world, it seems.
by From Someone
YOU are the one who is lying and denying and spreading Zionist propaganda.
I dare you to read "Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict" written by the Jews for Justice in the Middle East at
I dare you to order the 3-part tape series called "Behind the Hatred" about the Palestine-Israel conflict by BBC, NY Times and NBC at (call the 800 number there). The TRUTH cannot be denied about racist, immoral, apartheid, anti-democratic Israel who has been guilty of ethnic cleansing and slow genocide of the Palestinians since day one of its immoral and illegal creation in 1948. Israel is also guilty of defying 80 UN Resolutions as opposed to Iraq defying 14. We should be threatening war on the rogue, terrorist country of Israel until it becomes a real democracy with equal rights for all including all 5 million Palestinian refugees who have the right to return to their ancestral homeland according to UN Resolutions, international law and world opinion.
by True Seeker
"... the entire nation of Jordan is made up of about 80% of Palestine"

The fact:
The 80% were thrown out to Jordan to make space for the new Polish, Russian…. Jew invaders (so called immigrants).
by i
All sensible people cannot deny that israel was founded through terrorism (the murder of innocent people), and shall be sustained by it.
Israelis do not associate terrorism with the taking of Arab Lives or Livelihood.
To them it is a mitzva and is rewarded with the highest political office of the land.
Count the many prime ministers of this "holy land" and you will realize that the less blood one has on his hands the less chance there is for him to be elected in the beacon of democracy in the Middle East.
No body is saying that all Jews partake of terrorism but all profit from it,,,
by i
All sensible people cannot deny that israel was founded through terrorism (the murder of innocent people), and shall be sustained by it.
Israelis do not associate terrorism with the taking of Arab Lives or Livelihood.
To them it is a mitzva and is rewarded with the highest political office of the land.
Count the many prime ministers of this "holy land" and you will realize that the less blood one has on his hands the less chance there is for him to be elected in the beacon of democracy in the Middle East.
No body is saying that all Jews partake of terrorism but all profit from it,,,
by September 27 2002
Baby dies as Israel reimposes curfew

A Palestinian woman passes militants from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades during a rally in the West Bank town of Nablus in support of Yasser Arafat. Photo: AFP

A 14-month-old Palestinian baby died yesterday, apparently overcome by tear gas fired by Israeli soldiers reimposing a curfew in a crowded Palestinian market area in the divided city of Hebron, doctors and witnesses said.

The Israeli military said it was checking the report.

Also yesterday, four people were killed in Gaza City when an Israeli helicopter fired a rocket at a car, paramedics said. One car was demolished and another damaged in the attack, in the Sheik Radwan neighbourhood. The identities of the dead were not immediately known.

The baby's death came as an Israeli opposition leader, Yossi Sarid, labelled Jewish settlers in Hebron "the ugliest stain on the Zionist enterprise" and described the West Bank town - where 500 Jewish settlers guarded by Israeli soldiers live among 130,000 Palestinians - as hell. "Hebron has turned into hell, a security hell, a political hell and, more than anything, an ethical hell," Mr Sarid, leader of the Meretz party, said.

The baby who died, Gharam Manaa, was in the market with her grandmother when the tear gas hit, witnesses said. She was taken by ambulance to Alia Hospital, but a doctor said she was dead on arrival.



Meanwhile, Jewish settlers inaugurated a new settlement on Wednesday a few kilometres north of Nablus. The Deputy Minister of Interior Security, Guidon Ezra, went to Rehalim to congratulate the settlers for "their determination in their struggle for the integrity of the land of Israel", a spokesman said.

Although the Government does not intend to recognise the wildcat settlement, which now has about 100 residents, it financed the construction work.

"Rehalim is the symbol of our success at a time when there is talk of dismantling so-called illegal settlements," he said, referring to a call by the Defence Minister, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, for all outposts and wildcat settlements in the West Bank to be destroyed.

In Ramallah a curfew was relaxed for the first time in 12 days on Wednesday. While Israeli forces kept the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, confined in his headquarters, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, exhausted by the longest unbroken curfew imposed on the city since June, flocked to buy food and supplies.

Fatima Musleh, 55, a mother of seven, ran out of food after the family ate its last box of lentils at the start of this week. "They [Israel] made us starve," she said.

"They kill our sons and demolish our houses. Why don't they leave us alone?"

Israel says it cannot curb militants responsible for bombings without curfews and blockades on access routes to West Bank towns. Palestinians call the measures collective punishment that has shattered their livelihoods.
by Fuck wars
israel has broken and continues to break every recognized international law.
Not because they are Jewish but because they can get away with it.
In the past few weeks hundredth of civilans have been hurt or killed.
It is an outrage that there is NO international outcry to save these genocide victims.
When will the masses wake up to the atrocities committed with the cloak of their religion?
How many more innocents need to die, before we say a loud Not in our name?
by Israel is a thing of the past.
Israel is a thing of the past.Israel is a thing of the past.
by svan
"All sensible people cannot deny that israel was founded through terrorism (the murder of innocent people)"

How was the US founded?
by ...
--"How was the US founded?"

This would be the two-wrongs make a right argument.
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