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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

Don't Attack Iraq!

by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
Don't Attack Iraq!
Peace March in Fresno, California
By Mike Rhodes

Fresnan’s demanded an end to the DRUMBEAT OF WAR during a 10 mile march for peace in Fresno that took place on Saturday, September 14. With signs and banners demanding DON’T ATTACK IRAQ and UNITED AGAINST WAR over 100 protestors took their message to the streets and the offices of Congressional Representatives. Protest organizer Vince Lavery presented a letter to Rep. George Radonovich’s aides at the beginning of the march. The protestors demanded an end to the current attacks on Iraq and for our representatives to pursue a policy of peace in the Middle East.

The march from Van Ness and Shaw Ave proceeded down Blackstone and ended at Congressman Cal Dooley’s office on the Fulton Mall. Along the route marchers were greeted by many cars honking their horns in support. When they arrived at the mall they attempted to deliver a letter to Dooley’s aides. Dooley’s representatives, who had agreed to accept the letter, were nowhere to be found when marchers arrived.

Further protests are planned. For more information about Peace Fresno call 559-23PEACE (559-237-3223) or visit their web site at:

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by Mike M. (mm424796 [at]
Don't attack Iraq!

Keep an unelected dictator in power and ensure the continued deaths of innocent Muslims and Kurds!

Make sure the unhindered production of chemical and biological weapons continues!

Keep those funds flowing to terrorist organizations and the terror camps up and running!

Keep the oil money flowing into the pockets of an evil despot!

Don't invade Iraq!
by Mike M. (mm424796 [at]
Don't attack Iraq!

Keep an unelected dictator in power and ensure the continued deaths of innocent Muslims and Kurds!

Make sure the unhindered production of chemical and biological weapons continues!

Keep those funds flowing to terrorist organizations and the terror camps up and running!

Keep the oil money flowing into the pockets of an evil despot!

Don't invade Iraq!
by truthteller
All Hussein needs is a hug and a little titty, right?

You've convinced me. You can't fight the crush of super intelligence.
by sheepdog
Believe me, I've been there. The military sucks. FUCK America. Leave a dictator alone. He knows what's best for his people. Dictatorship is Progressive!
by Sheepdog
This is cool, now I'm being impersonated
Didn't do the above post, can't get the Jpgs
to load.
by this thing here
Does the shoe fit, peacenick gerbil cage?
a REAL man
by Sheepdog
How do you know you're not just an android
programed to respond to the sound of duct tape
being drawn? Is that a half a roll of tums in
your pocket or are you just glad that I noticed?
by No More War
Keep an unelected dictator in power...

Well, this point just speaks for itself. Take my rights, please!

Make sure the unhindered production of chemical and biological weapons continues!

Gee, is the UN sending inspectors to monitor US weapons of mass destruction? Who has the largest stockpile on the face of the earth?

Keep those funds flowing to terrorist organizations and the terror camps up and running!

Can you say School of Americas?

Keep the oil money flowing into the pockets of an evil despot?

Isn't that what the White House Energy Task Force did last year?
by lice blizzard
How can I be so dumb? ANY terminal idiot with lice falling from it like snow knows what's best. I stand corrected.
by Jay Hubbell (hubbell [at]
by Mike M. • Saturday September 14, 2002 at 08:07 PM
mm424796 [at]

"Don't attack Iraq! "

"Keep an unelected dictator in power and ensure the continued deaths of innocent Muslims and Kurds! "

Well, Mike M., it sounds like you are describing President Bush to a T.

"Make sure the unhindered production of chemical and biological weapons continues! "

Like the US military's illegal and surrepticious biological weapons program under Bush, et al? Undoubtedly, the US governent itself is the real source of the antrhrax terror campaign. This is why the FBI could supposedly identify the 9-11purpetrators in a day but still have not solved the domestic anthrax attacks.

"Keep those funds flowing to terrorist organizations and the terror camps up and running! "

You mean like Bush's CIA and the terror camp at Guantanamo and the terror school formerly known as the School of the America's and right wing terror squads in Columbia and Venezuela and terrorist regimes like Sharon's fascistsic Israel?

"Keep the oil money flowing into the pockets of an evil despot!"

Would you speaking of Bush/Cheney or some of the Bush supported desposts of the Caspian Sea oil region?

"Don't invade Iraq!"

Well, Mike M., your attempt at satire has backfired on you like a fart in a closet.

by toast
an actual discussion happening here . . . you mean, the BUMPERSTICKER crowd (you know, the group calling for violence and full of foul language and images) hasn't leaked out over to here yet?

sorry to interrupt - go on with what you were saying.
by hooper
Hubbell the puke
by vandal killer
Yeah, we're here, you fucking sleazy useless puke vandal.
by Conservative Chickenhawk Killer
Payback will be a Bitch--for all you Conservative cunt living in your Whitebread world. We're gonna bring the LA Riots into your Flag-Waving home, and into your muhfucking head.

All you cocksucking America Apologists will find out what vengeance is all about, and have your family reap misery in spades...

9-11 was too kind for you AmeriNazis.
by I'm so scared
You seem upset, little Satan. What's the matter, is the realization you're in the last days disturbing to you? You're nothing but filth. Save yourself the wait. Practice your pervert skills on a loaded pistol.
by In Jesus name I pray.
Jesus saves.
by St Steve
Most people assume "WWJD" stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" But the initials really stand for "What Would Jesus Drive?"

One theory is He would drive a Plymouth because the Bible says God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden "in a Fury", but in Psalm 83, the Almighty clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo -- the passage urges the Lord to "pursue your enemies with your Tempest and terrify them with your Storm."

Perhaps God favors Dodge trucks because Moses' followers are warned not to go up a mountain "until the Ram's horn sounds a long blast." Maybe it was a Honda -- in St. John's gospel, Christ tells the crowd, "For I did not speak of my own Accord." Following the Master's lead, "the Apostles were in one Accord", a car pool.

Meanwhile, Moses rode an old Brit motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible passage declaring that "the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the hills." Brings new meaning to the song "Jesus Built My Hot Rod", doesn't it?
by Sheepdog
I've read the bible a few times and you've gotten more out of it than I ever did.
by W.Axl Rose
Kick thier ass
Take thier gas
by valleygirl
Many Honking cars you say? How many is many? I sure don't see many honking for you guys any other time you take up space, why would people honk for you guys now?
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
What an interesting phenomena! All of these posts to my article on the Indymedia web site and most of them from right wing zealots (or is it the same zealot?). When I first read “Keep an unelected dictator in power and ensure the continued deaths of innocent Muslims” I thought he must have been talking about George W Bush. In any event, I sure don’t see any BIG demonstrations out here in the Central Valley of California demanding that the U.S. Bomb Iraq, give more tax cuts to billionaires, or poison the environment.

What I hear the people demanding is PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST and an END TO THE DRUMBEAT OF WAR. The only voices I hear calling for war and the death of women and children are the lunatic(s?) responding to the article on this web site. Could the person writing this warmongering responses be the voice of the government disinformation program that is a part of the CIA?
by Mike Rhodes
What an interesting phenomena! All of these posts to my article on the Indymedia web site and most of them from right wing zealots (or is it the same zealot?). When I first read “Keep an unelected dictator in power and ensure the continued deaths of innocent Muslims” I thought he must have been talking about George W Bush. In any event, I sure don’t see any BIG demonstrations out here in the Central Valley of California demanding that the U.S. Bomb Iraq, give more tax cuts to billionaires, or poison the environment.

What I hear the people demanding is PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST and an END TO THE DRUMBEAT OF WAR. The only voices I hear calling for war and the death of women and children are the lunatic(s?) responding to the article on this web site. Could the person writing this warmongering responses be the voice of the government disinformation program that is a part of the CIA?
by .....
"most of them from right wing zealots (or is it the same zealot?)"


"Could the person writing this warmongering responses be the voice of the government disinformation program that is a part of the CIA?"

Now I don't like the CIA either, but credit where credit's due, I doubt if you could get on the payroll when you have an IQ less than room temperature as our troll does. No I'm afraid he is just someone with a mental defect of some kind.
by valleygirl
Oh please, you flatter me!

I wish I could get on their payroll, I would have to work for a living, like everyone else!

While we don't get numbers, we get public support.
by The Left is Wrong
"Its cumming for you and yours
by Conservative Chickenhawk Killer • Sunday September 15, 2002 at 04:25 AM

Payback will be a Bitch--for all you Conservative cunt living in your Whitebread world. We're gonna bring the LA Riots into your Flag-Waving home, and into your muhfucking head.

All you cocksucking America Apologists will find out what vengeance is all about, and have your family reap misery in spades...

9-11 was too kind for you AmeriNazis."

Bring it on, and I guarantee you, that the last thing that you will ever see is the muzzle flash from a large caliber firearm.

Got it?

Consider yourselve(s) warned.

by Sheepdog
Sounds like more crap to create division
Smells like another jackass.
by sheepshitferbrains
Grovel in your own puddle of piss. THAT'S the way to be.
by Sheepdog
Another cranky baby.
I guess Jesus is still alive, so much for
another myth. Now we'll have to have another

Sorry I've got no more peanuts.
by siuyfa
nothing wrong w/ public support if its for the right thing and if nessie is opposed even more reason to believe its the right thing
by Ann Galloway (anactive [at]
Awesome...I'm so proud of these individuals marching for Peace, and for change. Those in the central valley are fighting against the strong tide of right-wing conservatives with their propaganda hate radio station KMJ 580. They are the true warriors for change and go way beyond preaching to the choir like those in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. To jump in to a real battle support the Progressive groups in the Central Valley and show your support.
by Doc Sanchez (DocSanchez [at]
While I support the anti-war sentiment in principle, my cynicism leads me to believe that the marches against attacking Iraq have little effect on the warhawks in Washington. They are going to do what they are going to do. Democracy in this country has become an illusion.
I mean, do the math: you have the entire Gulf War "team" back in places of power in Washington. Do you REALLY believe they give fifty hoots in hell what the citizenry has to say about it?
Tell me I'm wrong.

Doc Sanchez, San Francisco
by Pole Puppet (yearight [at]
You America-hating 'anti-war' idiots have no idea what it's going to take to protect free nations from TERROR.

The reason that every left-wing idiot, from celebrity to common citizen, has come out of the woodwork to denounce this administration's efforts in weeding out terror-bosses in other countries, is SIMPLY BECAUSE HE IS A REPUBLICAN. Why don't you just come out and admit it? You guys don't care about the mission. You have no idea how necessary ousting Saddam is. YOU HAVE NO CLUE. So why don't you just admit that you're marching because there is a republican in office?

If Gore, Clinton, or any other demon-rat wanted to go clean up this murderous dictator's terror nest, there would be a FRACTION of the resistance from you left wing liberal morons.

Where the fuck were you dumbass protestors when Clinton took us to Haiti or Bosnia, or Somalia? Clinton promised we would be in and out of Bosnia in a few months. We had troops there for years and made little progress in our goals. Haiti was a huge god damn mess and a waste of money and time. And don't even get me started on Somalia - Clinton took us there to oust a murdering Muslem warlord, and instead we got embarrased in front of whe world as our poor Army Rangers got dragged to death in the streets of Mogadichu on every global news network. Where the FUCK were you guys? Were you protesting? No, of course not, because a Republican was NOT in office at the time. Why don't you cloned liberal idiots just admit that you either have NO IDEA why you are protesting, or that you are protesting SIMPLY BECAUSE A REPUBLICAN IS IN OFFICE.

Bush and Clinton have both taken us to war. The difference is that you can expect RESULTS from Bush in this war on terror. Bush as erased the Taliban from the political landscape and restored much-desired freedom to the people of Afghanistan. Iraq is next. The PEOPLE of Iraq are not the fucking targets here, idiots. SADDAM AND HIS REPUBLICAN GAURD ARE. I can't believe that you protestor idiots believe that the world is better off without Saddam, his support of terror, and his oppression of the Iraqi people.

Have a nice day. Go fuck yourselves.
by Pole Puppet (yearight [at]
by Sheepdog another lard-butt USAF (retired?) officer
screaming at the people the Military are sworn
to serve, (that is, when the people say no war!) even
if it doesn't make wall street happy.
by bov
every little bit helps.

But if you feel like the marching isn't working, there's TONS of other stuff you can do. I can list ideas if you need them. Everyone has their own way.

1.5 million in Italy . . . does it make a diff? Our numbers are small, but they're growing with each event.

The Union Square one was important because we were in the heart of the capitalism monster, and people looked and saw who might never see.
by Dr, Greud
Pole Puppet, you are indeed a puppet for the oil conglomerates.
You will be the hero in a jet bombing defenseless civilians in Iraq so about 2 families can own the oil reserves of the mideast.
You will return from wiping out olive skined folks only to battle gulf syndrome while being short of cash to pay for gas at chevron.
by d.d.mccoy
People who oppose war with Iraq aren't liberals, they are mindless greedy sheeps. The Iraqi regime has it's own agenda and they knowingly support it.
Saddam Hussein takes half of Iraq's oil profits and invests it in his unconventional weapons program, the other half goes to shape the western public opinions againt its leaders. That alone is ground for war.
by Sheepdog
Sheeps? The plural of sheep is (are) sheep, the plural of deer is (are) deer.
Lord, and i’m a dog!
Now sheeple are also in this category as in folk to whom opinion comes often without information to provide
by answerman
'Now sheeple are also in this category as in folk to whom opinion comes often without information to provide analysis'

Here on indybay we just call those 'folk' leftist and anarchist.
by Sheepdog
Are you a fascist? Or ,are you a republician?
what is your lable?
by Ffutal
The Weekly Standard's "contributing humorist," Larry Miller, tells the following heartening story, related to him by a friend who went to a Southern California punk-rock festival:

"The lead singer of every band that day had gotten huge cheers in between songs by shouting things like "ANARCHY!" or, "F--- CORPORATIONS!" or just, "S---!" and all fifty thousand kids would scream their approval, whoop, and shove their fists into the air. Typical, I guess. Then, Buzzcocks" came on, played their first song, and the lead singer stepped forward and shouted this (verbatim from Jack, he wrote it down) into the mike: "F--- GEORGE BUSH! DON'T LISTEN TO HIM. WE HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING IN IRAQ, NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS." And here comes the good news.

There was a long pause, complete silence. And then they started. The boos. One here, one there. Then everyone. EVERYONE. Louder and louder. Jack told me how the puzzled singer blinked in surprise, looked at the rest of his band, and then stepped forward again to try to save the moment. "NO, NO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. I SAID F--- GEORGE BUSH. F--- HIM." The boos grew even louder, and then people began shouting back up to the stage, "NO, MAN, F--- YOU!" "YEAH, F--- YOU, A-----E!" More and more, ceaselessly rising, until the shaken band caucused quickly and just blasted into their next song.

Not bad, eh? I know, I know, it's not exactly parliament shouting down Clement Atlee, but, all in all, not bad.
by Sheepdog
No heading came up on " The Inland Punk Rock Festival
I don't buy it, sorry. This seemed to be another spook
smoke shop, just my opinion.
by Spider Dude
"How to achieve democracy in Iraq"

By Laith Kubba

Sooner or later, there will be regime change in Iraq. Yet neither the US government, the international community nor the Iraqi opposition has agreed a plan for the "day after". None of the options that have been suggested so far is workable. One is a government in exile. Yet Iraqi exiles are too divided among themselves and do not command loyalty inside Iraq. Another option is an interim military regime. But this would have little public support and would be vulnerable to civilian insurrection and armed insurgency.
The uncertainty clouding Iraq's future is helping the tyranny of Saddam Hussein by fuelling doubt, fear and hesitation about what to do next among both European countries and Iraq's neighbours.
Can Iraq's polarised communities of Shi'ites, Kurds and Sunnis or its fragmented opposition groups transform their battered country, establishing a stable constitutional order after decades of war and brutal dictatorship? The answer, fortunately, is yes. The leaders of a post-Saddam Iraq must tackle a series of difficult but by no means impossible transitional tasks. What is needed is an inclusive form of interim administration that can maintain order and restore public services while allowing all interest groups to air their views about the country's future.
Specifically, they must: create a constitutional assembly with a coherent agenda; hold a free and fair referendum on ratification; and, ultimately, seek power through the ballot box. The real challenge will be to do all this relatively quickly - say, within a year - while maintaining law and order and meeting urgent humanitarian needs.
No one person, group, or coalition has the authority, legitimacy or power to lead Iraq during transition. Moreover, the last thing Iraqis need is another strongman. To accomplish what it needs, Iraq's interim administration should have three temporary councils, each with a well-defined set of powers and responsibilities.
The first would function as a lower house for deputies appointed or elected by political groups. Opposition formations, whether in exile or northern Iraq, could fill up to three-quarters of its 200 seats, the rest going to groups now based within Iraq.
The second council would be a sort of senate, with 100 seats mainly for tribal, religious, and ethnic dignitaries. It would give traditional leaders a role without requiring them to politicise their communal identities. It would also ensure the inclusion of minorities such as Turkmens and Chaldean and Assyrian Christians. In addition to offering Iraqis a forum for political bargaining, these two councils would play a direct role in nominating members of the constitutional assembly, setting its agenda, and approving the draft constitution that it produces before this goes to the voters. To forestall conflict over executive power during the transition, the bureaucracy should be kept out of the hands of political groups and armed organisations. Likewise, the interim political councils should stay out of administrative matters.
A third council would look after national security. Its mission would be to secure the borders, stop violent conflicts, and assert control over weapons and armed men so citizens need not fear assault or the outbreak of private warfare. Such a council would have to include selected officers from the current Iraqi military and security establishment and representatives of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), and the Shi'ite Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), which between them field tens of thousands of armed fighters. To ensure the unbroken provision of vital public services, the interim government should let most of Saddam's ordinary civilian bureaucrats, as opposed to secret police and other henchmen, keep their jobs.
Overseeing the entire transition process would be a three-member presidency with sovereign authority over the three temporary councils. The presidency would comprise one senior figure each from the north, the centre and the south. Each of these members must have an untarnished record of integrity and public service to Iraq.
The presidency should have power to appoint cabinet ministers, approve nominations of additional members to the temporary councils, and ensure the legitimacy of the procedures of the constitutional assembly. The presidency members should consult with the KDP and PUK regarding any nominations concerning the north, and with the SCIRI regarding the south.
Inevitably, this plan is only an outline. It will not please everyone. But these shortcomings are outweighed by its virtues. It accommodates many players without allowing them to undermine the transition. It allows a legitimate and legal transfer of power. It provides for a transitional administration that can serve the Iraqi people rather than fractious political groups. The plan makes Iraq's existing armed groups part of the solution to disorder rather than part of the problem.
For this plan to work, all Iraqi groups need to understand that their interest lies in a peaceful transition. That will only succeed if they are prepared to compromise. There will always be forces that will want to upset the chessboard if they cannot win every time. But a new game with new rules would allow the Iraqi people to take their destiny into their own hands and lay the groundwork for a peaceful and democratic future.
Laith Kubba is a founding member of the Iraqi National Congress
by Ffutal
It turns out a punk-rock band did get booed in California after its lead singer shouted obscenities about President Bush. The Weekly Standard's Larry Miller says he's confirmed the story he told in an article earlier this week is true--but the band in question is Blink-182, not the Buzzcocks. Miller apologizes profusely to the Buzzcocks for the error, even offering to buy them two rounds of drinks.
Would some one please print this article?
The one about Blink-186 in the Rolling Stone?
by Loki
How old are these guys?There still around?
by Loki
How old are these guys?There still around?
by .........
no deal on the link to this supposed story. Seems alot like some shit some one made up, to support a belief they desperately hope, against all empirical evidence, is true. The American people are not bloodthirsty warmongers no matter how much the right wing tries to convince us we are.
by Sheepdog
But I can be proven wrong
I don't Waste time or money
buying rags like R. S.
by john
you know,america is one of the only countries in the world that would allow it's people to degrade the american name in a public forum.their are alot of other countries that would have their people shot for the kinds of statements you are making. so,enjoy your freedom ! ASSHOLE !
by Kevin (kevsters47 [at]
You people that believe Iraq should not be destroyed are not people who really enjoy your freedom. Saddam is the worse dictator of our generation. His son is next in line behind him. Saddam is building nukes right now and watching America cry, piss, moan and groan over wether we should fight or not. You people don't seem to understand the concept of nuclear weapons. If their birds fly, our birds fly, then some other countries birds fly, and no longer just makes this a war, but a nuclear holocaust. If we don't act now, this might happen. This country is the greatest country that you people live in. Where else can you find a country that lets you say whatever you want to, or have your own religion, or allow you to complain about pay raises, or allows you to make new laws by your vote, certainly not Iraq, certainly not England, ceritainly not any other country. I say kill Saddam and end this holy war. We have the strongest military and navy in the world. In fact we are no longer a super power, but a mega power. Enjoy your countries freedom, because all we have right now is a medium size country with people not working together. A country is only as good as the people make it. Our country was born by the revolutionary war, and look where we are now, we have the longest surviving constitution ever. So appreciate your country and stand up for it.
by aaron
Kevster says (and it pains me that I can't disagree):

"This country is the greatest country that you people live in."

by The PKK will defend N Iraq From the US
Intelligence reports: PKK is deploying guided missiles on Turkish border

Turkish Daily News

Oct 3, 2002

On the eve of a possible Iraqi operation it was asserted that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), now called the Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress (KADEK), is deploying missiles on the Iraqi-Turkish border to be used against warplanes and helicopters.

"According to intelligence reports PKK increased the number of its SA-7 guided missiles in the Harkuk and Kandil mountains and also seeking to find SAM missiles which are more effective than the SA-7," said television channel CNN Turk.

If the allegations are true these SA-7 missiles will cast a very serious threat for operations which could be performed in the region.

Developments which raise the fears of Turkey's tendency to take measures in Northern Iraq because of a possible Iraq operation, pushed the PKK into taking counter measures. "The terrorist organization is seeking mines and explosives to be used at Turkey's Sirnak province border," quoted the report by CNN Turk and continued: "The terrorist organization is increasing the number of SA-7 missiles on Haftanin, Garadag, Hakurk and Kandil mountains. It is estimated that there are 70-80 SA-7 missiles in this region now. The terrorist organization is seeking SAM missiles in order to deploy them in the Avasin-Basyan region which is near the Turkish border."

It was also claimed in the report that the terrorist organization is gathering its militants in the region, besides deploying missiles, which may target Turkish warplanes and helicopters, the PKK organization is deploying new militants to the evacuated villages in the Haftanin, Metina, Zap, Avasin-Basyan, Harkuk regions.

These preparations by the PKK organization is aiming to prevent the possible intervention of the Turkish army in the developments in the region.

The PKK had shot down two helicopters before with a heat-seeking SA-7 missile. In the two attacks in Northern Iraq in May 1997, 13 Turkish soldiers died, when one Super Cobra and one Cougar helicopter were shot down. These attacks had also paved the way for new security measures in Northern Iraq taken by the Turkish army at that time.

Speaking to the Turkish Daily News military analyst Nihat Ali Ozcan said Turkey counteracted many of these missiles after these attacks. "The terrorist organization had obtained these missiles from former Yugoslavia when there was a war in that country. But it is possible that now they might of obtained missiles from Saddam. Because we know that Iraqi intelligence has contacts with the PKK today."
by Stefanie Verdugo (sugeebabe [at]
I just wanted to let you know I will be at the March demonstration at River Park to show my support for our troops. Nobody wants to go to war, but we have to do what we have to do to protect ourselves from another 911 attack. You anti-war people act as if 911 did not occur on American soil. The only reason you guys even have a right to speak your mind is because our men fought for our freedom of speech. This is not the sixties for God's sake. Let's not treat these soldiers the way the Vietnam Vets were treated when they returned home. Let's support them and thank them for protecting our freedom, our homes, our loved ones and our country. Have some respect! Show support for our country, or get out!!
by HM2 M. J. Sanchez (FMF) U. S. Navy Retired (DocSanchez [at]
I don't want to hear anything out of the "never served" crowd about mine or anyone's anti-war sentiments. I humped with two Marine Corps Infantry outfits in Southeast Asia before half of you were born and I'm still serving Vets at the VA hospital here. If you've never served then shut up about how right we are being in Iraq. While you sit at your computer and pontificate about war, we have 1200 plus dead American kids and tens of thousands of dead Iraqis--women, kids, old folks, and babies--and not one weapon of mass destruction found, not one link to Osama, only higher gas prices at home and lots and LOTS of money for oil tycoons.
I've yet to find ONE combat Vet who is in favor of this war in Iraq. The WWII Vets are the ones who MOST oppose this war. The administration has lied to Americans about the reasons for the war, calling it an extention of the 'war on terror' when in fact not one Iraqi was among the 9/11 terrorists. We WERE looking for Osama bin Laden, whom we KNOW was responsible, but somewhere along the way we got sidetracked into Iraq. Meanwhile North Korea has nukes, says they're making more, and even Rumsfeld says they'll have the capability of reaching the West Coast within a decade. So why aren't we in North Korea? Simple. There's nothing there but a quagmire of millions of North Koreans to feed and no exploitable natural resources.
Interesting to me is the fact that the President, the Vice President, and the new Secr. of State are all oil people, and we're waste deep in a non-winable war in one of the most oil rich countries in the world....
I ALWAYS support the troops [we've sent packages to the troops in two wars including Iraq---what have YOU sent, you pro-war pendejos?] but I cannot support this administration's decision to defy the United Nations, our allies, NATO, and international law with the unilateral and unprovoked invasion of Iraq.
Was Saddam a turd? Yes. Does he deserve worse than death for his crimes against his own people? Yes. Should we have gone half cocked into Iraq and sacrificed SO many young Americans lives to overthrow him? No. The real sin of this administration is their pride, their unwillingness to admit that they involved hundreds of thousands of Americans (but not themselves or their children--can you picture Secretary Rice or the Bush girls in uniform guarding a convoy in central Iraq?) in a mess that they hadn't counted on. Recently the generals asked for 5,000 more troops because they know darn well there aren't enough over there to keep the peace and make it safe for elections to be held, but the generals waited until AFTER the election for this request to be made, so as not to appear to have lost control in Iraq. Meaning to anyone who looks closely that they knew BEFORE the election that more troops were going to be needed to save lives and protect the kids already there. But no, they waited.
Asking 130,000 Marines and soldiers to run around in Iraq and keep the peace is like sending two cops into Oakland on Super Bowl Sunday with the Raiders isn't EVEN enough. If this administration really cared about the men and women they've sent over there then they would not have sent half of them back home after the initial invasion and they would certainly have armored the vehicles and equipped the men for the task. Not enough people and not enough equipment and an administration that doesn't really care about American military people...
This smells so much like Viet Nam to any 'Nam Vet---just ask someone who was there. The non-combatants in the safety of Washington, DC, have AGAIN gotten us into a war that can't be won. Those Marines and soldiers over there will do there duty and give 200%, of course, just like we did in Southeast Asia, but not enough is not enough---can you hear me, Generals? Stop playing politics with Marines' lives. Either take over Iraq with an absolutely overwhelming force or get out. Take a lesson from history, warhawks: The Brits couldn't win against the Minutemen, the Soviets couldn't win against the Afghan rebels (Osama was one of them, funded by US), and it is painfully obvious that the administration has placed an insufficient number of young Americans over there, fighting against an enemy that is defending their own lands against a perceived invader. No one fights harder than someone defending their home.
Get out of Iraq now.
And you warhawks who've never seen combat, you sicken me.
Ask anyone who's been there and they'll tell you, there are no winners in war; only greater and lesser losers.
History and God will judge this administration for their acts.
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
This is a 'repeat' if there ever was one.
M. J. "Doc" Sanchez
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