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Indybay Feature

SF Rallies To Proclaim Bush's Actions Lead To 911

by Z
Who should be held responsible for the acts of September 11th?
Throughout the 80s the US trained the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and supplied them with weapons. The US received many warnings about the September 11th attacks but did nothing to stop them.

For details about US knowledge see:

For an article pointing to Bush's possible involvement see:
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From Rally
by Z
§Pictures From The March
by Z
§Pictures From The March
by Z
§Pictures From The March
by Z
§Pictures From The March
by Z
§Pictures From The March
by Z
§Pictures From The March
by Z
§March Ends At POwer To The Peaceful Concert
by Z
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by moretreeslessbush
You captured the march really well - thanks!
by Stupid Fucks
Go back to your favoured nations asswipes.

Pick a nation.

I hate you!

by X2
there are plenty of shitty little countries that are all anti-abortion, pro-military, pro-religion, pro-government power. Such as : North Korea, China, Iraq, Colombia, etc etc etc. These are all right-wing countries; you'd love it there!
by Yo MAMA
You are the SPEWER of HATE you whore.
by X2
hate is a perfectly natural reaction to right wing Nazis.
by RAZA Nation
To all the AmeriNazis like "Stupid Fucks" and "X2" with their "America--love it or leave it" bullshit, one little message.

This land doesn't belong to "Americans" to begin with. You murderers are the last people on this planet to be telling anybody to go anywhere.

La Raza and First Nation people should be telling America: Get the fuck off our land, and go back to where you Evil hell you came from.
by RAZA Nation
To all the AmeriNazis like "Stupid Fucks" and "X2" with their "America--love it or leave it" bullshit, one little message.

This land doesn't belong to "Americans" to begin with. You murderers are the last people on this planet to be telling anybody to go anywhere.

La Raza and First Nation people should be telling America: Get the fuck off our land, and go back to Hell from whence you came from and were spawned.
by X2
Internet troll

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

On the Internet, a troll is a person who posts messages that create controversy or an angry response without adding content to the discussion, often intentionally. Though technically different from flaming which is an unmistakable direct personal attack, trolls often resort to innuendo or misdirection in the pursuit of their objective, which is to create controversy for its own sake, discredit those with whom they disagree, or sabotage discussion by creating an intimidating atmosphere.

Originally this term applied to people who were intentionally posting flamebait, by analogy with the fishing technique of trolling: metaphorically, these people were dragging a conversational lure through the group, hoping for a response. The concept of "this person is trolling our newsgroup" became shortened to "this person is a troll", and picked up the association of the monster trolls of folklore.

Trolling mostly maintains its earlier meaning of posting messages specifically in order to elicit a particular response, usually anger or argument.

The noun form, troll, is sometimes used in the more general sense of someone who stirs up controversy, whether or not the controversy itself is their goal. Frequently this is used to discredit one position in an argument. By asserting that one's opponents are trolls, one is asserting that they are only maintaining their position in order to feed the flames, and that their position is actually indefensible.

Common types of troll messages:

off topic messages -- "Can anyone help me make a webpage?" "No, this is a music forum."
inflammatory messages -- "You are an idiot for including this type of message in your list."
messages containing an obvious flaw or error -- "I think Star Wars is Roman Polanski's best movie."

An example of a troll message in the newer sense would be one that denounces a particular religion in a religion newsgroup -- though historically, this would have been called "flamebait".

There is some generally-accepted wisdom about dealing with Internet trolls: "Don't feed the trolls, that will only encourage them." That is, do not respond to them, that is the attention they desire.

See also:

Naked and Petrified
by matthew willis (thew94610 [at]
hey all,

as great as it was to march into a huge crowd of people at the "power to the peaceful" demo, being with the much smaller, much more challenging "bush did it demo" leading up to it carried a lot more strength and significance for me.

the power to the peaceful concert was basically a free concert in gg park with some headline bands performing. that a lot of people showed up is not necessarily a success. a lot of people show up to a raider football game; that doesn't make a football game something progressive.

the measure of its success will be if the vast majority of the folks who came out to it will allow themselves to become active in the struggle for justice and peace. that remains to be seen.

the bush demo on the other hand was an opportunity for a courageous small band of activists who aren't afraid to tell the truth to make a public statement and allow others to feel some permission to do the same themselves.

the brass liberation orcquestra and the radical cheerleaders were just great. special thanks to them for bring that spirit and talent to the march. now lets take it to september 11th and make another powerfull statement on that day!

matthew willis, all peeps.
by matthew willis (thew94610 [at]
hey all,

as great as it was to march into a huge crowd of people at the "power to the peaceful" demo, being with the much smaller, much more challenging "bush did it demo" leading up to it carried a lot more strength and significance for me.

the power to the peaceful concert was basically a free concert in gg park with some headline bands performing. that a lot of people showed up is not necessarily a success. a lot of people show up to a raider football game; that doesn't make a football game something progressive.

the measure of its success will be if the vast majority of the folks who came out to it will allow themselves to become active in the struggle for justice and peace. that remains to be seen.

the bush demo on the other hand was an opportunity for a courageous small band of activists who aren't afraid to tell the truth to make a public statement and allow others to feel some permission to do the same themselves.

the brass liberation orcquestra and the radical cheerleaders were just great. special thanks to them for bring that spirit and talent to the march. now lets take it to september 11th and make another powerfull statement on that day!

matthew willis, all peeps.
by matthew willis (thew94610 [at]
hey all,

as great as it was to march into a huge crowd of people at the "power to the peaceful" demo, being with the much smaller, much more challenging "bush did it demo" leading up to it carried a lot more strength and significance for me.

the power to the peaceful concert was basically a free concert in gg park with some headline bands performing. that a lot of people showed up is not necessarily a success. a lot of people show up to a raider football game; that doesn't make a football game something progressive.

the measure of its success will be if the vast majority of the folks who came out to it will allow themselves to become active in the struggle for justice and peace. that remains to be seen.

the bush demo on the other hand was an opportunity for a courageous small band of activists who aren't afraid to tell the truth to make a public statement and allow others to feel some permission to do the same themselves.

the brass liberation orcquestra and the radical cheerleaders were just great. special thanks to them for bring that spirit and talent to the march. now lets take it to september 11th and make another powerfull statement on that day!

matthew willis, all peeps.
by lisa g
I am living in Argentina now and it is so good to see these pictures of people organizing in my home town!
For awhile, I thought everyone in the US had gone to sleep, thrown into paralysis by 9/11. To see anti-war and anti-Bush protests in the Bay Area totally warms my ageing sixties activist heart.

Hasta La Victoria

by lisa g
I am living in Argentina now and it is so good to see these pictures of people organizing in my home town!
For awhile, I thought everyone in the US had gone to sleep, thrown into paralysis by 9/11. To see anti-war and anti-Bush protests in the Bay Area totally warms my ageing sixties activist heart.

Hasta La Victoria

by lisa g
correct site address
by blah
"a lot of people show up to a raider football game; that doesn't make a football game something progressive."

it doesn't? Shit, now I have to sell my tickets to one of the capitalist imperialist aggressors.
by Left is wrong....
Can you people be more asinine? I can't possibly imagine how.
by Left is wrong....
Can you people be more asinine? I can't possibly imagine how.
by bonyuk
it disturbs me whenever I see children being used to display their parents political opinion - and I don't care what that opinion might be.

Just had to get that off my chest because although I really enjoyed the other pictures from the peace rally - this one just "didn't sit right with me".
by lisa g
I'm gonna give up my conservative ways. How can I resist, when I'm shown Carol the LezzoLice?
by grumbler
Hey if I wanna bring my kids to a parade, I'm allowed. This is America. Free country - or did you forget?
by matthew
someone expressed discomfort at seeing kids at demos. why is that? is it better to put your kids in front of a t.v. set? its their future we're fighting for.
by Douglas Miller (duggo357 [at]
Check Photo - Pentagon Ground Zilch - No Airliner
Check Footage - WTC7 - Controlled Internal Collapse (provable)
Check Footage - WTC I & II - Controlled Internal Collapse (apparent)

MIT structural evaluation: Rigged by the 911 Perpetrators.

One AdamTwelve - One Adam Twelve.....
by a®t division of ®eich turn™
and because so many deny, neglect or refuse to aknowledge:

The Official Stand-Down Order

At 9:25, [Jane] Garvey, in an historic and admirable step, and almost certainly after getting an okay from the White House, initiated a national ground stop, which forbids takeoffs and requires planes in the air to get down as soon as reasonable.
The order, which has never been implemented since flying was invented in 1903, applied to virtually every single kind of machine that can takeoff - civilian, military, or law enforcement.

The Herndon command center coordinated the phone call to all major FAA sites, the airline reps in the room contacted all airlines, and so-called NOTAMS —notices to airmen — were also sent out.

The FAA had stopped the world.

[...] at 10.31, the FAA allowed all military and law enforcement flights to resume. (and some flights that the FAA can't reveal that were already airborne).

Time, September 14, 2001,8599,174912,00.html
The Miracle of Atta's Passport - Uncle Sam's Lucky Finds
The Guardian, March 19, 2002,1609,669961,00.htm

Car Bomb Disinformation Was From A High-Ranking Official
CBS News Anchor, Dan Rather, October 2001

"I first saw it on TV, and I thought - There's one terrible Pilot!"
G.W. Bush, December 4, 2001

War, Recession & National Emergency - "Lucky Me, I hit the Trifecta!"
G.W. Bush, circa September 11, 2001

Crowley also said there was a C-130 military cargo aircraft about 17 miles away flying at 24,000 feet when Flight 93 crashed. The military plane had no weapons on board. Crowley said he did not know where it was coming from or going, but said its crew reported seeing smoke or dust near the crash site.
Post Gazette

The second plane looked similar to a C- 130 transport plane, [Keith Wheelhouse] said. He believes it flew directly above the American Airlines jet, as if to prevent two planes from appearing on radar - while at the same time - guiding the jet toward the Pentagon.
-Daily Press, September 14, 2001

Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth
Americans Probing Reports of Israeli Espionage
Despite angry denials by Israel and its American supporters, reports that Israel was conducting spying activities in the United States may have a grain of truth, the Forward has learned.[...]

According to one former high-ranking American intelligence official, who asked not to be named, the FBI came to the conclusion at the end of its investigation that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September (Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari and Yaron Shmuel) were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front.[...]

In addition to their strange behavior and their Middle Eastern looks, the suspicions were compounded when a box cutter and $4,000 in cash were found in the van. Moreover, one man carried two passports and another had fresh pictures of the men standing with the smoldering wreckage of the World Trade Center in the background.[...]

On December 7, a New Jersey judge ruled that the state could seize the goods remaining inside the warehouse. The state also has a lawsuit pending against Urban Moving Systems and its owner, Dominik Otto Suter, an Israeli citizen. The FBI questioned Mr. Suter once. However, he left the country afterward and went back to Israel before further questioning. Mr. Suter declined through his lawyer to be interviewed for this article.[...] Charlene Eban, a spokeswoman for the FBI in Washington, and Don Nelson, a Justice Department spokesman, said they had no knowledge of an Israeli spying operation.

"If we found evidence of unauthorized intelligence operations, that would be classified material," added Jim Margolin, a spokesman for the FBI in New York. Forward, February, 2002

Perle Harbor - A Clean Break
"the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one,
absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor..."

".we didn't join the dots"
by Real American
You people are disturbed, end of dicussion. You can't wait to have something to protest.......SUV's, Politics, owl's whatever. Get a real job, the 70's are over and pot isn't cool. There is a reason you are able to say the things that you say, without being killed, and you are protesting it..... How ironic.
by Real American
You people are disturbed, end of dicussion. You can't wait to have something to protest.......SUV's, Politics, owl's whatever. Get a real job, the 70's are over and pot isn't cool. There is a reason you are able to say the things that you say, without being killed, and you are protesting it..... How ironic.
by REAL Patriot
The 50's are over, too. Take off your bowtie and let some blood flow to your brain for once.
by Pissed Off in Ohio
Since when did gov bush become the walking embodyment of our civil liberties? By protesting him killing a bunch of us in those towers, which i also believe he had knowledge of if not direct involvement with, how are we protesting our civil liberties?

What do you care anyways? Why do you seek to subvert our efforts to, at the very least, have this properly investigated? If bush had nothing to do with it, it should be fairly easy to debunk the many unanswered questions being asked in not-so-hushed tones on the street, the forums, the stores, the stadiums, basically everywhere but by the press and our government. That alone makes me seriously question their involvement in this alone.

We will find out what happened, and I fear that when we do things will need to change, drastically and immediately.

And then I would suggest we take back (and keep) our media, so that this might never happen again.
by Pissed Off in Ohio
Since when did gov bush become the walking embodyment of our civil liberties? By protesting him killing a bunch of us in those towers, which i also believe he had knowledge of if not direct involvement with, how are we protesting our civil liberties?

What do you care anyways? Why do you seek to subvert our efforts to, at the very least, have this properly investigated? If bush had nothing to do with it, it should be fairly easy to debunk the many unanswered questions being asked in not-so-hushed tones on the street, the forums, the stores, the stadiums, basically everywhere but by the press and our government. That alone makes me seriously question their involvement in this alone.

We will find out what happened, and I fear that when we do things will need to change, drastically and immediately.

And then I would suggest we take back (and keep) our media, so that this might never happen again.
by Pissed Off in Ohio
Since when did gov bush become the walking embodyment of our civil liberties? By protesting him killing a bunch of us in those towers, which i also believe he had knowledge of if not direct involvement with, how are we protesting our civil liberties?

What do you care anyways? Why do you seek to subvert our efforts to, at the very least, have this properly investigated? If bush had nothing to do with it, it should be fairly easy to debunk the many unanswered questions being asked in not-so-hushed tones on the street, the forums, the stores, the stadiums, basically everywhere but by the press and our government. That alone makes me seriously question their involvement in this alone.

We will find out what happened, and I fear that when we do things will need to change, drastically and immediately.

And then I would suggest we take back (and keep) our media, so that this might never happen again.
Sorry for the repetition, my browser stalled, didn't think the info posted.
by Real American
First, to REAL Patriot. I'm 35 by the way. How old are you? 19 maybe. Best guess is you are either a college student or professor. If you are a college student you will, most likely, grow up to realize what the real world involves. If not, you will grow up to be either an actor or a college professor. I guess then I don't have to explain the professor part.
To POIO, well I don't know......Sure Bush was the mastermind, and the rest of you clan are hiding in a cabin in Idaho. Go find them and leave if you don't like the USA.
by Real American
First, to REAL Patriot. I'm 35 by the way. How old are you? 19 maybe. Best guess is you are either a college student or professor. If you are a college student you will, most likely, grow up to realize what the real world involves. If not, you will grow up to be either an actor or a college professor. I guess then I don't have to explain the professor part.
To POIO, well I don't know......Sure Bush was the mastermind, and the rest of you clan are hiding in a cabin in Idaho. Go find them and leave if you don't like the USA.
by Real American
First, to REAL Patriot. I'm 35 by the way. How old are you? 19 maybe. Best guess is you are either a college student or professor. If you are a college student you will, most likely, grow up to realize what the real world involves. If not, you will grow up to be either an actor or a college professor. I guess then I don't have to explain the professor part.
To POIO, well I don't know......Sure Bush was the mastermind, and the rest of you clan are hiding in a cabin in Idaho. Go find them and leave if you don't like the USA.
by Real American
First, to REAL Patriot. I'm 35 by the way. How old are you? 19 maybe. Best guess is you are either a college student or professor. If you are a college student you will, most likely, grow up to realize what the real world involves. If not, you will grow up to be either an actor or a college professor. I guess then I don't have to explain the professor part.
To POIO, well I don't know......Sure Bush was the mastermind, and the rest of you clan are hiding in a cabin in Idaho. Go find them and leave if you don't like the USA.
by Real Americam
Sorry, forgot one thing. The media........................on my side? Are you serious? Watch the news...............protestors get 5,6,7 minutes. Pro Bush, pro American, pro anything get 30 seconds, if that. Pay attention now, class has started. Get out you notebooks, you are going to learn something finally. YOU.........................ARE.............................WRONG.
by Real Americam
Sorry, forgot one thing. The media........................on my side? Are you serious? Watch the news...............protestors get 5,6,7 minutes. Pro Bush, pro American, pro anything get 30 seconds, if that. Pay attention now, class has started. Get out you notebooks, you are going to learn something finally. YOU.........................ARE.............................WRONG.
by Real American
Sorry, forgot one thing. The media........................on my side? Are you serious? Watch the news...............protestors get 5,6,7 minutes. Pro Bush, pro American, pro anything get 30 seconds, if that. Pay attention now, class has started. Get out you notebooks, you are going to learn something finally. YOU.........................ARE.............................WRONG.
by Real American
Sorry, forgot one thing. The media........................on my side? Are you serious? Watch the news...............protestors get 5,6,7 minutes. Pro Bush, pro American, pro anything get 30 seconds, if that. Pay attention now, class has started. Get out you notebooks, you are going to learn something finally. YOU.........................ARE.............................WRONG.
by Real American
Sorry, forgot one thing. The media........................on my side? Are you serious? Watch the news...............protestors get 5,6,7 minutes. Pro Bush, pro American, pro anything get 30 seconds, if that. Pay attention now, class has started. Get out you notebooks, you are going to learn something finally. YOU.........................ARE.............................WRONG.
by ko
Sure you can bring your kids to rallys and marches. Hell let them get arrested. Since they have no rights of their own you can subject them to as much propaganda as you want until they turn into little Republicans as a result.
I saw this tactic practiced a lot by Operation Resue last time they did a Caravan of California. It helps them bring up their numbers!
by ko
Sure you can bring your kids to rallys and marches. Hell let them get arrested. Since they have no rights of their own you can subject them to as much propaganda as you want until they turn into little Republicans as a result.
I saw this tactic practiced a lot by Operation Resue last time they did a Caravan of California. It helps them bring up their numbers!
by send the kids to grandma
Seeing those kids holding those signs reminded me of the pictures I've seen of the kids at neo-nazi rallies in Idaho. So sick -- it turns my stomach.

Leave the children out of it.
by matthew
kids are supervised by adults to stand in front of an american flag, praying to a fake god to bless a country founded on the slaughter of a whole continent of people and the enslavement of another in schools all across this country, and looking at a kid with a sign calling bush what he is - a murder - is what "makes you sick."

by Abraham
[This could well be the first global televised program on 9/11.]

German PBS Equivalent To Air Documentary On Unansweredquestions.Org

German Documentary On Unansweredquestions.Org
Friday, 20 June 2003, 3:40 pm
Press Release:

Distribution via the Unanswered Questions Wire
Sign up for the wire at:
Unanswered Questions : Thinking for ourselves.

German PBS Equivalent To Air Documentary On Unansweredquestions.Org
Press Release For immediate release/further distribution

June 19, 2003

A German TV documentary: "Aktenzeichen 11.9. ungelöst" (File 9/11 unsolved) will be broadcast on Friday, June 20th, 2003, 23.00 h MEST Middle European Summertime in the WDR (Westdeutsche Rundfunk, see website below). It features James Bamford, author of Body of Secrets, founders Kyle F. Hence, Catherine Austin Fitts (Former Assistant Secretary Dept. of Housing Bush 41), Tom Flocco and 9/11 researcher and activist Allan Duncan. German born NY resident and pioneering 9/11 researcher Nico Haupt was also interviewed. believes this will be the first television broadcast globally on a major or 'primary' television network that directly explores the outstanding questions and issues surrounding the attacks of September 11th and challenges the status quo line on 9/11. Barrie Zwicker's Great Deception series on VisionTV, a relatively small cable network in Canada was the first television event to directly challenge the official story regarding 9/11.

WDR is German equivalent of our PBS. With a positive response and demand there may be an international version of the film released in the coming months and the filmmakers are set to publish a companion book as well.

For more information please contact:
Kyle F. Hence
kylehence [at]

More information here:

by X
While I know this comment is sure to rase the ire of all these self ritcheous activists but it must be said:
Looking at these photos of the parade it stands out that there are a disproportionate number of seriously obese (to be diplomatic about it) walking around there lecturing everyone else on how to be a good little model citizen by correcting all the wrongs going on in this country. Sorry sweethearts, but with so many people dying of hunger every fucking day it is a sin to be such a glutton. SHARE, for gods sake. It is criminal enough to be so self indulgent instead of sharing with others who are starving to death, but then to turn around and tell other people what they should be doing to make the world a better... how laughably
by G W
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
Here the video in xvid format
Keywords: 911 flight 93 Wisnewski Brunner Well made german documentary with english subtitles about the unanswered questions of 9/11. Covers missing planes, 9/11 truth movement, Operation Northwoods, Patriot Act. The Authors were banned from German TV after this was broadcast, and "the official version" was promptly given prominent backing.
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