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Holohoax Death Museum Firebombed

by Associated Press
Itz Coming!
Nazi death march museum firebombed in Germany

By The Associated Press

Sepember 6, 2002

BERLIN - German authorities have posted a 10,000 euro reward for clues leading to an arrest in the worst anti-Semitic attack on a Holocaust memorial in a decade, the fireboming of a museum honoring the victims of a Nazi death march.

The attack Thursday night destroyed the main exhibition of the death march museum in the Belower Woods, which detailed how the Nazis drove concentration camp inmates deeper into Germany as the Soviet Army advanced at the end of World War II.

Outside the museum, vandals painted a big red swastika and two SS symbols on a memorial, and an anti-Semitic slogan one meter high and six meters long along the base of a large memorial column.

More than 45,000 prisoners were forced to march from Ravensbrueck and Sachsenhausen, both in Brandenburg state, were gathered in the Belower Woods near Wittstock, 100 kilometers )65 miles( northwest of Berlin, where 700-800 died of exhaustion and hunger within a few days.

The area had not seen such a serious attack on a Holocaust site since 1992, when neo-Nazis burned the rebuilt prisoner barracks inside the Sachsenhausen concentration camp outside Berlin.

The attack came as a new study by researchers at Berlin's Free University and the University of Leipzig showed anti-Semitism is increasing in Germany, with more than a quarter of respondents telling researchers they believe Jewish influence is too great.

According to the survey, which polled 1,001 people in east Germany and 1,050 in the west in April, some 28 percent overall believe that Jewish influence is too great, while 32 percent said they partially agreed.

Researchers found that higher numbers of people in the former West Germany had such feelings.

In 1994, 7 percent of eastern respondents agreed with the statement, compared to 14 percent today. In the west, 17 percent said Jewish influence was too great in 1994 compared to 31 percent today.

The survey, which had a margin of error of less than 2 percent, also found a rise in acceptance of the Nazi era, with 17 percent agreeing that "without the extermination of the Jews, Hitler today would be seen as a great statesman."
by fu
Follow your leader...
by gil
I've heard that the incidence of suicide among neo-nazi skinhead youth is around 1300% of the national average, so your analogy is pretty good.
by Socialist
It is outrageous that any questioning of the existence of the Holocaust exists on this website, while the foul-language, fascist trash is removed or hidden, as it should be. The title of this article should be changed to Holocaust or the entire article should be hidden.

As to the AP reprint, which we can read in the SF Chronicle 9/7/02 among many othe places, and for which Indymedia does not exist, anti-Semitism, like all other racism, is a byproduct of capitalism, as it is a form of scapegoating people who are not the cause of the problems of capitalism; the profit motive is the cause of the problems of capitalism. Thus, it should not be surprising tha anti-Semitism exists in any European or majority European descendant population, the latter being the USA, among others. West Germany, of course, was the home base of the old Nazis, who were restored to government under American supervision. That is why West Germany never had a death penalty: If forced to bring the Nazis living in West Germany to trial, they would never receive the death penalty. West Germany was also a bastion of capitalism; East Germany made some efforts to build socialism, including teaching the nature and cause of fascism, capitalism, and anti-Semitism. One could argue that there was need for improvement in East Germany, but at the same time, one would have to describe the stench of fascism festering in West Germany. In any event, that era is gone and the class struggle now prevails in all of Germany.

I wonder what the responses to the same survey on anti-Semitism in the US would be. I suspect it would be at least as bad, if not worse. After all, the German workingclass was sufficiently advanced to win a national healthcare system guaranteeing medical cae to all from cradle to grave and old age pensions under Bismarck, in the 1870s. The educational standards have also historically been better, with the exception of Nazi Germany, than in the US.

As to stating the only thing Hitler did wrong was kill the Jews, sad to say, I have heard upper middle class German Jews state just that. It is probably a common view among Americans because that is the outlook that is taught. After all, Hitler was first and foremost, a good ant-Communist, and the American school system promotes anti-Communism.

While it is always newsworthy to describe fascist incidents and attitudes anywhere in the world, the capitalist press is not known for promoting the news. Thus, we can only wonder what purpose does this serve? My belief is that it is a feeble attempt to get Germany to support Bush's war in Iraq by shaming it into submission. It will not work; the peace movement and the workingclass are too strong in Germany. Some things have been learned. All of Europe is also very anti-American, as was announced in the press this past week. Bush's bully tactics only increase the animosity.

Rather than point the finger at Germany, I think we should point the finger at the warmongers in the USA as being the problem, and the worldwide peace movement as being the solution.
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