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Indybay Feature

Top Five Tell-Tale Sign That the Poster is An Imposter

by Chris Gonzalez
Many of us have been subjected to cyber terrorism recently, with most of it being directed at pro-Palestinian activists by pro-Israeli cyber criminals, whose aim it is to create confusion and chaos so as to attempt to continue to hide the truth about apartheid Israel and its ethnic cleansing practicies. The following is a list of the top ten tell-tale signs that indicate YOU have been cyber-terrorized or someone else has had their on-line identity stolen or mimicked.
#1. Someone who you assumed was pro-Palestinian from previous posts on Indymedia or other newsgroups and bulletins, all of a sudden starts saying in their posts that the Holocaust never really happened.

FACT: A true pro-Palestinian activist would never deny the Holocaust. However, Zionists will deny that the Palocaust is happening. They will deny that Israel is guilty of ethnic cleansing and a slow genocide against the Palestinians, the indigenous people of Palestine-Israel, that is getting even worse day by day. Zionists often use the Holocaust as an excuse for why they are now committing the same kind of crimes against humanity that the Nazis did to the Jews.

#2. Someone who you assumed seemed reasonable, albeit perhaps emotional, and morally outraged by the crimes Zionists are committing against the Palestinians, all of a sudden starts saying in their posts that all Jews should die.

FACT: A true pro-Palestinian activist would never say such a racist remark, especially knowing that there are Jews who want nothing to do with Israel or Zionism. However, many Zionists, even public officials, such as the assassinated Israeli Minister of Tourism Ze'evi, say things without impunity like Palestinians are "cancer" and "lice" that need to "be transported" and "of course I hate all Arabs".

#3. Someone who seemed like a reasonable, open-minded person all of sudden claims to be a white supremist.

FACT: A true pro-Palestinian activist has much less in common with a white supremist than a Zionist does. Both white supremists and Zionists have visions of an exclusionary, discriminatory racist country. Neither approves of equal rights for all, and discriminates against citizens and others based on religion or race. White supremists aim for a white society, no diversity, and no interracial or inter-religious marraiges. Zionists don't believe in equal rights for Palestinians in their own ancestral homeland of Palestine-Israel. Israeli Zionists have all kinds of laws that discriminate between Jews and non-Jews, and discourage intermarraige between Jews and Palestinians, even in their laws.

#4. Someone posts a confusing post with a heading that seems pro-Palestinian, yet it has an anti-Palestinian or anti-Arab article or cartoon (ie. of Arafat, etc.) or pro-Israeli message.

FACT: A true pro-Palestinian activists does not play stupid games like that. Palestinians are being killed, oppressed and starved by the Zionist Israeli government as I type this. This is no time for idiotic jokes. Zionists, on the other hand, pull out all the stops to create confusion and determents to pro-Palestinians getting their message of truth out. As it was pointed out recently in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz and The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Isarelis hold the crown title, coming in first in the world, for the crimes of cyber terrorism.

#5. You receive an inordinate amount of messages saying "Undeliverable".

FACT: You have been most likely cyber-terrorized by a Zionazi, who as explained, are famous for this kind of thing. Like I said, a true pro-Palestinian is too busy trying to get the truth out there to bother with cyber terrorism mischief, and obviously we pro-Palestinians don't want to annoy people because we aim to reach people with the truth about apartheid Israel and why our government has to change its foreign policy, and to focus more on education and health issues here in America.

by X2
"zionazi" is a term the white supremacists are trying to get everyone to use. Judging from the article above, they may be getting more sophisticated.
To all of you folks with brains, hear this: this is the latest ploy by our Nazi trolls. It seems bery reasonable but is trying to interject some key ideas. Namely, that "zionazi cyber terrorists" are responsible. Well anyone with a brain ought to see through this instantly. If SFIMC were under attack by true hackers they would not resort to mass postings manually unless they had recently been lobotomized. Their attacks would be far more sophisticated. Second, that term - "zionazi" - is exclusive domain of the neo-nazi community which, like some big ugly leech is trying to attach itself here. Be on the lookout folks. They will deny this alot, so judge for yourself. You will see them spout their famous ZOG crap and then you will know them for what they are and who they are. You will see the same personalities - you can judge by their writing style - using both terms (ZOG and Zionazi).

To all of you nazi trolls: piss off. You're not wanted.
by Sperry
x2 is just an 55 year old fart employed by the ADL. Give it up x2 you are not needed or wanted here.

We are fighting for a new America. We are fighting for Palestinians to live free of the Israeli terror and oppression which YOU specifically nurtured and created during the last 50 years.
by X2
Oh I'm 55 am I?? Jesus Christ but you Nazis are imbeciles. And I work for ADL do I? I suppose that's why about half my posts condemn apartheid racist Israel. You're very very stupid, nazi troll.
by tom king
a little mad for being called out are we? poor bastards. Myabe when the National Alliance comes to power they will give you a BRAIN for all your hard work!

I'm going to have to reassess my neo-nazi demographics. I had once thought of you as a bunch of socially rejected misfits drawn to far right freakos posing as father figures and offering social acceptance in return for your services as useful idiots. Apparently this is totally and completely false.

Judging by your feeble attempts here you are actually useless idiots.
by tom king
a little mad for being called out are we? poor bastards. Myabe when the National Alliance comes to power they will give you a BRAIN for all your hard work!

I'm going to have to reassess my neo-nazi demographics. I had once thought of you as a bunch of socially rejected misfits drawn to far right freakos posing as father figures and offering social acceptance in return for your services as useful idiots. Apparently this is totally and completely false.

Judging by your feeble attempts here you are actually useless idiots.
by Richard Stoller
Hey x2, we all think you are the troll. You Nessie and perhaps a few other racist Jews are the lonely out of step zionist trolls at sf Indymedia. There are always so many posts which seek freedom and justice for Palestinians while you alone have to fight for zionist Israel on al fronts while screaming Nazi Nazi!

Why don't you stop trolling for Israel and post instead at pro Israeli websites.
by X2
I have NEVER excused Israel's actions in point of fact any idiot doing a search for my postings will see VERY quickly quite the opposite. You have just revealed yourself as a troll rather succesfully for only a troll would lie like that. Thankyou for incontrovertibly proving all my points beyond a shadow of a doubt; what was once a strong suspicion can now be grounded as firm and solid fact. Thankyou, troll, for falling for this: now we know who and what you are, beyond a shadow of doubt.
by Lamb
Never ending tweezer work
by intifadah
by intifadah
by X2
so goddamn easy to spook you guys into revealing yourselves. Well well. I will just copy this thread into my bookmarks - there we go - more proof who is behind the attacks on SFIMC so clearly obvious. You guys are really stupid. By the way I'm Irish.
by st
Zionazi is a term that is here to stay. Why? Because "the shoe fits".
Zionazis are simply Zionists who emulate Nazis, as the IDF and its supporters do.
Granted, not all Zionists are Zionazis. Not all Germans were Nazis.
Not all anti-Israel advocates are anti-semitic, nor are they all white supremists.

Just get used to it. Zionazi fits the behavior completely with regards to the IDF. For you to get all indignant about it, is a bit overly sensitive, defensive, unrealistic and self-righteous. Let's call a spade a spade. Somone who fights for the IDF and/or supports the IDF is in fact, a Zionazi. Refuseniks are NOT Zionazis. Refuseniks are very admirable, and all Zionists should endeavor to emulate them, however sadly, and infuriatingly, they do not.

Have I made myself quite clear?

And for you to accuse me of being a white supremist because I use that term is in fact racist of YOU to say. First of all, I could be black, yellow or red for all you know. I have black friends who use the term just as much as I do. In fact one black friend of mine told me how its documented that the IDF uses the term themselves to describe themselves. In fact, I believe it was the IDF that invented the term. Furthermore,I believe in diversity and think that there is nothing wrong with interracial/religious marraiges. Israel is THE racist, anti-democratic, apartheid state as it commits ethnic cleansing to try to achieve a Jews only state. Stop acting so schizophrenic about Israel. You can't say you condemn apartheid Israel and the war crimes against the Palestinians , and then get all indignant about the term Zionazi. Be real!!!!!
by X2
clear that you are a Nazi a member of National Alliance? yes. clear that like some horny annoying ugly smelly poodle humping my leg you want to attach yourselves to the Palestinian issue to advance your own sick agenda and not out of any concern for human rights? crystal fucking clear. If you want to keep being obvious and using that 'zionazi' term sure, go ahead, just makes you easier to spot. I have shown that I can get you to reveal yourselves in this very thread which I will henceforth use as an example of who you are.
Get well soon!
by NOT a white supremist

by X2
I don't particularly find the term 'Zionazi' offensive. Its just that it is a product of David Irving's mind not the IDF. I really don't believe that you are not a member of the neo-nazi subculture after you posted the Jew cartoon above. Oh, i know, it wasn't you - except you and I are the only two currently active IP addresses on the site. Sorry buddy. Squirm away all you want, you're sussed, AGAIN. Don't you get tired of it all?
by X2
If you truly were simply a pro-Palestinian activist, why would you want to use the same term as neo-nazi organizations? This would discredit the pro-palestinian cause, attaching it to such whacko organizations. You seem pretty determined to keep using it despite this fact, which would be irrational UNLESS you were a neo-nazi leg-humping poodle trying to latch on.
by NOT white supremist
X2 is busted! X2 is most definately one of those ZIONAZI CYBER TERRORISTS that steals identity theft. X2 probably is stealing the real X2's identity for all we know. I haven't followed X2's threads much, so who knows.

But readers, beware! X2 is pretending sometimes to be a Zionist on some posts, and other times pretending to be pro-Palestinian, and who knows, maybe X2 is simply schzizophrenic and we should all just feel sorry for him/her..

Poor thing.. SO delusional. So confused! Obviously going thru an identity crisis of some sort. If I were brought up as a Zionist, who knows? Maybe I'd be experiencing some sort of identity crisis now. Don't worry, X2. Change is good. A truly democratic, secular Palestine-Israel, non-military, with all 4 million Palestinians returning as is their right according to international law and UN Resolutions, IS going to happen, and everything will be all right.

And you can just be an Amercian Jew whose homeland is America. And Palestine-Israel will be a fun place to vacation once in a while, where everyone lives together as equals.

Don't worry, it will happen. In the meantime, please try not to be such a troll, as you call it. Have a nice day.
by X2
nah this is me and my own identity, I have long fought you trolls here and you all hate me and tell lies about me etc etc. I always catch you out, I know every cell in your rotten little brains. If you want to guess why I'll just say one word: defector. I know your scene inside and out, my friend.
As for this:
"But readers, beware! X2 is pretending sometimes to be a Zionist"

show me ONE SINGLE INSTANCE or you will again be proven a lying duplicitous unsophisticated and completely useless liar of a troll.
by NOT a white supremist
Just get lost, please. You are a complete waste of my time. This is the LAST post I will ever bother responding to that has X2 on it, and anyone who writes like you. A COMPLETE waste of time. Adios, asshole.

Get some therapy!
by X2
and good riddance though I doubt its the last we'll see of people trying to deny that the nazis are trying to attach themselves to the pro-palestinian issue, who are far more concerned with defending that, than they are with talking about issues. You would think that anyone who really was pro-palestinian would be concerned about such things as the nazi trolls on IMC, the "rock against Israel" neo-nazi rally. But no. Mr. "Not a white supremacist" is alot more concerned and too busy denying these things to see that neo-nazis have no business involving themselves with the issue. In fact - it doesnt seem to bother him at all.Oh me, oh my, I wonder why.
I think it's pretty suspicious. Actually no, its far too obvious to be called suspicious. The way you scream and rave and call names - nope, can't say it reminds me of any particular far-right demographic ........
by Bob N.
X2, you have managed to deflect this whole discussion argument away from the main issue of the article, by homing in on the term 'Zionazi' which was used only once in the article.

<<< #5. You receive an inordinate amount of messages saying "Undeliverable".

FACT: You have been most likely cyber-terrorized by a Zionazi, --- >>>>>

I have personally experienced this kind of repugnant, vicious assault on my privacy and I feel like I could you much stronger epithets than 'Zionazi' against the SOB who did it.

I think that X2 should get ten bonus debating points by successfully shuntng the discussion over to useless name calling. (10 points for the other side) The people who fell for this simple debating ploy have only themselves to blame.

Regarding the article, Chris Gonzales is absolutely right. This whole issue needs to get serious attention and serious discussion. Zionist hackers and Zionist debate whizzes (like X2) have managed to overwhelm serious discussion of the brutal criminal acts that Israel is commiting in Palestine. They have pro-Palestinian's running around in circles arguing irrelevant issues, totally defocused and marginalized.

The Washington Post article describes the extent of the computer attack on pro-Palestinian advocates and groups. It hasn't relented. Its getting worse.

Bob N.

A sgaoladh na'n sguab 's a trusadh na'n siobag.
(Scottish Gaelic Expression -Scattering the sheaves and gathering the straws.)

by X2
haven't you been accused of being a disruptor yourself? This is getting mighty confusing. I'm ferreting out trolls here and all you can do is point out my use of semantics to do so. Again you are totally unconcerned with things like the National Alliance sponsored "Rock Against Israel" and you fail to see the signifigance of what is being done here. You're right I homed in on that term and for damn good reason. I suggest you see the necessity of not allowing neo-nazis to hijack the debate. I suppose you did not notice that at one point I got them so mad they revealed themselves with an anti-semitic cartoon and failed to deny the charges I made against them.

Bob I had really thought you yourself were a victim of troll confusion. I am now beggining to wonder if anti-spam had it right and my defense of you in other threads was totally misplaced. Say it ain't so.
by X2
I was not the first to use names, Bob - I made a point and names were hurled back at me, which is when I began to get suspicious particularly judging by the writing style. Have a look and see. I started by responding that I did not think hackers were responsible for attacks on SFIMC as they would be far more sophisticated; and so far in this thread no one has been able to deal with that question. The only response I got was name calling and completely false accusations. Now you are calling me a Zionist. Have a search and look at what I've posted in other threads and you will see, if you can read, that I am clearly no Zionist. I have condemned Israel in no uncertain terms repeatedly and loudly.
Bob I suggest I am a wee bit suspicious of you now. Why do you call me a Zionist just because some guy who can't answer my questions and has to resort to name calling and false accusations, says that I am? I thought you were alot more moderate, alot more thoughtful than that. Is my analysis of you misplaced?
by Stima
Bob N. pay no attention to the prozionist hijacking the liberal left campaign troll.
by X2
those are clearly "New Republic" forum terms. Get back over there, SmashtheLeft. We don't call ourselves that.
by X2
Quite true Nessie. For the record I wasn't insulted though I just have an intolerance for false claims.

I should correct you on one thing though. I'm not American. I live in Canada, and I'm only 2nd generation - or not even really, I was born in Belfast but my parents came here in the early 70s while I was still very young. I think (not sure) that my Dad was basically scared out of town by the paramilitaries for some reason or another.

I'm a bit fascinated with and drawn to questions and issues surrounding occupation and such things. This is the reason I come to SFIMC it's probably the most active IMC in North America on the issue of Palestine.

But anyway yes you're quite right. They call me Jewish again I'll take it as a compliment.
by please
jewish and zionist are 2 different things...fools.
by X2
yah but you called me a Jew, not a Zionist:

"Hey x2, we all think you are ... racist Jews "


Get well soon!
by n
Although I am flattered that you think the term Judaism is a form of compliment...
Your flattery is misplaced.
Judaism, like christianity, Islam and countless other religions are worthless unless and only if their principle are applied.
Their principle are worthless if they are memmorized and even danferous when they are misplaced... as is clearly the case with zionism.
If zionism was to follow jewish doctrine, Israel would have never benn established let alone proper for so long.
It is by the sword that Israel lives and by the sword that it will perish of course not by the holy bible.
by X2
hey if I was born Jewish I could be an atheist and pro-Palestinian to boot. Whatever, I'd be proud no matter who I was born as. Nice bit of antisemitism there, n. You didnt call me a Judaist either. You called me a Jew and you know what? I still take it as a compliment cuz there are lots and lots of really great Jews out there. And really great Blacks, and Italians, and Irish too. There's not one single good Nazi though except the ones we put in graves a good while back. We'll do it again if we have to but I don't think we will. Like you, your movement is impotent.
by anti-myth
1) not all Jews believe in Judaism
2) not all those who believe in Judaism believe in Israel
3) not all those who practice Judaism twist its meanings and some do properly apply it

twisted logic is SO easily countered.
X2 - I also believe Bob N. is duplicitous based on long exposures to the various "puppets" that frequent Palestine IMC. Of course I'm instantly accused of being a Zionist murderer, but what kind of person refuses to admit that NOT ALLl Zionists are murdering land theives but some are actually humanitarians with a long history of helping Palestinian people and their cause. Anyone who denies the existence of an internationally reknown Human Rights organization like B'TSelem (a progressive Zionist group) is someone to be wary of.

Of course, the best way to confirm or deny my accusations is too read all the stories and comments that have been posted over the last week. Go ahead and review my comments as well.
by X2
I agree with your statement, and I support B'Tselem. They are a good and worthy organization. I do not support Zionism; however I do not believe in demonizing people and I think there are alot of good people out there who call themselves Zionist. Personally I think they're deluded. This doesn't change the fact they are good people, many of them standing in firm opposition to atrocities in Palestine. To this end I am prepared to stand in solidarity with *anyone* who truly opposes human rights violations regardless of the ethnicity of the victim. Since neo-nazis won't do this truly but only to advance their agenda and are selective about ethnicity I do not stand with them on the issue.
On the other hand I will not be construed or co-opted as a mouthpiece for support of Zionism. I feel it is a flawed ideology. My position on the subject is that if Zionists had truly had the welfare of their people in mind they would not have selected their state in its current and rather unfavourable location; this is a clear case of religious concerns overriding practical and ethical concerns.
My main reason for disbelief that Zionists are the trolls is primarily one of evidence, not motive. I could see motive for both pro-Sharon Zionists and white supremacists to make the same kind of attacks. However the evidence seems to bear out the white supremacist theory overwhelmingly. Usage of certain terms straight out of the neo-nazi culture, supposed pro-palestinians more interested in denying the National Alliance connection than in discussing issues, certain tactics, psychological characteristics, and level of competency, poor technical skills and many other factors point to an unsophisticated, uneducated, unskilled group of white supremacists. The most major confirmation I got was in this very thread and certain other recent posts. It was claimed that "zionazi cyber terrorists" were behind the attacks. I don't need to explain the obvious lack of education and clear use of sensationalism. "zionazi" is a troll term so this identified the poster as a troll. Now if it was a pro-Sharon agent he'd be shooting himself in the foot already. But there's more to it than that. A hacker wouldn't attack the site using mass manual postings; and a state funded agency would be far more likely to use the IMC as an intelligence gathering device rather than try to disrupt it. It pretty much all adds up to the low-intelligence misfits attracted to neo-nazi organizations, especially the obvious ego gratification sought after in the disruptive events - this is a big feature of neo-nazi youth, they are emotionally starved in every way and the group offers them alot of things, acceptance and ego gratification primarily. So I have a pretty good profile of who these people are, and I'd bet dollars to cents they will turn out to be kids, age 17-23, high school dropouts for the most part, if there are more than one of them (I think there are actually 2), bad family life, probably quite poor themselves though their family not necessarily so, very poor knowledge of computers but enought to use a browser to make postings, and strong issues with acceptance, ego gratification, entitlement issues, etc etc. Which really doesn't fit the profile of hackers, Zionist or otherwise.
by ?
agreed but with one small caveat -- a minority of Zionists never wanted the current situation and in fact were voicing their concerns as early as the 1920s. '

The World Zionist Organization was at first an ecclectic group of societies with wildly different interpretations of the Zionist cause. Some wanted nothing more than to form several small Jewish enclaves in Palestine, living with Arabs as countrymen. Of course we know this minority lost out, but it never gave up. Progressive Zionism is a modern day offshoot of those early days. Although they support the statehood of Israel, they do not support the occupation or confrontation with Palestinians.

I'm not trying to change your opinion of Zionism, but illuminate for you a small piece of history that has gone unnoticed (ironically, but logically) because of the hardline Zionists.
by X2
I understand great diversity in the Zionist cause. I've heard of this group you speak of. Have you ever read Mila 18 by Leon Uris? Its a very good book about the Warsaw Ghetto and it kind of outlines some of this group. Its also worth a read just for a great understanding of military repression and violent acts of resistance which accompany that.
Nonetheless: I acknowledged the people you spoke of:

"This doesn't change the fact they are good people, many of them standing in firm opposition to atrocities in Palestine."

so there is really no need for the caveat. Even though I may not agree with Zionism, you see, I can understand the point in showing solidarity with, say, B'Tselem. Why not? There is no point being a dogmatist. If someone is truly concerned about the situation (and not attempting political profit such as the neo-nazis) there is certainly great worth in standing with them in solidarity. I don't expect to ever be in total agreement with any doctrine. I will even stand with ones that I don't like or see as inherently flawed, for a good cause, as long as they are not completely reprehensible.

I have a question for you though ?. You come across as fairly reasonable here but you attack me in other threads, for instance you say in one thread that I am a Nazi for comparing war in Iraq with Nazi invasion of France - despite the fact of these stats:
French killed over entire WW2: 500 000
Iraqis killed in Desert Storm: 400 000 (in a matter of weeks)
Iraqis killed due to sanctions: 1 000 000 +
Likely casualties of war on Iraq: 3 000 000+ (due to concentration of troops in cities)
by ?
X2 - anon - whoever else you are...

There are two flaws with that argument. The first (and the bigger of the two) is the premise. How can use use an Iraq/France invasion comparison to justify a riot in SF which seeks to vandalize a peaceful community?

What do you think happens after events like that? Property insurance goes up, so to does the cost of doing business in the city which means higher prices, etc., etc., all of which harms the little guy much more so then Virgin or Nike -- corporations can afford the cost increases and move if they cannot, but the little guy tends to get caught in a bad situation. There are neighborhoods in places like Philadelphia that still haven't recovered from the 1960 riots -- black owned, middle class homes and storefronts became crack houses and ghettos.

The second flaw is the Iraq/France comparison itself. Germany invaded France to conquer it, expand its boundaries, and carry on with the "final solution." Should the US go to war (which I am against) they may replace Saddam with a more friendly regime, but Iraq will be governed by Iraqis. There is a genuine chance for a more representative government in Iraq ala Afghanistan, but was never the case in France.

I also find it very troubling for sanctions to be blamed for all or even most of the one million civilian deaths in Iraw. Saddam recieved money for oil and chose to rearm Iraq and pay-off his soldiers rather than repair the civilian infrastructure -- that's not an accident. I've read various reports from Red Cross and other organizations to know that sancstions did imposed substantial difficulties. But that does not excuse Iraq's government from rebuilding Iraq. By and large the blame rests on Saddam's well tailored shoulders.

All of which makes me wonder why anyone would anyone would use such comparison to make their case for rioting in the street. With all of the hate rhetoric I've run-up against, I may have in haste inferred a white supremacist agenda. However, I've also witnessed "sleeper posters" who revealed their true agenda over after a period of months.

In short, I've become just plain suspicious of anyone encouraging violence and/or hate.
by X2
can you honestly say that what happened in Seattle destroyed neighbourhoods, caused corporations to move away and bankrupted the local economy because a couple of $300 McDonald's windows got broke? Can you honestly say that it is a fair comparison with the Watts riots? This is more than just a little dishonest. Can you honestly say that damaging property is not vandalism, but violence? What are these, magic living windows?
How is it possible you can justify the deaths of millions in a few short sentences, yet condemn a few hundred dollars worth of property damage? How many lives are worth a sheet of glass? 200 000? 400 000? a million? pretty absurd if you ask me.
The purpose of any vandalism (no not violence or hate - you can do those to a person but not a lamppost unless it is a magical living lamppost) in opposition to the war would simply be to draw media attention which has been highly anaemic with regards to anything not on the gov't agenda lately. Certainly it could hardly be called a Watts riot to break a window or two downtown, this is absurd, laughable that you would even make such a comparison. I find all your statements in your last post to be nothing short of monstrous. What you suggest is true horror.
by X2
can you honestly say that what happened in Seattle destroyed neighbourhoods, caused corporations to move away and bankrupted the local economy because a couple of $300 McDonald's windows got broke? Can you honestly say that it is a fair comparison with the Watts riots? This is more than just a little dishonest. Can you honestly say that damaging property is not vandalism, but violence? What are these, magic living windows?
How is it possible you can justify the deaths of millions in a few short sentences, yet condemn a few hundred dollars worth of property damage? How many lives are worth a sheet of glass? 200 000? 400 000? a million? pretty absurd if you ask me.
The purpose of any vandalism (no not violence or hate - you can do those to a person but not a lamppost unless it is a magical living lamppost) in opposition to the war would simply be to draw media attention which has been highly anaemic with regards to anything not on the gov't agenda lately. Certainly it could hardly be called a Watts riot to break a window or two downtown, this is absurd, laughable that you would even make such a comparison. I find all your statements in your last post to be nothing short of monstrous. What you suggest is true horror.
by bov
"I also find it very troubling for sanctions to be blamed for all or even most of the one million civilian deaths in Iraw. Saddam recieved money for oil and chose to rearm Iraq and pay-off his soldiers rather than repair the civilian infrastructure -- that's not an accident. I've read various reports from Red Cross and other organizations to know that sancstions did imposed substantial difficulties. But that does not excuse Iraq's government from rebuilding Iraq. By and large the blame rests on Saddam's well tailored shoulders."

Blaming Saddam for stupid decisions is one thing, but then using it to justify war (or almost anything else) is wrong. What was your point in this statement?

Also, I'd try HR reports from sources other than the Red Cross if I were you.
I said I was not in favor of a war with Iraq nor did I use sanctions as an excuse to justify war.

Nazis deliberarely killed the French who had no choice in the matter. Sanctions deliberately restrict the funds available to Iraq, Saddam the chooses how to execise fiscal policy. The purpose of this distinction is to show that the original comparison of a San Francisco riot and a French resistance movement to be ridiculous. Holding Virgin and Nike responsible for a possible war in Iraq is equally absurd.

Good thing you brought up Seattle -- what did that accomplish by the way? Not a damn thing. You want to smash something -- why don't you take a page out of the hunger-strike book and hold the riot in your own homes? Tell the world that you and your supporters will continue to vandalize your homes and property until the war in Iraq ends -- such selfless wanton destruction is bound to get a flood of media coverage.

I'd respect this much more then misdirected juvenile behavior.
by lumpen
The term "zionazi" isn't wrong because it's racist, discriminatory, etc. It's wrong because it is not accurrate. The phenomenon of Nazism was unique to a specific time and place. Apartheid and "Jim Crow" were as well.

In other words, there have been other fascist governments, politcal organizations, and so on but they were not Nazis. There have been plenty of governments that discriminate, marginalize, and oppress black people but only South Africa experienced the policies of apartheid, the US with Jim Crow, and so on.

Using the term "nazi" is a lazy way to denigrate those you disagee with. It's used with equal zeal by the left and right. As a result you get fringe elements of the left and right refering to Israelis as "zionazis," Rush Limbaugh and his ilk making refernece to "feminazis," etc.
by tell it like I see it
Zionazi is incredibly accurate for Zionist Jews who treat Palestinians like Nazis treated Jews.

Get used to it.

The term Zionazi is here to stay for those who it describes to a Z.
by tell it like I see it
Zionazi is a good term to use on Zionists who support what the IDF and Sharon does to Palestinians. It's a way to shame them for being so hypocritical!
by lumpen
<<Zionazi is incredibly accurate for Zionist Jews who treat Palestinians like Nazis treated Jews.>>

Where do you draw the line? What about other governments that treat minorities, ethnic, religious, etc. in a similar fashion. What about American soldiers and explorers who treated the indigenous people--in your words--"like Nazis treated Jews."

Would they be "nazis" as well?

An argument could made that the government of the Soviet Union acted in a similar fashion vis-a-vis ethnic minorites and political dissdents during the 30-50s. But we have a specific term--Stalinism--that diferentiates the discrimination and atrocities that took place at the that place and time from other incidences.

There are plenty of other examples of such discrimination but no one outside of a small isolated few equate all such instances as nazism. To do so exhibits a great deal of intellectual laziness and furthermore is innacurrate.

<<Get used to it.>>

Hardly so. In the real world this term is as ridiculous as the term feminazi. I never hear it in the hood, at school, work, or even referred to outside of indymedia.

Furthermore, throwing around the term "zionazi" isolates more people than it brings to understanding what is going down. I understand you are pissed off and want to be emotional but what is needed is an honest, accurate assessment of the violence occurring in Israel/Palestine. The violence of the ocupation, and so on.
by take your lumps
Please, spare me your cerebral, cold-ass bullshit. The Palestinians are suffering immensely as every minute goes by, much more than the mainstream media lets on.... and you except me to refrain from using the accurate term Zionazi! NO! Not until the Palestinians are treated as equals in their own homeland Palestine.



by Zionists try to deceive for sympathy
The original post above is right on the mark. It's obvious that they are liberal and not neo-nazi.

It's also pretty obvious that the most rabidly anti-Semitic posts are done by Zionists including the cartoon above in order to try to gain sympathy.

Zionists don't behave much differently from white supremacists. They are two sides of the same coin. Israel is no different than former Apartheid South Africa -- except that white South African racists were never pampered as the average Israeli racists are pampered.

All this bickering about terminology is not constructive. The fact is, Israel acts like the Nazis in much of what they do -- including, for instance, tattooing numbers on the arms of Lebanese civilian prisoners during the invasion of Lebanon.

I think the main reason so many people in this country are so incredulous about the idea that Zionists are capable of this kind of deception is the strong bond the left and liberals have had with Israel and Zionism for the past 50 years. Liberals, who stood against injustice in Central America and elsewhere, kept unbelievably quiet when Israel invaded Lebanon killing 20,000 people and remained there for 22 years killing 25,000 more.
by Bob N.
You misunderstood the point I was making. What I was trying to say was that by zeroing in on the term 'Zionazi' you deflected the discussion away from the overall focus of the lead article by Chris Gonzales, on the use of aggressive techniques and racist language to confuse and demoralize supporters of the Palestinian cause.

Have you ever really been a victim of cyber-terrorism? Have you ever had your E-mail username hijacked and used in a mass mailing of hatemail literature to your friends or organizations who support a cause you believe in? What would you call the person who would do such a thing.

The use of this disgusting hacker tactic has been traced to individuals in Israel. From the nature of the hate mail sent and the individuals and groups it was sent to, there is no doubt or uncertainty that it was done by Zionists. Why shouldn't Zionists be held to the same standard as any other group?

One aspect of naziism was the use of racism and racist scapegoating to achieve political power and dominance and to terrorize potential opposition. I suppose you could say that the Nazis weren't the only ones to do this. But what term would you use for a Zionist who uses racism as a tactical weapon?

Can you think of an alternative term to use for someone who would steal a persons name and use it in a posting of something like this?

Re: eFreePalestine! for americans who love and support america
From: "we_will_liberate_palestine" <liberate_palestine [at]>
= = Saudi Arabia

Hey shit for brains:

You want the U.S. to stop meddling in your backwards,
wahhabifascist sand kingdom? How about you do your part by giving up the lame pretense that you give a shit about America, Americans, or anyone who isn't a crazed, brain-damaged, martyr-wannabe towelhead nutcase just like you.

McKinney is a traitorous, arab-loving fool. If she wants
to fawn over bloodsuckers of your ilk who just want her
dead, that's her own stupid business. But she has no place in democratic government and just like that idiot Hillard, she's going down faster than Pervez Khan in Kashmir.

While I've got you, just a little friendly advice about
your rambling, illiterate, fanatical, jihadi spam postings...
give it a fucking rest. Your childish blather is irrational
to the point of comic lunacy and distracts from the important business of planning more mass murders or Christians and Jews.

Your friend,


Am I a disrupter? No, I don't think so. Have I been disrupted? Yes, severely. Do I know who did it? Yes, Zionists.

by Michael Gillespie
Israeli Computer Hackers Foiled, Exposed
by marco • Thursday September 05, 2002 at 10:59 AM

By Michael Gillespie For Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 9/03/02 - 1,542 words (reprinted from usenet)

Israeli cyber warfare professionals targeted human rights and anti-war activists across the USA in late July and August temporarily disrupting communications, harassing hundreds of computer users, and annoying thousands more.

The Israeli hackers targeted Stephen "Sami" Mashney,
an Anaheim, California, attorney active in the effort to raise awareness of the plight of Palestinians.

"People have found an alternate way to communicate through the Internet," Mashney, a Palestinian-American, told the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, "and this attack is backfiring on the hackers. Many people are being educated."

Mashney, who co-manages a popular pro-Palestinian e-mail list hosted by Yahoo! logged onto his Internet accounts on July 31 to find hundreds of e-mail messages from angry Americans. He quickly realized that hackers had appropriated or "spoofed" his e-mail addresses and identity and sent out a message titled "Down With America" in his name. The message named and included contact information for 16 well-known human rights activists and falsely claimed the activists wished to be contacted by anyone desiring advice or assistance in fomenting and carrying out anti-American, anti-Christian, or anti-Jewish activities. In an obvious attempt to damage Mashney's reputation, the hackers appended his name, law office telephone number, and website address to the spurious e-mail.

As Mashney was looking up the telephone number of the local FBI office to report the hackers' crime, his phone rang. It was the FBI calling, from Washington, with questions about the forged e-mail message. Mashney later met with FBI agents in California.

"I answered all their relevant questions," said
Mashney, who notes that the hackers' attacks continued unabated for weeks and expanded to include other new and innovative methods of harassment that were used against many other activists associated with Free Palestine and other public and private e-mail lists.

Dr. Francis A. Boyle, professor of International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law, is a human rights activist who served on the board of Amnesty International USA. A member of Free Palestine and other activist lists, Dr. Boyle was also targeted by Israeli hackers who sent counterfeit e-mails in his name. Again, the hackers' intention was to sow confusion, provoke animosity, damage a reputation, and restrict ability to communicate. When Boyle returned from a vacation in mid August, he found 55,000 e-mails waiting for him. Like Mashney, Boyle spent days sorting through the messages, writing personal apologies to those offended by the bogus e-mails, and deleting thousands of bounced messages. Unflappable, Boyle takes it all in stride.

"You can't keep the Irish down," wrote Boyle in an
e-mail message to this reporter.

Israeli hackers also targeted Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, associate professor at the Yale University School of Medicine. The hackers forwarded to some 1,500 members of the Yale community e-mails that Qumsiyeh had sent to a private list of activists. Many of his university colleagues were annoyed, but Qumsiyeh, too, feels that the hackers are doing the Zionist cause more harm than good. Qumsiyeh said the hackers' efforts have generated new networking opportunities among activists and groups who did not know of each other's existence before the hackers targeted them.

Monica Terazi is director of the New York office of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). Terazi's e-mail privileges were yanked by Yahoo! for a time after hackers "spoofed" her e-mail address and identity to send a message to some 80 Yahoo! groups. Terazi, like Mashney, spoke with the FBI about the new Israeli cyber warfare tactics, which have piqued the interest of Internet communications professionals. For a story published August 23, Terazi wrote to Wired News reporter Noah hachtman, "While these e-mails are a nuisance, offensive and intimidating, the FBI didn't find anything illegal: There haven't been threats that rise to the level of a hate crime, no money has been stolen, public safety has not been endangered and, as far as we can tell, our computers have not been hacked or 'technically intruded into' as one agent put it." The offensive messages are all protected b! y the First Amendment, said Terazi.

By mid August, the Israeli hackers had begun to target activists in Iowa, where it seems the Israeli hackers have "technically intruded" into computers. It is also likely their helpers here have forwarded addresses from private lists to Israel. Iowa activists report that people and organizations on their private e-mail lists: family members, friends, acquaintances, media contacts, government officials, interfaith relations organizations, activists, and activist organizations suddenly found themselves receiving tens, hundreds, or thousands of anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian "spam" e-mails per day. Many on private e-mail lists reported receiving anti-Arafat cartoons and racist diatribes, along with e-mail that aggressively connected to a web site that took control of their computers, turned the screen white, and made it necessary to shut down and re-start the computer. Some also r! eported that their e-mail addresses had een "spoofed" and their on-line identities appropriated for the distribution of racist messages.

Darrell Yeaney, a Presbyterian campus minister who retired after serving at the University of Iowa, is active in Friends of Sabeel, an ecumenical Christian organization that supports the ministry of Sabeel, the center for Palestinian Ecumenical Liberation Theology. He and his wife, Sue, now serve as co-moderators for the Middle East Peacemaking Group in Iowa. The Yeaneys report that the hackers appropriated their address and sent out spurious e-mail in their names.

Ames-based activist, author, and editor Betsy Mayfield, whose work has appeared in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, was busy with plans for a mid-September Des Moines film festival, "Boundaries: The Holy Land," when the hackers turned their attentions to her computer.

Several Ames women whose only association with the crisis in the Holy Land is their commitment to the Ames Interfaith Council (AIC) reported being shocked by the sudden appearance of pornographic e-mail and racist diatribes on their computer screens.

Many Iowans were targeted for harassment by the hackers, and hundreds of others suffered varying degrees of inconvenience because they were somehow connected to the cause of peace and justice in the Middle East. Similar scenarios played out in other states across the USA.

The scale of the Israeli cyber warfare campaign, the number of targets, and the variety of techniques used, coupled with specifically targeted intrusions calculated to provide additional target addresses for the application of the hackers' various forms of harassment, suggest a sophisticated, coordinated, government-sponsored program designed to impact directly upon the communications abilities of the human rights and pro-Palestinian anti-war activism communities in the USA.

When the Israeli hackers "spoofed" the AIC's e-mail
address, they invited a response they did not expect. Because the AIC list was hosted by Iowa State University (ISU), because the world's first electronic digital computer was invented at ISU in a Physics Department laboratory in the early 1940s, and because he has represented the ISU Muslim Student's Association on the AIC cabinet, ISU Physics Department computer administrator Dr. Bassam Shehadeh decided to track the hackers down.

"The hackers access the internet via an ISP called on the West Bank," said Shehadeh.

When did not respond to his repeated e-mail enquiries, Shehadeh called the company, informed their representative that Palnet facilities were being used to interfere with communications at a state institution in the USA, and demanded an explanation. He provided information that enabled Palnet technicians to identify the phone number of the customer arassing Iowans.

"Everyone here is a victim but the hackers," said
Shehadeh. "The hackers use stolen identification to get access to Palnet."

Shehadeh said the contact line the hackers used for at least one message to the AIC list address was an Israeli number in West Jerusalem or one of the surrounding settlements. A Palnet representative also told Shehadeh the hackers have used several lines and methods to access Palnet's facilities.

"Afterwards, the hackers compromise another service system here in the USA by passing the e-mail message with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), using HELO verb. The hackers don't have a valid principal host but overcome that by using a bracketed Internet Protocol number (IP address) at a location anywhere on the web. Web hosting servers tricked into transferring these e-mails include Digital Cube, Inc., Verizon DSL Network, and Iowa Online Web Access located in Washington, Iowa," said Shehadeh

Shehadeh and other computer professionals working in the USA report that ISPs and companies with IP addresses are typically very cooperative when notified that their equipment is being misused. Most act promptly to end the hackers' access.

Given widespread and systematic destruction of electronic communications facilities by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) in the West Bank in recent months, the continued existence of Palnet facilities suggests that the Israeli government had reason to permit Palnet's continued operation and raises questions about the ability of Palnet's owners to refuse service to Israeli hackers or otherwise interfere with their activities.

This particular campaign in Israel's cyber war seemed to have been curtailed, at least temporarily, on August 29, soon after Shehadeh tracked the hackers to the West Bank ISP and, finally, to an Israeli phone number, while other computer professionals in the USA, along with some of the targeted activists themselves, quietly contacted management representatives at various IP addresses around the globe and notified them that their facilities were being abused.

by X2
There has been a massive amount of posts here to cover up the fact that the pro-war posters cannot dodge the fact that they compared a broken window to the waste and death of a million human lives.
How typical.
I wouldn't want to be drowning in a situation where all they had to do is smash a window to save me. They'd be sitting there going "oh but gee, that's vandalism, you know, why should the pool have to pay for a broken window"
Fucking monstrous.
by siv
1) your story has already been spammed respammed and refuted multiple times
2) there is no need to continue publishing a story about which debate has already concluded
3) this article can be found on National Alliance, Aryan Nations and David Irving's websites as well as troll posts. NOWHERE ELSE. not very credible.
4) it has been conclusively demonstrated multiple times that we are not under attack from sophisticated state funded Israeli hackers. Don't you think they would be able to do something a little more advanced than hit "post comment" a hundred and fifty times, manually? This is stupid. If they wanted to make DOS attacks they would be more competent.
5)our trolls are most likely neo-nazis with the following characteristics: kids, age 17-23, high school dropouts for the most part, if there are more than one of them (I think there are actually 2), bad family life, probably quite poor themselves though their family not necessarily so, very poor knowledge of computers but enought to use a browser to make postings, and strong issues with acceptance, ego gratification, entitlement issues, etc etc. Which really doesn't fit the profile of hackers, Zionist or otherwise.

Now. You have spammed and respammed your crap all over the place. Our readers can see in this quite clearly a desperation by you neo-nazis to get them to accept your lies, groundless as they are. The more you post the more desperate you look and the more it becomes obvious you want the readers to deflect attention away from yourselves. Not gonna happen.
by Bob N.
<<<< 1) your story has already been spammed respammed and refuted multiple times >>>>

Where is the evidence. I searched on Google using "Top Five Tell-Tale Signs," "Marco," and "Imposter." Nothing came up.

Show us some links. Back up your claim.

<<<<< 2) there is no need to continue publishing a story about which debate has already concluded >>>>>

There certainly wasn't a debate here. The discussion got off onto a different topic.

<<<<< 3) this article can be found on National Alliance, Aryan Nations and David Irving's websites as well as troll posts. NOWHERE ELSE. not very credible. >>>>>

See item 1) above

<<<< 4) it has been conclusively demonstrated multiple times that we are not under attack from sophisticated state funded Israeli hackers. >>>>>

This is a strawman argument. Marco's posting alluded to a fact cited in Haaretz and the Washington Post that Israel had the highest proportion of hackers to computer users in the world. Nobody said anything about government funding. (But it hasn't been disproven either.)

<<<<< Don't you think they would be able to do something a little more advanced than hit "post comment" a hundred and fifty times, manually? >>>>

See article by Michael Gillespie above.

<<<< 5)our trolls are most likely neo-nazis with the following characteristics: kids, age 17-23, high school dropouts for the most part, if there are more than one of them (I think there are actually 2), bad family life, probably quite poor themselves though their family not necessarily so, very poor knowledge of computers but enought to use a browser to make postings, and strong issues with acceptance, ego gratification, entitlement issues, etc etc. >>>>

These are all unsupported suppositions.

<<<< Which really doesn't fit the profile of hackers, Zionist or otherwise. >>>>>

This is a logical fallacy. One cannot set up a set of unproven suppositions then use them to make a conclusion.

<<<<< Now. You have spammed and respammed your crap all over the place. Our readers can see in this quite clearly a desperation by you neo-nazis to get them to accept your lies, groundless as they are. >>>>

More conclusions made based on unproven suppositions.

<<<<< The more you post the more desperate you look and the more it becomes obvious you want the readers to deflect attention away from yourselves. Not gonna happen. >>>>

See Item 1) above

I don't think Zionists really want to discuss this matter. (BN)

Bob N.

A bheairt sin a bhios cearr, 'se foighidinn is fhear a dheanamh ris.
(Scottish Gaelic - The engine that has gone wrong, patience is best for putting it right.)

by hj
The above article was orignally printed in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, I believe. The Israel paper Ha'aretz carried a similar article, as did one of the British papers, either The Guardian or The Independent. As usual, the Zionists are eager to hide the truth, and try to confuse people. As usual the Zionists try to slander anyone who doesn't agree with them. As usual, the Zionists are morally wrong in almost every way.
by X2
so you ARE marco. gotcha. That was damn easy. How many other alternate identities do you use?

this story can be found on SFIMC (the one posted by marco) and discussed countless times.

so you are spouting bullshit. Why would you search on google when you know perfectly well there is a search engine right here for posts on these boards?
by X2
paste error. this is the one:
by ....
" Marco's posting alluded to a fact cited in Haaretz and the Washington Post that Israel had the highest proportion of hackers to computer users in the world."

yes but Marco just made a claim I see no link to Haaretz or the Washington Post. I could also claim pigs can fly. It means nothing. Also even if it were true (which is REALLY unlikely), there is NOTHING at all to suppose that said hackers have anything to do with the trolls at SFIMC. You are presupposing a nonexistant condition to back up an unsupported allegation.
by Bob N.
My mistake. I thought the guy SIV was referring to the lead article by Chris Gonsalves. I shouldn't post in the morning before taking a cup of coffee.

(I'm not Marco.)


Bob N.

by X2
it's hardly up to snuff for your average hacker, a simple script like that. I would expect something alot more powerful. And if it were state-funded I would expect agents to be in place at IMC staff. Even your average "script kiddie"'s scripts can actually hijack a website and deface it. If smash were capable I really can't see him NOT doing that.
Which makes me think: it probably wouldn't be too hard to find out what smash is using.
Also, when I looked at the times on the posting there were intervals of 30s to 2 min between posts when he was spamming. This could be done by simply opening many windows (10 or so maybe) and going between them quickly. Maybe I will go try to replicate his feat at and see if I can obtain similar results. It might be a worthwhile experiment.
by X2
If we were in certain places I've been and we were different people they wouldn't kneecap him. Just his mother and girlfriend and a sibling or two.
by X2
yeah but at the time I failed to appreciate the nature of that posting. Very appropriate.
by Chris Gonzalez
Hey Bob N.,
Since you live in Albany, I hope you and others who are TRULY pro-Palestinian may want to meet at 1 pm on Solano Ave. in Albany at the Berkeley Cafe, on the corner of Peralta. It will the the day the Solano Stroll is happening, which is alot of fun! It'd also be fun to get to know some other pro-Palestinian activists in the East Bay. I posted more info about it. I'll be wearing my End The Occupation T-shirt. I'll have some handouts too.
Hope to see you there!
by X2
"who are TRULY pro-Palestinian may want to meet "

what are you trying to make it some sort of exclusive club for white supremacists now? Sad. A true pro-Palestinian would never reject people or make any event exclusive. Thus you are not one. The Palestinians don't need the support of some has-been ancient anti-arab anti-non-white ideology of a bunch of freaks on welfare with funny haircuts. Stick to your National Alliance meetings. Publicize them well and make sure to gather together in one place where you can all be found.
by I doubt there are any neo-nazis posting here
-- "It has been conclusively demonstrated multiple times that we are not under attack from sophisticated state funded Israeli hackers."

I don't think it's the Israeli state that's posting the anti-Semitic crap on this site. I think it is individual Zionists trying to disrupt and confuse.

They don't have to spam multiple times to do this. They just have to pose as a pro-Palestinian or a Palestinian and then post something outrageous.
by Bob N.
Peace Dude!

I know from reading your postings that you aren't a Zionist. In fact your postings are incisive and very enlightening. I may not be able to convince you in the short run, but I believe we are on the same side.

Have a good weekend

Slan agus Siocháin (Well being and Peace)

Bob N.
by .
You are so full of shit. By saying "pro-palestinian" he was obviously trying to prevent "national alliance" types from attending. You and ? sure work 24/7 to disrupte the pro-palestinian cause with you silly semantics and bs.
by X2
Nazis are known to post here often and frequently. SmashtheLeft is a known Nazi and he's no Zionist, we know who he is.
Other ones do too. Have a look at the Washington DC anti-nazi rally article and see. There were some indignant posts by Nazis there too.
The nature of the neo-nazi gathering in Washington was an attempt by neo-nazis to attach themselves to the pro-Palestinian cause (it was called "Rock against Israel") and you have a pack of bald guys marching around seig heiling with swastikas and stuff, obviously very non-Israeli people. It doesn't seem to matter that a large number of Palestinians showed up to protest *them* (the NA)

With groups like the National Alliance around, Zionists don't need to pretend to be anti-semites.

There could be one or two. But undoubtedly most of the spam is coming from neo-nazis. I would expect Zionist attacks to be more sophisticated and more of a credible threat.

On a side note, this stuff about Zionists preaching anti-semitism is a big favourite of David Irving (the nazi loudmouth) on his webstie.
by X2
from personal experience with the trolls around here - little tests I've made - I find it unlikely that the majority are anything but neo-nazi losers.
Now there are a couple of trolls I'm a bit stumped on. Like I said there are probably a couple of "black" propagandists around. They really don't need to bother though, not when they've got the neo-nazis around. If I was a pro-Israeli fellow trying to get all kinds of anti-semitic statements etc posted on IMC I can think of a much easier way to get it done than doing it myself.
Just go to the neo-nazi forums and incite them to go do it.
Now that's something I'd be willing to suspect has indeed happenned.
Why do it yourself when you've got useful idiots to do it for you?
by X2
you got it, nessie.
I'll be right on it.
Lord knows I have the time until I'm back on the job.
by X2
I'm thinking an even more likely and valuable source of this sort of information might be IRC. You can get alot more info about individual commentators there plus, they are a hell of alot more loose-lipped there.
I'll be checking their forums, too.
by Jambalya Jones
all the posts by the zionazis, the repeated, boring attacks on everything progressise. make me wanna just quit reading, responding, which I might think is their goal, and WHICH FIRES ME UP TO NEVER NEVER QUIT PUSHING THE TRUTH AGENDA
by X2
good. Quit then, Chris, Michael, Jambalya (thats a new one) whoever you else you happen to be. Good riddance.
This is like the 536th time you've said so like everything else you say I'll take it for what it is: another steaming pile of turds.
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