Police State
Police State
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Indybay Feature

Please Help - Solidarity Needed in Northern Cali

by Donovan Jackson Justice Committee (justice4donovan [at]
Court date for man who videotaped police assaulting 16-year old
Donovan Jackson is the 16-year old who was slammed onto the hood of a police car by Inglewood (CA) Police Officers on July 6. You, no doubt, have seen the videotape of that incident by now. At this moment, we are writing to seek your support of Mitchell Crooks.

Mitchell is the man who videotaped Donovan being assaulted by the cops. He is being held in the Placer County Jail and has a trial date of next Wednesday, August 21, at 8:30 am. The courthouse is located in the Placer County Jail | 2775 Richardson Dr | Auburn CA 95603 | Phone: (530) 745-8500.

They are attempting to make an example out of him and be very punitive. We need for people already in that area / Northern Cali to go to Mitchell's trial and let Mitchell and the powers-that-be know that Mitchell is supported and that they are being watched.

Please help in whatever way that you can. We need bodies in that courtroom on August 21.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Please don't hesitate to contact us for further information; as we get it we will pass it along to you.

Thank you again.


This message has been sent to you by the Donovan Jackson-Chavis Justice Committee. Our aim is to keep you informed of the struggle for justice and opportunities to participate in this case and others. If you would like to be removed from this list, please send an email to justice4donovan [at] with the word REMOVE in the subject line. Thank you.

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by scarry
This guy was convicted of drunk driving and hit and run.
I hate drivers who commit crimes with cars.
Put him under the jail

A bicyclist.
by Concerned!
What exactly are the charges that he is going to court for? If it is drunk driving, then you won't answer my question. If it is drunk driving, then you are abusing this source, and making it the same as the corporate media with their half-truths!
by scarry
In 1999, the party disc jockey from Placer County was convicted of stealing two of his mother's VCRs, drunken driving and hit and run. He skipped out on a seven-month jail sentence and has been a fugitive ever since.
by Julie Ann Kale Rogel
My 34 yr old brother was framed and murdered by police officers.They are i believe(and i have a right to say what i believe) Det Vincent,Jarrett,Family of Morgan,Magehee,Young Pass a fino Ranch,Thompson,CME office( like the Vincent Foster case, )Ocala,Romeo,FL They don't think he had a right to live. I will never have a trial.My brother never had a trial.The cancer i have all over me i won't even have my life.All my family that died put all their lives in working to contribute to social security.My mom collected one month.My stepfather none.My brother none.My cousin 42 none. Many others never collected their social security .In WPB,FL the police told me (as they let brutality go on that was happening to me) that they are going to ''make people think my family were drug dealers and not good''.I have never had a arrest,my mom never,my sister never,my grandparents never, my other brother never,my stepfather never.But, they still think they are going to cover us up.Did alot of work on a case my brother he was charged with and found out he was framed.Ward Stanley an insurance agent i informed on and his family to do with the HLWD PD. He was arrested with a man Roque who was a insurance sales person and in the meat biz..Think Roque had to do with Dr Gonzalez.Think he has to do with Varona's death and Versachi.Know he has to do with many murders.Regarding my brother It is the same people who killed his dad Haldon L.Wicker,Sr at approx.the same age as his son. Hal SR set up the had it making alot of money.He was having a fight with the Cuban cpa.The cpa was a control freak only it was Haldon's co.He had major controlling shares.The cpa his family emp at Keys RE.The woman my ex left me for pob was Keys RE.The mech for Wicker Bros is also name of a cop in Dania .My pregnant daughter hit by a fireman the day they hurt my baby grandson in Dania.They gave her a drug that speeded the contractions and let him be deprived of oxygen.A dr told me she thought this happened.Hal sr was having steering problems.The funeral home Hunter tells me the'' rear mirror went through his face.''The truck found between two bridges at the turnpike.The other partner of my step dad with small shares had a wife from Russia.Was told he held money in bank acc'ts where genocide was going on.Genocide is going on here.Have the pictures and information to prove it. The partner of my stepfather had his money in a Latin American country.After they took extorted the co.from my mom they even named the co ''Patch''''Ad co Patch'' Which in my mother's foreign language means ''something that needs to be replaced''.A really derogatory term if you know the people.The woman one of them who had to do with my brother his death was named Almeida,Guenov,Genovsese.It is Italian and Russian mob as i got the Italian fist shoved at me on the way to my brother his funeral.My sister puts him at Navarro Funeral Home who abuse his body.Blood come.from his head in his coffin.Navarro in news having connections with Hunter to do with the cartel.My young grandson abused at birth by the same mobster drs has servere heart damage so you can imagine the impact on his heart.To see his beloved Haldon like this.Because i have been uncovering the police corruption have been attacked, raped,run off the road,hit by cars,etc.Name of men some of them Bundrick,Trevorelli,Alfonse Terrlizzie family,Driscoll with a ran me off the road exactly like what happened to my brother.He was trying to get me to go to a bar.I told him get away from me.An ex cop owned the apt i was in with my the time.Think this guy was a cop that tryed to attack me.The upset i got that night and others is now showing in episodes of bleeding all over my body and from my kidneys..He showed me a badge.I told him i thought he was a fake or a bad cop.Then the cop that came'' ZITO ''treats me like i am the attacker.When i was attacked in the park Ron Rubin in the state attny office the same..He was speaking gleefully about a wittness killing himself and explained it like it was the man did'nt want to talk in court about orgainized crime.HLWD,FL is really bad with oc. Like my mom at 51 who they cheated my stepfather's company out of i have cancer at 53.They arrested me and put handcuffs on me and left bruises all over me. I did not resist. This was for call to the pd about a man my property.This is a high crime area.33401.The APB said it is.There is evidence of gang spray paint.Broke into my car and hse more than three times.They even painted my car. The severe totaled car crashes and hysterectomy have left my bones so fragile i could be paralized.I was anorexic from the extreme stress to my body,to my kids, to my dog, to my property.The cop made an inference that she was going to lie.The cops are like the Nazis as far as i am concerned..This is what i called the police for and they are trying to make me look like the perpertrator.Diane Terlizzie to gyn dr who put on my med records ''delivered pregnant uterous''.This was my 2 daughter .Her mother a pediatric nurse abused my baby so bad.You should see her feet.All cut up. Was a nursing student.This was not right. My brother had a flat tire the day he was killed.They told me he walked a long time with no shoes.He never went without shoes.People don't usually ride a bike without shoes.His feet must have been cut up like my newborn.This is another reason i think it is the Terrlizzie family. Joe Terrlizzie like my exfather in law has connections in this city that make that family think they are above the law.My step aunt forced out of her hse i believe like i was, and have happening now.Ethnic cleansing.Diane Terlizzie her sister bought my aunts hse.She invited me to a party i think just to insult me though my aunt..She said in front of everyone ''your aunt is a pig''.I left.Sounds like the defamation of the wpb,pd.My mom never degraded people that way.That incites violence.Alfonse running me off the road.Also,her mom Diane's she was a pediatric nurse.My baby daugh was abused in that nursery.My Lutheran religion taught me tolerance.Maybe her Catholic hasn't, like Dr Gonzalez xraying and leading my first child.This is murder of my children. i am talking about. I could die tonight. This why i say all this.And i have a right to be in a rage.This is my brother,my mother,my babies. Have had many acts of violence to my person and my property on that camera.The botched surgery of my dog is on that tape.My dog was mutalated by a vet here, but the bullets are right where her bed was.She became violently ill after the surgery.Did not realize she may have been shot too.Maybe it was a way the nbr could be covering for the vet too.Noticed a pattern of hurting the hurt.Like getting two banned iud's.There are too many like this to mention.My brother murdered his dog killed too was told before he was murdered.Have kidney cancer too.So stress makes me bleed internal more.My exhusband who left me pregnant with child three has to do with this too.On the divorce papers it says ''extreme cruelty''His father and he are and were on the police and fire dept of Hialeah,Mass, and Key West.There are numerous articles of the corruption.My daug.was abused in jail.Her face broken in two.The man had 32 cf and is still out.Our family in a country involved with the occupation of Hitler had many people in concentration camps.We were on a ship famous in movies was being chased by Nazi war ships.It was like the voyage of the damned.Taped my daugh.pho from jail being beat.One girl was od with medicine including my daughter and almost died .From the car crashes my ex has to do with ,and the broken face ,she has gran mal seizures.The pregnancy of this daugh. was terrible because my ex was insulting and degrading me.Stalking me.Think he dropped my 2 daugh.on her 1st birthday.My stepfather died on my mom's birthday.I was in a overturned car crash that the top crushed in.It was on my ex mom in law's birthday.She did'nt want to go along that day.My brother killed on my birthday,my daughter's birthday,my nieces birthday.Noticed like Darlene tolerThanksgiving,,Lyn Friend to be married,alot of the murders on holidays or birthdays.My ex stayed married long enough for the war to be over then he left for another woman of which i can prove he was with her before the divorce was even thought of.His uncle in the keys killed a man in a court room with a gun.So you can see he does not believe in going by the law.When i petition the court for support the court does not ans.You wonder why there is violence.The law does work if the people and police go by it.The life long work i was in brought me into contact with alot of criminal investagations.I don't want to ever call the police again.What has happened to me by way of the operations,kidney failure untreated,kids delivered causing heart damage,head damage,brother murdered,genocide.The victims look like my family.It is ethnic cleasing.Read enough about it in the war of Hitler in my mother's country of birth. We have the mob running alot of the cops.Then there is Columbia,Russia,all the other countries who are rich in power and violence running mobs in the U.S..What is bad is that the Latin American countries have a long history of abuse.women.Such as even the porn murders on film in Brazil.Then the other side of the coin is bad iud's 2 bad ones really bad which are like chastasty belts.Not only the embediment but the mental impact of the torture.That unlike a blow or a rape lasted yrs.The cauterization was terror..Why don't you even hear of a viagra for women of sexual mutalation of the iud Dalkon or rape or violent birth.The abusive birth control less envasive in surgery to men is only considered in horses.Even in the dog world it is usually the female that gets her belly cut.My belly cut 3 times.At least 9 inch scar.For a cyst they do a hysterectomy at 27.It was really PID and the bad IUD.Think they cover for each other.This is violent sexual abuse.Surgery is violent.My investagations brought up drs involved in the radiation experiments.It brought up drs involved inthe bad iud's and operations.They are locking up people women who know the truth.My unborn child xrayed on purpose in the womb.She is in her 30's and has cancer.There are reasons why.Found lead in the baby bracelet the Dr Gonzalez puts on her.My nbrs have names in the news significant for experiments on pregnant women in other cities..The police let them get away with it.So maybe like Diane their families are drs who have to do with the experiments. My family with my mom's surname are only 198.We are endangered.When i went to the hosp with good ins i got bad operations.Now i have medicare medicaid.Am treated really bad at the hospital.Have so many news articles about what i am saying.Do you think the hundreds of misread mamograms in many states would ever happen in prostrate biopsys.I have never heard of even one.That one stmt tells you that women are something less.Even to NOW.I have the old OUR BODIES OUR SELVES.It endorced the bad Dalkon.I can't get the murders and the iud's out of my mind.At that time my car was totaled too with my 3 babies in it.So now i am dealing with shaken babies ,but not told it could cause brain damage like the unborn xray,congested heart failure etc.Hyperactive children i was blamed for being a bad mother.Not the mental impact of what my ex did to the children.No that not even considered.The man went out of his way to hit me after my stepdad killed.In front of my Italian nbrs gas station and the competitor meat mkt of Roque.My nbr wanted my property and knew my ex. Even wore a Turkey puzzle ring like my ex.My ex owned 30,000 in support.The nbr would have got the land and my ex out of the support.Like my brother's death even though i have alot of work court records,cross reference,motive,previous same acts by men my ex knew ,the police do not investagate.We the victims of sexual and domestic violence have to start meetings.With out the police.We can do it.Peaceful like Dr Martin King would want it.It is getting organized.I have alot of unsolved murders with really valuble informaton.Would like to share it.The police try to isolate the victims which happens anyway when your family is subject to a murder.That way they can have a million cold cases and only investagate race horses in KY.Or people who have money.Or people they think matter.Monsanto,Searle,AH Robbin,the police do not run the outcome of the violence that happens to women.When women take control and are not affraid to talk is when we will not have the outragious numbers of abuse to women and children.It takes alot out of me to say this.And it is degrading.Because what they did to us is degrading and horrible.I feel like a nothing.Can emagine many woman like my brother,daughter,brother,felt that way too.SO I will speak for them.My brother and mother could not express theirself.Maybe i can say something that will bring about change.Real change.For dignity,for women to be able to have options.And the truth about their medical condition.My mom did not die from the cancer.She died from HBP.She was taking Coumadin in a non hospital setting.They did not tell my sister to take her pressure.She had a stroke.She was only 51.To lose your mother when you are close to her is horrible.Let us stop the violence. jar
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