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The Talmud is Judaism's Holiest Book Important READ

by Judge for yourself
Jewish Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are Not Humans

The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and that it is good for a jew to murder, lie cheat and steal specifically dehumanizes Gentiles as not being descendants of Adam. We will now list some of the Talmud passages which relate to this topic .Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a Gentile, a woman or a slave.
The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."

The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also be seen in the case of the Black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians have more knowledge of the Old Testament than the Israelis. However, their religion is so ancient it pre-dates the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have no knowledge. According to the N.Y. Times of Sept. 29, 1992, p.4:

"The problem is that Ethiopian Jewish tradition goes no further than the Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and other commentaries that form the basis of modern traditions never came their way."

Because they don't traffic in Talmudic traditions, the Black Ethiopian Jews are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state.

Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik is regarded as one of the most influential rabbis of the 20th century, the "unchallenged leader" of Orthodox Judaism and the top international authority on halakha (Jewish religious law). Soloveitchik was responsible for instructing and ordaining more than 2,000 rabbis, "an entire generation" of Jewish leadership.

N.Y. Times religion reporter Ari Goldman described the basis of the rabbi's authority:

"Soloveitchik came from a long line of distinguished Talmudic scholars...Until his early 20s, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the study of the Talmud...He came to Yeshiva University's Elchanan Theological Seminary where he remained the pre-eminent teacher in the Talmud...He held the title of Leib Merkin professor of Talmud...sitting with his feet crossed in front of a table bearing an open volume of the Talmud." (N.Y. Times, April 10, 1993, p. 38).

Nowhere does Goldman refer to Soloveitchik's knowledge of the Bible as the basis for being one of the top world authorities on Jewish law. The rabbi's credentials are all predicated upon his mastery of the Talmud. All other studies are clearly secondary. Britain's Jewish Chronicle of March 26, 1993 states that in religious school (yeshiva), Jews are "devoted to the Talmud to the exclusion of everything else." The Jewish Scribes claim the Talmud is partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form. These had not yet been written down in Jesus' time. Christ condemned the traditions of the Mishnah (early Talmud) and those who taught it (Scribes and Pharisees), because the Talmud nullifies the teachings of the Holy Bible. Shmuel Safrai in The Literature of the Sages Part One (p.164), points out that in chapters 4 and 5 of the Talmud's Gittin Tractate, the Talmud nullifes the Biblical teaching concerning money-lending: "Hillel decreed the prozbul for the betterment of the world.' The 'prozbul' is a legal fiction which allows debts to be collected after the Sabbatical year and it was Hillel's intention thereby to overcome the fear that money-lenders had of losing their money."

The famous warning of Jesus Christ about the tradition of men that voids Scripture (Mark 7:1-13), which is used against Catholics by Protestants, is in fact, a direct reference to the Talmud, or more specifically, the forerunner of the first part of it, the Mishnah, which existed in oral form during Christ's lifetime, before being committed to writing. Mark. chapter 7, from verse one through thirteen, represents Our Lord's pointed condemnation of the Mishnah.

Unfortunately, due to the abysmal ignorance of our day, the widespread Judeo-Christian notion is that the Old Testament is the supreme book of Judaism. But this is not so. The Pharisees teach for doctrine the commandments of rabbis, not God.

The Talmudic commentary on the Bible is their supreme law, and not the Bible itself. That commentary does indeed, as Jesus said, void the laws of God, not uphold them. As readers of Talmud, we know this to be true.

Jewish scholar Hyam Maccoby, in "Judaism on Trial," quotes Rabbi Yehiel ben Joseph:

"Further, without the Talmud, we would not be able to understand passages in the Bible...God has handed this authority to the sages and tradition is a necessity as well as scripture. The Sages also made enactments of their own..anyone who does not study the Talmud cannot understand Scripture."

There is a small Jewish sect which makes considerable effort to eschew Talmud and adhere to the Old Testament alone. These are the Karaites, a most hated and severely persecuted group within Judaism.

To the Mishnah the rabbis later added the Gemara (rabbinical commentaries). Together these comprise the Talmud. There are two versions, the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is regarded as the authoritative version: "The authority of the Babylonian Talmud is also greater than that of the Jerusalem Talmud. In cases of doubt the former is decisive." (R.C. Musaph-Andriesse, From Torah to Kabbalah: A Basic Introduction to the Writings of Judaism, p. 40).

This study is based on the Jewish-authorized Babylonian Talmud. We have published herein the authenticated sayings of the Jewish Talmud. Look them up for yourself.


We publish the following irrefutable documentation in the hope of liberating all people from the corrosive racism of this Talmudic hate literature, which is the manual of Jewish supremacists the world over. The implementation by Jewish supremacists of Talmudic hate literature has caused untold suffering throughout history and now, in occupied Palestine, it is used as a justification for the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.

Some Teachings of The Jewish Talmud

The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals.

Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.

Moed Kattan 17a. If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

Jews are Divine

Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.

It's O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a. A Jew need not pay a Gentile ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.

Jews Have Superior Legal Status

Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."

Jews May Steal from Non-Jews

Baba Mezia 24a. If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Sanhedrin 76a. God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean..."

Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews

Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a Gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.

Baba Kamma 37b. Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

Jews May Lie to Non-Jews

Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

Non-Jewish Children Sub-Human

Yebamoth 98a. All Gentile children are animals.

Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b. Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

Insults Against The Blessed Virgin Mary

Sanhedrin 106a. Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters."

Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

Gloats over Christ Dying Young

A passage from Sanhedrin 106 gloats over the early age at which Jesus died: "Hast thou heard how old Balaam (Jesus) was? - He replied: It is not actually stated but since it is written, Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days it follows that he was thirty-three or thirty-four years old."

Says Jesus was a Sorcerer

Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery.

Horrible Blasphemy of Jesus Christ

Gittin 57a. Says Jesus ( see footnote #4) is being boiled in "hot excrement."

Sanhedrin 43a. Jesus deserved execution: "On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu was hanged...Do you suppose that he was one for whom a defense could be made? Was he not a Mesith (enticer)?"

Talmud Attacks Christians

Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians ("minim") and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations (see footnote #11 for the definition of minim).

Christian Book Burning

Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament ("uncanonical books," see footnote #9) will have no portion in the world to come.

Shabbath 116a (p. 569). Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.

Dr. Israel Shahak reports that the Zionists burned hundreds of New Testament books in Occupied Palestine on March 23, 1980 (cf. "Jewish History, Jewish Religion," Pluto Press, p. 21).

Sick and Insane Teachings of the Jewish Talmud

Gittin 69a. To heal his flesh a Jew should take dust that lies within the shadow of an outdoor toilet, mix it with honey and eat it.

Shabbath 41a. The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given.

Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.

Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.

Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).

Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.

Abodah Zarah 17a. States that there is not a whore in the world that Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with.

Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.

Gittin 70a. The Rabbis taught: "On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic."

Toilet and excrement obsessions are laced throughout Talmud and were exhibited in Spielbergs "Schindler's List" where the Hollywood director shows a Jewish child jumping through a toilet seat in an outhouse and falling into a pool of liquefied excrement. There the child meets two other Jewish children partially immersed who inform the interloper that this cesspool is their hiding spot exclusively and that he must find his own. These are the kind of disgusting and morbid, psychotic images which Jewish kids are exposed to constantly in the cinematic liturgy of Holocaustianity and for that matter, in the Talmud as well.

Gittin 69b (p. 329). To heal the disease of pleurisy ("catarrh") a Jew should "take the excrement of a white dog and knead it with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog's excrement as it loosens the limbs."

Pesahim 111a. It is forbidden for dogs, women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or palm trees. Special dangers are involved if the women are menstruating or sitting at a crossroads.

Shabbath 86a-86b. Because Jews are holy they do not have sex during the day unless the house can be made dark. A Jewish scholar can have sex during the day if he uses his garment like a tent to make it dark.

Tales of a Roman Holocaust

Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.

(Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 16 million Jewish children or four billion Jews).

A Revealing Admission

Abodah Zarah 70a. The question was asked of the rabbi whether some wine stolen in Pumbeditha might be used or if it was defiled, due to the fact that the thieves might have been Gentiles (a Gentile touching wine would make the wine unclean). The rabbi says not to worry, that the wine is permissible for Jewish use because the majority of the thieves in Pumbeditha, the place where the wine was stolen, are Jews

Pharisiac Rituals

Erubin 21b (p. 150). "Rabbi Akiba said to him, "Give me some water to wash my hands."

"It will not suffice for drinking," the other complained, "will it suffice for washing your hands?"

"What can I do?' the former replied, "when for neglecting the words of the Rabbis one deserves death? It is better that I myself should die than that I transgress against the opinion of my colleagues." [This is the ritual hand washing condemned by Jesus in Matthew 15: 1-9].

A Great Rabbi Deceives A Woman

Kallah 51a (Soncino Minor Tractates). Teaches that God approves of rabbis who lie: "The elders were once sitting in the gate when two young lads passed by; one covered his head and the other uncovered his head. Of him who uncovered his head Rabbi Eliezer remarked that he is a bastard. Rabbi Joshua remarked that he is the son of a niddah (a child conceived during a woman's menstrual period). Rabbi Akiba said that he is both a bastard and a son of a niddah.

"They said, 'What induced you to contradict the opinion of your colleagues?' He replied, "I will prove it concerning him." He went to the lad's mother and found her sitting in the market selling beans. "He said to her, 'My daughter, if you will answer the question I will put to you, I will bring you to the world to come.' (eternal life). She said to him, 'Swear it to me.'

Rabbi Akiba, taking the oath with his lips but annulling it in his heart, said to her, 'What is the status of your son?' She replied, 'When I entered the bridal chamber I was niddah (menstruating) and my husband kept away from me; but my best man had intercourse with me and this son was born to me.' Consequently the child was both a bastard and the son of a niddah.

It was declared, '..Blessed be the God of Israel Who Revealed His Secret to Rabbi Akiba..."

In addition to the theme that God rewards clever liars, the preceding discussion is actually about Christ (the lad who 'uncovered his head'). The reference to the lad's mother is of course to the mother of Jesus, Blessed Mary (called Miriam and sometimes, Miriam the hairdresser, in Talmud).

Genocide Advocated by The Talmud

Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10. This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog ("Even the best of the Gentiles should all be killed").

This passage is not from the Soncino edition but is from the original Hebrew of the Babylonian Talmud as quoted by the 1907 Jewish Encyclopedia, published by Funk and Wagnalls and compiled by Isidore Singer, under the entry, "Gentile," (p. 617).

This original Talmud passage has been concealed in translation. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that, " the various versions the reading has been altered, 'The best among the Egyptians' being generally substituted." In the Soncino version: "the best of the heathens" (Minor Tractates, Soferim 41a-b].

Israelis annually take part in a national pilgrimage to the grave of Simon ben Yohai, to honor this rabbi who advocated the extermination of non-Jews. (Jewish Press of June 9, 1989, p. 56B).

On Purim, Feb. 25, 1994, Israeli army officer Baruch Goldstein, an orthodox Khazar from Brooklyn, massacred 40 Palestinian civilians, including children, while they knelt in prayer in a mosque. Goldstein was a disciple of the late Rabbi Kahane who has stated that his view of Arabs as "dogs" is "from the Talmud." (Cf. CBS 60 Minutes, "Kahane").

Univ. of Jerusalem Prof. Ehud Sprinzak described Kahane and Goldstein's philosophy: "They believe it's God's will that they commit violence against 'goyim,' a Hebrew term for non-Jews." (NY Daily News, Feb. 26, 1994, p. 5).

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg declared, "We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing." (NY Times, June 6, 1989, p.5).

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin says, "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." (NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6).

Jewish Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are Not Humans

The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanizes Gentiles as not being descendants of Adam. We will now list some of the Talmud passages which relate to this topic.

Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a Gentile, a woman or a slave.

Kerithoth 6b:

Uses of Oil of Annointing. Our Rabbis have taught: He who pours the oil of anointing over cattle or vessels is not guilty; if over gentiles [Hebrew: goyim] or the dead, he is not guilty. The law relating to cattle and vessels is right, for it is written: "Upon the flesh of man [Hebrew: adam] shall it not be poured [Exodus 30:32]"; and cattle and vessels are not man [adam]. Also with regard to the dead, [it is plausible] that he is exempt, since after death one is called corpse and not a man [adam]. But why is one exempt in the case of gentiles [goyim]; are they not in the category of man [adam]?--No, it is written: "And ye my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are man [adam] [Ezekiel 34:31]": Ye are called man [adam] but gentiles [goyim] are not called man [adam].

In the above passage, the Rabbis are discussing the Mosaic law which forbids applying holy oil to men. In the discussion, the Rabbis state that it is not a sin to apply the holy oil to gentiles, since gentiles are not human beings (literally, adam).

Yebamoth 61a: It was taught: And so did R. Simeon ben Yohai state [61a] that the graves of gentiles [goyim] do not impart levitical uncleanness by an ohel [standing or bending over a grave], for it is said, "And ye my sheep the sheep of my pasture, are men [adam]" [Ezekiel 34:31]; you are called men [adam] but the idolaters are not called men [adam].

The Mosaic law states that touching a human corpse or grave imparts uncleanness to those who touch it. But the Talmud here teaches that if a Jew touches the grave of a gentile, it does not make him unclean, since gentiles are not human (literally, Adam).

Baba Mezia 114b: Said he [Rabbah] to him: Art thou not a priest: why then dost thou stand in a cemetery? - He replied: Has the Master not studied the laws of purity? For it has been taught: R. Simeon ben Yohai said: The graves of gentiles [goyim] do not defile, for it is written, "And ye my flock, the flock of my pastures, are men [adam]" [Ezekiel 34:31]; only ye are designated men [Adam].

A Jewish priest was standing in a graveyard. When asked why he was standing there in apparent violation of the Mosaic law, he replied that it was permissible, since the law only prohibits Jews from coming into contact with the graves of humans [adam], and he was standing in a gentile graveyard.

Since the so-called Scriptural proof text (Ezekiel 34:31) repeatedly cited in the above three Talmud passages in reality does not prove that only Jews are human, it is self-evident that the Talmudic sages who asserted the preceding absurdities about Gentiles were already anti-Gentile racists or ideologues who, in desperate search of some proof of their position, distorted an Old Testament passage in order to justify their bigotry. Their ideology came first, their "proof" second.

Berakoth 58a R. Shila administered lashes to a man who had intercourse with an Egyptian woman. The man went and informed against him to the Government, saying: There is a man among the Jews who passes judgment without the permission of the Government. An official was sent to [summon] him. When he came he was asked: Why did you flog that man? He replied: Because he had intercourse with a she-ass.

They said to him: Have you witnesses? He replied: I have. Elijah thereupon came in the form of a man and gave evidence. They said to him: If that is the case he ought to be put to death! He replied: Since we have been exiled from our land, we have no authority to put to death; do with him what you please.

While they were considering his case, R. Shila exclaimed, "Thine, Oh Lord, is the greatness and the power" [1 Chronicles 29:11] What are you saying? they asked him. He replied: What I am saying is this: Blessed is the All-Merciful who has made the earthly royalty on the model of the heavenly, and has invested you with dominion, and made you lovers of justice.

They said to him: Are you so solicitous for the honor of the Government? They handed him a staff and said to him: You may act as judge. When he went out that man said to him: Does the All-Merciful perform miracles for liars?

He replied: Wretch! Are they not called asses? For it is written: "Whose flesh is as the flesh of asses" [Ezekiel 23:20]. He noticed that the man was about to inform them that he had called them asses. He said: This man is a persecutor, and the Torah has said: If a man comes to kill you, rise early and kill him first. So he struck him with the staff and killed him. He then said: Since a miracle has been wrought for me through this verse, I will expound it."

Our apologies for subjecting our readers to the preceding lengthy Talmudic drivel, but it is best to include all of it to demonstrate its depravity.

In addition to having Elijah float down from heaven to deceive the Gentile court, the Talmud teaches that Gentiles are in reality animals, hence Rabbi Shila (and Elijah) did not really lie at all. It also teaches that anyone (even a Jewish man) who reveals this Talmud truth about non-Jews deserves execution, since revealing it makes Gentiles angry and causes persecution of the Jews.

We can only rejoice that the majority of Jews today do not follow such heinous teachings; only a few openly espouse the Talmud as divinely inspired, although unfortunately these few are sometimes to be found in influential leadership positions.

(Parenthetically, the above Scripture proof-text cited by the rabbis, does not prove that Gentiles are not human, being animals. The passage from Ezekiel in the Bible only says that some Egyptians had large sex organs and copious emissions. This does not in any way prove or even connote that the Egyptians being referred to in the Bible were considered animals).

Having sufficiently proven our point from the Talmud, namely that the Talmud teaches that Gentiles are not human [Hebrew: Adam], and are really animals, we will list a few other passages which expound on the Ezekiel 23:20 "proof text", allowing our readers to research them on their own: Arakin 19b, Berakoth 25b, Niddah 45a, Shabbath 150a, Yebamoth 98a.

The original text of Sanhedrin 37a applies God's approval only to the saving of Jewish lives. This is demonstrable by referring to Jewish books such as the Hesronot Ha-shas.

The Teachings of Maimonides

We will now examine the post-Talmudic commentator Rambam:

"Moses Maimonides is considered the greatest codifier and philosopher in Jewish history. He is often affectionately referred to as the Rambam, after the initials of his name and title, Rabenu Moshe Ben Maimon (Our Rabbi, Moses son of Maimon)." (Maimonides' Principles, edited by Aryeh Kaplan, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, New York, 1975, pg. 3)

Here is what Maimonides (Rambam) actually taught about saving people's lives, especially about saving the lives of Gentiles and Christians, or even Jews who dared to deny the divine inspiration of the Talmud: Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Moznaim Publishing Corporation, Brooklyn, New York, 1990, Chapter 10, English Translation, pg. 184:

"Accordingly, if we see an idolater being swept away or drowning in the river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should not save him.

It is, however, forbidden to cause one of them to sink or push him into a pit or the like, since he is not waging war against us. To whom does the above apply? To Gentiles" [Hebrew: goyim, found on pg. 185]. (The Hebrew text of the Feldheim 1981 edition of Mishnah Torah has this also).

Immediately after Maimonides' admonition that it is a duty for Jews not to save a drowning or perishing Gentile, he informs us of the Talmudic duty for Jews towards Christians, and also towards Jews who deny the Talmud.

Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Chapter 10 English Translation, pg.184,

"It is a mitzvah [religious duty;], however, to eradicate Jewish traitors, minnim, and apikorsim, and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews and sway the people away from God, as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students, and Tzadok, Baithos, and their students. May the name of the wicked rot." The commentary accompanying the preceding statement of Maimonides mentions that Jesus was an example of a min (plural: minnim). The commentary also states that the followers of Tzadok were defined as those Jews who deny the truth of the Talmud and who uphold only the written law (i.e. the Old Testament).

According to Maimonides' "Principles," pg. 5, Maimonides "spent twelve years extracting every decision and law from the Talmud, and arranging them all into 14 systematic volumes. The work was finally completed in 1180, and was called Mishnah Torah, or 'Code of the Torah'."

Maimonides asserted that it is the duty of Jews to save only Jews. Ordinary Gentiles are to be allowed to perish, but not actively killed, except during war; while Christians and Jewish so-called heretics are to be executed.

And there is more: "As for Gentiles, the basic talmudic principle is that their lives must not be saved, although it is also forbidden to murder them outright. The Talmud itself [Abodah Zarah 26b] expresses this in the maxim 'Gentiles are neither to be lifted [out of a well] nor hauled down [into it]'.

Maimonides explains [in Mishnah Torah 4:11]: 'As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war ... their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: 'neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow [Leviticus 19:16]' - but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow." (Jewish History, Jewish Religion, by Israel Shahak, Pluto Press, London, Boulder, Colorado, pg. 80)

It is not too surprising that Maimonides would have taught this concerning saving the lives of Gentiles.

Maimonides taught in another section of the Mishnah Torah that Gentiles are not human: "Man alone, and not vessels, can contract uncleanness by carriage. ...The corpse of a Gentile, however, does not convey uncleanness by overshadowing. ...a Gentile does not contract corpse uncleanness; and if a Gentile touches, carries, or overshadows a corpse he is as one who did not touch it. To what is this like? It is like a beast which touches a corpse or overshadows it. And this applies not to corpse uncleanness only but to any other kind of uncleanness: neither Gentiles nor cattle are susceptible to any uncleanness." (The Code of Maimonides, Book Ten, translated by Herbert Danby, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1954, pgs. 8-9)

The Talmud (i.e., the Babylonian Talmud) text of Sanhedrin 37a restricts the duty to save life to saving only Jewish lives. The censorship book, written by Jews (Hesronot Ha-shas), notes that the Talmud texts which use the universalist phrase, "Whoever destroys the life of a single human is as if he had destroyed an entire world; and whoever preserves the life of a single human being is as if he had preserved an entire world," have been censored (tampered with).

In other words, this universalist rendering is not the authentic text of the Talmud and thus, for example, this universalist version which Steven Spielberg in his movie, "Schindler's List" attributed to the Talmud (and which became the motto of the movie on posters and in advertisements), is not from the authentic Talmud, but rather constitutes propaganda intended to give a humanistic gloss to a Talmud which is, in its essence, racist and chauvinist hate literature.

In the authentic, original Talmud text it states that "whoever preserves a single soul of Israel, it is as if he had preserved an entire world" (emphasis supplied). The Talmud sanctions only the saving of Jewish lives. This is upheld by the modern editions of the Talmud.

The most recent translation of even the Jerusalem Talmud restricts the blessing for saving life to saving only a Jewish life. Though the Talmud passage at issue (Sanhedrin Mishnah 4.5/Sanhedrin 37a) mentions Adam, this does not prove that the passage's original intent was universal, since the Talmud elsewhere teaches that Gentiles are not Adam, but are in fact animals.

The greatest of all Talmud codifiers, Moses Maimonides, taught that Gentiles on the point of death should not be saved, and Christians should be killed.

Deception and Dissimulation

The respopnse of the orthodox rabbis to documentation regarding the racism and hatred in the Talmud is simply to brazenly lie, in keeping with the Talmud's Baba Kamma 113a which states that Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a powerful, multi-million dollar rabbinical propaganda center dispatched Rabbi Daniel Landes in 1995 to deny that the Talmud dehumanizes non-Jews. "This is utter rot," he said. His proof? Why, his word, of course.

We however, in this writing, have furnished the reader with documentation direct from the original Talmudic texts, as well as from the writings of the Jews' own "greatest" Talmud authority, Moses Maimonides.

In 1994, Rabbi Tzvi Marx, director of Applied Education at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, made a remarkable admission concerning how Jews in the past have issued two sets of texts: the authentic Talmudic texts and commentaries with which they instruct their own youth in the Talmud schools (kollels) and "censured and amended" versions which they disseminate to the gullible goyim (non-Jews) for public consumption.

Rabbi Marx states that in the version of Maimonides' teachings published for public consumption, Maimonides is made to say that whoever kills a human being transgresses the law.

But, Rabbi Marx points out "...that this only reflects the censured and amended printed text, whereas the original manuscripts have it only as "whoever kills an Israelite." ("Tikkun: A Bi-Monthly Jewish Critique," May-June, 1994).

The Jewish book, "Hesronot Ha-shas" (i.e."that which is removed from the Talmud," cf. William Popper, "The Censorship of Hebrew Books," p. 59), is important in this regard.

"Hesronot Ha-shas" was reprinted in 1989 by Sinai Publishing of Tel-Aviv. Hesronot Ha-shas is valuable because it lists some of the original Talmud texts that were later changed or omitted, with the resulting falsified texts nowadays being cited for Gentile consumption as authentic.

Popper (pp. 58-59), states: "It was not always that long passages...were censored...but often single words alone were omitted; ...Often, in these cases, another method of correction was used in place of omission - substitution."

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, the translator of the most recent English version of the Babylonian Talmud, says, "Indeed, almost every passage dealing with non-Jews must be suspected of having undergone some change." (Talmud Reference Guide, by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, Random House, New York, 1989, p. 50).

For example, the translators of the English Soncino version of the Talmud sometimes translate the Hebrew word goyim (Gentiles) under any number of terms such as "heathen, Cuthean, Egyptian, idolater" etc. But these are actually references to Gentiles (all non-Jews). In footnote 5 of the Soncino edition Talmud it is stated: "Cuthean (Samaritan) was here substituted for the original goy..." Christians are sometimes referred to by the code word Min or Minim.

It is the standard disinformation practice of the Pharisees to deny the existence of the racist Talmudic passages we have cited, in order to claim that such passages are the "fabrications of 'anti-Semites."

In 1994, the 80 year old Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood was arrested and prosecuted in a criminal court in London, England for the "crime" of publishing in her pamphlet, "The Longest Hatred," the truthful statement that the Talmud contains anti-Gentile and anti-Christian passages.

In the course of her trial, which was ignored by the U.S. media, a rabbi was called as a prosecution witness. The rabbi proceeded to flatly deny that the Talmud contained anti-Gentile and anti-Christ passages and on the basis of the rabbi's "prestige," the old woman was convicted and sentenced to three months in jail and fined the equivalent of $1,000.

We have here provided the reader with authentic documentary passages from the Talmud proving that the Talmud constitutes Jewish supremacist hate literature. Hebrew University Professor Israel Shahak, in his monumental 1994 work, Jewish History, Jewish Religion (Pluto Press), has also confirmed the hate and racism contained in the Talmud. Those Jews who deny the actual contents of the Talmud are liars (John 8:44; Titus 1:14).

Judean-Christian Response to The Talmud

Neither the modern popes or the modern heads of Protestantism, have ever insisted that the rabbis of Judaism repudiate or condemn the racism in the Talmud or the murderous hate for Christians and Gentiles expressed within it. On the contrary, the heads of Christianity have urged the followers of Christ to obey, honor and support the followers of the Talmud. Therefore, it should be obvious that these modernist Catholic and Protestant leaders are the worst betrayers of Jesus Christ on earth today.

Published By Warrant of John 18:37; Matthew 23:13-15; I Thess. 2:14-16; Titus 1:14; Luke 3:8-9; Rev. 3:9.


The TALMUD Unmasked (Rev I.B. Pranaitis) English Text. Available from Heritage Book Service PO Box 86 Lake Munmorah NSW Australia 2259 talmud.htm
by hapelole holicow
jews are the slimmest creatures there ways like those in the Talmud show how deplorable there culture is it is like cannibalism it should not be aloud to exist
by X2
I condemn Israel's actions in that region. I also condemn neo-Nazis such as yourself obscuring the issue. I have no doubt you are indybay's famous disruptor .. I'm pretty sure you are a single individual, maybe 2. Don't think for a minute we and the public can't see the bullshit behind your lies. All you want is death and conflict for people there. You cannot even imagine a peaceful solution. It is your greatest fear that a secular, non-racial state gets established in the region where Jews and Arabs live together in peace, as they did before the rise of the Nazi Party and World War 2. Down with Zionism, down with Hamas, down with racial nationalism!
by X2
The person who posted these hateful lies is one of two things. First, he might be a Zionist, prepared to incite anti-semitism in order to advance his cause at the expense of Jews of the Diaspora. Second, he might believe what he says in which case he is a simple neo-Nazi. This is unlikely; most modern white supremacists support the idea of 'racial homelands' including the concept of Israel. They have no intrinsic disagreement with Zionism. A good example would be the Aryan Nations.

In any case, the claims made in the article are fully refuted as the baseless lies that they are at the following URL.
by holy-shit ZIONAZIS are EVIL DEMONS
ZIONAZISare the slimmest creatures there ways shown for what they are in the Talmud show how deplorable the culture of these creatures is. like cannibalism it should not be aloud to exist
by X2
More desperate zionist attempts to stir up anti-semitism and advance their cause. Your desperation illustrates the depths to which you have fallen.
by holy-shit ZIONAZIS are EVIL DEMONS
"He did not call them Abraham's children, but a 'brood of vipers' [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, 'He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord calls them a 'brood of vipers'; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: 'If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did . . . You are of your father the devil.' It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today."
by ....
X2 posts a hate messagas towards Jews, then another one claiming it is the work of ZIonists.
Although I am not Jewish I consider myself a ZIonist only because there seems to be no other group of people with as many losers as their enemies.
by zionazis the demons Amongst us
"Should someone think I am saying too much -- I am saying much too little! For I see in [their] writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks . . . No heathen has done such things and none would to so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses -- as he possesses the Jews."

"He did not call them Abraham's children, but a 'brood of vipers' [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, 'He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord calls them a 'brood of vipers'; furthermore in John 8 [:39,44] he states: 'If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did . . . You are of your father the devil.' It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today."

"Oh how they love the book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope. The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been repeatedly struck on their snouts . . ."

"Moreover, they are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury. Thus they live from day to day, together with wife and child, by theft and robbery, as arch-thieves and robbers, in the most impenitent security."

by X2
"X2 posts a hate messagas towards Jews"

Show me one .. just ONE .. you lying sack of shit
by Observer
X2 You lying shithead, the Aryan Nations does NOT support Zionism-their position on it is exactly the same as your own. And like you, They were thrilled at the attack on September 11 and have expressed great sympathy for the Palestinians. It is most likely that someone of their point of view DID post the above article, not the Jewish-oh, I'm sorry "Zionist"-conspirators you're always ranting about. In fact, I would not put it past YOU to have been that original poster; I doubt many people on the Left or on this board disagree with those sentiments anyway.
by X2
Not all Jews are Zionists sorry. Nice, but feeble, attempt though.
by Observer
I see that you have not bothered to refute ANY of my earlier claims about you. I take it then that they are accurate. Congratulations for having the same views as the Aryan Nations!
by zionazis are demons

However, they have not acquired a perfect mastery of the art of lying; they lie so clumsily and ineptly that anyone who is just a little observant can easily detect it "Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them." "If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury, is dearer than God himself!" "Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find comfort with this: 'When the Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and silver in the world and distribute it among the Jews.' Thus, wherever they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they wickedly do so."
by X2
Observer .. I have things to do. I cannot answer you instantly. I will now prove how your viewpoints do not differ from that of various white supremacists.
The stated goal of the new neofascist movements is to create a "racial homeland" for whites, free of multiculturalism. They do not oppose any other racial separatists and in fact cooperate with many other ethnic groups seeking to establish racial states. Their anti-semitism stems essentially from historical factors, along with their hatred of multiculturalism. White supremacist groups are not threatened by Israel per se .. although they feel that the American government is controlled by Jews. What they really oppose is Jews in their countries.
The aim, therefore, of white supremacists is to establish segregated nation states worldwide by any means necessary. So you see, they really have alot in common with Zionists as well as antisemitic Arabs and all other groups seeking to establish states which are not multicultural.
As far as my not refuting you, now I have. Lets see you refute the above posted article in detail now, point by point.
by e2
I fail to understand X2. In Israel there are Jews that originated from Arab countries, Jews that originated from eastern and western Europe, ex Russian Jews and dark skinned Ethiopian Jews, each looks quite different from the other. In addition there are other ethnic groups in Israel that are treated equally and enjoy the same rights as the Jewish population. There are non-Jews cabinet ministers and parliament members. And non-Jews high ranking army officers.
Please explain how Israel a racist country?
by X2
If you really don't believe me and want to check it out, Observer, go look at

Personally, I am a multiculturalist. I deny that people of different races cannot live together in the same space. I think any government which gives more rights to one group than another on the basis of ethnicity is fundamentally flawed. Such is the case with Israel, where Palestinians are treated differently than Jews. For the record, I also oppose certain notable Arabic states where the situation is reversed. Yes, I know, you're going to say why do I focus on Israel so much then. Well, the answer is pretty simple really. I am a Westerner. Israel is culturally closer to us than, say, the Arabic states. Which is why I trust that the Israelis are more likely to effect peaceful change in their country on the basis of dialogue with the West's citizens. When the rest of the Middle East sees how peace and tolerance is then Israel will begin influencing its neighbours and peaceful change by a long slow process will develop in the entire region.

To go around saying that I support one ethnic supremacy because I oppose another is a childish tactic of deceit. Not all of us are racial separatists like yourself. Why don't you try arguing with me for what I am, a multiculturalist? Or, let me put it this way: what's wrong with multiculturalism in Israel/Palestine? Wait. I shouldn't bother asking that. I know you will not answer.
by X2
Israel is a racist state because it oppresses Palestinians on the basis of their ethnicity. simple eh?
by X2
To add proof to my claims that Zionists are essentially in philosophical agreement with other ethnic/religious supremacists, witness this thread. Throughout the thread, there are many highly racist comments being made about Jews. Yet they suffer no criticism from the Zionist supporters - instead I, the one proposing multiculturalism and racial equality, am the one under attack from them.
by X2
"that original poster; I doubt many people on the Left or on this board disagree with those sentiments anyway."

nice try. So where the Hell was the Right when it came to protesting neo-Nazi groups such as White Aryan Resistance, KKK, Aryan Nations etc? They were either silent or all too busy voting in KKK representatives to Congress such as David Duke. The left has been the most active group fighting racism including anti-semitism in the West, putting their selves in harms way on frequent occasions.
by X2
Where are the editors to remove posts like that?
by Observer
The editors do not remove those posts because they agree with them. That poster represents the genuine viewpoint of the left, especially its Marxist and Anarchist components
by X2
Sure. Thats why much of the early Communist movement is Jewish. Thats why the left vigorously protested right-wing KKK candidate for Congress David Duke. Thats why you see SOOOO many right wingers at anti-racist marches. Thats why the Nazi party was a right wing party.

What a pile of crap.
by Mr T
"That poster represents the genuine viewpoint of the left, especially its Marxist and Anarchist components'

In all my readings of Anarchism and Marxism I never seemed to see anything remotely clos to that. Could you please give some sort of evidence to this ridiculous claim.

by Smeg
I wonder how he can explain this poll?
by Smeg
Actually the Torah is the holiest book (you know...the Bible?).
by X2
I fail to see what a questionable poll by an unrecognized polling group about terrorism has to do with the hilarous assertion that anti-semitism is a left wing invention, despite the fact all calls for anti-semitism have come from right-wing parties. When you guys can't answer something you change the subject. That's why everyone knows you are full of shit; because you argue like children rather than debate, like mature adults.
by Gets It All Too Well
X2 wants to know why Zionists don't respond to the flagrantly anti-semetic posts here, but do respond to the veiled ones or the ones informed by ignorance.

Its simple. X2 and many other "anti-Zionists" are probably basically good people who may have some anti-semetic tendencies. In other words, they can be reasoned with in intelligent discussion.

Ad hominem attacks, comments like "kill all Jews/Zionists" or "kill all Arabs" are written by those with whom reasoning or discussing is impossible. Ultimately, all it does is feed the Trolls and pulls this board into the gutter.
by X2
you are making an unwarranted charge and personal attack with absolutely no support or explanation. Please provide these.
by Observer
Karl Marx, despite some Jewish ancestry in his family background (in fact his father converted to Lutheranism) was an explicit anti-semite who in his essay "On the Jewish Question" called for the extinction of Jewish identity. Other Jew-haters in that tradition of course included Stalin with his anti-semitic "Doctors Plot' and all the following USSR leadership other than Gorbachev. European left-wing terrorist groups regularly target Jews-e.g the Baader-Meinhohf Gang. And the reluctance of Indymedia to censor anti-Jewish posts as much as they do anti-black or anti-muslim ones is indicative of their own Jew-hatred.

by James Conant

One day after publicly announcing a messianic dream, Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef has sent additional messianic shockwaves through the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel and the United States ... The Shas spiritual leader claims he can now forecast the arrival of the Messiah according to the frequency and veracity of his bowel movements.

The Rabbi told personal confidants of his latest mystical experience. Yosef later confirmed rumors of this latest interpretation on Shas radio. 'Solid stools indicated the strength of Ariel Sharon's policies, but lately, the stools have had a softer text, indicating Sharon's weakness and the possible arrival of the Messiah in this time of crisis,' Rabbi Ovadia Yosef told his listeners."

The Times - Tuesday 10 April 2001

Israeli rabbi calls on God to annihilate Arabs

From Sam Kiley in Jerusalem

THE spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-Orthodox Shas party has come under attack for a Passover sermon in which he called on God to annihilate Arabs.

"It is forbidden to be merciful to them, you must give them missiles, with relish - annihilate them. Evil ones, damnable ones," Ovadia Yosef was quoted in the Hebrew Maariv newspaper as telling a congregation attending prayers last weekend.

His party, which holds the balance of power in Israel's Knesset and is a key member of Ariel Sharon's national unity coalition, moved quickly to clarify his remarks, which included a plea to God to destroy Arabs.

Yitzhak Sudri, the party spokesman, insisted that the rabbi was referring only to "Arab murderers and terrorists", but Rabbi Yosef's comments revived memories of his recent description of Arabs as "snakes" amid complaints that the Palestinian Authority was tolerating incitement, which both sides agreed to ban under the 1993 Oslo Peace Accord.

"May the Holy Name visit retribution on the Arabs' heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them, and cause them to be cast from the world," Rabbi Yosef, a former Chief Rabbi of Israel's Sephardi Jews, is reported to have said.

Associated Press - January 11, 1998 - Web posted at: 2:16 p.m. EST (1916 GMT)

JERUSALEM (AP) -- A leading ultra-Orthodox rabbi in Israel has ruled that it is permitted to pick your nose on the Jewish Sabbath, his aide said Sunday.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef delivered the ruling Saturday night in a sermon relayed by satellite to his followers in Israel and abroad.

The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot had reported that Yosef had said nose-picking is forbidden because tiny hairs inside the nostrils might also be pulled out. But a viewing of a videotape of the event confirmed that Yosef had in fact ruled it was permitted.

Yosef is among a select group of rabbis who respond to questions from Jews -- serious or otherwise -- on the minutiae of applying Jewish law to daily life.

The Iraqi-born Yosef, a former chief rabbi in Egypt and Israel and a leading authority on Jewish law, is spiritual leader of the religious political party Shas, which has 10 seats in Israel's Parliament.

Washington Report pm Middle East Affairs
JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2001, Pages 71-72

By Allan C. Brownfeld

"... The Halakhic instrument promoted by ultra-Orthodox rabbis, both in Israel and the U.S., that ultimately convinced Yigal Amir that he should kill Yitzhak Rabin was the ancient Jewish doctrine of zealotry. The doctrine maintains that under the most extreme circumstances, a God-loving Jew can kill another person without asking permission.

"The doctrine of zealotry goes back to the first biblical Jewish zealot-Pinchas Ben-Eleazar. As told in the Bible, Pinchas, acting in awe of God, killed Zimri, who had prostituted in public with a Midianite girl. Pinchas's problem was that the killing was totally unauthorized and he acted out of an uncontrollable momentary drive. And yet, in spite of the severity of the act, which was denounced, according to the Talmud, by the people's elders, it was forgiven by God. The reason given was that Pinchas "was zealous for my sake among them." God instantly terminated a plague that had already killed 20,000 Jews.

Pinchas' entire line of ancestors were made priests of Israel. The prophet Elijah is also described in the Bible as a zealot who killed in his wrath 400 priests of Baal, a Canaanite god. Yigal Amir convinced himself that in killing Rabin he was acting in the best tradition of Jewish zealotry.

"For the ultra-Orthodox, both in Israel and the U.S., a form of "messianic Zionism," which makes control over the biblical Land of Israel a religious mandate, has been growing. In his book, 'Terror in the Mind of God: the Global Rise of Religious Violence' , Professor Mark Juergensmayer notes that Jewish activists "have been convinced that their violent acts have been authorized as weapons in a divine warfare sanctioned by God. Dr. Baruch Goldstein's massacre at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in 1994 was described as a military act. One of his supporters explained, 'It goes back to biblical times,' indicating that the present-day

by X2
You're so full of shit. Why do you bother with this garbage? Everyone can see you little neo-nazi wannabes are just social rejects.
First of all, the pretentious load of crap you start out with about the Rabbi's bowel movements is completely unsupported and not only that, its just about the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.
Second, your article about a single Rabbi calling on God is dated. Its from well over a year ago. This is a NEWS site. Not only that, but you would like us to think that because one rabbi says some stupid thing, that he automatically speaks for all Jews. Preposterous.
Finally you use some strange "logic" (?) to try to conclude that because of some obscure references to violence contained in the Bible that Jews are murderous. If that were the case, Christians would be equally violent. Hasn't it occurred to you yet that every religion that ever was has been used to justify every crime imaginable?
No, I suppose it hasn't because like all others of your kind, you are basically an illogical type, controlled by your emotions. Please keep your stupidity to yourself in the future.
Nobody is listening. Nobody cares what you have to say.
by X2
"Karl Marx, despite some Jewish ancestry in his family background (in fact his father converted to Lutheranism) was an explicit anti-semite who in his essay "On the Jewish Question" called for the extinction of Jewish identity. Other Jew-haters in that tradition of course included Stalin with his anti-semitic "Doctors Plot' and all the following USSR leadership other than Gorbachev. European left-wing terrorist groups regularly target Jews-e.g the Baader-Meinhohf Gang."

Again, you are applying a stereotype, Observer. I'll agree that some leftists, notably those of authoritarian doctrine, have been noted for anti-semitism. But you cannot turn around and conclude that ALL leftists are on the basis of that. It's like seeing a green haired man steal a bike, and then assuming that ALL green haired men steal bikes. Much the same rhetoric was used in Nazi Germany to stereotype the Jews. Among the Jews, as among any group of people, there are some bad apples. Nazi logic was to highlight these bad apples and then draw a conclusion that all Jews were bad apples.
Can't you people debate without using fallacy? I might actually give your position some credibility if you could make some points using correct logic. To that end I've spent a good long time looking for a good document on how to argue properly. Here's the URL:
by Smeg
I was trying to make the point that the American sickness has spread to know, where it's okay to kill innocent people as long as your getting the (so called) bad guy.

by Smeg
I was trying to make the point that the American sickness has spread to know, where it's okay to kill innocent people as long as your getting the (so called) bad guy.

by Smeg
See what you've done, ya got me so worked up I can't remember proper grammer anymore...
by X2
sorry Smeg. :)
I totally thought you were the disruptor.
I took your point as meaning that because the poll said many Israelis were in favour of the policy that therefore it was justified. I didn't understand the point you were trying to make. It was especially confusing when the disruptor was switching nicks all the time, and your post was titled "i wonder how you can explain this then"

I was positive it was a fascist spammer

My apologies - guess i should not be so trigger happy

THE best known of these is the Beiliss case at Kiev, 1911-13. It will be noticed that there are several cases also in Germany at the time when the Jews were the supreme power there previous to Hitler's success.
1900. Konitz, West Prussia. A 19-year-old youth, Ernst Winter, was murdered in March. His body had been dismembered and parts of it were found in different localities. The culprits were never discovered, but two Jewish agents were sentenced to imprisonment for false witness and for the subornation of witnesses during the enquiry! The post mortem examination was said to have shown death due to suffocation, but the county physician had previously pronounced death to have occurred from loss of blood. A large assembly of foreign Jews visited the town the night of the murder and left next day. This case aroused the country against the Jews, and its description occupied 2 pages of the Jewish Encyclopedia.

1911-13. Kiev,Russia. This is by far the most important proved ritual murder case of the 20th century and is generally known as the Beiliss Case.

In 1911, a 13-year-old boy's body was found at Kiev with curious wounds and drained of blood. A Jew named Beiliss was arrested on suspicion.

It was proved that the murder took place inside the premises of a Jewish brick factory to which only Jews had access. This factory contained a Jewish hospice with a secret synagogue attached.

After long-drawn-out preliminaries, Beiliss, who was proprietor of the factory, was tried; the jury found that there was no proof that he himself was the culprit, although half of them considered he was; the verdict therefore having to be unanimous, he was declared Not Guilty. But the jury agreed as to the cause of the boy's death; their verdict about this was as follows:

The boy "after being gagged, was wounded with a perforating instrument in the nape of the neck, temples and neck, which wounds severed the cerebral vein, the left temporal and jugular arteries, producing thus profuse hemorrhage; and afterwards, when Joutchinski (the boy's name) had lost about five glasses of blood. his body was pierced with the same instrument, lacerating thus the lungs, the liver, the right kidney and the heart, where the last wounds were inflicted, in all 47 wounds, causing acute suffering to the victim and the loss of practically all the blood of the body, and finally death."

Thus, although the murder could not be fixed upon any particular individual, its ritual character was quite certain, the boy being first bled and then killed.

There were many strange features about this trial, viz.:

(1) On 17th October, 1913, the presiding Judge had to warn the Jewish pressmen against persisting in reporting perverted renderings of the evidence, and said that if they continued in this practice, then would be refused permission to attend the Court.

(2) Two children, Genia and Valentine Tcheberiak, who were important witnesses against Beiliss, died suddenly shortly after his arrest. This was after they had eaten sweetmeats given to them by a degraded police agent called Krassowsky. They were examined by two Jewish doctors at the hospital and were certified to be suffering from dysentery the bacilli of that disease having been found in them according to the report.

Next, it was discovered that their mother had been offered (and had refused) a bribe of 40,000 roubles by a Jew lawyer to take upon herself the guilt for the murder of the stabbed boy Joutchinski.

Finally, the Jews actually suggested she had poisoned the two children, the Jews having characteristically forgotten for the moment those dysentery bacilli that had been reported to have been discovered!

(3) Several important witnesses gave expert opinion that the Jews use Christian blood to mix with the unleavened bread at certain feasts, and that Christian children are killed by Jews for the purpose.

One of these was Father Pranaitis, theologian and Hebraist, who considered that the evidence showed every sign of it being a Jewish ritual murder. Father Pranaitis said that the Zohar, the cabbalistic book of the Chassidim sect of Jews, described the ritual of murder, prescribing thirteen stabs in the right temple seven in the left one, which is exactly how the head of the murdered boy had been treated. Another expert witness was Professor Sikorski of Kiev University, a medical psychologist, who also regarded the case as one of Ritual Murder.

After the Jewish Bolshevik revolution, the Cheka shot the Judge, the Public Prosecutor and many of the witnesses, including Father Pranaitis, the medical expert Kozoratov, and Professor Sikorski. Professor Pawlow, who was a witness for the defence, became a leading scientist in Bolshevik Russia!

The ex-General Alexandre Netchvoldov of the Russian Imperial Army, tells us the rest in an article, "La Russie et les Juifs," in Le Front Unique, published at Oran, 1927, p. 59: Quoting Evrijskaja Tribuna of 24th August, 1922, he says "that at a visit of the Rabbi of Moscow to Lenin, the first word Lenin said to his visitor was to ask him it the Jews were satisfied with the Soviet tribunal which had annulled, the Beiliss verdict, saying that Joutchinksy had been killed by a Christian!"

Yes, Bolshevism is Jewish!

(4) A "British protest," published in The Times, dated 6th May, 1912, signed by the usual Archbishops and bishops, together with dukes (such as the late Duke of Norfolk who had been married to a Jewish woman), earls (such as Rosebery, married to a Rothschild), and people like the late Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, fulminated against the "revival" of the Ritual Murder charge; the "Blood Accusation" was described in this protest as "a relic of the days of witchcraft and black magic, a cruel and utterly baseless libel on Judaism."

Is it not amazing that where Jewish interests are concerned, Englishmen of standing will try to influence the course of justice by thus interfering before Beiliss had even been tried?

Beiliss died in America in 1934, and his funeral was made that of. Jewish national hero.

1928. Gladbeck, Germany. This occurred at the time of Purim; twenty-year-old lad called Helmuth Daube was found dead in front of his home, with his throat cut, his genital organs missing, whilst there were wounds on the hands and stabs in the abdomen. There was no blood about where the body was found and it was bloodless. Experts said in Court that the throat showed the Jewish ritual cut. The Jews set to work and eventually a young Gentile called Huszmann was accused of the murder, unnatural lust being alleged as a feature in the crime. The case was conducted against Huszmann by a Jew called Rosenbaum, and special police had been sent from Berlin to enquire about the circumstances; the President of the Police at Berlin was the Jew Bernhard Weiss. These special police did what they could to convince the Court that it was a "lust-murder," but Huszmann was acquitted. The Bochumer Abendblatt and Der Sturmer both gave their opinion that it was a Ritual Murder by Jews, and the latter paper was suppressed for a time, and its editor imprisoned.

1929. Manan, Germany. A five-year-old boy named Kessler disappeared on 17th March. The body was found in a wood, with throat cut from ear to ear superficially whilst there was a deep stab in the neck cutting the main vessels. The body was bloodless and there was no blood found near it. It was just before Passover, and the local Jewish butcher had suddenly disappeared. Dr. Burgel, the Court doctor, said it was a case of Ritual Murder. The Jew Money Power got to work to influence the authorities and public opinion. Before the official inquiry, the Public Prosecutor announced that it was not a case of Ritual Murder. The Judge decided the boy had met with an accidental stab from the branch of a tree or from an animal's horn, and the case was dropped. No one was ever arrested for the crime.

1932. Paderborn, Germany. Martha Kaspar was the Gentile servant in the household of a Jewish butcher named Meyer. This man had a son Kurt, and this Kurt had had sexual relations with the servant who became pregnant. She demanded that he should marry her, and the father and son promised that this should happen, but secretly decided to make away with the girl. On 18th March, near Purim, she disappeared. Two days later some human flesh was found on the road, and the Jewish Press began to spread the idea that there had been a "lust-murder." Investigation revealed blood on Kurt's clothes and in a hayloft of Meyer's, and both the Meyers were arrested. Dr. Frank, a Jewish lawyer, succeeded in getting the father certified as a lunatic and sent to an asylum, but he was soon freed and fled the country. The son, Kurt, said he had attempted to procure abortion, and that he had cut the girl's body up and distributed it in various places; a doctor told the Court that some litres of blood must have been taken. Later, Kurt said he had killed the girl in a fit of temper. The Court brought in a verdict of manslaughter, and sentenced Kurt Meyer to 15 years' imprisonment. The general newspapers did not report the case; Der Sturmer said it was Ritual Murder, and was suppressed for a time. These circumstances cause me to include this case among the "well-authenticated" ones.

It will be noted that the last three cases occurred at a time when the Jews were supreme in Germany just before the Hitler revolution, when it was easy to suppress all expression of opinion as to the true nature or the murders.

by X2
ritual murder by Jews - Yah, sure. What a load.
by whatever
Seeing this kind of hatred directed at Jews.... lies about the Talmud, accusations of blood libel... make me realize why Israel was founded. It's the one nation in the world where Jews can escape murder from monsters like the Anti-Semites who dwell here on Indybay.

Think I'm exaggerating? When the Jews were slaughtered by the Inquisition, there was no Israel. When Jews were gassed by the Nazis, there was no Israel. They were not motivated by politically correct 'Anti-Zionism.' They were motivated because of a sickening hatred of Jews. Just like the people here.

We may not be able to change your minds. You seem to clasp onto your prejudice of Jew-hatred tighter than a mother holds her infant. But this time we will simply not let you wipe us out, no matter how much you long to see mass graves of dead Jews. This time we have a place to go, and Israel does not close its doors to Jews.

It's too bad the Arab nations have no similar sympathy for the Palestinians. Except for Jordan, they'd rather keep their relatives in the camps so they can be used as living bombs against Jews. And they want to pressure Israel into granting citizenship to this population so carefully infused with the hatred of Jews. They want Israel to commit suicide, so Jews will have no place to go, and the Anti-Semites can get on with their 'holy' acts of murder.

No thanks. The more you drip with Jew-hatred, the more we need Israel. If the world gives up Anti-Semitism entirely, and no longer holds animosity towards the Jews, then perhaps there would be no need for Israel. But instead, you increase the prejudice, and that increases the need. I see no reason to trust any of you when you post such horrific pictures, and tell such hateful lies. And I certainly won't trust you with my life or the lives of my family.

"Whatever" there you go lieing again what is it with you things and lieing?
you guys have deported a few "jews" lately and anyone else that doesnot agree with your slaughter of the Palestinians and the RITUAL blood lenting of the people whos land you stole and OCCUPY no state run by a blood thersty religous cult has a right to exist!
"Whatever" there you go lieing again what is it with you things and lieing?
you guys have deported a few "jews" lately and anyone else that doesnot agree with your slaughter of the Palestinians and the RITUAL blood lenting of the people whos land you stole and OCCUPY no state run by a blood thersty religous cult has a right to exist!

yeah and the waythe people that are around you always seem to dislike you and wish you gone

WAKE UP!! maybe it has somthing to do with the way judism teaches you folk to lie cheat and steal from all non-jews that makes you not wanted. the ritual animal and human sacrific judism HAS PRACTICED DOESNT HELP MUCH EITHER.

face the facts and drrop the evil teachings of the judism CULT and join the human race and people wouldnt dislike you all SOO much!!
by X2
whatever: people like this poster don't actually exist, though. He is a well-known troll who will spout equally anti-Palestinian rhetoric often. The guy has no credibility and represents no person or viewpoint. Don't give him the credit of actually believing any of this crap he spouts.
WHATEVER , yeah you lieing turd,
I guess your goning to try to say the computer just wrote those words on its own !!

you jews are really sorry-ass liars get real

FACE REALITY read the talmud and try to defend the racist hate filled teachings of lieing cheating stealing and murder
by X2
Hello DAN.

"Other IMCs have noted the same pattern. An individual has been identified as the source of spamming/flooding articles to various Newswires. On some, he pretends to be a pro-Palestinian activist by flooding Newswires with stories that obsessively use the term "Zionazi". At the same time, the same person was noticed flooding the Jerusalem IMC with more than 50 copies of some rant about fascism.

We have concluded that this person has no political agenda, other than trying to start arguments and otherwise disrupt IMCs in any way possible, or as it's usually known, he is just a troll. Whether he is being paid to do this is speculation, as the disruptive effect may simply be the way he passes time in his apparently empty life.

Some may not want to hear this, but the tendency to pick sides and refuse to deal thoughtfully with the arguments of those we disagree with creates a climate where low-lifes of which we speak can fester and grow. Using terms such as "Zionazi" and other derogatory ethnic terms can be easily exploited by those who wish disruption, rather than productive dialogue.

Some of the names that this person has used include: American Vet; TruePeace; Special to the IMC; Marat; various Angle-sounding first names, including DAN, big bob, and others. He often favors using all-caps (hence his nickname at at least one IMC of "Caplock Crackpot") and also enjoys the posting of pictures of dead babies when posting reposts of wire service stories. He will often take a wire service story and use find and replace to make changes such as turning all references to Israelis in the original story to such terms as Zionists or "Zionazis". Lest you think he really does support the Palestinian cause, he has also posted false stories meant to cause distress to pro-Palestinian activists and to create the impression, through the obvious falsification of stories, that all such reporting on IMC about Palestine is equally fraudulent.

People should always use caution when reading a story on IMC which is too one-sided to be true and (while not giving wire service stories any more credit than they really deserve) mistrust stories that are uncorroborated by other news sources. Most of all, stories that treat other human beings as less than fully human, should cause doubt in the reader's mind about the veracity of the rest of the information presented. Stories that take the evil done by individuals of one ethnic group and then try to claim that ALL individuals in that ethnic group are somehow less than human are particularly suspect as being nothing more than shoddy propaganda. Sure, some Israelis are evil, but that doesn't mean that all Israelis are evil. Sure, some Palestinians are evil, but not all Palestinians are evil. A story that paints everything in black and white, "good versus evil", is just like the propaganda coming from Bush's lips and should be treated as having about the same credibility."

WHATEVER , yeah you lieing turd,
I guess your goning to try to say the computer just wrote those words on its own !!

you jews are really sorry-ass liars get real

FACE REALITY read the talmud and try to defend the racist hate filled teachings of lieing cheating stealing and murder

FACE IT judism is a stinking wad of CRAP !!
THAT is why judism is disliked
Judaism teaches its cult followers to lie cheat and steal from the non-"jews" around them
the "anti-semitism" you lie about is justified hatred of the "EVIL JEWISH CULT" if you need a definition of them READ THE TALAMUD it is the "blue print of the HOW TO'S of being a jewish evil cult member the animal and human sacrifices that judism does practice does not help much either!!
!!!DROP THE EVIL CULT OF JUDISM !!! and you guys wont be disliked
by Whatever
Of course, I do understand that rambling, hate-filled people who can't even spell "Judaism" let alone make a coherent argument, are totally close minded, hate-filled, looking for a fight, and are impossible to reason with.

It's just that if you have enough of them in large groups, they can be just as dangerous as any army or lynch mob. In fact, there have been armies and lynch mobs made of just these kinds of people.

I have met a few people who support the Palestinian cause that are willing to talk logically and listen to other points of view.

But unfortunately, I have met more who simply give a cold glare, and say they refuse to talk to Jews or Zionists.

And it's that second group that worries me.

FACE IT judism is a stinking wad of CULT CRAP !!
THAT is why judism is disliked
Judaism teaches its cult followers to lie cheat and steal from the non-"jews" around them
the "anti-semitism" you lie about is justified hatred of the "EVIL JEWISH CULT" if you need a definition of them READ THE TALMUD it is the "blue print of the HOW TO'S of being a jewish evil cult member
the animal and human sacrifices that judism does practice does not help much either!!
!!!DROP THE EVIL CULT OF JUDISM !!! and you guys wont be disliked
by Smeg/Jay Hovah
The spam load is getting nasty, hard to tell who is who without a program.

I would suggest IP logging but since I'm posting from a proxy with 5000 people behind it....
by X2
He can be caught nonetheless. The Internet is NEVER anonymous when it comes right down to it .. there are ways, always ways. And from what I've heard, the ring is already closing in, narrower and narrower.
by X2
Not sure if you caught my apology earlier .. it's up there titled "sawry Smeg"
by Eric
get so upset over a little jew-bashing. It falls right in line with you anti semitic, anti-Israel, pro-palestine agenda. Is this just for show, or are you liberals starting to grow a conscience?
by X2
"Of course, I do understand that rambling, hate-filled people who can't even spell "Judaism" let alone make a coherent argument, are totally close minded, hate-filled, looking for a fight, and are impossible to reason with.

It's just that if you have enough of them in large groups"

Except on this board there is just one .. and he's only interested in disruption. He uses multiple nicks, tries to squirm out of being identified (this very post is GUARANTEED to catch his attention) and he's obsessed with getting attention. Once you recognize his style and notice the timing, certain phrases (childish scatological terms like pee pee and pooh pooh, his trademark 'zionazis' etc etc etc) you can see that this is quite obviously the desperate efforts of a single sad individual to get our attention. Quite the loser. Anyway, I don't think he even believes the filth he vomits all over the place to get attention. He'll spout anything controversial; one minute he'll be screaming about 'zionazis' the next he will be accusing all activists of being fascists. He's on other boards too. So don't worry about legions of nazis; its exactly the kind of impression he wants to give, he probly spanks the monkey when someone gives him that kind of credibility. I can pretty much guarantee it's just him; I haven't seen anyone with a different style post that sort of stuff (he seems to think we don't know but there are really only about a dozen ppl reading latest posts so its not hard to tell). You're right about one thing though - he cannot make a coherent argument. This is sort of a trademark giveaway.
by Gets It All Too Well
"his trademark 'zionazis' "

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this term is being used by more than just this one idiot. I've seen it in a lot of postings using many different writing styles.

Doesn't make it any less offensive, tho'
by ONE state PALESTINE !!!

the OCCUPING LIEING jew-BAG THIEVES need to get the hell out of PALESTINE !!
THE AND THE SLIMNY STINKING ASS-TURD jew-tala-muds can move THEIR stinking asses to antartica or HELL where they belong THOSE FUKING BASTARD ASS THIEVIING LOUSY JEWS BELONG
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