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Indybay Feature

LaborFest2002 Calendar Of Events

by LaborFest (laborfest [at]
The ninth annual LaborFest 2002 will begin it's celebration on July 5, 2002 with films from the US and Turkey as well as photographs of Joe Blum and paintings by Mike Conner
LaborFest 2002
The 9th Annual Labor Fest
A Labor Art/Film Cultural Celebration of the
1934 San Francisco General Strike

July 5 Friday 5:00 - 6:00 PM Free
South Of Market Cultural Center - 934 Brannan at 8th St., San Francisco
Opening Reception for Mike Connor & Joe Blum
Exhibition from July 3-July 10
Mike Connor - Painting The Labor Battles
Mike Connor, a union electrican has painted some of the most critical labor struggles in America. His labor paintings portray the battles working people have faced in building their unions and struggles from the 8 hour day to defending a union hiring hall.
Joe Blum - Working Iron from San Francisco to Shanghai
Labor Process Photographer Joe Blum recently returned from China where he captured the tempo of the Chinese working class. Blum, a retired member of San Francisco Boilermakers Local 6 is on the buildings and cranes as workers help build the world.
Also we will be displaying poster art from the Argentinean labor movement.

July 5 Friday 6:00 PM $5.00
South Of Market Cultural Center - 934 Brannan at 8th St., San Francisco
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
Strange Fruit (57 min) by Joel Katz (USA)
This documentary explores the history and legacy of the song Strange Fruit unique in the annals of American music. Best known by a 1939 Billie Holiday rendition, the song was written by Abel Meeropol, a New York City public school teacher and a Jew of Russian Immigrant origin who published music under the name of Lewis Allan. The tale of the song reflects on the lives of African-Americans, immigrant Jews, anticommunist government officials, radical Leftist organizers, music publishers and jazz musicians.
Los Piqueteros (40 min) by Ojo Obrera Production (Argentina)
This video tells the story of the picketers in Argentina and why the working class is in rebellion. Hear the voices of a people whose country has been sold off to speculators under the guise of "free trade" and privatization. (Spanish with English subtitles)
Ojoobrero [at]

July 6 Saturday 2:00 PM $5.00
Fellowship of Humanity Hall - 390 27th St. at Broadway, Oakland
Celebrate Working People's Music and Struggle From Middle East
Celebrate working people's music and struggle from the Middle East with labor videos from Iran, Turkey and Palestine. Music from Iran, and Berber songs by Moh Alileche. We will also commemorate the 100th anniversary of working class poet and writer Nazim Hikhmetwe with his words.
Benefit For the launch of the Middle East Radio Project (MERP) Program on KPFA "Voices From The Middle East"

July 6 Saturday 7:30 PM $5.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts - 2868 Mission St. at 25th St.
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
Navigators (1 hr 40 min) by Ken Loach
Ken Loach, the most important working class film maker in the world takes us into the lives of British rail workers as they face the trauma of privatization. From the inside, we see how this privatization scam was sold and how it wrecked the lives of tens of thousands of railroad workers as well as destroying one of the best rail systems in the world. For US workers who also face a battle against privatization and contracting out, this film exposes the bitter reality of the new economy and the devastating costs it is taking on our lives and our families.
Thangata (Forced Labor): Tobacco & US Tobacco Companies in Malawi (15 min) by Marty Otanez and Michelle Otanez This video shows the role of the IMF and World Bank on the tobacco workers in Malawi and how the use of tobacco is encouraged by these US controlled international organizations.
Grant Avenue (13 min) by Joyce Lee
What is happening to Chinese and other seniors in San Francisco and how are they fighting back.

July 7 Sunday 5:00 PM Free
City Lights Bookstore - 261 Columbus at Broadway, San Francisco
Working Words
Poetry Reading with Adam David Miller, Laura Del Fuego, Rita Flores Bogaert, Ruth Daigon
Join San Francisco working class poets as they speak truth to power in their words. From the desire of women garment workers to live a decent life to nurses in healthcare etc, we will travel with these poets as they take us through their struggles and their hearts.

July 8 Monday 7:30 PM $5.00
South Of Market Cultural Center - 934 Brannan St. at 8th St.
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
Human Resources (1 hr 40 min) (French with English subtitle)
By Laurent Cantet
One of the most important new films on the role of modern capitalism. Franck, a Parisian business school student, takes an internship in the Human Resources department at the factory where his father has labored for the past 30 years. Franck’s efforts to better the company lead to the firing of many workers, including his own father.
Combating the Unacceptable (30 min) By the ICFTU (Belgium)
It demonstrates the reality of working children and growth of child labor around the world. It highlights children picking coffee beans and tea leaves in Kenya, long hours for young domestic workers in Philippines, local trade unions taking care of thousands of street children in Brazil. It focuses on the joint efforts of trade unions and other non-governmental organizations to put an end to child labor in their communities.
( (

July 9 7:30 PM Tuesday Free
San Francisco Historical Society - 3333 California St. at Walnut
Ian Ruskin as Harry Bridges in a Chautauqua

Chautauqua began in the town of the same name in upstate New York in the 1880's. It is a presentation in three parts: a dramatic monologue delivered as the historical figure, and two question and answer periods - the first addressed to the historical figure; the second to the presenter. British actor, Ian Ruskin, will present Harry Bridges in this form. As Harry Bridges he will talk about his early years, the influences that formed his philosophy and about some of the events in his life: the General Strike of 1934, the forming of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, and Harry's 21 year struggle to become an American citizen. Harry's achievement of workers' rights and social justice, and his fight against discrimination continue to impact our lives in the 21st century. The Chautauqua presentation will take us through some of our nation's most turbulent years with one of its most dynamic figures - Harry Bridges - as our guide.

July 10 Wednesday 7:30 PM $5.00
New College Theater - 777 Valencia St. at 19th, SF
Right To A Roof
Cultural Event with Eric Jerker and James Tracy focuses on the struggle for housing & the homeless.
The dot com bust has finally brought an end to the bubble economy but working people are still not able to afford housing in San Francisco and much of the bay area. Even with the increase in rentals throughout the city, prices still exclude most working people from having a home. This cultural event will give expression to the lives and anger that is building for the right to a roof. James Tracy and Eric Jerker lay it on the line with their words and stories.
For information, call Coalition On Homelessness: (415) 346-3740

July 11 Thursday 6:30 PM (Reception 5:30 PM)
$5.00 - 7.00 (Sliding scale)
San Francisco LGBT Community Center - 1800 Market St. at Octavia, SF
Queer Labor on Film
Sponsored by San Francisco Pride At Work
Live Nude Girls Unite! (60 min)
By Julia Query and Vicky Funari
The story of historic union organizing and battles with management over unfair labor practices at the Lusty Lady strip club, now the only union organized club in the U.S. This film personalizes the face of sex workers and dispels common stereotypes.
Out At Work (55 min)
By Kelly Anderson and Tami Gold
This documentary chronicles the dramatic stories of three queer workers in their fight to secure work place safety, job security and employee benefits for gay and lesbian workers.

July 12 Friday 7:30 PM $5.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts - 2868 Mission St. at 25th St.
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
Not In My Name (41 min) by Platform Films (UK)
This powerful documentary examines the history of the US and Britain in the Middle East and the causes of the present wars. Who is Osama Bin Laden and where did he come from? What does oil has to do with the wars in the Middle East and will the present military intervention stop more 9/11s or lead to more? These are some of the questions that are addressed in this hard hitting piece. First Screening In the West Coast.
(christinetongue [at]
A Miner's Tale (38 min.) by Rehad Desi (South Africa)
What are the conditions of miners in South Africa from Zimbabwe? How do these miners explain AIDS and how do they try to cope with this devastating health care crisis? This film looks at the AIDS crisis from the lives of Zimbabwe miners who must work in South Africa to help their families. After leaving the mines with AIDS and returning home they must try to educate their wives and their families that their lives have forever changed. (rehad [at]
Red Alexander Shipwright and Folk Artist (28 min) by Chris Simon & Archie Green (USA)
By the age of 10, he had discovered the Oakland waterfront and was making detailed wood models of the ships he saw there.

July 13 Saturday 3:00 PM Free
Modern Times Bookstore - 888 Valencia St. at 20th St.
WPA Murals of San Francisco
With Marsha Zakheim
Author of Articulate Art: SF 1930s and Coit Tower, San Francisco, Its History and Art. Marsha tells the story of some of San Francisco’s most famous labor murals. Her father Bernard Zakheim, one of the artists who worked on the Coit Tower murals, gave her a first hand knowledge of the making of the murals, the controversy around them and the stories they tell.
(mzakheim [at]

July 14 Sunday 10:00 AM (No host brunch)
Brunch at Blue Muse Restaurant - 409 Gough St. at Hayes, SF
Panel: LaborFest, Maydays, Labor Arts & Film Network
Discussion and brunch with Judith Woodruff of Boston, Jimmy Kelley of Santa Cruz and others
Call (415) 642-8066 for reservations

July 14 Sunday 2:00 PM Free
Modern Times Bookstore - 888 Valencia St. at 20th St., SF
Mother Jones-Revolutionary Leader of Labor and Social Reform Author Dorothy Wake talks about her book
Mother Jones: Revolutionary Leader of Labor and Social Reform defines Mother Jones as the most significant and relevant political voice for the working class to ever emerge from within the United States. Although Mary Harris "Mother" Jones identified herself as a socialist her politics coincided with revolutionary syndicalism. The duality of Socialism and Syndicalism defined her role as a leader of labor and social reform during the late 1800s and early 1900s, and structured her beliefs and attitudes about women, which paralleled her general perceptions of class warfare.
Jones has been dismissed as being simply a "hell-raiser" or reduced to a "folksy" or "colorful" old woman who endeared herself to the miners by taking up their cause. Most who wrote about her diminished or eliminated her historical and political significance by failing to establish that she changed the face of labor in this country forever. Some have even resorted to writing malicious and unprovable accusations about her. Others simply "did not do their homework."
Mother Jones: Revolutionary Leader of Labor and Social Reform sets the record straight. Ms. Wake´s extensive research brings to light the impact Mother Jones had on the labor movement for nearly half a century and reveals Jones as an intellectual and a feminist voice.

July 14 Sunday 7:00 PM $5.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts - 2868 Mission St. at 25th St.
Bastille Day Celebration
Labor Story Teller and retired IUOE librarian Gail Ryall. - "For this story, I take a "persona" - not Lucy Parsons, as I am not African-American - but a fictional character, a German immigrant sweatshop worker, who is a neighbor and friend of Parsons. All the information about Parsons, except for the existence of this fictional character, is historically correct. I perform the story in costume, as "Ilse" might have dressed in the 1920's when she is in her 70s, recalling Lucy at the time of the Haymarket trials."
Also, The First Act of "High Life At Walmart", The Rocking Solidarity Folk Chorus, Labor Tap Dancer George Fouke, Larry Shaw, ILWU Poets Bob Carson, Al Valenzuela and others

July 15 Monday 10:00 AM Free
(Location to be announced)
How A Building Works
Presented by IUOE Local 39 Training Center
Learn about how one of San Francisco's most prominent buildings works by participating in this event. Explore the inner workings of a building with a knowledgeable tour guide and experience the field of stationary engineering. Stationary engineers operate and maintain equipment in buildings, such as boilers, pumps, fans, compressors, refrigeration and air conditioning units and systems, motors, automatic controls, and electrical apparatus.
Registration required and space is limited.
Contact Local 39 Training Department at (415) 285-3939 or

July 16 Tuesday 7:30 PM $5.00
New College Theater - 777 Valencia St. at 19th, SF
United Taxi Workers Presents
Drivers Take Center Stage
Taxi Workers Voices on the Job and the Streets
Taxi drivers and all transportation workers are under the gun. The gridlock, stress on the streets, and the struggle to survive will all be reflected in this poetry and cultural night. Taxi drivers are some of the workers who have faced the brunt of the economic decline. Their battle to reestablish a union is an ongoing minefield in the era of the "independent contractor". For more information, call: (415) 864-8294

July 18 Thursday 7:30 PM $5.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts - 2868 Mission St. at 25th St.
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
In The Weeds: Waiting for a Living (25 min) by Cheryl Hess & Melissa Thompson
A seriously funny look at restaurant work, this documentary combines contemporary interviews with archival training films, newsreels, and Hollywood images to address recurring themes in the work of serving. Dealing with the psychology of the public is one of the key ingredients of waiting for a living. (mthom [at]
Razing Appalachia (72 min) by Sasha Waters
This explores the potential for environmental and economic justice in the coalfields and communities of southern West Virginia by chronicling a grassroots fight against the expansion of the nation’s forth-largest mountaintop mine. (sasha-waters [at]
Invisible Hand: the deindusrialization of southern Illinois (28 min) by Greg Boozell (USA)
Economic and political factors, as well as environmental regulations have contributed to the loss of the thousands of mining jobs in Illinois.

July 19 Friday 7:30 PM Free
Modern Times Bookstore - 888 Valencia St. at 20th, San Francisco
Labor, Poetry, Words And War
Join Nellie Wong, Carol Tarlen, David Joseph, Roland Carrillo and other poets, artists and writers as they explore how war wracks our lives. The "perpetual war" that is now upon us exposes us all to new threats and realities. These poets hit the road running in telling the truth about these wars and their meaning for working people.

July 20 Saturday 2:00 PM Free
Modern Times Bookstore - 888 Valencia St. at 20th, San Francisco
Rich History, Short Memories - Artists, Writers & The WPA
Helen Ludwig, Lawrence Fixell, Millie Weitz, Tillie Olsen (invited)
Join these cultural veterans as they spill the beans about the 30’s and 40’s cultural explosion that took place under the auspices of the WPA. Imagine a period in US history when artists and writers are paid to do their work in order to make a contribution to society. Their stories and contributions make us a richer country and bring out the best of America and we must not forget it.

July 20 Saturday 8:00 PM Free
885 Clayton Street
Song & Poetry Swap with the Freedom Song Network
Hosted by Bernard Gilbert & George Fouke
The Freedom Song Network has been building labor music and culture for many years in the Bay Area. Join with them when they sing out/speak out for working people. From picket lines and labor rallies to labor cultural festivals, Freedom Song Network is on the frontlines of struggle.

July 21 Sunday 11:00 AM (Pay the park entrance fee)
On the Ship Balclutha - Aquatic Park, Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco
"Henry George at Wharf End"
A performance by Dave Giesen
Meet Henry George, San Francisco's most radical labor advocate of the 19th century, in a lively living history chautauqua program. George, played by historian/actor David Giesen, lived (1839-1897) in the era of emerging titanic capital and witnessed and suffered from the stifling, crippling effects of monopolistic business practices. He championed sailors' rights and advocated eliminating all taxes upon labor, arguing that labor itself was the whole and sufficient contribution by the individual to community. But watch out rent-takers, George proposed abolishing unearned income! This piece is set on the 1890 Frisco waterfront. Attendance earns 5 unit of upper division Econ and History credit, well, not really, but people claim it should.

July 21 Sunday 3:00 PM Free
Modern Times Bookstore 888 Valencia St. at 20th St.
Rainbow at Midnight
George Lipsitz - Author of Rainbow at Midnight talks about culture, labor and the class struggle.
George Lipsitz is Professor of Ethnic Studies and Director of the Thurgood Marshall Institute at the University of California, San Diego. He is the author of Rainbow at Midnight: Labor and Culture in the 1940s, a book about shop floor activism, working class culture, and the massive strike wave that shook the United States in the years immediately after World War II. His other books include "A Life in the Struggle: Ivory Perry and the Culture of Opposition", the biography of Ivory Perry, a Black worker and community activist from St. Louis. His latest publication, "American Studies in a Moment of Danger", a book about the changes in culture, social movements, and the state provoked by the increasing power of transnational capital.
Lipsitz also serves as series editor of the Critical American Studies series at the University of Minnesota Press, which next year will publish Singlejack Solidarity: Work, Culture, and Job Based Unionism, a collection of writings by longtime labor activist Stan Weir who died last summer at the age of 80.

July 21 Sunday 7:00 PM $7.00
La Pena Cultural Center 3105 Shattuck St. at Prince St.
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
Iron Ladies (30 min) by Kennedy Wheatley
"Iron Ladies" gives the real story on the lives of women unionized iron workers in Los Angeles. These women must learn the trade while dealing with the heat in the work place. This lively video shows these women standing up for their rights as women and workers. They are building a place in a formerly male dominated trade.
Strange Fruit (57 min) by Joel Katz (USA)
This second showing of the documentary explores the history and legacy of the song Strange Fruit unique in the annals of American music. Best known by a 1939 Billie Holiday rendition, the song was written by Abel Meeropol, a New York City public school teacher and a Jew of Russian Immigrant origin who published music under the name of Lewis Allan. The tale of the song reflects on the lives of African-Americans, immigrant Jews, anticommunist government officials, radical Leftist organizers, music publishers and jazz musicians.
Discussion about "Hanging Noose" Incidents
Rapper Agrippa performs Paul Robeson (

July 22, Monday 6:30 PM $10-$20 (sliding scale)
Benefit for SF Day Laborers
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts - 2868 Mission St. at 25th St.
Los Trabajadores - (48 min.) by Heather Courtney
The Workers" Film by Heather Courtney
This film by Heather Courtney will highlight the event with the San Francisco Day Laborers Program. These workers are fighting for a hiring hall and other conditions that will defend their integrity and work. "As the opening images of Austin filmmaker Heather Courtney’s deeply moving documentary flicker across the screen, we hear the insistent and monotonous sounds of manual labor: a pickax striking granite, hammers pounding nails into wood, shovels scooping up the earth. The sound of Austin day laborers at work effectively becomes the soundtrack for this film that follows two workers in particular as they struggle to make money to support their families living in other countries. One of the workers, Juan Ignacio Guterrez of Nicaragua says Austin is "growing but thanks to whom?" Literally millions of workers who are helping to build this country but have no rights as workers and as human beings. This film shows the daily reality of these workers.

July 23 Tuesday 7:00 PM Free
NALC Local 214 - 214 12th St. at Howard, San Francisco
"Going Postal" - Author and retired postal worker Al Ainsworth talk about his new book with Poet Herb Weiner
Reviews of "Going Postal... The Tip of the Iceberg"
When I knew Al Ainsworth was writing a book I really looked forward to reading it. I have been doing labor law for over forty years with a concentration in public sector labor law and wanted to see it from the perspective of a man who lived it every day.
Al did not disappoint. His case histories point out the conflict between labor and management. Both want to give the best service possible to the public. All too often, that goal is sought by labor management relations.
Hopefully, Al's book will be read by people who can change the way things are done now. When the Terrorists struck the employees of congress that employer immediately took protective measures and tested all concerned. What did the post office do? They asked other agencies what to do and took no immediate action to test and protect all that might have been at risk. Why the difference? Read Al's book you might find the answer.
During my 20 years as a practicing clinical psychologist, I tried to help many people cope with stress at work. Their number one complaint, consistent with findings in the research literature, is how they felt abused by their supervisors. This included people who themselves were supervisors and managers. I heard many disturbing stories similar to the ones that Mr. Ainsworth published in his book.

July 25 Thursday 7:30 PM $5.00
ATA - 992 Valencia St. at 21st, San Francisco
Korean Struggles in Videos
"Record Of Repression" (25 min.) by Labor News Production
"Face Off" (25 min) by Labor News Production
"Workers On the Railway" (75 min) by Labor News Production
IndyBay Media presents these videos along with Myoung Joon Kim of Seoul Labor News Production. These documentaries show the militant struggle of the Korean working class for democratic rights and how their fight to organize and defend their unions comes up against the government, the corporations and the IMF-World Bank. Much of the video comes from workers trained on how to shoot and edit their own videos.

July 26 Friday 7:30 PM $5.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts - 2868 Mission St. at 25th
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
American Standoff (95 min) by Barbara Kopple (USA)
Two-time Academy Award winning filmmaker Barbara Kopple's latest film. This emotionally charged and unflinching film explores the dynamics of a union through the unfolding of the Teamsters Union strike against Overnite Transportation, the largest non-union trucking company in the US.
An Injury to One (53 min) by Susan Fink & Travis Wilkerson
"An Injury To One" reconstructs the long-forgotten murder of union organizer and IWW member Frank Little in the town of Butte, Montana. What was Frank fighting for and why were the bosses not only trying to murder Frank but destroy the town are some of the questions answered in this documentary.
(upfrontfilms [at]

July 27 Saturday 2:00 PM Free
ILWU Local 10 Henry Schmidt Room - 400 N. Point St., San Francisco
Labor, Democracy and The ILWU
Panel with Harvey Schwartz, Keith Eichman and others. These speakers will discuss the history of the ILWU and how its tradition of labor militancy has shaped its politics and rank and file involvement. The ILWU was founded in a struggle for democracy during the 1930’s and that tradition remains an important part of the union. Despite the witchhunts of the 1940’s & 50’s, the ILWU was able to maintain itself as an independent union that is the most powerful longshore union in the world. Its West Coast contract expires on June 30th and the workers may be locked out or on strike during LaborFest. If they are, join them on the picket line!
An Injury To One is An Injury To All

July 27 Saturday 7:30 PM $5.00
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts - 2868 Mission St. at 25th
International Working Class Film & Video Festival
Not This Time (24 min) by Conscious Cinema (UK)
This timely documentary tells the story of the murder of Simon Jones. Jones was sent out by an employment agency to work on the docks and was killed on his first day on the job. This exposes the corporate government policy of privatization, deregulation and union busting. Speaker from the ILWU on the fight against privatization & deregulation.
Boom, The Sound Of Eviction (96 min) by Francine Cavanaugh, A. Mark Liiv and Adam Woods.
A hard hitting documentary that popped the bubble of the speculative frenzy before the dotcom bust and exposes why working people can no longer afford to live in San Francisco.

July 28 Sunday 10:15 AM (Boarding) $25.00

10:30 AM Departure
Pier 1/2, North side of Ferry Building, San Francisco
Boar leaves promptly at 10:30 AM
Labor Maritime Boat Tour - Looks at labor history from the water on Harry Bridges Birthday!
Tour lasts 3 hours
Join the annual labor maritime history tour on an IBU-ILWU staffed boat. We will have a crew of maritime workers and labor maritime historians who will give a working history of the docks and the struggles that made the Bay Area a strong union center. This is also the best way to get a waterside tour of the labor maritime landmarks in San Francisco as well as hearing from the workers who work the docks and the shipyards. How do pile drivers operate their machinery and what does a container look like from the inside? Make reservations early to assure a seat on the boat and get ready for the best views in San Francisco.
To make your reservation, call (415) 642-8066. Leave your name (spell it out), the number of people in your reservation and your phone number. You should also send a check to LaborFest, P.O.Box 40983, San Francisco, CA 94140.
You can contact us by E-mail: laborfest [at]
For more information, go to our website:
Bring along your food, however, some food and refreshment will be available on board.

July 28 Sunday 7:30 PM $7.00
La Pena Cultural Center - 3105 Shattuck/Prince St. Berkeley
Music with Attitude
Folk This! presents a CD release concert. Folk This! is a vocal ensemble that sings "traditional music with attitude", and a focused on songs of labor, revolutionary movements, and international songs. Also, video clips of various Folk This! performances.

July 29 Monday 7:30 PM Free
Sailors Union of The Pacific-Library - 450 Harrison St. at Fremont, SF
Celebrate 120th Anniversary of Carpenters Local 22
with Labor Historian Harvey Schwartz, labor video & Kathy Holly
This year, Carpenters Local Union 22 is celebrating its 120th anniversary in San Francisco. During the first two decades of the 20th century, the local achieved tremendous regional power and influence. Tonight, we will explore the rich history of Local 22, the organization most responsible for San Francisco's early reputation as a "union town."
As president of the San Francisco Building Trades Council (1898-1922), Local 22's Patrick Henry McCarthy set the labor standards for the city's entire building trades industry. He also became the first union mayor of a major American city. Local 22 suffered during the open-shop 1920s, but returned to strength when it produced another prominent leader in Joe O'Sullivan, who led the union from the mid-1930s through the mid-1970s.
After reviewing all of this history, we will evaluate how knowing about Local 22's past can help us evaluate current labor issues.

July 30 Tuesday 7:00PM Free
Modern Times Bookstore 888 Valencia St. at 20th, San Francisco
"Hey Waitress" - Author Alison Owings on her new book (UC Press)
"Alison Owings serves up a delightful chronicle of waitressing--from the first commercial eating establishments to a contemporary Pizza Hut--as seen through the eyes of its stalwart practitioners. Hey, Waitress! is a great pleasure to read, not least because it's a long overdue tribute to some of America's most tireless and least appreciated working women."--Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America

July 31 Wednesday 7:30 PM Free
AFM Local 6 Musicians Union Hall - 116 9th St. San Francisco
Closing Party of LaborFest 2002
Mark Levy sing songs from the Jewish working class and others will present poetry. Mark released a fourth album of Jewish music this year entitled Bin Ikh Mir A Shnayderl: Yiddish Work Songs, in commemoration of the 100th birthday of Workmen's Circle, a fraternal order of Jewish workers and their families.

For further information and updates go to Email laborfest [at] (415) 642-8066

P.O.Box 40983
San Francisco, CA 94110
laborfest [at]

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