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Indybay Feature

March&Rally - Take it to the Bridge to Stop the War - May 25th in San Francisco

by AnotherTime
No more business as usual as the United States carries out its attacks on the peoples of the planet.
Take it to the Bridge to Stop the War - May 25th in San Francisco

The All People's Coalition to Stop US Terror and Occupation is calling for a peaceful rally at Crissy Field and a march on the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday, May 25, 2002

The anti-war movement must raise the stakes in challenging the U.S. government to stop its attacks on the peoples of the world under the so-called 'war on terrorism.' The Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of the US known throughout the world and a massive march of people across this bridge will send a message to the international community that people right here are calling for no more business as usual while the United States carries out its attacks on the peoples of the planet.

Planning Events

Convergence @ Fellowship Hall of Humanity, 390 27th St. Oakland (between Broadway & Telegraph)
Saturday 5/11 & 5/18: Planning meetings, 2-5pm

Thursday 5/23: Banner and placard painting, 3-11pm

Thursday 5/23: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training, 6-9pm

Friday 5/24: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training, 3-6pm

Please Join Us!
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by anon
This one feels right. I like the idea of using a world-famous landmark for the action.
by thew
hell yeah!
by m.
It is definitely time to disrupt business as usual. We need to move forward with actions that cannot be ignored. It is no longer enough to gather quietely with posters and chants.
by anon
Since we always hear complaints about IAC protests and the lack of radicalism, has anyone thought about helping make this protest go in a direction more to our liking.
by Jesus Christ (unpaid)
is this march legal? i don't see how the state/city would allow a march to take place on a state highway, blocking lots of traffic. this isn't the Berkeley Pond bridge, there is national guard on site.

can someone please let know. i don't want to get arrested for silly shit like this.

loves you all,
by Jesus Christ (still unpaid)
i just saw the website, the march will take place on the eastern walkway. maybe i'll go.

peace to all,
by anon
What about the National Guard?! All two of them might stop us!
by Jesus Christ (not getting paid)
the national guard may have just two guards or hummers on-site, but i seriously doubt that's all there'll be present the day of the march. even if two are only there, all two of them can call the rest in no time. hopefully none of the above will be the case. see ya there!

loves the bridge,
These guys get paid for walking back and forth, back and forth. Maybe they will have to actually do something for a change. Hopefully, they will disobey their superiors and let us demonstrate.

I think this will make it clear why the National Guard exists: they are for social control of the domestic population, not for any external threats. They break strikes, quell insurrections, and shoot anti-war demonstrators. A noble history, indeed.
by doctor_ahhhr
the demo organizers are going through all the necessary steps to ensure permits, etc. (and other organizers may be planning to perform some civil disobedience, assuring the larger demo and its participants that their actions will be discplined, organized and non violent -- and will not put anyone who isn't there for cd in any jeopardy of harm or arrest. unless of course the police get stupid as the are oft to do. but if so that will be clearly on the pigs, and they will be on film.)

however, the recent update to the website informs once again that the first amendment is applied selectively, espcially when it comes the their golden nugget, the gg bridge. check it out

but the reality is, or course that no one could ever count on the benevolance or fairness of any arm of the u.s. government when it comes to civil and democratic rights. if we are united; if the people want to turn the golden gate into an anti war platform on the 25th, we will take our right to free speech and political association. no one's giving anything to anyone.

should be interesting...

the doctor
by anon
If you dont have the energy to march up the hill to the Bridge (or if the police block the protesters), get some of those flag holders people use to put American flags on their cars and drive across the Bridge with Palestinian flags during the demonstration.

You will have to pay bridge tolls to ride back and forth but its Memorial Day weekend so the trafic should keep the cars moving slow.
by doctor ahhhr

as you drive over the gg bridge around 2pm or so on saturday the 25th, consider this:

i'm just thinking out loud here of course; if you were driving over the golden gate on the 25th, and you were driving REAL slow, and perhaps, you made it clear to demonstrators that you were friendly (maybe a power-to-the-people fist or something); there might be folks who'd be looking for you.

there might be folks who'd take your signal to let the demo "spill out" into the lanes of traffic and what-not and what-have-you...

of course, there'd have to be thousands of people demonstrating if this was to happen. and if you were driving and you stopped cuz folks started pouring in front of your car, you'd HAVE to stop. you "had to stop officer. all these people starting pouring out in front of my car. i didn't know what to do!" the cars behind you would have to stop as well.

next thing you know, the bridge is full of protesters, and we've got an anti-war incident, like we were in fucking venuzuela... (what was the message on the leaflet? oh yeah the anti-war movement ain't playin')

i don't know, if anyone reading this HAPPENS to know anyone who happens to know anyone who might happen be going over the golden gate to marin to the beach on saturday the 25th, you might pass along this thought...

crazy thing, this power we people have!

-- the doctor
by just a suggestion
no caltrops.
by toby (tobyone691 [at]
Go get em!! I was at the A-20 rally in DC on April 20th. It was awesome!! We had atleast 50,000 strong. I hope you all in solidarity and raise your fists to our demented president and his evil ways. Good Luck and be safe.

by Spider Jerusalem
Tactics, people. Tactics!

1) You can easily shut down the bridge with a pedestrian flood. The cops know this, and they know if they stand and do nothing they'll get reamed by an angry public. As much as they'd like to let you all earn public scorn for your cause by this assault on innocent commuters, they will do something to stop you.

2) The cops know that trying to arrest members of a large protest on the bridge will still result in a traffic shutdown anyway. They dont want to be involved in the resulting PR mess when the mainstream press reports angry commuters, and public sympathy turns against everyone involved (WHICH IT WILL.) Thus, they cannot afford to let you on the bridge at all.

3) The 2 pedestrian entry points are *easily* controlled. The cops need only invoke "safety concerns" to justify (in the press) their temporarily taking over and regulating these locations. They will stop you with your large banners, and they will keep a tight and low limit on the number of pedestrians allowed on the bridge at any given moment. 1 on, 1 off. You'll scream and shout, they'll ignore you, you'll sue them in court, and your victory 6 months later won't mean shit because your protest was routed and that's all that matters.

4) They won't be searching nor regulating cars though, because that would get THEM blamed for the resulting shutdown, and they're thinking you'll all come on foot like the good little eco-friendly hippies you are anyway. Their plan will be to strangle pedestrian traffic (mostly protesters anyway) and keep the cars flowing (mostly non-protesters).

THIS is their weak point.

The only way you will get your numbers onto the bridge is to pile into the cars you hate so much, and drive on that way, then stop and unload all passengers while on the bridge.

5) They'll plan for this as a contingency, even though they won't really expect you to be capable of it. They will post cops on foot along the pedestrian walkways, like 1 every 100 ft or something. This way as each person or group randomly decides to get out of their car, they can take you down and scare the rest into staying inside their cars.

6) The solution to this? Everyone MUST GET OUT AT THE SAME TIME. If you don't, you have divided yourself and you will be conquered.

Do this, and you will 0wn a bridge.

by Spider Jerusalem

Half of your cars should be entering southbound. You'll get more people on that way.

Assuming there'll be a massive failure to coordinate a single all-at-once time to exit vehicles, at the very least wait for stop-and-go traffic so that your driver doesnt get a ticket for parking on the bridge. Cops LOVE to fuck with drivers because it's so easy. To this end, you'll find more stop-and-go southbound on account of the toll booths.

p.p.s. Keep in mind, when public sentiment turns against you later, that by blocking traffic during commute hours you're essentially attacking the SF working class who commute at that hour. Are they really your enemy? And if so, how do you expect them to understand why from this?
by Spider Jerusalem

Half of your cars should be entering southbound. You'll get more people on that way.

Assuming there'll be a massive failure to coordinate a single all-at-once time to exit vehicles, at the very least wait for stop-and-go traffic so that your driver doesnt get a ticket for parking on the bridge. Cops LOVE to fuck with drivers because it's so easy. To this end, you'll find more stop-and-go southbound on account of the toll booths.

p.p.s. Keep in mind, when public sentiment turns against you later, that by blocking traffic during commute hours you're essentially attacking the SF working class who commute at that hour. Are they really your enemy? And if so, how do you expect them to understand why from this?
Since the protest is on Memorial Day weekend, most of the people crossing the bridge should be tourists. Also there arnt that many working class people who commute from Marin to SF since Marin is so expensive.
by just a suggestion
That's much too complicated. And don't even think about faking a hazmat spill in the middle of the bridge.

Just march along like sheep in bondage. That way, you wont get hurt.
by matthew
i keep hearing this "concern" about the "danger" of alientated drivers on the 25th. spider jeruselem speaks to it in his rather distasteful, patronizing message (call me a hippie to my face, asshole). but i've heard this more than once. people are actually using this so-called concern to justify withdrawing support for the demo.

i'd like to know who originated this idea that if we have a demonstration that causes a traffic jam at the golden gate bridge our efforts will be undermined by public scorn. blah fucking blah, blah

why does all of a sudden some rich white person's interest in getting to marin outweighed the needs of the people in palestine -- and hunter's point -- to see a public outcry in the u.s.? every large demo creates traffic jams. the residents of delores park HATE the peace movement. they justify this hatred because we clog their neighborhood every six weeks. they tow our cars when we park there, they petition city hall, they call and complain about noise that doesn't exist.

yet time and time again we put the consequences of their lack of support for us beneath the need to hold a big demo. on april 20th the entire city's traffic was shut down.

of course the real reason they hate the peace movement is they don't want their apathetic and/or reactionary assess challenged. and thats exactly the same thing we're dealing with at the bridge.

do we really think someone's going to think to themselves "gosh. i was just getting ready to oppose my tax dollars going to bury palestinian children alive with u.s.-made, israeli bulldozers, but those darned protesters made me late for my picnic in san rafael!" give me a break.

seems to me the concern isn't traffic. seems to me the concern is something big might happen and it won't be under the jurisdiction of the i.a.c. or global exchange or some other monolithic, white left group. and that is a fucking weak-assed concern. anyone with an ounce of integrity and courage shouldn't stand for it. c'mon people.


that being said, what WILL cause our efforts to backfire is if people turn this demo into an opportunity to try to provoke a seattle-esque melee with the police. whatever civil disobedence actions people MAY or MAY NOT be planning, everyone better respect that there will be people there who do not want to get arrested or be in the middle of a violent situation. if we don't respect THEM, we do end up alienating people, justifying negative p.r., and most importantly doing a profound dis-service to the people of palestine and elsewhere. hopefully everyone will honor that.
by sheep in bondage
by Spider Jerusalem
Yeah, you're a brave man Matthew. While soldiers attack refugees in the middle east, while Congressmen send money to Israel from Washington, while the IRS extorts trillions of dollars from "tax payers" in the biggest protection racket on Earth to pay for it all, and while cops stand guard around all these criminals when they themselves aren't assaulting, kidnapping, and robbing blind anyone who refuses to pay into this extortion racket..

.. while all these wrongs are being committed by all these evil people, you're going to jam traffic for a bunch of sheeple slaves and tourists trying to enjoy what little freedom they have left on a holiday weekend.

I can understand your being afraid to go after those responsible for these travesties - they're dangerous people. But to hide your fear behind grandiose gestures of misdirected defiance against a population who are already rendered harmless by their own fear, apathy, and ignorance, is childish venting.

Harrassing innocent people at home in no way helps innocent people 7,000 miles away. What, is innocence itself now a priviledge granted only to those who enjoy the sympathy of the liberal left?

By all means, make a show. Fill the bridge sidewalks with signs. But show some respect for the drivers on the bridge too. The bridge is public space - use it, don't abuse it. It's a joke to protest for the rights of others, when you demonstrate no respect for the rights of those whom you seek to influence.


p.s. Hippy.
by matthew
no spider, you're the brave man. it takes a real hero to sit on the sidelines anonymously, profess no personal stake in a protest, and offer up all that great advice; "we" should do and "we" should do that. who is this group, you seperate yourself from, that are you talking to anyway? all us "good little eco-friendly hippies" intersted in DOING something to stop the war?

again: how would the drivers on the gg bridge be any more "targetted" than drivers on the san francisco streets in any big demo? on the 20th, entire stretches of "public space" were occupied by protesters only. no cars. the cars on the side streets were stuck, dude. they had to sit and complain if they chose to (or cheer as many did) and wait for the demonstrators to finish with what they were doing. yet i haven't heard anyone get uptight in the interests of the drivers held up for hours (who have a much better chance of being "workers" than those going over the golden gate, btw) at that demo.

yet somehow, the golden bridge is sacred and we are being cowardly for organizing a demonstration there because, gosh, someone might be late to the beach or whatever other expression of what "little freedom" american citizens "have left" that they are trying to exercise (you were kididng about that one, right spider? c'mon...)

but why do i repeat myself? you responded to my post with more name calling, and didn't address any of the points i made. and you won't this time either. because your argument is weak. so is your sideline, armchair advice and criticisms.

in any case, we are learning the bridge government has determined us we don't even have the right to fill up the bridge sidewalks with signs. so you'll be pleased to know that all those poor, "innocent drivers just out to enjoy what little freedom they have left" may have their "freedom" from even that level of education protected.

any advice for those of us interested in fighting for our first amendment right to have hold a sign up where people might see it. advice giving is your role in this, right?
by David Green
Article I.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
by matthew
please distribute widely.

All People's Coalition to Stop US Terror and
allpeepsco [at] (510) 569-9620 or (408) 885-9785

Anti-War March Organizers Uphold the Right to Freedom
of Speech and Freedom of Assembly!

What: Press Conference Regarding the First Amendment
During Wartime
When:Tuesday, May 21, 2002, 12 noon, Golden Gate
Bridge Administration Building, San Francisco
Contact: All People's Coalition to Stop US Terror and
Occupation (510 569-9620 or (408) 885-9785

Take it to the Bridge to Stop the War march organizers
will hold a press conference on Tuesday, May 21, 2002
at 12 noon at the Golden Gate Bridge District
Administration Building. March organizers want to make
public their First Amendment rights concerns in
reference to the Golden Gate Bridge District and other
agencies regarding a planned anti-war mobilization
from Crissy Field across the Golden Gate Bridge to
take place next weekend.

The Golden Gate Bridge District are denying march
participants the use of signs or flags on the bridge.
At the same time, the National Park Service, in charge
of Crissy Field, has given march organizers the
"choice" of use of the site with exorbitant fees
attached or a "First Amendment Permit" that doesn't
allow amplified sound or a stage. March organizers had
sought to discuss deviations to the Golden Gate Bridge
District's "regulations pertaining to use of district
properties for expressive activities" on last Friday,
May 17, 2002.

March organizer Wendy Snyder states, "All along, the
issue of our right to dissent and to freedom of speech
was something we knew we'd have to challenge. In
preparation for this mobilization, we
sought permits from the Golden Gate Bridge authorities
only out of concern for the safety and security of the
march participants during this time when the U.S.
government can use any resistance to its policies to
attack people under the so-called `war on terrorism.'
Our main goal is to send a message to the
international community in opposition to the US
support of Israel, to its policies in the Middle East,
to its anti-democratic Patriot Act and the US attacks
on oppressed people everywhere."

Continues Snyder, "The Golden Gate Bridge District's
regulations don't allow banners, flags or bullhorns on
the bridge walkway. They restrict the size of signs
and also restrict the number of persons permitted on
the bridge at any one time. From the `compromise' that
was proposed to us in the meeting, we are `allowed'
access to the bridge at an earlier time now with no
signs whatsoever. Basically they are giving us
"permission" to hold a nice walk on the bridge without
the ability to project a strong political message!"

Also, the organizers were also told that the "Special
Use Permit" for Crissy Field Airfield would come with
a pricetag of over $15,000 to hire the park police to
do their job!! They were also told that a "First
Amendment Permit" could be issued free of charge, but
that the permit didn't allow amplified sound or a
stage but would permit the use of four bullhorns.

The All People's Coalition is going forward with plans
to rally and march and also expose the Golden Gate
Bridge District and National Park Service's attempts
to stifle First Amendment rights. In this post 9-11
era where civil liberties are in being taken away
every day by the U.S. government, these attacks on our
rights, now more than ever, must be challenged. We
call out all freedom-loving people and those who
believe in the U.S. Constitution and free speech to
participate. The march will gather at 11am at Crissy
Field and leave at 11:30 to march across the Golden
Gate Bridge and return to Crissy Field. Contact
allpeepsco [at] for more info.
by matthew
we go in all different directions!

people are hopefully planning direct actions on may 25th at or around the gg bridge.

as the press release states, they have denied us the right to have a rally in a public park. they have also denied us the right to walk over the bridge if we in any way attempt to express a dissenting view on may 25th.

we learned that unless we pay them $15,200, not only can't we have a "traditional" rally with a sound system which could direct a crowd of people, we aren't even supposed to chant, or have banners at crissy field.

so now, we intend to show that the state powers, that by denying us our first amendment right to free speech and peaceful assembly, they have provoked a volatile and chaotic situation.

we are still going to use the park to gather and make an anti-war expression, but as it stands, we won't be able to have a stage or sound system. therefore we will divide the crowd into groups which will do 4 or 5 different actions -- one of which will be a demo over the bridge without banners or bullhorns.

the organizers are busting ass this week to get maximum media exposure for the "take it to the bridge" demo. we are also organizing a civil disobedience support line for those that choose to make a c.d. we will now use the remaining 5 days to expose what happens when the first amendment is fucked with by the powers that be. please use this opportunity to organize peacefull anti war expressions! on the day of, we will break of into smaller cells of action. hopefully others are planning independently on how to make the situation be as expressive an anti-war action as possible...

please mobilize your peeps! get as many people out as you can! if we have thousands, we can do anything we want!
by Roadkill2Actual (Crusader_062002 [at]
Well once again protest in San Francisco.

Anti-war no less.

I saw the war on terror. I saw it on an eight inch black and white television in a shack in the middle of the woods. I heard it on a portable radio. I thought I was going to have to go dig through the ruble and pull the broken, bloated bodies of the victims out so they could receive a decent burial. Then I saw it close up, the dirt, the smells, the inability to sleep, the dehydration headaches, and finally the blood. MY BLOOD.

A few facts that people seem to miss:

1. People of all races, religions, sexes, and sexual orientation were murdered by a handful of young men.
2. Of the three targets of the attacks only two were military, or a part of the command and control structure of our nation.
3. Afghanistan has never been a free country. In fact the Al Qaeda fighters involved in Operation Anaconda were majority Chechen muslims, not Afghans, not even Arabs.
4. The quality of life in Afghanistan has rizen ten fold since American forces arrived.
5. Most fighting in Afghanistan, Phillipines, and Georgia is done by local forces, TRAINED by American forces, and backed by American air power. We are simply supporting allies.

Understandably violence is sickening. Hey I've got friends who've seen it up close and personal. They were not violent men before they entered combat, but they are down right pacifists now. Still I, and my friends, all of us veterans, two of us seriously injured in a combat zone, support the war on terror.

Protest. Protest everything. It's a right that I defended for six years, and a right I support to this day. Just remember that real people are in mortal combat. Protest war. War is terrible. However soldiers are the same as any others. Don't believe the Hollywood bullshit, soldiers are mostly young, and scared. They are not some supersized, violent, monsters.

Protest war, march for peace, but hug, and thank a soldier.

They need it.

by Roadkill2Actual (Crusader_062002 [at]
Matthew I am thoroughly amazed. You seem to be a dedicated, and opinionated professional. I find a lot of honor in the way you responded to Spider. I disagree with your views but respect the way you phrase them. Feel free to contact me for further discussion.
by Dehli
Make sure to speak out against the War in Kashmir. Very important.

SRINAGAR, India — A leader of a Muslim separatist group in Kashmir was shot to death along with his bodyguard during a memorial rally Tuesday, as India's prime minister was headed to the Himalayan province at a time of rising tensions with Pakistan.

Abdul Ghani Lone, who in April had been attacked in a hospital by a Hindu nationalist, was shot dead in a cemetery at a memorial gathering commemorating the 12th anniversary of the assassination of a Kashmiri independence leader.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

The assassination came amid warnings from Pakistan's ambassador to Britain, Abdul Kader Jaffer, that India and Pakistan are "very close" to war between nuclear powers.

"They are very close," he told British Broadcasting Corp. radio. "And therefore it is necessary for all our friends to get together, bring sanity where there is total insanity."

The United States, Britain and the European Union have urged both countries to exercise restraint and recommended talks, which Pakistan favors. Washington announced plans Monday to send Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage to the region.

A fierce exchange of cross-border gunfire between Indian and Pakistani soldiers killed three civilians Tuesday, hours before Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's visit.

Three villagers were killed and seven wounded as the two armies traded mortar and small-arms fire in Rajouri, a Kashmir district on the international border, said army spokesman Maj. Animesh Trivedi.

Also Tuesday, suspected Islamic guerrillas killed two activists of the National Conference party, which governs India's Jammu-Kashmir state, in Kupwara district, nearly 65 miles north of the state's summer capital, Srinagar, said T. Acharya, a spokesman for paramilitary Border Security Force.

Elsewhere, four soldiers were wounded when suspected guerrillas ambushed their vehicle in Doda district, 125 miles northeast of Jammu, the state's winter capital, police said.

Lone was one of the leaders of the All Party Hurriyat Conference, a group political and religious parties that advocate Muslim-majority Kashmir's separation from predominantly Hindu India.

In December, he asked militants in the troubled state to give a positive response to Vajpayee's declaration of a unilateral cease-fire.

On Tuesday, he was sitting on a platform in front of a crowd of 5,000 people, when three masked men approached and he was shot, said independent Aaj Tak television, whose reporter was present.

One of the men rolled a grenade into the crowd, but it did not explode, said the TV report.

Lone and two bodyguards were rushed to a hospital. Lone and one of the guards died, said Nisar Ahmad, one of Lone's relatives, who had gathered at his home. The other guard was being treated for injuries.

Lone's body was to be brought to his home, his relatives said, and a large, angry crowd had gathered there.

There are factions among the Islamic groups that favor Kashmir's separation from India, and some of them are militants.

Lone was assaulted on April 1 by a Hindu nationalist during a news conference. Lone did not press charges against the man, who hit him and tore his clothes. The man was a member of the Shiv Sena party, a member of Vajpayee's coalition.

Vajpayee was due to arrive in India's northern Jammu-Kashmir state on Tuesday to meet with military commanders, whose troops have been on a war alert along the Pakistan frontier since December.

Vajpayee had also hoped to meet with some separatist leaders to encourage them to participate in state elections in September. He had not planned to meet any of the members of the All Party Hurriyat Conference, the state's biggest separatist group.

On Monday, Lone had given a lecture organized by Hurriyat, saying he was "not averse to talking with India or anyone else, and Kashmir, like any mature political struggle, should be innovative in its strategy."

India and Pakistan have sent about 1 million soldiers to their frontier in the latest flare-up over the disputed Himalayan region, which has provoked two of their three wars since independence from Britain in 1947. Both countries claim the region in its entirety.

India has refused talks until militants based in Pakistan stop crossing the border to stage attacks. India accuses Pakistan of arming, training and financing the Islamic guerrillas fighting since 1989 for Kashmir's independence or merger with Pakistan.

Islamabad says it has no control over the militants and denies assisting them, though it supports their aim of separating the only Muslim-majority state from predominantly Hindu India.

Jana Krishnamurthy, president of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's right-wing party, accused the United States of double standards in its fight against terrorism.

"When precious lives of Indians are lost in cross-border terrorism, the United States advises us patience," Krishnamurthy said. "Patience has its own limits."

Vajpayee was traveling to Jammu on Tuesday to visit those injured in an attack on an army base last week that killed 34 people -- mostly soldiers' wives and children.

New Delhi blamed Islamabad and two Pakistan-based Islamic guerrilla groups for the attack on the outskirts of Jammu. Pakistan condemned the attack and denied any involvement.

Since Friday, heavy firing along the international border has forced more than 20,000 people to flee villages on India's side, army spokesman Trivedi said. Firing spread to new areas Monday night, he said.
by dr. ahhrr
dear friends, those who want to come to the demo on saturday, and who think carrying a banner in a park, or holding a sign while walking over bridge with a walkway, or your right to chant and hear speakers ina publicly-used space is your right and not a priviledge which should cost you $15,000, or otherwise be doled out by some State authority should come to these trainings! we will need your leadership on may 25th.

please forward this far and wide!


jail support # is 510 569 9620

this is uhuru house in Oakland
phone will be staffed from 10am Sat on...
experienced staffers needed

see for background


Convergence @ Fellowship Hall of Humanity, 390 27th St.
(between Broadway & Telegraph)
Thursday 5/23: Banner and placard painting, 3-11pm

Thursday 5/23: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training,
Friday 5/24: Civil disobedience and nonviolence training, 3-6pm
added 3rd training 6-9pm friday

proposed training agenda: (unspecified breaks and some
move-around games)

nv code -intros
recall nv actions brainstorm
big wind blows - community builder
listening exercise - concentric circles
why am I here - who am I
media exploration - what is it, who owns it, how's it work, what
gets on, what spin looks like
staying on message - our message
mainstream - margin, how mainstream supports margins, role
of Direct Action
Nonviolence spectrum exercise, noncompliance, property
damage, etc.
NV CD tactics brainstorm
places to do actions on GG Bridge Day
affinity groups - roles
CD role plays, 'big sit down', 'put that sign away', 'pile on'
medical concerns
arrest, pain compliance, noncompliance
white people privilege (who gets out of jail faster, etc.)
"I choose to remain silent and I want to see a lawyer"
non compliance in the process - choices, pros and cons, tactics
your choice in pleading - doing the time
what to expect from Jail Support
jail solidarity ideas
visions - appreciations closing

be safe

US war $ and equipment out of middle east
by Jeremy David Stolen (fellowtraveler [at]
From Eugene, Oregon, I send y'all my best wishes and hope you take the bridge. This shit with the $15,000 and the not being able to carry signs is complete crap.

i'll check back with sf.indy to see how it went, and i'll say a little good luck prayer in the meantime.

power to the people !!
by mic
and tune into 87.9 starting around 11am.

organizational info will be broadcast during the event.

signal should be solid over the bridge and breaking in and out by crissy field, although efforts will be made tonight to broaden the range.
by shredded 1st amendment
US Dept of Interior
National Park Service
Special Use Permit

Short Term


All People’s Coalition is hereby authorized during the period from 11 am to 4 pm on 5/25/02 to use the following decribed land or facilities in the above named area:

An area approximately 100 feet by 150 feet, set back five feet from the promenade, located at the intersection of the Promenade and the eastern access sidewalk.

For the purpose of
First Amendment Activity – Anti Way Rally and March


10. All articles to be offered for distribution must be submitted to the Superintendent for compliance with the 35 CFR 2.52 guideline, attachment B.

12. All printed matter for distribution must contain a message that is inextricably intertwined with the 1st Amendment objective involved.

13. Participants may not walk outside permitted areas with signage or posters.

14. No banners, streamers or hanging objects shall be permitted.

15. Signage carried by participants will be no larger than 6 square feet.

16. Tops of stationary tables must not extend higher than 42 inches above the ground.

17. Use of a maximum of 4 bullhorns shall be permitted. No additional sound amplification is allowed. Outside the use of the bullhorns, vocal communication with or to the public shall not exceed normal conversational volume. Shouting to call attention to the public is prohibited.

Just curious -- and don't get angry at me for raising reasonable questions and pls. don't answer my questions with questions.

What will you do when Iraq nukes Europe or the US?

What are you suggesting we do to stop terrorists from doing more 9/11 thangs in the US and what should we do to stop them from gaining nuclear capability and nuke smart bombs. It would really suck if SF were nuked for example.


God Bless The World. :-)

Again pls. don't be angry with me for challenging your mind.
by doc ahhhr
TAKE IT TO THE BRIDGE – May 25, 2002
> •US Out of the Middle East!
> •End US Aid to Israel!
> •Repeal the USA Patriot Act!
> •Stop Criminalizing Oppressed People!
As you know, the All People’s Coalition has planned
this an anti-war protest for several months. About a
month ago, we notified the Crissy Field and Golden
Gate Bridge authorities of our intentions to hold a
rally at Crissy Field at noon, to be followed by a
march over the bridge at 2:00. We approached them as a courtesy, to allay potential concerns they may have,
and as part of our work to secure a safe, effective
day for our protest. At no time were we seeking their
“permission” to exercise our First Amendment.

In response to this, these authorities stated their
position little more than a week before our action. At
Crissy Field, unless we paid them $15,100 and received a "special events" permit, we could not set up a sound system or have large banners. Nor could we set up a stage. It would be against regulations chant above normal speaking level. For the "First Amendment" Permit which they granted us, they considered it a "great compromise” on their part, to allow the use of four bull horns for the sole purpose of directing the crowd. These bullhorn were not to make political speech.

Regarding our march over the Golden Gate, we were told we could not take a group of anti-war protesters on
the walkway at 2:00pm. They would “permit” us to walk
over the bridge at noon, however we would not be able
to carry signs or banners, or have bullhorns. The only
anti-war expression which would be permitted is the
right to wear tee shirts with messages printed on

However, All Peeps is clear. The U.S. government is
killing thousands all over the world, funding Israeli
genocide, building prisons to stuff black and brown
people inside, and passing more and more repressive
laws every day. We are not here because this same
government gave us permission to criticize them. We do not need, and do not seek permission to exercise free speech. We are taking our stand today based on our responsibility to oppose this unjust, illegal war the
U.S. government is waging. Our rights to do so is
expressed clearly the Constitution of the United

Today, we plan to accommodate both those who want, or need to keep their actions within confines of the
permits we’ve obtained. However we also plan to
support those who want to exercise their right to
peacefully assemble and petition the government with
their grievances -- be it at Crissy Field, the Golden
Gate Bridge, or any other public place, at any time.
Our government’s brutal war is an emergency; and we
have specifically chosen this site as an expression of
"No Business as Usual."

Under these circumstances, we have changed the program of Rally and March. We will not be able to set up a large stage or sound system that we are used to
providing at potentially large demos. We signed the
"First Amendment Permit" under protest, and if the
crowd is large enough that four bull horns is not
adequate to communicate, we further indict the state
for not allowing us the proper equipment to control
and direct the crowd. Have fun! Be Safe!
> Here is our modified agenda:
> 11:00 – 1:00: Gather and Rally at Crissy Field
> 12:00: Permitted, Anti-war March over the Golden
> Gate
> 1:00 – 1:30 — Anti War Protest Action at Golden Gate
> Bridge
> If you are arrested or cited, or are looking to
> information about someone who may have been
> arrested,
> call:
> 510-569-9620.
> A person will be standing by to take and exchange
> information, and will be communicating with legal
> support people. We have have support from the ACLU,
> and other civil rights lawyers.
> We are calling for a peaceful protest. We call on
> all
> protesters to respect these conduct codes of non
> violence.
> No Violence
> No Weapons
> No Destruction of Property
> No Drugs or Alcohol
> No Running
> No Throwing Things into the Ocean or into Traffic
> Under the circumstances of the "permits" we’ve been
> granted, here are some peaceful actions which might
> qualify as Civil Disobedience (beyond the obvious).
> The more people we have the more strength we have to
> express our anti-war message.
> •Chanting Loudly at Crissy Field
> •Holding Large Banners at Crissy Field
> •Walking on the Golden Gate Bridge Walkway after 1
> O’clock
> •Holding Anti War signs on the Bridge at any time
> Good sources advise that any action which might
> result
> in citation or arrest is best done well into the SF
> side of the bridge. Marin will make you VERY unhappy
> if you enter their court system. Woody Harrelson got
> a
> misdemeanor traffic upstruction violation for the
> famous Earth First action a few years ago. Others
> doing similar actions on the Marin Side have gotten
> Federal Conspiracy charges (and this before 9-11).
> "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom
> of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
> people
> peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
> Government
> for a redress of grievances."
by anon
Guess what? We don't have control over Iraq's actions or those of individual Palestinians. What we CAN do is try to stop our own government's murderous actions, and those of Israel which is directly supported by military aid by the US.

As far as nukes go, remember that only one nation has ever detonated nuclear weapons, and that was a war crime. Never prosecuted, of course, because that nation won the war.
by Harker
I was at the bridge crossing today and we were not allowed to have signs or bullhorns on the bridge. At 1:35 we crossed into Marin county ( still on the bridge) the police blocked the march saying that we had to turn back despite the fact that the permit said we had to be off at 2:00. Two officers told us we need to turn back, they were read the permit and retracted momentarily. Then a man came forth whom I assume their superior and refused to acknowledge the permit sayng you need to move back and proceedd to push people back using his baton as a bumper. Police vehicles were pulled to the side of the bridge blocking 1/3 of the Northbound traffic on Memorial day weekend, a big deal which slowed traffic all the way past Golden Gate Park. Many police (henceforth cops) unloaded from these trucks, several equipped with many large cannisters of tear gas, as many protestors sat down. I have heard 26 people were arrested, and were temporarily being held on a bus. I personally saw one of the cops in the blocked lane point at the first person who was arrested just prior to his arrest. As I walked back towards San Fran. on the scenic Golden Gate Bridge many people in their spacious S.U.V.s flipped me the bird and cursed peaceful protesters. I informed them that the reason they weren't moving was because the police are intimidating non violent protestors and blocked the bridge. It is interesting to be able to confront somebody after they think they can insult you and zoom away to eat a red, white and blue cake at granny's house in Marin. If you tell them that you worked 50 hours last week and that it is ludicrous to think all these people could live in this city without working they are basically tounge tied, next comes the reappearance of the bird.
Charges will hopefully be dropped and if you read this you should make sure that they do get dropped. These peaceful protestors who had their Constitutional rights violated will bear the brunt of the blame because of the media's distortion of the police's decision to harange them.
by Harker
I was at the bridge crossing today and we were not allowed to have signs or bullhorns on the bridge. At 1:35 we crossed into Marin county ( still on the bridge) the police blocked the march saying that we had to turn back despite the fact that the permit said we had to be off at 2:00. Two officers told us we need to turn back, they were read the permit and retracted momentarily. Then a man came forth whom I assume their superior and refused to acknowledge the permit sayng you need to move back and proceedd to push people back using his baton as a bumper. Police vehicles were pulled to the side of the bridge blocking 1/3 of the Northbound traffic on Memorial day weekend, a big deal which slowed traffic all the way past Golden Gate Park. Many police (henceforth cops) unloaded from these trucks, several equipped with many large cannisters of tear gas, as many protestors sat down. I have heard 26 people were arrested, and were temporarily being held on a bus. I personally saw one of the cops in the blocked lane point at the first person who was arrested just prior to his arrest. As I walked back towards San Fran. on the scenic Golden Gate Bridge many people in their spacious S.U.V.s flipped me the bird and cursed peaceful protesters. I informed them that the reason they weren't moving was because the police are intimidating non violent protestors and blocked the bridge. It is interesting to be able to confront somebody after they think they can insult you and zoom away to eat a red, white and blue cake at granny's house in Marin. If you tell them that you worked 50 hours last week and that it is ludicrous to think all these people could live in this city without working they are basically tounge tied, next comes the reappearance of the bird.
Charges will hopefully be dropped and if you read this you should make sure that they do get dropped. These peaceful protestors who had their Constitutional rights violated will bear the brunt of the blame because of the media's distortion of the police's decision to harange them.
by Harker
I was at the bridge crossing today and we were not allowed to have signs or bullhorns on the bridge. At 1:35 we crossed into Marin county ( still on the bridge) the police blocked the march saying that we had to turn back despite the fact that the permit said we had to be off at 2:00. Two officers told us we need to turn back, they were read the permit and retracted momentarily. Then a man came forth whom I assume their superior and refused to acknowledge the permit sayng you need to move back and proceedd to push people back using his baton as a bumper. Police vehicles were pulled to the side of the bridge blocking 1/3 of the Northbound traffic on Memorial day weekend, a big deal which slowed traffic all the way past Golden Gate Park. Many police (henceforth cops) unloaded from these trucks, several equipped with many large cannisters of tear gas, as many protestors sat down. I have heard 26 people were arrested, and were temporarily being held on a bus. I personally saw one of the cops in the blocked lane point at the first person who was arrested just prior to his arrest. As I walked back towards San Fran. on the scenic Golden Gate Bridge many people in their spacious S.U.V.s flipped me the bird and cursed peaceful protesters. I informed them that the reason they weren't moving was because the police are intimidating non violent protestors and blocked the bridge. It is interesting to be able to confront somebody after they think they can insult you and zoom away to eat a red, white and blue cake at granny's house in Marin. If you tell them that you worked 50 hours last week and that it is ludicrous to think all these people could live in this city without working they are basically tounge tied, next comes the reappearance of the bird.
Charges will hopefully be dropped and if you read this you should make sure that they do get dropped. These peaceful protestors who had their Constitutional rights violated will bear the brunt of the blame because of the media's distortion of the police's decision to harange them.
by Pissed off Kike
The American liberal (and George Jr.) will do nothing to stop the next terrorist attack. They will not defend its nation against a nuclear strike from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Liberia, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, or Egypt. Instead, they will assist terrorists to manufacture arms to destroy them.

The situation today is that of a school yard bully beating up on a class genius. The genius reacts by giving the bully a better slingshot and the time best to attack him.
The American liberals will not be happy until they see Jews and Americans being cooked in ovens warmed by Palestine, paid for the United Nations.
by someone very pissed off
I was at the bridge today.We went on the bridge with banners and drums then, the police searched through our bags and took the banners and drums for "safety".Then they let us walk on the bridge because we had permits.When we reached the Marin County side of the bridge they stopped us, there were kids in our group but the police said they would arrest anyone who didn't turn back.They were also aquipped with tear gas cannasters and pepper spray.Twenty-six people were arrested including a ten year old Palestinian girl, who was thrown on the floor ,the police tied her hands together and dragged her to their van by her feet.Later the police said they would let the girl go if her brother came to get her, but they arrested him too.This started out as a peaceful march and turned into a riot all because of the police, even if we had permits to cross the bridge.
by danny thomas
folly frolic and fluff

what a farse

"i want my spy decoder ring so the bullys on the corner will think im pertinent."
by maddmaxx25 (maddmaxx25 [at]
did anyone stop to think of the men and women who put there lives on the line every day for you to have the right to stage a protest without fear of being imprisoned
by aaron
yer talking to people who've been jailed, beaten, and, in some cases, shot-at for staging protests in this here land of the "free".

by WhizWart
Shot at when?
by aaron
the Los Angeles Police shot at us during the Democratic National Convention in the Summer of 2000.
by pointer
by cp
oh, I was there at the RATM/ozomatli(?) concert across from the convention center where they did that. The thing is - my group was way down the street and wasn't still in the parking lot corral with the small exit when they started shooting. People couldn't get out because there was only a 10 foot gap out, and tons of people were there. People had huge red bloody spots on their limbs who were hit.
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