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Bari v FBI: witnesses to take the stand 4/10

by plaintiffs' media team
Defendants FBI and Oakland Police Dept. to Offer Opening Remarks Wednesday; First Witnesses to Take the Stand

April 9, 2002

CONTACT: Jean Eisenhower, Steve Christianson, Kathy Glass, or Tracy Katelman: 510/663-6330 Or Tracy at 707-292-7442 (cell, if above number doesn't answer)

Oakland, CA- The defendants in Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney's historic civil rights lawsuit against the FBI and Oakland Police Department will present their opening remarks this Wednesday morning. The first witnesses will be called to take the stand immediately following, allowing the plaintiffs to commence presenting their side of the case. Wednesday's witnesses will include the first responders to the bombing scene, as well as fellow activists of Bari and Cherney, who showed up at the hospital or otherwise took the initial impact of the police investigation against members of the environmental movement associated with the victims. The witnesses will be examined by Dennis Cunningham and Tony Serra, and will appear as follows (time permitted):

- Tom Viers, the fireman who helped remove Judi from the car; - T.J. Roumph of the Alameda Bomb Squad;

- Shannon Marr, Seeds of Peace member, who was driving in front of Judi's car when the bomb exploded and was subsequently accused of participating in a "bomb plot";

- Karen Pickett, Earth First! organizer and close friend of Judi who was taken into custody when she tried to visit Judi in the hospital.

The second day of the trial Judi Bari vs. the FBI saw the jury seated, after which the plaintiffs' lead attorney Dennis Cunningham delivered his opening remarks for one and a half hours. Cunningham provided the jury a description of the context of the 1990 car bombing.

"She was the one they picked because she had a big mouth and was effective and she moved people". That's why they struck out at her. The bombers struck at her and then law enforcement. When she didn't die, they did a character assassination. That's not allowed in this country. We can't allow police to meddle in politics". It's against the Constitution. It violates the Bill of Rights, it violates the First Amendment."

Lisa Bari, daughter of the now-deceased environmental and social justice activist, was pleased with the diverse character of the jury, which well represents the culturally mixed Bay Area. "It seems like they will be fair and impartial," she noted. "I think we have a good chance for justice."

The hearings run daily Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm in Judge Claudia Wilken's courtroom (Fourth Floor, Courtroom 2), Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay St. (at 12th). It is open to the public.

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by Greg Neate (gneate [at]
For those who are unable to attend the hearings, where will a transcription of the testimonials be available?
by Pam
The best sourc for printed coverage of the trial will appear in the weekly Anderson Valley Advertiser. The AVA is printed every Wednesday and is available in Bay Area bookstores and by mailed subscriptions each Thursday. You can contact the paper as follows: AVA, 12451 Anderson Valley Way, Boonville, CA 95415. Telephone 707 895 3016, Fax 707 895 3355, or by email at <ava [at]>. The AVA is not online, but there are several helpful websites: <> <> <> and <>.
by C. Light
Bruce Anderson's AVA is by far the number one source of malicious lies, unfounded rumors, gossip, innuendo, speculation, guesses and disinformation about Judi Bari and her FBI suit.

You see, Judi had the gall to criticize Anderson as a misogynist years ago, and his poor bruised ego never got over it. He carries a giant grudge against her, and now that she's dead he uses every opportunity to settle the old score.

If what Anderson published in his rag was true, Judi's suit would have been settled years ago for $20 million "taxpayer dollars." It's a "rolling scam." It's just about money. Tony Serra quit the legal team long ago. Dennis Cunningham is a "bumbling pot-addled movement attorney." Everyone who supports Judi and her case is a "Bari-ite" and a "cultist." There's no left in this country, only a fake-left.

Anderson's sustained attacks on Judi are typical COINTELPRO. The FBI's history is to exploit existing splits and animosities within targeted groups and movements. They covertly insert disinformation to exacerbate the internal fights, isolate the leaders and disrupt and neutralize the group.

In a way it's too bad that the AVA is not online, because then it would easy for readers to see Anderson's unbroken record -- actually it's more like a broken record, in a pre-CD sense -- of vicious personal attacks on Judi, her friends, her family, her supporters, her organization, her legal team, and her suit vs. the FBI.

Of the other disinformation sources Pam listed, the Sonoma County Free Press is thankfully defunct, the Flatland Books UFO and Conspiracy website hasn't updated its Bari case disinformation in two years, and Alexander Cockburn's Counterpunch website's only mention of the case was three years ago, and then it was a totally false and biased story fed to him by his buddy Bruce Anderson.

All of the sources Pam mentioned are channels for disinformation that came from Irv Sutley, the man who tricked Judi into posing for a photo with his Uzi for a joke photo inspired by Patty Hearst's SLA Tania photo. Then he mailed the photo anonymously to Bruce Anderson, who published it as the 1989 April Fool issue AVA Poster Gal of the Month.

But Sutley had also anonymously mailed the photo and a letter to Ukiah police, claiming it showed that "Earth First! has recently begun automatic weapons training."

The anonymous letter writer said he had joined EF! in order to spy on their activities for the police. He offered to set Judi Bari up for a federal bust for mailing pot. He used the code name Argus, which happens to be the name of a local newspaper where Sutley lives. DNA testing has linked the Argus letter to Sutley, and also linked him to the first death threat that Judi received by mail.

Sutley often sends letters and emails to Anderson, which Anderson has published in the AVA. Sometimes Anderson puts Sutley's letters in anomymously (Sutley's favorite mode) like when he attacked Tanya Brannan, director of Judi Bari's Redwood Justice Fund which raises money to support the FBI lawsuit.

Sutley is the source of the big red herring story that came out in Flatland magazine in early 1999, claiming "new evidence" that Judi was bombed by her ex-husband. (A red herring is a sensational false issue intended to divert attention from the real problem.) But there was no new evidence, just a compilation of bullshit, rumors, anonymous gossip and speculation by a gullible writer who was put up to writing the story by Sutley. The writer admitted in his article that he wrote it to defend Sutley from Judi's accusation that he was a police snitch and agent provocateur against her.

Anderson immediately and enthusiastically jumped on the Flatland/Sutley bandwagon. He wrote articles repeating it over and over in every issue of the AVA for the next year. He organized road shows where he appeared at bookstores and libraries together with Sutley to flog this very smelly red herring. He campaigned for the Mendocino D.A. to open a new investigation of the Bari bombing and go after her ex-husband. The D.A. finally went on the radio and dismissed the so-called "new evidence as "conjecture, innuendo, speculation, guesses," and said there was nothing to investigate.

Watch closely as COINTELPRO kicks back into gear to discredit Judi and undercut the FBI suit. It started again on KQED last Friday, when ex-boy-wonder Steve Talbot went on This Week in Northern California and told what he claimed Judi told him in secret about her ex-husband while he was making a 1991 TV documentary about the bombing case. Talbot's performance was yellow journalism at its worst. Steve's big brother David Talbot is the "founder, publisher and editor-in-chief" of Bruce Anderson says in an email that Talbot will be submitting a big story about the Bari case for publication in Salon. It's warmed over red herring for dinner!

I see that the Flatlanders have their little elves Craig and Pam regularly posting disinfo as footnotes to every article and press release on this newswire. Wake up kids, don't be duped by the latest COINTELPRO.

And remember, if you want the absolute best source of disinformation about Judi and the FBI case, the AVA is number one.!
by Censored
This site excludes comments of the opposing view to what its writers purport to be the "truth." It eliminates opinions that might reveal the real truth about Bari and Cherney.

I have written three letters that have described facts I know to be the absolute truth:

1. Bari posed for a photograph (widely distributed in newspapers) in full fatigues holding a semi-automatic gun, hostile in stance and facial expression, and intended to frighten those who oppose her views.

2. Bari and Cherney distributed pamphlets they authored, printed, and distributed, and in fact held classes in spiking redwood trees and filling gas tanks with substances that could disable a truck on the freeway, endangering innocent people.

3. Darryl Cherney was famous in Southern Humboldt for pipe-bombing schools of fish in pristine waters to fill his freezer with fish for the winter months.

No one wants you to know this on this site, and the site master edits out any such truthful statements.
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